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Golgi Alvarez


Consulting Editor
Another year, more fascinating stories around infrastructure
YII 2018 in London, was a phenomenal and new friends over lunch and tea breaks
Shimonti Paul
experience with exceptional interviews made every moment enjoyable and special..
with the top executives of Bentley Systems,
Topcon and others, dynamic conferences
and highly informed sessions, and YII 2019
I am glad to share few of the enriching
interactions I had with the industry leaders,
Spanish Journalist
took the knowledge, skill and engagement
to a new level. Bentley Systems has revived
present at Bentley Systems YII 2019 here.
I am sure these will help you gain new
Laura Garcia
the concept of “digital twins” and YII 2019 insights into digital twins, 4D construction,
provided a first hand view of the benefits the geotechnical engineering, smart cities and
concept is bringing world over. The event
brought together leaders of almost every
a lot more. Happy reading! Graphics Designer
industry and the exchange of knowledge, Adams Kazeem
networks and collaboration that happened
was beyond words.
During my time there, from digital Published by:
advancement academies to use cases, I
wanted to capture everything, store the ZatocaConnect
learning and create unique stories. The
location, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Bogota, Colombia
perfectly complemented the scale of Phone: +57 312 279 6581
the magnanimous event, making every
moment spent all the more special. The
Press Conference, the ACCELERATE sessions,
the Industry briefings, the demonstrations Disclaimer
at the expo, everything was a memorable
experience in itself. TwinGeo does not necessarily subscribe to the views
expressed in the magazine. All views expressed in
this issue are those of the contributors. TwinGeo is
Interviews with the senior executives of not responsible for any loss to anyone due to the in-
Bentley Systems, Microsoft, Topcon, formation provided. TwinGeo aims to create aware-
Siemens and other top notch names in ness about everything Geo-engineering in an unbi-
construction was an exhilarating experience ased way. We do not claim to be experts, so feel free
that broadened my knowledge around to correct us if something needs correction.
Digital Twins, Geotechnical Engineering,
Structural Engineering, Digital Cities and Shimonti Paul
a lot more. Networking, connecting with old Consulting Editor
NEWS Page (6-13) CASE STUDY 1 Page (36-37)
• ESRI enters into licensing agreement with European commission
• ESRI releases smarter government book By Martin O’malley
• DJI introduces ZENMUSE XT S, a new high frame-rate thermal
imaging camera
• Airbus-built CHEOPS SATELLITE successfully launched on Soyuz
• NSGIC releases findings from biennial geospatial maturity
assessment survey.
COVER STORY Page (38-49)
• Radiant Earth Foundation releases world’s first open repository
for geospatial training data. DIGITAL TWIN: PHILOSOPHY FOR
• UAVOS’S ROBINSON unmanned helicopter extends application THE NEW DIGITAL REVOLUTION
Nobody can guarantee the shape of the new digital landscape
– industry leaders suggest a mature, pragmatic approach will
INTERVIEWS Page (14-32) stand us in good stead. There will be opportunities for those
with vision and scope to take advantage of this revolution.
VALUABLE INSIGHTS ON BIM, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, Governments, always mindful of re-election, may also move
SMART CITIES, DIGITAL TWINS, AND MUCH MORE FROM with an eye on the short-term. But, in the long term, it is,
INDUSTRY LEADERS AT BENTLEY YII 2019 ironically, common users, interested in their own needs who
will have the last word.
Bob Mankowski, VP Digital Cities;
Benoit Fredericque, Director, Product Management-Reality
Modeling & CASE STUDY 2 Page (50-55)
Ton De Vries, Senior Director, Business Development, Digital
By the time the Colombian government and the Revolutionary
Armed Force of Colombia (FARC) finally brokered a peace
from the experts- Richard Humphrey, Senior Director, Project agreement in 2016, their 50-year-old civil war had claimed
Delivery & Construction & Scott Eustace, Senior Marketing 260,000 lives.
Land reform was always at the heart of the conflict. As in
many Latin American countries, most land in Colombia is
STRUCTURAL AND GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS concentrated among an elite group. Just 14 percent of all
Interview with Raoul Karp, VP Design Engineering Analysis, landowners control 80 percent of the land, a strong indicator
Bentley Systems; of inequality.
Cindy Ross, Manager, Product Marketing, Geotechnical,
Bentley Systems; During the war, some rural areas were effectively cut off from
Erwin Beernink, VP Marketing, Sales and Services, Plaxis the rest of the country,..

RELEASES Smarter Government: How
to Govern for Results in the
SMARTER Information Age is available

in print (ISBN: 9781589485242,
332 pages, US$39.99) and as an

BOOK e-book
(ISBN: 9781589485259,
AGREEMENT WITH EUROPEAN On November 5, 2019, Esri announced
the publication of a new book by former

COMMISSION Maryland governor Martin O’Malley, Smarter

Government: How to Govern for Results in
the Information Age. The book proposes
new ideas about leadership and applying
On December 20, 2019, Esri, announced
technology in a way that encourages
that it has entered into a four-year general
openness and public collaboration.
master agreement (GMA) with the European
Commission. The agreement will enable
Smarter Government is a discussion
the European Commission and selected
and demonstration of a fundamentally
Executive Agencies to use Esri software and
entrepreneurial way of governing that’s
deploy the full suite of its ArcGIS products in
about the data, mapping, and method for
an open, scalable, and standards-based GIS
achieving dramatic public sector progress.
According to O’Malley, government
should work to make complex problems
Implemented and deployed by Esri’s
more transparent while delivering better
European distributors, the GMA also
outcomes and results. Smarter Government
provides terms and conditions which several
makes the case for a new and better way
other EU institutions, agencies, and bodies Directorates General and Agencies with of governing that is simple, demonstrable,
can leverage to have access to Esri products. our latest geopatial technology, for their and understandable for every citizen.
Esri’s European distributors will provide local important policy work in the EU.”
support, services and training.
O’Malley’s book also includes study and
The use of Esri’s GIS technology will enable discussion questions and links to online
“We look forward to working with the the European Commission and its Executive exercises for readers to experience these
European Commission as a part of this Agencies to easily share and analyze tech-enabled methods.
agreement,” said Jack Dangermond, Esri geographic information and use them to
founder and president. “It is a priority for make better-informed, data driven, policy
us to support the European Commission decisions.

6 7

DJI, the world’s leader in civilian drones and The Zenmuse XT S was developed to
aerial imaging technology, has introduced a handle even the toughest thermal imaging
new thermal imaging camera, the Zenmuse applications, such as long-range inspections. AIRBUS-BUILT The Soyuz launcher took off as scheduled

with its five passengers allocated on the
XT S, for DJI’s Matrice 200 Series drones. This is enabled through the 19mm lens on a multipayload dispenser also built by Airbus.
The camera features an infrared thermal 640×512, 25Hz refresh rate radiometric sensor, CHEOPS separated after two hours and
imaging sensor with high thermal sensitivity
and resolutions for clear and detailed
and improved further with 2x and 4x digital
zoom capabilities. SATELLITE 23 minutes from lift-off. After the in-orbit
commissioning, CHEOPS will start its
thermal imagery. The Zenmuse XT S enables
firefighters, police officers, inspectors and A live view of thermal data is streamed
SUCCESSFULLY operational lifetime of at least 3.5 years and will
operate in a Sun-synchronous Earth orbit at an
more to gather intel beyond the capabilities directly to the operator on their mobile device LAUNCHED ON altitude of 700 km.
of visual data, and act on them quickly to save
money, time and lives.
through the DJI Pilot app, where they can
access intelligent features that can quickly get
Phillipe Pham, Head of Earth Observation,
insights from the thermal data. Navigation and Science, Space Systems said:
The Zenmuse XT S will make high resolution On December 18, 2019, the Airbus-built
CHEOPS satellite was successfully launched on “CHEOPS, a pathfinder for future exoplanets
and frame-rate thermal imaging cameras The Zenmuse XT S is compatible with DJI’s missions, is a very important programme for
more affordable and accessible around the leading Matrice 200 Series and Matrice 200 a Soyuz rocket from the European spaceport
in Kourou, French Guiana. Airbus as it is the first Science mission primed
world. Series V2 drone platforms when used with the from Spain. With the expertise and the strong
DJI Pilot flight control app. engagement of our team and our 24 partners
“By offering Matrice 200 Series and Matrice CHEOPS is the first exoplanetary mission of
the European Space Agency (ESA). It is also from 11 European countries, we were able to
200 Series V2 pilots the ability to capture deliver the satellite perfectly on time to ESA and
thermal data that is invisible to the human the first satellite built by Airbus in Spain for
ESA. CHEOPS will characterize exoplanets of contributed to this success. We look forward to
eye, the Zenmuse XT S will help introduce the next ESA Science mission, Solar Orbiter.”
drone technology into more applications,” said nearby stars, observing known planets in the
Christina Zhang, Senior Director, Corporate size range between Earth and Neptune and
Strategy at DJI. “Specifically, thermal imagery precisely measuring their radii to determine
enables drone operators to see through smoke their density and understand what they are
or fog, locate missing persons at night, identify made of. The satellite uses proven technologies
overheating electric elements, and more.” to pave the way for bigger and more ambitious
missions – with the aim of verifying if any
exoplanet may be capable of supporting life.

8 9

The 2019 GMA, augmented with individual
state report cards and framework data theme
FINDINGS FROM analysis, is an authoritative resource on the
status of state geospatial programs. This
BIENNIAL GEOSPATIAL deeper dive can assist states in setting goals,
identifying peer states for collaboration,
MATURITY ASSESSMENT pinpointing areas requiring attention, and
SURVEY connecting states with opportunities and
resources. It also provides an important tool
for federal partners to identify areas for key
National States Geographic Information coordination, cooperation, and collaboration, To make geospatial information more (EO) training datasets and machine learning
Council (NSGIC) has released its biennial and for the private sector to build software accessible to data scientists who are working models. In addition to discovering others’
comprehensive Geospatial Maturity and services that comprise the tools that on global priorities like food insecurity, data, individuals and organizations can use
Assessment (GMA) report, which provides make it all work. Radiant Earth Foundation has launched Radiant MLHub to register or share their
NSGIC members and other partners Radiant MLHub, the world’s first cloud-based own training data, thereby maximizing
with a summary of geospatial initiatives, This report and corresponding open library dedicated to Earth observation its reach and utility. Furthermore, Radiant
capabilities, and issues within and across resources can be found in a PDF training data for use with machine learning MLHub maps all of the training data that
state governments. For the first time, NSGIC algorithms, it announced today. it hosts so stakeholders can easily pinpoint
has modified the GMA survey to produce
format on the website,
geographical areas from which more data is
report cards for each state on central data Over a quarter of the global population — needed.
themes and coordination topics. 26.4%, or approximately 2 billion people
— experienced moderate or severe levels Distributed under the Creative Commons
of food insecurity in 2018, according to the license (CC BY 4.0), training datasets hosted
United Nations (UN), which cites as major on Radiant MLHub give data scientists
causes increasing food prices and decreasing and other machine learning enthusiasts
food production, not to mention trends like benchmarks they can use in order to train
climate change and population growth, and validate their algorithms and improve
which could boost agricultural demand by its performance.
50% by 2050.
This first training dataset released on Radiant
Despite significant challenges, data from MLHub is funded by The Patrick J. McGovern
satellite imagery could help the global Foundation
development community achieve the UN’s
goal of zero hunger by 2030 by supporting
the flow of social and economic resources
to individuals and communities that need significant
them most. challenges, data
from satellite
There’s just one major problem: Although
there’s an abundance of satellite imagery, imagery could help the
there’s a shortage of training data and tools global development
to advance applications of machine learning community achieve
on them. the UN’s goal of zero
Enter Radiant MLHub, an open digital data hunger by 2030
repository that allows anyone to discover
and access high-quality Earth observation

10 11

OCT. 28– 30, 2019

focused. Quantum-Systems HELICOPTER ADVANTAGES OF R-22

MicaSense • Due to its long endurance capability (6
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hours), and ability to operate in harsh
for $100 off a weather conditions, in both land and

maritime environments, the R-22 is a
Conference Pass! perfect solution for delivery missions;

• Ability to operate in high winds, during
Visit the
Microdrones exhibits weather-related disasters, and night
for free! operations;

• Carry a cargo load of up to 180 kilograms

or 400 pound;

Commercial UAV LEARN how to harness the power of drones for business results today. UAVOS has announced that it has unveiled • Cargo dropping at specified location.
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CONNECT with 2,500 peers and industry leaders from more than 40 countries. into unmanned aircraft R-22 as a cargo and
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SEE 230+ booths of best-in-class UAS solutions. farthest range delivery drone. It features a parts of the Earth;
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both cargo delivery and humanitarian /
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Download at drone event!
Produced by Diversified Communications a variety of industries. • Payload with full fuel tank: 40kg

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12 13



interviewer 15

EXCEPTIONAL So, it is basically having a digital

representation of a physical asset, like a
The second thing is the people. If you don’t
have the people you have no city and the
you know many cities need to grow in order
to accommodate the growing population

process plant. A geometric and visually third thing is the infrastructure. If you have in those cities. So that means they need to
accurate representation of the plant. infrastructure, you have people you have build new infrastructure, new buildings,

And then combining with that physical a government, you have a city. So, having new shopping malls, new everything. That
geometric and visual representation, that infrastructure available as a digital city requires a planning process and traditionally
the engineering technology like analysis as a digital twin of your city helps you to a planning process; what cities did was they
or simulation applications, information create the smart city and realize the smart printed a brochure, they informed some of
technology so things about work orders city use cases in order to create a better the people, they invited them to a town hall
and inspection histories, and financial data living environment for the citizens and the meeting. But only a very limited subset of
Bob Mankowski, VP Digital Cities; with operational technology like IOT sensor stakeholders. everybody who’s involved got informed and
Benoit Fredericque, Director, Product data, temperature data, occupancy data for got actually included in that process.
Management-Reality Modeling & rooms, vibration, electrical voltage. Smart cities in the industry typically refer
Ton De Vries, Senior Director, Business to cities which use communications Now with a digital city and our Open Cities
A digital twin is then a virtual representation technology, basically sensors to estimate planner, our cities are able to actually use
Development, Digital Cities
of the plant, that can provide visibility on the the status of infrastructure assets and make the web, mobile, tablets, big displays in city
current status of the plant, and then can also decisions. hall and so forth to inform the public about
be used to simulate, changes to the plant. all those upcoming changes or plans and
The physical asset could be a plant, a road, A smart city is a digital city, but a digital capture input from them in a digital way. So,
a rail system, a water system or it could be a city doesn’t necessarily have to be a smart actually what we are introducing is a kind of
process like a construction process. city. For us in a digital city, there are lots of crowdsourcing for infrastructure. And that
opportunity to improve the efficiency and makes the whole process way more inclusive
In simple terms, the Digital City is basically resilience of cities by going digital in various for all the citizens involved. So that’s a benefit
a digital replica of the physical assets and workflows. It’s about automating and for the citizen and it’s also a benefit for the
infrastructure in the city. It is digital replica connecting digital workflows together and city because they get a way more balanced
that represents the real-life situation in that replacing some existing manual or paper view on how the public is thinking about
city. based or disconnected workflows. So, it can their plans on expanding the city. And that
be digital without being smart, but there’s leads to basically happier citizens because
Is there a difference between digital still a lot of value in being digital. they are better informed, they know what’s
cities and smart cities? going on. And, on the other hand, it quite
How do digital cities help in urban often leads to shorter procedures because
Yes definitely. For Bentley, the difference is planning? people are better informed and there is on
that a Digital City is kind of a prerequisite average less resistance against those plans.
in order to get to a smart city. Around the Frequently, a digital city includes the city
world many cities have different views and model as well as a platform to support How Digital Cities are adopting
focuses when it comes to establishing a communication with cities. So, typically technologies like AI and Drones?
smart city program in the city, it’s simply during the design phases of urban planning,
Please define Digital Cities in simple
because the needs and the requirements the city model combined with the GIS enable I think it depends on city by city. The cities
in Singapore are different than they are in the urban planner to integrate different as we say are going digital, and you see
Rio de Janeiro or in Mumbai or in Munich. sorts of information and then to optimize many cities around the world who are
A digital twin is a digital representation
But all of these use cases or many of these the design process. experimenting with those technologies. I
of a physical asset, process or system that
use cases will benefit from having a digital think drones have become mainstream and
acts as a bridge between the digital world
twin of a city available because the city is What kind of experience a digital city are in use all over the world and everywhere.
and the physical world. It also includes the
conceived basically out of three major things. provides to its citizens, how it enhances Machine learning, artificial intelligence, I
engineering technology that’s necessary to
their experience? guess that’s the next step. And by going
model and understand the performance of
digital, by creating the digital twin you
the asset or the process or the systems. A good example is what we do or what our create the basis to actually, do that machine
One is of course the city government. If
you have no government, there is no city. users do actually in the planning process. As learning on those digital models of the city.

16 17

They are close but not at the same pace as perspective, you need to get the data from
the cities in China. But all of them, they have the Oracles to IBM and so forth from the
data available and or are creating digital IOT system from all the IOT vendors, so
data, because of all those expansions and we work closely with both Microsoft and
the step to creating the digital twin is to we Siemens on those projects, where Siemens’
look at that data federated, aggregated and IOT is actually the system integrator for us in
create a digital twin and make that available many of these cases. Microsoft of course is
to serve all those smart city use cases. So, the generic platform and the cloud platform
a sort of borderline answer is I think that it with all the government-based security
makes no difference. levels so that they can provide service to
each and every country around the world.
If you have to pick your best case study So strategic partners are enormous and
or best use case in terms of digital twins, very important for us in that respect, and
which city will it be? also third parties that we sometimes even
You can apply machine learning and you can or within the ecosystem of the city. So, the consider our competitors are part of the
automatically start to recognize potholes, step, in order to get there shouldn’t be too I would say for us it would be Helsinki. They whole journey.
manholes, streetlights and so forth. So, big. have adopted the digital twin starting with
changes over time or put particular objects 3D modeling back in the 80s. Now they’re What’s the role of reality modeling in the
that you would like to identify, that’s where If we talk about regions or geographies, serving more than hundreds use cases concept of Digital Cities?
the machine learning on those digital city where do you see the maximum adoption throughout the city internally, but also
models come into play and can help identify of this transformation? making them available externally, so the IThat’s an interesting one. Reality modeling
certain situations in a city way easier, use of their digital twin throughout their can play an important role. The reason why
compared to sending all these survey crews I think this is a global thing. And every city operations on a day to day basis is massive. I say “can” is that it’s not necessary, but it
out on the streets. is doing it at their own pace, but there are They recently have won many awards. will add a very important layer in terms of
leading cities in Asia, they are leading cities making a real time connection, or near real
We know digital cities provide a lot of in Latin America, leading cities in North How do your strategy partners fit into time connection to the reality possible. So I
advantage. But how good has been the America, Europe all over the place. I think the whole picture of enabling creation of think many cities can start without a reality
adoption so far? Is it happening at the there’s a little bit of difference between let’s digital twins? modeling part, because they can start
desired pace? say what’s happening in North America or in based on their existing datasets that they
Europe where there’s more focus on, I would If you look at Smart City concept, Digital City have right now, but they will realize that
Sort of depends a little bit on how you almost say keeping the systems of a city concept it’s not something that we believe with the creation of the reality models and
look at it. If you look at it from a let’s say a running and creating a better environment anyone can do on their own, we cannot do it the continuous update of that reality model,
complete digital twin of a full city, I think of life, whereas in China they are building new on our own, we need the data coming from they will have such a level of fidelity to add
we are at the starting point over there. cities with a pace that is incredible, so the other systems like from Autodesk systems, to that digital twin, and that it’s almost a no
There are some cities around the world that focus is a little different. But it’s happening from Esri GIS systems, from small world brainer of not doing it. So, it’s a little bit the
actually are working on that or have that. globally. systems, for the utility side from Hexagon, icing on the cake, a very important icing on
Many cities already have parts of the city as so from an engineering perspective, we the cake.
a sort of digital twin available, but most of So, that brings me to my next question. need it from different systems from an I.T.
the cities actually will have the data in silos What do you think is easier - building
in disperse systems available and with the a new digital city or transforming an
introduction of a digital twin, what we do is existing city to a digital city?
we separate that data and that allows them
to create the digital twin for them based on I’m hesitating here because I think the
what they already have. They don’t need steps you have to take are not that different.
to replace systems, they might want to do In almost all situations. there is existing
some additional data creation but in many infrastructure. And the city can be small
cases 60, 70, 80 percent of the data is already and expand heavily. Like what’s happening
somewhere available either within the city, in China or you have a city like Long Island.

18 19

Do we have enough skilled workforce to field management etc. We also have a

implement such models or to understand partnership with Topcon, which allows the
and analyze data from those models? users to have a smoother and more efficient
workflow, creating significantly less waste,
The lack of skilled workforce in construction loss of resources and data and generating
in general is a problem. We’ve seen success higher quality work.
in adoption of our simple 4D technology in
rather large organizations, which don’t have One of our goals is to be able to ingest data
the skilled labor problem. They are pretty from a lot of different sources, including
sophisticated in technology. competitors. We want to connect data
workflows with people-do it within our own
Smaller engineering construction firms broad portfolio and connect the dots with
are innovating and invested in those skills. the rest of the vendors and technology
As a technology software company, it’s our supply chain.
strategy to be able to deliver the ability to
create 4D models for construction and How good you find people in sharing
make the usefulness of the model available data?
to more than just the technologists. We’re
LET’S KNOW ABOUT 4D creating ease of use in workflows, which
can be leveraged by more people than
In some cases, there are concerns, but many
vendors are open to partnership.
CONSTRUCTION MODELLING technologists or the engineers inside the
construction. How can integration of AI make things
from the experts- Richard Humphrey, Senior Director, Project Delivery & Construction better in construction?
& Scott Eustace, Senior Marketing Manager Are you providing training?
There’s a huge amount of investment going
Yes. We provide some training to people into AI and we’ve built on a pretty big AI team.
who want or need. We also provide training Actually, that has grown partly organically
What is 4D construction modeling in modelling is more than just an evolution of
in implementation services. internally with the people involved. We have
simple terms? 3D modelling, it is combining 3D modelling
also made an acquisition this year. Lot of the
with a schedule as well.
Is Bentley partnering with any other construction is task driven, and AI can help
At the most basic level, 4D is taking a
company for this for 4D construction in achieving more effective results in those
3D model project and creating a living Are companies able to move to 4D easily
modeling, or any other acquisition? tasks. For instance, AI could be trained to
breathing representation of what’s actually or they are facing issues, what are the
recognize different assets in a photo and
happening. challenges?
Yes. SYNCHRO software is an acquisition index issues. This will lead to faster resolve of
of this year. With SYNCHRO, 4D finally issues. Use of drones in construction is also
In the evolution from 3D modeling to 4D, The challenges in some respects are
going from planning into operations, and bringing in more efficiency.
what elements have been added, and very much the same as any other kind of
getting connected with cost management,
what are the enhanced features? technology change brings in. It is not just
about the technology; it’s about changing
From a technology perspective, the the processes as well. When it comes to the
enhancements are around how do you technology adoption itself, it’s really about
go about the classes while taking the 3D the people involved seeing the value, once
design models, and turning them into they see that they can improve schedules
4D construction models, how do you and will be able to get insights into how
decompose the models into a construction well the job is progressing faster, once they
performance. 4D data is not just time and can see those benefits, then they try the
tasks, it involves adding quantities of work adoption. Usually, we see a lot more adoption
breakdowns, schedules and pushing 4D where the contractor and designers are on
scheduling into production planning etc. 4D the same team.

20 21

Interview with Bentley is proud to expand its portfolio, with commitment to connected thinking and

STRUCTURAL AND Raoul Karp, VP Design

Engineering Analysis, Bentley
the latest acquisitions - Keynetix, PLAXIS
and SoilVision; together we are helping
solving complex infrastructure challenges.

Systems; engineers play a valuable role in keeping “Plaxis is a great name globally. Bentley
Cindy Ross, Manager, Product infrastructure safe. Systems. has a global presence; it has a
Marketing, Geotechnical, strong structural experience. With Plaxis,

ANALYSIS Bentley Systems;

Erwin Beernink, VP Marketing,
Sales and Services, Plaxis
Our mission is to produce the world’s most
accurate and accessible geotechnical
analysis solutions, backed by world class
Bentley has a strong geotechnical base.
The collaboration is a great marriage of
efficiencies and improved performance for
geotechnical expertise, to produce safer our users. There would be lot of benefits,”
structures and environment for all. reinforces Erwin Beernink, Plaxis

How collaboration of Bentley and Plaxis How Bentley and Plaxis is helping in
taking geotechnical analysis to new solving the problem of lack of skilled
levels? workforce?

“This is a good marriage, shares Raoul. It Plaxis pays a lot of attention to geotechnical
will help in moving the data between a engineering education. With some of the
geotechnical and a structural engineer more solutions, they not only provide product
efficiently. The collaboration of Bentley and training, but also training on the science of
Plaxis, not only does it help in the design geotechnical engineering. Bentley Systems
efficiency, it adds value to this digital twin also delivers in-product learning. These steps
that overtime can be used and reused to help in creating a skilled workforce. There’s
improve that asset.” no doubt that the industry lacks skilled
workforce and this is where academies like
Why geotechnical analysis is important? and tunnels. And new infrastructure projects Plaxis is a global market leader in Bentley Systems Academies are playing a
of every type depend upon constructed geotechnical engineering software based vital role.
Geotechnical Engineering is the branch dams, embankments, dikes, levees, and on the finite element method, offering
of engineering that merges geology and reservoirs to improve their resilience. its applications to users in more than In which geography do you see the
physics to model soil mechanics and 100 countries worldwide. With a well- maximum awareness about the concept
rock behavior. Geotechnical engineering Because infrastructure assets are crucially established reputation as the industry of geotechnical engineering? Is the
ensures safety in buildings and prevents linked to subsurface environs, they are standard for geotechnical design, Plaxis adoption of technology happening at the
catastrophes arising out of building vulnerable to geo-environmental risks software serves project owners, contractors, desired pace?
collapses. including seismic activity, subsidence, and consultants in civil engineering, oil and
and weather impacts. Leveraging new gas, offshore industries, and governmental The adoption definitely needs a thrust. It is
For instance, consider buildings built on digital workflows which incorporate real- organizations. picking up. The Europe region is doing quite
areas close to waterways where there is lot time monitoring and analytics during well when it comes to adoption of latest
of sediment. Buildings built there are not infrastructure operations, geotechnical PLAXIS is one of Bentley’s core analysis tools innovations.
safe since slowly they are likely to become professionals can play the increasingly being used across its global geotechnics
heavier and eventually sink. Geotechnical valuable role they deserve in achieving geo- practice. When used by experienced What’s next?
engineers can prevent such a catastrophe environmental resilience. specialists, PLAXIS can analyze many of
by investigating and making calculations Bentley Systems’ most complex ground- Sensor data is coming a big way. With
about the soil beforehand. Cindy Ross, Bentley Systems structure interaction problems. We can sensors live calculations are available, and
shares, “Earth is not man made and accomplish more through digital workflows it becomes easier to analyze whether the
For today’s infrastructure demands, made possible through integration of PLAXIS building is still strong due to new load etc.
geotechnical considerations are coming to
as infrastructure assets are crucially
technology with Bentley’s comprehensive That’s where the next step is.
the fore. Urbanization, for instance, drives linked to subsurface environments, modeling environment—workflows that
growth both vertically and underground, they are vulnerable to geotechnical are compatible with Mott MacDonald’s
with emphasis on the capacity of foundations risk”.

22 23

Tell us something about Hololens 2. How in the initial stages of this whole journey of
is it difference from the previous version? digital twins. We are getting onto the next
level. The readiness of their data is very
The biggest difference is that, this is very country specific, so the countries would
concise in size. It actually been modified in have to do that. Our work from Microsoft
a smaller kind of a frame and with a lot of and Bentley is to actually help countries
enhanced features. We are actually bringing and cities define the maturity, help them
in a lot of artificial intelligence features, accelerate their journey towards digital
inside the Hololens itself, which basically transformation, around digital twins and
help things from a better virtualization & take the whole concept of technology
management perspective. It’s a phenomenal adoption very quickly.
product. The use cases that we really see on
Hololenses are really amazing and we know Do you think, training and creating
that Bentley has a good practice around awareness are equally important?
Hololens 2 as well. We are looking forward
Rahul Savdekar, Director - Industry Solutions (Asia Public Sector), Microsoft to what they come out with. The biggest challenge which I personally
see from a digital transformation view
Please tell us about Microsoft and on their digital twin platform as well where What’s next with the collaboration? is about how we are really building the
Bentley’s collaboration and how is it we provide the technology and they have What’s coming up now? change management process, and people
helping the construction industry? their own simulations around data and IoT are the most critical aspect of change
side, which they use around cities, smart As of now we want to scale up what we management. So how are you building
Both Microsoft and Bentley have actually buildings, all kind of scenarios. Their use have built-on, and obviously there are many up skilling of people, what are you doing
been partners for pretty long. We actually cases are phenomenal. more things to come up as a part of the differently from the program portfolio. I
complement our special technologies, joint engagement. I think what we need think that’s the most critical part.
special in the sense that they really are Tell us a bit about Bentley Systems’ to do now is scale this more and more and
unique in their own niche. Microsoft is more SYNCHRO and Microsoft’s collaboration. make it more beneficial for the cities. My We have dedicated efforts. Microsoft has
of a platform. We are technology providers. focus at this point of time is to work with launched an AI Business School which is
Bentley is also an OEM but they actually work We have multiple collaborations. One of the the Bentley teams to really define the use actually an artificial intelligence education
with us on our platforms. They leverage our things that got announced almost a year cases which the cities can take up, work program for business decision makers, and
platforms and technologies to build specific ago, is a product-based collaboration and on the comments and develop solutions it’s not a technology program, it’s more
vertical solutions. There are a couple of code development effort that Microsoft and which are more easily consumable by cities of a business decision maker program,
Bentley solutions that have been really very Bentley will jointly take up in the coming and beneficial for the citizens. That’s the which basically helps people from various
successful on Microsoft platforms. One of years. There was a formal release by our approach that Microsoft and Bentley share. industries in the top management level. It is
them is ProjectWise, and we have a really Product Head and one of the Bentley helping them to understand how they can
successful reference of this coming out in executives. How do you see the adoption of use artificial intelligence as a part of their
the Malaysia MRT systems, when they have technologies happening? Is it going portfolio. I’m personally doing that myself.
actually used ProjectWise for planning and What’s with ‘City Next’? What the good, the way you had expected? It’s a great start for people who really want
operations, which is actually on the backend industry can expect? to know the depth of use of AI in Business.
posted on Microsoft as well as a technology I think it is going well, obviously we are still
platform. ‘City Next’ is getting rebranded, because
there are multiple aspects of the cities that
So, this is just one example, but there are we want to cover including the economical
so many other areas that we are working side, not only the digital side. We are
together on. The whole event is around augmenting the program. The collaboration
digital twins and the construction industry between Bentley and Microsoft, from
is actually now looking at the Industry the Smart Cities point of view is really a
Revolution 6.0 and not Industry 4.0 with humongous opportunity, especially from
digital twins and simulations coming in the perspective of ASEAN countries.
picture. So, we actually partner with Bentley

24 25

and policy makers to outline future smart Apart from bringing in our global expertise,
city development. With the continued we believe we can also contribute to build
development of artificial intelligence and a thriving innovation ecosystem. For this
data analytics, it will further advance the purpose, we invested in the Smart City
process of turning data into knowledge Digital Hub at the Science Park to provide a
and generate new insights for smart city platform for start-ups, technological experts
applications that can help tackle urban and infrastructure providers to create their
challenges raised by megatrends and digital portfolio and develop smart city
maximize smart city potential. applications.

Are cities becoming smarter at the Our efforts in Hong Kong echoes our efforts
desired pace? How do you see the elsewhere to help cities get smarter. For
progress? How can companies like example, in Great Britain, we are working
Siemens help accelerate the pace? with London on building an “Arc of
Opportunity “. This is a a Smart City model
The world is getting more awareness in Driven by the private sector in the region
smart city development. Stakeholders and in collaboration with Great London
like government, infrastructure providers, Authority where a series of smart city
industry leaders are acting proactively initiatives are being carried out focusing on
to drive the change. In Hong Kong, the energy, transport and buildings
government launched the excellent Smart
How is Siemens enabling the world to City Blueprint in 2017 which set the vision In Vienna, Austria , we are working with the
have smarter cities? What are its core for the development of our Smart City with city of Aspern on a smart city demonstration
offerings that is enabling this? the Blueprint 2.0 on the way. Apart from living lab that tests designs and systems
setting clear directions for the industry, the for intelligent cities, focusing on energy
• Cities face challenges due to the changes government also offers financial incentives efficiency and smart infrastructures and
brought about by the megatrends such as funding and tax reduction to develop solutions for renewable energy, low
of urbanization, climate change, support the development and diffusion of voltage grid control, energy storage and
globalization and demographics. In all innovations in this fast-growing topic. More intelligent control of distribution networks.
their complexity, they generate huge importantly it is taking a lead with smart
volumes of data which the fifth megatrend city initiatives such as Energizing Kowloon What made you think of establishing a
of digitalization can utilize to get insights East where proof of concepts are being smart city digital hub?
and optimize the systems that support tested. We are very happy to contribute our
urban infrastructure. expertise in such PoCs, for instance: Our vision for the Smart City Digital Hub is to
accelerate smart city development through
• In Siemens, we leverage MindSphere, our • Kerbside loading/unloading bay collaboration and talent development.
cloud based, open IoT operating system monitoring system: Innovation to Powered by Siemens’ cloud-based IoT
to enable this “smart city”. Mindsphere optimize the valuable kerbside space operating system MindSphere, the hub
is ranked as the “Best in Class” platform and help direct users to available loading/ is designed as an open lab that enables
for IoT by PAC . With its Open Platform- unloading bay with AI. R&D in buildings, energy and mobility. By
as-a-Service capability, it helps experts enhancing IoT connectivity, our digital hub
to co-create smart city solution. Through • Energy efficiency data system: Installing aspires to help stakeholders to identify
its MindConnect capabilities, it enables smart electricity sensors in household for the pain points of our city and support
secured connection for Siemens and third- real-time electricity consumption data for companies to scale up their business with
party products and equipment to capture users to track consumption patterns with digitalization.
for real-time data for big data analysis that mobile applications to improve electricity
ERIC CHONG, enables various smart city applications.
The collected city data in aggregate can
consumption habits
President & CEO, Siemens Ltd
also turn into insights for city planners

26 27

JUNE 3-5, 2020
We hope that the hub will nurture future seamlessly with the energy system to create
McCormick Place
talents in Hong Kong to support the growth an ecosystem that responds to the needs

potential that smart city brings. For this of the buildings and its occupants while
reason, the hub initiated the MindSphere ensuring that the valuable energy resources
Academy to provide training and also in the city are utilized in an efficient and
collaborates with Vocational Training dynamic manner.

Council to help meet the manpower needs
and encourage entrants to this industry. In a densely populated city like Hong
Kong, there is a great potential to scale
What are the primary functions of this up on smart mobility innovations to
hub? enable a seamless travel experience for
its residents. Innovations in V2X (vehicle-
Our Smart City Digital Hub has a goal to co- to-x) enables constant communication
create a smart city innovation ecosystem between vehicles and the infrastructure
in collaboration with local partners such supporting applications such as intelligent
as infrastructure providers, educational control solutions to manage complex
institutes and startups. The hub aims to traffics situations at urban intersections.
acts as a connector to share knowledge Such technologies when deployed at
on advanced IoT technologies, encourage scale are also key to enabling the safe and
With conference programs full of rich content and a vendor-neutral sectors to open up data for smart city reliable operation of autonomous vehicles
expo hall floor – AEC Next, SPAR 3D and USIBD collide to offer applications, generate insights for a holistic throughout the city.
a diverse learning experience built to provide business solutions, view of city infrastructure, and explore
unparalleled networking and the latest technical advancements.
smart city applications. The eventual aim is Please tell us about collaboration of
to build smart city Hong Kong and enhance Bentley Systems & Siemens - How is this
The future of AEC and 3D technology is here. our city’s livability and efficiency. collaboration helping the infrastructure
In which region do you see maximum
USE CODE SAVE100 progress in going digital? Siemens and Bentley Systems have a track
for $100 off any conference pass record of complementing their respective
and/or free exhibit hall entry. We see progress in the building, energy and portfolios through the licensing of each
mobility sectors which benefit the most other’s technology to provide solutions
from going digital. in the digital factories arena. The alliance
was further advanced in 2016 to realize
Buildings are major energy consumers in new growth opportunities in industry
the city as it consumes 90% of the electricity and infrastructure through integration of
in Hong Kong . There is a great potential complementary digital engineering models
to improve building energy efficiency, with joint investment initiatives. Focusing
Register reduce their impact on the environment on digital twin and leveraging MindSphere,
Online @ and manage the indoor space intelligently the alliance utilize digital engineering or through smart technology increasingly models for visual operations and connected driven by A.I. For instance, our “AI Chiller” infrastructure asset performance that
management system provides 24x7 enables advance applications such as
Produced by
condition based monitoring of the chiller ‘Simulation as a Service’ solution for the
Diversified plant that delivers recommendations entire asset lifecycle. This reduces the
instantaneously to the building facilities overall lifecycle costs since optimization in
team to optimize its operations on a design, implementation and operations
continuous basis. Another example are can be achieved through simulation in
“buildings that can talk” that communicates the digital twin with implementation only

28 29

starting when it meets all expectations How is Siemens helping in building a

and specifications. The Connected Data smart city developer community through
Environment essential to this provides an focus on education?
end-to-end digital innovation that creates a
comprehensive and precise digital twins of The Siemens Smart City Developer
the process and physical asset. In the latest Community (SSCDC) was established on
collaboration, both parties launched Plant Jan 24, 2019 as an extension of our smart city
sight to Connect, contextualize, validate digital hub to leverage and scale up the power
and visualize the data from a plant to create of MindSphere. SSCDC engages business
a live digital twin for users to discover new partners, technological experts, SMEs and
insights. In Hong Kong, our smart city digital startups in smart city development through
hub is exploring similar topics with Bentley knowledge sharing, collaborative ideation,
to create customer values and accelerate networking and partnership opportunities.
smart city transformation. It has 4 key objectives:

What do you mean by the Connected • Education: provide advanced IoT

City Solutions? trainings, collaborative workshop and
market-focus seminars to support local
Connected City Solutions (CCS) integrates talents, engineers, academia and CXOs
Internet of Things, cloud computing and on developing scalable digital solutions
connectivity technologies to support
• Networking: build professional networks
smart city management and enable
by forming special interest groups with
public convenience. With data collected
startups, SMEs and MNCs with networking
by embedded intelligent sensors and
opportunities in various conferences
devices and driven by MindSphere,
connected city solutions optimize city
• Co-creation: leverage MindSphere as an
operations by enabling IoT connectivity online platform for collaborations with Any message you want to give to the the integration of technologies such as
and city data collection and analysis. The like-minded people to transform industry construction industry/users. Additive manufacturing that can aid the
proliferation of IoT sensors in the city can concepts into real-world applications creation of building components from
enable the collection of environment data • Digitalization brings disruptive changes the digital twin to accelerate the adoption
including ambient brightness, road traffic, • Partnership: opportunities to refer to many industries which can be a threat of Modular Integrated Construction (MiC)
environmental data including temperature, potential startups and SMEs to global if ignored but an opportunity if embraced. for a more efficient construction process.
humidity, pressure, noise, vibration level and startup network and industry connections In the construction industry which is
suspended particulates. The collected data to equip the members the know-how and challenged by decreasing productivity To transform the construction certification
can be analyzed with artificial intelligence investments to scale up the solution with and increasing cost, the entire lifecycle of and supervision process currently still
to provide insights or predict futures MindSphere a project can benefit from digitalization. heavily paper based, innovations in
for various urban challenges. These can blockchain technology can enable digital
generate transformational insights for city The community also foster a close-knit • For instance, Building Information project management and supervision,
planners to tackle urban challenges, such innovation ecosystem for companies to Modelling can simulate a building virtually ensuring transparency, record integrity and
as public safety, asset management, energy withstand the technological disruption then physically, with construction only improving efficiency. Digitalization presents
efficiency and traffic congestion. brought by IoT, scale up their business and beginning after the virtual one meets far-reaching opportunities and transforms
tackle the urgent emerging city challenges. all expectations and specifications. This the way we build, collaborate and operate –
In less than a year, SSCDC are having 120+ can be enhanced with MindSphere greatly improving construction productivity
members with 13 community events held that enables real-time data collection, and reducing overall project cost while also
ranging from hands-on IoT workshops to consolidation and analysis across the generating measurable advantages over
MindSphere Solution Day, unleashing the entire building cycle that opens up further the entire building’s life cycle.
potential of IoT and spark dialogues in value opportunities centered around a digital
co-creation opportunities. twin of the project. This further allows

30 31


Is Siemens collaborating with other
companies to build state of the art
technologies that enable creation/

maintenance of smart cities?

• Siemens is always open to work with other

companies and not limited to enterprise


• Siemens has signed MOUs and forged

various alliances in Hong Kong to
accelerate the smart city development for

• Smart City Consortium (SCC):

connect MindSphere to HK’s smart
city community to showcasing how
MindSphere can serve as a city’s IoT

• Hong Kong Science and Technology

Parks Corporation (HKSTP): Prompt
collaboration on smart city solution
development with IoT and data

• CLP: Develop pilot projects for

the energy grid, smart city, power
generation and cybersecurity. 7-9 APRIL 2020, AMSTERDAM
• MTR: Create digital solutions to
optimize rail operations through

• VTC: Nurture next-generation talents

to ensure the sustainability of the
innovative ecosystem and contribute
new ideas for future innovations
| Platinum Sponsor | | Corporate Sponsors | | Associate Sponsor | | Co-Host |
• In Jan this year, Siemens also participated
in the GreaterBayX Scalerater Program, a
joint initiative with startups and leading
corporations such as Greater Bay Ventures,
HSBC and Microsoft to help scale-ups to | Produced by |
| Co-Sponsors | | Strategic Partners | | Supporting Organizations |
realize their smart city vision and tap into
the growing opportunities in the Greater
Bay Area with our domain know-how.

w w w. g e o s p a t i a l w o r l d f o r u m . o r g
32 33


THE CHALLENGE output was a CAD file that would be overlaid
with the structural drawings to determine if
Companies are looking to automate deformations had occurred.
the inspection workflows of their larger
infrastructure assets, such as buildings,
silos, hangers etc. Manned inspections of CHRIS of Drone Inspection
such assets are expensive, dangerous and in
most cases incomplete, as due to the asset’s
WA commented:
complexity, it is seldom possible to achieve “We were required to provide a resolution
all required visual vantage points for a of a minimum of 2cm/pixel. Only an
complete inspection. The introduction of automated flight could achieve this. The
drones to the industrial site has the potential sites were challenging to set an automated
to solve these problems, granted that the flight path for, as the roofs were conical,
process can be streamlined and automated. and had many obstacles to navigate
In a recent project, Drone Inspections around. Drone Harmony was used as it
WA was contracted to provide a structural
survey of the roofs of grain silos in Western
allowed a very specific flight path, of unique
parameters to be designed and to have the DRONE HARMONY
camera manipulated independently as well
Australia’s Wheatbelt, to determine if
structural deformations have occurred. by the program for the points of interest Luzern, Switzerland
These structures have conical roofs held as required. Drone Harmony proved itself
up by wooden beams that are prone to sag admirably, and we achieved in automated
and/or expand as the heat and gases inside flight what would have taken enormous MAIL:
the silo expand or contract. The required risk and complexity in manual flight.”



36 37

Some terms of the previous digital Nobody can guarantee the shape of the new
revolution: digital landscape – industry leaders suggest
PC - CAD - PLM - Internet - GIS - email a mature, pragmatic approach will stand us
- Wiki - http - GPS in good stead.. There will be opportunities
for those with vision and scope to take
Each innovation had its followers, which, when advantage of this revolution. Governments,
applied, transformed different industries. The always mindful of re-election, may also
PC changed the way we manage physical move with an eye on the short-term. But, in
documents, CAD sent the drawing tables the long term, it is, ironically, common users,
to the wineries; email became the default interested in their own needs who will have
method of formal communication. All of the last word.
them ended up following globally accepted
standards – at least, from the perspective And although the new environment may
of the provider. The transformations in the offer better coexistence, with free code living
previous digital revolution added value to side by side with private coding according
geographic and alphanumeric information, to sustainable standards resulting from a
which individually helped boosted modern consensus; nobody guarantees that actors
businesses. These transformations all relied such as government and academia will live
on global connectivity; that is, the “http” up to their role in good time. Nobody can
protocol that we still use today. The new predict how it will happen, we only know it

initiatives took advantage of the information, will happen.
the inter-connected world and turned them
into new businesses like Uber, Airbnb,
Udemy and Netflix that have become a p[art
Digital Twin -
of modern culture.


The new TCP / IP?

But today, we are at the doors of a new digital Since we know it will happen, even if we do
revolution, which will change all this. not perceive the gradual changes, we need
to be prepared for change. We know acting
BY GOLGI ALVAREZ New terms: with caution will be necessary for those who
A NEW PROTOCOL Block Chain - 4iR - IoT - Digital Twin - understand the sensitivity of a globally-
connected market where added value not
Big Data - AI - VR
only appears in the stock market indicators
Half of those who are reading this article were born with
but also in the response of increasingly
technology in their hands and used to a digital transformation as Although the new terms appear to be influential consumers with regards to the
fact. The other half are those who witnessed the computer age acronyms like hashtags, we cannot deny quality of services. Undoubtedly, the market
come without asking permission. It kicked down the door and that the fourth industrial revolution is at will play a role in ensuring balance between
transformed what we did in books, on paper or at the door, materializing separately in many industry’s supply of creativity and the
primitive computer terminals that could barely disciplines. Now the Internet can be much demands of the end users.
more; taking advantage of everything
respond to alphanumeric records and linear
graphics. It is simply fascinating to discover the
achieved so far, and breaking paradigms no
longer impregnable in a market connects
The Digital Twin aspires
BIM-focused software currently does, with real- computers and mobile phones as well as to position itself in the
time rendering, each connected with geospatial human beings even as they continue their
context, responding to business processes linked to interfaces operated on normal activities. philosophy of this new digital
mobile phones, is the evidence of how far the industry was able to go in transformation.
understanding, and meeting the user’s needs.

38 39

The new protocol, if it

TO WHAT DOES THE wants to be standard,
NEW PROTOCOL must be able to
interconnect more than
The digital twin
ASPIRE? real-time information. In
its scope, it should include
aspires to be that
all of the existing and
newly-built environment,
new protocol.
For http / TCIP to become the standard
communication protocol, still in as well as interfaces with
place today, it had to go through a the natural environment
process of governance and updating
by democratic means, a a tortuous
and social, economic and
process the common user does not environmental services
realise happened.. Users never had to provided.
know an actual IP address, but now it
is not even necessary to include the
“http” and “www” prefixes – global From a company’s point of view, the
search engines obviated the need new standard must closely resemble a
to do that. However, despite the digital representation of physical assets;
industry questioning the limitations like a printer, an apartment, a building,
of the elderly behind this standard, a bridge. But more than its modelling,
it is still the hero that broke global it will be expected to add value to
communication paradigms. operations; so it allows us to make better
informed decisions and therefore, get
better results.
The new protocol goes beyond
connecting computers and phones.
The current cloud services, rather than From the perspective of a country, the
just storing pages and data, are part new protocol needs to be able to create
citizens’ daily lives as well as intrinsic ecosystems of many connected models;
to the operation of governments and like all the assets of a country, in order to
businesses. It is just one of the reasons release more value by using that data for
for the death of the original protocol, the public good.
based on IP addresses, since it is now
necessary to connect objects ranging In terms of productivity, the new protocol
from a washing machine that needs must be able to standardize the life cycle;
to send a message that it has finished to simply represent what happens to all
spinning the clothes, to the sensors of material things, such as a road, a plot, a
a bridge where real-time monitoring vehicle; and immaterial things such as
can report its level of fatigue and a stock market investment, a strategic
therefore, need for maintenance. This plan, a Gantt chart. The new standard
is, in an ignorant version, of what we should simplify the cycle - each of them
call the internet of things; to which a are born, grow, produce results, and die...
new protocol must respond. or transform.

40 41

WHAT DOES THE CITIZEN EXPECT OF THE NEW premise that "The Convergence of Smart
Infrastructure, Modern Construction
using a minimum of steps. In the end, what
the citizen needs is to have the authorization
Methods and the Digital Economy present and build; while the government approves
DIGITAL REVOLUTION? increasing opportunities to improve the
quality of life of citizens".
it according to its regulations, then gets
information back as to the final result. So,
the connection between the front-office,
The best scenario of how it will be in these So we talk about services; I am Golgi Alvarez, back-office models is just at these three
The value that data takes in this scenario, points, and that adds value.
new conditions, is not to think about what and I need to build an extension to the third
goes beyond having a single ultra-detailed
Hollywood predicts, there will be people floor of my building that my father built in
virtual model of the entire physical world;
living inside a dome governed by an elite 1988. For now, let’s forget terms, marks or
rather, we talk about having models The owner carried out the construction
that controls the activity of survivors of acronyms that muddy the waters in this
connected according to the purpose of the he expected, the Government checked
the post-apocalyptic world where it is no scenario. Let’s keep it simple.
workflow participants: that the work was done in compliance
longer possible to recognise the augmented
reality of artificial simulation; or at the other • the citizen who needs an answer (awith the regulations and without major
extreme, a fantasy setting where everything Juan Medina wants this request procedure), effort was able to keep his information
is so perfect human emotion is lost. approved quickly, cheaply, transparently, • the person who authorizes needs a updated. The only variant is in the
and involving the fewest requirements regulation (geospatial zoning), purpose.
and intermediaries possible, while • the designer responds with a design (
But we must imagine something of ensuring the details are properly BIM to be model), Although for the executor, designer and
the future… at least for this article. recorded so each step can later
• a builder responds to the result (plan, supplier of materials there is added value
be traced. budget, plans), in other aspects; but in the same way those
We may see it in the aspiration of the two
• the suppliers that respond to a list of relationships should be simplified.
most common users in a front-office, back- The authority needs to have enough inputs (specifications),
office set-up. We can call them interested information to approve this decision in
parties. There’s an interested party that needs • the supervisor that responds to the final If we see this example as a model, this
a robust way, recording who made the result (BIM model as built). application that we have made to a
to be well informed to make better decisions, submissions, what the submission was,
and a citizen that requires better services to construction could be standardized for
and when an where it was made, so the other procedures: a sale of property, a
be more productive; remembering that this decision is later traceable. Once it approves It is clear that having the interconnected
could be an individual citizen or a group mortgage, a loan application, a business
the decision, it must be able to check the models must make it simpler for the operating license, mining natural resources,
acting in a public or private role, or a mix of change was made in accordance with its intermediary members of the chain. They are
the two. or updating an urban plan. The only thing
approval, with the same traceability as able to automate checking which even the that would vary would be the scale and the
the submission.. This corresponds to the best cases are a service to the end user. They perspective; but if they had the same domain
can maintain transparency and traceability, model, they should be able to interconnect.

Digital Twins, aspires to be the model that allows us to

standardise and connect multipurpose representations,
with different spatial scale, temporal scale and

42 43

44 45

WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM THE main industry leaders, would become what
was "Cadastre 2014" in the late 1990s, which
established phylophical aspects for land
GEMINI PRINCIPLES. administration, which later doe Consensus
works with initiatives such as INSPIRE,
LandXML, ILS and OGC, became as of 2012
The previous example is a simple case THE GEMINI PRINCIPLES:
the ISO-19152 standard, known today as
applied to a transaction between a citizen These are a guide to the LADM.
and an authority; but as seen in the final values of “awareness” of the
paragraphs, it is necessary that different information management
models interconnect; otherwise the chain framework, which includes In this case, it will be interesting to see how
will be interrupted at the weakest link. 9 principles grouped into 3 great leaders in the technology industry
For this to happen, it is necessary that the axes as follows: who have brought their own models
digital transformation includes the entire
Purpose: Public good , Value creation, Vision. achieve consensus. Even companies like
environment built in a general way, so
that better use, operation, maintenance, Trust: Security, Openness, Quality. General Electric have thieir own models and
planning and delivery of national and local markets, from my point of view, we hope
Function: Federation, Healing, Evolution. look interesting consensus to this groups:
assets, systems and services are guaranteed.
It must bring benefits for the whole society, or your taste for driving on the left lane.
the economy, business and the environment. THE ROADMAP. If you want to promote a digital twins
connection model that has a national scope, • The SIEMENS - Bentley - Microsoft -
This is a prioritised plan to Topcon group, which in a way make up
develop the information it is necessary to propose something that
For now, the most inspiring example is that can align the industry, especially in terms of an almost complete scenario in the Geo-
of the United Kingdom. With its proposal management framework, Engineering cycle; capture, modelling,
with 5 streams that keep standards. The following elements stand out
of Fundamental Gemini Municipalities and in this regard: design, operation and integration.
its road map; but before we call friends cross way with the Gemini
principles. • The HEXAGON group - which has a set of
to always go against the tide and their
historical habit of always wanting to do Each of these currents are has its own critical quite similar solutions with interesting
everything in a different but ceremoniously path, with concatenated activities but they scope in a portfolio that is segmented in
orderly way. To this day, British standards are interdependent; as it is displayed on the The acronyms of this element are more than agriculture, assets, aviation, conservation,
(BS) have had a high impact on standards graph. These streams are: enough, to respect this bet; ISO standards, defense and intelligence, mining,
with an international reach; where the work European standards (CEN), alignment with transportation and government.
Reach, with 8 critical tasks and 2 non-critical
of current initiatives such as i3P, ICG, DTTG, Innovate UK, Building SMART, W3C, BIM UK,
tasks. Key as its definition is necessary to • The Trimble group - which maintains an
UK BIM Alliance is respectable. activate the enablers. DCMS, i3P, DTTG, IETF.
equivalent to the previous two, with many
Governance, with 5 critical tasks and 2 advantages of positioning and alliance
Because of this particularity in the United non-critical tasks. It is the stream with less INTERNATIONAL REACH. with third parties, such as ESRI.
Kingdom, we are surprised by what the dependencies. Here we talk about identifying and • The AutoDesk - ESRI group that in a
Digital Framework Working Group (DFTG) Common, with 6 critical and 7 non-critical managing a lobby with programs, initiatives recent effort seeks to add portfolios of
is launching. It brings together key voices tasks, is the most extensive. and opportunities with international markets in which they are predominant.
from government, academia and industry synergies. Interesting, that they have in
to reach a consensus on fundamental Enabling, with 4 critical and 6 non-critical
tasks, with a lot of interrelation with change their consideration the learnings of good
definitions and values – guidance necessary practices in countries that are already trying; So, just as when my father took me to the
to shore up the digital transformation. management.
with the possibility of consolidating an rodeo to see how cowboys dominated the
With president Mark Enzer, the DFTG has Change 7 critical tasks and 1 non-critical. bull, from our pen we have only to notice
It is the stream whose critical path is a international knowledge exchange group,
signed up for an interesting task to create including Australia, New Zealand, Singapore what we visualize. But it will surely be a great
the framework that provides effective conductive thread. tournament, where the one that achieves
and Canada.
information management throughout the consensus is bigger, where getting aligned
built environment, including secure data adds more value than the stock points in the
As you can identify in this scope, you are not
exchange. This work, to date, includes two The document called the Gemini Principles, stock market.
merely thinking of the United Kingdom as
documents: to achieve the key consensus among the
your own Brexit of digital transformation,

46 47

• As for the topographic classes of the LADM,

they must comply with the geographic
standards of OGC TC211. "The convergence
LADM is a standard specialised in land
of intelligent
information. Therefore, although the
LandInfra standard includes it, it breaks the infrastructure, modern
search for simplicity, since it is preferable to
have a standard for infrastructure and one
for land, and link them at the point where
construction methods
the exchange of information adds value.
and the digital
So, in the context of Digital Twins, BIM
could continue to be the methodology
economy is increasing
that governs standards for infrastructure
modelling; Level 2, With all the complexity of
opportunities for
detail that design and construction needs.
But the operation and integration of level improving the quality of
3, will lead to a more simplified trend for

THE ROLE OF BIM AS DIGITAL TWINS integration by added value and not a whim
that everything must be spoken in the same
life of citizens.”

BIM has had a high impact and continuity Digital Twins poses is that connecting
There will be a lot to talk
in a considerable period, not because it everything is not just connecting
about the value of the
facilitates the digital management of 3D infrastructure. Thinking in interconnected
data, breaking barriers,
models, but because it is a methodology global contexts implies connecting systems
open knowledge, the
that was agreed by the great leaders of that do not necessarily have a geographic
performance of the
the architecture industry, engineering and modelling. So, we are only in a new stage
infrastructures, the
construction of context expansion, where no one will
successful creation,
take away the paper that has been fulfilled
operation ...
and continue to comply with the BIM
Again, the end user is unaware of many methodology, but something higher up will
things that happen with standards behind absorb, or integrate it.
Who manages to
the scenes. As an ArchiCAD user who could
group the key actors
say that he already did it before it was
behind this philosophy,
called BIM; partly true, but the scope as a Let’s look at examples:
understanding the
methodology at levels 2 and 3 goes beyond When Chrit Lemenn sought to bring the
importance of the public
managing interchangeable information, Core Cadastre Domain Model to a standard
good, the economy,
and aims at managing the operation and for land administration, he had to find
society and the
life cycles not only of infrastructure, but also a balance with INSPIRE guidelines and
environment will realize
of context. the technical committee of geographic great advantages
standards. So, whether we like it or not,
Then comes the question. Is BIM not • In the context of INSPIRE, ISO: 19152 is
enough? the standard for cadastral management.
Perhaps the biggest difference from what

48 49

people and the land in these post-conflict The Netherland’s Land In Peace project is a
ABOUT THE AUTHOR areas,” said Chrit Lemmen, a professor of
geoinformation science at the University of
joint effort with the Colombian government
to survey, map, and register small rural plots.

Twente, in the Netherlands. “That’s why it’s The scale is massive. Cumaribo, just one of
Brent Jones oversees Esri’s so important to make a full inventory and the municipalities covered by the project, is
worldwide strategic planning, hand out titles whenever possible. These home to the indigenous Guahibo people. It
business development, and
people have suffered for a long time—and alone covers an area 1.6 times the size of the
marketing activities for land now they’re waiting for the government to Netherlands.
records, cadastral, surveying, formalize their land.”

and land administration. As a
recognized innovator, Jones “A couple of years ago, the official
specializes in modernizing existing estimate was four million parcels
land administration systems and that need to be regularized,” said
BY BRENT JONES designing new GIS-based cadastral Mathilde Molendijk, Kadaster’s
management systems for small regional manager for Latin
By the time the Colombian government and and large governments globally.
the Revolutionary Armed Force of Colombia America. “The real number now
He is a member of the URISA
(FARC) finally brokered a peace agreement in
board of directors, past president is at least 12 million, and probably
2016, their 50-year-old civil war had claimed several millions more. Only five
of the Geospatial Information
260,000 lives. percent of the country’s land
and Technology Association and
a current member of the United has an up-to-date cadaster, and
Land reform was always at the heart of the Nations Committee of Experts on Documenting rights to the land is a multi-step nearly 30 percent has never even
conflict. As in many Latin American countries, Geospatial Information Management process. (Photo by Liliana Merizalde courtesy been part of a cadaster. So this
most land in Colombia is concentrated among sitting on the Expert Group on Land Kadaster International.) is a huge task for the Colombian
an elite group. Just 14 percent of all landowners Administration and Management.
control 80 percent of the land, a strong indicator
Esri creates systems that drive all
of inequality. components of land and cadastral PEACE AND LAND
administration, including addressing, AFTER WAR To regularize a parcel of land, surveyors must
create a cadastral map that delineates the
During the war, some rural areas were registration, taxation/valuation,
planning, and development. boundaries and borders. Cadastral surveying
effectively cut off from the rest of the country,
The contemporary state of land rights reveals is usually a painstaking process. A complete
as government troops, paramilitary groups, and
much about post-conflict Colombia. survey of even a small piece of land in rough
the FARC fought over territory. So many people
terrain can take up to a week. With 12 million
were driven from their land over the years that
parcels, finishing the job in under a century
today Colombia’s displaced population—nearly Regularization—a term referring to how would require 2,000 full-time surveyors.
8 million—is the world’s largest. land owners get their ownership rights
legally recognized—is a pillar of the peace
Even for rural Colombians who have remained on agreement. “A substantial part of the The economic cost is even more prohibitive.
their land, property rights are highly contingent document involves implementing “In many African and Latin American
in the post-conflict era. People who possess a new land administration system countries, a conventional survey could be
a year’s income for poor people,” Lemmen
small plots of land have no official recognition that grants land rights nationwide,” said. “The measurement of the parcel can
of their ownership, or even the exact dimension said Lemmen, who also advises Kadaster be worth more than the parcel itself. If you
of their plots. International, the international arm of the follow the usual accuracy requirements, you
Netherlands’ official Land Registry and have a system that’s only for the elite. I think
Mapping Agency. “It’s seen as a way to bring it should be there for everyone.”
“Without having a proper land administration
peace to the country.”
system in place, the government doesn’t
know about the relationships between the BRENT JONES, PE, PLS

50 51

village’s board, so they know we’re coming,” The app uploads the data to the cloud for
Molendijk explains. “We discuss the idea storage and processing. At public meetings,
and whether they really want to measure the villagers examine the entire map. If
their parcels. And they always do.” neighbors on adjacent parcels agree on the
measurements, the borders go from black
to green.
After studying satellite imagery, the team
and the villagers make a general plan for
mapping the parcels in and around the In the end, we hope all the lines
village. Team members then organize short are green, but if people don’t
training sessions for the mobile GIS app. “The
agree, the line displays as red,”
smartphone app is designed so everyone
can use it, but younger people understand Molendijk said. “Once we have all
it very fast,” Molendijk said. “We explain to the information, the government
them how the connection works with the should be able to process land
GPS antenna. And then, together with the titles.”
farmers, they go to the parcel and measure
the land. They also collect any accompanying
documentation that connects the farmer “It’s kind of a magic trick,” Lemmen
to the land. And in about three days, we’ve added. “The wonderful thing is
measured the whole village.”
that they have a lot of confidence
Young people quickly learn the smartphone app that’s central to Colombia’s fit-for-purpose in the measurements because
approach to mapping parcels. (Photo by Liliana Merizalde courtesy Kadaster International.) REACHING CONSENSUS they do it themselves. And with
the equipment, they can see every
click on the screen and watch the
REVOLUTIONIZING distinct real-world features, such as lakes,
parks, or streets and parcels that are often
While the data-gatherers walk the perimeter
of a parcel, the app gathers the data and parcel build up. At the end, they
SURVEYING delineated by physical boundaries such as draws the boundaries. As people from are very happy to see the polygon
hedgerows and fences. adjoining parcels do the same, the program of their parcel.”
begins to build boundary lines, initially
In lieu of traditional methods, the Colombian displayed in black.
mapping program uses fit-for-purpose (FFP) For the Colombian Land in Peace Even when the surveys yield dimensions
surveying. A conventional cadaster strives project, the polygons are the at variance with a farmer’s informal deed
for centimeter-level accuracy. FFP surveys “It goes very fast,” Lemmen said. “As of purchase, Molendijk has found the
parcels of land that already exist.
operate on the principle that the perfect the people walk the polygons, you get discrepancies rarely create new conflicts.
is the enemy of the good. Completing an
Partly identifiable from satellite observations from both sides of the “Since the farmers measure the parcels
FFP survey requires little more than access imagery, they become what the boundaries. So each individual boundary is themselves, and can see it happening on
to a geographic information system (GIS) program’s proof-of-concept paper observed from two positions by two different their smart phones, they trust their data,
app running on a mobile device and when calls “evidence from the field.” people. And if those boundaries are within even if the result is a parcel that is smaller,”
appropriate connecting to an external GPS a certain tolerance, then you can assume she said.
device. agreement on the location.”
The FFP methodology does not require
surveying expertise. Representatives from
Conventional cadastral surveying the Colombian government and the mapping
establishes borders based on predetermined program usually begin by identifying villages
requirements such as the measurement with unregistered parcels. Many villages
of isolated points. FFP’s foundation is the have a Community Action Board (Junta de
“polygon,” GIS-speak for the shapes and Acción Comunal), a legally recognized local
blobs on maps we recognize as representing governing body. “We work a lot with the

52 53

“For the people living in these areas, have a piece of land where you can
sometimes FARC was the boss and live with your family. And if protection
sometimes it was the paramilitary or of those rights is enforced, you feel
other groups,” said Chrit Lemmen, a more secure.”
professor of geoinformation science “I’ve talked to people from Colombia’s
at the University of Twente. “In some Ministry of Defense,” Molendijk added.
of the places where we’ve worked, “They say ‘you can’t have peace
people had been living on their land without a land title—give the people
for 30 years without government titles and then you’ll have peace.’”
recognition. It’s such a basic thing to

This image shows the borders between neighbors in green, black and red as well as the digital
signature that relates the person to the land.

RECORDING LAND TITLES For the surveying project, the Colombian

government collaborates with Kadaster, the
TO PROMOTE PEACE Netherlands’ official Cadastre, Registry and
National Mapping Agency. Dutch Prime
Minister Mark Rutte joined Colombian
Colombia’s cadastral mapping effort began officials in Apartadó to hand out the first 17
in 2015 with a proof-of-concept exercise in land titles in 2018. “The prime minister’s visit
Tenjo, a town outside of the country’s capital opened doors for us at the highest levels,”
city, Bogotá. The team then moved into the said Mathilde Molendijk, Kadaster’s regional
hinterlands, beginning with Apartadó and manager for Latin America. “The Colombian
Vista Hermosa, two sites with heavy symbolic government became very interested in
value in post-conflict Colombia. our app and methodology. From our field
experience, we were able to advise them
Vista Hermosa, a town in Colombia’s interior, on practical FFP solutions. Because of the
was subject to brutal battles between the new focus on smart automatization, a land
government and FARC in the early 2000’s. title no longer requires 250 legal pages and
The municipality of Apartadó, on the 47 official signatures, as it did before. I am
Caribbean coast near the country’s border particularly happy with the focus on serving
with Panama, was the site of numerous the people— the beneficiaries— instead of
atrocities committed during the decades internal governmental bureaucracy and the
of conflict. Every family has lost daughters, flexibility of the precision requirements for
sons, parents and other loved ones. field measurements.

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