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SAL Engineering & Technical Institute

A Report on

“Cyber Security”
Under the Subject of

Design Engineering 1A (3130008)

B. E. II, semester-III

(Computer Engineering)

Submitted By:
Sr. No Name Enrollment No
1 Patel Priyansh P 181260107066
2 Patel Kevin R 181260107056
3 Patel Simoli J 181260107072
4 Prajapati Riddhi N 181260107081
5 Patel Kishan 181260107057

Prof. Rama M. Maliya

(Internal Guide)

Prof. Pravina Shah

(HoD of the Department)

Academic Year
Table of Contents

Content Page No.

Abstract i

Acknowledgement ii

1. Introduction 1

1.1 What is Design Thinking?

1.2 Why & How select this Domain?

1.3 Preparation of Canvas

2. Prior Art Search

3. Empathy Mapping

3.1 Observation through AEIOU

3.2 Mind Mapping

3.3 Empathy Mapping

4. Ideation Canvas & it’s method

5. Product Development Canvas

5.1 Description of Final Problem Statement

5.2 Description of Problem Solution

5.3 Discussion on Product Experience

6. Rough Prototype

7. Individual Log Book (duly signed by faculty guide)

8. Continuous Assessment Card

9. Conclusion


This is to certify that Report of Design Engineering, submitted along with the Topic
entitled “Cyber Security” has been carried out by Patel Priyansh(181260107066)
Patel Kevin R(181260107056), Patel Simoli (181260107072), Prajapati
Riddhi(181260107081), Patel Kishan (181260107057) under subject DESIGN
ENGINEERING-1A(313008) during the academic year 2019-20.

Prof. Rama Maliya Prof. Pravina Shah

(Faculty Guide) (Head of Department)

Cyber Security plays an important role in the field of information technology. Securing the
information have become one of the biggest challenges in the present day. When ever we think
about the cyber security the first thing that comes to our mind is ‘cyber crimes’ which are
increasing immensely day by day. Various Governments and companies are taking many measures
in order to prevent these cyber crimes. Besides various measures cyber security is still a very big
concern to many. This paper mainly focuses on challenges faced by cyber security on the latest
technologies. It also focuses on latest about the cyber security techniques, ethics and the trends
changing the face of cyber security.

We would like to extend our heartily thanks with a deep sense of gratitude and
respect to all those who has provided us immense help and guidance during our

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our internal guide Prof. Rama Maliya
for providing a vision about the system and for giving us an opportunity to
understand such a great challenging and innovative work. We are grateful for the
guidance, encouragement, understanding and insightful support given in the
development process.

We would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Pravina Shah, Head of Computer

Department, SAL Engineering And Technical Institute, Ahmedabad, for his
continuous encouragement and motivation.

Last but not the least we would like to mention here that we are greatly indebted to
each and everybody who has been associated with our project at any stage but
whose name does not find a place in this acknowledgement.

1.1: What is Design Thinking? Your understanding

Design Engineering is the best example of critical thinking and solving problem by developing a
system therefore to solve it. Suppose it you see a problem, and being a human or rather an user
we use to complain about it, but we don’t think of solving it.
A cognitive problem-solving process

● Origins = Edison and other inventors

● Encourages creative consideration of a wide array of innovative solutions.

● Can be applied to any field, including higher education.

● Approaches challenges from the point of view of the end user.

A skill that allows a Designer to align what people want with what can be done, and produce a
viable business strategy that creates customer value and market opportunity.

“Design Thinking firms stand apart in their willingness to engage in task of continuously
redesign their business…. To create advances in both involution and efficiency. The
combination that produces the most powerful competitive edge.”

-Rogar Martin, author of Design of business

1.2: Why and How we select this

Today Internet is the fastest growing infrastructure in everyday life. In today’s technical
environment many latest technologies are changing the face of the mankind. But due to these
emerging technologies we are unable to safeguard our private information in a very effective way
and hence these days cyber crimes are increasing day by day. Today more than 60 percent of total
commercial transactions are done online, so this field required a high quality of security for
transparent and best transactions. Hence cyber security has become a latest issue. We as a team
strive to find solutions to some of the problems.

1.3: Preparation of Canvas

For the preparation of canvas our team with the help of our internal guide studied the topic “Cyber
Security” in deep. We were able to learn a lot from the internet and we also took help from the
seniors from our college and other faculties. During the preparation phase we found various
problems that concerns cyber security and we were then able to pinpoint solutions from the various

The solutions that were made in the past for above problems is mentioned below:

Early Warning Framework Using Core Internet Protocols DNS & BGP, This research project is to
create an Early Warning Framework for detecting internet based cyber threats so as to
prevent/mitigate attacks that can cause loss of valuable information as well as for protecting
systems from damage due to cyber attacks. The framework uses data from Domain Name Systems
and Border Gateway Protocol exchanges to analyze and detect attack patterns. The system uses
robust analytical engines to process real time traffic flows, and processes the collected data using
machine learning algorithms to predict attacks, and provide real time warnings when such patterns
are detected.

School Security System (SSS) using RFID, This System ensures safety of the students by making
their parents aware about the various important status about their students like in-time, out-time,
everything about their arrival. By using RFID technology it is easy track the student thus enhances
the security and safety in selected zone. The information about student such as in time and out time
from Bus and campus will be recorded to web based system and SMS will be automatically sent to
their parents that the student arrived to Bus/Campus safely. SMS will be sent to parents whose
children are absent without taking leave. The parents can log into system website and monitor the
details of their children. The implementation of School Security System(SSS) via RFID to avoid
crime, illegal activates by students and reduce worries among parents.


3:1 Observation Through AEIOU

AEIOU Summary:

This is the very first canvas of our design engineering subject. After thinking on different
Domains we have selected one domain and have done the observations we have divided
complete observation in 5 parts into AEIOU i.e. is A for Activity, E for Environment, I for
interaction, O for object, U for Users.

Fig 3.1 AEIOU Summary Canvas

3.1.1 Activities:

The activities include:

-Cyber Security Awareness

3.1.2 Environment:

This section contains different factors which shows different situation.

Key points of environment are as follows:

- Internet
-World Wide Web
-Virtual world

3.1.3 Interaction:

This includes the conversation.

Key points of interaction are as follows:

-Security Analyst
-Security Engineer
-Gujarat Cyber Security
-Security Administrator
-Security Architect
3.1.4 Objects:

This section is completely filled up with all the non-living things. Through this section we
could also know many things.

Key points of objects are as follows:


3.1.5 User:

Users are the people who are involved during the observation. They are the people who have
played the role and will be one who will use our product.

Key points of user as follow:

-Cyber Attacker
-Cyber Cell
-Website Visitor
-Cyber Threats
3:2 Mind Mapping

As we know that for remembering & keeping the points in mind graphical or diagrammatic
representation is the best way. So in the Design Engineering for representation of complete
observation Mind Mapping Canvas is used.

Fig 3.2 Mind Mapping Canvas

3:3 Empathy Mapping

Empathy means to feel what the others feel. Empathy mapping canvas helps as to experience,
feel and understand another person's condition, situation & emotions with the help of
observation. Empathy Mapping Canvas is the evolution of problem, which are faced by
people, by experiencing it with faced by us. This helps us to experience the problems & think
about the solution for it. Empathy Mapping Canvas has 4 components:
• User
• Stakeholder
• Activities
• Story Boarding

1)User: Users are the people who play the key role in whole observation. Key points of User
are as follow:
1.) Hacker
2.) Cyber Cell
3.) Website Visitors
4.) Cyber Attacker
5.) Cyber Threats
2)Stakeholder: Stakeholders include all the people other than users who are involved in the
observation. Key points of Stakeholder are as follow:
1) Cyber Security Expert
2) Cyber Security Head
3) CEO
4) Board of Directors
5) Software Engineer
3)Activities: This section consist of the activity which people experiencing & seeing that
activates how & which activity have been explained by us. Key points of Activity are as
1) Privacy
2) Cyber Security Awareness
3) Programming
4) Hacking
5) Information
Fig 3.3 Empathy Mapping Canvas

This component can also be said as the heart of the empathy mapping canvas.
Happy Story 1: The Pune cyber crime cell is succeeded in arresting two accused and two
more in the cosmos bank online robbery case where Rs 94.42 crore were stolen. The Pune
cyber crime team is working through different platforms and multiple cyber experts are
investigating the case and then solved it successfully.

Happy Story 2: In Mumbai cyber crime branch detected a case in which the accounts of 125
users were hacked and the case was solved by the cyber crime department. The persons
involved in this case are teenagers and they these things for fun. But the case was solved

Sad Story 1: In a high profile hacking case 137 million accounts from linkedin user accounts
got compromised by a Russian hacker. The passwords of these accounts were posted online
for sale.

Sad Story 2: In 2013, Hackers stole roughly 3 million encrypted credit card numbers and
login data from the technology giant Adobe’s server.
Ideation canvas helps us in doing work creatively. Because ideation canvas develops the new
thoughts and idea in mind through which we can know about the problems and what should
be the situation for it. Ideation canvas has 4 main parts:
2) Activity
3) Situation/Location
4) Props/Possible solutions

Fig 4.1 Ideation Canvas

4.1 People: People who play the key role in whole observation.
1) Hacker
2) Cyber Cell
3) Website Visitors
4) Cyber Attacker
5) Cyber Threats

4.2) Activities: In this part we have included all the activities which were being performed by
the different users, people, etc. During our observation. The activity includes
1) Privacy
2) Programming
3) Hacking
4) Information
5) Cyber Security Awareness

4.3) Situation/Location: This content includes the situation in which the user uses this
application. Key points of situation/location are as follows:
1) Facebook
2) Whatsapp
3) Amazon
4) Google
5) Quick Heal

4.4) Props/ Possible solutions: In this content the possible solution that our application
resolves are included. key points of props/possible solution are as follows:
1) Application Security
2) Cyber Security
3) Anti-virus

Product Development Canvas concentrates on the solution of problems. In this canvas we

describe about the product that is solution of entire problem. Solution includes features like
people, purpose, product features and product component.

Fig 5.1 Product Development Canvas

5.1) Purpose:
1) Secure Banking
2) Reduce data theft
3) Communication safety
4) Prevent Net banking
5) More device security
6) Digital Wallet
7) Privacy Protection

5.2) People:
1) Hacker
2) Cyber Cell
3) Website Visitors
4) Cyber Threats
5) Cyber Attackers

5.3) Product Experience:

1) More Secure
2) Efficient
3) Easy to use
4) Faster
5) Easy to understand

5.4) Product Functions:

1) Security
2) Anti-theft
3) Anti-Virus
4) Easy Communication
5.5) Product Features:
1) Easy
2) Secure
3) Effective
4) Fast
5) Anti-Theft

5.6) Components:
1) Internet
2) Mobile
3) Application Software
4) Computers
5) Interconnected Networks

Fig 6.1 Rough Prototype


Though not all people are victims to cyber crimes, they are still at risk. Crimes by computer
vary, and they don’t always occur behind the computer, but they executed by computer. The
hacker’s identity is ranged between 12 years young to 67years old. The hacker could live
three continents away from its victim, and they wouldn’t even know they were being hacked.
Crimes done behind the computer are the 21st century’s problem. With the technology
increasing, criminals don’t have to rob banks, nor do they have to be outside in order to
commit any crime. They have everything they need on their lap. Their weapons aren’t guns
anymore; they attack with mouse cursors and passwords. That is why there is a need for
cyber security.

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