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Artistic Coloring / Double application

Coloring is the act of changing the hair color as three different processes,
namely adding color, coloration and color removal. The purpose of adding
color or hair tinting is to cover the gray hair color, because it loses its original
color pigment.
While Hair Lightening is much needed in corrective coloring. And bleaching
itself aims to prepare for a more basic color change process. Partial color
removal is included in artistic coloring. To produce hair coloring as desired,
hair needs to be conditioned in various ways by various techniques and the use
of certain cosmetics.
Techniques for coloring in artistic hair coloring include:
1. Frosting is the act of completely fading hair color on several strands
2. Tipping is the act of fading out the hair color in some strands of hair that is
only at the edges
3. Streaking is the act of fading out the hair in some parts of the hair that is
only in the front part (bangs)
4. Hello lightening is the act of fading out the hair on the crown only
5. Spotting is the act of diminishing the discolored hair color or in the form
of irregular patches
6. Echoing is the act of fading several strands of hair in full specifically for
blonde or real blonde hair
B. Tools

No Nama alat Picture

1. Rake comb

2. Quill comb
3. Wave clip

4. Hair dye coloring brush

5. Hair dye coloring bowl

6. Hairdryer

7. earcap

8. Hair flat iron / hair

curling iron

C. Lennan

No Lenan name picture

1. Black towel

2 Apron / operator cape

3. Black cape

4. Plastic / rubber gloves

5 Alumunium foil

D. Cosmetics

No Cosmetics name
1. Shampoo
2. Conditioner
3. Hair dye
4. Bleaching
5. Hidrogen peroxide 20 vol /
30 vol /40 vol
6. Hair spray
7. Styling foam
E. Work steps
1. Analyzed and designed the hair color according to client’s wishes
2. Make a diagnosis on the client's hair and scalp, make sure the client is not allergic
to cosmetics to be used
3. Shampooing using a shampoo without conditioner, do a dry towel so that water
does not drip from hair
4. The operator uses the apron
5. Pair a black towel and black cape on the client's shoulder
6. Attach tissue around the client's neck over the cape
7. The operator wears plastic / rubber gloves
8. Parting hair into 4 or 5 parts with the shape of a watermelon (belah semangka)
9. Prepare aluminum foil with the length of the client's hair length and width of
approximately 15 cm
10. Stir the bleaching and hydrogen peroxide in the coloring bowl.
11. Starting from the very back parting, take a layer of hair down and then take the
part that will be bleached with the frosting technique, can be done with the help
of a quill comb
12. Apply bleaching evenly using a brush comb. Then cover using aluminum and
fold it neatly
13. Repeat the same technique for all hairs. Check every 5 minutes and make sure the
bleaching is evenly distributed.
14. If the hair has turned yellow or pale (adjusted to the desired color), rinse
immediately using warm water
15. Application of dye paint on hair with full block technique on all parts of the hair.
Wait for cosmetic absorption.
16. Rinse hair using warm water, rub the rest of the paint left on the scalp hungga tip
of hair until the rest of the paint is gone. Use conditioner on the hair shaft and
rinse with clean water.
17. Dry with a towel until there is no water dripping, then dry your hair with a hair
18. Do hair styling using flat iron or curling iron


1. Melakukan analisa teknik dan desain pewarnaan sesuai dengan

keinginan client.
2. Melakukan diagnosa pada rambut dan kulit kepala klien, pastikan
client tidak ada alergi terhadap kosmetik yang akan digunakan
3. Lakukan penyampoan menggunakan shampoo tanpa conditioner,
lakukan towel dry agar air tidak menetes dari rambut
4. operator menggunakan apron
5. Memasangkan handuk hitam dan cape hitam pada bahu klien
6. Pasangkan tissue pada sekeliling leher klient
7. Operator memakai sarung tangan plastic/ karet
8. Parting rambut menjadi 4 atau 5 bagian dengan bentuk belah
9. Siapkan alumunium foil dengan kepanjangan disesuaikan
kepanjangan rambut client dan lebar kurang lebih 15 cm
10. Aduklah cat pewarna dan hydrogen peroxide dalam mangkok semir.
11. Dimulai dari parting paling belakang, ambil selapis rambut bagian
bawah kemudian ambil bagian yang akan di bleaching dengan teknik
frosting, dapaat dilakukan dengan bantuan quill comb
12. Oleskan bleaching dengan rata menggunakan sisir kuas. Lalu tutup
menggunakan alumunium dan dilipat hingga rapi
13. Ulangi teknik yang sama pada seluruh rambut. Lakukan pengecekan
setiap 5 menit dan pastikan bleaching sudah merata.
14. Jika rambut sudah berubah warna menjadi kuning (disesuaikan dengan
warna yang diinginkan) segera bilas menggunakan air hangat
15. Aplikasikaan cat pewarna pada rambut dengan teknik full block pada
semua bagian rambut. Tunggu peresapan kosmetik.
16. Bilas rambut menggunakan air hangat, gosok sisa cat yang tertinggal
di kulit kepala hungga ujung rambut sampai sisa cat hilang. Gunakan
conditioner pada batang rambut dan bilas dengan air hngga bersih.
17. Keringkan dengan handuk hingga tidak ada air yang menetes,
dilanjutkan mengeringkan rambut dengan hair dryer.
18. Lakukan penataan rambut menggunakan flat iron atau curling iron

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