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Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

Highspec Highschool Girl's Parallel World Reincarnation – Aiming for a
More Abundant Livelihood! Resume of a reincarnated shoujo ハイスペッ
ク女子高生の異世界転生 より豊か

A smart, athletic, who handles anything perfectly and unequalled
beautiful girl, dies young due to a car accident. And now, while
possessing the memories of her previous life, she reincarnated in a
fantasy-ish different world with swords and magic! All lives were
dependant of magicians, however, their numbers decreased every year
due to the magic power (mana) scattered around the world running out,
thus the reliance on magic for living was coming to an end. A story that
will lead to the life of a girl relying the knowledge of her previous life, as
she proposes a way to live even without the use of magic while seeking
for what it is, and aiming for a wealthier life.
Author(s): N/A

Artist(s): N/A

Year: N/A

Country: Japan

Genre: Slice of Life, Shoujo, Fantasy,

Tags: N/A

Translator: N/A

E-Book Maker: http://www.asianovel.com

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Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................... i
Chapter 1 ............................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................. 6
Chapter 3 ........................................................................................... 11
Chapter 4 ........................................................................................... 17
Chapter 5 ........................................................................................... 23
Chapter 6 ........................................................................................... 27
Chapter 7 ........................................................................................... 33
Chapter 8 ........................................................................................... 37
Chapter 9 ........................................................................................... 42
Chapter 10 ......................................................................................... 45
Chapter 11 ......................................................................................... 51
Chapter 12 ......................................................................................... 54
Chapter 13 ......................................................................................... 58
Chapter 14 ......................................................................................... 64
Chapter 15 ......................................................................................... 68
Chapter 16 ......................................................................................... 75
Chapter 17 ......................................................................................... 79
Chapter 18 ......................................................................................... 84
Chapter 19 ......................................................................................... 90
Chapter 20 ......................................................................................... 95
Chapter 21 ....................................................................................... 100
Chapter 22 ....................................................................................... 105
Chapter 23 ....................................................................................... 112
Chapter 24 ....................................................................................... 121
Chapter 25 ....................................................................................... 130
Chapter 26 ....................................................................................... 140
Chapter 27 ....................................................................................... 147
Chapter 28 ....................................................................................... 154
Chapter 29 ....................................................................................... 166
Chapter 30 ....................................................................................... 172
Chapter 31 ....................................................................................... 175


Chapter 32 ....................................................................................... 182

Chapter 33 ....................................................................................... 189
Chapter 34 ....................................................................................... 197
Chapter 35 ....................................................................................... 207
Chapter 36 ....................................................................................... 214
Chapter 37 ....................................................................................... 221
Chapter 38 ....................................................................................... 227
Chapter 39 ....................................................................................... 232
Chapter 40 ....................................................................................... 239
Chapter 41 ....................................................................................... 245
Chapter 42 ....................................................................................... 252
Chapter 43 ....................................................................................... 258
Chapter 44 ....................................................................................... 265
Chapter 45 ....................................................................................... 271
Chapter 46 ....................................................................................... 277
Disclaimer ........................................................................................ 286



Chapter 1

It seems I’ve died. It also seems I’ve reincarnated

I was quite surprised. It was all of a sudden.

On the usual road home from school. Crossing over the lights at green, I
received a great shock that sent me flying.

No way, people fly that easily? I didn’t know~ ☆ is what I thought at that


With out the expectation of flying, I just fell down on the ground.
Collapsed, I checked my legs which were bending in impossible ways
and was startled. Unexpectedly, I was immediately thrown to the
ground, I checked my feet and saw them twisted in unimaginable ways.
A person that came up to me noisily shouted “Shit! Someone got run
The person that ran over cried “This is bad! A person was hit!”
Looks like I’ve been struck by a car. I see! That’s how it was.

Once I understood the situation, I slowly closed my eyes.

I was very sleepy.

That was the last moment of me, the 17 year female highschool student.

And now, I’m sucking on an average looking woman’s boobs.

Though I’m sucking amazingly hard, the milk just doesn’t want to come


If I suck like this, my face is bound to look like a turtle’s!

But before that, this woman’s nipples will become so long that they’ll set
some Guinness world record.

But I’m hungry.

Still, even if I continue to suck anymore today, milk probably won’t come
I gave up on it and curled up to conserve energy.
This woman is probably my mother in this world.

I was taken by the car, died and then apparently reincarnated.

This woman is my mama after reincarnating.
By looking at my mother, I can tell she’s not very well off.
Her skin is dehydrated, eyes are lifeless, and cheeks are sunken in.
Milk isn’t coming out because it seems her nutrition isn’t enough for
The inability to produce milk, spells malnutrition for me. That’s the last

With not even a year, I put on a distanced look.


The previous world’s me was, to be frank, well off.

Born as single daughter of a big hospital’s director, a beauty taking after
her mother.
And not only her face, exercises as well and most of all excellent grades.
Fufu, it’s embarrassing to say that about yourself?
Not at all. I’m just stating the truth after all! Ohohoho!
I was too high spec, treated like the unattainable goal and didn’t date a
single boy but…
Ah I also had few friends…
I-It’s not like I have a bad personality at all, okay?!

…Well, maybe.

At any rate, where the hell is this? As far as father and mothers faces


and lifestyles are concerned, this isn’t my previous life’s Japan.

The skin color is a white similar to Japanese skin color, but both mother
and father are blond.
Their faces look a bit like they’re sculpted, but not to a too strong
Like a Japanese with a chiseled face who dyed his hair blond, that kind of

Looking at our houses structure, it’s different from Japanese.

The roof is even made of straw.
We’re living in a house made of wood, earth and straw.
They’re also wearing sandals similar to Japanese ones.

The shoes may be similar to Japanese ones, but the clothes are western
Their T-shirt like clothes are loose at the shirttails.
By the way, I’m only wearing a cloth on my bottom.
Come on, show some more consideration!
Just because I’m a baby, pants-only!? I’m a girl!
Is what I thought, closed my eyes and started pondering.

The world is wide. The world is really wide, but… was there such a

The past life’s me was really smart, I could remember anything I had
That’s why I thought that looking at my surroundings would lead me to
this place’s characteristics, but…
First of all the language, since it would reveal the specific region, but I
They use some words similar to Japanese so I thought that it was just
but sometimes there are words I’ve absolutely never heard before.
There is also the way they pronounce the words that’s similar to English
and most importantly the grammar is
different from Japanese.


It’s been a month since I’ve been born.

By listening in on my family’s conversations I’ve already grasped the
language’s main structure.
Moreover, it’s a language I’ve really never heard before.
To the global me, that even mastered Arabian, this came as quite a
In the first place, Japanese is already quite a peculiar language in the
A language that closely resembles Japanese like this, I’ve never heard of
Maybe I’m in a really far future Japan? Japanese evolved further into the
language it’s now.

Oh well, I’ll eventually understand it some day. Once I learn to speak, I’ll
just ask ‘Where is this?’ and ‘Who am I?’ and it’ll be fine.

And then, I stopped thinking for a moment and decided to nap to swindle
my hunger.


Chapter 2

Wait, that’s dange-…! Mom, that one was pretty close! Please worry a
bit more about me!

Right now I’m being carried on my mom’s back.

And while having me on her back, she’s simultaneously working the
Everytime she swings her hoe, it’s almost like her stick is about to hit
me, how scary.
Hey mom, I don’t think you need to lift up your hoe that much, doesn’t
that tire you out?

Every time the mother lifts her hoe, the baby’s eyes suddenly open and
get nervous, that’s me.

Someway or another it’ll be four months since I’ve been born.

There are some things I understand, but there are still plenty of things I

First of all the things I’ve understood, it seems we’re living in a small
farming village.

But it also seems like we don’t have good harvests here, everyone has
become thin.
This village’s name is Garigari Village.

Who was it that picked this name!

Of course the name should reveal something about the character of our
village, but that’s way too blatant!


Go and pick a name that has a bit of a better feeling!

The second thing I’ve come to understand is my own name.

My name is Ryou. My family calls me Ryou-chan.

At first I thought that it’s a fine name for a girl, with a cool feeling, but
after hearing my other siblings names I shuddered.
Starting with the eldest, let’s introduce my siblings.
The eldest Hajime (13 years old).
The second boy, Jirou3 (12 years old).
The third boy, Saburou (10 years old).
The fourth boy, Maru (6 years old).
The fifth boy, Shuu6 (3 years old).

Everyone, have you noticed?

The the eldest have easy to understand and simple names, but the
fourth name is Maru.
Going with the previous flow, the name should be Shiro7!
Is what I want to say, but Maru.
And the next is Shuu.
And I’m Ryou.

I was really taken aback when I noticed it. In other words, the naming
sense of my parents spins the following story.

At the beginning it was Hajime, Jirou, Saburou.

Just like you would count.

However with the birth of the fourth the story changed to ‘let’s stop with
having kids’ and they named him Maru.
As in full stop, the punctuation mark.

And with the birth of another one it became ‘this time, please no more
kids!’ and Shuu had his name bestowed upon.
Nevertheless another child was born, that’s why I’m named Ryou.
As in Shuuryou8.


When I noticed this, I was shocked!

‘Cool! I like it!’ is what I first thought about my name…

I wish I had never noticed.

Damn it, sometimes I hate my own greatness.

Oh well, it’s no use thinking like this.

That’s my name.
The meaning of the it is one thing, but since it sounds pretty well let’s
just forget about the meaning…

Even so my parents keep me at their side, with the excuse to keep me

from crying, and go at it every night.
H-hey! I’m right beside you, you know?!
My eldest brother is watching very excitedly at through the slit at the
door as well!

It’s pointless to say you’ll stop in the names of your children, if you don’t
actually stop!
Be a bit more mindful!

… Just what kind of name is the next child going to get…

Hm, if a brother a sister does come out, I’ll give them a name.

With a bit of fame for having a irresponsible naming sense, my parents

have an irresponsible lifestyle too.

First of all, I don’t think they fit the farmer type at all.

Their way of growing crops is quite sloppy

That’s why growing crops isn’t going well in Garigari village and my
young self can’t do anything about it.
How frustrating.
Even though I understand the language, without trained muscles I still
can’t properly pronounce anything.
When I tried to talk it only sounded like ‘ObuObu’.
I’m such a burden.


Even though my older three brothers are already helping out in the

Seems like in this village children enter the workforce around their 10th
so my three oldest brothers are all helping out with fieldwork already.

To keep them from becoming a hindrance, all other kids that aren’t 10
yet play together outside.
But a baby like me, that can’t play with the others, is bound to her
mothers back.

I need to start moving, as soon as possible…

Move, my body! Wake up!

Is what I shout in my heart, but it’s no use.
… As to why I’m in such a hurry… this family is just truly poor.

I do want to help my brothers and parents, but it’s ultimately for my own

I don’t really want to think too much about it, but… “reducing the
mouths to feed”…
basically getting rid of children that don’t pull their own weight (like me)
by killing them or selling them…
I’m a bit worried about that.

It might just be my imagination, but sometimes my mother’s look

towards me is scary.
And older than me, it’s all boys.
My parents don’t give of the ‘oh, first time we have a daughter’ vibe at
all either.
It’s probably because… Well it’s most likely that kind of thing.
That’s why I have to appeal my usefulness, otherwise things might get


Let’s start with learning how to walk and talk before my first birthday.
So don’t be rash mother.
I’m a girl who shits gold!


Chapter 3

Another chapter, the longest one so far.

Several parts where you shouldn’t forget that Garigari and skin and
bones mean the same thing~

In the middle of being impatient I’ve finally become eight months old.
Using words, even walking have been a success.
Congratulations, me!

But when walking, I can’t let my guard down since my head is still too
Balance is important, balance is…
I’m also still lisping a bit.
However my teeth have already grown, so I’m able to properly speak
with others.

Since passing my first birthday I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to go

outside and called out to the back of my brother that was heading
“Shuu, I want to go outside with my big brother!”
A blond headed child from Garigari village, my brother Shuu, is now four
years old.
He’s not working yet, but rather plays with the other children and picks
up firewood or draws water occasionally. I want to join that group!

“Eeeh. Ryou can’t do it yet. You’ll be tired super fast… “

While picking his nose, he makes a face like he really doesn’t want to do


This brat!! We’re the ‘Shuu☆Ryou’-combi, treat me a little bit more

Oh well, what Shuu said is the truth so I can’t really say anything back.
Sure I can walk, but I’ve got no endurance.
I’ve just been born after all.

“It’s alright, isn’t it. Even if Ryou gets tired, I’ll just carry you on my
Ryou, won’t you go outside with me?”
That’s when a warm voice descents from heaven.
W-What an angel! This angel-like child glittering as if he had a halo is
Maru, 7 years old.
Even though you’re just skin and bones, you’re amazing!!
After overhearing Shuu and my conversation, throwing me a lifeboat and
making my eyes sparkle I nodded my head.

“Then Mom! Today, Ryou is coming with us too! We’re off!”

Whilst mother was already working the field, Shuu called out to her and
the ‘Sibling Trio of the End’ triumphantly departed.

Joining with the other kids of the village, we arrived at the riverside.
We’re about 15 people.
The youngest me and the next one would be the snot nosed kid, Shuu.
In general the kids were between seven and nine years old.
Before me, the youngest was Shuu.
Usually they play around the outskirts of this river.

By the way, right after leaving home my stamina hit its limits and Maru
is already carrying me.Tehepero.
Shuu is picking his nose making an I told you so face, while I pretend not
to know.
Hehe, coming this far, it’s my win!

After discovering me, the new member, the village children approached


me with a very curious impression. How old are you? Can you talk?
Wow–! My brother can’t do it at all.
Etc, etc and so forth, saying their impressions they touched my little,
adorable hands.
Fufufu, small and adorable huh. I’m missing the usual roundness of a
baby, but…
I’m also a member of Garigari village.

Actually, everyone is just skin and bones.

Maybe you can only join Garigari village if you’re garigari?

We’re so close to the river, why not catch some fish?

Picking wild herbs could also be possible, since we’re close to a
Let’s all take in some more nutrition!

“Hey everyone, what do you do here? Catch some fish?”

I threw my innocent question at them.
However the surrounding kids stare blankly for a second but then break
into a huge laughter.

“No way! The river has deep places and is dangerous, fish are fast and
even if you catch them, they’re slippery so you can’t catch them! Ryou
says some interesting things.”

Why are they laughing at me so much?

You’re not supposed to catch them with your hands!
Nets, fishing lines – you’re supposed to use tools!

“Aren’t there… some kind tools?”

“No way! There are only tools for fields!”

Saying that, the girls before me all went “Riiiight?” in sync.

Grrr! That “Riiiight?” was cute, but shouldn’t you just make some simple
Doesn’t the village mayor have some tools for catching fish?
I don’t know who the village mayor is though.


“It doesn’t have to catch many, m-maybe try making something


I tried asking timidly.

I mean, they laugh at me each time I ask a question!
“Just a baby that doesn’t understand anything”, that kind of look!

I’m just saying it, but mentally I’m actually older than you!
I might look like a child, but I’ve got the brains of an adult. Amazing,

And just as thought, the village children break into laughter after
hearing my question
… looks like it’ll be skipping school, or rather skipping river.

“HAHAHA! Great! Making tools, great! Ryou wants to become a

magician! Amazing!”
Magician huh, they’re totally making fun of me.
I don’t want to particularly become one aaanyway.
And I never said anything like that!
I’m not stupid!!
… I-I’ll become timid at this rate.

Seeing my slightly displeased face and being unable to just stand by,
Maru patted my head.
Thank you Maru.
Thank you, *sniff*, this kindness brings me to tears.

“It’s only been a year since Ryou has been born, don’t bully her too
… and listen, yesterday I asked the village mayor and he said it seems
that a magician will come by soon!”

Were the shocking and brief words of the nice Maru.

Hmpf, what kind of “magician”?
Is even my brother going to poke fun at me?


Even though he patted my head?

Just toying with me?
Fine, I’ll scram!

Ignoring my even more sulky face, the tension of the other kids suddenly
“Really!? Awesome! Well, last time they were here was about two years
ago, so it’s slowly that time again.”

The village kids were swelling with excitement.

Eh, what’s the meaning of this?
What’s this?
Seeing my baby brows wrinkled, my brother Maru explained it to me.

Apparently, this world has the job of magicians, that try to be useful to
everyone livelihood!
It seems that until now when magicians came, they build a water tank,
made slow crops grow up and even watered the fields during draught!

Amazing people who solved the troubles of our village. Those are
Hired by the country, settling the problems is even free of charge.
In case of personal requests of villagers, they also take care of those if
provided with payments.

Oh. Seriously. They exist, magicians! Awesome! Awesome, magicians!

… is what you thought I’d say?

I won’t be deceived.
Their magicians are probably just ‘People with advanced technology’.
Don’t you agree?

I guess it’s like that.

That magicians would exist, really everyone you’re such children!
And you just laughed at me? Aren’t you the childish ones? Isn’t that


Pupupu, magicians.

Hmm, but this is a chance. I can finally figure out where this place
actually is.
I asked father about the name of this country before and his answer was
What’s that, I’ve never heard that before. Or rather, it doesn’t exist?
As such, I didn’t figure out anything.

But people with advanced technology probably know a lot about the
world, I should just ask them. Ask about the things I don’t understand.
And that, soon.

Ah, won’t you hurry, magicians! Pupu…won’t you come?

Ah, but before that let’s make some tools for catching fish.
As well as baskets to fill with mountain herbs.
I hate being hungry!


Chapter 4

Geez, it took me forever to translate this one.

The link and the footnote are two different things, please keep that in

mind. I still haven’t solved these things in an elegant way


Farm Village Arc ④ – Anti-Hunger Plan

The next day Maru asked me if I wanted to go to the riverside again, but
I politely refused.
I-It’s not like I’m being bullied at all, alright?!
It’s because I still have things to do.
…but eight year old girls are kinda scary.
Sniff, I’m just a precious young girl.

After that, I sent my two elder brothers off and entered the storehouse,
right next to us. Saying “Excuse me” and opening the door, Jirou was
threshing the previously harvested rice.
With a rock…
He’s really threshing the rice with a rock.
Leaving an ear of rice on a large rock and holding another big one in his
hand, he’s shaving the rice off.
The first time I saw this spectacle was when mother was carrying me on
her back.
I was shocked.


What’s this, the Stone Age!? Is what I thought.

I kinda guessed by looking that there aren’t any electronic goods (like no
telephone poles…) but I did assume they would have a Thousand Seed
That’s why the previous harvest still isn’t threshed.
Just what is with this village. As if they threw away all their civilized
Just when I thought that, I looked left and right in the village and thought
“how was that made?”
For example, a water tank. Everyone calls it ‘stone for water’.
A 1m square, carved into the stone that catches rain water for domestic
Particularly surprising was, that it wasn’t made of concrete but basalt-
like hard stone and seemed gouged out.
Which reminds me of what the girls said, that it was someone calling
themselves ‘Magician’ that made this tank.
This time, let’s ask the so called ‘Magician’ (pupupu).
Casually asking about things things they don’t understand is a child’s
right after all!

But before the ‘Magician’ comes, I’ve still got things to do.
Calling out to the diligently threshing Jirou I said: “Can I have some
straw? Oh, and can I be here too?”

Upon which Jirou looked at me with a bewildered face and nodded

Jirou doesn’t really talk much. Even though we live together, I haven’t
really heard his voice that often. He’s the silent kind of boy. He’s got
blond hair, but otherwise looks simple.

I’ve gotten permission, so I grabbed some threshed straw bundles and

just sat down where I could. The goal is making a tool to catch fish.
If I’m not mistaken, making something with small holes that open and
setting it up in the river would allow fish to come in, then making it so
that they can’t get out again should be a trap for small fish.


Making something like that should be easy.
Even though I can imagine the complete thing, I’ve never made anything
with straw, so first I’ll make a pair of straw sandals. I’ve made cloth
sandals in elementary school once after all.
That time it was cloth, but doing the same with straw should work.
Once I’ve gotten used to knitting straw, I’ll make fish traps.

Chaotically pursuing trial and error, then losing strength because of an

empty belly, it took about 10 days to make one trap for small fish, one
small basket for carrying mountain herbs and a straw hat.
It wasn’t huge trouble, but as a one year old child I’ve used up my
strength countless times and slept like a log. Actually I mainly slept.
After all, sleeping brings up a child well!
So sleeping totally my job!

And with that, I asked Maru to take me to the riverside again.

With the NEW straw sandals & straw hat!

Since it’s a rice straw hat, it’s hard compared to a wheat straw hat and
it’s irritatingly pickling.
I might have failed.

Concerning the fish basket, everyone in my family asked what it was.

That’s what the reaction was, but as for the sandals and the basket they
were greatly shocked and father even asked me to make a few for him.
Whenever those are needed, they buy from from peddling merchants.
They’ve got straw right at their feet, what a waste!
Usually they use straw to reinforce the houses (since they’re made of
straw) laying it on top like mats and it seems the rest is just burned. If
the Mottainai-ghost 1 comes out, it’s not my problem!

So when we, the ‘Sibling Trio of the End’ arrived at the riverside, most
other village children were there as well. Looking at my sandals and hat
they were chattering about them. My sandals got an “ah that’s nice”
kind of jealous reaction, but my hat didn’t. Well, I gotta admit it’s pretty


uncool, this thing. It doesn’t do anything, other than being irritating.

It’s kinda shaped like Kasajisou’s hat 2.

Still, to keep my skin white, a tan is taboo! A woman that doesn’t choose
her ways for beauty, that’s me – Ryou!

After enjoying the opinion meeting on my sandals and hat, I set up the
traps in the river.

The traps are of course my night shift-less traps for small fish. I put
some stones into them and sunk them into the river. When I come again
tomorrow, they will be full with small fish.
… probably.

“Listen Maru, I want to go to the mountains!” After reaching the first

stage of catching fish, I called out to my kind brother. Shuu is playing
something like tag with the other kids.
“Mountains? Why do you want to go to the mountains?”
“I want to catch some things to eat at the mountains. Put them into the
new baskets!”

I tried looking with the best upturned and encouraging eyes. Well I
probably don’t have to, my kind brother Maru will probably come with
me anyway. That’s what I thought.

However, what! I was refused!

“The mountains are dangerous. Kids can’t go there alone. There are
monsters there after all.”

That’s the point my brother made. What, Monsters!? Is some more

Fantasy mixed in there?
Like with the magicians. It’s probably just wild dogs or a bear, right?
Saying something like ‘monsters’. Puripuri. (this is supposed to sound
Well, either way a place with bears or wild dogs might be dangerous for


children to go alone. Just a little to the surroundings of the mountain –

I’ve kind of want to say that, but let’s give up. Besides, there should be
edible wild grasses around this riverside as well. I’ll just be patient for

“Then, will you come and pick some eatable grasses around the river?”
“Sure… but are there are any wild grasses like that? Can you tell that?”
“… before, when I made the sandals, Jirou taught me.”

Yeah, when a one year old child suddenly tells you ‘that’s edible and
that isn’t’, it’s scary right? That’s way too suspicious!
I messed up. Just like that I used the name of that silent boy. Please
forgive me Jirou.

Like that, Maru, saying something like ‘did Jirou know lots about
grasses’, caved into my request and we went to harvest some wild
I love my kind brother!

There were quite a few edible wild grasses at the riverside.

Dandelions, Watercress, Japanese Mugwort, Fleabane and Jersey

Picking based on the information of a picture book I’ve read in my

previous life, outside of Watercress and Japanese Mugwort, I haven’t
eaten any of these. I knew you could eat Dandelions, but I didn’t think
I’d actually ever eat them. But the current me was different.
If it can fill my belly, then I’ll eat anything – that’s the condition I was in.

Just a while after we started picking, the small bag was already full, so
we took an afternoon nap and went home together.

In our retreat, mother made porridge with just a little bit of dry rice and I
had mother put in bit of the grasses. I’ve already escaped from the milk
life. I mean, there’s just no milk coming out. So it’s babyfood right now.
Or rather, everyone in the family is on babyfood-tier right now…

At the beginning mother made an ‘Is it edible? It’s safe right?’-kind of


expression, but when I vaguely said that the other villagers are eating it
too, she obediently put the grasses in the pot.
That days dinner, the porridge with with the soup stock of wild grasses,
had a taste of nourishment that spread to all corners of the body. I was
relieved as my other family members all ate with a satisfied expression.
Finally, we’ll eat fish tomorrow!



Chapter 5

Took me a while again, but here is another chapter

I’m going to try to increase my pace to two chapters a week at least

before university starts again, so look forward to that.

This much is good!

Lots of ’em! Though they’re small.

My fish trap was a great success. They’re about as big as an adults

thumb, but there is 10 of them in the basket.

Seeing the insides of the basket, Shuu and Maru were rooted on the

The village children saw that from afar and gathered around me, saying
they wanted to catch fish by themselves as well. After telling them to
bring all the straw from home they can carry tomorrow and that we’ll
make it here together, they finally calmed down.

The children were making a commotion saying how awesome and great I
am, while I was grinning broadly. Guhehehehe

Yes, yes, it’s no trouble. Masses, praise me more!

I was in a great mood, so I taught the children which wild grasses were


edible. After which they were making another commotion about how
awesome and great I am. Yes, yes, it’s no problem!


After going home and showing my mother and father the caught fish,
they were delighted. Mother, father – you can praise me even more, you
know? I’m your precious daughter, aren’t I? Aren’t I? Ufufu (自慢の娘で

That day’s dinner had both fish and wild grasses in it. Fish bones are
scary, so I didn’t eat any, but the fish soup stock did it’s job so it was
really delicious. The best thing I’ve eaten in my life so far. Though I’ve
only been living for about a year.

After that, I made more traps for small fish, sandals and baskets
together with the other village children while teaching them.

As these days continued, while kindly and thoroughly explaining the

ways to knit straw to the village children, one of them said this:
“Couldn’t it be that Ryou is a magician!?”. Everyone in the surroundings
immediately become noisy. “That’s right, that could totally be!”, was
everyone’s reaction.
Is that right? I might just be one, I’ve got all kinds of knowledge and
technologies after all. It’s from my previous life – in this pioneer-like
village I might just become one. Ufufu.
If “Magicians = People with advanced technology”, then it’s no
exaggeration to call me one! Chichinpuipui!1

“But my dad said that if your mom or dad weren’t magicians, then you
couldn’t become a magician, so only nobles can!” Hee, so it’s like that.
Hmpf. There are nobles in this country.
Which also means that there is royalty and a prince. I kinda want to take
a look at that prince.

Still, if magicians are nobles then in this country magic (I mean,

advanced technology, pupupu) and knowledge are something
monopolized by the strong and influential.


I mean, there is no school in this village. They can talk, but they can’t
read or do maths.
Even worse, this is a farm village but they don’t know how to cultivate
crops or everyday wisdom, they don’t know anything. They’re adults
limited to being children. (それは子どもだけにとどまらず大人も。)
That’s the really mysterious part. How have the people of this village
lived until now?

Perhaps this village open for development. Wanting this land to be newly
cultivated, they gathered a bunch of people who don’t know anything
about cultivation is the only thing I can think of. The people living in this
village are all basically young couples with children, the so called
nuclear families. Grandpas or Grandmas, those elderly figures full with
wisdom are missing.

“Since when does this village stand?”

After the discussion of nobles and magicians calmed down one degree,
thinking it’s finally my time I boldly asked the question that has been
burning on my mind for a long time (then again it’s just been a year).
“Since about 5 years ago. Before that, we were carrying stones to a
magician building a castle.” The one who answered was the oldest here,
Raaja (ラージ). He’ll be 10 years old soon, so there are plans for him to
start working the fields soon.
“Oh, it’s like that! Then the adults of this village were building a castle!
That’s amazing!”
Since I was coming closer to the true identity of this farming community
, I excitedly answered.
It was work related to civil engineering!
“The magician is the amazing one. Mom and dad just carried stones. But
with magic, a magician can make anything!”
Seriously? Magicians are pretty impressive. Or rather, this country
monopolizes technology and knowledge way too much. What a an
impressive coverup of technology. Why would you go that far in covering
it up! Are you corrupt!? And on top of that not afraid of rebellions!?

After which the older older boys started to voice their complaints.(すると、


年上の男の子たちが、ここぞとばかりに愚痴を語りだした。) “Anyway,
when they were helping to build the castle, we weren’t this hungry. Field
work sure is difficult.”
“If the lord would cultivate the land, plant seeds and give water we could
harvest crops, is what I heard, but father also said that it’s different from
what was promised. ”
Apparently when still helping to build the castle, food and so on were
still properly provided. But the castle was finished and they lost their
jobs. To find the people who lost their work a workplace, they were
offered to live as farmers and reclaim lands. That time they were given a
minimum amount of tools and seeds and told that they just had to sow
the seeds.
For a few years the country supplied them with food and so on but about
two years ago those provisions stopped. Paying a part of their crops as
tax, the rest would be theirs to keep since they wouldn’t need any more
food. That kind of thing. I thought the villagers were an irresponsible
bunch (including my parents), but if it’s the country that was
irresponsible then I can kinda understand it.
“But this time when the magician comes, the village mayor wants to
discuss the crop failure with him. Then he’ll do something with magic
and on top of that we’ll eat fish and wild grasses from now on! We’ll be
able to as much as we want!”

Is what Maru suddenly said with a lot of passion. Everyone is nodding in

agreement with his words.

That’s right, the first priority should be on eating your fill.

Let’s stop being Garigari village and become Pochari2 village.


Chapter 6

Farming Village Arc ⑥-3 years old and learning about the world-

After 2 years, the roundabout fraud-like Magician-sama is here 。Finally,

Magician-sama has visited our GariGari Village。
Too Slow。There were rumors of them supposedly arriving soon, that
began around 2 Years AGO!
It is a conversation from the Village’s adults, it seems that because of
some type of civil war they had been severely delayed, but isn’t 2 years
too long of a wait?

I am already 3 years old。3 peace desu。

In these past 2 years of mine, an emphasis was placed on the Pocchari

Village project to revitalize the GariGari Village。

First of all, small fry weren’t the only fish, it seems big fish can be
caught as well, by applying the same principle used to trap young fish,
wood was inserted into the middle of the river to make a fence。
The fish trapping enclosure is made from a web of straw which improves
upon the original fish trap, there were noticeable results, it was able to
reach the point to where dishes of big fish could be served at the dining

In addition, a simple thousand tooth threshing machine was

manufactured from thick wood。Since strength was needed for the task, I
primarily gave out gave out instructions, so it has the feeling that Maru-
anchan and Jiro-anchan were the ones that basically made it。

Thanks to this pseudo thousand tooth threshing machine, threshing work


was done with remarkable ease。

As it was lent to the denizens of the GariGari Village, threshing work in
the village is completed with great speed, because of that there is more
time to spare, not only for the children, but even adults were able to
begin knitting straw sandals or baskets. Any surplus that have been
made is sold to the traveling Merchant-san, finally, at last, this rural life
seems to be over with。

And now for the unveiling of the first place great discovery, a
leguminous plant that was found by the riverside。With a vine like plant,
once it grows into maturity a bean that is slightly smaller than an
average soy bean。
When I tried to eat it after blanching it for a long time, it had a very
immature taste when compared to a soybean, leguminous plants are
filling and are high in nutritional value。

With a bit of perseverance, Soy milk。Miso and Soy Sauce won’t just be a
dream。It is the plant of dreams。

However, there is one thing, the harvest of the field has had no progress。
Rather it has worsened from growth。
There are no paddy fields in this village, the fields grow a type of dry
land rice for cultivation。It is harder than the rice eaten in the previous
life, well, it is still rice。I can’t hate it。

This dry land rice, it had very great and significant growth in the
beginning, but it was a fact that each year the growth was less and less。

I dimly, or should I say that I am completely confident, that I already

understand the cause。It is a term that is derived from social studies

Continuous Cultivation Disorder。This is it, this might be its perfect name

don’t you agree。

There is no winter in this region。Does it become slightly chilly? To an

extent, field work practically never stops and as soon as there is a
harvest, seeds are sown again。


With such a combination it is natural for the soil’s balance to deteriorate。

However, I don’t have a particular countermeasure for this repeated

cultivation disorder。

After all, everyone in the village just says something along the line with

「The Travelling Magician-sama will do something about it」。

I am getting more and more interested in this Magician-sama that has

this overall trust。

Fortunately, thanks to the fish and wild grasses, the hunger problem
seems to be okay, now I decided to see about the state of the fields。

What the heck will you do uncertain Magician-sama!

Fufufu, interesting。Will you be prepared with fertilizer? Will the soil be

dug up from a deep place。Or perhaps, with flood control, they may
make a rice paddy!
This is interesting, hurry up and arrive! Magician!

With more than a passing though, today is finally the day, Magician-
sama is finally going to arrive in the village。
How impolite to keep a lady waiting!

And thus, with the arrival of the Magician-sama came two persons。
One was very tall, a man with red hair。Perhaps in his early 20s? With
well defined eyebrows that makes the person have the air of being
gallant and strong willed。
The other person, a blonde, its coloration is even lighter in comparison
to the blonde hair of one’s own family, it has somewhat of an elegant
feeling, a boy・・・? The age seems to be in the teens。Because it is still
young the features are neutral, but it seems to be that of a male。The
hair is grown out, and tied behind the back。They seem somewhat
nervous, with the middle of the forehead wrinkled。

Yup, either way, both of them are very good looking。

I, for the moment, resemble my mother’s more plain face, beautiful


people are very dazzling。

However I only have a simpler face right now, a woman can change
themselves at anytime!
Cuteness can be made!

Nevertheless as for the appearances of the Magician-sama that arrived

in the village, they were encompassed by long and heavy robes like for
formal wear, it is something really fitting for a genuine ‘Magician’。Is it

I mean, to be honest, I thought that some type of skilled ojisan type

person would come, young people coming was a surprise。
I can’t believe that these youngsters have the knowledge and
technology to do something about this worn out field。
If I had to guess, those people over there are probably the escorts of the
Magician. Clad in iron armor were knight like middle aged men, they
seem to be dependable。
I mean to say, this knight like appearance, it was the first time seeing it
since birth。

By the way, right now I, along with my older brothers, are peeping from
the gap of the door。

Presently, the Magician party, by the entrance of the village, with the
bald Village Mayor(THAT PERSON IS THE MAYOR), were exchanging
greetings while stealthily being watched from one’s house。
It seems like the formal greetings have ended, the mayor took the
magician along with him and began to present the village’s fields。
A belt of farmland extends from the village at the center, its shape forms
around our house in turn。
The grown-ups are going about outside, the magician is now in the flow
of receiving a welcoming, perhaps we, the children of the village can
also do the same, I am sure of it from peeping through the crevice of the
window and the crack between the door。

While the mayor is showing the field, he frowns and shakes one’s head
from side to side。


Perhaps,「This field is useless, and it completely can’t grow anything at

all」is probably what is being said。

Then, the red haired magician had, after a composed nod crouched
down, touched the earth with his hands while looking at the fields,
started to move his mouth。Can you even see the quality of the soil from
doing that?

With a pose similar to the starting race crouch , perhaps this a「Get
Ready, Get Set, Go☆」signal to start。

I personally think it is pointless, WAAーーー! Cheers were being heard。

In a fluster, the field was seen, the dry land rice, they were steadily

Seriously, what is this?

Right now the dry land rice plants are growing with a dancing slithering

What kind of thing is this?

Eh, what is going on here・・・?

What is this strange scene!

Im, pos, si, ble!!

Hey, perhaps this might be

By any chance……

Magicians are genuine magicians……can it be?

So, in other words――――――――

A reincarnation into different world……?

the so called……Swords and Magical Fantasy?

I had read about these from the previous life. While recollecting the
stories and movies of the fantasy genre, my 3 year old self had finally
understood the current state of reality。



Chapter 7

I could just be a mage.

There was a period that I thought so.

C’mon, I thought that “mage = a person who has technologies from

advanced countries”! Right?

That, what is that. I could barely hear what he had said though? Once he
spoke of an incantation sort of language, the crops started to grow, what
is that magic! So fantastic!

The delicious fish dish in front of me was so shockingly good that it is

unacceptable to even criticise it …!

Currently, my village is holding a banquet to welcome the arrival of the


The villagers did not own a building that could fit many people at once,
so they had to make do with a flatland near the village and held a
campfire-like event by setting up a fire. Tables and chairs were prepared
and the villagers begun their merrymaking.

Pre-ordered wine that was imported from somewhere was taken out for
the occasion. Also, the village’s song and dance Onee-chans were
diligently attending to the mage-samas.

Or more like, the Onee-chans were feasting their eyes. Well, I could
sorta understand. Both the mages were beautiful.

Nevertheless, to the mage-samas, the village’s song and dance girls


couldn’t even make it in the qualifiers, so their attitudes towards our

hospitality was rather cold. With a nonchalant face, they received their
wines from the dancing girl that had poured it for them.

Are they trying to say girls from the rural-side are lacking?!

Right at the start of the feast, the mages had done a simple self-
introduction to everyone.

The senior one who has red hair was 「Seki = Naniwazu」-san, a spirit
user ; the other one was a long-hair youth, a magician called 「Ryuuki =

Among mages, there seem to be something that is different between

magicians and spirit users. I don’t quite get it though. , but it could just
be a coincidence

I mean, is it alright because all I see is the 10+ years old young mage
drinking alcohol. I wonder if it is because it is another world that the
common sense here is different from mine.

The elites of the Garigari village seem to be in a defeated state but, at

least the visitors were pleased with the village’s prided cooking. While
the village chief was receiving good comments about the dishes, he was
putting food in his widened mouth.

Well, it is tasty after all.

The dishes were, grilled herb fish, which ingredients were just harvested
today, as a main, whereas the soup was made from fry(TN: referring to
small fishes here) stock with watercress and beans. A wild vegetable
salad. And finally, noodles made with the stem of dandelions.

Needless to say, I am the one that cooked the rice and fish together.

The village only has salt, so in order to enhance the taste, I obtained fish
stock and used herbs, creating a unique and profound taste.



I observed the mages from a relatively close distance, and heaved a sigh
of relief as it seems that they have not noticed me nor their

I was suspected of being a mage in this village, and was thus, made to
take a seat that was close to the mages-sama.

The villagers would eventually choose a suitable time to inquire to the

mages-sama whether I was a mage, what shall I do? They would
definitely ask about it!

My dad and mom who sat near me were already fidgeting in their seats
like mad!

Stop, don’t be so nervous! Stop staring at me with eyes full of


According to the village chief, if a mage is born from a commoner, the

entire family would be invited to stay at the capital, and would be
promised a full life of peace and prosperity.

Also, since this village is a under the territory of the aristocrats, it would
be a life, compared to my current lifestyle, which offers more

Ku, the dazzling gaze from my parents are painful!

But, to put it clearly, I am not a mage!

Up till today, the villagers were still telling me that I could just be a
mage! When they said that, I would reply 「It can’t be, can’t be, for me to
be one –, impossible—, ufufu」.

Seeing that there is some tension, they would think that Ryou-chan is
just being humble.

When I knew what a mage is, no it’s more like, when I understood that
this was a different world, I had vehemently declared that 「Definitely not
a mage, 100% not!」


What a failure. Ryou-chan the failure.

I’m afraid of betraying the expectations of my parents…

「Even so, this village seems to be prosperous. Despite the kind of

condition the fields are in right now, everyone’s complexion looks good, I
didn’t think that such great food could be prepared」

The red-hair spirit user Seki-san was helping himself to the food and
appeared to be real surprised, while chatting with the village chief.

「You see the truth is, the kids in the village have been catching fishes in
the nearby river and foraging for edible wild grasses too. We did not,
frankly speaking, do much harvesting in the fields but, thanks to that,
we were able to live more comfortably than before. Honestly, the current
situation is that we are sustaining ourselves daily not with the harvest
from the fields but from the foraging of the kids.」

「The village’s kids …!? That’s amazing. How did they catch those fishes?」

To the question posed by the red-hair mage, the village chief smiled with
a broad grin, and started clapping his hands. The village chief is more
exuberant than I thought.

After the signal, the males, with heavy footsteps, moved the small fry
trap and thepseudo-thousand teeth thresher over.

And then, the village chief looked in my direction and nodded


At last, it was my turn to show up.


Chapter 8

「Here is the young lady that I certainly wish to introduce to both

mages-sama. She might be small but, for the sake of this village’s
development, she has invented several tools. Please do listen to this
child for the story of how she invented the fish capturing tool and
advanced this village’s development 」

Next, at a comfortable pace, I walked over to introduce myself to the


「Nice to meet you. I am Ryou from the Garigari village. I’m three this
year. Please allow me to explain about the tools.」

The mages gave an astonished look as they looked upon me. To think
that this 3 years old could be so fluent in the language and that the
village chief wasn’t kidding when he said the child was really just a kid!
Such could be seen from the amazement on their faces.

It’s okay to be trembling in fear! I, who seemed to be possessed by a

god, had presentation skills that had more worth than the mages. My
parents have got to see me in action!

And then, I gestured with my hand and said without any stutter on the
workings of the small fry trap, and with the application of this design, it
could be used to catch bigger fishes. Next, I explained about the
thousand teeth thresher and also mentioned how it can be improved.

「…… I see, due to the application of the thousand teeth thresher, work
hours have been shorten and with that extra time, more straw can be
braided…… In addition, with the tools made with straw, fish or wild


grasses can be gathered … that’s wonderful! We need to spread this to

other agricultural villages ……! 」

The young mage Ryuuki started to get into a state of excitement, and
started touching the thousand teeth thresher and straw-made tools.
Viewing the tools at all sorts of angles, he confirmed the inner workings
of these tools.

For a guy with a reserved face to be that excited. Doesn’t he know basic
manners, that he shouldn’t be touching the items on display without
permission! They aren’t really display items though. Even then, he
seemed to be intensely studying the tools … I wonder if it would be
better if I gave an explanation.

「The plant straw is a symbol of bountiful harvest too, and lumber is also
part of a plant … these are farming tools after all. Since I wish to
document the creation of these inventions … Village chief, how many
stalks of straw you might have and how much timber do you have?
Could you provide some? 」

The mage Ryuuki-san said so while creating a tense atmosphere since

nobody understood his intentions. The village chief proceeded with his

The village chief was taken aback by such a sudden request, and while
fretting over the request, he called out to a nearby woman to bring
roughly 10 bundles of straw and some wood sticks.

Ryuuki-san picked out 3 stalks of straw and started singing something.

「Inetsukeba Kakaruagatewo Koyohimoka Tononowakugoga

Amatsukaze Kumonokayohiji Fukitojiyo Otomenosugata

After doing so, the straw that Ryuuki-san was holding on to started
moving on their own and before you it, it became a small fry trap.

「Oohh—!」 Mage-sama’s abrupt magical performance was met with


enthusiastic cheers from the village.

I got very excited as well . You know, this thing is real awesome. What a
mage huh.

Furthermore, to have completed it with only three stalks of straw. How

did he do it with so little! Unbelievable!

Next, as though he couldn’t hear the excitement from the crowd,

Ryuuki-san grabbed the timber and pierced onto the ground while also
singing something like an incantation. The timber grew larger and
became a completed thousand teeth thresher that was far more well-
done than the one I (in actuality, it was my Onii-chan who made it)

The villagers became wild yet again.

Seriously? Somehow, my feelings have transcended amazement; anger?

Jealousy? This is quite the strong sense of helplessness!

This thousand teeth thresher took us great pains to complete!

Not only did I injured my arm for this (actually it was my bro), my hands
were also roughed up by it (actually it was my bro), and I spent many
nights on it too (actually it was my bro). Despite it taking so much time,
even though it looks kinda unrefined, I did it as conscientiously as
possible –! (actually it was my bro)

The mage managed to get it done in the twinkle of an eye, furthermore,

it was better made.


My insides of my heart were squirming in bitterness, and even as I sent

a destructive beam across, the mage Ryuuki-san doesn’t seem to be
bothered by it and gave me a smile that was full of enjoyment while
walking over to me.


「Thank you. This tool is really wonderful. With something like this, this
fledging industry should be able to flourish!」

I desperately suppressed my twitching cheeks as I conveyed the idea

that so long as it is useful then it is a good thing.

Next, the village chief that has been watching attentively the flow of
events started to make his move.

「Dear mages-sama. I’m sure that after looking at these tools and
understanding them, you would come to the conclusion that this child is
really intelligent. It has been said in the village that she could just be a
mage … what should be done?」

The atmosphere grinded to a halt instantly. It’s because the villagers are
immensely curious about whether Ryou-chan could possibly be a mage.

「I see. Indeed, to be able to come up with such a tool does indicate

some rare talent. Magic manifests itself on people mainly through
heredity but, there are times when a village far from the capital would
have a child born with strong magic powers. I shall investigate further.」

Hearing what the village chief had just said, the spirit user Seki coolly
bowed his head in assent, and gestured for me to follow him.

The time for judgement has finally arrived.

Speaking of which, after watching Ryouki-san skilfully using magic, how

can there be people who still think I can use magic? They are totally
mistaken, fundamentally wrong! I and magic completely don’t match!

As I thought, the villagers and parents’ were beaming at me with

sparkling eyes that were full of hopes and aspirations.

Ku, it’s no good, they have yet to have given up. Stop staring at me with
those glittering eyes!

However, I have no choice. I slowly moved my feet over to Seki the spirit



Chapter 9

「Can you see what’s on my shoulder?」

As I approached Seki-san, he pointed out to his right shoulder and asked


Eh, there is nothing on his shoulders though. Just plain air.

Am I supposed to be seeing something? This could be a criterion for a

mage ……

Just to be safe, I took a good long look at it, but I still couldn’t see

「Nope, sorry. There seems to be nothing」

「Is that so, well then, how about checking on Ryouki?」

The subject of the conversation, Ryouki-san, nodded deeply, and after

staring in a distance for a second, he held up his right hand.

「What do you see on this side?」

I tried taking a look at Ryouki-san’s right hand. Likewise, there wasn’t

anything, just empty space.

「…… I don’t see anything special」

「Do you not see a glittering light?」

I knew mages would be able to perceive something there. A glittering

light huh. Still, I can’t see it.


「Sorry. It’s just normal to me」

「… Is that so」

Ryouki-san murmured to himself while giving a complete disappointed

look. Similarly, Seki-san face looked like a disappointed one.

Mm, I understand what’s going on. I understand but…

Seki-san put on the mysterious face that TV hosts would put on before a
big reveal, and announced the verdict.

「Village chief, unfortunately, this child isn’t a mage」


The villagers strongly sighed, and their dejected voices could be heard.
Even the chief’s shoulders started to slump down.

I was kinda afraid to even look at the reaction of father and mother.


The banquet was over, and on the very same day, the village chief
provided a vacant house for the mages to stay for a night before
travelling again.

The mages were compelled by the country to follow a messy schedule so

they had to leave after 1 night. Also, they wanted to spread to other
villages what they saw in this village – the groundbreaking farming tools
that were made by Ryou-chan.

……. Speaking of which, are the fields alright now? The mages came and
made the crops grow all of a sudden but, have they made any changes
to the quality of the soil?

I am thinking of making full use of the information of my previous life to

improve the quality of life for the villagers. It might be possible,
however, it is possible that this world may have no need for such
scientific knowledge and information.


It’s like “With magic, this world is complete”.

Somehow, I felt like the purpose in my life was lost. My heart aches.

Still, even then, there should be something I can do.

If I work hard at what I can do, I can make my family, the villagers and
everyone else happier.

I have no doubt that I would be happier this life.


Chapter 10

And thus, the mages left and many months flew by.

As I predicted, or more like, somehow, the fields were indeed infertile.

What in the world is this–, the soil quality didn’t show any signs of
improvement! And we didn’t even plant any crops after that too!

After the mages managed to speed up the growth of the plants, we

harvested it, re-tilted the land, removed the weeds, and replanted.
However, similar to the situation beforehand, or more like, to a greater
extent, it seems that the plants are unable to grow.

Wow, a mage is so great—, if I could be a mage …… I was seriously

harbouring such thoughts yet this is such a let-down! It is a tragic loss.

The magic by the mages only had a temporary effect.

Thus, magic isn’t really all that omnipotent. After all, the very act of
magic is performed by humans. It probably isn’t a complete thing.

Somehow, I feel a slight affinity to mages. Both the mages managed to

look cool even after their ikemen masks were taken off, but at the end of
the day, they are still human.

Gufufu. I have no idea why but my chest is feeling all tight.

The Garigari village was again vexing over the issue of crop failure,
though it seems that the village chief has already anticipated the
current phenomenon and said 「Aa, as I thought—」.

When the mages came to the village in the past, a phenomenon like this


had happened. At that time, the plants managed to grow after they
casted their spell, but after that, it felt as though the yields had

If you knew that, you could have informed the mages about it! Village

The village chief must have been caught up in all that tension when he
saw the crops steadily growing due to the spell, and forgotten to say

Yeah, I can kinda understand that.

After seeing that, I instantly became dumbstruck. I understand.

Nevertheless, at the corner of the village was a field that didn’t seem to
be affected by the crop failure phenomenon and had plants that were

That’s right, it’s the Jirou-anchan’s field, which was incidentally

supervised by Ryou-chan☆

If I had possessed magic, I would have taken it easy since any effort put
into developing the agriculture would be meaningless. This is what I feel
from the depths of my heart.

Being a dark horse to a certain extent, to reduce the risks, I prepared

countermeasures that were worthwhile in the end.

Jirou-anchan became 15 years old and having been recognised as an

adult, he became the owner of his own field. Although I might say that,
it’s not that a new piece of land was cleared, it was simply just a portion
of Otou-san’s land that was transferred to him.

The soft-spoken young man Jirou-anchan did not raise any objections
and nods willingly to what I tell him to do. Not only is he soft-spoken, he
is quite the obedient type too.

Together with Maru-anchan, who was in-charge of taking care of me, I

and Jirou-anchan gave our all to the fields.


“I, who holds memories of my past life, would be more than capable to
handle the cultivation of the crops!” I held this thought for a period of
time but now, given that I’m a greenhorn at this, I would need to do
some trials first.

Firstly, I divided Jirou-anchan’s land into 4 divisions.

①Mixing the ashes of straw and weeds to the soil,

this field by the riverside had a mix
of Tsurumame and rice grown together

②No addition of ashes and had a mix of Tsurumame

and rice growing field
③Field which soil was mixed with the same kind of
ashes but only rice is grown here
④Nothing is grown here

And now, the one the field that provided the best growth for crops is the
① field which had cinders mixed into it and had Tsurumame and rice
growing in it. Runner-up is field ② which didn’t have cinders mixed into
its soil while both rice and Tsurumame grew on it. There wasn’t a big
difference in performance between these fields however.

Of course, since 2 varieties of crop were cultivated in these fields, the

amount of rice growing was halved. Nevertheless, the field which was
mono-culture was basically completely wiped out, so even if half of the
crops in field 1 and 2 managed to grow, it would still be way better.

Field ③’s had fertiliser(cinders) added and compared to the villagers’

fields which didn’t use any fertiliser, there were still not a big difference
as both kinds ended in total annihilation. Therefore, the most important
factor is the addition of the bean plants.

Does everybody understand?


The above summary was presented by yours truly, in the recently

inaugurated 「Villager’s Meeting」.

This was to facilitate the sharing of knowledge in agriculture and other

informative matters on a regular basis. I initiated it.

Using a teacher’s pointer, made out of a stick, to draw explanatory

diagrams (No words; drawings only), while reporting on the agriculture
experiment was me, Ryou-chan the 4 years old.

After the incident when Ryou-chan was confirmed not to be a mage, the
villagers were, at the beginning, dejected. Still, it’s not like my level of
excellence decreased or anything, thus I managed to keep my status as
an exceptional child due to my appeal as a desperately hardworking kid.

「Yes! I have a question. Why was field ④ made empty?」

Yep, that’s a good question. A rather good question indeed, son of the
village chief.

「It’s so that I can experiment to see the effects of letting the field rest.
It’s called fallow farmland. After harvesting the crops planted this round,
I plan to plant seeds in the fallow farmland and observe the growth of
the crops.」

Just like that, the lecture started and ended without a big fuss.

From the onset, I started acting cute and spoke with a lisp but I
eventually got tired of doing so. The villagers didn’t find it extraordinary
and embarrassing so it became a Ryou-chan thing to put adults to

Extrapolating my growth, I dare say that someday, I would become the

village chief. Based on merit, yeah.

I’m awfully sorry but you’ve got to settle for vice-village chief, son of the
chief. Umu.



It has been 1 year since I have started meddling in agriculture. We

started to obtain a considerable improvement in crop yield.

We conclusively found that a fallow farmland is beneficial for overall

cultivation and made it mainstream. The field is usually divided into 3
portions, one of which would be the fallow farmland and would undergo
a rotation system. Just that, more research has to be done regarding the
fertiliser since fertiliser made with the ashes of the weeds isn’t that
effective. Something like humus would be great I guess …… ideally we
would have a paddy field though ……

What’s next would be to raise the levels of production of both rice and
beans so that I can seriously work on developing Miso or soy sauce.

I believe that is my eventual goal.

I was awoken by my parents, who were grinning broadly while doing so.
They were introducing me to some guy. Judging from his appearance, he
seems to be in his late 20s and had black hair. His name seems to be
「Claude = Rainforest」. He is likely to be affluent based on his

My other brothers were still asleep. Naturally, it is currently before

daybreak and the outside world is wrapped in darkness. I was partially
asleep though, but my mind was still sharp.

It’s because I had a hunch that something very unpleasant is about to


Next, the man held out his hand, cracked a smile and said, 「Shall we go

My mother and father were seated around the table, and on that table
were 3 pieces of silver coins.

I ascertained the situation and then, my thoughts grinded to a halt.

「Ryou-chan is an obedient and good child. Surely you would understand


right? 」

Okaa-san said that to me while giving off the feeling that she was gazing
at me from a far far place away. Just like that, I was sold and became
the black-haired man’s property.

I got on the horse-drawn coach together with the man.

Aa, again, I wasn’t loved.


Chapter 11

After waking up, I surveyed the surroundings in the coach. The area was
piled up with all kinds of goods. It seemed as though I was imprisoned
along with the other merchandises in the carriage.

Salt, dried meat, dried fish, porcelain, some kind of mineral, fruits,
vegetables, rice, glass bottles, cloth, et cetera; the place was filled to
the brim with things I have never seen before. The travelling merchant
that appears at Garigari village at fixed intervals didn’t deal with that
many goods. I mean, there are even glass bottles here.

The merchant that visits Garigari village would usually be trading salt,
vegetables, fish and cloth only. Despite the limited selection, the
villagers are always looking forward to the visit by the travelling
merchant. They would trade Garigari village’s specialty, rice and beans
for salt and vegetables while exchanging straw-made products for cash.
And then, with the iron coins saved up from the sale, they would
purchase cloth-made goods.

Humph. Watching as far as I can from the inside of the coach, I could see
a person that seems more highly ranked than the usual travelling
merchant that visits the village. I’m certain that the person that
purchased me was called Claude-san or something, and despite being
young, he was quite a capable person.

However, my body was free and I wasn’t tied up by a rope ……. Claude-
san appears to be seated at the coachman seat and there wasn’t
another single soul in the carriage. Just me and the goods alone. …… I
can make my escape anytime?


I wonder what would happen to me from now on. Now that I have been
purchased, I wonder what job I would have to do. Or maybe, I would be
resold again.

The current me is something like a slave. Based on what I know from my

previous life, a slave is someone forced to work under considerably
harsh manual labour …… A girl might have to be a prostitute; I don’t
have a good feeling about this.

…… Shall I run away?

As I was thinking, I heard a conversation beyond the cloth (TN: acting as

the door between the carriage and coachman seat).

「Smith, is it about time to have our meals? Although I must say, the
portable food isn’t really enjoyable. I’m pretty sick of it already.」

「Well, well. There’s just a little more before we reach our estate.
……Claude-sama, has the clay doll-like person at the back made any

「Clay doll like…… Stop joking, I forked out 3 silver coins for that you
know! Aa, if she continues to stay like that, I would really be making a
big loss! I even went all the way to the countryside to bring her here

Eh, the clay doll refers to me? That’s completely rude. While
contemplating on their conversation, I glared in their direction.

With a light rustle, the cloth that divides the coachman seat and the
carriage was turned over by Claude-san as he looked in this direction.

In a flash, our eyes met.

Or more like, he was assessing me to a great extent.

At any rate, Claude-san’s eye colour was yellow-green shade, a rather

rare kind of colour…… I suppose? The residents of Garigari village had
brownish eye colours. Mine was a bright, light brown too.


Somehow, he removed his gaze on me for a moment, had another

sudden inclination to watch me and looked straight at me again.

I don’t like it. Staring at me like that, could it be love at first sight? Or
maybe he was a lolicon or something.

「…… Here, want to eat this?」

While staring, he suddenly held out something that looked like bread. Is
he feeding a zoo animal?

「…… I’ll g,gladly take it」

I couldn’t fight my stomach, so I timidly accepted it.

As I did so, Claude-san face turned to that of wonder, and shouted with
an abrupt, strange voice.

「She, She talked – – – – !!」

The horses were frightened, and made “Hi, hiin” cries, causing the coach
to sway violently.

The man that was acting as the coachman, soothed the confused horses
with “Whoa, whoa!”.

I too had been alarmed at Claude-san’s shrieking, and instinctively

dropped the bread I was given. The bread landed on the floor with a
reverberating thud. While thinking “What is this loudness, it must have
been a rock-hard bread”, I started preparing myself for the eccentric
lolicon, Claude-san’s, next movement.


Chapter 12

「Oh no, sorry. Looks like I frightened you—」

Said Claude-san as he picked me up with agility and put me down on the

seat adjacent to him. Now that has happened, I became interposed
between the coachman-san and him.

Next, he picked up the stiff bread and returned it to me.

He was skilled with children. As expected, he must be a lolicon. You’re a

lolicon right?

As I crunched on the bread, I kept my guard against Claude-san.

「Still, I’m glad. After you were bought, you really became doll-like and
made no reaction at all. I thought you might have been dead. Your eyes
looked hollow and couldn’t focus, you didn’t talk nor eat when offered a
meal, and only took small mouthful at most. Aa, I’m really so
relieved.」said Claude-san as he tapped on my head with a satisfied look.

I became dazed as I realised how worried he was for me. I had the
feeling that roughly half a day has passed but judging from what Claude-
san had said, it could have possibly been an entire day already.

「I have made you worried. By the way, how long has it been since we
left the village?」

「Ooh! You can speak clearly right! Good stuff! It has been around 1
week since we left」

He appeared satisfied with every single detail of my reaction and


nodded as though he was super shocked.

One week you say?

I had no idea that so much time had passed. No memories of that at all.

Was I in that big a shock? Currently, I’ve reached the point of

resignation, but on the contrary, I feel more at ease. Still, if we think
about it, I’m still a 5 years old child. I might have resigned myself to all
sorts of things but even that requires some time.

「That is …… I really have made you concerned. Incidentally, since I was

purchased, what would I be made to do?」

「Yes, you must be bothered by that too. In reality, “I want you to do

this!” is what I like to announce but, at the moment, it hasn’t been
decided what your role would be. Well, we will soon be approaching my
home according to the schedule …… Before that though, are the
rumours that say you invented the thousand-teeth thresher true?」

「Invent? How should I put it, ermm, I did something like that I guess.」

Truthfully, it was invented by a person a long time ago, but explaining

that would be too troublesome so I shall omit it.

Claude-san repeatedly nodded his head, and looked very pleased as he

was very content with my reply.

「Once we arrived at my home, you will be living together with us. There
will be an aristocrat Boc-chan that is around your age so, I expect you to
keep him company. The plan for your life hereafteris that you would be
receiving schooling apart from being taken care of. If by any chance, my
younger sister takes a liking to you, she might buy you over, so there is
a possibility that I have to turn you into a maid…… Well, that’s what I

I see, it was made very clear that I would be working at their residence,
therefore, the treatment is much better that I have had imagined. It
might be a better decision not to escape and remain in the coach.


Speaking of which, is this person an aristocrat? He did address the Boc-

chan as an aristocrat too.

「Are you an aristocrat, Claude-sama?」

Being asked such a question, Claude-san face darkened to some extent,

and gave an answer immediately.

「Nope, I’m not. My family might be of nobility but, despite being born in
that kind of family, after I became a matured adult, I lost my aristocracy
as I wasn’t a mage. In my scenario, since I studied business, I was a
given a quasi-aristocrat title of merchant-shaku. Nevertheless, it is
planned that my younger sister, who has the genes for magic, would
inherit my family’s court rank. Your peers would be my sister’s children.
There are 2 of them, and one of them is the Boc-chan who can genuinely
use magic.」

「So basically, as long as a person cannot use magic, he/she cannot be

an aristocrat?」

「That’s the gist of it. Speaking of which, you must be unaware of the
details of an aristocrat because you were raised in a farming village.
Simply speaking, a non-magic user would be unable to be an aristocrat.
Since the capability to use magic is determined by one’s genes, people
with such genes would inherit our property and land. Those born from
nobility and yet not blessed with magic genes can still be an aristocrat if
they marry a mage from some aristocracy. My brother did that. He
became a groom and was made the supervisor of the lands surrounding
your village. This was the brother whom I heard the information about
the thousand-teeth thresher and fish trap tool from. My brother was in
disbelief about it though.」

Hohou, there’s such a rumour about me. It seems like there are people
who don’t believe it too.

For now, I shall entrust myself to Claude-san. Rather than escaping in

this state, I shall try living on just like that. If by any chance, the people
at Claude-san’s residence have terrible personalities and I am forced to


do harsh manual labour, it would still be good to make my escape then.

In any case, this person seems like the careless type so this plan should

After Claude-san finished what he was saying, he rummaged through the

pile of bags at the back and took out a book.

「By the way, are you able to read and write words?」

I wonder. If it was the language of my previous life, I shouldn’t have any

problems but…… For a fleeting moment, I saw the front cover of the
book that Claude-san was holding and couldn’t recognise the characters
on it.

「No, I am unable to.」

「I see! Your manner of speaking seems excessively fluent so I had

assumed that you were well-versed in the language but, it’s because the
village doesn’t have education for language right? Just to be sure, I
carried this book along. I would be reading this book to you on the way
to the residence so I want you to, at the very least, memorise some of
these words.」

As he said so, he lifted the me that was crunching on the bread, placed
me on his lap and opened the book that was in front of me.

Unfamiliar characters and words lay side-by-side in the book. It appears

that this parallel world has their own language.

Claude-san read out loudly and slowly for me.

He doesn’t seem like a bad guy.


Chapter 13

It has been roughly 2 days since I awoken and we are now making our
grand arrival at the residence. The residence was shaped like a ‘コ’,
and there were 3 separate buildings inside in total.

I expected the residence to be located right at the heart of the shopping

district since they are of nobility. However, it was located at a far more
deserted place that I had imagined.

The residence was surrounded by lush greenery, overgrown trees and

the fields.

This entire place is sticking out like a sore thumb if you take a glance at
the countryside.

The residence looked like a stone-made castle. Normally, from what I

know, some kind of adhesive between the stone blocks is needed in
order to construct this kind of structure. Yet, this building doesn’t seem
to have that kind of adhesive and relied solely on gigantic stone blocks

It is highly probable that an enigmatic magical skill had been employed

in the construction process.

While travelling, we had passed by a town and even then, the buildings
there seemed to be constructed with the same mysterious skill.

「This was unexpected. This place is so peaceful.」

「Is that so? I do think quiet places like these are the best places to live
in. Most other aristocrats think the same way too. Well, the other


aristocrats that live in the capital have differing views though. 」

Claude-san who made such a reply was probably in a peace of mind as

he smiled radiantly across his haggard face. It must because he was
finally returning home.

The coach that we had been up till now was being moved off to
somewhere else by Smith-san the coachman.

Claude-san rotated his arms and neck. Once he was done stretching, he
started patting his crumpled western-style clothes and made a
*panpan* sound while doing so. The wrinkles and crumples on his white
shirt, black vest and pants disappeared after much patting, giving him a
neat look.

I too, just in case this was some rule, tidied my outfit. Although, I get the
feeling that there is no end to cleaning the dress. The dress I was
wearing since I wore at Garigari village was a one-piece that looked like
a T-shirt and was very dirty.

I tried to use my hands to comb my hair but, my hair which was allowed
to grow as long as it wanted to extended all the way down to my navel,
making me look quite like a Medusa. It’s not like I had any other option
other than using my hands.

After giving some time for both of us to prepare our appearance, Claude-
san rang on the bell and a maid-like woman appeared from the door.

As though Claude-san was an acquaintance, she said,「Claude-sama,

welcome home」. After giving her greetings, she bowed down
respectfully and entered the residence and guided us to the guest room.

In the entire process, my existence was ignored.

Our eyes didn’t even meet. Shucks, what a scary maid of the upper

Given that our eyes didn’t meet at all, the maid must have not seen me.
I started considering the wild idea that I was invisible but the maid did


prepare refreshmetns for me after all, so she must have seen me.

At any rate, she prepared black tea! Mm, this sweet-smelling fragrance,
there is no doubt this is black tea. So this parallel world has tea too.
What a good discovery.

While I was at the farm village, I drank a herb tea made with the herbs
found that could be considered an imitation of tea, but still, black tea is
the best.

「Ryou, this drink might be a little too bitter for the preference for most
kids but we have sugar and if you dissolve it into the tea, it would taste

Splosh. Claude-san dropped a cube sugar into my cup.

Oioi, if I actually prefer unsweetened tea, what am I supposed to do.

Well, I actually have a sweet-tooth so it’s actually alright. Rather, I like to

receive 2 to 3 more please.

「Now that it is sweeter, it is tastier, Claude-sama. Arigatougozai-masu」

Giving my thanks after having a sip of the tea, Claude-san then stroked
my hair while nodding happily. This person is really gentle.

Still, I can’t discriminate between a person that likes children in general

and a lolicon.

Nevertheless, the vibes from the residence, is really on a whole new

level when compared with Garigari village.

The cup was made out of porcelain and the spoon, out of silver. Boldly
coloured flowers were blooming in full glory in a glass vase and there
were windowpanes too! Back when I was at the Garigari village, I didn’t
think that porcelain and glass-made goods were available in this world.

What’s with this stratified society. This is too outrageous. Perhaps I could
see a machine-made product as well……

Soon after, I thought I heard a boisterous commotion from outside the


room and with a bang, the door opened.

A beautiful and seemingly strong-willed woman that had similar features

with Claude-san, such as her black hair and her pea green eyes, stood
from opened door.

「Oni-sama! Where have you been! You vanished all of a sudden!」 She

A raging beautiful woman is crazily scary.

「Airiin, I have worried you. Please don’t be too mad at me.」

Claude-san said as he stood up and as though she was his long-lost

sister, he attempted to give her a deep embrace, but Miss Airiin had not
forgiven him and stopped him by slapping him with her left palm.

The staggering Claude-san made a groaning 「Ofuu」 sound and

retreated back with a few steps.

「Hey! Please don’t dodge the problem! Claude-onisama! Where and

what did you do? I’m sure you knew that we were so busy that I
would even borrow the help of a cat!」

Ahahaha, she was raging like the queen of a house.

Claude-san stood up from his seat and approached me while looking at


Please no, don’t involve me in this mess.

「In order to buy this child, I went all the way to Ani-ue’s territory! Ahh—
I’m so exhausted~」 said Claude-san. He proceeded to give me a push
from the back, and as though I was a shield, he brought me straight in
the face of Airiin-san.

Now you’ve gotten me involved.

My eyes met with Airiin-san’s. Who is this kid? I could feel her saying
that based on how she looked at me. She examined me from bottom to
top and slightly tilted her head to the side in puzzlement. Cute.


According to information I received from Claude-san earlier, Airiin-san is

already a mother of a son, but she hardly seemed like one. More like a
teen under the age of 20.

「I am Ryou from the Garigari vilage. Please treat me kindly.」 I greeted

her faultlessly.

「Hey, who is this shabby child. ……Could she be a mage?」

Airiin-san face glimmered with a candid expression of anticipation.

「No, I am not a mage.」

Airiin-san’s face became tainted with the colour of disappointment. She

is such an easy to understand person.

In fact, out of all the things to ask, she decided to ask me if I was a
mage. What was I suppose to say! To be full of expectation and
disappointed as she pleases, that is so rude!

「She isn’t even a mage, and you went all the way to buy this sloppy
piece of child?」

Airiin-san began speaking to Claude-san while disregarding my


Given that I was ignored by the maid too, it looks like the percentage of
me getting ignored while in the residence is fairly high.

「This child is extremely intelligent, or more like, a prodigy! During the

return trip in the coach, I read her a book once and she became able to
write the alphabets! Furthermore, above all, she is the inventor of the
thousand-teeth thresher which is currently the talk of the city!」

「How do you expect me to believe that. Isn’t she just about the same
age as my son?!」

「Yes, exactly. Since she is around that age, she would be a good
companion to Alan and the others, or she could be a maid too. I had
been selling goods while on the trip back, and I would like to discuss the


future business operation with the people at the merchant guild later on,
so I don’t have much time to take care of her for now. 」

「No way. Not this sloppy child.」

That! So rude! If I put my heart at work, I would really do my best you


「Please don’t say that Airiin. Wasn’t it because of my hard-to-please

nephew, that bullied the hired companion cum maid and caused her
quit? And you became worried about it too. If it’s this child, I’m sure it’ll
turn out fine. I’ve been thinking about your circumstances all this while
ya see.」

So Airiin’s son has a nasty personality? I really wish you didn’t go saying
that it’ll be fine without asking for my opinion though.

Next, Claude-san made a smile full of gentleness and placed his hand on
Airiin’s shoulder.

Somehow, I have this bad premonition that my soul would be corrupted


「……Maa! Oni-sama! You have been thinking about me huh! If that’s the
case, that, I can understand. I shall try using her then. 」

After saying that, the two brother and sister gave one another a
heartwarming embrace.

Soon after, Claude-san disappeared. He had taken full advantage of the

situation. I understood from their conversation that I was to join the
children who were having private lessons with their tutor, be a maid,
serve Airiin and so on. It seems that he had planned for his purchased
goods (aka me) to gain an accelerated and gifted education for free……
Claude-san is really skillful.


Chapter 14

(TN: Bouchama is another version of Bocchan, just that it is more

respectful and also adds a level of intimacy.)

After finishing with my greetings, I was guided along by the maid. I felt
that she was treating me like a dirty rag as she made me follow her to
take a medicated bath, scrubbed my body with a cloth, cleaned my hair
and apart from that, she tied a ponytail for me and gave me a new set of

The clothes given to me was a black long sleeves one piece and a white
apron that was supposed to be worn around the waist. Cool, this is so
maid-ish. The other maids were wearing clothes with the same design so
perhaps it is the uniform for all the servants here.

The shoes were a pair of leather shoes and they were rather soft. The
straw sandals I made by hand disappeared to somewhere else.

Hey, there seem to plenty of tiny sized maid attires that fit me here.

Next, after going through the normal procedure of cleaning me, the
maid that was in charge of washing me finally looked me straight in the

「I am Stella, the person in charge of taking care Airiin-okusama. You

must have heard that you will serve as the maid to Alan-bouchama and
Cain-bouchama. The both of them are presently studying at their private
tutor’s place but, they would be free soon and you shall kindly introduce
yourself to them then.」


「Y-yes. I understand. 」

Her expressionless and indifferent manner of speech somehow made me

nervous. A maid for the upper class is so cold.

「Later on, I guess, the bouchamas might treat their maid unreasonably
so I hope that your clothes do not get soiled. I particularly dislike dirty
things you see. 」

Oh I see, she didn’t look at me all this while because it was a problem of
my appearance.

Airiin-san might be a gorgeous woman but Stella-san is also equally as

pretty. Her light gold hair swooped down to her nose, and her overall
looks can be compared to a sculpture of a goddess. Adding on her
characteristic still face she usually puts on, calling her a sculpture is
right on the mark.

I saw other maidservants when I entered the residence and they too had
fairly decent looks. There is definitely no mistake that one of the criteria
to serve as a maid in this residence is beauty.

Next, Stella-san gave me a map of the residence and taught me the

relevant information a maid needs to know such as knowing the location
of the bathroom for maids, the important pointers when washing herself,
what one has to do when nature calls, and that servants will be
specifically living in a specific building.

Airiin-san ended her lecture and said “it’s was about time,” before
dragging me out of the room.

At last, it is the meeting with the Bouchamas.

I didn’t have a good hunch about this due to the earlier information but,
now that I have become and an apprentice maid, I shall respond to my
assigned task.

Now, Stella-san had stopped right before the door ahead of us.
Somehow Stella-san’s facial expression is bad. Next, she looked like she


was hardening her resolve, and knocked on the door.

「This is Stella. Bouchamas. Today, Claude-sama has brought a new maid

with him.」

Replying to her, a child-like voice which carried a proud tone emerged

from the direction of the door, 「Alright, you may enter」.

Strangely, Stella-san urged me to be the one to open the door. Eh,

wasn’t I supposed to enter the room following behind Stella-san? Is this

While considering the possibilities, I opened the door.

I took a look inside the room from the entrance of the room, but there
was nobody around. While saying “excuse me”, I had closer look inside
and hesitantly entered.


It was too sudden.

At first, I had no idea what had occurred.

Taking a look at myself, I noticed that my brand-new apron had been

stained by muddy water. My hair had become drenched too.

The door behind me was slammed shut and it was likely Stella-san who
did that in order to shield herself from the murky water. I heard the
sounds of footsteps walking away from the door so I guess Stella-san
must have simply left me here.

In any case, I’ve grasped the situation and from the left of me, the
children were breaking out in laughter.

「Aahahahahaha. Did you see that! Cain-anisama! Her face!」

「Alan……! This is no good」


Facing the left, while squatting down unko style(Tooltip: this is the kind
of squatting position you do when you are pooping in a squat toilet), I
saw a black hair kid in an explosive laughter and as we looked one
another mutually, there was another reddish-brown hair boy that was in
a dither.

Maa, even without confirming beforehand, I knew the black hair kid was
the 5 years old Alan-bouchama, whereas the reddish-brown boy was

Alan had the same black hair and pea-green eyes as Claude-san. His hair
was a bob cut, and the evilness of his personality could be seen all over
his face – it was a totally sinister face.

On one side is Cain, who also had pea-green eyes, but even though the
brothers have similar features, the younger brother was distinct in that
he had round eyes that reflect the kindness in his heart.

「Oi! What are you doing! Stop scrutinising me!」 Alan started yelling

Umu, my squatting position changed to a yankii style. I suppose I’m

friends with all the bad boys, yeah.

「I shall make my introductions, I am called Ryou. From today onwards, I

am the maid for Cain-sama and Alan-sama. I am very pleased to meet

While I was dripping wet, I gave my greetings as if nothing had

happened earlier.


Chapter 15

「Stop pretending to be strong! With that foul appearance of yours, don’t

even think about entering this room! Where’s your common sense!」

These are the very words by the fella that caused me to be dripping wet.

And I was at my cleanest moment of my life just a few seconds ago too.

「Rest assured, bouchama. When I entered the room, I was clean so your
point on my lack of common sense do not apply」I said it in a clear-cut

「What’s with your choice of difficult language…… Don’t get too cocky
with your dumbass face! Because I am more superior! Because I’m a

Calling me a dumbass face…… this brat! My plain-looking face is

temporary since there is no doubt I would grow to become a fabulous
woman. Furthermore, whatever he said earlier doesn’t contribute to the
argument! This brat.

「I am very aware of that, bouchama. Speaking of which, isn’t the room

dirty now? Shall we have it cleaned? If that’s the case, would you kindly
step out of the room so that I can have whoever’s in charge of cleaning
to handle this? The weather is fine and it is a good day to be outside too」

「Shut up, dumbass! I don’t take instructions from you!」

Again, this brat called me a dumbass.

Are kids always so irritating…… Wait a second, aren’t I a kid too?


There is a saying that “Even a Buddha will get angry after you touch it
three times.” I shall magnanimously forgive this child’s words.

「Alan, why do you always snap at the new servants? In addition, I forbid
you to receive anyone’s help in cleaning up your mess.」

Earlier, Cain had been nervous but he seemed to have regained his
composure and admonished his brother.

Umu, this 8 years old is well brought-up. Praise-worthy.

「Cain-anisama! But it’s all because she is being audacious!」

「Listen, apologise now and clean the room!」

「…… got it, Cain-anisama」

Somehow it seems that this shitty brat Alan is not going to disobey his
brother even though he honestly cannot accept it.

Oh my, I’m going to be apologised to. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t be a

demon about it. I would willingly forgive you for calling be a dumbass.

「However, I ain’t gonna say sorry! I’ll just clean the room!」

His not apologising! Rip my expectations. Anyways, isn’t a room

completed soiled by muddy water too much to handle for a 5 years old

Nevertheless, my concerns were unnecessary.

As the shitty brat Alan placed his hands on the floor, and muttered an
incantation, the muddy water that spilled all over the floor vanished

Oh right, this shitty brat is a mage.

I’m guessing that the muddy water appeared in the first place because
of his magic.

This is too convenient. Even the vacuum cleaner wouldn’t be a match for
that kind of absorption magic. All households should have at least one



Still, the shitty brat Alan, are you aware that you’ve overlooked

「Alan-sama, I am currently soaking wet. Could I be cleaned as well?」I

tried my darndest in smiling. The biggest smile a 5 years old could give.

「Ha! Your current appearance is befitting for a dumbass face like you」


「W-what is this! That rebellious stare! You dare to go against me!」

Oops, that was too much bloodlust. I was nearly about to get all worked
up by this lil’ kiddy companion of mine. Be cool, be cool.

I was just about to stare this brat to death.

「Alan! That’s a pathetic appearance you’re putting on. Isn’t this girl
around the same age as you are?」

Oh dear, as expected of Cain-bouchama, impressive! Feminist! 8-year-

old ikemen!

「This…… There is no need to apologise to a dumbass servant sent over

by Otou-sama or Okaa-sama!」

Said Alan as he was on verge of tears. Hey, the one that should be
crying is me, I’m still drenched here ya know.


Cain-bouchama put his arm across Alan’s shoulders, while calling his
name in an effort to comfort him.

Is this suppose to be some drama? And I have been abandoned at the

sidelines even though I’m the victim here.

Someone, please notice me, if I’m left in this condition, I’ll catch a cold.

「This is a strong brotherly relationship」I said, trying to express my


impressions on the drama.

「STFU, fking servant! I’ll be sure to fire you! Get the hell out now!」

Oh man, his really pissed. Even though I have been trying to ignore
what this cocky brat is saying, damn, I’m really annoyed. Could this be
menopause? Even my puberty hasn’t even started.

「Maa, Alan-sama, that’s some preposterous thing you have just said.
The person to decide whether I get to stay is the Oku-sama. I don’t think
Alan-sama has that kind of authority.」

The super annoyed me, moved my hands over to my mouth, with my

little pinky sticking out, as I laughed, “Ohohoho”.

I could picture myself being the evil mother-in-law in those afternoon

soap dramas.

Eh, what, he was staring straight at me while his face turned red. Puppy
love? I’m such a sinner.

「You! Why are you being so cheeky! Let’s have a match! A duel! I’ll
make sure to beat you till you’re blue and black all over and willingly say
you give up! 」

Looks like I was mistaken, his face turned red because of anger. What a
short-tempered shitty brat.

「Alan! She’s a girl!」

Cain-bouchama frantically tried to stop Alan, but somehow it seems that

he wasn’t able to stop his younger brother that has lost control of

Cain-bouchama, who was lost for words, said something along the lines
of 「You are too conceited」 earlier but was swiftly dismissed. Cain-
bouchama gazed at me sympathetically.

I mean, him saying he wants a duel, even though his only 5 years old!

Perhaps he is referring to card games? Is it the kind where you’ll say


duel standby?

「As long your bum hits the ground, it would mean defeat. You
understand? If you lose to me, you will scram and quit being a maid! You
got it?」

「When you said duel, you mean a real all-out brawl?」

Would there not be any duel standby?

「Duh, a no rules battle. Of course, magic is permitted. That is if you can

use it」

The shitty brat broadened his grin and laughed.

I see, his so full of himself because he has confidence in his magic.

「Incidentally, if I won, what would I gain?」

「Hmph! There is no way you can win but, if that happens I would be your
fellow henchman or whatever」

I didn’t ask for a henchman with such a terrible character though.

「The field for our duel would be here, this very room, is that acceptable?」

「Sure. Going all the way out would be troublesome anyways」

「By the way, when you were casting your magic earlier, Alan-sama, you
had to say some language but if unable to say the incantation, I suppose
the magic would not activate?」

「You don’t say.」

The shitty brat Alan replied as though it was so obvious.

「Is that so? I was merely curious at how you were able to remember
such long lines at such a young age. Well then, I shall obey respectfully.
I accept the duel.」

「Good! Cain-anisama, please give the start signal」

Cain-bouchama said 「I know」 with a glum expression and became the


referee for our duel.

And as for me, am I really fine? That was the kind of gaze he directed at
me while he prayed that I do not get injured. He did say that If I gave up
in the midst of the fight, attacks would be stopped immediately and that
I can rest assured on that.

It must be tough on the elder brother with such a difficult kid brother.


The signal to start reverberated in the room.

At that very same moment, I dashed towards where the shitty brat was.

Although I said dash, for a 5-year-old kid’s leg strength, it was more like
tottering. At any rate, the distance between us was roughly 4m.

I closed the gap with the shitty brat that was muttering his incantations.
As I ran forth, I undid the knot on my soaked apron and aimed it at
Alan’s face.

The shitty brat that was in the middle of chanting, started to go out of
breath and made puffing noises like a how a youth that swimming would

The moist apron successfully clung onto his face, preventing him from

Using this opportunity, I got behind him and swept his foot while pushing
him on his shoulder, causing him to fall on his backside.

A disappointingly easy match.

To have had a duel in this enclosed area. Furthermore magic was

something he had to absolutely use. What a foolish 5 years old.

There’s bound to be weak points for things that are convenient and
awesome. You have to bear in mind your own weaknesses, Shounen.

The shitty brat Alan that had his head wrapped around by my wet apron,


looked up at towards me, dumbfounded.

「Well then, could this henchman Alan-sama, this being an immediate

order, clean up my clothes and hair?」

I took on an imposing stance while looking down on him, and dished out
a simple command.


Chapter 16

After the duel, Alan became incredibly meek. From his face, you could
see the reluctance and dissatisfaction, but as my henchman, he has to
obey the orders I gave him.

I had expected Alan to start his Wah~ Wah~ crying after the duel and
tattle on me to his mama that I had been bullying him because of the
following reasons: he is only 5-years-old, he is Alan, and that he is a
shitty brat. Surprisingly, that didn’t happen and instead, he kept his
promise and reluctantly accepted that he was my henchman.

For a 5-year-old kid, his a rather steadfast shitty brat.

Stella was both astonished and gratuitous at how I managed to safely

get the shitty brat and Cain-bouchama to recognise me as their maid.

It seems that among the servants, there has been tension and
discomfort on the question of who is the next personal servant to the

The other servants were all full of praises for me.

By no means had I gone around boasting on how I dueled the young

masters or how I made one of them my henchman too. Not one word.

That’s cause our relationship has to be kept a secret. It’s not like the
shitty brat would want to tell anybody that he lost to a girl.

Similarly, Airin-san and Claude-san weren’t told as well, or perhaps I

should say, they never did reappear after the very first day.


Claude-san claimed that he had a lot of work piled up that required his
attention so he secluded himself in his room and endeavoured to
complete his work. Airin-san being herself, was now, extremely busy due
to the lack of mages and was hardly back at home in the first place.

Even at dinnertime, all the members of the family did not turn up. The
only people at the large dining table were the shitty brat and Cain-
bouchama, where they ate in silence usually.

Being their maid, I did not join in to have dinner together with them, but
I still had to assist them in their meals.

The job mainly consist wiping the dirt off Cain-bouchama’s mouth,

bringing the cutlery from a distant place for him, refilling his drink. 「Oi!
Why are you helping Cain-anisama only!」 the shitty brat started whining
as he stamped his foot incessantly.

The food is extravagant. The food, which were most my first time seeing,
would make me drool. Still, from my experience with their dinners, it’s
always a miserable sight. Looking at them eat in silence makes my heart

In this residence, the people in charge of managing affairs in their

territory are the Danna-sama (Claude-san and Airin-san’s father), Airin-
san, her husband. However, the Danna-sama and Airin’s husband were
summoned to the capital and were made to handle some work. 2 years
have already passed since then. For your information (FYI), the wife of
the Danna-sama has already passed away.

Claude-san was initially hitting it out on his own, living in a separate

residence while making a name for himself in commerce but due to her
sister begging him in tears, he has now returned and is helping out with
some management issues too.

Moreover, the matter that Airin-san was responsible for, in short, was
the problem of the dwindling numbersRainforest Earl Family’s mages .
The current situation was that the mages were leaving in the droves.


For what kind of work the mages are leaving for, I have no idea. I wonder
if the reason is similar to why the 2 mages visited the Garigari village.
Could the other mages be patrolling around the places?

This was what I heard from the home tutor during the history lesson that
I had together with the bouchamas.

So basically, all this means that the Rainforest Family is the best;
Rainforest Family Banzai! Nono, it is my honour to have become the
home tutor for the Rainforest Family, bouchamas, let’s hope all goes
well gehehehe. This was the kind of bootlicking shabby teacher he was
and even as he might be bootlicking them now, at least he teaches
history in an easy to understand way. (TN: this paragraph was rather
confusing, I tried my best in interpreting it and this was the result)

At any rate, in these 2 years, their father and mother were hardly
around. Thus for both Cain-bouchama and the shitty brat Alan, from the
time they became aware of their surroundings, they’ve been living
without their parents.

It seems likely that their closeness stems from this kind of family

…… Honestly, this is so similar to my previous life.

I had persevered, tried to obtain first for everything, gained as many

hobbies as I could.In the case of the shitty brat Alan, I must have had
taken notice at how he behaved.

My first impression of him was that of annoyance but it maybe it is

because I saw my old self in him.

In the short period before the arithmetic tutor comes in, I consolidated
my thoughts and decided to give it my all in treating him as nicely as
possible, and shot a angel-like gaze that emitted gentleness and warmth
right at the shitty brat Alan.

Live strong, shounen.


「W-what are you looking at! Stop staring at me with eyes of a dead
frog! If you are going to ask me to buy some milk, it’s not possible since
there isn’t enough time!」

Oi, how dare you compare my angel-like gaze to a dead frog! Rude!

And what he said at the end, isn’t he suggesting that I’m constantly
making him do errands?

How is it possible for me, as their companion, to order him (furthermore

he is an aristocrat) to frequently go on errands! …… I made him run my
errands once or twice only!

Staring in his direction with my eyebrows furrowed, as though a snake is

stalking the frog, the shitty brat instinctively became afraid and averted
his eyes away from mine.

Whoopsie daisies, that’s not what I should be doing. I’m suppose to be

their companion, ohohoho.

Just at this moment, the arithmetic teacher came and we started to

focus on the lesson.

And I haven’t forgotten how he compared my angel gaze to a dead frog,

damn shitty brat. Not gonna give a damn about you now.


Chapter 17

「Hah—!」 shouted the shitty brat in his lively voice, which resounded
across the open field nearby.

Cain-bouchama and I were watching over the swordplay between Alan

and the knight teacher who was coaching him in swordsmanship.

For the Alan who had lost to me, he must be in agony I suppose. So he
had started to buck up and began swordsmanship training. Cain had
already learned swordsmanship so it had been decided that Alan would
be personally coached.

Given that I had practiced Kendo in my past life, from what I can see,
Alan has a considerable talent in swordsmanship. He hasn’t gotten used
to it and that he only has a body of a 5-year-old, yet he is able to
execute all these movements well. It is a level that is not expected of a
5-year-old. And he hasn’t mastered his basics too.

From the perspective of Cain-bouchama, who had undergone the same

sword practice, he seemed to be very satisfied with his performance as
he nodded in approval.

From how I see it, Cain-bouchama is the genius in swordsmanship. He

was able to match the knight teacher’s ability in no time.

「Alan is incredible. He is already able to wield magic; when his

swordsmanship improves, the curtain for my exit would surely
descend.」 Despite being all that satisfied earlier, he was now casting
his eyes down and muttering softly.


「Not at all. From how I see it, there is no mistake that Cain-sama is the
real genius in swordsmanship. You have good memory, a handsome-
looking face and a good personality to boot. In the future, women would
be queuing by the miles to court you.」

Yep, no mistake on that. However my attempt at encouraging him had

the opposite effect as he appeared to be even more dejected.

「Naw, since Alan is a mage, I’m sure he would be the one that would
have a bevy of beauties after him. Well, as for me, since I’m not a
mage…… In fact, finding a lady mage would be the more daunting task.
Considering that there hasn’t been any female mage around my age
under the jurisdiction of the Rainforest Family……」

Ah, is that so? Dang. In this world, it seems that the ability to use magic
holds the absolute authority.

Sorry for the irresponsible encouragement. Still, if I apologized, he

would feel even more hurt. I wanna know how to handle a delicate 8-

「……Still, I have been thinking that maybe a lifestyle like Oji-sama

would be good too」

「Claude-sama’s way of life? You mean you aspire to be a merchant?」

「Nope, I plan to be a knight. Only after distinguishing oneself can one be

a knight but I can receive the quasi-aristocrat title of Knight Earl easily
though. Well, it is actually just an honourary title. Having the title of
Knight Earl, I would be able to assist Alan. In addition, if I meet a nice
lady mage that I like, it wouldn’t be bad at all to marry her. Well, Claude-
ojisama hasn’t even found a suitable spouse though.」

Oh, I’m relieved, Before I said anything, this was what naturally popped
up in my mind. I threw out a stock response instead: indeed, a good Oni-

「Hmm, let me see. It is really wonderful I think. Even under your

circumstances, you would prioritise the shitty brat, oh pardon me, Alan-


sama above all.」

「Yep, his family after all.」

「Speaking of family, it would be wonderful if that shitty brat, oh pardon

me, is able to demonstrate love for someone.」

Cain-bouchama giggled at how I constantly let slip of the term shitty


「In addition, when I was born, everyone in my family were mostly

disappointed that I wasn’t a mage so I kinda felt guilty about it. After
that, Alan was born and everybody was relieved that he was a mage.」

Honestly, for this world, I cannot imagine the kind of emotional baggage
non-mage children of aristocrats would carry with them. It would
definitely be tough on them I think.

At the Garigari village, being told that I could be a mage, I had my hopes
up. When it was crushed later, it became painful as I was unable to
return the expectations placed on me. I felt ashamed and couldn’t do
anything about it.

Wasn’t my feelings the same as his back then?

Cain-bouchama, who has been continuously carrying such feelings since

he was born, had grown to be such a fantastic and kind ikemen, it’s
really incredible.

As for me, after being sold, my heart grew cold and apathetic. Even
though I have been calling that innocent 5-year-old a 「Shitty Brat」
instinctively, showing how stormy my heart is.

「As expected, I can’t hide conceal anything from Ryou. Just by looking at
my face, it feels as though you can see through everything.」 said Cain-
bouchama as he coyly scratched his head displaying his bashfulness
after I threw a respectful gaze over him.

It’s not like I happened to have a see-through cheat prepared, Cain-



「Actually, it’s not always purely liking him, it was a more of a dramatic
torment for me, and there was this once when I really hated my brother.
But Alan being Alan had to face lots of pressure and it seems rough on
him, furthermore, he is very clumsy in expressing his feelings, and Otou-
sama and Okaa-sama are always not around in this period…… so he has
to rely on me. I feel that I have to protect him. His my cute little brother
after all.」 said Cain-bouchama who was calmly smiling.

Seeing his smile, a fleeting memory of my brother’s smile appeared at

the back of my mind.

The image is rather hazy.

These brothers are doing fine.

I wonder if the villagers at Garigari village are properly tending to their


「Ryou? What’s up?」

「Ah, sorry, it’s nothing. That story of yours was too touching, ehh, I was
flooded with thoughts about it. Alan is really a lucky person to have
Cain-bouchama as his brother.」 Ufufu, I said and laughed to dodge the
question. Right about now, the shitty brat Alan’s coaching had ended.

Cain-sama nimbly went over to Alan’s place, and praised him for doing
so well. Saying something like he is still no match for Cain-bouchama,
the shitty brat smiled while not appearing to be all that annoyed.

「By the way, Onii-sama seemed like he was in a conversation with Ryou
earlier, what was it about?」

Alan probed with an innocent smile befitting of a 5-year-old kid.

Hey, don’t throw that troublesome smile at me (TN: Cain to Ryou), that
is a face that says what shall I do. Well, since I heard a good story from
you, in return, I shall help you this time.

「It was an adult conversation that is too early for someone as young as
you to listen to. More importantly, today I want to visit the town so,


could you help me get the preparations ready?」

「W-what! An adult conversation! Aren’t you and I the same age! And to
directly give me an order too!」

「Alan-sama, the boss has to obviously give his henchman orders. And it
is of course part of the natural hierarchy for the henchman to listen to
the boss.」

I knew that the knight teacher had already left, and after confirming that
there weren’t any adults in the vicinity, I took the opportunity to teach
him about hierarchy.

「Grr! One day I would be able to argue you into silence, Ryou!」

With his parting remark, Alan went back into the residence to look for
the other servants. To leave the place, he would need to prepare

Umu, please work hard to accomplish the task I present to you,



Chapter 18

Translated by: yAmi

It was decided that the shitty brat Alan, Cain-bouchama and I would visit
the town.

It’s a journey on the coach. It wasn’t a wagon-like carriage like the one I
was on with Claude-san; this one had proper seats for humans. 2 people
who had the appearance of knights accompanied us as bodyguards.

I peeped outside the coach to have a look at the scenery, and amidst the
tranquil rural landscape, I caught sight of a bunch of people lazing near
the bushes. I had asked the knight that was sitting next to me what was
it about and he told me that those people were farmers. The thousand-
teeth thresher had been popularised in this area and the threshing
process has been made remarkably easier so more peasants have
nothing on their hands to do.

They had finished their field work, and their next step would be to wait
for the mages to force the crops to grow. However, due to the shortage
of mages, the problem of waiting time was created.

Staring at their blank unthinking faces, somehow, I remembered that

they can raise livestock in their farms too.

「Speaking of which, all the crops in the farmland here, requires mages
to grow them?」


「Yes it appears. Because this village is under the jurisdiction of the


This is a village controlled by the aristocrats! Oh, what a culture shock!

Which reminds me, if I had been a mage, the Garigari village would
become under direct control over the aristocrat. So this is why the
villagers at Garigari were so excited. I see, so this is it.

If the mages help grow the crops all the time, the villagers wouldn’t
have to fret about crop failures and don’t have to care about the
weather too.

Won’t it make their jobs too simple? For the people of the village, it
would surely be an utopia.

「Oh yeah, Ryou-dono originated from one of the new rural settlements.」

「Rural settlements? Is that for real, Ryou. You came from such a
primitive place?」

On hearing our conversation, Alan triumphantly joined in the discussion.

It is likely he noticed that it was a perfect topic for dissing me and thus,
attempted to join in the discussion. This repulsive little brat!

「When I had first seen magic accelerating the growth of crops, it came
as a shocker to me. I’m so envious that it’s so common in this village

I had ignored Alan and continued my conversation with the escort


This infuriated Alan and he stood up from his seat to confront me but
was sharply told off by Cain-bouchama.

「Decades ago, these rural settlements didn’t exist though. The problem
of lack of mages became more acute and it became increasingly difficult
to appoint mages to all the rural lands, resulting in an extreme dip in
crop production rates. Thus, we had to explore new options that could
be sustained without mages; this is where the new rural settlements


came in useful.」

So… all this boils down to the lack of agricultural development. When I
had saw the prowess of magic, I had already considered this was why
agricultural was so laid-back here.

After giving a cold glance to the Alan that was flaring up, I took another
look outside and noticed the town. Earlier, all I saw was the quiet rural
landscape but as we approach the town, I could now hear the bustling
noises of the town. Looks like a lively town.

「Where did you want to go, Ryou?」

「I wanted to see the market.」

As I came down from the coach, Cain-bouchama received my hand to

escort me down. No way, such a kind ikemen. A pity he’s only a child. If
he was any bigger, I might have fallen head over heels for him.

Nevertheless, no matter how much of an ikemen he is, there is no way

that I, with the memories of my past life preserved, would find him my
cup of tea.

「Is there anything you need from the market?」

「For now, I don’t really need anything specific…… all I want is to check
out what is sold in the market.」

I see if it’s the market we will be there soon, replied Cain-bouchama as

he pointed in direction we should be going to the escort knight.

It really didn’t take long before we reached the entrance for the market.
The place was cramped with stalls, and they sold things like vegetables,
meat, accessories and many others that caught my eye. It was as
boisterous as a Matsuri.

Basically, it gave off the feel of a regular market from my previous life.

Everything ranging from fruits and vegetables to meat and fish was sold
here. One difference though, typical of a fantasy world, armour and
sword combat equipments were sold as well.


Particularly startling was that there were many pharmacies here too.
Medicine like dried medical herbs and cream-like medical cream were
sold in the pharmacies. I hardly had any image of medicine being sold
in this market. Furthermore, there was an abundance of the variety of
medicine types too. Rummaging through the assortment, I came across
dried Yomogi.

No way, how nostalgic! I had frequently used it back at Garigari village!

Yomogi smells good and has the smell of Japan. I want to make some
herb mochi. As I was thinking about that, Cain-bouchama went on ahead
to buy me a bag of it.

This is a secret, he said, as he made brought his index finger to his

mouth. (TN: shhh!!) This 8-year-old ikemen is truly amazing. And his
perfectness is likely to get worse from now on too.

Just so you know, I’m a servant. If you actually treated other servants
like that, they wouldn’t have the heart of a servant. In a way, the future
batches of servants would have a harder time with his ikemen style
compared to Alan’s shitty brat style, Mm. Everybody would be
despairing that they cannot be of any use to him.

I continued window shopping until it became somewhat dark and we

decided to go back.

Together with the darkening skies, the people in the market began
carrying lanterns to illuminate their surroundings. *Klick Klick* I heard
the sounds of striking flint so that’s probably how they start the fires in
their lanterns.

The vanguard escort knights similarly illuminated our paths we walked


The soft flickering glow of orange created a dream-like atmosphere in

the market.

Shortly after, we reached the entrance of the town, yet the coach that
we rode on was nowhere to be seen. One of the escort knight said he


would bring along the coach and left in an composed manner, so the
coach was probably parked somewhere else.

We obediently waited. We walked quite a fair bit so my legs started to

hurt. I’m exhausted.

However, a child near where we were, was pacing himself back and forth
before a huge tree. Picking up ears to listen, I heard something about a
copper coin, medicine, and about snakes mixed with his weeping cries.

This smells of nuisance. Honestly, I’m quite tired but if I were to leave
while ignoring this child, I would be bothered by it later. Just when I
decided to approach the kid, Alan called out to him.

「Hey you, whatcha’ doin?」

The self-important Alan makes his grand entrance. Even though we

might be calling the kid a kid, he looks older than Alan; despite so, from
the atmosphere, it didn’t feel that way. That is the shitty brat Alan for

「I came to buy Okaa-san’s medicine and my copper coin has fallen

inside the cavity near the tree……」

「Can’t you just put your hand in and search for the coin?」

「But, there seem to be snakes inhabiting this hole judging from the
hissing sound, and I’m afraid…… I tried poking inside with twigs,
however, the inside of the hole is surprisingly complex and I couldn’t dig
out the coin nor could I chase the snakes away. At this rate, I won’t be
able to buy Okaa-san’s medicine.」

Alan was conversing with the kid so we stood behind behind him.
Abruptly, the escort knight that was behind me started wailing in a

「Sn-nakee! Where! Where is the snake! Alan-sama, Cain-sama, get

back! Snake! Snake! It’s here!」

Next, the hysterical knight grabbed them (who were complaining and


lamenting) forcefully to a nearby, or more like, as far away as possible

from the tree.

「O-oi! What is it, ouch! ……you hate snakes?」

The knight made no response to Alan’s question but you could see the
fear in his eyes, eyes that clearly showed that he was scared of the
snake-infested hole. Thus, there was no doubt he hated snakes.

I borrowed the lantern from the chicken knight, and twigs from the child
and then tried poking the hole with the twigs. Exactly as the child had
mentioned, the hole was a complicated one. Using an upright stick, I still
couldn’t reach the end of the hole nor could I turn over the copper coin
and bring it out.

Placing the lantern near the hole, I took a peep inside the hole while
moving the twig about the hole. Upon doing so, sounds of hissing can be
heard and next, I could see something glaring at me.

Make no mistake, there are snakes inside.


Chapter 19

Translated by: yAmi

「It’s here, the snake.」

Kyaa!! A hoarse shriek could be heard. I can’t be sure if what he did was
for the sake of Alan and Cain-bouchama or to protect himself when the
frightened knight dash off carrying both of them. Only after a distance
did he stop running while hugging them with his burly arms.

This knight shows no sign of being useful at all.

Using the Yomogi that I had bought earlier, I squished and lumped them
together in a ball so that holding it becomes easier. After collecting 2
long twigs, I used the twigs to pierce into the lump of Yomogis, and set
them alight with the flame from the lantern.

Ascertaining that the lumps have caught fire, I pulled them out of the
flame and lightly swung the twigs, thus extinguishing the fire on them,
making it such that it gave off smoke only. Next I inserted the smoking
lumps inside the hole.

This was a tactic to smoke the snakes out. Besides, Yomogi could be
used like this since the smoke from it repels the snakes.

Large amount of smoke billowed out and immediately, the effects could
be seen. 2 snakes slithered out from their holes. I had assumed that
there was only one snake but look like there was actually two. A married


couple perhaps?

Soon after, another manly shriek could be heard from the escort knight,
but hey, the snakes wasn’t even heading in his direction. The snakes
slithered towards the bushes behind a big tree.

Temporarily pulling the Yomogi out, I once again thrust the twig in to
make sure there wasn’t any more snakes inside and from what I could
see, it should be alright now. However, I can’t be 100% sure.

「Are the snakes totally driven out?」 (TN: said Cain-bouchama, I think)

The chicken knight made his way back discreetly and so, Alan and Cain-
bouchama finally came along.

「I am not certain but it is very likely that the snakes have left their hole.
I had expected only one snake but two appeared and it shocked me for a
moment…… still I doubt there would be another one. I suppose.」

Saying that, I resolved myself to put my hand inside the snake’s hole
and found an object that feels like a copper coin. I’m so glad that the
coin was at a place where my hands could reach. Also, there weren’t
anymore snakes in the hole.

「Here you go. Hold on tight to it kay?」

I passed over the copper coin to the kid that had dropped it. The kid
repeatedly expressed his gratitude to me, and in order to stop him, I told
him that I had to make my way to the pharmacy before it closes. He
panicked and gave his final thanks before running off towards the

He was so desperate for the sake of his mom, and almost cried too.

「Oi! Ryou! What are you doing!」

Alan grabbed my shoulders and yelled menacingly at me without


「Huh, all I did was return the kid’s copper coin?」


「I already saw that! That’s not what I was referring to!」

Alan started raging all of a sudden. Frankly, I don’t understand why. My

usual guess is that he has a short temper and his fuse got triggered.
This time, however, I have no clue.

It was as though a question mark popped above my head. With good

timing, the coach arrived and one of the bodyguard knight returned.

「Anything happened?」

He alternated his eyes between his cowering co-worker and the Alan
that was angrily staring at me. Cain-bouchama broke the silence.

「Uh huh, some stuff happened but, it’s okay now. Let’s go back.」

Cain-bouchama walked back to the coach and seeing as he did so, Alan
clicked his tongue and followed behind.

Tilting my head in confusion, I followed them back to the coach.

The atmosphere in the coach was utterly cold. Dreadfully gloomy. Apart
from the pale-faced knight who had earlier exposed his pathetic self,
even Cain-bouchama seemed to be angry at me too.

I scanned through my memories of the snake incident to see what might

have enraged both of them but still didn’t manage to understand

「Ryou, you have no idea why Alan and I are mad at you?」 Cain-
bouchama muttered faintly.

Alan rages at me as regularly as the number of meals I have but this

time, Cain-bouchama was mad at me too. This is a first I believe.

「I’m sorry for angering you. I have absolutely no clue how I made you
guys livid at me. Cain-bouchama is actually angry too right?」

「Of course. …… Ryou has to really take care of herself more carefully.」


Of myself? Did I hear that right?

「Ryou said it herself right? Specifically that you were 『not certain』. So
this means that there was a possibility that there might still be snakes in
there, am I not wrong? Despite that, you examined the hole personally
with your hands without any hint of hesitation. Alan and I were shocked.」

Summing it up, what do you actually mean? Considering what happened

in the end, there weren’t any snakes in there, and I managed to pick up
the copper coin, so there shouldn’t be any problems. Why would you all
be crossed at me?

「Your face says that you still don’t get it huh」 Cain-bouchama laughed

To think that Cain-bouchama would laugh at me like that. The attack

power of Cain-bouchama sneering at me was too high.

「Basically, Alan, and of course, including myself had been worried for
you. We were upset that you acted without any regards to your safety. If
there had been a snake, what would happen? The snakes could be
poisonous and in the worst case scenario, you might get bitten and
would die.」

Worried? I made them worried and angered them because of that?

Sitting next to Cain-bouchama was Alan who was gazing outside

awkwardly while in a bad mood.

「In fact, Ryou hasn’t been prioritising your own health on many other
occasions. It was so when you accepted Alan’s duel…… I shall repeat
myself, I want you to cherish yourself more.」

I could only say sorry, reply that I understood and that I’ll pay more
attention in the future. From then on, I was lost for words throughout the
journey on the coach.

I had been chided by a 8-year-old boy. Still, this feeling doesn’t feel bad
at all.


I tried to reel in on my memories to see if there had been anyone that

got mad at me because he or she was worried for me but no one came
to mind. I don’t usually involve myself in exceedingly dangerous
incidents in the past though. Anyways, it seems that recently, I feel like I
have gotten reckless. Nevertheless, I actually made these little kids
concerned for me.

Recalling the angry faces of Alan and Cain, I can’t help but feel a sense
of warmth, a warmth that cannot be swallowed no matter how hard I try
to force it down my throat. It remained trapped in my chest. I can’t
really find the words to describe this accurately though.

I never expected that I, as a maid, would vow in my heart to take care of

them bravely. However, even more strangely, for their sake and not only
because I’m their maid, I would push to my very limits for them.


Chapter 20

Translated by yAmi at https://yamitranslations.com/

I who had secretly made my determination to give my all for the

brothers of the Rainforest family, am now wrestling with the problem
that I had feared up till now.

It was a battle to increase family time.

I hypothesise that Alan’s bad temper is completely the fault of his mom
for not doing her role as a mom sufficiently. Furthermore, Airin-san has
always been so busy that she cannot afford to spend time eating meals
together with her children; what is going on!

Something in her schedule has got to be redundant, something out

there. Is it really compulsory?! Something should fit this description.

In alignment with my bookkeeping job, I wanted to know Airin-san’s

schedule, finding out what her one day worth of work is like. Hence, I
went to look for Stella-san, who was her personal attendant. Work hasn’t
started for the day, so she should be at the servant’s waiting room


It seems that I had arrived before dawn, and nobody had arrived at the
waiting room as of yet. Too early I suppose. Still, Stella-san is always
early and it’s high time that she appears now. While I was holding this
thought, the door opened violently and there, Stella-san, stood with an
intense expression on her face.

I can detect killing intent from her. What had happened? Stella-san
looked at me and, 「Oh it’s Ryou. Are you the only one that got out of
bed? This can’t be helped. Since we don’t have much time left, I shall
have to bring you along.」 She said as she grabbed my arm, dragging me
along despite my lack of consent.

「W-what has occurred?」

「One of Oku-sama’s maid has fainted. I am bringing you to her as a

replacement. You might be young, but there has been talk about you
being able to perform well. So I am expecting good results from you.」

*ta ta ta* We walked at a beastly pace. Could Stella-san be a

racewalking athlete? Trying my best not to fall over, I had to switch to a
jog to keep up.

「In other words, I have to be Oku-sama’s maid today?」


What luck. I didn’t even have to ask Stella-san and I would get to


directly observe Airin-san’s work-life. I made a “guts pose” in my mind.

After tossing several objects out to make space for me in the coach, I
took a seat together with Stella-san. At the front seat was Airin-san, who
was drooling in her slumber.

「Be quiet, Ryou. Else we would awaken Oku-sama. Oku-sama can only
sleep during the travelling time you see.」

The Airin-san I am seeing now was somehow, much more worn out than
when I last saw her and that she even had dark circles under her eyes.

Sleeping in between travelling time? Sounds like the average salaryman

on the crowded train. Is this what it is like for most aristocrats? My
image of their elegance crumbled.

Anyways, as I was saying, I am going to thoroughly research on the

work-life of Airin, from the famous Rainforest Earl Family!

The morning for a mage aristocrat is early. Even before daybreak, the
coach is already swaying, proceeding towards the slightly far-off

Next, using magic, she started to amass water in the wells that existed
spottily across this area.

She added water to wells that surrounded the coach within a wide
radius. Of course, during her time in the coach, it was her all-important
sleep time. Not a single second was wasted.


The next job was regarding the construction and maintenance of

buildings. Holding the stones that were prepared beforehand, she
started to chant magic. In the twinkle of an eye, the rock fused, broke
apart, underwent a change in shape and became the building blocks in
the construction of a new building.

Too awesome. When she was using magic, she opened up her glittering
eyes that were closed earlier. Her bloodshot eyes were frightening.

Next was to harvest and transport raw cotton to the storehouse.

Madam held on to a clump of cotton and began her chants. As soon as

she did so, the cotton spun itself into threads.

Stella-san and I held on to the spool of thread and using it as the core,
we wound up the cotton thread that was made by magic. Seems likely
that I was called over to help out in this. This is a boring and tedious
work. And it took quite some time to finish. Despite our efforts though,
the storehouse contained barely any cotton wool and we already had to
make our way to the next workplace.

Maintenance of buildings.

Production of swords, armours and other equipment.

Production of glass products.

Etcetera, etcetera.

What a secondary industry. From this we can see that mages are a
complex version of a factory.

Next, Airin-san returned to the residence late at night. “Mage” is simply

a term for an employee working in a black business.

In order to have a late night meal, Airin-san went to the dining room.
The job of cooking the meal was delegated over to the servant that was
on duty, while Stella-san and I made preparations for her bath.

「Stella-sama, I am amazed. That Airin-sama had to do all that.」


I never once thought that the aristocratic mages would be treated as a

factory. From my innermost depths, I was surprised for I had willfully
imagined that aristocrats would be visiting salons, and if they were
mages, they would be in charge of eradicating magic beasts.

「Yes, originally the role of assisting the villagers was divided between
the mages of the Rainforest Family but ever since a number of people
followed Danna-sama to the capital, there was a shortage of mages on
our domain. Still, Oku-sama has ironed her resolve to work hard in these
two years, since these jobs all require the indispensable help of mages.」
Stella-san said as she wept *Uuoo*.

Even the expressionless beauty is shedding tears.

However, Stella-san, hold it right there. I don’t think that there are any
jobs that only mages can do. Couldn’t these jobs be done given some
time and effort?

As I was scrubbing the stone bathtub, I had a thought spontaneously.

「By the way, Stella-sama. Right now, the bathtub is empty, so how are
going to go about preparing the bath?」

Stella-san turned towards the medicinal herbs specially used for baths
and replied while giving a “isn’t this obvious?” face.

「Of course, the Oku-sama always adds them to her baths.」

I instinctively looked up at the sky.

Translated by yAmi at https://yamitranslations.com/


Chapter 21


Translated by yAmi

「Maa, Ryou, is this a technique which farmers employ to combat

fatigue? This feels awfully good.」
Currently, I am using an effective method to remove tiredness and I am
now giving Airin-san (who is submerged in the bathtub) an eye massage.

「This is called a massage. Using the hands to massage, blood circulation

can be improved and stiff muscles can be loosened up with this skill.
When Oku-sama was using magic, your eyes were scar-, *cough cough*,
excuse me, I mean your eyes were overused so, I thought that your eyes
might be tired and with all due respect, I have been impolite in my
actions. Are you experiencing any discomfort?」

「No, it is very good. Please continue on like this.」

Being given Airin-san’s approval, I continued up to the head massage


before today’s bath ended.

Together with Stella-san, we wiped Airin-san’s body with cloth. I’m still a
midget, thus, I was responsible for her lower half body. Anyways, it was
unbelievable that her body was one which had already conceived two

In addition, despite being naked and being wiped by cloth, Airin-san was
unperturbed. As expected of her. I had thought of her as a complex
version of a factory but, Airin-san had behaved as though it was natural
for her to be waited upon. She is a proper aristocrat-sama huh.

Lastly, while we put on her neglected clothes for her, the Airin-san that
had kept up her silence till now said, 「Make Ryou my assistant for
tomorrow」, and went back to her restroom in a spirited mood.
Without my response, Stella-san replied with understood and followed

I hurriedly followed behind but Stella-san told me to rest up as tomorrow

would be an early day so, I bowed and saw them off.

And then, for the next few days, I helped out the Madam and could
oversee her schedule but nothing much had changed in her daily
routine. Still, there were some minor changes in what was being
produced. Every single day, as a factory, she produced all sorts of
objects splendidly.

The most time consuming and difficult task for them all was the cotton
yarn winding. No matter how we hurry, we could only come up with a
small amount of yarn and, it wasn’t as exciting as constructing a

On the third day of attending Airin-san, we encountered another mage

for the first time. It was a middle-aged man with an unshaven face and


he showed signs of exhaustion. His haggardness could be seen from his

dark eyebags, rough skin and the paleness of his face. He was in an
extremely bad condition.

He appears to be a mage that primarily handles the growth of crops. I

heard from Stella-san that spirit users are good at growing crops, so
they specialise in doing so.

It seems that Madam can be considered a magician.

Speaking of which, back in the past at Garigari village, the 2 mages that
came also called themselves either a spirit user or magician. I wonder if
this means they have different spheres of expertise.

According to the fatigued man, thanks to the thousand teeth thresher,

the villagers speed of cultivating their lands had become faster and that
the work in the rural areas had become busier. In addition, he discussed
with Madam about the diminishing amount of spirits living in soil causing
crops to not grow as he wished.

Listening closely to his words, Madam said that it had to be done and
that it wasn’t a question of whether to do it or not. This was the kind of
guiding principle that black businesses uphold themselves to and with it,
all complaints are rejected.

The worn out spirit user had a deeper look of death carved into his face
after hearing that.
Roughly one week has passed since I became Airin-san’s maid and as
usual, she always said 「Ryou will help me tomorrow again」 after I gave
her a massage while she was in her bath.

And as always, I thought Stella-san would reply that she understood, but
this time, she hesitated for a moment.


「Allow me to humbly say, Oku-sama. Actually, ever since Ryou became

Oku-sama’s assistant, Alan-sama has been in a stormy mood. The other
servants have been troubled by this too……

Cain-sama said that if Ryou was around, he would be able to behave

better though…… what should I do?」

Oh Alan, stop letting your hair down all the time because your boss isn’t
around. Your boss is ashamed of you. Later I have to re-educate you.

「Oh, about Alan. ……I see. Return to being my sons’ maid as per norm
tomorrow. But you have to give me the massage at night. I cannot back
off on that.」

「I shall obey.」 Stella-san and I said so in unison and bowed.

My duty as Madam’s personal attendant has been concluded as of today.

It was tough.
I heard that the previous maid that served Madam had collapsed, but it
seems that she is now recovering. Seems like overwork…… This black
corporation is terrifying.

I am still a child and for tasks that are physically demanding, I would
receive help from Stella-san. Even so, I am exhausted. Stella-san is quite
the superwoman. Impressive.

Even though Stella-san has assisted me, I am still tired from all that and
there are still things that I want to do, so Alan’s behaviour might have
saved me there. Being Madam’s attendant means that I had to
accompany the busy Madam everywhere, hence, there wasn’t any time
to do things that I want.

Furthermore, because I hadn’t been around, the proud Alan had

behaved unacceptably. As the big boss, I have got to instill some


discipline. Umu, tomorrow I have to properly work him hard. Let’s do



Chapter 22

Translated by yAmi

Early in the morning, I went out from the backdoor of the residence's
bathroom (that could only be used by the masters) and saw, not far
away, another female servant. She had a pail filled with water and was
washing clothes, making the *Basha Basha* sound while doing so.

A kind looking auntie with a good physique. She must be Mary.

「Mary-sama, are you doing the laundry here? Early isn't it.」

「Ahh, Ryou? Morning. By the way, you can drop the ‘-sama’ with me.
Aren't you early yourself?」
「Yes, I am going to do make some preparations.」

And next, I went on with surveying the ground. There was gravel all
around here. The size of the gravels were generally large, being roughly
5cm in diameter. Just what I needed.

After being satisfied with my surveying, I turned back face Mary and
asked, 「Is Mary going to continue washing the laundry here? Why not do
it at the washing area?」

If it was as per normal, most people would have done it at the place
assigned for doing laundry. I usually go there to wash Cain-bouchama
and incidentally, Alan’s clothes there.


「The washing area is meant for washing the masters’ clothes, you see.
The clothes washed here are the servants’ attires. We use the bathwater
that's left after Oku-sama is done with her bath. It contains soapnuts so
using it makes it easier to wash off dirt.」

Ah, so that's soapnuts! It's the herb that Stella-san always carries
around her.

I have always noticed that the Madam’s bathtub is empty the day after
she used it – so this was what happened. It was fully utilised by the
servants to wash their clothes. Great for ecology.
「Mary-san, thank you for your constant guidance.」

「It’s alright, you don’t have to thank me for everything. Considering that
ever since you came, the number of dirty clothes Alan-bouchama usually
racks up has decreased, making my work easier…… Though it has
increased again as of late.」

Damn shitty brat.

「Sorry. From today, I will return to being the bouchama’s maid and I
would make sure to instruct him carefully to prevent it.」

「Ahaha, are you seriously saying that, you don’t seem like a child at all.
Young yet dependable.」
Well, my mental age is indeed around your level.

If I continued to stay and chat with Mary-san, I would likely be a

hindrance to her work so I decided to cut off the conversation at an
appropriate timing and hastily went on with my preparations.
I made sure to inform Mary-san that I would be doing some work here,
and of course I gained Stella-san’s approval beforehand so please do not
be bothered by my presence.


First and foremost, I pushed the gravel with my feet around to form a
circle with 1m in diameter. After which, I piled some big rocks and
firewood in the circle.

This sounds quite simple but it took a significant amount of time.

Compounded by the fact that I only have a physical body of a 5-year-old,
doing anything at all would easily make me tired, and my movement is
sluggish too. Moving these heavy objects was tough.

I took a short break and realised that the young masters should be
waking up anytime soon. I quickly dusted my attire and went to their

–Knock, knock

「Good morning, Cain-sama. May I enter?」

No replies came from inside the room. They were probably still asleep. I
was taken aback as I didn’t expect Cain-bouchama to be the type to

Saying excuse me, I entered the room.

There were bulges on the canopy bed. As I thought so, they were still in
la-la land.

The curtains shielded the room from the morning sun, cladding the room
in darkness. For starters, let’s flood the room with sunlight. I drew open
the curtains. The room was bathed in sunlight in one go.

Even though the radiance struck above their eyelids, all that could be
heard from the bed was their monotone “uuuun” cries.

I stood by the side of the bed and greeted “Morning”, and Cain-


bouchama and …… Alan replied “U~n” again while snuck underneath

their covers.

Yet again, Alan had crawled into Cain-bouchama’s bed. This happens
regularly. Perhaps he feels lonely. Well, he is a 5-year-old.

I was sincerely sorry to interrupt their good night sleep but, I hardened
my heart and flipped their covers over.

The bouchamas were wearing their bathrobe-like pyjamas, which was

creased and wrinkled (after sleeping on their bed). For now, since they
are children it is acceptable but…… to continue sleeping on the same
bed after they grow older, people might get the wrong idea.

「It is morning already. Breakfast has been prepared. Please wake up.」I
pressed on.

The first reaction came from Alan.

Un? He laid down on the bed before lifting his face and as he met my
eyes, something twinkled in his eyes. He started shouting, 「It’s
Ryou!」and jumped to his feet.

Unexpectedly, he was extremely excited and I too, was startled at his


I had imagined him to shout that “my pain in the butt, boss, is finally
came back!” and make a disgusted face.


Cain-bouchama had been awoken by Alan’s shouting and while rubbing

his drowsy face, he slowly rose. Cain-bouchama probably has low blood
pressure. Morning was when he looked sheepish.


「It’s really Ryou. Morning.」said Cain-bouchama as he sweetly smiled.

An amazing angelic smile. His sheepish half-asleep look was good. I

archived his smiling face into my mind’s folder.

「What, Ryou! I was told that Okaa-sama found you useless ultimately,
and so you came back huh?!」
Alan was extremely delighted. I see, I see.

Damn Alan. He had wanted to spout his nonsense to me all this! What a
reliable brat. Initially, I had thought that he was such a cute henchman,
but now I have to return the borrowed sense of warmth.

「So I heard a rumour about some henchman that had been behaving
riotously while his boss wasn’t around. Since there was no way to
resolve this problem, I have returned.」

「Eh! Someone is behaving riotously…… You, do you have any other

henchman other than me!?」
Alan’s face looked as if he was greatly shocked.

I’m talking about you! Mr Alan! Please realise! Your boss is being
sarcastic here!
「I don’t have any other henchman.」

「This means…… some other henchman out there, is he from another

faction!? Could it be the brat from the adjacent town at fatty arms
Coffin’s place!? No worries, Ryou. That dude definitely has plump arms,
a bulging belly and fat legs. There is no way he can oppose me!
」declared Alan braggingly. He puffed up his chest in pride and looked at
me with his twinkling eyes.

“As expected of my henchman, reliable!” was what I wanted to say, but I

won’t say it anyways!


What is this fatty arms Coffin? Who is it? There are other factions? This
was my first time hearing about it. Don’t count on me to join in the

I sighed, and decided not to continue this topic.

Beside Alan was Cain-bouchama cowering and shivering as he tried to

restrain his laughter. Isn’t it the job of the elder brother to prevent his
little brother from going berserk? Cain-bouchama.

「Alan-sama, I have yet to hear anything about this fatty Coffin-san.

More importantly, breakfast has been prepared. Please allow me to
assist in changing your clothes. Today you have sword practice, hence,
let’s make do with a set that is easy to move in.」

Speedily, I selected the clothes from their closets and assisted in their
change of clothes.

We are all children, so for now, helping them change is okay but in the
future, I feel it’s best to search for a male servant to deal with this. It
appears that Alan and Cain-bouchama felt somewhat awkward about it.

I combed their hair and gave them a seal of approval on their heads that
guaranteed that “It is decided that today would be a perfect day” before
sending them off to the dining room.

I retrieved their pyjamas and informed the other servant-oneesan, who

was in charge of the room’s management and tidiness, that the
bouchamas have woken up and they would proceed to have their
breakfast. I then rushed off to the dining room myself. I have to help
them in their meals or else.

…… Somehow, rather than being the ‘boss’ (oyabun), I am more like the
‘parent’(oya). Well, I am their maid, so that’s fine.



Chapter 23

While observing Irene-san’s job scope, two thoughts came to mind. First
was to build wells and the other was to make a spinning wheel.

With wells, there will no longer be a need for mages to specially make a
trip tp replenish water supplies and with a spinning wheel, it would be
possible for anybody to spin thread by themselves.

It’s just that, for a water well, even building a prototype would be
beyond my means and thus, I am going to prioritise first on the spinning

However, the construction would have to wait after studying. I have

lesson time with the home tutor now.

Today’s lesson is history. This time, the lesson is on a rather old legend,
during the period known as the Age of Mythology. Even though it is
a legend, it seems that this country doesn’t have a religion that seems
like a religion. The story gave vibes similar to that of the Nihon Shoki or
the myths about the Greek gods. It feels right. However, I can’t shake off
the feeling that the predicament this country is in stems from their
ideology, their raison d'etre for establishing this new nation and their
ambitions for it. These were mentioned at the last part of the legend of
the founding of the Castel nation.

According to the narrative, the Castel nation where we all reside in

presently was a country built by the gods.


During the Age of Mythology, magic could be casted without saying their
incantations. As of such, mages were omnipotent and they got so carried
away that they called themselves Gods. The arrogant mages clustered
together and lived together in their kingdom of Gods, the Great Magic
Empire Pandora. In this era, their Empire was the only absolute leader of
the continent.

The mages of that time were full of themselves. They were brutal and
cold-hearted, turning the whole of the non-mage human population into
slaves and toying around with them as though they were lesser beings
even when compared to beasts.

Nevertheless, the non-mage humans soon discovered how to make iron,

and could forge resilient swords, shields, armour, helmets and other
equipment. The humans that were slaves, stealthily sharpened their
fangs, and finally rose their flag of rebellion towards the mages.

No matter how the prideful mages held the belief that the powerless
humans shouldn’t be able to achieve anything with their strength, their
numbers were simply too great. Furthermore, their iron armour could
some way or another withstand the magical attacks from the mages and
that their swords, when skilfully swung on the mages, could also slice
them into pieces.

The war between the mages and the humans grew protracted.

Not long later, a group of mages brokering for peace for both sides
appeared. This third faction would later become the Gods that founded
the Castel nation.

However, at that time, the super-conceited King of Magic of Pandora,

kicked their pleas for peace to one side, claiming that “those who
possess such feeble mind-sets have no rights to be mages!” and ended
up with attacking this third faction of mages.


Having said that, the humans too, couldn’t accept the ideals of the third
faction as they couldn’t trust mages at all.

It was around this period of time when the King of Magic died all of a
sudden and a new ruler was crowned. This ruler was later given insulting
nicknames such as Queen of Darkness, Queen of the Undead and the
Ruler of the rotting and decaying, and was considered the evilest Queen
of Magic.

This Queen of Magic didn’t give a damn to the appeals from the third
faction and of course, ordered the advance of her troops to eliminate the
humans. It was truly an intense battle. Among the mages under the
Queen of Magic were her necromancers. They were rare mages who
knew how to control the dead.

Because the dead could re-join her army, mages that were killed by the
humans could be revived and on the other hand, humans that were
slaughtered were revived as part of her army. Yet, this zombie army
would mistakenly kill mages who are supposed to be their allies, thus,
creating a bloodbath for both the humans and the mages. Most could
only think about escaping from it.

Unfazed by the deaths of her own allies, the Queen of Magic continued
to steadily expand her domain.

“We can no longer stand this!” was what the mages in the third force
thought and cooperated. Eventually they managed to corner the Queen
of Magic, bringing a stop to her zombie army.

And next, they vowed never to repeat history again and started their
own country. Thus, the country known as Castel was born.

The mages, in a bid for unity between humans and mages, swore never
to tyrannise the humans and promised to give them a prosperous life.


The humans were grateful to have been saved from the grasp of the
Queen of Darkness and the bloody war. Once again, humans revered
mages as Gods and agreed to build a new nation with them.

The whole plan to have the mages grant riches to the humans while the
humans’ job was to worship them, gave birth to the current black
organisation. These mages slog away day and night for their sakes. It is
a tragic sight.

From what I have seen at Irene-san’s work, this legend could be a

historical fact.

Classroom learning has ended so the young masters are currently

having sword practice. Apart from the laundry and other miscellaneous
work, I decided to sit at the place where I laid out the stones and
firewood in the morning and wrestle with the construction of the
spinning wheel. Seems like Mary-san had finished washing the clothes
since wasn’t there anymore.

To start off, I took out a clump of cotton which I had obtained from
Stella-san, and confirmed the process of producing thread. It was likely
to be similar to how Koyori can be made from tissues; it was probably
twisted until it became a thread. I started twisting some cotton.

It took some time but after some twisting, a thread-like thing was made.
The more twists on the thread, the better it felt but, as expected, doing
this manually took a lot of time.

I want to make it easier to increase the number of rotations. Speaking of

rotating…… a spinning top? It is a toy targeted at small children in my
previous life. It could with a single turn, revolve for many rounds.


I searched for a twig near the area, and tried winding the thread on the
twig but it looks like the weight (of the twig) wasn’t sufficient and I
couldn’t smoothly rotate around it. This time, I tried tying a rock under
the twig and did it again, and rotating it felt great.

Oh—! As I was thinking, I continued pulling the cotton, rotating and did
what you might call coiling around the twig, which in itself might be
called spinning yarn. (TN: Not much explanation and description for this.
Check out youtube for yarn spinning to gain a better idea :P)

Nevertheless, while this might be a feasible technique, the method

which I had envisioned involves a spinning wheel and should have, you
know, a wheel-like thing to spin cotton.

Most likely, if that was the case, in-sync with the rotation of the wheel,
the produced thread would be coiled around a rod. It would work as the
wheel spun. In all honesty, I have only seen pictures of its schematics
during a history lesson in school, hence, I might not be very sure but I
think this should be how it works.

If it comes down to the wheel-like object, I would require a kind of belt to

propagate the rotation. That could be made with wood later, and would
it involve shaving of wood? I would have to assemble some equipment
but hey, that requires money and I don’t get paid!

「Ryou, so you were over here huh. What are you doing?」

When did Cain-bouchama and Alan got so close. Ah, this is bad, I put too
much concentrated at work and completely did not notice. Has it been a
long time since they were here?

「Sorry. Bouchama. Sword practice must have ended. We have to clean

off the sweat don’t we? I shall make preparations.」


I got up in a hurry to ready the bath but Cain-bouchama stopped me,

squatted down and looked at the spool of thread that I was holding.

「No, it is fine for now. By the way, what is that?」

「This is called a spinning wheel. I am still thinking about making it and

have been testing with some prototypes.」

「What is a “spinning wheel”?」 Alan and Cain-bouchama’s eyes were

both fixated on the tool.

「It is a tool to spin thread from cotton. I thought about building one as
far as I could with my own abilities but gathering the required tools for
construction seems too difficult for me so I have been thinking about
sending a drawn up blueprint to Claude-sama.」

He should be able to at least vaguely understand the blueprint, I wager

so. Between building it all by myself and discussing it with Claude-sama,
the latter approach would yield faster results I believe. While I’m at it, I
could try to present another blueprint on wells too.

For writing materials such as pen and paper, they are easily obtainable
from the lessons, therefore, the equipment needed is all there. Mm, I
shall do that.

「That there existed such a tool. I didn’t know that. What about the
campfire-ish stones and firewood that you have piled here, are they for
the spinning wheel?」 said Cain-bouchama as he pointed towards the set
of stones and firewood that I assembled in the morning.

「No, that has nothing to do with the spinning wheel. That is for Oku-
sama’s bathtub. I am thinking of placing some heated stones into the
water. There has been arrangements for the head chef to come here at
night to set the stones on fire.」


「Heated stones?」

「Yes. Placing the heated stones in the water, the temperature of the
water would increase and heating the water was the plan. The Oku-sama
has been using her bathtub every night but, she would always have to
personally use magic to heat the water so, I thought if only we could
prepare that on our side.」

「Is that so? That would be good,」 said Cain-bouchama. Beside Cain-
bouchama who was smiling gently, there was a child that was acting in
an awfully strange way ever since started talking about the Madam. Of
course, that was Alan.

It was like, as though he heard something really amazing from me.

Because he did that, it cannot be helped, I took a look at Alan, and he
looked like he was about to utter something and that he was racking his
brain for the right words.

「…….Ryou, Okaa-san, is she in good health?」

Alan had at long last, squeezed out his thoughts, and said in a feebl—e
voice, while frantically putting on the guise of being uninterested in it.

「If were to talk about her health, it would be that she is healthy,
however, she has been very busy with work, and has been in a constant
state of fatigue.」

「He-h, I s-see」 mumbled Mr. Alan. He seemed like he wanted to ask

more questions yet he was unable to do so because he didn’t what was
good to say.

「Nevertheless, she has been concerned about Alan-sama and Cain-

sama.」 When Irene-san got wind of the information from Stella-san that
Alan has been acting violently without his boss, she made a prompt


decision to send me back.

As I conveyed her concerns, Alan’s expression became more cheerful

immediately. Next, Alan realised that he became delighted
unconsciously and knit his brows awkwardly and returned to his usual
cheeky expression.

「Well, I couldn’t care either way. It’s alright without Okaa-san anyways!」
he said pretending to be tough.

His bluff was clear as day. There were no indications of him trying to
hide his bluff. No wait, he might be trying to hide it but he was totally
unable to conceal it.

Aww, what is this. Cute. So readable.

Oh, oh, did he long for his mother that much?

Just as I was about to grin reflexively, the Cain-bouchama next to me

was grinning. It felt like Cain-bouchama was also able to understand
Alan’s affection for his mom. Mm.

「What is wrong with both of you! Weird faces you’re making! What is
going on!」

Alan’s face went all red and he started barking in his usual style. The
grinning Cain-bouchama started patting on Alan’s back to calm his

If the spinning wheel is completed, there would surely be more time for
Irene-san to have dinner together with them on normal occasions. The
family time that Alan and Cain-bouchama deeply wanted.


The one thing that I truly wanted, at all costs, in my previous life.


Chapter 24



The heated stone bath was a total success and Irene-san gave high
praises for it. The minerals from the stones started to seep into the bath,
causing the water to naturally feel somewhat smooth.

The job of the heated stone bath was later added to the daily routine,
and I became responsible for the fetching of water and the filling of the
bathtub, whereas another servant was in charge of chopping firewood
and heating the stones. That is because it would be dangerous for
children to handle fire.

Nevertheless, my role of using a bucket to fetch water is crazy tough.

Countless of round-trip were needed and my muscles would be aching
all over after doing so. However, I won’t be lamenting about it. After all,
this is the black organisation……!

Also, I completed the blueprints for the spinning wheel and the well, and
brought it to Claude-san. He decided to postpone all his other work, in
order to focus entirely on the blueprints.

However, as for the well, it’s a little…… the feel wasn’t right. Somehow,


there appears to be contraptions resembling wells in this world. For a

biggish city like the capital, there are various districts that have such

Just that, in the past, when they wanted to build the wells in the
Rainforest domain, the people would say, 「Eh—, drawing water from a
well is heav—y, and it will take tim—e, it is unreasonable for the weak
and would hurt the waists of the aged too. It’s impossible,
impossible—」and similar other complaints. Back then, there was a
sufficient number of mages, and they thought there should more than
enough mages to handle this job, so they settled on using a pond
method instead.

No, when I heard about it, I was like seriously, 『Aah? I won’t be generous
with my words – can’t you all at least draw water from the wells!』 but
could that be because I’m narrow minded? Could it be that my heart has
already been tainted by the ways of the black organisation? Is that it?

Claude-san suggested that with the lack of mages currently, there could
be no other option but to rely on wells to deal with the problem. Thus, I
desperately hid the Black Ryou in my mind and replied that I would try
my best to come up with an improvement for the blueprint — something
like allowing water to be drawn while hardly requiring any strength, and
took back the blueprint from Claude-san. Keh.

Later on, I presented to Claude-san a pump system that can replace and
improve the pulley mechanism for drawing water.

I drew insights from a piston made for a squirt gun during a primary
school science lesson to design the pump system. A kind of vacuum
state would be present inside the well when it is filled with water.By t
fbfl bx bgxptsslw tgw fulxxdul bx tffsblw bg t fbxphg ihpbhg, B klsblol
patp mtplu mhdsw xjdbup hdp. B atolg’p ultssr vhgwdvplw tg lqflubilgp
xh B whg’p ultssr nghm by bp mhdsw mhun. Algvl, B vtil df mbpa t


xlvhgw fstg ph bifuhol bp. For the time being, I would build a sample to
test this second enhancement.

The spirit user could detect where the water veins were and intuitively
knew where to apply his magic to dig. He did so and water emerged
from the hole. From then, Irene-san once again casted her magic to
surround the hole with stones, constructing a well in about the same
time it takes to say “Ah!”

Indeed she was a top class mage. With a mage around, there wouldn’t
be any need for a shovel nor heavy machinery! The town’s odd-job
worker – mages!

The prototype model of the spinning wheel that I had devised in the
blueprint was reproduced by the nimble fingers of the servants. The
method to spin the yarn was uncomfortable from our initial testings, so
we had it slightly adjusted, but apart from that, the spinning wheel was
completed. By turning the pulley handle, the spool of thread would start
revolving producing a *Cla Cla* sound, while the cotton would whirl and
twist into thread. Seems somewhat fun.

For the people who were first introduced to the spinning wheel, it took
some lectures and training before they could spin the yarn easily and
matched Irene-san’s production capacity. For starters, the spinning
wheel was placed at a village located nearest to us.

This was a scheme aimed at encouraging farmers to spin yarn with the
additional time they have on their hands, thanks to the thousand-tooth

The yarn made could be sold for extra cash, albeit it being a small
amount. Upon hearing this, the villagers’ morale ran higher than usual.

A fraction of the harvested crops would be collected as tax. "Tx yhu pal


ulxp hy pal vuhfx, bp vhdsw kl yhu xlsy-vhgxdifpbhg, vhdsw kl xhsw hu

lqvatgzlw yhu hpalu vuhfx hu hpalu bplix. Bp tffltux patp ihxp ytuilux
mhdsw dxl df tss palbu atuolxp bg pabx itgglu. Palr wh ghp ytvl idva
atuwxabf bg palbu sbolx, kdp palr tul atuwsr tksl ph itbgptbg tgr xtobgzx
tp tss. Under the aristocrats’ domains, work for them is easy, however,
the tax is rather high.

Back at Garigari village, there was hardly any taxation. I believe what
they call pioneering rural settlements were simply villages that have
been abandoned. It was an experimental area to see if the fields could
be cultivated without the help of the mages. When tax collectors came,
they didn’t really seem to be expecting any tax from us then.

Translated by yAmi on yamitranslations.blogspot.com

Many different things were introduced all at one go but in the end, the
demerits of the new installations appeared.

Firstly, regarding the wells, a pump model would be effective so we

proceeded with the installation of wells with pumps all over the
Rainforest domain. Nevertheless, words of opposition like this,『Scooping
water from the stone water reservoir is faster and we are very used to
this system too—』, would be heard every now and then.

“Noisy, shut up!” is what I really felt like saying but I endured it, and at
the information session, I persuaded them by saying “Water from wells
are more hygienic, the water temperature would be more constant, and
furthermore, using the handle to draw water is fun—!” I did so while
giggling like a 5-year-old, portraying the fun I have while drawing water.

As for the spinning wheel, I knew that no matter what, using magic to
manufacture yarn compared to using the spinning wheel, could increase
the absolute quantity of yarn produced. In other words, using the same
amount of cotton, magic can mysteriously produce more yarn compared
to physically producing it with the spinning wheel. Xfltnbgz hy mabva,


ktvn tp pal Ztubztub obsstzl, pal itzlx mlul tksl ph dxl paull xputgwx hy
xputm ph itnl pal ybxa putf malg paull xputgwx xahdswg’p atol kllg

It seems that magic has the ability to augment the amount of material.
What is the mechanism behind it? No, does it even have a mechanism or
it is just magic? Magic doesn’t need a logic behind it? I can’t understand
anything anymore.

Nevertheless, the quantity produced in a day through the division of

labour between villagers far outstrips that of magic, so we can afford to
overlook it. It was decided that we proceed with manufacturing yarn
using the spinning wheel.

The production of yarn was progressing smoothly. On the contrary, we

ran into a new problem of exhausting the supply of cotton and already
used the last harvest of cotton.

There were times when I had to do work related to the well and the
spinning wheel, and had to leave the residence temporarily but I still
serve mainly as the young masters’ maid. Occasionally, while I’m at
work in the residence, a certain female with a super angry expression
would come storming in while yelling.

Xal bx t itzl. Tx tghpalu ylsshm itzl hy pal Utbgyhulxp Ytibsr whitbg, alu
itbg wdpr mtx ph dxl wrlw rtug itwl kr pal wrlbgz itxplu tgw pdugbgz bp
bgph vshpa –. Bg xahup, xal bx t mltobgz itzl.

From my conversations with Claude-san, the production of yarn recently

has become too fast and she can’t keep up with the weaving! Her
workplace was teeming with yarn, so much so that all that she sees and
breathes is just yarn, Kiiiii! This was the complaint she brought up.

I see, I see, she must be on the brink of depression. No, however, she


should be alright if she can still squeal “Kiiii” energetically. While you are
still yourself, it should be possible to finish it! For our dear company, we
would work hard!

I, who has completely embraced the ways of the black business, was
going to admonish her like that but Claude-san, who was beside me,
launched a preemptive attack by replying, 「I got it. Now then, what shall
we have Ryou build for us then?」

Hey, what about my opinions of it? No way. Kiiiiii!

As my final act of desperation, I tried asking, “This job is just about

producing cloth products. How about the other mages? Are they doing
well in their work?” But they were alright, so I had to reluctantly accept
the task of drawing up a blueprint for a weaving loom.

The entire process of producing cloth products is something like this:

Farming/Seed Planting (Humans) -> Forced Growth of Crops (Mages) ->
Crop Harvesting (Humans) -> Yarn Making (Was mages previously) ->
Dyeing (Humans) -> Weaving (Mages) -> Sewing (Humans/some parts
mages) -> Shipping and Selling (Humans)

The part on “Forced Growth of Crops (Mages)” is something that I cannot

change, so I treated it as though I didn’t see it, and if I can clear the
weaving part, most of the later portions can be completed by humans.

Vhil hg, lolg mltobgz mtx wlslztplw ph itzlx, matp bx pal iltgbgz hy pabx.
Ta, ahmlolu, lolg bg hswlg Ctftg, palul lqbxplw t fubgvlxx vtsslw Hubabil-
xtit tgw xal mtx pal zhwwlxx patp mltolw. B xll, B xll. Palg palul bx gh
alsfbgz bp–, B nghm, B nghm–, xhil mtr hu tghpalu, lolg pahdza pabx
mtx tg tffuhfubtpl wtrwulti ph vhgxhsl irxlsy, B mtx xpbss slyp bg t
xdsnbgz ihhw typlu ybgbxabgz pal ksdlfubgp.

The stance of a person stretching out the warp and connecting the weft


in a zig-zag way, using a skewer-like object to help squeeze in the

thread. This was what could be seen from an illustration of a weaving
loom left behind by history.

I used the first prototype to weave and the completed cloth was not bad.
Still, the speed of making it was …… slow.

The mages could do it fast. By chanting their incantations, the thread

would dance on their own and weave themselves into cloth.

However, do not forget that we humans possess a skill very typical of

ourselves – human wave tactics. Doing so, we shouldn’t lose out in
speed. We installed a large amount of weaving loom and recruited
workers for this the weaving. Some people from the yarn spinning group
came over.

Basically, urgent jobs would be done by mages whereas the rest would
be made manually with weaving looms. Ip bx sbnlsr patp mbpa ihul tgw
ihul lqflublgvl mbpa pal mltobgz shhi, pal flhfsl’x xfllw hy fuhwdvpbhg
xahdsw bgvultxl phh. Ir fulwbvpbhg bx patp kduwlg hg itzlx mhdsw
zutwdtssr wlvultxl.

After this, every once in a while, an exhausted spirit user guy would
come with an expectation like,『Help—, Dora***mon,』and plead for any
tool to make his job easier.

I am not a convenience stall, Nobi***-kun!

The only thing I knew about the job scope of a spirit user is that they
force growth of crops. In the face of their cheat-like abilities, there was
nothing much I could do to make a difference, was what I told him.

Despite that, the persistent spirit user wanted to discuss further so I

decided to listen and found out that recently, the number of spirits in the


fields have decreased. I can't see spirits so I have no idea what they are,
yet, for the time being I told him about fertilisers. I recommended that
he burned the non-cotton component of raw cotton and scatter the
ashes in the fields.

Still, I couldn’t wipe off the thought that at any rate, as long as magic
was used, this would all be meaningless. Magic is really imbalanced.

As for now, with the introduction of the spinning wheel, the villagers
around here would be able to use their free time to spin yarn and weave.
Also, in order to reduce the constant waste of time waiting for mages to
come by the farmers’ fields, the time needed to wait for a spirit user to
help grow the crops would be shortened.

Translated by yAmi on yamitranslations.blogspot.com

Next, once I managed to complete all the troublesome work, I organised
a family dinner for Irene-san (whom I requested) and her sons that
proceeded without a hitch.

For their first dinner together, Alan, Cain-bouchama and even Irene-san
were frozen with tension and could only make forceful attempts at
laughing. Claude-san later joined in to have his meal, however, only
Claude-san was eating without any awkwardness, causing him to stand
out. That too was interesting.

Nevertheless, after repeating the same dinner every day, they became
used to it and nowadays, they had their meals quietly as a happy family.

I was extremely happy at this outcome but, honestly, my jealousy of

their happy family was in no way insignificant. Just a little bit.

Alan’s anger management issues have decreased and regarding who

helps him in his change of clothes and bathing, even if it wasn’t me and
was another male servant, he wouldn’t yell at them.


It seems that Cain-bouchama has persuaded Alan that it would be better

for a male servant to assist him in his change of clothes and bathing.
Indeed, it looks like Cain-bouchama has become bothered by receiving
help from female servants for such kind of activities.

When I had first met Cain-bouchama, he was around 8-years-old but

right now, his was already nine. He is slowly approaching adulthood huh.

I am now 6-years-old too.

From around this period, a rumour that there was a sketchy man
searching for me started to spread.


Chapter 25



I was called by Claude-san to come down to the guest room. At the

room, both Claude-san and Irene-san were intensely awaiting my arrival.
They were staring daggers at one another.

「I am dearly sorry. It appears that I have been somewhat late …… right?」

I was told to come after finishing dinner so I stuffed dinner down my
stomach as fast as I could and race-walked my way to the room and still,
I was late? The aura that loomed around the room was petrifying.

「Nope, you were early, Ryou. Please sit here.」

Up till now, Claude-san had been making a slightly angry expression

but upon seeing me, the gentleness in his face returned and he
prompted me to take the seat beside him. I was charmed by his kind
offer and sat right next to him.

「Ryou, I have asked this of you many times over but, do you really not
have any clue about the man who has been searching for you?」

Ah, this issue again.


Recently, there has talk about this mysterious man who has been
prying into my background and had gone around the neighbourhood to
seek out information on me. Moreover, for some reason, this enigmatic
man covers his head with a jute bag to hide his identity and no matter
how much others asked for his name, he wouldn’t give a reply. And
when we tried to capture him, he managed to escape without a trace.

「Yes, I do not think this person is an acquaintance of mine. I do not

have any knowledge about a person who hides his identity like that.」

In response to my reply, Claude-san said, I see and started mumbling

to himself while casting his sight downwards.
「As I have feared, it could be an aristocrat from another domain, or a
person from the royalty. Either possibilities means that someone has set
their sights on you.」 He grumbled without a hint of emotion.

Don’t say that with a blank face! That’s so ominous!

The mysterious man that was looking for me knew that I was the one
who played an integral part in developing the new tools. The theory that
this man, who has been snooping around for my information, is a spy
from another domain seems the most plausible among others.

「Well, Onii-sama, I can understand the possibility of the spy being sent
by another aristocrat but there is no way the royalty would go so low as
to secretly send a spy?」

「No, there are things that Irene don’t know…… The royalty is terrifying.
Under the worst circumstances, Ryou could just vanish…...」

Hold up, saying that I would just disappear…… Am I really in such a

dangerous position? I don't recall coming up with a tool that merit such
treatment…... This is too disturbing.

「No way, Onii-sama is exaggerating things. There's no way such things


can happen right? However, there is a possibility that the other

aristocrats have taken notice of the tools that we have put up on
market. They must have dispatched people to investigate on it.」

「The fact that Ryou was the one who initiated the development of these
tools should have been concealed…... Still, in either case……」as Claude-
san said so, he placed his arm over my shoulders, triggering Irene-san to
stare penetratingly at him.
「Ryou is my property, I have no intention of handing her over to anyone!」

Claude-san was giving an unusually serious look at Irene-san for some

reason. The aura of the room that was momentarily peaceful ever since I
came in became tense again.

「No! Ryou is mine! Didn’t you say the other time that you bought her for

Irene-san was putting up a fight against the stern-looking Claude-san.

Somehow, the both of them have been fighting over for this
merchandise (me).
Good grief, I wish I wasn’t left out from this discussion. Annual income,
welfare, job scope, location of work-place and work-place
environment…… Please examine all this before coming to a conclusion!
Such were the rights that I do not possess.

H-mm, Irene-san and Claude-san, which one shall I pick. Or more like,
will my job scope change? Whichever way I choose would be the same
won’t it?

「No, I’m not selling her! Ryou will stay by my side. I had purchased her
originally for 1 gold coin ya know!」

Claude-san jacked up the price in a nonchalant manner. Wasn’t it just 3


silver coins? This person is really shrewd.

「If that’s the case, I willing to fork out 2 gold coins!」

「No way I’m selling her! She will be my maid!」
「How about platinum coins?」
「Platinum coins!? N-no, it’s still a no. No matter how much you offer, I
won’t sell her!」
Claude-san wavered for a second there.
「Why, Onii-sama! Didn’t you promise me from the start that if I take a
liking to her, you would sell her to me?」
「That was the case but I have also taken a liking to her beyond my
imaginations. So I decided to have her as my maid. Hence, when Cardin-
dono returns, I would be taking Ryou to my company!」

Eh? What did you just say?

「“Cardin-sama” is, if I am correct, Irene-okusama’s husband? Is he

returning back?」
I couldn’t help but interrupt the auction.

「Yes, that’s right, Ryou. Unfortunately, Otou-sama has to stay in the

capitial but he managed to reach a point where he can take a break and
would be coming back.」 said Irene-san in elation.

This means Cain-bouchama and Alan’s father is coming back. Heh, this
is a good thing.

However, if I remember correctly, the reason for Claude-san staying at

this residence is because the head of the household was absent.
I see, that’s why he is going back to his company. From their
conversation, Claude-san’s company is headquartered not too far away
but even then, movement still requires the use of coaches, and that
going back cannot be done on the spur of the moment.


If I became Claude-san’s maid, I would have to be separated from this

place…… I have gotten along well with everyone here and gotten used
to my work, if it was possible, I really, really, don’t want a change in
work-place. Staying behind and working under Irene-san seems to be
the better option.

Alright, let’s support Irene-san! Go for it, Irene-san!

「Irene, why are you so eager to have her by your side? Even Alan has
become more tamed as of late, and that there shouldn’t be any work
that specifically requires the help of Ryou? Furthermore, there is this
dodgy person investigating on Ryou too, and it would be much safer for
her to be at my company.」

「That may be true but…… I, truthfully, need Ryou’s help.」 said Irene-san
as she fidgeted restlessly.

Eh, what could it be? Apart from the things I have been today already,
is there anything else? ……Could be this be a new startup? There is
always a lack of personnel in black start-up companies.

「What is it? If that’s the case, can’t we have her complete it before
joining me at the company?」

「However, this is, something she cannot do now! This is a request that
can be done only after a few years have passed.」

「A few years later……? Specifically, what do you want?」

Immediately, Irene-san turn to meet my eyes, it feels as though she

wanted to say something and that after being slightly troubled by it, she
said it out straight.

「I want her to conduct sex education for my sons!」



What did you just say?

You said sex-ed? ……Is that the so called thing? Or do you mean
something like health and physical education? No, I could have misheard
it. There’s no way it’s that.

However, the Claude-san beside me began to panic. From his flustered

expression, I felt that it was more likely to be sex-ed (real intercourse).

「W-what are you saying, Irene! That is something for the older…… and
more experienced to handle isn’t it!?」
Exactly! Totally! Claude-san! That kind of thing should, indeed, would
be best guided by a veteran!

「But, back in my time, my partner was Gouda-ojiisan! Compared to

boys, girls’ sex education doesn’t go all the way but, when I was first
shown it, the thing I felt was Gouda-ojiisan’s!? I still have nightmares on
it now! That’s why I won’t allow the same thing to happen to my sons!
Alan and Cain-bouchama both fancy Ryou too, so isn’t that a good

「W-w-w-w-what are you saying, Irene! That’s no good! Firstly, Ryou is far
too young! She obviously doesn’t have any experience? Such a partner
wouldn’t be appropriate! We need to get someone who is experienced!」
That’s right, you said it right! Claude-san! I was inexperienced even
during my previous lifetime. I’m still very pure!
I was initially hoping to join Irene’s faction in my job search, and now,
in a complete reversal, I pinned my hopes on Claude-san instead.

「If we did it that way, it would be the same as Onii-sama – Mary would
have to do it won’t she!」


Eh, Mary? The lady that was washing the clothes…… she had a kind
nature and had a good physique, but just a bit older Mary-san? Ah, that’s
what it is, Claude-san’s first and most important experience was taken
care of by …, I see.
…… Ah, whoops, I was kinda picturing it.

「There’s nothing particularly bad about Mary!」

「No good! Even you are still single at this age Onii-sama, because your
first with a female was with Mary who was past her prime! As of such,
I’m sure she wasn’t very good at it, and that you’ve lost interest in girls!
Having a young partner, especially one that is on close terms would
definitely be a better choice! There won’t be any bad memories!」

「Wha! There’s no way that I have no interest in females! Moreover, Mary

wasn’t that particularly bad. She was extremely …… g-gentle to me.」
Claude-san started to blush.

Please, I beg you, stop describing your memories of that. I would

subconsciously playback how gentle Mary-san was in the back of my
mind, so please, stop.

『A Mature Maid’s Coaching on Cleaning ~The First Hole I Scrubbed~』

Ah, oh no. I even came up with the title. My brain, reboot! Even after
erasing my mind of these extraneous thoughts, I couldn’t shake off the
image of an ero mature lady! Ah, it’s not working, I couldn’t reboot my
brain at all.

「F-furthermore, don’t we have many young and beautiful maids?! For

example, wouldn’t Stella be great?」
Ugh! Stop Claude-san! Stella-san or anyone else……! Please don’t add
new characters!

「No way, she is a clean freak. In addition, other than Ryou or Mary, there


are no other maids that are not of an aristocrat’s lineage or kin. I can’t
make such a request to them.」
Looking at how Irene-san spoke about it while scowling, Claude-san
shoulders drooped and he sighed.

Ehh, don’t give up Claude-san! Keep at it! I was thinking about this
when the day’s second firm expression was made.
Irene-san winced for a brief moment.

「That being so, we need to hurry up and bring a professional from the
town! No matter what is done, Ryou would stay with me so that proposal
is a no-go. Ryou wouldn’t be bothered by that right?」

「Yes! I’ll be in your care!」

I shook off all the wild delusions in my head and gave a reply to

Claude-san that was much better than when I first came to the

Irene-san pouted. The way her cheeks puffed up was cute. Anyways,
she appeared to have given up.

That was close. Although I was just 6-years-old, my chastity had been
threatened. Good job, Claude-san!

Translated by yAmi on yamitranslations.blogspot.com

Translated by yAmi on yamitranslations.blogspot.com
And after that, I, Claude-san and Irene-san –who was sulking—
continued on discussing about plans for my future.

Going to the company with Claude-san would have to wait for the
return of the person called Cardin-san, hence, there is still some time


Next, surprisingly, Claude-san said he wanted to adopt me in sometime

in the future, when I am 10-years-old and would be of age to enter a
royal school. In this country, only the super elite get to enter school.
In other words, the country’s education system is solely represented by
this sole school which only accepts royalty and aristocrats.
Previously, I had discussed with Claude-san that it would be beneficial
if there was a place to educate children in this domain on at least,
language and arithmetic. I was informed that regarding the education
system, the king held full control over the reins over it and no one could
build schools without his permission.
The home tutor assigned to this residence also came through the good
offices of the royalty machinery.

This means that attending school was impossible for someone like me
with rural origins. Claude-san gave exceedingly high praises to me and
that made me happy but, to the extent that he was willing to adopt

The reason behind becoming Claude-san’s foster daughter was

because the royal school only allowed sons and daughters of aristocrats
to enter. It seems that Claude-san held a considerably low level of
peerage known as Merchant Lord. His reason for adopting me was pretty
clear and I understood that it was a necessity.

However, to become his foster daughter would mean becoming Claude-

san’s family and that very thought depresses me.
Honestly, I am very bad at being family. I have had my fill of bad
experiences up till now.

It’s just that, judging from the circumstances of Claude-san, I knew

exactly that this didn’t mean he wished for me to be family. Well,
considering this to be simply a contract, I accepted the plans about
becoming his adopted daughter.


While I am at it, I strongly insisted that there is no way I would call him
Father! Claude-san did not originally plan for that anyway, and that he
didn’t mind it being just the way it is now.

I have more opinions on this matter but becoming his adopted

daughter is a concern for the future.

Before entering the school, I would be adopted and after graduation, I

wonder if I would be helping Claude-san at his company? I am not sure
of what Claude-san plans for me to do after that but, it doesn’t seem like
it is going to be a terrible life.

Still, living as per planned would make me feel somewhat guilty, as I

would be entering the nation’s one and only school. I am sure there are
more people who need to enter such an educational facility.


Chapter 26


「Hey, Ryou, when Otou-sama comes home, is it true that you would
have to go somewhere else?」Alan absentmindedly popped his question
at me while I was fiddling with the handles of the pump well to draw

As soon as the lesson with the home tutor ended, we went together in
our usual 3-people group to fetch water for Irene-san’s bath.

Alan’s line of sight was directed towards the bucket placed on the
ground. He wore a stiff expression with dazed eyes.
This morning, during breakfast, when he heard from Irene-san that
father was coming back home, he was, of course, trying his best to calm
himself down. His face, however, betrayed him and it was obvious he
couldn’t put a hold on his delight because of the good news. Despite so,
he was feeling slightly down now.

「Yes. There have been arrangements made for me to be taken care of

by Claude-sama.」


「Why is that. Wouldn’t it be great if you continued to stay with us here?」

「Alan, don’t put Ryou on the spot.」

Right on the dot when Alan was about to unleash his temper (which has
been on hiatus), Cain-bouchama followed up with some positive
feelings. As though he was reining in a wild horse, he gently stroked his
back. It felt like he was saying “Whoa! Whoa!” to a horse.

「Alan-bouchama, these circumstances are made by the adults, hence,

there is nothing I can do about it. Even so, Alan-sama, to have made
such an expression, are you that lonely without your boss around?」
Without a moment’s delay, I laughed *fufu* and agitated Alan.

If he had any slight bit of his ordinary defiant attitude, the shitty brat
Alan would have spontaneously recovered his anger.
If he was still a shitty brat that is—

「…… Yeah, I’ll be lonely. Wasn’t that obvious! Won’t Ryou be lonely too!」

He said so while gazing at me with eyes of strong will.

Ever since time with Irene-san, his mother, had increased, Alan had
rapidly grown to become more frank. There were some remnants of
obstinacy left behind in him but right now, he can no longer be
described as an Amanojyaku and can properly express his own feelings.

「I ……」

Somehow I was at a loss for words. Of course, I would feel lonely. But
whatever I say, nothing would change – I was overwhelmed by this
feeling. What an emotionless human I must be.

I could appeal on my loneliness at this point of time, that 『Of course I

would feel lonely –. So lonely that I might die –insert mr.rabbit


emoticon–』, but I feel that my unfeelingness would be exposed since the

Alan of now would able see through my half-baked lies.

And as for me, I really didn’t grow at all. What is this one-sided growth of
Alan? In spite of him seriously being a shitty brat just a year ago.
Alan-chan, you have really grown up— I am glad – was what I thought
but, I felt like I have been left behind.

Right now, I might even be unqualified to be his boss. Furthermore, Alan

is no longer like before, he has become difficult to handle. He has
become more honest and many times I find myself in a loss as to how to
reply to him.

「Alan…… The place where Ryou is going to is Claude-ojisan’s place. It is

not that we would no longer be able to meet Ryou at all and when Alan
becomes ten, we would go to school together. And then, we would be
able to see one another every day.」

Cain-bouchama couldn’t just watch and do nothing about me being at a

loss at words, so he followed up with that. Once again, he consoled Alan
by stroking his back, and threw an ambiguous smile at me.

Thank you, Cain-bouchama. For following up when Alan was going to

rage and when I couldn’t find the words to say. What a spectacular
followist he is.

「That’s true, Alan-sama. Certainly I share the same loneliness as you

but, we would see one another again, so it will be alright.」
In order to not make any eye contact, I carried the bucket that had long
been filled up and walked out.

Similarly, the two of them followed behind while carrying buckets of



At first I was like – how can I let the young masters do this, but since I
didn’t tell them to do it for me, they were doing it as they pleased and
that Alan was my henchman, I gratefully accepted their help.

For one child alone, the job of transporting buckets of water and filling
the bathtub was considerably labourious. Hence them joining in was
extremely helpful.

As I started to transport water, Alan didn’t start questioning me like

before. “Tch, lots of water has spilled!” Or “holding it this way is more
stable!” Or he would proudly talk about the discoveries he made while
appearing to be enjoying himself.

「Thank you for the help today. It was very helpful.」 I gave my thanks
while wiping off the beads of sweat on my forehead. They too were

The young masters did not enter a bathtub how Irene-san always do.
They stood in a simple open-air showering area, wiped their bodies with
a wet cloth and rubbed their hair with a herb powder that cleanses off
dirt. It must be because they are boys.

Their assistant for bathing was a male servant, so I was just about to call
for that person when Alan pulled back my arm.

「Er—, Ryou, I still think you should not go.」

Naturally he wasn’t just referring to “going to prepare for bath”, when

he said 「should not go」. It was likely about continuing the talk we left off
at the well.

「Alan-sama, I do not have a say in that matter and it would only just be
a short period of time.」I said softly, while looking downwards.


When I told him that there was really nothing that could be done about
the situation, I felt that there was something that actually could be done,
yet, I didn’t think that I wanted to go that far no matter what.

「I heard from mother. That you accepted to go to Claude-ojisama’s

place. But for me, I don’t want that. I want to continue drawing water
and having lessons with Ryou and Oni-sama. Even though you would
only be leaving temporarily, even if it was just for a short while, I don’t
want it.」

Looking straight into Alan’s eyes hurts. They were glittering with hope.
To think that a child’s honest feelings was such a terrifying thing……
I stayed silent towards Alan’s question as per usual and he continued on
with the conversation.

「When the other servants see me, they get scared of me, and pay
pointless respects to me……all they see in me is that I am a mage. But
Ryou, you are different. Even today, you didn’t request me to help with
my magic despite having needed to do this tiresome work of drawing
water. You view me as an individual without my magic. You attend to me
and Ani-sama as though we are like any other average pair of brothers.
The only person that could do that is Ryou. ……Ryou, what do you think?」

Please don’t stare at me with those sparkling eyes. My replacement

could be found anywhere else I suppose. The only difference about me is
that I am insensitive to all these otherworldly magic things.

Alan might have wanted me to say 「I want to stay. Being together is fun.」
or something of the sort. If it was the Alan of these days who has been
surprisingly perceptive about others, since this was a decision by the
adults, he should be able to understand that there is no changing about
the fact that I have to leave for a period of time.
I think, even despite knowing so, he continuously urged me for a reply


so that he could confirm that we shared the same feelings about it.

「I am not the only one that is like that. I’m sure if you search long
enough, there will be more of such people out there. Even if others think
of you in terms of your ability to use magic, there is no need fear
because you are who you are – Alan-sama. And for now, to allow you to
prepare for your bath, would it be acceptable for me to excuse myself?」

I had accidently refused him a little too bluntly. Alan brows knitted, face
reddened and eyes became moist.
I couldn’t make the reply that he was likely seeking.

Alan violently shook off his hand that was grabbing my arm, and shouted
「I’m off to wash my face!」 before running off somewhere.

As I was watching the Alan leave, I thought that under normal

circumstances, Cain-bouchama would be chasing after him but, instead,
I felt that he was coming closer to me.

「Ryou, sorry for Alan’s selfishness. It must have troubling for you.」

「No, no problems about it. More importantly, is it alright for Cain-sama

to not be chasing after Alan?」

「I’m sure you are having it harsher than he is.」said Cain-bouchama as

he hugged me and with his hand around me, he tapped on my back.

My heart that was on the edge managed to regain its calm. Alan had
always been protected by this hand, I’m so jealous.

「I’m sorry. In truth, I would have had to stop Alan but I had the same
feelings with him about this so I couldn’t muster the strength to stop
him.」 Once again, he expressed his apologies and patted on my back.


I am seriously so jealous of Alan now. He has such a kind brother by his

side, his mom is also around and his dad was coming home too.

Honestly, looking at how Alan has all the things I ever wanted in his
hands, all I can do is be jealous over him and jealous over him.
I was relieved that I could go to Claude-san’s company.
That is because I wanted to leave the residence before I become
unseemly mad with jealousy on Alan and start hating him.


Chapter 27


Irene-san’s husband has finally returned back to the Rainforest domain.

He was handsome man and traces of kindness could be seen from his
face. I estimated that Cardin-san should be in his early 30s. Cain-
bouchama looks just like his dad.

There had been lots of commotion on their father’s long awaited

homecoming. Furthermore, Cardin-san was returning together with
numerous other mages so this means Irene-san and the other mages
who were left behind in the residence could have their burden reduced.
The mages were all extremely jubilant about it.

Moreover, from what I heard about Cardin-san from the other servants,
he was apparently of royalty too! He was the seventh son born from the
previous king and his concubine. If a member of the royalty was unable
to use magic, he wouldn’t be considered part of royalty, hence, in
general, most of them would be married to another aristocrat mage.
Incidentally, the previous king had a fairly large number of sons and
daughters, hence, there are many former royal family who are currently
the wives or husbands of aristocrats.


The current king was Cardin-san’s elder brother and Cardin-san was
working directly under him. Cardin-san is really impressive.

With such an impression, with him being a former royal member and
being the master of the Rainforest domain, he is a very popular person.
From the day Cardin-san came back, there had been nearly buffet
parties every day and the servants in the residence have been stressing
it out.

Visit www.yamitranslations.com for the latest release

The day after Cardin’s welcome home party settled down, Claude-san
began making arrangements for Cardin-san to take over the work in the
Rainforest domain.

In just a few days, I would finally be moving. I was polishing the glass
windows with cloth while feeling pensive and doubtful about the whole
moving affair.

Alan’s sword practice had ended and he came along to my side.

(TN: to avoid confusion while reading, for the 2 paragraphs below here,
Ryou would be recounting the events that happened in the past few
Ever since it had been decided that I would be leaving the residence
together with Claude-san, the atmosphere in our 3-person group had
become dicier. Afterwards, we hardly ran into one another. I could feel
that the young masters were hiding something from me and that they
were always doing something behind my back. They might be planning a
surprise. Acting on my good judgement, I pretended to not realise
anything and feigned indifference to what they were doing.

Mr. Alan had been busy doing for the past few days up till now but
finally, today, he came to me with his chest puffed up. He had a big
smile on his face. Could this be the day of surprise?


To the best of my abilities, I presented a mood as though I had not seen

through anything at all. Acting as per normal, I placed the cloth over the
bucket and gave Alan a servant-like bow.

「Ryou! Come here for a moment! There is something I like to give you!」
Alan said and took my hand.
I was dragged all the way to a separate building in the residence.

Was this indeed a surprise? I had to be magnificently surprised by it.

I was saying something like, “Oh dear, Alan-sama what is it all of a
sudden–, I am still cleaning the windows—“even though I was obediently
letting Alan pull me along.

When I looked towards the direction Alan was bringing me to, I saw Cain-
bouchama waving at us. It was the unchanging, refreshing smile of a
noble youth.

Alan was guiding me (in a rough manner) to another separate building in

the residence. Over here, there were many crystal and minerals that
were purchased from merchants.

For magicians like Irene-san, these mineral crystals could be used to

make glass panes, swords and other kinds of equipment with magic.

However, as a venue for a surprise, would this not be a little too plain?
“Why specifically choose this place?” I threw that kind of expression at
Cain-bouchama. Cain-bouchama was holding on his right hand, a dagger
that was flickering under sunlight.

Eeh! A dagger!?
Huh! Don’t tell me this is how I get imprisoned here!? It wasn’t a
surprise party but a surprise jail!? Noo! I thought Alan was
a tsundere but to think he was actually a yandere!?


Noticing that I have gone pale, Cain-bouchama hurriedly followed up

with, 「Don’t be afraid! It is okay!」 I had no idea what he actually meant
was okay so his follow-up had no effect. Couldn’t he at least put away
that object on his right hand? This was quite a tactless act for a follow-

「I have specially made a dagger for Ryou before your departure!」 While
saying that, Alan was carefully inspecting each and every mineral crystal
piled in the building.

A dagger?

「Indeed, the dagger I am holding on now was made by Alan.」 Cain-

bouchama showed me his dagger as he said.

It was an unrefined dagger without any decorations. Somehow, the edge

had a slight curve but of course, there would not be any problem with
using it as a dagger.

「In this country, when magicians make swords and give it to someone,
the sword would be proof of the trust the magician has in that person. In
order to pass it to Ryou before you leave, Alan has been training as best
as he could. This dagger of mine was one he made while practicing.」

Cain-bouchama gave a friendly smile. He appears to be happy with

Alan’s maturing and growing.

「Alright! I shall use this crystal! Ryou, do you have any shape in mind?」

Alan walked over beaming and must be happy with the crystal he has

「Thank you so much. It seems that you have worked hard for my sake. I
don’t really have any design in mind. If it is made by Alan, anything will


do.」 I smiled while bowing.

A proof of trust…… Somehow, I was overcomed by a feeling of guilt but I
will still accept it. It would be convenient to have a knife too.

「I got it!」 As Alan said, he put on a cryptic face and tightly gripped on
the crystals.

「Kimi ga tame, Haru no no nii dete, wakana tsumu, wa ga koro mo teni,

yuki ha furi tsustu」
(Literal meaning: For your sake, I will make the fields of spring come,
and pick herbs, with my sleeves, despite the falling snowing)
As Alan chanted, the crystal that he was holding on to changed shape,
size and colour and slowly took the form of a sword.
Compared to the speed of Irene-san doing her work, Alan’s creation of
the sword took much longer but it was neatly becoming a dagger.

However, compared to the dagger that Cain-bouchama showed me

earlier, it looked clumsier. The tip of the dagger was wobbly and pointing

From his “Ough” groan and the slumped look on his face, it must have
been a failure.

I will do it again and sing it in a gentler voice! He said and took a deep
breath before chanting a different incantation.

「Asaborake, uji no kawagiri, taedae ni, araureutaru, seze no ajirogi」

This time, the dagger he made earlier crumbled into sand, and was
collected in a bucket placed underneath in advance.

And holding on to the bucket of sand, he once again chanted 「Kimi no

tame」, and began his process of trial and error.


Ahh, this looks hard on Mr. Alan. Wouldn’t it be better for him to have
made a skillfully made one in advance instead? That was the question I
faintly had in the back of my mind.

Cain-bouchama who read the atmosphere and sensed that I was thinking
of that explained secretly by my ears, 「Alan wanted to be able to make
it right in front of you, insisting that he wanted to shock you.」

Alan who had become slightly like an adult was behaving immaturely
here and there huh.

And for the time being, Alan continued to use his magic.

I could confidently say that during my time helping Irene-san’s work, the
incantations of this world were, for some reason, from the language of
classic literature in the world where I had previously lived in. These
incantations were from the short poems in the “100 poems by 100
famous poets” anthology.

The meaning of the short poems do not seem to be linked with the
magic’s effect so I cannot make conjectures on the effect of the magic
based solely on my understanding of the short poems. In any case, the
incantation to make swords was the poem that started with 「Kimi ga
tame」, and the poem 「Asaborake」 was the incantation to undo the

The incantation that started with 「Asaborake」 was used by Irene-san

occasionally for other things as well. Hence, it was an incantation not
just for undoing swords but also for undoing other magic.

Incidentally, could magic be used just by chanting their incantations? I

quietly recited the short poem myself but nothing happened. It seems
that one has to be a mage as well to activate magic.


With this and that, roughly ten minutes had passed. After Alan struggling
with the making of the dagger, he finally made one that he was satisfied
with. Alan happily brought the dagger for me to see.

The length of the blade was around 15 cm. It was a double-edged

dagger. Unlike previously, the tip of the dagger was pointing straight.
Both the colour of it and sharpness was good.

With a contented face, Alan proudly handed over the handle of the
dagger to me.

「This is Ryou’s from now on. This will be a charm to ensure that you will
be safe without Cain-anisama and I! I made this while thinking that this
dagger would protect in place of me!」

My my. So you wanted to protect your boss, huh Alan.

Well, given that Alan has now matured somewhat, it might insufficient
for him to just be my henchman. Umu, I shall grant you your

I stood upright in an exaggerated manner, respectfully accepted the

dagger and gave my thanks.

The solemn feeling that “I would be leaving the residence soon”



Chapter 28


It was a trap! Anyways, it's going to be the weekend soon, so more

releases to come pretty soon.

The transfer of work from Claude-san to Cardin-san was going smoothly,

in fact the whole process ended faster than I thought it would.
It appeared that they hastened their pace because of the sketchy man
that had been looking into my background. However, that man had
vanished. Who the heck was that guy I wonder?

After the transfer of duty, the day of my departure had finally arrived.
We were leaving at a time when the Sun has yet to have shown its face.
The members of the journey were: Claude-san, Smith-san the coachman
and another 2 bodyguard knights followed us for whatever reason.


It appears that in recent days, there have been rumours that say bandits
have been spotted in the area. If bandits really appeared, we do have
two knights accompanying us as bodyguards so we should be able to
manage somehow. Claude-san also added that 「At worst, they can have
goods we brought on the journey and that is okay since there is nothing
important among them.」 This made me feel that the bandits of this
world were lenient. Claude-san’s strategy to deal with them was rather

When we were leaving, Irene-san, Cardin-san, the two young masters,

and Stella-san, as the representative of all the servants, came to see us

We gave one another a farewell hug before leaving. Alan was already in
tears and desperately said nothing, whereas Cain-bouchama, with an
ikemen smile, gave me a good-luck bracelet. It was a supreme quality
item made personally by him through the spinning of yarn and knitting.
It was likely that he had thought that since Alan gave me a dagger, he
himself should make something for me as well. Anyways, to have made
this bracelet by hand, what high level of femininity he has.
I, once again, formally expressed my thanks to everyone for taking good
care of me, and left the residence.

Right now, we have travelled a fair bit of distance on the coach, and a
long time had passed since the residence disappeared from our sight. I
clasped onto the dagger which was made by Alan and wrapped in cloth
and held the lucky bracelet tightly, while reminiscing in my memories of
my maid life.

「As expected, you are feeling lonely?」

Claude-san had been observing me and decided to ask.

「I am feeling a bit lonely, but I know we will meet again.」

As I said so, thoughts about the future drifted in my mind.


Speaking of which, I will become Claude-san’s adopted daughter soon. I

wonder what it would be like to be adopted as the daughter of a
bachelor. When Claude-san finds himself a wife, would she dislike me?
Would it be like the Cinderella story where the stepmother would abuse
her stepdaughter?

「Claude-sama, regarding being adopted as your daughter, when would

that roughly happen?」

「Anytime is fine but it would be better if it was done early. When we

reach my residence, why don’t we handle the formalities first?」

That was somewhat hurried wasn’t it? It was much earlier than I had
expected. No, isn’t this too hasty? If by any chance a marriage proposal
came at this point of time, wouldn’t it be a hindrance for him?
Or perhaps, could he have already given up hopes on marrying a wife?
He is still young and handsome so I do feel that giving up now was way
too early though.

「Yes, I understand. However, would that be really okay? I have heard

that Claude-sama is still a bachelor, wouldn’t you be facing difficulties
when you marry if I am adopted?」

「Ah, you do not have to be concerned with that. There won’t be plans
for marriage in the near future and when you become of appropriate age
for marriage, I would take you as my wife.」 Without warning, Claude-san
announced as so.

Eh? What did this person just say?

「I’m sorry, because of the wind, I couldn’t hear clearly…… Just to

confirm, Claude-sama said that, you will marry me?」



Eh? What? Wasn’t that something strange to say?

“You wouldn’t mind though?” that was the expression Claude-san was

It wasn’t a joke?
You are joking with me right? I made direct contact with Claude-san and
he appeared to be making a serious face.

You are for real?!

No way, this person was really a lolicon! He had been seeing me in that
angle that the whole time right!! Pervert!

「Claude-sama, it seems that what Irene-sama had said was true,

because your first night was with a mature lady, you have unfortunately
developed a sexual preference for kids.」

I glared at Claude-sama with a gaze that was as though I was looking at

a dirty thing. And even so, as expected of the shameless Claude-san, he
waved his hand left and right in a fluster to deny my accusations.

「I don’t have a taste for kids! The society is really in need of a person
like you, and to prevent you from going somewhere else, I have to keep
you by my side…… And look, if we had a child, he or she would surely be
a bright child!」
「You’ve even considered children…... To think you have thought out that

I gave a glare contemptuously at Claude-san.

「No, of course, while you are still a child, I wouldn’t lay my hands on you
because I have no special preference for children! Speaking of which,
Ryou, did you understand the conversation I had with Irene-san back
then? ……Being just a six year old, how in the world do you have such


knowledge of what we were talking about!」

Claude-san let out a sigh. It felt like he was whining.

I have the knowledge he was talking about, mainly because I remember
my previous life. I was brought into this world just when I was in the full
bloom of puberty.

「Well then, for now, please do not start showing any sexual desires to
a stick-like child, it that acceptable?」

「Of course! I don’t have interest in children. I don’t have a guilty

conscience. I need Ryou’s knowledge and skills.」

Once again, I stared at him with disdain.

I am innocent! He raised his in hands in protest and awaited my

Nevertheless, while he has promised me to not lay his hands on me
while I still am a child, he certainly did say that he would someday have
a child with me. That pervert!

Hmm, but wait. Claude-san is quite the ikemen too, and is quite rich too.
Ah, he won’t be too bad? A fine candidate? Still, there is quite an age
gap between us……

Anyhow, it feels like he fell in love me not because he fell in love in me

but rather in my worth. That will be a better way of thinking about this

Alright, for the time being, I shall proceed on, and as soon as I get
disgusted with him, I will make my escape. I shall do as such.

「Well, I got it. It’s just that if you show any sexual excitement before we
get married, I won’t forgive you.」


I told him in a threatening voice. Claude-san sighed with a puff and

acknowledged. If I remember correctly, the minimum age for marriage in
this world was 15-years-old. If there was that much time left, there will
enough time for me to ponder about my next step.

Anyways, we have made it very far now. We zipped through the

mountainous path. Initially, the scenery had been enjoyable but now,
there were only trees, trees and more trees. I’ve gotten sick and tired of
Back in Garigari village, magical beasts appeared time to time in the
mountains, I wonder if it would appear here though.


All of a sudden, a loud cry was heard from the horse and the coach
shook violently. I took a look at the horse to assess the situation and it
seems that the horse had been shot by an arrow in its butt!
And, by the side of the path, a rustling sound could be heard and what
appeared next was a bunch of gangster-like people.

These people were most likely bandits!

I covered my head under my arms petrified and cowered. Claude-san
noticed that I was cowering and tried to protect me.

The jolting of the coach stopped after the horse was brought to a
standstill and sounds of weapons clashing *Kin! Kin! Gacha!* and
shouting could be heard.

I opened my quivering eyes and saw the two knights that were acting as
bodyguards springing into action and facing off with a bunch of brawny
and fierce-looking men. There were about ten or so of them using their
hoes as weapons while blocking our path.

Smith the coachman murmured in a soft voice that 「we have to retreat


from here」, and tried to get the coach to go in the other direction but,
we didn’t perceive it at all, that a skinhead bandit was already in front of
us! He boarded the coach and directed his sword in front of Claude-san’s

Previous Chapter | Chapter List | Next Chapter

The transfer of work from Claude-san to Cardin-san was going smoothly,

in fact the whole process ended faster than I thought it would.
It appeared that they hastened their pace because of the sketchy man
that had been looking into my background. However, that man had
vanished. Who the heck was that guy I wonder?

After the transfer of duty, the day of my departure had finally arrived.
We were leaving at a time when the Sun has yet to have shown its face.
The members of the journey were: Claude-san, Smith-san the coachman
and another 2 bodyguard knights followed us for whatever reason.

It appears that in recent days, there have been rumours that say bandits
have been spotted in the area. If bandits really appeared, we do have
two knights accompanying us as bodyguards so we should be able to
manage somehow. Claude-san also added that 「At worst, they can have
goods we brought on the journey and that is okay since there is nothing
important among them.」 This made me feel that the bandits of this
world were lenient. Claude-san’s strategy to deal with them was rather

When we were leaving, Irene-san, Cardin-san, the two young masters,

and Stella-san, as the representative of all the servants, came to see us


We gave one another a farewell hug before leaving. Alan was already in
tears and desperately said nothing, whereas Cain-bouchama, with an
ikemen smile, gave me a good-luck bracelet. It was a supreme quality
item made personally by him through the spinning of yarn and knitting.
It was likely that he had thought that since Alan gave me a dagger, he
himself should make something for me as well. Anyways, to have made
this bracelet by hand, what high level of femininity he has.
I, once again, formally expressed my thanks to everyone for taking good
care of me, and left the residence.

Right now, we have travelled a fair bit of distance on the coach, and a
long time had passed since the residence disappeared from our sight. I
clasped onto the dagger which was made by Alan and wrapped in cloth
and held the lucky bracelet tightly, while reminiscing in my memories of
my maid life.

「As expected, you are feeling lonely?」

Claude-san had been observing me and decided to ask.

「I am feeling a bit lonely, but I know we will meet again.」

As I said so, thoughts about the future drifted in my mind.

Speaking of which, I will become Claude-san’s adopted daughter soon. I

wonder what it would be like to be adopted as the daughter of a
bachelor. When Claude-san finds himself a wife, would she dislike me?
Would it be like the Cinderella story where the stepmother would abuse
her stepdaughter?

「Claude-sama, regarding being adopted as your daughter, when would

that roughly happen?」

「Anytime is fine but it would be better if it was done early. When we

reach my residence, why don’t we handle the formalities first?」


That was somewhat hurried wasn’t it? It was much earlier than I had
expected. No, isn’t this too hasty? If by any chance a marriage proposal
came at this point of time, wouldn’t it be a hindrance for him?
Or perhaps, could he have already given up hopes on marrying a wife?
He is still young and handsome so I do feel that giving up now was way
too early though.

「Yes, I understand. However, would that be really okay? I have heard

that Claude-sama is still a bachelor, wouldn’t you be facing difficulties
when you marry if I am adopted?」

「Ah, you do not have to be concerned with that. There won’t be plans
for marriage in the near future and when you become of appropriate age
for marriage, I would take you as my wife.」 Without warning, Claude-san
announced as so.

Eh? What did this person just say?

「I’m sorry, because of the wind, I couldn’t hear clearly…… Just to

confirm, Claude-sama said that, you will marry me?」

Eh? What? Wasn’t that something strange to say?
“You wouldn’t mind though?” that was the expression Claude-san was

It wasn’t a joke?
You are joking with me right? I made direct contact with Claude-san and
he appeared to be making a serious face.

You are for real?!

No way, this person was really a lolicon! He had been seeing me in that
angle that the whole time right!! Pervert!


「Claude-sama, it seems that what Irene-sama had said was true,

because your first night was with a mature lady, you have unfortunately
developed a sexual preference for kids.」

I glared at Claude-sama with a gaze that was as though I was looking at

a dirty thing. And even so, as expected of the shameless Claude-san, he
waved his hand left and right in a fluster to deny my accusations.

「I don’t have a taste for kids! The society is really in need of a person
like you, and to prevent you from going somewhere else, I have to keep
you by my side…… And look, if we had a child, he or she would surely be
a bright child!」
「You’ve even considered children…... To think you have thought out that

I gave a glare contemptuously at Claude-san.

「No, of course, while you are still a child, I wouldn’t lay my hands on you
because I have no special preference for children! Speaking of which,
Ryou, did you understand the conversation I had with Irene-san back
then? ……Being just a six year old, how in the world do you have such
knowledge of what we were talking about!」

Claude-san let out a sigh. It felt like he was whining.

I have the knowledge he was talking about, mainly because I remember
my previous life. I was brought into this world just when I was in the full
bloom of puberty.

「Well then, for now, please do not start showing any sexual desires to
a stick-like child, it that acceptable?」

「Of course! I don’t have interest in children. I don’t have a guilty

conscience. I need Ryou’s knowledge and skills.」


Once again, I stared at him with disdain.

I am innocent! He raised his in hands in protest and awaited my

Nevertheless, while he has promised me to not lay his hands on me
while I still am a child, he certainly did say that he would someday have
a child with me. That pervert!

Hmm, but wait. Claude-san is quite the ikemen too, and is quite rich too.
Ah, he won’t be too bad? A fine candidate? Still, there is quite an age
gap between us……

Anyhow, it feels like he fell in love me not because he fell in love in me

but rather in my worth. That will be a better way of thinking about this

Alright, for the time being, I shall proceed on, and as soon as I get
disgusted with him, I will make my escape. I shall do as such.

「Well, I got it. It’s just that if you show any sexual excitement before we
get married, I won’t forgive you.」

I told him in a threatening voice. Claude-san sighed with a puff and

acknowledged. If I remember correctly, the minimum age for marriage in
this world was 15-years-old. If there was that much time left, there will
enough time for me to ponder about my next step.

Anyways, we have made it very far now. We zipped through the

mountainous path. Initially, the scenery had been enjoyable but now,
there were only trees, trees and more trees. I’ve gotten sick and tired of
Back in Garigari village, magical beasts appeared time to time in the
mountains, I wonder if it would appear here though.



All of a sudden, a loud cry was heard from the horse and the coach
shook violently. I took a look at the horse to assess the situation and it
seems that the horse had been shot by an arrow in its butt!
And, by the side of the path, a rustling sound could be heard and what
appeared next was a bunch of gangster-like people.

These people were most likely bandits!

I covered my head under my arms petrified and cowered. Claude-san
noticed that I was cowering and tried to protect me.

The jolting of the coach stopped after the horse was brought to a
standstill and sounds of weapons clashing *Kin! Kin! Gacha!* and
shouting could be heard.

I opened my quivering eyes and saw the two knights that were acting as
bodyguards springing into action and facing off with a bunch of brawny
and fierce-looking men. There were about ten or so of them using their
hoes as weapons while blocking our path.

Smith the coachman murmured in a soft voice that 「we have to retreat
from here」, and tried to get the coach to go in the other direction but,
we didn’t perceive it at all, that a skinhead bandit was already in front of
us! He boarded the coach and directed his sword in front of Claude-san’s


Chapter 29


Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

“Are you the owner?”

While drawing his sword at Claude-san, the skinhead bandit displayed an
evil image and questioned Claude-san threateningly.

“......Yes. I can give you all of our goods. Just spare our lives.”
His face was pale, yet he was still able to maintain a firm tone. The
skinhead bandit nodded in approval.

“Alright. …...Then get down the coach.”

He continued to point his sword at Claude-san as he waited for us to get

down. That’s when we heard shouts from the front.

“Oi! Kuwamaru! Restrain this person in ropes!”


“Right—!” A slendy-looking man who resembled a monkey raised his

head in response. He brought the two bodyguards over and had their
arms and limbs tied up with rope.

The two bodyguards were dead tired from the battle and were groaning
in pain and suffering.

The man that looked like a monkey who also was called Kuwamaru came
over to tie me, Claude-san and the coachman arms and legs with a thin
rope in a similar fashion and threw us by the side of the road.
To prevent us from taking any actions against the bandits, Claude-san
reflected light with his dagger as a signal.

Meanwhile, the bandits moved all our goods to their own horses.

Up until this moment, I was staring in a daze from the flow of events. I
finally regained my sanity.
Even in my previous life, I did not encounter such an earth-shaking
incident. My brain was plain blank from the fright I’ve gotten from the
bandits’ raid on us.

These bandits are scary! Who the heck is that skinhead! His bandit style
was to put on a loincloth and a fur vest. The muscles packed around his
body were real dangerous though!

Underneath my maid clothing was the good-luck dagger that Alan gave
me, but there was no way that charge at the oppressors alone. No way
could I get past those muscles. And that dude was a skinhead too.

Instead of being as scared as I am, when I took a fleeting glance at

Claude-san, he didn’t look flustered at all.
He did factor this into his plans when we departed that. That if the
bandits did appear, we would simply just hand over our cargo to them.
Well, this might just be a normal risk that has to be considered for


Claude-san. As expected of his shamelessness.

Anyways, after transporting this cargo away, would we be released? I
had imagined the bandits would kill us without any further chit-chat.

“This is rather cheaper than I thought huh.” After transferring most of

our cargo, the skinhead murmured as such.

From the very start, Claude-san had been ready to hand over the goods.
If in the rarest occurrence, we did encounter the bandits, we would
simply hand it over as he already made sure the goods were nothing

“Well, that is fine. Then we have no choice. Let’s make our escape.”
The skinhead said so in disappointed and looked around as though he
wanted to load up something else and pulled out another string that was
used to bind cargo.

At the skinhead’s words, the bandits took the loot and left. There were
some of them on horses but there were others without horses that were
leaving by foot as well. Also, the bandits were pulling our horse-san that
had been shot in his rear by their arrow. The horse’s staggering gait was
painful to look at.

I feel sorry for the horse-san but I am glad at the overall outcome. We
were seriously spared our lives. Whew--!

And then, the dreadful skinhead turned back.

With one heave, he carried me off under his arms just like how they did
for any other regular goods they stole.


“Hey! Where are you lifting me off to!”


The skinhead sniggered at me and said “Huh!?” to what I have said on


Noo, I’m afraid!

“Didn’t you say that you would spare our lives? Leave that child alone!”

Claude-san who had managed to stay composed throughout the entire

ordeal was thrown into disarray.
This must have gone beyond in calculations.

“We’ll be selling this kid. This is the spoils of our raid. Anyways, isn’t this
thing just your servant? You wouldn’t have any issues with it right.” The
bandit said so in a nonchalant manner.

“That child isn’t just my servant! She will be my wife too!” Claude-san’s
furious rebuttal froze the entire atmosphere.

Uwahaha! The skinhead laughed at the plain-as-day lolicon Claude-san

and threw me a pitiful gaze while he was at it.

“Rest assured, pervert. This is my merchandise so I don’t have any

intentions to kill her. It is that just she would be sold to another pervert
like you. To her, nothing would have changed.”

True indeed.

I strangely agreed with his logic, nevertheless, there was a possibility

that what awaited me was a greater pervert than Claude-san.

“I am no pervert! Give that child back! Guh!”

Claude-san was kicked in the stomach.


“Oi! You’re being noisy. She would still keep her life so isn’t that fine.”

As he said that, the skinhead tied me up with the string with the
intention to put me behind the horse. Claude-san continued in his
attempt to save me and crawled over like a caterpillar.

“You sure are persistent.” As the skinhead muttered under his breath,
he started to give off an aura with killing intent.


“Claude-sama, I’ll be fine!”

Despite so, Claude-san did not stop.
Was this person the type that had guts!?

If this goes on, Claude-san could be killed by the skinhead.

“Bandits-san, please leave right away! If you hurt him any further I
would bite off my tongue to kill myself!”

If I died, my value as their merchandise would disappear. I don’t really

have the nerve to bite off my own tongue, just saying it should be
enough, I hope.

“Leave this to me and run,” I manage to blurt out words that were
similar to the lines an actress would say as a death flag. The skinhead
scowled at me for a second and returned his line of sight back to Claude-
“Fu, this one has been well trained huh? In consideration to your
excellent bride, I shall overlook this one time.” The skinhead declared
and dashed off on his horse.

I was laid sideways as I was bound on top of the horse as cargo, and by
the time I managed to wiggle and turn my body to face Claude-san’s


direction, I could no longer see the expression on his face. Still, I could
imagine that he would be looking upwards in a daze right now.

To think that I was abducted by bandits……

I am sorry for Claude-san who has been struck dumb but I am still glad
that everyone else including the two bodyguards were safe. Looks like
the bandits of this world do not arbitrarily murder their victims. Well, it’s
not like I really know how the bandits in my previous world operate.

Claude-san and gang have been tied up by rope but the rope was thin so
I’m sure they would be able to find an object nearby to cut it open. If
Claude-san was there, they should be able to work out something on
their own.

The biggest problem as of now is me. Yes. I have been captured by the
bandits and just like this, I would be sold round and round and would live
with various other perverts I suppose…….

With each jolt by being on the bandit’s horseback, these words rose up
from my mind, “I want you to treasure yourself.” These were the words
from Alan and Cain-bouchama.

With this turn of events, I wonder if this would fall under the category of
not treasuring myself. I knew this was something that couldn’t be
prevented but I still feel somewhat guilty to the both of them.


Chapter 30

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

To be honest, I hate this world where I have been reincarnated to. I am

very irritated at it.
Firstly, I am disappointed that there is hardly any civility that matches
that in my previous world. Also, I deplore watching the people of this
world carry out their meaningless lives without thinking for themselves.

During my time at Garigari village, I had been disgusted at the way the
villagers had lived. They entrusted their fate to whatever that had been
decided for them and had no plans for themselves. That’s why I thought
that if I worked hard, I could stand out by being useful, be recognised by
my parents and finally gain their love. I had gotten ahead of myself and
believed that I had been reborn in this world for the purpose of
experiencing a more human-like lifestyle with these people.

Nevertheless, I had been sold out. (TN: author wrote ‘I was sold’ but I
intentionally changed it to ‘sold out’) Back then, I wanted to be loved by
them no matter what, and spared no effort in doing so, thus when it
happened, I was in a big shock.
After some time had passed, I came down to the conclusion that it’s not
like I really needed parents and resentfully resolved to go with the flow
for the time being.

At that time, I met Alan and Cain.


I considered them to be cute kids.

I could sympathise with them and had my first taste of a feeling like

I spent time with them like this and later, believed arrogantly that I
could save the pitiful them. At first glance, it seemed to stem from the
warm intentions.
But now, thinking back about it, it was nothing but a pack of lies to hide
the dirty portions of my heart, to hide my elitist self and to give the
impression that I was kind.

That’s why they possess everything that I ever wanted, while I could
only admire their happiness from afar, languishing in deep regrets.
I strongly believed that they were different from me.

Truthfully, I think I am just being egoistic here but my feelings for them
have tilted towards dislike.

In the first place, there were many things that I disliked. Even though I
said I hated this world, it doesn’t mean in any way that I actually liked
my previous world either.
In my previous life, in the same vein, I was irritated whenever I saw
others with their loving families.
That’s because they did nothing to deserve it! They take it for granted
that they are loved!
I even see them sneering at me when I work my hardest to attain that
love they take for granted.
Now that I look back on it, in my previous life, I valued pride over
everything else. I studied hard, topped everything as an act of
retaliation against everyone else and protected myself. I hated

There were droves of people like Alan or Cain back in my previous world,
and I could always sense that they were always secretly ridiculing


me…… I know that it isn’t true yet I still have that hunch.

I like the two of them. There is no doubt about that. However, the
present me, is incapable to liking. I’m sure that one day, I would hurt

Having such thoughts would make me an evil child won’t it.

And perhaps being sold by my parents and being captured by the
bandits were part of karma that has been handed down to me.


Chapter 31



Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

The place where I was brought on the bandits’ horse was an ordinary
village with nothing unusual. The Sun had already set and the place was
clad entirely in darkness so there weren’t many villagers outside.
“D-don’t tell me this is another village they plan on pillaging from?” That
was my initial thought. Nevertheless, there were some villagers who
should be night watchers, doing their night patrols and when they saw
the skinhead, they greeted him with “Welcome back” “You’ve worked
hard!”, so this must be the bandits’ village.

The skinhead’s bandit party arrived at the village, dropped off their loot
and gathered at old man’s (likely to be the village chief) house together
with 4 other people who looked like they were part of the management
team of the bandits. For some strange reason, they brought me along as


well. That being said, I am still tied up. What poor treatment for a young
child. This is truly the work of the demon! No, more like the deeds of the

The old man (likely the chief) was probably still asleep up till now and
was blinking his eyes repeatedly. I could feel that he was a kind and
good-natured old man. That he was the village chief despite so makes
him all the more amazing.

“Chief, on the way back from hunting, we spotted a merchant’s coach,

raided it but we messed up big time. The coach that we attacked
appears to be owned by an aristocrat that has blood relations with the
house of the Rainforest. We even found a family crest that indicates the
identity of the Earl of the Rainforest family, and the owner of the coach
had black hair and pea-green eyes too. So there is no mistake about it.”

The skinhead reported gravely with a shaken expression to the village

chief and gulped down the cup of wine that had been prepared for him.

Was he referring to Claude-san when he said black hair and peagreen


The chief drank a sort-of tea with a *siiip*. At the same time, he took a
breath of relief and asked “Then was it a success?” in a barely audible
Is this village chief alright? Is he really the boss of the bandits? He looks
like he might just drop dead and die though.

“The loot that we plundered wasn’t anything great and it would have
been preferable if we didn’t get involved at all but the youngsters
weren’t successful in their hunting and had been impertinent. Well, I
suppose this won’t happen but it is possible that the Rainforest Lords
would dispatch a bandit subjugation team on us.”


The village chief responded “Hiii” in a feeble voice.

He was still rapidly blinking his eyes moments ago so I guess he had
gotten a shock from what the skinhead had reported. Quite likely.

“Well, we have zero intention to cause trouble here so rest assured.

Either way, we had long intended to leave this place. Sorry, we might be
taking some of the able-bodied chaps in this village too, you don’t mind
would ya?”

*Glares*. The skinhead glared directly into the village chief to confirm
things. Please treat the elderly with care!!

“Hii, nay worries.” (TN: this is my attempt at translating this old guy’s か

The village chief was still speaking in his feeble voice and seemed to
have acknowledged the hierarchical relationship between them
somehow. It can be seen that the bandits’ village chief is not necessarily
the boss of the bandits after all.
To have gone to the extent of exerting authority over him, please treat
this old man more kindly! Also, treat this child (me) kindly too!

“By the way, we will depart by midnight. By daybreak, the spirit users
might be able to track us.”

The old man nodded his head sluggishly and left his house. The villagers
seemed to have called for him too.

“Incidentally, leader. Are we bringing this fella along too? ”

The monkey-faced person who had tied us with rope, whose name was if
I remember accurately, Kuwamaru, was pointing at me while asking.
What a coincidence Monkeyface-san. I have been thinking about the


same thing too for some time now.

“Nope, I have been perplexed as to how to handle this kid too.”

Skinhead put his hand on chin and tilted his head to the side in
uncertainty while saying.

“Had she been a boy, we could have given her to one of our
acquaintance who is in need of labour…… but she is a girl. If she had
good proportions, we could have sent her to a brothel, but her figure is,
how shall I put it, not too bad but not so great either…… ain’t no pretty
flower yeah. She has eyes of a dead frog too.”

What! R-rude!
Nevertheless, no matter how, this is a route that avoids the path of the
brothel. I never had that kind of experience so I would be a little nervous
about it. It might be preferable to over exaggerate my eye-popping dead
frog look. Well, it’s not like I am doing that on purpose though……

“But what about that, leader. Wasn’t the owner of the coach greatly
attached to her? This sort of face might be what those who inclined the
other way might prefer.”
*Fuhehe* the monkey made a dirty laugh.
Stop making those unnecessary suggestions, monkey!

“Hmph. There could be that possibility.”

The skinhead leader took another look at me. Don’t be instigated by the
monkey, leader!
As the saying goes, when you are confronted with a wild animal, never
take your eyes off it. I trembled while continuing to stare at them.
Staring like a dead frog.

“Indeed, I had been delayed because of that merchant’s reaction……

What are you really capable of? …… Don’t tell me, you are a mage?”


This question again? I feel like every time I start a new journey, this
question would be asked.

Would it be better if I pasted a piece of paper that said “I am no mage”

on my chest? How about it?
My mind was assertive but there’s no way I’m going to say that. That’s
because the other party is the skinhead.

I straighten my posture in my tied up state.

I wonder what would be the best answer.

The only route I am being shown as of now is the brothel route. Because
I want to go on another route, I need to demonstrate my worth in
another aspect other than my worth as a female.

“I am no m,mage. But I can do arithmetic, I can read and I have good


I started off with a bit of a stammer. It can’t be helped since I am being

surrounded by them in a threatening manner. I think a stress interview
is no good!

The skinhead leader muttered that if I could use magic, I wouldn’t look
so much like a servant. He then paused for a moment to think.

“But you can do arithmetic and write? Why are you able to do those?”

“I took lessons together with the young masters at the residence!”

“Hmm. ……Well then, I shall have you bought at a high price at


Bashu? A person’s name perhaps? What in the world would happen to

me if I was to be purchased there?


“Umm, what would I have to do if I was sold to Bashu-san?”

I had mustered my courage to ask but the skinhead went “Huhh!?” He

looked down on me and said, “Ask Bashu when you get sold.”

Hey hey, is there a need to look so fierce whenever I say anything? I am

still a 6-years-old here. This guy’s appearance is indeed terrifying.

He had been a foulmouthed delinquent transfer student, but really, I had

placed my hopes on the surprise possibility of him flashing a smile as he
picked up an abandoned cat. (TN: I believe this is a standard Japanese

I had been shuddering because of the skinhead when the door slammed
open. Someone with a tall stature stormed in the room while yelling.

“Hey—! What is this about leaving today!? I have been busy with the
treatment of the injured villagers because of you all acting violently!!”

This person’s way of speaking was peculiar. When chattering away, his
waist would twist and turn and his pinky would be pointing up. The voice
was evidently that of a male, yet, there is the reverberation of a failed
attempt at using a high-pitched voice.

“K-Kouki? Don’t be so mad, those are just small cuts aren’t they? Well,
have a seat.”
“Don’t give me that shit about being small! If we don’t treat yhem
properly, it will become a big problem, for crying out loud! Furthermore!
Haven’t I told you countless of times, call me Kou-chan!”

Was he a he or a …… she? Skinhead had faltered since he/she entered.

He? He had reddish-brown hair that grew all the way to the nape, just a


like a woman, and that it was plaited. She, or wait, he? would twist his
waist in an exaggerated motion every time he moved and walk about
with his little pinky pointing up. He wore a tightly fitting animal hide vest
that covered up to his mid-riff and another similarly tight fitting pants.
Among the people I have met in this world, he was definitely the most
eccentric one.

I actually know the term to express such a person. He was, most likely,
an Onee. An Onee bandit.


Chapter 32



The place where I was brought on the bandits’ horse was an ordinary
village with nothing unusual. The Sun had already set and the place was
clad entirely in darkness so there weren’t many villagers outside.
“D-don’t tell me this is another village they plan on pillaging from?” That
was my initial thought. Nevertheless, there were some villagers who
should be night watchers, doing their night patrols and when they saw
the skinhead, they greeted him with “Welcome back” “You’ve worked
hard!”, so this must be the bandits’ village.

The skinhead’s bandit party arrived at the village, dropped off their loot
and gathered at old man’s (likely to be the village chief) house together
with 4 other people who looked like they were part of the management
team of the bandits. For some strange reason, they brought me along as
well. That being said, I am still tied up. What poor treatment for a young
child. This is truly the work of the demon! No, more like the deeds of the

The old man (likely the chief) was probably still asleep up till now and


was blinking his eyes repeatedly. I could feel that he was a kind and
good-natured old man. That he was the village chief despite so makes
him all the more amazing.

“Chief, on the way back from hunting, we spotted a merchant’s coach,

raided it but we messed up big time. The coach that we attacked
appears to be owned by an aristocrat that has blood relations with the
house of the Rainforest. We even found a family crest that indicates the
identity of the Earl of the Rainforest family, and the owner of the coach
had black hair and pea-green eyes too. So there is no mistake about it.”

The skinhead reported gravely with a shaken expression to the village

chief and gulped down the cup of wine that had been prepared for him.

Was he referring to Claude-san when he said black hair and peagreen


The chief drank a sort-of tea with a *siiip*. At the same time, he took a
breath of relief and asked “Then was it a success?” in a barely audible
Is this village chief alright? Is he really the boss of the bandits? He looks
like he might just drop dead and die though.

“The loot that we plundered wasn’t anything great and it would have
been preferable if we didn’t get involved at all but the youngsters
weren’t successful in their hunting and had been impertinent. Well, I
suppose this won’t happen but it is possible that the Rainforest Lords
would dispatch a bandit subjugation team on us.”

The village chief responded “Hiii” in a feeble voice.

He was still rapidly blinking his eyes moments ago so I guess he had
gotten a shock from what the skinhead had reported. Quite likely.

“Well, we have zero intention to cause trouble here so rest assured.


Either way, we had long intended to leave this place. Sorry, we might be
taking some of the able-bodied chaps in this village too, you don’t mind
would ya?”

*Glares*. The skinhead glared directly into the village chief to confirm
things. Please treat the elderly with care!!

“Hii, nay worries.” (TN: this is my attempt at translating this old guy’s か

The village chief was still speaking in his feeble voice and seemed to
have acknowledged the hierarchical relationship between them
somehow. It can be seen that the bandits’ village chief is not necessarily
the boss of the bandits after all.
To have gone to the extent of exerting authority over him, please treat
this old man more kindly! Also, treat this child (me) kindly too!

“By the way, we will depart by midnight. By daybreak, the spirit users
might be able to track us.”

The old man nodded his head sluggishly and left his house. The villagers
seemed to have called for him too.

“Incidentally, leader. Are we bringing this fella along too? ”

The monkey-faced person who had tied us with rope, whose name was if
I remember accurately, Kuwamaru, was pointing at me while asking.
What a coincidence Monkeyface-san. I have been thinking about the
same thing too for some time now.

“Nope, I have been perplexed as to how to handle this kid too.”

Skinhead put his hand on chin and tilted his head to the side in
uncertainty while saying.


“Had she been a boy, we could have given her to one of our
acquaintance who is in need of labour…… but she is a girl. If she had
good proportions, we could have sent her to a brothel, but her figure is,
how shall I put it, not too bad but not so great either…… ain’t no pretty
flower yeah. She has eyes of a dead frog too.”

What! R-rude!
Nevertheless, no matter how, this is a route that avoids the path of the
brothel. I never had that kind of experience so I would be a little nervous
about it. It might be preferable to over exaggerate my eye-popping dead
frog look. Well, it’s not like I am doing that on purpose though……

“But what about that, leader. Wasn’t the owner of the coach greatly
attached to her? This sort of face might be what those who inclined the
other way might prefer.”
*Fuhehe* the monkey made a dirty laugh.
Stop making those unnecessary suggestions, monkey!

“Hmph. There could be that possibility.”

The skinhead leader took another look at me. Don’t be instigated by the
monkey, leader!
As the saying goes, when you are confronted with a wild animal, never
take your eyes off it. I trembled while continuing to stare at them.
Staring like a dead frog.

“Indeed, I had been delayed because of that merchant’s reaction……

What are you really capable of? …… Don’t tell me, you are a mage?”

This question again? I feel like every time I start a new journey, this
question would be asked.

Would it be better if I pasted a piece of paper that said “I am no mage”

on my chest? How about it?
My mind was assertive but there’s no way I’m going to say that. That’s


because the other party is the skinhead.

I straighten my posture in my tied up state.

I wonder what would be the best answer.

The only route I am being shown as of now is the brothel route. Because
I want to go on another route, I need to demonstrate my worth in
another aspect other than my worth as a female.

“I am no m,mage. But I can do arithmetic, I can read and I have good


I started off with a bit of a stammer. It can’t be helped since I am being

surrounded by them in a threatening manner. I think a stress interview
is no good!

The skinhead leader muttered that if I could use magic, I wouldn’t look
so much like a servant. He then paused for a moment to think.

“But you can do arithmetic and write? Why are you able to do those?”

“I took lessons together with the young masters at the residence!”

“Hmm. ……Well then, I shall have you bought at a high price at


Bashu? A person’s name perhaps? What in the world would happen to

me if I was to be purchased there?

“Umm, what would I have to do if I was sold to Bashu-san?”

I had mustered my courage to ask but the skinhead went “Huhh!?” He

looked down on me and said, “Ask Bashu when you get sold.”


Hey hey, is there a need to look so fierce whenever I say anything? I am

still a 6-years-old here. This guy’s appearance is indeed terrifying.

He had been a foulmouthed delinquent transfer student, but really, I had

placed my hopes on the surprise possibility of him flashing a smile as he
picked up an abandoned cat. (TN: I believe this is a standard Japanese

I had been shuddering because of the skinhead when the door slammed
open. Someone with a tall stature stormed in the room while yelling.

“Hey—! What is this about leaving today!? I have been busy with the
treatment of the injured villagers because of you all acting violently!!”

This person’s way of speaking was peculiar. When chattering away, his
waist would twist and turn and his pinky would be pointing up. The voice
was evidently that of a male, yet, there is the reverberation of a failed
attempt at using a high-pitched voice.

“K-Kouki? Don’t be so mad, those are just small cuts aren’t they? Well,
have a seat.”
“Don’t give me that shit about being small! If we don’t treat yhem
properly, it will become a big problem, for crying out loud! Furthermore!
Haven’t I told you countless of times, call me Kou-chan!”

Was he a he or a …… she? Skinhead had faltered since he/she entered.

He? He had reddish-brown hair that grew all the way to the nape, just a
like a woman, and that it was plaited. She, or wait, he? would twist his
waist in an exaggerated motion every time he moved and walk about
with his little pinky pointing up. He wore a tightly fitting animal hide vest
that covered up to his mid-riff and another similarly tight fitting pants.
Among the people I have met in this world, he was definitely the most


eccentric one.

I actually know the term to express such a person. He was, most likely,
an Onee. An Onee bandit.


Chapter 33

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

From then on, it was a journey together with the bandits on horse. We
would take short breaks occasionally and when night came, we would
also set up camp. Nevertheless, these days had been exhausting.
Kou-san sat behind me to support me, but still it is very tiring to ride a
horse. My butt aches. As well every single muscle. What is this level of

Furthermore, the landscape among the mountain was always the same,
never changing, so the excitement I had for a horseback life worn out in
a couple of days.

All of the bandits looked fine, and could even nock an arrow while riding
the horse to shoot birds the moment they caught sight of one. The shot
bird would serve as additional food for dinner.
These bandits live up to their name of mountain bandits at least!

We reached our campsite once again and everybody were doing their
own camp preparations.

After getting off the horse, I rubbed my reddened thigh with an ointment

I received from Kou-san. This ointment is really very effective.


This ointment is able to relieve pain and suppress inflammation. Its

name is called “Forget Your Pains with the Maiden’s Embrace”.
As suggested from its name, it was an ointment personally made by
Onee-san. I was explained that the ointment helps with waist pain and
other kinds of pains like the pain that follows after falling on your
backside (without any cuts and wounds). I was told that I would be
taught how to make it a few days later and I was somewhat looking
forward to it,

Kou-san had gave me a very in-depth lesson about medicine and

treatment methods in this world along the way here (though she is likely
going to use my help).

It is because Kou-san was the only medic among the band of bandits.

Shouldn’t healing and treating people be like how it works in games?

Just using recovery magic to heal in one go? It could be that there is no
recovery magic in this world. The injured and the sick can only rely on
the medicines produced by the medic. This means the magic of this
world is less convenient than what I had imagined it to be.

Speaking of which, when I had gone to the Rainforest town’s market, I

was slightly surprised that the pharmacies were well stocked. The
reason for that could be that there is no such thing as recovery magic.

Since I have finished applying the ointment, I went on with making

preparations for the camp with Kou-san.
Today we are camping by the side of a big tree. It was a good elevated
open space.

We were totally surrounded by trees but if we walked further up ahead,

there would be a river. Still, I was told to never go towards the river. as
there were demonic beasts (TN: In the past, I used “magical beasts” but


after consideration, I think demonic beasts would be a better choice) in

the area towards the river.
I was also told that there would be demonic beasts beyond the
mountains near Garigari village, but it looks like for this area, the beasts
can be found in the direction of the river.
The reason the bandits actually set up camp here was that because this
place was a relative far distance from the river and they were afraid of
the demonic beasts too.
But hey, what are demonic beasts anyways? At first when I first heard
about them, I had assumed that they were like wild dogs or bears, but
since this is the world we are talking about, I could even expect to see
dragons I suppose. If I were to encounter that kind of gigantic reptile
type of monster, I would certainly run off in fear.

Everytime we set up camp, the males would be primarily in charge of

heavy work while I, who was part of the group of females and Onee
(male) would start the fire and prepare the meals.
Onee bandit Kou-san would show me the mountain vegetables and
taught me the method to pick them, the way to eat them and also the
effects they can have.
This world’s treatment concepts is very alike to the concepts of
Traditional Chinese Medicine in my previous existence. A balanced diet
both prevents and cure sickness. It is a principle that treats both food
and medicine as the same thing.

The contents of our food would always be simple: Dried meat, hunted
bird, grain and mountain vegetables. They would be thrown in together
to a pot and cooked. The only seasoning used is salt. Even though each
meal is simple, they are reasonably delicious.

After the preparations for the camp is completed, the bandits would all
be sluggish as though they were the dead. However, after having their
meals and a short break, they would immediately regain the liveliness
and sit round the campfire, drinking wine and making merry. It was the


kind of mood that you get from festivals.

So much so that the boss is smiling. A smile that holds traces of

scariness. A smile that feels like he was fully enjoying eating a baby

In order to avoid the eyes of the boss as much as possible, I read the
medical books handed to me from Kou-san diligently. This was a daily

Somehow, the bandits were more invigorated than usual. After making
camp, they were waiting to contact Bashu who lived around here.

It seems that the boss was unable to set foot in the town as he is a
wanted man. That’s why the only way was for Bashu to come over, I
believe. I wonder what Alek boss was being prosecuted for.

Nevertheless, it is definite that showing his face up at the town would

put him in a spot. With that face of his, even if he did nothing, there was
no doubt that he would be reported anyways.

That’s why when tomorrow comes, the musclehead Guy, brainy Rudel
and one of the villager that joined the bandits—Polen would be heading
to the town to make contact with Bashu. Hence, they were having a
banquet before sending them off. But we had the food as usual though.

Incidentally, the people left behind at camp including myself would be

house-sitting in the meantime. I felt relieved personally about it since
there wouldn’t be anymore horse riding. My soft butt has reached its

Ever since the three were told to call Bashu-san here, we no longer
travelled with the horses and for me, our life became calm and quiet.
Alek and gang went to hunt while Kou-san and I picked the mountain


vegetation, washed clothes and did all sorts of miscellaneous work.

Today was also spent pick vegetables with Kou-san.

As always, Kou-san explained the medical herbs’ effect and how to use
them while we were on the job.

I had always been curious on who exactly were these bandits-san.

I didn’t feel that they were from the bandit village from the start but
even so, they didn’t feel like feral children living independently in the
mountains either.
Both the monkeyface Kuwamaru and the smart Rudel could somewhat
do arithmetics and they were extremely familiar with the geography in
this area, all the way down to details.
Furthermore, Kou-san expertise in medicine was mindblowing. I’m sure it
is not something that can be learned normally.

Surely they have been taught somewhere. Nevertheless, if I remember

correctly, there is only one educational institution in this world. However,
that school is for nobility so I guess that’s not possible……

“What’s wrong? Ryou-chan looks so dazed, are you tired?”

Kou-san was in front of me and was bending back and forth.

“S-sorry. I was having some thoughts. Umm…… I was thinking, who

exactly are you all.”

“Oh? You are interested in us?”

“Rather than interested, it is because everyone here seems to possess

their own skills and I was wondering how they managed to learn them.”


“Mufufu. I’m glad. That you actually asked something about us.”
Onee bandit was really delighted and a brought her clenched right fist
near her mouth while giggling.

“We might be bandits now but back in the past, we were all young
masters and young daughters of aristocrats. You can’t believe that

“Then, you all must have gone through the education of the royal school
I knew it! I might look like a child, but I have the brains of an adult
detective. However, for these aristocrats to have become bandits, what
on earth exactly happened?

“Yes, yes. You do know your stuff--. We all met during our school days. I
was from the medicine course while Kuwamaru and Rudel were in the
business course. As for Guy and Alek, they were studying some kind of a
knight's course but their courses were different yet they became
intimate friends. By the way, the Bashu that we are meeting is from the
business course. We are also on good terms with another person, my
little brother, but we have become more distant and we hardly meet
these days.”

When she was talking about her little brother, her face became slightly
cloudy but for other things they did while in school, she talked about
them to me with ease.
Kuwamaru was initially in the knight’s course but the training was too
demanding for him so he dropped out and transferred to the business
course. Kou-san was not an Onee at that point of time and was just an
ordinary boy but still gained considerable attention from the girls. Yet
she had already fallen for Alek boss and had always been like that since.

“Various things happened and unfortunately, we became bandits. But

that’s alright. I have decided that I would live for love. I will continue to


follow Alek around.”

Onee-san eyes were completely those of a carnivore staring at its prey.
But from how I see it, Alek doesn’t seem to incline that way…… A
touching, unrequited love.

Even in this case, the boss is popular. Is his face really the standard of
an ikemen in this world?

Speaking of which, I am interested in the ‘various things’ (not Kou-san’s

love story) that she mentioned.

“What is Bashu-san working as now?”

“Ahh, Bashu is the master of the Ruby Fallen domain. The Earl of Ruby
Fallen, yes.”

‘Master’ and ’Earl’ would mean that he is also an aristocrat? Am I to be

his maid?
Since I am already a maid, I have the necessary career background. I
see, I see, that wouldn’t all too bad huh.

“Incidentally, Bashu-san is no pervert right? He's not a pedophile right?”

“Hm? I don’t think he is a pervert. He has married a mage and they have
kids too.”
I made a magnificent guts pose in my mind.
Won’t my new employment have even better prospects? But I still can’t
let my guard down. There is the possibility that the kids were another
unmanageable shitty brat.

While I do not know living conditions of the shitty brat, I am still relieved
to know where I might end up before getting sold.

“Speaking of which, Kou-okaasan mentioned about various things

happening that caused you all to become bandits. What exactly



Up till now, she generally had a smile on but her expression hardened
when I asked that. It looks like it was a question that shouldn’t be asked.

Sorry, I didn’t know my place.

“The reason why we became bandits isn’t something that can come out
from my mouth. ……I do not want to push our thoughts out. Anyways,
how did we end up near to the side of the river. We have to get back

Kou-san was no longer in a mood to talk about it and move towards the
direction of our tents.
I hastily followed behind but I have become very interested to the topic
that she averted her eyes from.


Chapter 34

The three who left for Bashu’s place have yet to return. As per norm, the
men went on hunt while Kou-san(male) and I went outside to pick
mountain vegetables, do the laundry and other things.
As of late, I have understood the treatment procedures and could
somewhat help treat those who return with injuries after hunting. It
might be called treatment, but considering their injuries, all I really did
was wash their wounds, apply medication and wrap it up in bandages.

Also, I have been taught how to mix medication and make the Forget
Your Pains with the Maiden’s Embrace medicine.

In addition, there was something that piqued my interest recently.

The bandits have yet to commit a single act of robbery since we left the
bandit village. If that is so, they are no longer bandits isn’t?
Actually, there is a path not far from the camp where many merchants
on their horses pass by, and yet, they have not made their move on
them. All they did was quietly hunt for a living. Currently, we are just a
simple hunting group.

Perhaps they held themselves back because of the little child (me) in
their group because it would be detrimental for educational purposes?
Oh my, what a surprise that they actually had this kind side to them.

“Huh? We didn’t really specifically take Ryou into consideration.”

I had asked regarding my observation and it was immediately shot down


by the monkeyface Kuwamaru.

Monkeyface Kuwamaru had basically ended all his sentence with “ssuyo(っ
すよ)”, “ssuu(っすー)” and “ssunee(っすねー)” in the presence of the boss
or Kou-san like how a Kouhai of a club would have, yet when he faced
me, his speaking style would change to that of a senior.

This bastard!

In order to soothe my irritation, I had devoted myself entirely to work.

Right now, Kuwamaru and a villager bandit Gorz-san were scraping off
fats of wild boar skins. The underside of the skin was disgustingly flabby
and I found it pitiful for the boar too, hence I wasn’t too comfortable with
this job……

At first, the bandits treated me as though I was air and Kou-san was the
only one who would talk to me. I myself wasn’t comfortable initiating a
conversation with any of them either. However, as time with them went
by, I found myself increasingly curious about them.

It’s also because of what I heard about Bashu-san the Earl from
Kou Onee-san, that I was able to calm down and had the leeway to think
about what might happen in the future.

With this feeling, since I was already caught up in this, I might as well
study sociology – the ways of bandits. As such, I began talking to them.

And of course, this was how I learned about the two-face nature of
Kuwamaru. Behaving all proudly to anyone who ranks beneath him while
acting servile to those above.
Such loathsome middle management staff!

“If we were to act violently around these parts, it would be extremely

troublesome for ourselves later on. I don’t really understand much, but


even boss-san is a wanted man. Actually, what on earth did boss-san do

anyway? Robbery?”

Currently, Gorz-san was expressing himself like a Kouhai.

“……He didn’t do anything badass”

Monkeyface Kuwamaru didn’t even bother to turn and face him.

Nono, how could he be a wanted person if he didn’t do anything
criminal? Don’t tell me it is really true that with his face alone, he got
reported while he was in the town.

“Also, boss is not doing any raids because this is the Ruby Fallen

“Now that you say it, I remember hearing it from Kou-okaasama. If I

remember correctly, the lord of this domain and boss-san are
acquaintances? That must be why we aren’t attacking people in these

I had heard similar things from Kou-san. But I had completely forgotten
about it. Their connection was probably that of friendship. Even though
he is a wanted man.

“Even though that may be true, it is not the only thing. Boss extremely
hates mages and dislikes territories which depend on mages. Ruby
Fallen had been said to be a cursed land, since not a single mage has
been born out in it in decades. Boss doesn’t pick on lands which have a
weak link to magic. Even though this is the only territory which is
experiencing such an issue though.”

Hoh, this must be what they call a bandit’s dignity. Anyways, this is the
first time I heard of anyone who actually hates mages. Everyone else
more or less respect the mages so it is rather fresh to see someone


showing disdain for mages.

“Ka—! It’s the will of the boss! Living like a man! As expected, boss-san
is coooool. My role model. My saviour.”

The villager’s spirit rose as he said.

Speaking of “saviour”, what was he saved from?

“What do you mean by your savior?”

I asked the Gorz-san in a 6-year-old like manner while maintaining an
adorable and innocent expression. Even though they think I stare like a
dead frog, I am very very sure that is not the case. I am supposed to be
a cute young girl.
I smiled as sweetly as I would, when posing for a photograph.

“We were from Guriguri village, a pioneering settlement but the crops
could hardly grow and crops that managed to grow were eaten by the
wild boars. The mages couldn’t care less about us and we were on the
brink of starvation. This was when Alek boss and Kuwamaru bro gallantly
came to the rescue.”

Towards the boss which has been continuously called cool, Kuwamaru
gave a not at all dissatisfied expression while bashfully saying
something like “Oh please stop”. I am getting a little pissed at his
contented Monkeyface.

Wait a minute… Pioneering settlement! So we are comrades huh! And

the name of it is Guriguri village too. Are all pioneering settlements
named in such a way!? Who the heck named them! I would love to have
a word with that person.

“No really, I am in your debt. You taught me how to hunt, how to peel off
animal hide, taught me about the various mountain vegetation and even
how to rob merchants.”


I see, I see. That is good. However, it would be much better if he wasn’t

taught how to rob though.

“Well, the boss has that kind of personality so there is no way he would
abandon others in need.”
Kuwamaru boasted with pride.
He spoke of boss having that certain personality but all I have seen from
him is that chilling face of his, so for now, I don’t see him in that light.
But I suppose he does have a hint of humanity huh……

“Now that I think back on it, it is very strange that when we were on the
verge of starvation, we didn’t think that we could live on even if turned
to banditry. Yet now, in order to protect my family and myself, I would
do anything despite the fact that, during that time, all I did was to suffer
in hunger while simply doing nothing but wait for the mages. All we did
was wait for death.”

The villager scratched his head as he spoke with wonder.

Still, robbing others is still no good!? Says the me who had been
kidnapped…… Hmm, but there are times when it cannot be helped in
order to survive.

Guriguri village should be a pioneering settlement under the Rainforest

territory. They blame their starvation and suffering on the Rainforest
Family but not on the management of the village?

It may have been unfortunate but Irene-san and Claude-san had been so
busy and they have done their very best! This is my perspective as an
ex-maid, but nevertheless, I can’t say it out to these villagers who had
faced near-deaths from hunger.

……This feels somewhat complicated.


If I had not been born in Garigari village, I wonder if that village would
have to turn to banditry as well. No, if that was the case, I’m sure it
would have become a bandit village by now.

Hya ha! (TN: this is a sort of gangsterly snigger I think) As they laughed,
a fleeting thought came to my mind. It was when Maru-anchan (TN: it’s
like ‘bro’) was straddling onto his pony.

……Totally don’t look like them at all. The inhabitants of Garigari village
wouldn’t have anything like their guts, I believe.

I pray that Maru-anchan doesn’t end up “Hya ha”-ing and that he puts in
effort to cultivate the fields.

The three men who went to the city to find Bashu-san came back.
However, they were unable to meet Bashu-san. They said that Bashu-
san went on a long expedition to find an agriculture expert so that he
can invite him or her to assist in reforming agriculture. They have no
idea when he would be back but it shouldn’t take that long, so they
Upon hearing their report, Boss decided that we would continue setting
up camp here and wait for Bashu-san to return.

Such bad timing.

This would mean my re-employment is a distant away. A blessing from

this however, is that I can continue to enjoy this slow pace of life in the
mountains; not much damage was done, I can say.

At first, it was very intimidating and I didn’t dare to even take a slight
peek at the boss’s face but in recent times, I feel like I have gotten used


to his face.

I took a long look at the boss face by the side. Boss could sense
someone looking at him and in that moment when he turned to face me,
I looked away and acted nonchalantly.
This little game of “Ding-dong-dash” (TN: press on a bell and run
away) has been a favourite pastime of mine.

From the excess time we had together, I became closer to the bandits.

Mm. If only I had soap. I was scrubbing away at the bandits’ clothes at
the river.
Among the bandits, the main person to do all the housework was me.
And here I am, hard at work, washing their worn-out clothes.
The water alone isn’t sufficient to get the dirt to drop off and if I applied
too much force, the clothes would tear too…… What to do.

As a rule, going to the river is dangerous so Kou-san would follow me to

the river usually, but yesterday, Rudel-san strained his back while
hunting so Kou-san, who was in charge of nursing him, stayed behind.
Thus, I am now doing this alone.
Rudel-san was always a careful person and carried himself with
intelligence so it would have simply been alright to just get him not to
hunt recklessly (in the meantime).

Even though they told me that the river was dangerous, it was actually
fine as long as I don’t cross into the opposite side of the river.
I have no desire to die right now, so I do not intend to cross to the
opposite bank by myself, much less encountering a demonic beast like a
dragon. If I did see one I would go all out to escape! With great speed!


Still, washing the bandits’ rags was really tiring.

Time for a little rest—

Just when I was about to rest, I lifted my head up and saw something
across the river.

I’m sure it was a woman. Her slightly curvy hair had the same shade of
gold as mine. The tips of her hair was curved like waves.

She looks like me?

That female across the river gestured for me to come over.

Who could she be, this was the first time I saw somebody else other than
the bandits around these parts. Could there be a village nearby?
If that is true……would I be able to escape?

Could it be that the bandits told me not to cross the river because there
was civilisation there? To prevent me from trying to escape?

Franking speaking, I have had no inclination to escape recently. Still,

there could be people there.

“Urmm—What are you doing there? Is there a village near?”

I tried to speak to her but all she did was laugh without replying.
What’s going on, could it be that she’s mute? Or could it be that, she
knows that there are bandits in the vicinity and doesn’t want me to

As I laid down my thoughts, I went ahead and walked through the river.
It wasn’t a very deep river. Its depth was only up to a child’s waist like
mine. The flow of the river was slow and there was absolutely no


problem with walking across it.

I kept my eye on the female that gestured me to follow her. Initially I

thought she bore resemblance to me but, no, I had been mistaken, she
was more like mother.

Could it be that she was mother? Don’t tell me that mother had been
worried and came to look for me?

I wanted to confirm the identity of that person. I crossed the river and
reached the other side of the river.

After reaching the other side, the person that looks like mother,
continuously gestured for me to come. It looked like she wanted to hug

It was mother!

She had been worried and probably came to find me. She must have
regretted selling me and she is telling me to come back to her!

These were the thoughts in my mind as I was about to leap into her
arms. Abruptly, the image of mother vanished.
Unknowingly, a large black bear with nine eyes appeared in front of me.
It swooped down its claws to attack me.


I fainted in fright.



Chapter 35

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

I was hit by something from above. However, there wasn’t pain as one
would expect after being struck by claws.
I opened up my eyes and saw red. It was blood.
Somebody’s back was drenched in blood. That somebody got in between
the bear and I, and carried me away to protect me. Next, this person
tried to run through the river.

It was crimson red from shoulder to back. The person who carried me
was likely cut by that monster earlier.

This person was injured but continued to bring me across the river. I was
laid down on the river before the person herself and fell to her knees
with all her strength drained from her. She gave an intense gaze to the
stunned me.
It was the first time I had received such a stare.

“You went all the way across the river to that extent!”

A dreadful trembling voice straight from the depths of hell; Kou-san

shouted violently.
This was the first time I heard that kind of voice from Kou-san.



Just as I was about to squeeze out an apology, Kou-san fell flat.

Copious amount of blood was oozing from her back.

If I don’t stop the blood……!

I looked arodgw yhu xhilpabgz ph xphf pal kshhw shxx, tgw ghpbvlw tg
dgmtxalw wur utz patp vhdsw kl dxlw. Palul ibzap kl zluix hg bp kdp bp
bx ytu ihul wtgzluhdx yhu alu vhgpbgdl shxbgz kshhw sbnl patp. B
zutkklw pal stdgwry and pressed it strongly on her wound.

“Bossss! Kuwamaru-sann! Hey! Someone! Help—! Kou-san is…! Kou-san


I called for help relentlessly. This place isn’t really that far off from the
camp. Given that they all have good hearing, they should be able to
hear me. If they couldn’t, this would really be a big problem.

As I screamed out loud, I took a glance at the opposite bank of the river.
The nine-eyed bear was gone. No image of mother was left behind.

Surely that must have been a demonic beast.

Until boss and the rest get here, I continued to scream for help while
trying to stop the bleeding.

It was because of me that she gotten slashed, if she died on

me……there’s no way I could accept it!

Not long later, boss and gang came, and carried Kou-san back to the
camp while trying to stop the bleeding.


Boss looked at the greatly shocked me and said, “Now you are the only
who knows how to treat her injuries! Do it fast!” I took another look at
the pale-faced Kou-san and finally regained some composure.

It’s true. Only I could do it. In order to help Kou-san, I have to do it.

I removed the rag that was pressed on her wound, washed off Kou-
okaasan’s blood-stained back with water, and smeared a special
ointment to stop bleeding. It was a green ointment made from the paste
of Yomogi.

In the ptxp, malg Ndmtitud’x tui atw kllg xvutflw kr t pmbz tgw palul mtx
t utpalu shgz vdp hg abx tui, mtxg’p palul t gllw ph xpbpva pal mhdgw?
Tx ytu tx B uliliklu, bp mtx t ztfbgz mhdgw pahdza. B fuhktksr mhg’p
gllw ph wh patp xbgvl pabx hbgpilgp vhdsw xphf ksllwing and close
wounds too.
I have a feeling that the bodies of the people in this world were more
sturdy than the people from my previous world. Or maybe it could be
that the Kou-san’s medicine is really effective.

I applied the ointment on the wound generously, and on top of that, I

fastened a cloth around her wound that had been sterilised by boiling.

Most likely she will be alright. The wound was big but, it wasn’t as deep
as the one Kuwamaru had before.

From then on, I kept night watches on Kou-san to nurse her.

Or it could be that I couldn’t sleep.

A short time later, Kou-san started having nightmares from her fever
and pains.

I made her drink a medicated soup that relieves pain and alleviates


fever, wiped off her sweat, changed the dressing and placed a wet towel
over her head to cool her down……I tried all I could to reduce her pain
and to help her.

Occasionally, Kou-san would shout my name in her nightmares, and to

check if she was alright, I would take her hand and tell her that I was
alright. Rather than me, Kou-san was the one that wasn’t alright!

The other bandits were worried sick too and didn’t want to leave Kou-
san’s side. Boss told them, “With a bunch of dirty dudes gathering
around, the one getting treated obviously wouldn’t be able to recover
comfortably!” And then, he chased them out.

I apologised to the boss about being lured by the demonic beast to the
opposite side of the river and it ending up with Kou-san protecting me. I
had resigned myself to the possibility of boss becoming enraged at my
foolish act. He might have killed me for my mistake but the boss simply
muttered, “I see…”

And then, Kou-san who was still in her nightmare, started to shout Alek,
the boss’s name.

“Alek, don’t live dangerously,” “defying them…….” “Alek, it’s


Alek replied, “It’s fine,” to all her incoherent mumblings.

That was how things went for the entire night when we were caring for
her. Boss told me to get some rest but I had stubbornly declined. Boss
face was entirely impregnable but more fascinating was that he never
once left Kou-okaasan’s side.

At the crack of dawn, Kou-okaasan’s breathing had stabilised. She


stopped having nightmares, and her fever went down. Perhaps she
managed to calm down.

As I looked at Kou-okaasan, I, who had been fatigued by looking after

her through the night and being anxious, slowly lay down to rest near
her. I was reflecting on how all this had happened.

There was no way mhpalu mhdsw vhil tss pal mtr alul rlp B atw kllg
xdvvlxxydssr pubvnlw bgph vuhxxbgz pal ubolu. Patp mtx t wlihgbv
kltxp mtxg’p bp. Bp atw wlvlbolw il tgw publw ph zlp il holu pal ubolu. B
mtx dgwlu pal bifulxxbhg patp wlihgbv kltxpx mhdsw kl xhilpabgz sbnl t
wutzhg hu t xsbil. B mtx ultssr patp xpdfbw. Ir atgwx xabolu cdxp
pabgnbng about it.

In the first place, why had I been lured by “mother”? Hadn’t I given up
on that already? I told myself that I couldn’t give a damn, and will forget
them forever! Even though I resolved myself to forget!

I could feel somebody gently caressing my forehead, causing me to

wake up. I had drifted to sleep while thinking about all those things.
It was Kou-san who was gently stroking my forehead.

One way or another, we have made it past the most difficult phase. I was
relieved that Kou-san was now safe and that nobody died because of my
carelessness. The warmth emitted from Kou-okaasan’s hand was

“S-sorry. It was because of me, sorry.”

“It’s okay. ……I’m glad you are fine. These bandages and medicines are
done by Ryou-chan?”


I nodded.

I don’t really know how but, it feels as though the inside of my throat
had stopped working and I lost my voice.

“I see, well done. Thanks. This was due to Ryou-chan’s efforts. You are
really good at this.”

“But……why did you stick out your body to shield someone like me……”

“Wrong. Not ‘someone like me’. It’s because you are Ryou-chan. …….
You are just like how Alek was back in the past. Tinged with hatred for
the world and the eyes of a defeated. I couldn’t just leave you alone.”

Boss who was seated nearby was fidgeting restlessly and grumbled,
“What the heck man”. It might have been a brusque remark from him
but from his voice, I knew that he was relieved that Kou-san had
regained consciousness.

I forcefully eked out a hoarse voice from my throat. “Kou-san,” I uttered.

“Didn’t I say this when we first met? I would take care of you. And please
call me Kou-okaasan.”

Kou-okaasan smiled tenderly as she said.

And then, I endured the pain in my throat to gather whatever voice I
had, “Yes……Kou-okaasan. Thank you.”

I was overjoyed. So much so that I gradually could see the world


Somehow, layered inside my fluffy emotions, another level-headed me

whispered: You will be sold anyways. It has been decided. You would be



I know that, I can grasp that. Even then.

No matter what, a me that hopes for something remains.


Chapter 36

After a few days, Kou-san’s condition had stabilised. She is now able to
sit upright and eat on her own.

Since she was able to hold conversations, I have been receiving

instructions from her on following treatment procedures.
The sctux hg alu ktvn mlul xpbss palul tgw shhnlw tx pahdza palr mlul
xsbzapsr bgystilw. Glolupalslxx, klvtdxl pal mhdgw atx vshxlw df,
malpalu pal xvtu mhdsw wbxtffltu lgpbulsr wlflgwx hg pal pultpilgp.
Ubzap ghm, B ti ulfstvbgz pal hbgpilgp mabva xphfx ksllwbgz (mabva
tsxh ulsblolx ftbg tgw xdffulxx bgystiittion) and changing her dressing.

In the period when I cared for Kou-okaasan, I felt somewhat blissful. Kou-
okaasan is really kind. I feel that she actively tries to cover up for my

Still, what awaits me is getting sold off to somebody else.

I wonder what Kou-okaasan plans for me exactly. She has been so kind
to me, so much so that I have gotten the wrong idea about her. No, it’s
as though it’s already become an expectation. After all, she protected
me with her life.

Doesn’t this mean she regards me as something very important?!

When treated in such a way, anyone would have their hopes without


doubt. That Kou-okaasan obviously loves me. I mean, she even said at
the beginning, that she was going to think of me as her child with boss.
She told me to call her Okaa-san!

I have believed it again.

However, if I were to be backstabbed again, if I were to be sold


As of now, Kou-okaasan is unable to move so I am the only medic for the

bandits. That’s why, they allow me to stay by their side all the time
As long as Kou-okaasan is lying down on the bed, I am the bandits’
precious medic. That’s why, in the meantime, I won’t be sold.

That’s right, at this rate, if Kou-okaasan can be bedridden forever……!

Preferably both her hands and legs……!

That, that’s impossible—! I am a yandare?! Scary!

I am definitely not a yandare!

Honestly, I don’t have a good idea of how Kou-okaasan thinks of me.

Furthermore, asking her would be scary.
But I understand my thoughts clearly.
I want to continue this life with them. I want to continue being with Kou-
okaasan, boss and the other bandits.

With this newfound conviction, I’m sure I can muster the courage to
achieve anything.


Also, I want to try my very best.

I am very aware that effort doesn’t equate to results.

Even in the ftxp, malglolu B atw tg bgvsbgbgz patp ir ftulgpx mlul

zlppbgz vshxlu ph il, B mhdsw fdxa irxlsy atuwlu, kdp lolg palg, ir
lyyhupx mlul ghp ulmtuwlw. Xpbss, lolg by patp mtx pal vtxl, B xpbss
mtgp ph vsbgz hg ph pabx sbppsl ahfl patp B atol. Ihul hyplg patg ghp,
lyyhup zhlx dgulmtrded everywhere in the world.

Still, at the very end, I want to hang onto to this hope. This would be the
last time.

Alright! This shall be my bandit debut.

I knew in advance that I was going to be the Earl’s family maid and I had
considered that to be good vocation but being a bandit isn’t bad either. I
want to continue living as a bandit. The slow life had been fun.

It’s just that I don’t want to be involved in something like robbery. After
all, I hail from the relatively safe Japan……

Regarding the act of robbigz, palul mhdsw kl gh fuhkslix tx shgz tx B

vhuulvp pal mtrx hy pali ktgwbpx. Rlx, patp’x bp, rlx. B, mah bx fulxlgpsr
xdffhxlw ph kl t vdpl sbppsl zbus, mhdsw plss pali, “Khxx, yhu ir xtnl,
fsltxl wh ghp zh against me!” With that, they would stop for sure.
However, was it even possible for Boss to change his ways even though
evil has seeped deep into his face……?

No, let’s stop thinking too deeply into it.

For now, the most vital thing is to join their bandit gang. I wonder if
there are any formal procedures to join them. Such as a test, a ritual or


a baptism. ……First of all I need to confirm if Boss would even let me


No, wait.
If I suddenly requested to join, he would probably say something like,
“There is nothing that a kid like you can do! Don’t ever ask of that
again!” Even I wouldn’t dare to ask a second time after that.

I know, how about increasing my appeal before making my request to


Yes, that’s it!

If I can get them to tell me, “Please join us bandits!”, that would be

I swiftly drew up and refined my plan. I would swing into action starting
from tomorrow.

The morning for a bandit applicant is early.

I woke up earlier than everyone else, and started mixing today’s portion
of medicine. Next is collecting vegetables nearby. Today, I am also
planning to join them in hunting, so I looked around for a long wooden
stick that can be used while hunting.
The leftover ashes from the bonfire could be used to make soap so I kept
it for later and also did some sweeping around the perimeters of the
Next, I started a fire and prepared breakfast with the vegetables that
were gathered and wild boar meat. The bandits eat plentifully during

After that, being lured by the scent of food, the bandits woke up one by


I greeted them with an invigorating smile.

“Oh oh, boss, good morn’! Wow, you still look as cool as ever!”
“……what do you want”

Alek boss became unsettled at my invigorating greeting. Oh that’s right,

up till now, all my greetings weren’t as casual as how the bandits would
greet one another with “good morn’.” Yep, I might have overdone it.

For now, I’ll treat it as though nothing happened and continue in my

usual way of speaking. Even though I returned back to my original way
of speaking, I still won’t forget to pepper my words with compliments for
the boss.

Later, because removing other obstacles are equally as important, I

would excessively praise the bandit management team too.
As for Kuwamaru, B phsw abi, “rhd’ul pal klxp kuh, tx lqflvplw!” tgw al
mtx fdp bgph t zhhw ihhw. Tx yhu Ztb-xtg, pal idxvslaltw, B vhifsbilgplw
abx kdszbgz idxvslx tgw al pmbpvalw abx valxp idxvslx bg wlsbzap.
Udwls-xtg mtx xdxfbvbhdx hy ir wutxpbv vatgzl bg klatobhdu xh ir
vhifsbilgpx wbwg’p mhun mlss hg abi. Pal ultvpbhg yuhi khxx mtx ljdally
as bad.

It’s okay, this is just the first day. I will proceed without panicking.

After finishing with things like helping Kou-san with her meals, preparing
her medicine and changing her dressing, I conveyed my interest to join
them in hunting to boss. However, he rejected me and said, “It’s
impossible since you can’t even ride a horse.”

Still, to get here, I rode together with Kou-san so I probably could help
out by shooting with the bow while paired with someone else on a horse.
I had achieved decent standards in archery during my previous life.


I told the boss that I knew how to shoot from the bow, and the boss said,
“If you say you can, why don’t you show me,” and lent me his bow. I
tried to pull the bowstring, but was unable to do so due to lack of

Kuu! If only I had the body of my previous life!

I resolved to add push-ups to my morning program.

In the end, I wasn’t allowed to join them in the hunt. The boss stroked
my head (very unlike of him) and said, “Well, if there is a chance in the
future, I would teach you how to hunt”.

Ehh, no way, the normally scary him became so kind all of a sudden.
How startling.
If the boss was a little bit more handsome, that would so much better.
Sadly, from how I see it, the boss has a scary face that looks like a
bulldog or a gorilla. Sorry, but that’s definitely not my type.
Furthermore, I don’t want Onee as my rival. I don’t feel that I would be
able to win his, oops I mean, her femininity.

With that, the days went by with me contributing to the bandits primarily
by being responsible for all the housework.

And then, the hardworking me showed everyone that “I wasn’t just a

housework girl!”. I borrowed a hoe from the village bandits, tilled an
empty space, fertilised the land with horse dung and tried to grow some
potatoes. The very next night, some wild boars dug out everything and
ate them. I got scolded by Kou-okaasan for that too.

I tried to make soap with water mixed with ash and animal fats but the
bubbles from it were terrible and the soap reeked of smelly fats.
Furthermore, the bandits who do not give a damn to whether they are
clean or dirty weren’t concerned with hygiene and said, “Won’t washing
with water do?”, rejecting the soap right away.


Using clay from the mountains and heating them with the ashes of
bonfire, I made some straw-rope patterned bowls. “But aren’t the
wooden bowls we’re using now good enough?” They said and treated
the straw-rope patterned bowls as ornaments.

I tried to flaunt the musical talents I possessed that annihilated all my

competition in my previous lifetime. This was a plan to turn them into
slaves of my art, so I stole a bucket that was used as armour by the
village bandits and used twigs to play drum. However, the
hypersensitive Rudel told me to shut up.

And right now, I ti bg pal ibwxp hy itnbgz kubvnx yuhi vstr. B ti itnbgz t
vhhnbgz xphol mbpa pal kubvnx. Tsxh, B fstg ph kdbsw t mtss tx t
ftupbpbhg ph xablsw flhfsl yuhi lrlx malg palr tul mbfbgz palixlsolx mbpa
mlp vshpax. Pabx pbil yhu xdul, B mhdsw bifress everyone!

That was how I enjoyed my days to the fullest even though no matter
how I see it, it was all fruitless effort.

Could it be because of my impatience? I’ve never experienced things

that haven’t gone elegantly until now.

However, it is strange.
Even though things haven’t gone smoothly, I am still having lots of fun.
With regards to whatever I do, anyone who had seen it all gave some
feedback. Even though I might have failed, and that they show some
displeasure, none of them would actually be disappointed.
Could it be because they do not have any strange expectations of me?
Somehow, the load on my shoulders feels extremely light.


Chapter 37


Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

Please calm down myself.

The me that was in a slump took on a Nirvana pose to compose myself.

Too many things have gone wrong but the fundamentals are holding
I did the housework perfectly and I performed my job as a medic well. I
even got to learn how to handle a horse from boss and can mostly ride
on a horse now. Also, I can dress the meat of small animals too.

More or less……even though this is merely it, even though there have
been some failures, this should be enough to cover up for it!

I wonder how the boss would evaluate me as of now. Sometimes I have

too much fun and I would forget about this. The others around me
treated me normally too.

Hurry up and scout me please! I peeked at boss but he showed no signs


of wanting to do so.

Speaking of which, aren’t everyone treating me too normally? Is this the

normal way to treat their latest merchandise (me)? This feels as though I
have already become one of them.

In the end, due to being unable to contact Bashu-san, months have

already passed since I was kidnapped.
When discussing about Bashu-san, they didn’t mention about selling me
Could it be that discussion on selling me has not gone through
Does that mean all I should do now is continue acting innocently?

If it is good now, won’t it be fine?

Ughh, my “live in the moment” personality is whispering to me……

Quiet! The alone me!

Still, I never once thought the day when I aspire to be a bandit would
come. Honestly, life like this is difficult, dirty and dangerous……isn’t this
3D? (TN: It was 3K in the original text)

“Yo, Ryou……what, an afternoon nap? Sorz but won’t you lend me a

Kuwamaru bro came along and saw me in a Nirvana pose.

It seems like he wants to scrape off fats from boar skin.

Of course I readily okayed to it.

At first, I was still sympathetic to the boar and also found it a challenging
task but as of now, my hands have gotten used to it.
Furthermore, we used knives to scrape fats from the skin and thus, they
would return Alan’s dagger back to me. Hence, I agreed to do the job.


Though after I became accustomed to their bandit life, they returned it

to me just like that.

Hey, doesn’t that mean I’m already part of their gang? Isn’t that so?

Nevertheless, even though I am glad to have the Alan’s dagger given

back to me, I never did expect to use it to remove fats from wild boar
skin. Alan wouldn’t dream of that either.

“That dagger of yours Ryou, was it a gift?”

Kuwamaru asked me as he scrutinised me from the side as I scraped

“The young master where I was last employed gave it to me.”

It seemed that he became somewhat interested in it as he raised his
eyebrows in reaction.

“The young master is a mage?”

“Yes. He made it for me with magic. I heard that a sword made by a

mage with magic is proof of trust that the mage has for the receiver.”

“Trust huh,” said Kuwamaru bro as he smiled meaningfully.

“By the way, I personally made this dagger with metal,” he said as he
showed me a blunt dagger that had been made shoddily.

“Yourself? Hehhh— ……Ah! Impressive!”

Whoops, that was close. I nearly forget my usual compliments.

Which reminds me, in the legends, the humans made use of swords and
armour refined from minerals during the war. Which means that there
should be people working as blacksmiths right?
If that is the case, why bother the mages to make swords and the like


when you can entrust it to the blacksmiths. Irene-san’s job included a

decent load of assignments to refine swords and armour from mineral. I
think it would be better if humans made these themselves more

“That’s why this is a god-killer dagger.”

God-killer……? Kuwamaru bro! What a Chuunibyou way of saying it. And

sooner or later his right hand would start hurting right! (TN: something
to do with how Chuunibyous imagine that they have powers stashed
away in their eye, arm, etc)

“Ha, haa”
I had no idea how to deal with people with Chuunibyou so I did was give
a half-hearted reply.
A more appropriate reply might be something like, “From a third
person’s perspective……that looks dangerous.”

“Oh oh, it looks like you have no idea how awesome a god-killing dagger
can be huh!”
Somehow, Kuwamaru bro was in high spirits. He must be very proud of
his dagger. A self-made object with emotional attachment is really
different huh, really.

“This was not made by magical powers. Therefore, it is a dagger that is

able to slaughter mages.”
Ooh, slaughter, what a disturbing choice of word.
But hey, since this is a sword we are talking about, if it is sharp enough,
it would have the ability to kill any human, regardless of whether it is a
mage or not.

“Even a dagger made by a mage would be able to pierce a mage

without problem I think.”


After I said that, Kuwamaru bro raised Alan’s dagger up to take a better
look. Honestly speaking, it feels much better than the dagger made
specially by Kuwamaru.
However, Kuwamaru bro laughed in a mocking manner, “Hah!”
How humiliating!

“Ryou’s one is still very much lacking. A sword made by a mage can
easily be erased by magic did you know?”

That being said, when Alan was making the sword, he turned the sword
into dust countless of times whenever he failed.

This means……

“……As long as it is a mage, he or she could erase anything made by


“Something made strongly with magic by the royals would be difficult to

erase but others can mostly be erased. All it takes is the incantation.
Well, if that person does not know the incantation then it would be
impossible……but most mages should roughly remember the dispelling
incantation. Well, no matter what, the dagger I am holding is totally
awesome! Because no magic can erase it yeah!” Said the all-smug
Kuwamaru bro.

Speaking of which, that, how should I say it, umm, how?

“……There are many places where normal people forge and make
swords right?”

“Nope. It’s probably only made in a secret underground of the

underground world in the capital. Among the demonic beasts, there are
some that do not get hurt by swords made from magic. For that express


purpose, they have some swords like that? Even for me, when I was
attending school, I secretly made it. Actually it was a special lesson on
how to make coins and currency but I did it such that the teacher didn’t
notice anything.”

And then, because he looked as though he wanted to be praised, I

interjected with my compliments.

However, as I was complimenting him, my imaginations could not be

The fleeting view of a clawless, fangless and lifeless beast living in a big
cage came to mind.

Surprisingly, the mages after the mythical era might have been very
shrewd. That’s because in order to prevent a second uprising from the
humans, they carefully maintained and trimmed their claws and fangs.


Chapter 38

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

Rudel-san and the rest who went down to the countryside to investigate
Bashu-san’s movement came back.

“Has Bashu not returned?!”

“It appears so.”
Rudel-san reported emotionlessly to boss who became enraged.

Looks like Bashu-san had been serious about the agricultural reforms
and had gone looking for talents in his territory. This would mean that he
would only be back in one to two years.
Despite the repeated trips down the mountain by Guy-san and the
others, we were never able to meet him.

We had been tangled up in hopes that Bashu-san would return and as

such, we had concealed ourselves in the mountains for a few months. I
casually turned 7-years-old like this.

Personally, I was greatly welcome this slow pace of life. But as for the
boss, all he did was sigh aloud.

“Seriously, the bastard Bashu better be prepared……”

“Come on, let it go. Wasn’t living in the mountains fun? Let’s continue


this and build a home here!”

Kou-okaasan drew closer to the peeved boss wiggle by wiggle.

“It’s not about this being fun or not! Also, I don’t remember building a
home with you!”
The boss made a terribly sickened face and stepped away from Kou-
okaasan. This was a usual scenario.

“And so you might claim—. Did you know that I knew? That you have
been secretly been giving Ryou-chan horse riding lessons secretly
beneath the shadows! Weren’t you talking about hunting

What? Boss talking enthusiastically? Boss’s face had always been scary
so I couldn’t read anything like enthusiasm from his face.
I see, so he had been enjoying himself then. Ah, what a sinful young girl
I am. What? 7-years-olds do not qualify as a young girl? How about no?
Hehehe, my strategy has been rather masterfully executed!

“Shuddup! Enough of it, Kouki! For now, we have no way to meet Bashu-
san. Why don’t we make a trip back to Guriguri village? It has been quite
some time since we left. Any lingering ruckus should have died down by

“True. I’m also curious on how the village is doing. Shall we go back?”
Rudel-san replied. Rudel-san was part of the planning team it seems. His
clever face was not just for show.

“Kouki’s injury shouldn’t be of any problem? Can you ride a horse?”

“Aahh! Alek is worried for me? H-A-P-P-Y! But, shouldn’t you be referring
to me as Kou-chan?”

Again, Kou-okaasan started to creep closer to boss, while boss retaliated


in return.

“If Kouki is able to move like then it should be fine. Alek, when are we
As he was watching their scuffle obliviously, Rudel-san raised his
question to boss.

“Stop fooling around, go away!”

Said boss as he thrusted Kou-okaasan away and recovered his footing.

“Blokes, get ready! We are moving……now!”

From boss’s signal, the bandits’ meeting had adjourned. All of us moved
on to make preparations.
However, to have addressed everyone as blokes……how troubling that
this cute young girl here had been forgotten!

Furthermore—. Poor Kou-okaasan. So sad that she got pushed away—.

I rushed over to Kou-okaasan, and called out to here but she was making
an entranced look and muttered, “Aah, as expected, Alek is so c-h-a-r-m-
i-n-g.” No problems on her side I guess.

My belongings consist of Alan’s dagger and some red pepper seedlings.

Sometime ago, I had uprooted the seedlings of red peppers that can be
found in the mountains. I transplanted the seedlings to my self-made
clay pots (as a substitute for planters) and placed pots on the horse so
that it does not be too much of a burden.

Guy-san who was proud of his strength was in charge of carrying my

luggage. I gave him the red peppers planters and gave an amazed
expression that in an instant, he managed to heave them onto the horse


while saying, “oughs”.

Guy-san has the tendency to end all his conversations with, “Oughs”.

“The things that Ryou-chan had brought along sure is strange huh. It
may be true that red peppers may serve as medicine but……we don’t
really need it? Also, all we need are the seeds too.”
Kou-okaasan struck a conversation with me after lifting me up to the
back of the horse.

It is embarrassing that I am still unable to ride on a horse on my own. I

am not of the right size now.
If only it was a pony, only if it was a pony!

“I am thinking of using it to protect the crops from wild boars. We might

be able to acquire red peppers there but I am bringing them just in case.
I heard from Gozle-san (TN: previously I called him Gorz, but I realised
Gozle is a more accurate translation) that the fields at Guriguri village
were often ravaged by wild boars and that it is a pressing problem.”

Yes, ever since my potato fields had been ravaged, I have been
researching on countermeasures against wild boars. The results of my
research are that red peppers can be used to protect the fields. I
experimentally found that wild boars no longer approached the fields
when they are enclosed by red peppers hedges.

I plan to unveil the fruits of my research at Guriguri village and have

everyone say, “Good job! Ryou-chan!” This is a tactic to have them call
me “Amazing Ryou”.

“I don’t really know but because it is Ryou, this seems like another one
of your dubious stuff again.”
Rudel-san joined in the conversation and knitted his brows. I mean, the
only person Rudel-san knits his brows to is me.


Rudel-san does not appear to like children. That is not to say he is a

terribly evil person; personally I think he is well-natured.

Still, saying that they are “dubious stuff” is kinda hurtful though!
Right now all he might see are my eccentricity but it is the back from the
dead Ryou from now on!

And then, the journey on horse begun.

Perhaps the three villager bandits were delighted that they could finally
go home, they looked especially cheerful. Even on the road, I heard
them talking about their moms and sisters that they had left behind at
the village.

I see, I see. Being able to see their family must be good—!

It’s not that I am p-particularly envious of them!


Chapter 39

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

When we arrived at Guriguri village, the appearance of the village had

transformed to some extent.
The fields are well maintained. When we left the village, even though it
was late at night then so I might not have been able to see clearly but
the fields appeared to be in a messed up state.

We bandits went straight for the village chief’s house, just as we did

“Chief, did you encounter any problems when we weren’t around? More
than anything, it seems that this place has changed. Have you all
started tilling the fields?”

“Yes. That’s ruight. The truth is. Some days after Alek-sama left, the
mages came. The crops had been grown with magic.”
*Sip sip*. He had been talking for some time so I guess his throat had
become dry. Chief was slurping his tea.

“Mages huh? ……They came to chase us?”

“It sheemed that way. It’s just that, instead of being focused on
subjugating you bandits, they were more interested on the whereabouts
of this girl – who is with you.”


The village chief fixed his eyes on me while sipping his tea.

“Don’t tell me the mages were really activated……”

Rudel murmured with a pale face. That reminds me, before we left the
village, he argued that there was no way the mages would come so

“How did the Chief and the rest answer to their inquiries?”

“I told them we had no idea. They used a light spirit user to search but
because Alek-sama left in the middle of the night, they found no traces.
And since they made the effort to come all the way here, they assisted
us in growing crops. However, because we did not plant any seeds
O-old man! The tea, drink the tea! Don’t talk for so long!

“……Fuh—, my apologies. Because we did not plant any seeds, there

was not much of a harvest. Andsho, the mages gave us seeds and
something called fertiliser, and that is what we are growing with right

“Ahh, I saw it when we came to the village earlier. Buds have started to
sprout in the fields.”

“Yes, that’s the case. Anyhow, that the seeds were able to grow into
buds……it is something to be joyous about. It’s all thanks to the
fertiliser. We are now cultivating the field by mixing in ashes of burnt
grass and decomposed soil that can be found in the mountains.”
Fertiliser? Speaking of which……I seem to recall teaching the spirit users
of Rainforest about fertiliser……

“Could it be that the mage that visited the village was a haggardly old
man with sunken cheeks and dark circles under his eyes who also looked
like he was dying all the time?”


The “could it be” popped into my mind and so I cut into the
“Yes, indyed.”

I knew it! It is definitely the spirit user from the cruel black enterprise
who always look as though death was upon him.
I see, he came all the way here to do business. Well done!

“Your acquaintance?”
Boss turned to face me.

“He might be called an acquaintance. When I was a maid, I gave him

some help.”
Also, that spirit user is really doing a great service to the villagers by
educating on fertiliser.

“Alek-sama, would you be staying for a short while?”

“……Ahh, I was planning to do so. I would be borrowing a room.”

As he said, the village chief turned to his back. Boss’s face was stoic.

Boss and the rest left the chief’s house and were guided to a vacant
house that had been prepared.

En route, the three village-bandits were about to return to their homes

and back to their families but for some reason, the boss stopped them
and we entered the unoccupied house together.

No way, this house is so small, how can we squeeze all nine of us here? I
certainly wish the villager-bandits return to their own homes though……


Everyone entered the room and shut all the windows and doors.
“Do you hear it?”
The boss muttered with an indiscernible expression.

“Ah, I hear it. The sound of horse hooves right?”

This time it was not the composed Rudel-san but a slightly flustered

“Most likely, they have gone to inform the mages so that they can
capture us.”
In short, you mean that huh? That this bandit village has sold the boss

“It can’t be! Why!? There’s no way the people in this village would do
“Retard, keep your voice down!”

The villager-bandit trio were greatly shocked and could not believe it.
Kuwamaru raised his voice to remonstrate the bewildered trio.

“But, Kuwamaru bro! Boss and the rest are our benefactors! There is no
way that anyone would do that.”
“Everyone may not all think your way. ……Do not forget that this time,
the mages have bestowed their help and that there would be some who
desire to lead a life dependent on the mages.”
Kuwamaru looks slightly dejected. Heartbreaking.

“T-that can’t……! All this time, the mages have abandoned us, the one
that gave us a hand when we nearly died was……even though it was
Boss-san and the rest! And now at this late hour, just because they grew
the crops, it can’t be……”

In order to calm the somewhat agitated villager bandits, Kuwamaru


placed his hand on Gozle-san’s shoulder with a *ponk*.

“You understand? This is how a portion of the villagers think. It’s not that
everyone think like that, you got it?”
The villager bandits casted their eyes down and nodded.

“If the horses set off from today, it is unlikely for the mages to be able to
reach here by today. We leave by sunset today.”
Boss had carefully timed himself to give these orders only after the
villager bandits have composed themselves. The leaders among the
bandits likewise agreed with boss.

Next, boss shifted his eyes to the villager bandits that are still in
disbelief and who are still frozen in their thoughts.
“Gozle, Porun and Bucket. What about you guys? Will you stay in the
village? Once we leave, there will be no return. Are you prepared to
never see your family again?”

The three villager bandits slowly lifted up their face and stiffly looked up
to boss. Their faces were pale. It feels like they still have many
considerations and that they have yet to sort them out in their heads.

“Boss, can we have more time to decide……?”

“Nope, decide now. If you have hesitations, I have no need for you.”
Towards boss’s unrelenting words, the three of them could only gulp.

The room became so quiet to that extent that the air in the room froze
over. The first to break the silence was Bucket-san. When he left for the
village, he was the villager bandit that put a bucket over his head as a
substitute for armour, and so he was nicknamed Bucket-san. He was
generally shy, and hardly said much but still, he treated me kindly.
When he returned to Guriguri village, he had been worried for his
mother that stayed behind in the village, and asked how his mother was
doing while stuttering.


Bucket-san removed the bucket that was over his hand with his
trembling hands, and dropped it. *Clonk* Next he went down to his
He started crying while kneeling down.

“……Sorry, I cannot abandon my family.”

Bucket-san had decided to remain in the village.

The other two who had been watching him, crumbled down to their
knees too.

“I, too, am very sorry. In the end, I want to be with my family……Being

able to be on a journey with boss had been very fun but, that is only
because we definitely had a place to return to.”

And then, the three of them kowtowed.

Kou-okaasan said in her teary voice, “It’s alright, we’ll let you stay by
your family’s side. Raise your heads,” and patted their backs.
Kou-okaasan is easily moved to tears.

“I see. I understand. If the mages were to come, just tell them you had
been forced to follow us against your wills.”

Boss reveal gentleness in his expression.

As for Kuwamaru-bro, he looked like he was having it tough too,
probably because he would no longer have them little brothers around.

“Ryou, what about you?”

All of a sudden, boss directed his eyes to me.



“What about me……what do you mean?”

“In any case, your future husband……Claude was it? That guy, to the
extent of using the mages, he had been crazily searching for you it
seems. Would you stay here?”


Even I would be given a choice!?

Being asked this question out of the blue, I took a hard look at boss’s
face. It was never-changing deadly looking face. I could not read his true
intention from his face.

If I chose to stay, does it mean I would be able to meet with everyone

back at Rainforest territory?

From Alan to Cain to Irene-san to Claude-san to Stella-san. The faces of

everyone with whom I had spent time with over there resurfaced in my

However, if I did that, I would no longer, be able to be with the

bandits……with Kou-okaasan……

I took a long look at the bandits. They all had their eyes on me. They
await my answer.

“I will……”


Chapter 40

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

To say that I was not confused would be a lie.

However, since I have already made my decision, I immediately replied.

“I will go. Together with boss.”

Boss’s grim face changed momentarily into a dumbfounded one as

though he was shocked.
He must have found my reply surprising.

“......is that alright?”

I nodded.

From behind, Kou-okaasan who had been patting on the villager-bandits’

back to cheer them up started to totter towards me. She looked to be in

“Are you really, really okay with it?”

“Yes…...do you not want that?”

If they disagreed with me joining them, just thinking about what to do
next would be scary. All of a sudden, my body temperature felt like it
dropped several degrees down.


“Totally not! You are definitely not happy with it at all!”

Kou-okaasan had tears and mucus choked in her eyes and nose as she
hugged me tightly.

As I was hugged, knowing the fact that I was together with Kou-okaasan
made me very happy and subconsciously, my cheeks slackened.

“If Kou-okaasan is happy……I too will be happy.”

And next, I also wrung my hands around Kou-okaasan to hug her.

Why does the sensation of hugging someone feels so good? Her warmth,
softness and breathing was being transmitted to my senses through my
hands that were on her back.

I wonder if Kou-okaasan could feel the same emotions as she hugged


As I filled myself to the brim with a human’s warmth, I heard next to my

ear, “Thank you, Ryou-chan, gommzabassjjffhhgun—.” Her words were
jumbled with voiced sounds.

I could not catch the last few words she said because there were too
many voiced sounds but Kou-okaasan was sobbing for me. She
embraced me because she was so happy that I would stay together with

With this alone, I am satisfied.

I looked at my own arm as I hugged Kou-okaasan. It was the same-old

skin-coloured arm.
I wondered if I had a family, would I grow a horn out of over-excitement
or maybe my skin would turn green? But such a thing did not happen.


I had always wanted to be loved and that because I was never loved, I
always felt worthless. Still, I had already been in bliss because I had
loved somebody else.

Proof of that can be seen in that I had long become fond of all the
bandits. I had long been in happiness.

Since we have agreed on leaving after sunset, we gave the red pepper
seedlings to the three villager-bandits who were going to continue to
stay in the village.
It was something that was brought along as a countermeasure for the
wild boars that constantly attacked the fields.

In truth, it was my tool to be known as Impressive Ryou and that I

wanted to directly unveil and explain it to the villagers, while observing
the aftermath of using it. However, doing that would be difficult so I
explained it concisely to Gozle-san before entrusting it to him.
To use it to protect the fields from the boars, plant as much red peppers
seedlings as necessary at the spots where the wild boars frequently
come from. If there aren’t enough seedlings to do that, transplant red
pepper seedlings from the mountains (where it can be found in the wild).
If there still is a shortage, he could try to grind the seeds and scatter it
all over the place, I told him. That might be effective too.

Even though the sprouts were able to grow in the fields because of the
fertiliser, it does not mean that those sprouts will not be attacked by
wild animals.

Gozle-san was half convinced and half in doubt so I don’t know if he will
put it to the test but for now, I shall teach him all that I can.

And in exchange for the red pepper seedlings, only if it is possible, I


hoped that he could help me pass a message to the mages that are
coming to the village.

“I am healthy and alive so do not worry. I do not want to return to the

Rainforest territory so if it is possible, please do not search for me and
the bandits as well, please.”
The villager-bandit (previously) listened to my message with a
complicated look but he said he would take care of it anyways.

At the same time when the sun had set, so as to not raise the attention
of the villagers, we left in secret.
As always, I sat in front of Kou-okaasan.

Kuwamaru, Gai-san, Kou-okaasan and even Rudel-san; everyone lost

their energy and were downhearted.

We planned to head back to the Ruby Fallen territory from here on.

From the discussion we had on where should we go from here, we

concluded that our destination would be, as I have thought, Bashu-san’s

We have settled on chasing after Bashu-san, since we do know that he is

making his rounds around farmlands.

Actually, we don’t seem to have any idea on where he might be but as

long as we know the general direction he went and ask the locals on the
way, we should be able to advance.

Frankly, I do not know how long it would take before we would chance
upon Bashu-san. It could take 1 or 2 years.

Despite so, boss said that he had to meet Bashu-san because he had
something to tell him.


As we got further and further away from Guriguri vilalge, I looked at the
outlines of Guriguri village and got somewhat sentimental. Guriguri
village, is to me, a village which I had given me complicating emotions.

Not only was this the village where I was brought to after being
abducted, it was the place where I became determined to be with the
bandits. It was also the village that betrayed us. That is not to say that
all the villagers had betrayed boss though.

Compared to the instability of hunting and pillaging, living a life under

the protection of the mages would seem to be more stable and would
obviously be a better choice. That is what most people would have
Even for me, if I had been given the same options while I was at Garigari
village, I would have definitely picked the more stable choice.
However, by doing so, somewhere inside, I would feel that I have lost
something important.

I have some opinions about this village but in no way do I hate this
village. Perhaps it is due to the how this village resembles Garigari

For a brief second in front of me, boss’s back drooped down. Indeed, he
must be feeling dejected.

Well, as expected. I get this feeling that boss treats the 3 villager-
bandits as though they were his younger brothers. Also, when we
started on the journey right after I had been kidnapped, boss had been
very popular among everyone in the village.

He must have had never imagined the day when he would have to
escape from the village would come.

Keep your spirits high, boss. I would be supporting your back.



Chapter 41



Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

“Isn’t this ground (clay pack) awesome!”

“You are right--. Feels great --”
“I’m gonna spread all over our arms, legs and everywhere else that is
exposed to the sun!”
“Ah! Me too me too--. It also helps as a sunscreen too.”

It has been approximately one year since we left and escaped Guriguri
Many things have had happened during our journey but the bandits are
all doing fine.

However, we have not met up with Bashu-san yet.

Nevertheless, we did not spend the time fruitlessly waiting for Bashu-
san. Kou-okaasan and I started a beauty seminar to enhance women’s
femininity, spending our days on polishing up one’s figure.
Today was a seminar on clay packs. It was an ointment that had been


made with fine soil mixed with medicated water and then thickened into

“Uwaa! Kou-anesan? Is it? What are you doing! I totally thought you
were some demonic beast, buahaha—”

Kou-okaasan delivered a clean hit to Kuwamaru-aniki who had been

talking straightforwardly!
“What do you mean by demonic beasts!”
After Kou-okaasan’s shouted back with dagger-like sharpness, I joined in
with,“Yeah right, that’s rude!”
After spending more time with Kou-okaasan, I have acquired a
womanlier tone. It is a good thing.

“S-sorry! U-um, the boss is calling.”

As Kuwamaru-bro held his beaten cheeks with his hands, he stood up

“Oh? Alek called? Well, then I shall make my way.”

Kou-okaasan went off while covered in mud.

“A-are you going in that state……”

Kuwamaru-bro interjected with a soft voice after waiting for Kou-okaasan
to be some distance away.

“Aniki has returned huh! Have we made contact with Bashu-san?”

“Right on.” said Kuwamaru-bro as he gave his thumbs up.

Finally, some days before, Bashu-san has finalised his team to undertake
the agricultural reform. However, having boss appear out of nowhere
and saying, “Gahahaha, I have finally found you!” would invite
suspicions that he might be a demon lord, and we were afraid that we
might be subjugated by Bashu-san’s escorts so Kuwamaru delivered a
message instead.


“Well, it is easy so long as you leave it to me. First of all, I went to a

nearby village and approached a girl. I gave her some pocket money and
I told to help me pass a bouquet to the person in the carriage. And then,
inside the bouquet was the message addressed to Bashu so…... hey, are
you listening!” Bro stopped in the middle of his story to shout at me
because I was still smearing the mud on every crook and cranny of my

“I am listening. So the size of it is that Bashu-san found the letter in the

bouquet and is coming to us right? Impressive, impressive.”

“What’s with that half-hearted praise…… Y-your treating me pretty bad

these days y’know? Just one year ago, you were still so docile…...”

“You must be imagining it.”

As I continued applying the ointment, in order to get back to the main
topic, I said, “And then?” Kuwamaru-aniki roughly understood my intent
and continued with his story.

“And therefore, the strategy worked out well…...just that there was this
extra guy--”

“Extra guy, you say?”

“It was Kou-anesan’s little brother. He is together with Bashu-san. He is

a spirit user…...from another domain -- Yamato domain. For him, ever
since he kind-of eloped with the Ojou-sama, the royalty has been
alienating the Yamato Earl Family. I wonder if he would be driven out
from Ruby Fallen.” said Kuwamaru as he laughed meanly. Thereafter,
Kuwamaru switched to grumbling and complaining that, “--damn, that
he would appear was totally unforeseen.” Still, there was some delight
hidden in his voice. It was more like he was actually thrilled.

“......It sounds as if, you were close friends?”


“We ain’t close. Disgusting! All we have is a fatal destiny.”

I see. From his reaction, they must be really intimate friends.

“Boss and everyone are friends from the school yes? I heard about it
from Kou-okaasan. Did boss and everyone often hang out with this Kou-
okaasan’s brother?”

“……Well, yeah. Still, he was a mage so the worlds we live in are

Monkeyface-aniki looked somewhat gloomy.

“However, that boss hanged out with him, shows that they got on well
with another though? Furthermore, earlier, Aniki said that he actually
eloped……! With a princess at that, doesn’t that mean he was a
charming person?”

“What! Charming? No way! He was immature.” He said while laughing

and crumpling my hair.
At the part when he said “Charming?”, he made a terrible shrieking
voice, he had better not been trying to imitate my voice when he did
that! My voice is definitely cuter than that! A cute voice that young girls

To display my indignation, I gave Aniki a hug while covered in mud.

“Uwa, hey you! You’ll dirty me—!” Aniki yelling resounded through the

The meeting with Bashu was arranged to be 10 days from now.

Ever since that was decided, somehow, boss had been on his toes and
Kou-okaasan was less lively.


After having our dinner around the bonfire, the rest started drinking and
making some noises but something felt different about today’s
atmosphere compared to other days. Everyone seem to be drinking with
a tinge of weightiness.

I grabbed hold of a handmade bamboo flute. (TN: specifically, a

transverse flute)
I had always played a tune or two after our meal but what should I do

A life in the mountains would not have the usual entertainment we have
normally, so I was thinking of what could I do before finally choosing
music. Hence, I made this bamboo flute myself. It was made such that
the notes were accurate.

Usually, together with the party, I would blow a nice “Pii Hyara”(TN: the
sound of a party horn) music with a refreshing rhythm and the
intoxicated Gai-san and Kuwamaru would dance to it.
However, it looks like the audience do not have that kind of fervor today
to dance to the music. From the atmosphere, if I did that today, I would
undoubtedly be regarded as somewhat who cannot read the

In the end, I played a solemn classical music as the BGM.

As I blew from my flute, as always, Rudel-san glaringly gazed at my
Rudel-san had a boundless interest in the sounds of the flute.
Even now, as he observed my hands, his hands were vaguely moving
too. No doubt that he is practicing in his head right now.
Occasionally, he would secretly ask me to teach him the flute. He was an
excellent disciple that spared no effort.

“Ryou-chan can play it like that too huh.”

“No, it is more like Ryou was originally better at playing these calm


Kou-okaasan nodded while Rudel-san went into his analytical mode
without a moment’s delay.

That I was good at classical music, I could somewhat agree. In my

previous existence, I had endlessly played them in musical
performances. They were music from the sheets to allow me to win
awards at contests.
I had never imagined in those days that this music would, after I had
been reincarnated, for the sake of letting others listen to it, etch on a
melody that describes the current state of my heart. I never expected
the day when I would play this music so naturally, so much so that I
would say that this is exactly my rock!

“However, it is so miraculous—. Despite having no lessons in it, that she

can play it so well.”
“True. Basically, only spirit users can play musical instruments without
It seems that in this world, playing music with an instrument is not
common. There is a strong connotation of it to rituals that spirit users
conduct to execute large-scale magic and that it has been sanctified too,
so it was not something the average person would lay his hands on.

Ultimately, on that day, boss continued to be serious throughout while

the curtains on Ryou-chan’s classical concert closed.

The reason for boss being tensed up after having decided the meeting
with Bashu-san, was something that I could vaguely guess at since I
have been with him for the past one year.
It might be something that boss is trying to do or what he wants to say
to Bashu-san.
I pretended not to notice anything and continued with my child-like



Chapter 42



Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

Finally, it was only a day before we meet Bashu-san.

This time, it was not just boss that was feeling all fidgety, but the rest of
the bandit gang too. It was more like they were up on the edges in fact.

Right now, Kou-okaasan and boss have already readied themselves,

wrapped themselves up in thin blankets and pretending to sleep.

I want to sleep, but somehow they cannot sleep. That is because,

everyone is too anxious.
However, it was nearly the time for children to sleep, so I had to pretend
to sleep.

I no longer have to be worried about being sold, hence, recently I could


cast delusions, without any worries, on what kind of person might Bashu-
san be while sleeping.
He is not only boss’s friend, he is only an Earl, so he must be someone
with a peculiarity or two, I feel. I get the feeling that he was probably a
person with tons of facial hair and chest hair. And then, plucking his
chest hair would be too lonely and so the hair on his head would fall too.
I am praying for the roots of his hair to be healthy.

It was meaninglessly to continue my wild delusions so I was about to

sleep when I felt something rugged and stiff patting on my head.

It was boss’s hand.

Somehow, once in a while, when boss had thought I had fallen asleep,
he would pat on my head slowly, with difficulty.
It is likely that if I were to open my eyes up now, the bashful boss would
embarrassingly withdraw his hand immediately.
Fufu, therefore, I would go on with pretending to sleep, and enjoy boss’s
‘There, there’ to the max.
I must be holusr yhgw hy klbgz ftpplw hg pal altw xh, B tsihxp mtgplw ph
pltu df wdl ph pal fuhyhdgw lihpbhgx xllfbgz hdp hy il kdp B mhdsw kl
yhdgw hdp by B xptuplw vurbgz sbnl patp xh B publw ir ydsslxp to hold
them back.

Hehe, it is all thanks to him I cannot stop pretending to sleep.

“......Hey, Alek, won’t you reconsider?”

While enjoying the patting, I could hear the Kou-okaasan’s whisper in the
quiet tent. Right at Kou-okaasan’s words, boss stopped patting me.

“......What’s with this all of a sudden.”

“What you are trying to do is reckless. Why don’t we take a look first?”


“Ha! What are you saying at this point? I knew from the start that this
was reckless. Still, I have to do this for a certain someone. You should
very well know that we can’t turn back now.”

This is bad, is this a couple’s squabble!? What now?

I wonder if I should be awoken by their voice. Maybe it would better to
laugh embarrassingly and interrupt them after they have changed the

“Then, what about Ryou-chan? What if something dire happens to us?

Would this child get involved in it?”
No way, my name came into the topic. Now all the more I cannot wake
up. Furthermore, this gives off some turbulent vibes……

“......This kid, came with us because she likes us. She shouldn’t have any

“C’mon, Alek. At the very least, wait till this child grows up…...please.
This much should be okay right? Even for Alek, you dote on her yes?”

“Alright, keep it down. No matter what, Bashu’s the priority. Anything

other than thing, I would not acknowledge it.”
As boss said that, he removed his hand that was on my head.

I turned over in my bed and brushed along the blanket. Probably, if I

were to wake up now, boss and Kou-okaasan would lie down and face
their backs at me.
From the opposite side, I could hear Kou-okaasan’s tiny sigh.

I could guess that boss and gang were attempting to start a peasant’s
revolt or some revolutions of sorts. Sometimes, I would hear talk about
weapons, mineral mines, mages, and gathering the support and unity of


I do not really understand the workings of the world but I still know that
doing so is reckless. Still, it does not matter either way, Kou-okaasan. Do
not worry too much about it, it is alright.
If I was told to offer my help to the boss, it is not like I would be hesitant
to lend my assistance. Being family is just like that I believe.
I still hardly know much about family though……

The meeting between Bashu-san and boss started.
The representatives facing us was a spirit user and Bashu-san. Our
representatives were boss and Kou-okaasan, a two-on-two dialogue.
Well, even though this might be a dialogue, they were actually talking
while standing in the mountains surrounded by trees and greenery.

If there mlul phh itgr flhfsl, bp ibzap ylls phh holumalsibgz yhu khpa
xbwlx xh pal pmh-hg-pmh ihwl mtx wlvbwlw dfhg. Xpbss, typlu klbgz
phsw patp bp mtx ghp sbnl ml tss atw ph kl tuhdgw ph vhgobgvl Ktxad-
xtg ph atol tg bgplgpbhg ph chbg dx, hu ihul sbnl cdxp chbg dx, xh ml
mlul xbpdtplw xhil fstvl cdxp t sbppsl ytu tmtr, malul ml xptgw-kr mabsl
hkxerving the 4 of them.
To allow me to have better view, Gai-san gave me a lift on his shoulders.
Gai-san was a roughly 2 meters tall and big guy so the view on his
shoulders were wide!

Speaking of which, the spirit user who tagged along with Bashu-san
looked somewhat familiar. We were looking from afar so I cannot really
be sure but, from that red hair, could it be that spirit user who visited
Garigari village the last time?
Even Kuwamaru-aniki said that the spirit user was from the Yamato
region. Not going to keep it a secret anymore, Garigari village is actually
one of Yamato’s pioneering settlements.
Still, it is an indescribably far out place in Yamato though.

For the time being, Bashu-san doesn’t look a very hairy person. I’m


kindof disappointed.
This is despite me iitzbgbgz lolur gbzap ulvlgpsr patp Ktxad-xtg mtx t
atbur fluxhg. Tgw patp al stdzax sbnl pabx, “Yhd yhd yh”. Stdzabgz
mbpa abx mabpl atbu, yhd yhd yh. Lolg pahdza patp mtx ir Ktxad-xtg, al
mtx bg ultsity, a man with light brown hair and has a kempt look without
any normal facial hair.

The discussion proceeded without a hitch and started off with a mood

like, “Yo, long time no see –!” and they embraced one another as a form
of greeting. Kou-okaasan looked like she was extremely happy to see
her old friend and her little brother, to the extent that she wiggled more
than usual.

However, I wonder how the little brother thinks of his elder brother
becoming an Onee. Or what he thinks of her wiggling. From afar, I could
not peek into his mental space.

Boss smiled with his menacing face, and pointed far out to our direction.
He was probably trying to say that his other men where in that direction,
and would it be alright to bring them here? Bashu-san nodded his head,
giving his assent.

And then, I thought he would fling his hand over head to gesture us to all
get there now but boss looks strange.
He looked at his feet and panicked. Kou-okaasan too. Or more like all 4
of them look down and got into a fluster.

“Don’t they look strange?”

Rudel-san nodded. And then, boss lowered himself down to his waist and
pulled out his sword.

“He drew his sword!?”

At the same time as Kuwamaru-aniki surprised voice, we rushed towards
their direction.


While on Gai-san’s shoulders, I grabbed on to his head as hard as

possible so as to not fall over and continued to observe boss.
Something must have had happened; it did not look like a normal
situation. He was looking down and then he became agitated……

What? Something is fixed onto their feet? Ice?

Boss had noticed that we came to their side and he shouted, “Stop!
Don’t come here!”

With that shout of his, we could all tell that it was not something
ordinary. How could we stop then? As I was thinking, the sword that boss
was holding on to, crumbled away into sand.
That was something I have had seen before. Crumbling and
disappearing away into sand, that was when Alan or Irene-san wanted to
redo their failed swords or armour.
It was magic to undo a magician’s work.

“Be careful! There is a mage nearby!”


Chapter 43

A magician is here! When I shouted that, it was already too late.

Gai-san seemed to be pulled by something, and suddenly he lost his

balance and fell forward. Due to him falling, I was thrown off, and landed
on a tree branch. I was caught like a circus performer landing on a
trapeze, and spun around with a whirl, before I started clawing back up
on the tree.

I was like Tarzan. Good thing I lived in the mountains for some time.

Staring down, I saw that Gai-san, Kuwamaru-aniki and Rudel-san had all
fallen to their knees and collapsed. There was ice from the ground
connected all the way to their knees.

When Kuwamaru-aniki noticed that I was alright because I managed to

climb to the safety of the tree, he took out his god-killing dagger from
his pockets and threw it to me.
Throwing it in order to pass it to me is fine but that was too fast! If it was
anybody else, it would not have been caught!
As such thoughts occupied my head, I held on to the dagger that I had
somehow caught onto safely and took a look at my leather waist-pouch
to confirm that my DIY red pepper bomb was still intact. Great, it did not

One of the secret tools when used in a wild boar hunt. Red pepper,
Japanese pepper and ashes were grounded into fine powder and then


placed inside a small cylinder that was made by heating clay. The
cylinder is then covered with a lid.
When thrown at wild boars, the powder would scatter and disperse,
causing the wild boars to be unable to perceive with their eyes and smell
with their noses. When they try to escape, all they would do is to crash
into trees and die like that. It was a deadly hunting weapon.
Even on humans, it can be effective. Thanks to Kuwamaru-aniki sacred
sacrifice, it’s effectiveness had been demonstrated.

“If I see the mage, I would throw this at him!” As I thought, I looked
around but the surrounding trees were in the way, and vision was poor.
Walking from tree-to-tree, I moved towards where boss and the rest

“This is…...Ryuki isn’t it! What is the meaning of this!”

The shout came from the red haired spirit user.
“That is what I want to ask of you instead, Father! I had noticed that you
had been acting all strange the past few days, why are you having a
secret meeting with these evil-looking people!?”
Immediately, a young man’s voice emerged from some distance away
from where boss and the rest were.
Eh, from that far out, he was still able to use magic? Isn’t this range too
wide? Mages are really scary.
Speaking of which, he said Ryuki? If my memory serves me right, that
was the mage who visited Garigari village! He was handsome so I
remembered him. A pretty youth with light blonde long hair.
In addition, the red hair spirit user was indeed the spirit user from back
then. If I was correct, his name was Seki-san.
He did call him father, so these two were actually father and son……

While thinking, I continued advancing through the trees to get into a

range where I could fling the pepper bombs. It seems that he has no
idea that I had climb onto the tree and that I going to help them. It was
because I was quite far away.


“Oi! Don’t judge a person simply by his face, you little!”

Boss’s savage-like voice could be heard.

However, boss, aren’t bandits bad people? Ah, but we had been pretty
obedient lately so I guess that is fine? Just barely across that line of
being bad I guess.

“From that fiendish face of his, he has similar characteristics to

Alexander, the ideologist. Even if he is able to trick Bashu-sama and
Father, he won’t be able to trick me. I will hear what you all have to say
after I have captured him!”
“Ryuki! Calm down! It’s all good so release your ice magic.”
“No, Father and Bashu-sama must have been cheated. You all must be
trying to overlook this guy!”
“......Looks like words can’t reach you.”
That being said, Seki-san the spirit user tried to chant his magic, but at
that time, from the shadows of the trees, a knight-like person appeared
and wedged a cloth into his mouth to seal his voice.

And then, another knight, while saying sorry Seki-sama, used his hand to
restrain Seki-san from his back.
“Wha! What is the meaning of this!”
As he shouted, more knight-like people appeared to restrain Bashu-san
in a similar fashion. “Sorry, we are under instructions from Ryuki-sama.”
They seem to have said and then brought their arms to their back and
restrained them.

“Please be quiet. Bashu-sama and Father. I will capture them. I will hear
what you have to say later.” After saying that, he gave a signal to the
knights. The knight-like people tied boss and the rest with rope. The
rubbing of metals created jarring “Gasha, Gasha” noises.

This is very bad, this is really really bad, this is very bad.
As I realised how nasty the circumstances have gotten, I made some


Haiku in my mind to calm myself.

Ryuki-san has entered my range of the pepper bombs though. By

throwing this at him, I would be able to seal his incantations! Yay--!
Though I feel this can be so easily resolved though.
First of all, since I have to get rid of the magic that is binding boss and
the rest’s feet, smashing Ryuki’s throat is out of question. Furthermore, I
have to get the knights to retreat or else …….

Alright, I shall proceed with the hostage plan.

I climbed from tree to tree, getting to a spot directly above archenemy

Ryuki, held on to the god-killing dagger from Kuwamaru-aniki and
dropped. I was aiming to drop on his shoulder.

A lovely “Toh-soon” sound was made as I straddled on his shoulder. The

sudden weight on his shoulder affected his balance out and he fell

Hey, from the looks of it, doesn’t that make me heavy! How rude!

In order not to get flung out, I gripped onto him. Ryuki pushed his hand
onto the ground and was about to adjust his position when I placed the
dagger on his throat.

“If you value your life, free boss and the rest.”
“You are…...”
“Don’t say anything unnecessary! I’m ordering you to undo the ropes on

However, even without Ryuki commanding the knights, they had already
realised the tables have turned and obediently removed the restraints
on boss and the rest.
Ohh, a good decision by the knights. It is because mages are their gods.


Very well.

“Ah, those two are ok.”

That is what he said to the knights that were restraining Bashu-san and
Seki-san. Those two are bad though, it would have been better for them
to still be tied up. I still cannot trust them yet.
After releasing boss, I had the knights stand back and line themselves
with their hands up.

“Cancel the freezing magic.”

Even though the knights had removed the ropes on boss and the rest,
the ice was still there and they were still unable to move. I tried my best
to sound as scary as possible while ordering Ryuki. Nevertheless, my
cute voice did not command that kind of authority with it. There is no
helping with my cuteness.

“Fufufu,” Ryuki seemingly laughed in a ridiculing manner and accepted

my request at same time.
“Asaborake Ujinokawagiri Taedaeni Arawarewataru Sezenoajirogi.” That
was definitely the incantation to cancel magic. It was the same
incantation that Irene-san and Alan said when they were canceling their

Yet, the shackles of ice did not disappear at all!

Besides being shocked myself, Ryuki the mage was shocked too.
However, Ryuki was looking at the dagger I was holding instead of what I
was looking at.

Ah--so that was what happened.

“It is because this is a god-killing dagger. You can make it disappear

with magic. Stop with your little tricks, remove your magic now,” that
was why he was able to smirk earlier.


In the face of the god-killing dagger, Ryuki turned slightly pale.

Really, just release your magic already! Even for me, I don’t like pointing
weapons at others!

“Don’t think that just because I am a child, I wouldn’t stab you! I use this
everyday just so that you know!”
Yes, mainly on wild boars. I am always using it on my arch-enemy wild
boars. I kid you not.

And then, Ryuki appeared to have made up his mind and chanted
another incantation.
Hearing the start of the incantation, I quickly jumped off Ryuki’s back
while grabbing his hair and greeted his face with a kick from my knee.

“Hey! Stop trying to be funny! That’s not the incantation to dispel

magic!” I shouted at the Ryuki who was now bleeding from his nose and
who became greatly frightened.

The one that should be surprised is me! Why is it you!?

He grimaced and looked at me with a face that says, “Even my old man
wouldn’t beat me like this!”
Even for me, this is my first time kicking someone with my knees! I was
really astonished! That was because I knew that I had to quickly stop the
magic from activating, so my legs moved on reflex! My knees are still
shaking in pain too! I think I should demand medical fees too!

“You……can understand the incantations!?”

Rather than understanding, it was more like your incantation was
obviously different from the previous one, how did it not occur to you
that I would be able to discern that difference.

“I’m telling you, undo your magic now. There won’t be a next time.”
Throwing away all traces of an adorable young girl, with a threatening


low pitch voice, I pointed the dagger at him.

With that, Ryuki finally gave in and chanted the dispelling incantation.
The ice trapping boss and the rest disappeared.


Chapter 44

Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

Boss and the gang were released and this time around, the knights and
Ryuki the idiot were the ones restrained in rope. Of course we did not
forget to gag Ryuki the idiot.
Based on boss’s decision, we released Seki-san and Bashu-san too.

“Ryuki, you bastard, what is this about causing harm to Bashu-sama. He

is an Earl-sama you know.”
“Mu--Mu--,” towards Seki-san’s words, Ryuki seemed to be trying to
rebut him. Now that was gagged, there was no way to tell what he was
trying to say.

“Seki…...no matter what, wasn’t calling me that terrible of you? And to

think that the person behind it all was you Ryuki-kun! Bringing all these
knights along…...what happened to Tagosaku-sama? He had better not
be alone!”
This time, it was Bashu-san who was talking to Ryuki the idiot but again,
since all he could do was ‘Mu--Mu--,’ and just like a resident of valley,
there was no reply. The knight next to him who was also tied up spoke
up in an apologetic manner.

“With all due respect, we had believed that we were going somewhere
near. We were requested to conceal ourselves nearby. Most likely, that
place would be……,” as he said, his eyes flickered to one side to show


roughly where that place was.

As soon as Kuwamaru-aniki entered that place, which was a grove of

trees, he came back with a person who wore a hood over his eyes. That
person was acting very hesitantly.

“Ta-Tagosaku-sama, my humblest apologies! I have caused you to be

shaken! Kuwamaru! Treat him with more courtesy, he is the great
Tagosaku-sama!” Boss took custody of the hooded man from Kuwamaru
who brought the hooded man as though he was grabbing a cat by its

“Who exactly is this Tagosaku?”

“This gentleman is the adviser for our territory’s agricultural reforms!”
Ho, so it is this hooded man huh.

“Anyways Bashu, aren’t these knights the knights at your place? They
betrayed you.”
Bashu-san was a bit down upon hearing that. Boss, please don’t say
anymore please. Please don’t cause him heart to hollow out.

To fill in the gap from Bashu-san’s silence, the panicking restrained

knights started to vindicate themselves.

“W-we have not betrayed you! Ryuki-sama said that Bashu-sama had
been acting very strangely and we heard that you were being deceived
by a demonic beast so, we came to see it for ourselves! It was certainly
not that we have been swayed by Ryuki-sama’s promise to reward us
with newly made swords and armour if we cooperated!”
I see, so you guys had been bribed. What an honest chap he was.

“Hah. It cannot be helped. Ryuki-kun would eventually be wedded to his

daughter and be the next Earl. Furthermore, he was a mage. That they
were convinced to help him could not be helped……”


Bashu-san’s shoulders dropped as he muttered to himself.

Being unable to endure staying in this place any one bit, nobody said
anything. It was just the echo from the cries of the valley, ‘Mu—Mu— ‘.

“Ryuki is Seki’s son? So he is the child you had with Agnes? He really
resembles Agnes. The royal blood in him runs deep.”
Rudel-san spoke to Seki-san as he closely looked at the ‘Mu-ing’ idiot.

“Ah, he has the makings of a magician.”

“Pff, well, he would be my nephew-chan then. A somewhat handsome
youth. Even his nose bleeding posture looks cute.”
To the Kou-okaasan who seemed like she was salivating, the idiot who
had been ‘Mu-ing’ up until now immediately became silent. A direct hit.
As expected of Kou-okaasan.

“Nonetheless, despite being excellent as a mage, he was still no match

for Ryou.” Boss praised me painstakingly with an extremely pleased
voice and carried me to his arms.

And I repeat myself. He carried me to his arms!

“Ufufu, our daughter seemed to be more talented it seems~. But my

heart was on my mouth the entire time though—,” Kou-okaasan
responded delightfully.

“A child has got to be at least that lively yeah.”

I’m so glad--. I thought that they might be angry at me for kneeing him
but he actually praised me for being that full of energy! Boss! (TN: よかっ
いは元気のうちなんだね! 親分! Kind of need help for the underlined

“Ah, elder brother, you finally had a child with Alek-san!?” Seki-san
commented and turned slightly pale.


Boss immediately sent a sharp glare at him and threatened him to stop
“Ahh, I guess that’s actually impossible. My apologies Alek-san. Could
you come here for a moment…...” Seki-san said and moved away from
us and started whispering. Since I was carried along, I could hear his
whispers clearly.

“I am sorry. To have allowed my son to get wind of this. Despite what he

has done earlier, he is actually an obedient child. It is just that his
thinking leans completely to the royalty and that he is surprisingly quick-
witted. I am not very confident of this but it seems that he is very
suspicious of Alek-san’s motives. Where on earth he got his information
from though……I’m sorry but I think it is best we keep quiet on those
motives now.”

“I get the gist of it. If you are planning to do so, don’t call out my name
in front of your son. Didn’t you just call me by Alek just then?”

“I see. You’re right. My apologies.”

“Well, what’s done is done. Anyways, we would be leaving soon. But

before that, I have to have a word with Bashu. Sorry but I would be
borrowing Bashu for a moment.”

“……Am I not included? I was planning to have an understanding of what

Alek-san’s plans were.”

“But you are a mage. Your son too. I’m sure you don’t have that resolve
to wager your life for this don’t you?”

Seki-san could only lower his eyes and stay silent.

“……I got it. In any case, we need to keep a lookout on my son. That
leaves me with that job. I shall relay what I want to say to Bashu-san


too. I feel bad that we have to talk while standing but I want to privately
ask Bashu-san something too.”

“Ahh, I understand,” boss nodded to what Seki-san said and both of

them returned back to their gang. I was lowered back onto the ground.
Ohh, is carrying time already over?

Bashu-san was enquiring if Tagosaku Professor was doing fine when

boss placed his hand on his shoulder and discreetly told him, “Bashu,
sorry for the inconvenience but it’s about the situation. I want you to
come alone. Somewhere far away, I wish to have another talk with you.”

I was doing nothing in particular and just stared at the hooded man that
was adjacent to Bashu-san. Our eyes met. As soon as that happened,
the hooded man opened his eyes wide in shock. Similarly, I was shocked
at him being shocked.

Eh? What is it?

The hooded man vigourously removed his hood and with a smile wide
across his face he shouted, “Could this be Ryou!? My bad, I mean is this

Eh? Who? I am Ryou but who are you?

I observed closely and scanned through my memories for him. And his
name was Tagosaku Professor too……

One of his most defining features was his aquiline nose, and next is,
well, I feel like I have seen him before. No, I have definitely seen him
before. I remember that handsome face, even though it is not within my
acceptable range……pardon me for that.
He was around the latter half of his twenties and he had youthful skin
but he was already balding.


A balding head. That… where have I seen that……

Ah! I got it!

“Garigari village chief! ……son?”

The eldest son of the village chief (whose trademark was his balding
scalp) nodded as he beamed.


Chapter 45

Ooh, the village chief’s son. How nostalgic!

Wasn’t he the honour student that attended the ‘Villager Meeting’ (that I
launched to discuss the future of the village) nearly all the time?!
Back then, it was a meeting to gather volunteers to talk about improving
the cultivar of crops, or about my investigations on fertiliser—basically a
discussion platform with the goal of increasing crop yield.

I see, his name was actually Tagosaku!? I have always called him as
Chief’s son. I see, Tagosaku, looks like you’ve made yourself a good
name in cultivating fields huh?

“Ahh, I had thought that you looked familiar, so you were that child from
that time?” Seki-san nodded as seemed to have connected the dots.
Ah, so you have finally remembered? Thanks for the care from then.
Much thanks for specially telling me that I was not a mage.

“Ahh, it can’t be! To think that I would be able to meet Ryou-sama at a

place like this!” Professor Tagosaku cried out with increased enthusiasm.
“Yes, indeed. I believed we would never cross paths again. It’s been a
long time.”

I am happy that we were able to meet after so long. I would really like to
hear how he ended up here or maybe about how Garigari village was
However, there is something I cannot comprehend. Something about


Professor Tagosaku reaction. For starters, back then, he never did attach
‘-sama’ when referring to me.

“Ehh!? This child is the divine messenger from the heavens that
Professor Tagosaku was always talking about? You are Ryou-sama!?”
Bashu-san joined in the conversation with the same mood as Professor

Wait a second, you called me a divine messenger? Maybe I heard that

wrong…… It must be the fatigue from the ‘VS mage’ episode earlier. I
must be hearing things.

“Yes, she is. The saviour of Garigari village, a divine messenger from the

Immediately, as soon as Tazhxtnd xtbw bp hdp shdw (shdwlu patg B atw

bitzbglw), pal vtfpdulw ngbzapx xptuplw t vhiihpbhg. Pal ‘Id—Id—
Ulxbwlgp hy pal Otsslr patp atw kllg xbslgvlw kr Nhd-hnttxtg ghp shgz
tzh, xptuplw ph ‘Mu—Mu—’ excitedly again. (TN: I found out that
'Resident of the Valley' is a reference to Moomin. Look at this video to
get a better idea of it: https://youtu.be/8Mh2du1LV-w)

“You mean she is the person that said at birth, ‘North, south, east, west,
nothing in the world is more sacred than me,’ –that Ryou-sama!?” Said
one of the knights in an uproar.

Don’t say such things about me!

Hey, why are you smiling and nodding your head off, Prof Tagosaku!? I
said no such thing! Furthermore, it’s not like you were present when I
was born!

“Yes, not only was Ryou-sama born from the bud of a flower, us villagers
at Garigari village cried uncontrollably when she was born too.”
Born from the bud of a flower!? And that I caused everyone to cry……are


you trying to say that I am the pollen of flowers!? I have no intention to

cause nasty allergic reactions to everyone!

“And in the one year that she was born, she gave the people food to eat
and invented straw sandals!?”
Oi oi, how could a one-year-old do that……Ah, I actually did that. That
was me.

But anyways, just stop, saying all those is so scary.

“U-urm, what are you talking about from just now?”

“We were talking about Ryou-sama.”

“It doesn’t sound right though……”

“Haha, you don’t have to be so humble. I understand everything.”

No you don’t. I spoke just because of you spouting all that you know!?

“Are these guys even sane? There is no way a human could be born
from a flower.” Boss said in a muffled voice low enough to be inaudible
to the Ruby Fallen camp. Hearing that, I regained my composure.

Thank goodness. I knew the weird one was Prof Tagosaku. He lost his
rationality together with his falling hair. My sympathies.

I managed to calm down after looking at some of the bandits who

reacted normally. I will just forget what Tagosaku just said.

“Um, boss, this Tagosaku-san is the son of the village chief from where I
was born and raised. Somehow, he is saying all sorts of things that even
I don’t know, so please pay him no attention.” I explained the
circumstances to boss as coolly as I could.


Boss glanced at the boisterous knights and said, “Ahh,” while nodding.

“By the way, Tagosaku-san, how is Garigari village now? Why are you
here as well, Tagosaku-san?” Tagosaku-san was still blabbering away to
the knights with his fictitious story but I asked him anyways.

“The people at Garigari village are cdspbotpbgz pal yblswx mbpa pal
mbxwhi ml atol ulvlbolw yuhi Urhd-xtit. Stplu, Ktxad-xtit vtil typlu
altubgz tkhdp pal udihdux hy rhdu nghmslwzl bg tzubvdspdul tgw
bgobplw il ph txxbxp abi ph ulfulxlgp tgw xfultw Urhd-xtit’x pltvabgzx.
Vduulgpsr tp Ztubztub obsstzl, pal ‘Illpbgz ph Albzaplg Urhd-xtit
Pltvabgzx’ patp Urhd-xtit klzun to discuss fertiliser or improving the
cultivar of crops, is undergoing and continuing.”
Ohh, somehow, Garigari villagers have become awesome after all these
However, there is one point that I have to clarify, and that would be that
I inaugurated the ‘Villager Meeting’ but definitely not the ‘Meeting to
Heighten Ryou-sama’s Teachings’.

“Ha, so everyone is working at the ‘Villager Meeting’. Great. Also,

incidentally, how is my family doing?” To ask or not to ask, I lost my
control a wee bit. Nevertheless, I was truly concerned!

“Ah, the family that took care of Rrhd-xtit ada. Jdbpl xhil pbil atx ftxxlw
xbgvl B slyp pal obsstzl kdp B mbss cdxp plss rhd tkhdp palbu
xbpdtpbhg klyhul B slyp palg. Xdkduhd-ndg, Itud-ndg tgw Xadd-ndg tul
itbgsr itbgptbgbgz pal yblswx. Lxflvbtssr Iaru-kun, he is quite the
tenacious worker and is quite well-liked in the village. It is just that your
parents and their eldest son, Hajime-shi, are basically lazybones. They
are very annoying. Well, they are the ones that did not join the ‘Meeting
to Heighten Ryou-sama’s Teachings’ in the first place. ……The people
who did participate grieved when we heard you left. However, no matter
how flawed they were, we could not strongly condemn them since they
were part of Ryou-sama’s family. Selling of children was a really


common thing too……I beg for your forgiveness.”

“Ah, there is nothing you need to apologies for, it is alright. As long as

everyone is doing fine, then it is good! Still……you did not mention Jirou-

As soon as I spoke of Jirou-anichan, Tagosaku-shi groaned and frowned.

“Ah, he was……as soon as Ryou-sama left, he went off somewhere else
too. It was said that he most likely went off in pursuit of Ryou-sama. I
suppose you two have yet to meet?”
Eh! Seriously!

“I have not seen him……”

Jirou-anichan, you seriously went after me!? I wonder how he is doing.
Don’t tell me, he died a dog’s death by the roadside!?

Ah, however, it was true that when I was at the Rainforest residence,
there were rumours circulating that there was a masked man searching
for me though……could that masked man be Jirou-anichan!?
No, wait, if he was Jirou-anichan, why would he conceal his face with a

“Ryou-sama, please do not be disheartened. He should already be an

adult. It will be fine.” Tagosaku-san tried to comfort me as he noticed
that I gone silent suddenly.
I see, indeed, Jirou-anichan should be 15-years-old back then and would
have been considered an adult by this world’s standards.
He was a person of few words but ate a lot so he had a sturdy build. I
suppose he should be fine……that is what I want to believe.

As I was still shaking from the impact of the facts surrounding Jirou-
anichan, one of the knights said, “I see. So this secret meeting that
Bashu-sama is having was conducted so that he can be bestowed the
advice of the divine messenger.”


The other knights went into uproar as they shared their newfound

Eh, this atmosphere is getting too scary. Even though I am still thinking
about Jirou-anichan.

‘Is that the case?’ The knights sent a gaze that seem to ask this

Next, Bashu-san extended his one hand to me in a dignified way.

“Ahem, well, that is right. Excuse me, but now we will be having our
sacred, clandestine meeting. It is absolutely rude for this many of us to
be here so only I will be asking for advice. Please wait quietly everyone.”
Bashu-san said eloquently.


Chapter 46



Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho was written by Karasawa Kazuki and this

chapter was translated by yAmi on www.yamitranslations.com

In order to have their own private meeting, Boss and Bashu-san move to
a place where they the captured knights cannot hear them.
Seki-san the spirit user also requested the wind spirits to temporary
prevent sounds from escaping too. Wind spirits are really convenient.

In the end, Bashu-san alone entered a dialogue with all the members of
the bandits.
“Alek, sorry! I never imagined that it would so rowdy!”

“Don’t give me that. You are always so careless all the time.”

“Hahaha, give me a break, that was too much. By the way, why are you
together with the divine messenger-sama?”


“By divine messenger, you mean Ryou? Did you actually take that
baldy’s words seriously? There is no way she was born from a flower.”

“Hahaha! I don’t believe him to that extent! It’s just that, Professor
Tagosaku was so passionately in his speech that a portion of the knights
and Ryuki-kun idolises him.”
Eww, how scary.
In addition, Bashu-san smiled as cheerfully as ever. He is a totally
different type compared to boss. He looks a good person.

“Idolising……well, it was true it felt that way. ……We kidnapped Ryou

from the Rainforest Merchant Earl, now she is living together with us.”

“You kidnapped her? And from a Merchant Earl no less, isn’t that a semi-
aristocratic peerage……?”

“Don’t fret. She was going to be made the bride of that lolicon man
too……well, anyways, we abducted her.”

“Anyways you say huh……”

Bashu-san sighed greatly upon hearing how far boss went.

“Good grief, Alek is really crazy. Whatever, that’s fine. Thanks to that, I
get to meet the divine messenger and in this way, I am also able to
peacefully have a discussion too.”
Bashu said this and that about needing the advice of a god and smiled
lightly while also greeting the other bandits, “long time no see,” before
springing back into a light-hearted conversation.

Just when I thought this would just be an ordinary class reunion, Boss
dropped a bomb. “So, how are the preparations going? I managed to
negotiate with the guys at the mines. It’s quiet on the aristocrats’ side
and as a result, they are able to sell some to us through a back channel.
Also, there are several villages with people that seem to wish to help



Shortly after, Bashu-san’s cheerful expression became distorted and an

apologetic aura drifted about.

“I see…… That is, Alek. My apologies but the matter that you have
spoken to me about would have to take more time.”

“Ahh? What happened!?”

“Don’t raise your volume. Your shouts are terrifying. I’m sure you know
but, now that we have Professor Tagosaku lending his aid, the
productivity of the agricultural sector has gone up. The suffering and
hunger of the people might end very soon. I wish to continue observing
how it goes.”

“You want to continue watching! Arl rhd yhu ults! Hkxluobgz df pbss
ghm, atx tgrpabgz zhhw atfflglw!? Lolg by pal tzubvdspduts bgwdxpur
bx twotgvbgz xihhpasr, pal ihgtuvar mhdsw vhgpbgdl! Lwdvtpbhg mbss
xpbss kl ulxpubvplw, hdu yullwhi wlgblw tgw hdu bwlhshzblx vhgptbglw!
Wbwg’p rhd xtr patp stxp pbil?! Patp ml ibzap tx mlss kl sbolxphvn! Ml
tul ghp cdxp tgr sboestock or pets; we are humans aren’t we!?”

Boss shouted at Bashu-san as though there was a parental feud between

them. Bashu-san stuck out both his hand and tried to still his anger and
calm him down.

“I know, I know. I understand your feelings. It’s just that this feels too
impulsive. I do not deny that I have no confidence in this monarchy that
discards people it deems as surplus to the pioneering settlements and
so I had once thought that we have no other alternative but to do
this……however, the situation has changed slightly. I am now a
territorial lord. I have to prioritise the people in my fief ahead of
everything else. There is no way I can endanger the people when there


are perhaps, other paths left for survival.”

Just earlier, Bashu-san had been intimidated by boss’s shouting but he
still took on a heavy posture like a obstinate father. From how I see it,
any other arguments at this point would be useless.

“Haa,” boss gave a deep sigh and became silent. The other bandits wore
a marveled expression. Even breathing became difficult.

“I can understand your thoughts. You observing how it goes is fine. We

would just continue with our plans. It might take more time but……we
will definitely do it.”
Towards boss’s determination, Bashu-san looked down and responded
with, “I see.” And then, he nodded gently while saying, “Sorry”.

“Bashu……if you feel bad about it, there is one thing I like to ask of you.”
As boss said, he placed his hand on my head. Bashu-san rose his head
up again and met my eyes.

“I would like you to take the trouble to take care of this. I want her to go
to school.”

That, that means, in short, that I would be entrusted to Bashu-san!?

“Alek!? What are you saying!”

Kou-okaasan entered the conversation without a moment’s delay. I

agree, what are you saying, boss.

“What is it, Kouki. Didn’t you say it too? That you want this kid to go to
school too. Also, you said you don’t want her to get involved?”

“That is……true, but……”

Kou-okaasan and boss took alternate glances at me. I was taken aback


and rendered speechless.

“If it is Bashu, then I can have a peace of mind. Even for Bashu, won’t it
be his honour to take care of a divine messenger?”

“Ahh, well, personally, I feel grateful about it……but is it alright?” Bashu-

san said while bringing his line of sight to the other bandit members who
have started to become noisy.

“Boss, are you serious? Ryou is……already one of us……!”

Kuwamaru-aniki was also dazed.
Yeah that’s right, do reconsider, boss!

“……That way is better for her. She is an awesome fella’. Didn’t you see
that earlier for yourself? She was able to compete with a mage.
……Furthermore, rather than being with us retards from now on, she
would be better off with more decent people.”
Boss looked like he had ironed his resolve.

Nevertheless, I am against it. Could you not arbitrarily decide that for
me! What do mean by more decent people!? Boss and the gang is more
decent than the rest! I don’t want to be alone again! Please don’t leave
me behind! Don’t go away!

I don’t want to be abandoned by anyone else……

“Ryou is fine with that too right?” Boss asked me like that.

There is no way I am fine with that! Obviously I am against it!

But if I said that, would he be shocked? Would I be hated?
In addition, even if I am hated, and my opinion of it might not be heard
either, and then I would be, again……


While lost in thoughts, I had unknowingly faced downwards. Boss

assumed that I looked downwards to nod and continued talking.

“That’s how it is. Please take care of her. I don’t want to stay here for
too long. Since I am done talking to Bashu, we can leave now.”
Boss was about to walk away while facing his back at me. The rest of the
bandits gazed at me while following behind boss.
Kou-okaasan looked at me intermittently while walking to boss.

It was the same again.

It was the same as when my parents sold me at Garigari village, I could
feel my consciousness drifting far away again.
Is this reality? Just not long ago, I defeated a mage and didn’t you
declare that I was the daughter of you all……?

How many more times do I have to go through this?

Once at Garigari village. In my previous life, tens of thousands of times.

In my previous life, when I see tal ktvn hy ir ftulgpx mah sltol pal ahdxl
lbpalu yhu pal xtnl hy mhun hu illpbgz df mbpa palbu sholux, B mhdsw
plss pali, “Ptnl vtul, xll rhd”. B mhdsw mtol ir atgwx, lolg pahdza B wh
ghp nghm malg they would be back.
If I worked hard, I believed that their backs would turn back one day. I
was always being a good kid, waiting for them to turn back once I
became acknowledged by everyone.

If I do according to what boss says and go to school, even if I obtain

stellar grades, I wonder when would Kou-okaasan turn back. What about
boss? Would he turn to look back at me?

I don’t want this. I don’t want to be separated from them like this. Kou-
okaasan, please be aware of my feelings! Boss, please look at me!

I hate it.


But, I could not say a word.

I mean, if I said something that selfish, if I became hated, I would be, I,

Would I be left behind again?

What should I do? Please tell me, someone, anyone.

“I don’t want that—! I want to be together! Didn’t you say I was your
daughter?! You said it all with pride didn’t you! You liar! Liar! I want to
go with everyone!” From somewhere, a sloppy voice overflowed and
shouted as a proxy for my feelings.
Who was that? I thought and everyone stared at me. Boss and Kou-
okaasan stopped and turn to look at me.
Everyone was staring at me excessively so I felt my own face. It was
sticky with mucus and tears.
The voice earlier was mine. A voice that I did not think would emerge.

Soon, it became embarrassing. Being childish like this, I wondered if

everyone would hate me as I looked downwards.

I had it.

Suddenly, I was hugged by someone with a crazy strong force – a force

welled up with emotions.
I lifted my face and saw Kou-okaasan.

“Sorry—. Ryou-chan! Sorry—,” she cried as she apologised.

And then, her line of sight moved to boss side.

“Alek, forgive me, but I am out of this. I want to be with Ryou-chan.

Ryou-chan getting involved in this would be my fault.”

“……Kouki. I can understand your feelings but……Ryou getting involved


would be my fault. I willfully kidnapped her, and willfully invested

emotions too……”

Kou-okaasan shouted at boss like that, and continued, “For the child-
loving Alek to have feelings for Ryou-chan is understandable. You knew
that, that’s why you handed her to me then! I was in disagreement when
you tried to do that. I vtgghp klsblol patp rhd mhdsw zh ph rhdu wltpa
yhu rhdu bwltsx. B ti xpbss mbssbgz ph fdp whmg ir sbyl yhu Tsln kdp B
ti wlybgbplsr mbss ghp tffuhol hy rhd wrbgz yhu t wulti patp itr hu itr
ghp kl ultsbxlw. Palulyhul, by palul mlul pabgzx rhd atw ph fuhplvp, B
mhgwlulw by rhd mhdsw vatgzl rhdu ibgwxlp. Ahmlolu, yhu pal atsy-
ktnlw mhitg il, B mtx ghp lghdza ph kl xhilpabgz patp Tsln atw ph
fuhplvp. Glolupalslxx, tgw patp’x mar, B atpl hpalu mhilg patp ibzap
xpbvn hgph Tsln. Tp patp pbil, Urhu-chan came. If by any chance, if this
child was around, Alek mindset might change. Therefore, with this
baseless idea……I was the one who got Ryou-chan involved!”

Boss muttered her name and froze with silence.
I glanced at Kou-okaasan who was crying in tears as she complained to
boss. Soon after, Kou-okaasan looked at me instead.

“Ryou-chan, I am sorry. I am sorry for being such an underhanded adult.

But, right now, my feelings for you — that you are important — is the
real deal. If you could forgive this kind of selfish male-woman, I want to
continue being together with you as your mother.”

I said nothing but just nodded repeatedly and hugged Kou-okaasan. So

that she would not go anywhere; to confirm that the Kou-okaasan that
returned was not just some hallucination.

Kou-okaasan came back to me. She turned around, and came back for


Call this an excuse or whatever is fine. Even for me, at the start, I did not
think of Kou-okaasan as anything special!
Right now, Kou-okaasan treats me as her daughter and wants to be
together with me, and that I am fine just like that. She came back to me
because of those words I said, just with those……!

Why have I been, up until now, been an obedient child and simply
waited. That’s right, I should have said so right from the start. I had been
pretending and was afraid that I would be disliked. Until now, I have yet
to say about my feelings.

Right from the start, I had said honestly and plainly, that I was lonely
and I want to stay with them more, that would have been better.

“I am as a female a blockhead, also as your comrades, I am a blockhead.

But as the parent of this child, I would no longer do half-assed things. I
am breaking out from our gang.” Kou-okaasan stood up while carrying
onto me and said with a firm attitude to boss.


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