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Common Mistakes That Spanish Speakers Make

(Errores Frecuentes)
Las siguientes frases contienen faltas típicas en inglés que son
cometidas habitualmente por hablantes españoles

Lee las frases y corrígelas.  Las Respuestas al final.

1. I have 24 years.

2. Your boyfriend has phoned you an hour ago.

3. There are always bad news in the world.

4. Tom Cruise acts really good.

5. My friend has a son which looks like Hugh Jackman.

6. Juanito and Maria are living in London for 3 years.

7. I must to buy some milk before mum gets here.

8. Let me give you a good advice; Never get married!

9. I can’t pass this stupid exam. I don’t have vocabulary enough.

10. I’m not drinking alcohol. I don’t like the taste.

11. Nearly all people in Spain likes rice.

12. I am looking forward to receive the information as soon as possible.

13. Sonia hasn’t never been abroad.

14. Graham goes rarely to the pub at lunchtimes.

15. Valencia has such a fantastic weather.

16. Pepe has been working as a waiter since eight months.

17. Craig’s English lessons are always bored.

18. When you make this exercise, make your best not to do mistakes.

19. I’m agree with you up to a point.

20. President Bush don’t can understand why people dislike him.

21. I’ll borrow you my camera if I can lend your car for the weekend.

22. The people want money but they don’t like to work for it.

23. Fish and chips is a popular English plate.

24. Excuse me, could you tell me where is the nearest bank?

25. Do you think Chelsea will win the league this year? – I don’t hope so!

26. How do you call this in English?

27. Bart Simpson isn’t used to do homework every day.

28. We went out for lunch yesterday so I didn’t must cook.

29. I went to the night club by my own.

30. She asked me where was the money and I just laughed.

31. My boss said me I have to work on Saturday.

32. I will have a party next week. Can you come?


1. I’m 24 / I’m 24 years old. (No se dice ‘have years’ en ingles – está mal traducida.)

2. Your boyfriend phoned you an hour ago. (‘ago’ va mucho con el tiempo verbal ‘past

3. There is always bad news in the world. (´news’ es un sustantivo incontable)

4. Tom Cruise acts really well. (well=adverbio, good=adjetivo “He’s a good actor”)

5. My friend has a son who looks like Hugh Jackman. (Pon ‘which’ para las cosas, ‘who’
para las personas.)

6. Juanito and Maria have been living in Spain for 3 years. (El tiempo verbal ‘present
perfect’ – el tiempo cronológico desde un punto en el pasado hasta ahora)
7. I must buy some milk before mum gets here. (Nunca se pone ‘to’ después de un verbo
modal como ‘must’, ‘can’, ‘should’, ‘might’ etc.)

8. Let me give you some good advice; Never get married! (‘advice’ es un sustantivo
incontable. Se dice ‘some advice’ o ‘a piece of advice’)

9. I can’t pass this stupid exam. I don’t have enough vocabulary. (Esta mal el orden de las

10. I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t like the taste. (Se emplea el tiempo verbal ‘present
simple’ para hablar de los habitos.)

11. Nearly everyone/everybody in Spain likes rice. (‘toda la gente’ normalmente  se

traduce a ‘everyone’ o ‘everybody’.)

12. I am looking forward to receiving the information as soon as possible. (Pon un

gerundio – verb+ing – después de una preposición.)

13. Sonia has never/hasn’t ever been abroad. (Normalmente en ingles no se pone dos
negativos juntos en una frase.)

14. Graham rarely goes to the pub at lunchtimes. (Los adverbios de frecuencia; always,
never, sometimes, rarely etc. – van justo antes del verbo principal)

15. Valencia has such fantastic weather. (‘weather’ es un sustantivo incontable en inglés)

16. Pepe has been working as a waiter for eight months. (Con el tiempo ‘present
perfect’, se pone el ‘for’ para habar del tiempo cronológico que ha pasado hasta ahora:
‘for a few minutes’, ‘for ten years’, ‘for three days’ etc.

17. Craig’s English lessons are always boring. (‘boring’ es un adjetivo activo, y ‘bored’ es
pasivo; If the lessons are boring, you are bored, if they are interesting, you are interested.)

18. When you do this exercise, do your best not to make mistakes. (La colocación con el
‘do’ y el ‘make’ es difícil; ‘do me a favour’- haz me un favour,’ make love, not war’, ‘do
s.o. harm’- haz daño a algn., ‘make money’, ‘do business’ etc)

19. I agree with you up to a point. (‘agree’ es un verbo. El sustantivo es ‘agreement’. Se

puede decir; ‘I’m in agreement’, especialmente en los situaciones formales. – ‘I’m….
totally/absolutely/completely/100%… in agreement with you’.)

20. President Bush can’t understand why people dislike him. (La negación de los verbos
modales en inglés es con el ‘not’:I must not – mustn’t, I should not – shouldn’t, I need not
– needn’t etc.)
21. I’ll lend you my camera if I can borrow your car for the weekend. (To lend = prestar,
to borrow = pedir o tomar prestado)

22. People want money but they don’t like to work for it. (cuando se utilice los sustantivos
incontables, abstractos y plurales en un sentido general, no se pone ningún articulo.-
People in general, not the people I work with.)

23. Fish and chips is a popular English dish. (Plato puede significar ‘plate’ o ‘dish’ en

24. Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest bank is? (En las preguntas indirectas,
hay que poner el verbo ‘to be’ al final. “What is your name?” – pregunta directa, “Could
you tell me what your name is?” – pregunta indirecta.)

25. Do you think Chelsea will win the league this year? – I hope so/I hope not! (Los
opuestos: I hope so – I hope not / I think so – I don’t think so etc.)

26. What do you call this in English? (El adverbio ‘cómo’ puede significa ‘How’ o ‘what’
en inglés; “¿Cómo es tu novia?” – “What’s your girlfriend like?”, “¿Cómo estás?” –
“How are you?”)

27. Bart Simpson isn’t used to doing homework every day. (“Be used to” (estar
acostumbrado a) + gerundio, “Used to” (soler) + infinitive)

28. We went out for lunch yesterday so I didn’t have to cook. (I didn’t have to = no tenía

29. I went to the night club by myself (se puede decir ‘on my own’, ‘by myself’ o ‘alone’.)

30. She asked me where the money was and I just laughed. (El orden de las palabras en el
estilo indirecto.)

31. My boss told me I have to work on Saturday. (say something (say hello, say my name,
say something in French); tell someone something (tell me your name, tell him I love him)

32. I’m having a party next week. Can you come? ( Se usa el tiempo verbal ‘present
continuous’ o el ‘going to+infinitivo’ por el futuro cuando hay un plan.)

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