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European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 147 (2009) 25–28

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Postural sway changes during pregnancy: A descriptive study using stabilometry§

Liliam F. Oliveira a,*, Taian M.M. Vieira b, Adriana R. Macedo a, David M. Simpson c, Jurandir Nadal d
Sport and Physical Education School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 21941-590 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Sistema Neuromuscolare, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, UK
Biomedical Engineering Program, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Article history: Objective: This study aims to analyse changes in body sway over the course of pregnancy.
Received 17 September 2008 Study design: This is a descriptive study in which stabilometric tests were applied at three stages of
Received in revised form 29 May 2009 pregnancy and with a combination of different visual conditions (eyes open/closed) and support base
Accepted 30 June 2009
configuration (feet together/apart). Twenty healthy pregnant women participated in the study. Changes
in postural control with pregnancy were analysed via the elliptical area of the stabilograms and spectral
Keywords: analysis of the displacements of the centre of pressure (COP) along the lateral and anterior/posterior
Power-spectral analysis
Results: The elliptical area encompassing the COP significantly increased over the course of the
Sway pregnancy for the feet apart and eyes closed test protocols. The spectral analysis revealed a significant
Balance increase of COP oscillations along the anterior–posterior direction when subjects stood with the eyes
open/feet together and feet apart. A reduction (significant) of the lateral oscillations of COP was observed
for the eyes open/feet together protocol.
Conclusion: Pregnancy induced significant changes in the postural control when pregnant women stood
with a reduced support base or with eyes closed.
ß 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the continuous and spontaneous sways of the body during quiet
standing. In addition, passive elements (e.g. muscle–tendon
From a biomechanical perspective, progressive alterations in connective tissues) seem to provide substantial contribution for
body shape, weight distribution and thus the average position of the tonic ankle stiffness [14].
body centre of gravity (COG) during the course of the gestational While the postural control mechanisms seem to be unaffected
period are documented [1,2]. The upright [3–5] and sitting during pregnancy, the increased and asymmetric distribution of
postures [3,6] as well as joint moments and foot plantar pressure body mass and the posterior tilt observed over the pregnancy time
[7,8] during pregnancy are topics discussed in the literature. course [7,8] could play an important role in modulating body
Nevertheless, the adaptations in the postural control at upright sways amplitude and frequency, reflecting specific strategies for
stance emerging throughout pregnancy have been marginally maintaining upright standing posture. On one hand, the increased
investigated so far [9,10]. mass in the anterior pelvic region in pregnant women would likely
Human postural control during quiet standing involves the be compensated for with the increase of tonic activity of ankle
integration of sensory information from body periphery, in plantar flexors and with the augment of ankle stiffness, under the
particular from mechano receptors on the foot soles [11], and inverted pendulum framework [15,16]. On the other hand, the
from specialised receptors coding body position and orientation time constant of body sways would also increase (e.g. the duration
with respect to the gravitational acceleration, the environment and of body sways increases – [17]). Notwithstanding the larger degree
the body segments [12]. Such sensory information is coordinated of ankle tonic activity, women in the later stages of pregnancy
with precise modulations in ankle torque, possibly through fine would possibly compensate for the body sways with modulations
adjustments in the length of plantar flexors [13], to compensate for of ankle torque at lower frequencies.
Stabilometry is a reliable method to quantify the position of
body centre of pressure (COP – defined as the coordinates of the
This study was conducted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. resultant force applied through the feet on the force-plate). Even
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 21 2562 6824; fax: +55 21 2562 6826. though this method has been extensively used with normal
E-mail addresses:, (L.F. Oliveira). subjects and patients, establishing normality ranges for classic

0301-2115/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
26 L.F. Oliveira et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 147 (2009) 25–28

stabilometric descriptors [18–20], only two studies seem to have Table 1

Description of the sample (mean  standard deviation, N = 20 subjects) over the three
focused on the assessment of changes in postural sways with
trimesters of pregnancy.
pregnancy. By using temporal parameters of the stabilometric
signal to assess the postural control, Butler et al. [9] observed a Trimester G1 G2 G3
decline in balancing ability with pregnancy, which persisted for 6– Time of exam (week into pregnancy) 15.1  1.8 24.0  2.4 34.5  2.5
8 weeks after delivery, and an increased reliance on visual cues to Mass (kg) 59.8  8.8 64.9  8.2 69.1  9.1*
maintain balance during pregnancy. However, the effects of Abdominal girth (cm) 86.1  9.0 95.4  6.7 102.2  5.3**
Size of support base (cm) 14.2  3.4 13.5  2.6 13.9  2.1
support base configuration on the stabilometric descriptors were
not accounted for by these authors. Recently, Jang et al. [10] Statistically significant differences among the three trimesters *p = 0.01, **p = 0.00.
analysed the postural sways of pregnant women along both the
medio-lateral (ML) and anterior–posterior (AP) directions, report-
ing an increased postural instability in the sagittal plane over the estimated through PCA – Principal Component Analysis [18,25].
course of pregnancy. The lack of changes in COP sways along ML Spectral analysis was applied for each stabilometric test in both x
direction was attributable to the self-selection of support base and y direction by using Burg’s autoregressive method [19,26],
configuration [10]. After all, the identification of postural strategies with order 100 and decimation to 10 Hz. The total power (TP) was
based on the interpretation of stabilometric data may be biased calculated separately for each direction, AP and ML, to obtain a
when anthropometric and biomechanical effects on stabilometric global measure of COP sways, which corresponds to its variance.
descriptors are overlooked [21,22]. Only the frequencies encompassed in the band 0–2 Hz were
The present study aims to detect and analyse possible changes included in TP calculation, since very little activity was observed
in body sways, in both time and frequency domains, over the above this limit.
course of pregnancy in a sample of young and healthy women, To investigate the variations in area and TP with the gestational
accounting for possible effects of reducing the support base and period, a 3  2  2 multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
suppressing the visual inputs. The following research questions are design was applied (gestational trimesters  eyes open/clo-
addressed in this study: (1) Are there changes in body sway during sed  feet apart/together). Orthogonal contrasts were used for
pregnancy when subjects stand with feet comfortably apart? (2) post hoc pair-wise comparisons and results were considered
What are the effects induced by the reduction of support base and significant at p < 5%.
the suppression of visual input on the postural control with the
course of pregnancy? The rationale for applying eyes open/closed 3. Results
and feet apart/together protocols is to investigate how the postural
control of pregnant women adapts in response to the exposition to The relative gain in body mass from the first to the third
hazardous situations (e.g. standing in environments with scarce trimester was 16.2  7.9% with an increase of abdominal girth of
luminosity or standing on unstable supporting surface) throughout 15.4  8.6% (mean  standard deviation). In contrast, the size of
pregnancy. preferred configuration of the support base did not change
significantly with pregnancy (Table 1).
2. Materials and methods Although the elliptic area of COP sways progressively increased
with pregnancy, except for the eyes open and feet apart condition,
Twenty healthy pregnant women (28.7  6.2 years, it reached statistical significance only in the second (p = 0.018) and
158.2  5.6 cm height) participated in this descriptive study. The third (p = 0.003) trimesters, in comparison to the early stage of
subjects were attending pre-natal clinics at the Institute of Child pregnancy (Fig. 1).
Health of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, did not develop Significant changes in the postural control with development of
complications during their pregnancies and did not report a history of pregnancy were observed in EC/FA and EO/FT conditions. The total
neurological or orthopaedic pathology. All subjects volunteered and power of COP sways along ML direction significantly increased
gave informed consent for the study. when pregnant women stood with feet apart and eyes closed
The experimental protocol consisted in the application of 30 during the second and third gestational periods, with respect to the
stabilometric tests in each of the following standing conditions: (1) same standing protocol applied within the first 3 months of
eyes open with feet comfortably apart (EO/FA); (2) eyes closed pregnancy (Fig. 2a). Interestingly, TP in the frontal plane decreased
with feet comfortably apart (EC/FA); (3) eyes open with feet
together (EO/FT); and finally (4) eyes closed with feet together (EC/
FT). Two-minute rest periods were interposed between each test.
Stabilometric exams were applied during the first (to be referred to
as G1), second (G2) and third (G3) trimesters of pregnancy.
Subjects were allowed to choose their preferred foot position over
the force-plate during the protocols with feet comfortably apart,
and the size of their support base, defined as the distance between
the mid-points of the long axis of each foot (from hallux to the
middle of the heel), was measured. For the three exams, Table 1
shows mean and standard deviation of the parameters body mass,
abdominal girth and the size of the support base over the course of
The deflections of the centre of pressure (COP) along the lateral
(x) and anterior/posterior (y) axes were recorded (sampling rate:
50 Hz) with a custom force platform, developed in accordance with
the specifications provided by the French Association of Postur-
Fig. 1. Mean area of the stabilograms (in mm2) and standard errors (error bars) over
ology [23] and Bizzo et al. [24]. The area (area) encompassed by the the three trimesters of pregnancy (G1, G2 and G3) for each of the four test protocols.
COP was analytically evaluated as an ellipse (ca. 85% of COP The brackets indicate statistically significant change over the course of pregnancy.
samples are within the ellipse), whose principal axes were EO = eyes open; EC = eyes closed; FA = feet apart; FT = feet together.
L.F. Oliveira et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 147 (2009) 25–28 27

for the lack of vision by increasing the frequency of COP sways

along both AP and ML directions throughout pregnancy, when
standing with the feet comfortably apart (Fig. 2a and b – EC/FA
protocol). The increase in COP area reported in Fig. 1 during
pregnancy, for this protocol, is in agreement with the results
obtained with a smaller sample of 12 subjects investigated by
Butler et al. [9]. By comparing pregnant women with a control
group, these authors observed a significant increase in the COP
average radial displacement for the first, second and third
trimester of gestation, when subjects stood with eyes closed.
Such an increase was not significant for the first trimester of
gestation, with the eyes open. Although Butler et al. [9] did not
explicitly describe the position of the feet, the configuration of the
support base applied by these authors seems to be equivalent to
our feet apart protocol (see their Fig. 1). Our data thus confirm their
findings and indicate that subjects rely heavily on the visual input
for balance control during later stages of pregnancy. Curiously, the
elliptic area did not increase (G1 = G3; p = 0.448) with gestation
when subjects stood without visual input and with the feet
together (Fig. 1, EC/FT protocol), possibly because the effect
induced by the smaller base of support masked the influence of
pregnancy time course on the size of COP sways (Fig. 1).

6. Variations of COP total power with gestation

Considering the inverted pendulum assumption [16,17] and

given the increase in mass distribution with pregnancy, pre-
dominantly along the anterior–posterior direction [1,2,4,5,7], it
would not seem surprising that such an increased moment of
inertia of the body, if not compensated for, could lead to larger
Fig. 2. Total power (mean and standard error) in the medial/lateral (a) and anterior/
amplitude of COP sways, likely resulting in greater muscle activity.
posterior (b) directions over the three trimesters of pregnancy for each of the four Interestingly, pregnant women seem to have been unable to
test protocols. The brackets indicate differences between trimesters. EO = eyes compensate for the inhomogeneous increase in body mass only
open; EC = eyes closed; FA = feet apart; FT = feet together. with the suppression of visual input or the reduction of the support
base in the late stages of pregnancy (Fig. 2). In all protocols, the
for all standing conditions when comparing the third with the third trimester showed the highest power for COP sways
second trimester of gestation (Fig. 2a). Such decrease is significant frequencies along the AP direction (though differences only
only for EO/FT condition (p = 0.009). This same trend was not reached significance in EC/FA and EO/FT). It is worth mentioning
observed for TP descriptor along the AP direction, which increased that the total power descriptor relates to the global amplitude of
during the last 3 months of gestation for all conditions, being COP sways in the time domain, separately for both AP and ML
significant only when standing with eyes closed/feet apart and direction [29]. In contrast, Jang et al. [10] observed a similar
with eyes open/feet together (p = 0.017 and 0.013, respectively). increase in COP sways when analysing a group of 15 pregnant
In general, the stabilometric descriptors used in this study were women during the last months of pregnancy with eyes open and
sensitive to pregnancy only in eyes closed/feet apart and eyes feet apart. Whether the divergence between studies results from
open/feet together protocols. methodological issues or from the sample recruited remains
4. Comment On the other hand, the decrease in the total power of COP
medial–lateral displacements, observed in the third trimester for
Postural equilibrium during pregnancy has not been exten- the eyes open/feet together protocol, was less intuitive. Given that
sively explored [9,10], in particular regarding the application of the stabilisation of quiet standing posture depends on precise and
different protocols. Nevertheless, understanding the adaptations fine modulations in ankle torque [13], the changes in COP position
in the postural control of pregnant women throughout their is linked to changes in ankle torque [11,17] and the ankle stiffness
gestation, with different combinations of available sensory inputs is affected by the frequency of ankle torque [30], one may argue
and the support base configurations, could provide remarkable that increases in COP frequencies in the sagittal plane with
insights for the development and application of specific ther- pregnancy may be related to increased ankle stiffness. The
apeutic and preventive approaches. reduction of the support base in the frontal plane would likely
elicit the participation of other muscles, like those around the hip
5. Effect of visual input with pregnancy [16,17], rather than the plantar flexors. Consequently, subjects
would shift from ankle to hip strategy for stabilisation of their
According to sensory organisation theory, as firstly reported by quiet standing posture, with smaller movements of their body.
Nasher [27] and further developed by Kawakami et al. [15], the In general, the postural control of pregnant women significantly
central nervous system (CNS) possibly codes redundant informa- changed throughout pregnancy only when the visual input was
tion provided by visual, vestibular and somatosensory receptors. suppressed or the support base was reduced. Therefore, the
Albeit the effects of absence of visual input on the control of accuracy of visual information and the comfortable support base
upright stance in normal subjects are debatable [28], the outcomes could be critical for preserving balancing ability in the later stages
of this study indicate that pregnant subjects tend to compensate of pregnancy. These factors must be considered when applying
28 L.F. Oliveira et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 147 (2009) 25–28

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