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Emily Harper

Student Questionnaire

Name ___________________________ Date ________________

How are you feeling today?( Circle your answer)

Super Good Ok Sick Terrible

On a scale 1-10 how much do you like science? (Circle your answer)

(Dislike) 1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 (Love)

Have you ever been to the Great Salt Lake? (Circle your answer)


If YES draw what you saw. What did the lake look like? What types of plants did

you see? What animals/insects did you see? If you said NO. Draw what you think

we will see.
Would you rather? (circle all that apply)
A: Read a book B: Watch a movie

C: Play video games D: Play outside

E: Go shopping F: Sleep

G: Listen to music.

How do you think you learn best? (Check all that apply)
___ Watching a video ___ When I see a picture
___ When I touch something
___ When I read something ___ When I can write things down.
___ When I see a picture
___When I can talk about things with a friend

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