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Advisory Leaflet

Automation of chemical phosphate removal

November 2001
ISBN 3-937758-63-1

GFA the publishing company of the German Association for Wa-
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ATV-DVWK, German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste:
ATV-DVWK Rules and Standards (Medium combination) / ATV-DVWK, Wasserwirtschaft,
Abwasser, Abfall. - Hennef : GFA, Publishing Company of the ATV-DVWK
Formerly under the [German] title: Abwassertechnische Vereinigung: ATV-Regelwerk
Advisory Leaflet
M 206E. Automation of chemical phosphate removal
ISBN 3-937758-63-1

The main fields of activity of the ATV-DVWK are technical-scientific subjects and the economic as well as the
legal concerns of environmental protection. The politically and economically independent association works
nationally and internationally in the fields of pollution control, wastewater, water-hazardous substances,
waste, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic power, hydrology, soil protection and contaminated sites. The ca.
16,000 members are active in municipalities, engineer offices, authorities, firms and associations and also in
universities. Of these there are 10,000 specialists with personal membership; these are engineers, scientists,
lawyers, business persons, operating personnel and technicians. Via the corporate membership in the ATV-
DVWK there is access to ca. 160,000 specialists.

All rights, in particular those of translation into other languages, are reserved. No part of this Advisory Leaflet may
be reproduced in any form – by photocopy, microfilm or any other process – or transferred into a language usable
in machines, in particular data processing machines, without the written approval of the publisher.

Publisher: ATV-DVWK Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V.,
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 17, 53773 Hennef

Marketing: GFA Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e.V., Hennef

Setting and printing of the German original: DCM, Meckenheim

© GFA Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e. V., Hennef 2001

2 November 2001

Since the publication of Advisory Leaflet ATV-M 206 “Automation of the Chemical Removal of Phosphate” in
July 1994 a continuous technical further development has taken place in this field. As a result of the increas-
ing expansion of process analysis technology in wastewater treatment plants, the further development of
regulation and control strategies as well as new knowledge on the combination of a deliberate biological with
a chemical removal of phosphorus a revision and amendment of the 1994 edition has become necessary.

The original German Advisory Leaflet ATV-DVWK-M 206 was elaborated by the ATV-DVWK Specialist
Committee KA-13 “Automation of wastewater treatment plants”. The following have collaborated in the

Dr. rer. nat. J.-U. Arnold, Bergisch-Gladbach

Dr.-Ing. P. Baumann, Stuttgart
Dipl.-Ing. U. Blöhm, Berlin
Dr.-Ing. P. Hartwig, Hannover
Dr.-Ing. U. Jumar, Magdeburg
Dipl.-Ing. E. Michel, Waldbronn
Dr.-Ing. J. Reichert, Viersen
Dr.-Ing. S. Schlegel, Essen (Chairman)
Dr.-Ing. H.-H. Schneider, Berlin
Dipl.-Phys. Ing. W. Worringen, Düsseldorf

November 2001 3


Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................3

Authors ..........................................................................................................................................................3

User Notes......................................................................................................................................................5

1 Area of Application ........................................................................................................................5

2 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................5

3 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................5

4 Basic Elements and Process Description ...................................................................................6

5 Continuous Measurement of the Phosphate or Phosphorus Concentration ..........................7

5.1 General.............................................................................................................................................7
5.2 Measurement of Orthophosphate (SPO4)..........................................................................................7
5.2.1 Molybdenum Blue Process ..............................................................................................................7
5.2.2 Vanadate Molybdate Process ..........................................................................................................8
5.3 Measurement of Total Phosphorus (CP) ..........................................................................................8
5.4 Operation and Maintenance.............................................................................................................8

6 Automation Concept involving Metal Salts and Sodium Aluminates ........................................8

6.1 Preamble ..........................................................................................................................................8
6.2 Measuring Sites and Dosing Points .................................................................................................8
6.3 Control and Regulation Concept for Phosphate Removal ...............................................................10
6.3.1 Control according to Timeplan .........................................................................................................10
6.3.2 Control according to P-Load ............................................................................................................11
6.3.3 Control according to Wastewater Flow ............................................................................................11
6.3.4 Regulation of SPO4 ............................................................................................................................12
6.3.5 Other Control Concepts....................................................................................................................14
6.3.6 Substitutional Value Strategies ........................................................................................................14

7 Storage and Dosing Technology ..................................................................................................15

7.1 General.............................................................................................................................................15
7.2 Dosing Facilities ...............................................................................................................................16
7.3 Storage and Dosing..........................................................................................................................17
7.3.1 Liquid Precipitants ............................................................................................................................17
7.3.2 Non-Pourable Precipitants ...............................................................................................................18
7.3.3 Pourable Precipitants .......................................................................................................................19
7.4 Measurement of the Precipitation Concentration.............................................................................21
7.5 P-Removal by Raising the pH-Value................................................................................................21
8 Economic Efficiency ......................................................................................................................21

9 Ordinances, Standard Specifications and Standards ................................................................22

4 November 2001
f Safety factor
User Notes FM Precipitant
k Proportionality factor
This Advisory Leaflet is the result of honorary, mMe Effective metal content of a precipitant
technical-scientific/economic collaboration which solution, e.g. in mol/l
has been achieved in accordance with the princi- mP,SS Phosphorus content of the suspended
ples applicable therefor (statutes, rules of proce- solids, e.g. in mg/kg
dure of the ATV-DVWK and the Standard ATV- SPO4 Orthophosphate-P
DVWK-A 400). For this, according to precedents, Q Wastewater flow at the point of the P-
there exists an actual presumption that it is textually concentration measurement, e.g. in m3/h
and technically correct and also generally recog- QPF Precipitant flow, e.g. in m3/h
nised. UV Ultraviolet
VAwS Verordnung über Anlagen zum Umgang
The application of this Advisory Leaflet is open to mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen und über
everyone. However, an obligation for application Fachbetriebe [German Ordinance on
can arise from legal or administrative regulations, a plants for the handling of water-hazardous
contract or other legal reason. substances and on technical operations]
WGK Wassergefährdungsklasse [German Wa-
This Advisory Leaflet is an important, however, not ter Hazard Class]
the sole source of information for correct solutions. WHG Wasserhaushaltsgesetz [German Water
With its application no one avoids responsibility for Resources Management Law]
his own action or for the correct application in spe- ß-value Ratio of mol metal to mol phosphorus re-
cific cases; this applies in particular for the correct lated to the P-content in the influent to the
handling of the margins described in the Advisory precipitation reactor.
leaflet. In order to be able to assess the effec-
tiveness of the precipitation the ß-value
must actually be related to the P-content
1 Area of Application at the dosing point. In these cases higher
values result than this normal operational
This Advisory leaflet applies for activated sludge ρ Specific weight of the precipitant solution,
and fixed bed plants for the treatment of wastewa- e.g. in kg/m3
ter which essentially originates from households or
from facilities which serve commercial or agricul-
tural purposes provided that the harmfulness of this 3 Introduction
wastewater can be reduced using biological proc-
esses with the same result as with wastewater from
households. Through legal regulations (§ 7a WHG; AbwV) the
permitted phosphorus content in the effluent of mu-
nicipal wastewater treatment plants is limited. With
2 Abbreviations plants ≥ 10,000 PT up to 100,000 PT a monitoring
value of 2 mg/l, with plants > 100,000 PT of 1 mg/l
is to be maintained. More extensive requirements
AbwV Abwasserverordnung [German Wastewa- are possible in individual cases.
ter Ordinance
XSS Concentration of suspended solids Phosphates are removed through biological proc-
(0.45 µm) esses and through chemical precipitation. Aim of an
SPO4,des PO4-P design value at the dosing point automatic dosing of precipitant/flocculation agent is
e.g. in mg/l to achieve an extensive removal of phosphates
CP,MV Monitoring value for the Ptot concentration from the wastewater with as small as possible em-
in the effluent e.g. in mg/l ployment of chemicals in order, in addition to the
CP,Part P-concentration in the effluent of the plant costs of precipitant, in particular to minimise the
due to residual suspensions e.g. in mg/l expenses for a disposal of the addition precipitation
CP Measured concentration of phosphorus, sludge produced. This should also be sought in
e.g. in mg/l order to keep the salting of the water low.
CCOD,InB COD in the inflow to the biological reactor
I Inhabitant
PT Total number of inhabitants and popula-
tion equivalents
F Safety factor as empirical value, e.g. in

November 2001 5
hydroxides or carbonates which, due to increased
4 Basic Elements and sludge formation, are unwanted. For the adjustment
Process Description of the dosing with plants with exclusively chemical
phosphate removal a ß-value of 1.5 is set. As,
however, usually phosphate is increasingly re-
Phosphorus is a wastewater content substance moved biologically, in practice the ß-value, elated
which can lead to eutrophication with discharge into to the P-content in the influent to the precipitation
a slowly moving or static body of water. In most reactor (as a rule the aeration stage) very fre-
water bodies the phosphorus content determines quently lies under 1.0.
the degree of algae growth. In wastewater it usually
originates from domestic discharges. Although a With the addition of lime hydrate the precipitation of
reduction of the specific total phosphorus produc- phosphates takes place through the raising of the
tion from ca. 5 to approximately 1.8 g/(I y d) through pH value. With this, insoluble calcium phosphates
the very extensive reduction of the phosphate com- are formed using the calcium ions contained in the
ponent in detergents, the normal concentrations in wastewater. With the exception of very soft water
the influent of municipal wastewater treatment there are sufficient calcium ions available. The cor-
plants with 5 - 10 mg/l, however, lie as a rule still so rect selection of the pH value at the dosing point is
high that an extensive removal is required. In indi- dependent on the local conditions. With pre-
vidual cases, however, lower concentrations can precipitation pH values up to 9.3 are permitted.
also occur which can be traced back to either the With a dosing of lime hydrate into the aeration
dilution of the wastewater with infiltration water or to stage a pH value of 9.0 may normally not be ex-
a higher component of industrial discharges. The ceeded in the effluent of the plant, as ammoniac,
latter usually only shows small phosphorus concen- toxic to fish, can result due to the high pH value in
trations. the bodies of water.

A part of the phosphates contained in the influent is The chemical P-removal takes place in two steps,
carried out both with the primary sludge (ca. 10 - 15 the rapid chemical reaction (precipitation) and the
%) and also incorporated in the biomass and re- subsequent agglomeration of the small flocs into
moved with the surplus sludge. Integration into the larger, easily separable floc formations (floccula-
surplus sludge can, as a rule, can be estimated as tion). Here, for the chemical reaction, a rapid, en-
1 % of the added BOD5 or 0,005 y CCOD,InB (comp. ergy-intensive admixture of the precipitant into the
ATV-DVWK A-131E). A small P/BOD5-ratio there- wastewater is required. The flocculation itself on
fore requires less expense for extensive removal the other hand requires only a very small input of
measures. energy. Frequently points can be found in a waste-
water treatment plant at which the admixture is en-
A deliberately executed, increased biological P- sured without additional input of energy. For exam-
removal can be achieved in the aeration stage ple, overflows can be used for this. If necessary the
through a special process technology (suitable required turbulence can also be created through
switching in of anaerobic zones). The biological the incorporation of chicanes or input of additional
removal of P, however, does not always suffice in energy (e.g. employment of pumps). An alternative
order to maintain safely the required monitoring is also to improve the utilisation of precipitants by
value in the effluent. Therefore, as a rule, the pos- dosing the precipitant at several points of the aera-
sibility of dosing precipitant/flocculation chemicals tion tank or over the complete width of the channel.
is also planned for these cases. In larger plants the production of a separate precipi-
tation and flocculation reactor can be sensible with
In general acidic iron salts as iron sulphate, iron new construction measures.
chloride, iron chloride-sulphate, aluminium salts as
aluminium chloride, the alkaline reacting sodium Depending on the place of dosing one differentiates
aluminate or, in special cases, also lime hydrate the dosing into pre-precipitation, simultaneous pre-
are applied as precipitants. For further basic infor- cipitation and post-precipitation.
mation attention is drawn to the appropriate litera-
ture (ATV-DVWK-A 202E and the ATV Manual With pre-precipitation the precipitant dosing takes
“Biological and advanced treatment of wastewater” place in the grit chamber or in the inlet to the pri-
[Not available in English]). mary settling with separation of the flocs in the pri-
mary settling tank. Due to the negative effects on
The dosing of precipitant must be capable of being the denitrification (reduction of the BOD5 load) it is,
matched to the fluctuating influent and/or effluent however, rarely employed. With a high component
values. With this, due to competing reactions, dos- of industrial wastewater with high BOD5 and phos-
ing has to be more or less hyperstoichiometric. phorus concentrations or a downstream fixed bed
Every overdosing, however, leads to a formation of plant, this process can, however, be employed

6 November 2001
thoroughly practically for the relief of the biological quire a certain maintenance expense and the em-
stage. In any case attention is to be paid that for ployment of chemicals. As comprehensive informa-
the subsequent biological process still sufficient tion for the employment and operation of process
phosphorus remains in the wastewater. analysis equipment including the systems for the
pre-treatment of samples are contained in ATV-
Simultaneous precipitation is currently the most DVWK Advisory Leaflet M 269 [Not available in
widely employed process with which the addition of English], the essential analysis processes for the
precipitant takes place directly into the activated determination of phosphorus compounds are only
sludge stage; the separation of the flocs takes gone into briefly in the following sections.
place in the secondary settling tank. In addition to a
good utilisation of the precipitant an improvement of Using process analysis equipment both orthophos-
the sludge index often presents itself as a positive phate (SPO4) and also Ptot (CP) can be determined.
side effect of simultaneous precipitation. The low P- With measuring equipment for the determination of
concentrations normal today in the wastewater Ptot at most a coarse filtration may be placed up-
usually allow the maintenance of the monitoring stream for the protection of the equipment, as an
values of 2 mg/l and 1 mg/l respectively using this extensive separation of suspended solids which
simple to operate method with sufficient efficiency contain phosphorus leads to considerably reduced
of the secondary settling stage. findings.

If, with regard to an especially weak performance The determination of the precipitable orthophos-
receiving water an even lower P-concentration is phate compounds, on the other hand, takes place
required usually additional measures have to be as a rule following a sample pre-treatment, in order
taken. Such measures are: to be able to analyse reliably the then extensively
solid matter-free wastewater. The sample pre-
– filtration, sieving or similar for separation of treatment systems which come into question are
suspensa; polishing ponds can also support described in detail in ATV-DVWK-M 269.
– post-precipitation in the form of flocculation
filtration: 5.2 Measurement of Orthophosphate
in order not to load the filter with too high a (SPO4)
quantity of precipitation sludge, flocculation fil-
tration, depending on the required effluent In the continuous analytics of orthophosphate up to
value, assumes a previous partial removal to 1 now two photometric processes have gained in sig-
to 2 mg/l P. nificance. With both processes polyphosphate and
– conventional post-precipitation: organic phosphorus compounds are not recorded.
this takes place in a separate stage following Depending on the application purpose there are, at
the secondary settling tank. It consists of pre- the forefront, requirements for higher accuracy, DIN
cipitation and flocculation tanks as well as the conformity or economic efficiency. The measuring
separation stage with a further secondary set- process is to be selected accordingly.
tling tank or a flotation plant.

5.2.1 Molybdenum Blue Process

5 Continuous Measure- With the molybdenum blue process (EN 1189) or-
thophosphate with ammonium molybdate in an acid
ment of the Phos- medium converts into complex phosphorus molybic
acid. This is subsequently converted using reduc-
phate or Phosphorus tion agent into phosphorus molybdenum blue. The
light attenuation brought about by the colouring is
Concentration determined photometrically and is a measure for
the orthophosphate concentration. The process
covers the range from 0.01 to 5 mg/l SPO4 and is
therefore particularly suitable for precise measure-
5.1 General ment with low concentrations. With higher concen-
trations the process has to be appropriately ad-
The continuous measuring facilities with process justed (e.g. through dilution of the wastewater sam-
analysis equipment today employed for monitoring, ple). The chemicals used are, however, relatively
control and regulation of the removal process oper- expensive and are of only limited use.
ate according to expensive physical-chemical
measuring processes. For this reason and due to
the content substances in the wastewater, they re-

November 2001 7
5.2.2 Vanadate Molybdate Process eral equipment requirements, for measures of qual-
ity assurance, for maintenance and servicing as
With the vanadate molybdate process (yellow proc- well as the necessary training measures are to be
ess), orthophosphates react in the acid medium with found in Advisory Leaflet ATV-DVWK-M 269.
ammonium molybdate and ammonium vanadate into
yellow ammonium phosphorus vanado-molybdate.
The light attenuation brought about by the colouring 6 Automation Concept
is determined photometrically and is a measure for
the orthophosphate concentration. Yellow wastewater involving Metal Salts
content substances influence the measured value.
This effect, as a rule, can be compensated through and Sodium Alumi-
special automatic calibration procedures. The process
covers a range from 0.1 to 20 mg/l SPO4. In compari- nates
son to the molybdenum blue process the chemicals
are inexpensive and last longer.
6.1 Preamble
5.3 Measurement of Total Phosphorus Although only the dissolved phosphates can be
(CP) determined with precipitation the actual objective is
the observation of the monitoring value for the total
Total phosphorus measuring equipment, as a rule,
phosphorus concentration in the plant effluent with
functions in accordance with the molybdenum blue
process, but following previous digestion. Some the lowest possible costs. With the choice of
equipment also allows the separate determination whether to integrate in a regulation/control of the
of the orthophosphate content. Ptot (CP) or only to record the dissolved ortho-
phosphate compounds (SPO4), the selected measur-
Digestion, as a rule, takes place through the heat- ing site and dosing point as well as the intended
ing with peroxodisulphate and sulphuric acid (mod- control or regulation strategy are by all means to be
elled on EN 1189), partially under pressure, in or- taken into account. More detailed information is
der to shorten the degradation times. A degradation given by Table 1 in the following section. As, with
though UV radiation can only be applied for sam- precipitation, as far as possible phosphate loads
ples free of solid matter. should be taken into account, an integration of the
wastewater flow into the automated concept is fun-
The measurement of the total phosphorus content
damentally to be recommended.
requires the inclusion of all solid matter in the di-
gestion, as the greatest part of the phosphates are
bonded to solid matter. Therefore it must be guar-
anteed that an unfiltered sample is analysed. In 6.2 Measuring Sites and Dosing Points
addition care is to be taken with sampling and
preparation that a homogenous sample is pro- In principle, for regulation and control tasks, various
duced. procedures come into consideration. Fig. 1 reflects
schematically the possible measurement sites and
The lower limit of the measurement range of total dosing points in wastewater treatment plants as
phosphorus measuring equipment with the molyb- well as their suitability for this. The actual arrange-
denum blue process lies between 0.01 mg/l and ment of measurement sites and dosing points is,
0.1 mg/l P. The upper limit of the measurement inter alia, dependent on:
range varies between 5 mg/l and 15 mg/l P.
– the local conditions (arrangement of tanks and
pipeline layout),
5.4 Operation and Maintenance – the selected automation concept (comp. Chap.
Process analysis equipment for the determination – the process technology (chemical or combined
of phosphorus compounds requires a significantly biological-chemical phosphate removal, precipi-
higher maintenance expense than normal process tation process) and
measurement equipment such as, for example, for – the precipitant used.
temperature or pH-value. Information on the gen-

8 November 2001

Fig. 1: Measurement sites and dosing points

With pre-precipitation using acidic metal salts or fluent of the aeration tank (D) a certain overdosing
sodium aluminate, the phosphate or Ptot concentra- must also take place, because the removal through
tion is measured conveniently in the influent to the incorporation of phosphorus into the surplus sludge
primary settling tank (B). Using this measurement a has to be estimated. With a measurement in the
regulation of the input of precipitant into the grit effluent to the biological reactor the influence of the
chamber (A) or a control with input into the influent time delay on the regulation behaviour is to be
of the primary settling tank (B) is possible. The taken into account. Furthermore attention is to be
problem of a continuous measurement at this paid that the measured value in the effluent of the
measurement site corresponds with that in the in- biological reactor does not correspond with the ac-
fluent to the biological reactor (comp. Table 1). tual value in the plant effluent as subsequent influ-
ences such as, for example, balancing of concen-
With simultaneous precipitation the dosing of trations or redissolving events in the downstream
precipitant can take place at various points in the treatment stages (in particular with systems with
system. A regulated input into a possibly available biological phosphate removal) are not recorded.
anaerobic stage or into its effluent (E) is basically
not practical as the process of biological phosphate The best control reaction is to be expected if the
removal is not finished here and the take up of re- precipitant is dosed into the effluent of the aeration
dissolved phosphate takes place first in the aerated tank or possibly into the last tank of a cascade (F).
stage. Measurement takes place conveniently in the influ-
ent to the secondary settling stage (G). With this
Frequently the precipitant is dosed into the return variant a particularly careful mixing of the precipi-
sludge circuit (C) and the phosphate content meas- tant in the wastewater is to be ensured so that at
ured in the effluent of the aeration tank (F or G). the not far removed measuring site the precipitation
This process has disadvantages due to the delay reaction is extensively completed. Dosing in the
and dead times existing here. In addition there is influent to the secondary settling stage G) has also
only a little phosphate in the return sludge available shown itself to be favourable. With unfavourable
for the reaction with the precipitant. The precipitant conditions here, however, only a control can be
is used for the formation of metal hydroxide so that realised, measurement then takes place before the
it has only limited availability for P-removal in the dosing point.
activated sludge stage. Through this, as a rule, an
overdosing must take place. With input into the in-

November 2001 9
The dosing into the effluent of the aeration tank (F) regulation measurement is carried out in the efflu-
with a measurement in the effluent of the secon- ent of this stage (I), with control in (H). The floccula-
dary settling stage (H), due to the long retention tion filtration with both concepts can be realised.
time of the wastewater in the secondary settling
tank leads to large dead times. Therefore a rapid In addition to the measuring site the measurement
reaction of changes of the P-load, which occurs parameter for the control and regulation tasks is of
particularly with combined wastewater influents, is particular significance. As an example Table 1
impossible. shows an overview of possible combinations of
measurement sites and measurement parameters
With a post-precipitation the precipitant dosing with the mainly applied simultaneous precipitation.
takes place before the downstream stage (H). For

Table 1: Combinations of measurement sites and measurement parameters with simultaneous

Measurement CP SPO4

Measurement site
Influent biological reac- Possible Possible
tor The incorporation of P in the surplus sludge is to be At this measurement site only 60-75 % of the
taken into account by estimation. A continuous sam- phosphorus compounds are already available as
pling must take place so that the sample is not influ- orthophosphate. The phosphate component which
enced by a pre-treatment which, possibly, can lead can be removed chemically has to be estimated.
to a separation of particularly bonded phosphorus. In this case the incorporation of P in the surplus
This can, however, be guaranteed with difficulty at sludge is also to be taken into account.
this measurement site. Preparation of the sample at this measurement
site can be expensive.
Effluent biological reac- Impractical Practical
tor The phosphate bonded in the sludge flocs but which Direct recording of the precipitable P-component,
is not precipitable is also recorded therefore is not through short delay times suitable for inclusion in
suitable for inclusion in the regulation of the precipi- the regulation (with suitable dosing site).
tation. Disadvantage: no complete recording of the moni-
toring parameters.
Effluent secondary Impractical for an inclusion Impractical
settling stage in the regulation* As for the effluent of the biological reactor but,
The monitoring parameter is recorded completely. due to long delay time not suitable for inclusion in
The delay time is, however, too large for an inclusion the regulation.
in the regulation.
* Although an input (proportional regulation) of the precipitant depending on the phosphorus concentration in the effluent of the secondary settling stage
(both SPO4 as well as CP) is not to be recommended, such a measurement can, however, provide information on the effectiveness of the precipitant in-
put and, under certain circumstances, enables an iterative adjustment of the precipitant input. Taking into account the real wastewater flow the regula-
tion of the Ptot concentration in the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant in combination with a subordinate regulation of the PO4-P concentration in
the effluent of the biological reactor (cascade regulation within the sense of control engineering) can increase the certainty of maintaining the monitor-
ing values.

6.3 Control and Regulation Concept for hydrographs of the phosphate load are determined
Phosphate Removal through measurements and placed in automation
systems for control. Here, it has shown itself to be
sensible to record hydrographs working days as
6.3.1 Control according to Timeplan well as for both weekends and holidays separately.
With constant precipitant dosing in general a con- Industrial discharges must, under certain circum-
siderable overdosing of precipitant has to be under- stances, also be recorded separately. For practical
taken as otherwise load peaks cannot be covered purposes the hydrographs are determined in the
with certainty. With regard to the costs of precipitant effluent of the activated sludge stage as, through
and with the higher sludge yield associated with the this, the influence of the biological phosphorus re-
input of precipitant, this strategy is not to be rec- moval is taken into account.
ommended for large plants. The quantity of precipi-
tant can already be reduced effectively through the In principle control according to a hydrograph is,
specification of different day and night dosing quan- however, not in a position to react to unforeseen
tities. variations of the phosphate load. As, for example,
the efficiency of the biological phosphorus removal
A further improvement is also possible through the can also vary, a safety reserve must always be cre-
dosing according to a specified load hydrographic ated with this concept through overdosing. The hy-
curve. With hydrograph control one is concerned in drograph should be capable of being amended
principle with the replacement of a measured quan- simply by operating personnel and thus matched to
tity with an empirical value. Representative daily the changing requirements.

10 November 2001

Fig. 2: Control according to P-load

6.3.2 Control according to P-Load Variant a: Measurement site for CP and dosing
With this process the product from the wastewater point in the influent to the aeration tank
flow at the site of the P measurement and the (D)
phosphorus concentration for the control of the dos- Variant b: Measurement site for SPO4 and dosing
ing facility is used (comp. Fig. 2). point in the effluent of the aeration tank
(F or G)
The precipitant flow QFM here results as
With Variant a the proportionality factor k must also
QPF = k •. Q •. CP (Eqn. 1) take into account the estimated incorporation of
with: phosphorus in the surplus sludge. The concept
QPF = precipitant flow, e.g. in m3/h therefore contains a large uncertainty which has to
k = proportionality factor, e.g. in l/mg be balanced through higher precipitant dosing.
Q = wastewater flow at the site of the
measurement of the P-concentration, With Variant b the biological P-removal - both
e.g. m3/h planned and unplanned – is completed and there-
CP = measured phosphorus concentration, fore no longer requires to be taken into account in
z. B. mg/l the proportionality factor. Using this concept
changes of the phosphorus concentration can be
The proportionality factor k (here for example for reacted to very rapidly and accurately.
precipitant containing iron) is
The load-controlled dosing can be applied particu-
k = f •. ß •. 55.8/30.9•. 1/ρ •. 1/mMe (Eqn. 2) larly where other concepts, for example due to
large delay and dead times or control engineering
Here the following is taken into account: unfavourable arrangement of the reactors, cannot
be applied. With this process, however, no direct
f =
safety factor control of the effectiveness of the precipitation is
ß =
ß-value, e.g. 1.1 mol Fe/mol P possible.
ρ =
specific weight of the precipitant
solution, e.g. 1200 kg/m3 6.3.3 Control according to Wastewater
mMe = effective metal content, e.g. 87 kg Flow
Fe/1000 kg precipitant solution
55.8/30.9 = ratio of the mol masses of iron and The control of the precipitant dosing according to
phosphorus the wastewater flow is a simplified variant in com-
parison with control of the P load. This concept is
The safety factor f is to be set according to operat- suitable when the P-concentrations in the influent
ing experience and normally lies between 1.0 and vary only slightly. With combined wastewater flows,
1.5. which cause a reduction of the P-concentration,
such a procedure, however, leads to a significant
This concept can be realised with simultaneous overdosing.
precipitation basically in two process engineering
variants (comp. Fig. 1):

November 2001 11

Fig. 3: Control according to wastewater flow

Fig. 3 shows a typical characteristic curve for the In smaller and more medium sized plants this strat-
control of the precipitant dosing according to the egy, an effective and economic application of pre-
wastewater flow. With the undercutting of the value cipitant can be realised without additional technical
b) for the quantity of wastewater the proportionality measuring expense.
factor k between wastewater flow and precipitant no
longer applies, rather the dosing remains at a con-
stant level. With a long-term undercutting of a “limiting 6.3.4 Regulation of SPO4
quantity of water” c), which is to be determined em- The most favourable solution for technical regula-
pirically, a dosing of precipitant can possibly be dis- tion is an addition of precipitant into the effluent or
pensed with. If the wastewater flow exceeds the the outlet area of the aeration tank, whereby the
restart limit d), the dosing of precipitant is restarted. dosing of the precipitant is undertaken dependent
If the “limiting quantity of water” c), with the lower- on the orthophosphate concentration. Through a
ing of the water flow, is not achieved or is undercut, locking in of the wastewater flow (or the load) this
the dosing of precipitant remains up to the regulation can be improved further. In both cases a
achievement of the value b) at a constant level. continuous measuring of the SPO4 is necessary
which, with thorough mixing, can take place several
The selection of the limiting value must be in such a metres, otherwise up to 20 m or more behind the
way that stable dosing conditions are set, that dosing point.
means no too frequent changing between switching
in and out. In particular it must be checked in nor-
mal plant operation whether the restart limit d) can
be set smaller or larger than b).

November 2001 12

Fig. 4: Control of the orthophosphate concentration

In order to guarantee the maintenance of the moni- SPO4,des = CP,MV – CP,Part – F (Eqn. 4)
toring value for the phosphate concentration (CP) in
the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant the with:
design value for SPO4 at the measuring site must be SPO4,des = orthophosphate design value in mg/l
smaller than the monitoring value. That is neces- CP,MV = monitoring value for the Ptot concen-
sary in order to take into account the P-load which tration in the effluent in mg/l
is contained in the residual suspended matter CP,Part = P-concentration through negative lift
which is contained in the effluent. The P- in mg/l
concentration, which is contained in the solid mat- F = increased factor of safety as empirical
ter, results from the percentage by mass of the value in mg/l
phosphorus of filterable solids and their concentra-
tion in the effluent of the plant: Fig. 4 shows the regulation concept for simple
regulation of the phosphate concentration.
CP,Part = mP,SS • CXSS (Eqn. 3)
The quality of regulation can be improved still fur-
with: ther through the locking in of the wastewater flow
CP,Part = P-concentration due to residual sus- as influence quantity (comp. Fig. 5). This is particu-
pended (in mg/l) larly interesting with plants with combined biologi-
mP,SS = P-contents of dry matter in the sludge (in cal–chemical phosphate removal. Here, with hy-
mg P/g SS). This value is normally draulic peaks, resolved phosphate is often dis-
25 – 35 mg P/g SS placed in surges from the anaerobic zone into the
CXSS = concentration of the filterable solids aerobic zone. With too short retention times for an
(in g/l) extensive take up of phosphate or with short-circuit
flow, the phosphate concentration in the effluent of
Furthermore an “increased factor of safety” F to the activated sludge stage can increase very rap-
take into account the resolution effects in the idly. This effect can be countered through a distur-
downstream treatment stages of non-precipitable bance variable compensation depending on the
phosphate compounds as well as uncertainties in quantity of water as this affects a timely increase of
measurement of the process analysis equipment is the dosing quantity. Attention is to be paid that the
required which, on the basis of operational experi- locking in of influencing quantities is so arranged
ence, is to be set at about 0.2 mg/l SPO4. that, following the start up of a combined wastewa-
ter inflow, it remains effective for a certain time
Thus there results as PO4-P design value for the only.
regulation of the P-dosing a concentration SPO4,Spec

November 2001 13

Fig. 5: Control of the PO4-P concentration with locking in of the influencing quantity of the
wastewater flow

6.3.5 Other Control Concepts 6.3.6 Substitutional Value Strategies

The control concepts described can be expanded or The above presented automated concepts as-
combined taking into account the existing process sume that the actual phosphorus concentra-
technical conditions in the practical case. For exam- tions present are available reliably and as far as
ple the regulation of the PO4-P concentration with a possible continuously as measured values. In
locking in of the wastewater flow shown as an ex- order that a failure of the measurement signal,
ample in Fig.5 can be so expanded that, in accor- for example during a calibration or with an
dance with the model of Fig. 2, not the wastewater equipment fault is not associated with negative
flow but rather the P-load is locked in as influencing consequences for the process control, substitu-
quantity. Furthermore it can be practical or neces- tional values must therefore be secured for the
sary to carry out the locking in not as a static locking automation which, in place of the real process
in but rather that this is done via dynamic elements, values, ensure emergency operation. Further-
for example as “moderating locking in” (comp. Sec- more, it is to be defined when the measured
tion 6.3.4). value is to be considered as faulty and, instead
of this, a substitute value is to be applied.
In individual cases so-called “knowledge based
regulation systems” are also employed of which Within the scope of the substitute value strat-
fuzzy controls have achieved the highest degree of egy it is determined which of the following
familiarity. With these approaches, control is defined processes are to be applied for the creation of
in the form of verbally formulated, blurred rules. As- substitute values:
suming a clear number of these rules, control solu-
tions result which are characterised in general – declaration of a fixed value as default
through transparency and good reproducibility. The value,
necessary process knowledge for the design of such – specification of characteristic curves,
control systems corresponds with that for the design – adoption of measured values from a train
of the simple conventional control and regulation operated in parallel,
described in Sections 6.3.1 to 6.3.4. The dynamic – employment of the last undisturbed value
systems behaviour of a fuzzy control system can be with or without extrapolation in time,
interpreted as non-linear characteristic diagram. Due – employment of auxiliary parameters.
to the few plants managed by this type of regulation
a detailed handling of this area is not included in the The following can be viewed as criteria for a
scope of this Advisory Leaflet. “measured value fault” with the activation of a
substitute value strategy:

November 2001 14
– so called “live zero” – monitoring of the 4 – 20 fore place particular requirements on the dosing
mA signal of the measuring transducer, facilities.
– status report (self-monitoring) of the analysis
equipment, The precipitants containing iron and aluminium
– deviation from the plausible range of measured as well as milk of lime are classified as weak
values through monitoring of the upper and water hazarding substances (WHC 1). The fa-
lower boundary values, cilities for the storage and dosing of chemicals
– operation of a “maintenance switch” with calibra- are to be established and operated in accor-
tion procedures. dance with the requirements of the respective
[German] Federal State (e.g. Ordnance on the
Handling of Water Hazarding Substances and
on Specialist Operation [In Germany = VAwS]).
7 Storage and Dosing The aqueous solution of acidic precipitants
based on iron and aluminium salts is, as a re-
Technology sult of the low pH-value and the high salt con-
centration, extremely corrosive. All parts in con-
tact with the solution must therefore be made
resistant to acid, for example covered in plastic
7.1 General
or with a suitable coating. With the employment
of GRP, attention should be paid that the plastic
Common precipitants are summarised with their im-
coating is acid- and alkali-resistant, in order that
portant physical and chemical data in Table 2. Solu-
acidic or alkaline precipitants can be stored as
bility, density and viscosity depend strongly on the
temperature and the substance contents and there-

Table 2: Physical and chemical data on the most common precipitants

Product supplied Examples for normal solution
Precipitant (main component)) Typical form of de- WHC Percentage by Density or Viscosity Operating
livery Prec Active bulk density temperature
% % g/cm mPa y s °C
Iron(III) chloride FeCl3 Solution (32-42 %) 1 40 13.8 1.43 (20 °C) 10 (20 °C) > - 12
Iron(II) chloride FeCl2 Solution (20 – 30 %) 1 20 8.7 1.36 3 (20 °C) > - 15
Iron(III) chloride- FeClSO4 Solution (ca. 40 %) 1 41 12.3 1.52 42 (15 °C) > - 10
Iron(II) sulphate FeSO4 . 7H2O Crystalline bulk ma- 1 - 17.8 – 1.2 (20 °C) 3 (20 °C) >-2
terial 19.6
Aluminium chlori- AlCl3 Solution (30-40 %) 1 30 6 1.3 (20 °C) 10 (20 °C) > - 20
Polyaluminium Al(OH)3-xClx Solution (5-10 %) 1 - 5.9 – 7.5 1.3 10 (20 °C) > -15
Aluminium sul- Al2(SO4)3 Solution 1 24 4 1.27 10 (20 °C) > -15
Sodium aluminate NaAl(OH)4 Solution (5-12 %) 1 - 7.3 – 11 1.3 (20 °C) 20 (20 °C) * to > - 20
200 ** (20 °C)

> 200 (20 °C)

White fine lime CaO Powder 1 - - 0.8 –1.0 - -
White lime hy- Ca(OH)2 Powder 1 - - 0.4 - -
Milk of lime Ca(OH)2 Suspension 1 20 - 1.1 (20 °C) 100-150 *** >0
(20-40 %) 800-1200 ****
* 5 % Al content
** 11 % Al content
***, **** 10 % solution; different values through different grain size distribution

Table 3 contains information on the resistance of various material compared with aqueous solutions of
the precipitant.

November 2001 15
Tab. 3: Resistance of various materials to aqueous solutions of precipitants at 20 °C (1 = good
resistance, 2 = limited resistance, 3 = non-resistant)

Material: St 35, 1.4301 1.4571 GCI*, Titanium PVC- HD GRP

St 37 (V2A) (V4A) NGI** U PE
Aqueous solution of:
Iron(II) chloride 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2
Iron(III) chloride 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2
Iron(III) chloride-sulphate 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 2
Iron(II) sulphate 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1
Sodium aluminate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Aluminium chloride 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1
Aluminium sulphate 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1
Aluminium hydroxide chloride 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1
Milk of lime 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

* GCI = grey cast iron

** NGI = nodular graphite iron

Precipitants based on iron and aluminium salts and than 15 % of the daily performance. In case the
sodium aluminate are yielded as by-product in the pump is dimensioned too large an intermittent dos-
metal and chemical industries. They can contain ing can in emergency further reduce the consump-
residues and foreign material which complicate the tion of precipitant. Exceptions here are formed by
employment in wastewater treatment. Type and plants with deliberate biological phosphate removal.
share of these substances as well as the observa- Here, if required, even a separate pump to cover
tion of the permitted limiting values are to be given peak loads can be practical.
or guaranteed by the producer. Maximum values
are, inter alia, contained in ATV-A 202E. The precipitants in general are dosed through dos-
ing pumps or under gravity, e.g. from a levelling
Pour able precipitants tend, with longer storage to bulb, through a fitting. With plants with several dos-
material compacting and hardening (bridge build- ing points it is recommended to carry out dosing
ing). Therefore special measures for storage are from a ring circuit in order to ensure an even distri-
necessary in particular with hygroscopic products. bution and to avoid incrustation. Ring circuits
(see Chap. 7.3.3). should also be employed with suspensions which
tend towards depositing. As dosing pumps mainly
Sodium aluminates are as a rule also not stable for reciprocating and rotary pumps are used, such as
longer than six months. Here precipitation and diaphragm pumps, piston diaphragm pumps and
hardening can take place. eccentric screw pumps as well as, less often, hose
pumps. Due to their form reciprocating and rotary
pumps maintain with higher accuracy the dosing
7.2 Dosing Facilities quantities (design values) specified by the control
or regulation facility. For circulation mainly centrifu-
The dosing facilities and the pipelines associated gal and eccentric screw pumps are employed.
with these must satisfy the requirements of the
VAwS. Also with regard to the material used the Connections for flushing, air removal and emptying
same requirements are to be applied as for facilities are to be supplied in sufficient numbers for running
for disposal (so-called produce – treat – use plants up and running down. They should be installed at
[in German: HBV plants: Herstellen Behandeln Ver- points where depositing and precipitation takes
wenden]) and for warehousing (so-called store – fill place.
– tranship plants [in German: LAU plants: Lagern
Abfüllen Umschlagen] ). Externally laid pipelines are to be insulated and
equipped with concomitant heating. With frost-free
As the dosing facility functions as final control ele- laying in the ground this can be dispensed with.
ment its delivery range is to be agreed with the re- They are basically to be produced as pipe-in-pipe
quired delivery performance in the actual and de- systems which have a gradient to a visible outlet or
sign condition (expansion status). A too high dosing manhole. They are to be checked before commis-
performance is frequently applied, whereby the sioning and subsequently according to the provi-
dosing accuracy in the lower operation range is sions of the applicable VawS.
affected adversely or too high quantities of precipi-
tant are always applied. The highest dosing The output with reciprocating and rotary pumps,
performance per hour should therefore be no more depending on the system, is influenced by the

16 November 2001
number of revolutions per minute, piston stroke or related to clean water, but precipitants have a
number strokes per minute, with eccentric screw higher viscosity and density. In particular, the dif-
pumps by the revolutions per minute, with shut-off ferent viscosity of the precipitant depending on
devices by the duration of the opening time and temperature and metal content is often not taken
with regulator devices by the degree of opening. into account. The high - in comparison with iron
salts – viscosity of sodium aluminate with higher Al
The dosing and circulation pumps should as far as contents (ca. 10 %) and low precipitant tempera-
possible be set up in the vicinity of the storage tures is to be noted particularly in this case.
tanks, in order to keep the suction lines short. Fun-
damentally the suction line should be a nominal
width larger than the pressure line. With piston and 7.3 Storage and Dosing
piston diaphragm pumps operating behaviour is
improved by pulsation dampers.
7.3.1 Liquid Precipitants
With dosing using pumps care is to be taken to The necessary equipping of a plant for the storage
provide a sufficient back pressure on the delivery and dosing of liquid precipitant is shown in Fig. 6.
side. With several dosing points and different deliv- Here the storage tank (1) is represented with dou-
ery heads the pressure drop is to be taken into ac- ble walls. Single-wall tanks are to be placed in col-
count. Therefore appropriate measures, such as lecting troughs without outlet which have the same
pressuriser valves or separate dosing pumps, are capacity.
to be planned. For the layout it is to be noted that
the performance data of the dosing facilities are

Fig. 6: Storage and dosing station for liquid precipitants

November 2001 17
The following details are pointed out: ventilation valve on the suction line in order to
avoid a siphoning of the tank.
– start-up facilities (10,14), which can be re- – expansion fittings are to be provided for the
placed by a filling connection for process water maintenance intensive systems.
as an alternative (17). – in order to avoid overfilling with certainty, a
– flap trap with strainer basket (16). second, independent measuring systems (digi-
– overflow valve (22) for the security of the pump tal limit selector) should be installed.
membrane and the pressure side pipeline sys- – with a change of precipitant the system – in
tem. particular the tank – is to be washed out care-
– the delivery flow can be determined using sus- fully as precipitant residues can react with the
pended solid particle flowmeters or MIF (24). new product (precipitation). Furthermore the
with larger plants the continuous registration of plant must be approved for the new precipitant.
the precipitant flow using MIF is sensible for
operating reasons. At least one container
should be firmly installed for the gauging of ca- 7.3.2 Non-Pourable Precipitants
pacity in litres in order thus to be able to check Fig. 7 shows the system setup of a facility for the
the dosing simply at certain time intervals. dosing of iron(II) sulphate, in which the installations
– leakage monitoring (29), which indicates leaks for storage, dissolving of the salts and the storage
in the dosing station and the pipeline system of the solution (1) are combined in one structural
and which possibly automatically activates a unit.

Fig. 7: Storage and dosing station for non-pourable precipitants

18 November 2001
Attention is drawn particularly to the following: 7.3.3 Pourable Precipitants
– it is recommended that the cover of the filling Fig. 8 shows the necessary equipping for the stor-
opening (6) is equipped with load-relieving age, preparation and dosing of milk of lime as lime
weights or springs for easy handling. As faulty hydrate. In general lime hydrate is delivered in silo
filling cannot be avoided the tank should be vehicles and transferred into the storage silo (6).
provided with openings, safeguarded by sieves The delivery of precipitant is supported pneumati-
(5) for the introduction of flushing water. With cally via air cushions (5). The blower (2) should, as
the planning of the structure and the access far as possible, be mounted directly on the silo. An
routes attention is to be paid that vehicles can automatic monitoring of the cleaning intervals and a
approach and dump their cargo without prob- monitoring of the pressure difference of the exhaust
lem. air filters (12) is recommended. The filling level is
– in order to avoid a spilling of crystalline salt dur- monitored using mechanical detectors (7, 8), for
ing filling, the dissolving bunker must be exten- example rotating blades, pivoting forks, or moni-
sively emptied before charging (19). tored via the silo weight through continuous meas-
– the consumption of precipitant solution is com- urement equipment (15), for example: pressure
pleted automatically through the addition of so- pickup. Cellular wheel sluices prevent the “shoot-
lution water (7). ing” of the silo content material and serves as initial
– dosing takes place in Fig. 7 from the levelling distributors for the downstream spiral conveyer (14)
tank (11). Attention is to be paid to the careful or container scales. The material is transported via
retention of undissolved salt in the dissolving the spiral conveyor (14) by charge into the batching
chamber. and storage tanks (16). The addition of dilution wa-
– for improved dissolving it is expedient to pump ter (13) is controlled via the filling level (19). Nor-
over the solution (17, 18). mally the silo material, as no high demands have
for accuracy have to be placed on the mass flow, is
In addition the last five bullet points in Section 7.3.1 added via metering screws proportional to volume.
are to be taken into account. By means of special structural design, for example
as hollow screw, opposed double-lead screws or as
metering screw with superimposed rotational and
axial movement, a self-cleaning effect is achieved
and encrustation prevented.

November 2001 19

Fig. 8: Storage and dosing station for pourable precipitants

The milk of lime is dosed, from the storage tank, – dosing lines, as far as possible, should dis-
from a ring circuit (23), for example via rubber pinch charge below the water level.
valves (24). – ring circuits should always be filled, when idle
with water. Longer pipelines should be flushed
The dosing of milk of lime, in addition, sets special with water on completion of dosing.
requirements: – connections for the acidulation of the pipeline
system are to be provided.
– concentration of the suspension: 5-10 %,
maximum 15 %. In addition the requirements from the last three bul-
– with several dosing points as well as with long let points in Section 7.3.1 are to be considered
transport paths it is practical to dose from a ring analogously.
circuit. The suspension is pumped around this
in order to avoid sedimentation. Below some peculiarities with pourable precipitants
– ring circuits and dosing pipelines are for practi- are additionally pointed out:
cal purposes made from fabric reinforced plas-
tic hose (∅ > 1″, radius of curvature > 5 times – with the storage of pourable iron(II) sulphate
∅). Baffles and changes of cross-section are to and iron(III) chloride it is necessary to protect
be avoided; flow rate > 1.5 m/s. the silos from the sun as the products upwards
– dosing pipeline outlets from the ring circuit may from ca. 40 °C tend to form lumps.
branch upwards only in order to avoid sedimen- – with hygroscopic precipitants the exit opening
tation of the milk of lime. of the dry material screw conveyor (14), the
– rubber pinch valves have proved to be screw mouth, is particularly sensitive to back-
successful as dosing fixtures. ing-up, as the moist air rising from the solution
tank below condenses here. In this case an as-

November 2001 20
sociated heating and an automatic gate valve
below the screw outlet opening should be pro- 8 Economic Efficiency
vided. However, basically, the screw mouth
should be easily accessible in order to be able The economic efficiency of the measures for the
to carry out possible necessary cleaning tasks. automation of chemical phosphate removal is to be
checked carefully in every case. As a rule, savings
with the required quantity of precipitant as well as
7.4 Measurement of the Precipitation with sludge treatment and disposal counter the ex-
Concentration penditure for measurement and control technology.
Advantageous, but barely appraisable, is the stable
The density and concentration of the precipitant are maintenance of the monitoring value.
linearly dependent on each other. Thus the density
can be used in order to determine the salt content Already the installation of simple controls (input of
of the precipitant solution. This can take place precipitant dependent on specified characteristic
manually discontinuously by means of spindle curves or dependent on flow of wastewater) is
measurement according to Beaumé, continuously worthwhile even for smaller plants. Upwards from a
using a differential pressure measurement or a us- certain design capacity the employment of process
ing a mass flowmeter in accordance with the Corio- analysis equipment in combination with the previ-
lis principle. The concentration of the working sub- ously described regulation and control concepts is,
stance is to be taken from the data sheet of the re- however, more economic.
spective supplier.
The total system of the measurement system is
7.5 P-Removal by Raising the pH-Value always to be considered for the assessment of the
costs. In addition to investment costs for the ana-
With a precipitation using hydrated lime, the dosing lyst, a possible necessary space for the accommo-
system must be so designed that, despite varia- dation of the system, the pre-treatment of samples
tions of the flow of wastewater, the desired pH and the continuous transfer of samples, in particu-
value can be maintained at +/- 0.1 pH precisely, as lar also the running costs for reagents, replacement
the pH value to be maintained in the effluent lies parts and expendable items, servicing and mainte-
very close to the operating point of simultaneous nance and other incidentals are to be included
precipitation (pH = 8.6 – 9.0). (comp. ATV-DVWK M-269). To be added to these
are the costs for automation.
Gel electrodes with short reaction times have
shown themselves to be suitable for pH measure- Cost considerations according to the Cost Com-
ment. The manufacturers offer electrodes which are parison Calculation (KVR) Directive of the LAWA
especially suitable for the dosing of milk of lime [German Federal State Working Group Water]
(e.g. electrodes with Teflon diaphragms). The elec- show that the employment of process analysis
trode brackets should have large flow openings so equipment, depending on local conditions, as a rule
that they cannot clog. In addition they must be is economical upwards from a connection capacity
mounted in such a way that the electrodes are eas- of some 40,000 PT. Frequently such equipment is
ily accessible for maintenance and can be wetted at already present for other reasons (e.g. monitoring
every water level. In addition, it is an advantage for of documentation and operation). Then it is possi-
regular mechanical cleaning to employ an auto- ble to combine these also into the regulation and
matic electrode cleaner with which the electrode(s) control concept, if necessary the equipment for this
can be washed or acidated at short intervals. The can be transferred to suitable positions (comp.
acid flushing facility must be designed in such a Chapter 6).
way that no tangles can form on the spray ele-
ments. Systems which clean the electrodes in a The economic efficiency of process control with
separate tank can be an advantage here. During solely chemical P-removal is substantially depend-
cleaning the control facility (automatic) must be in- ent on the variations of the P-concentration at the
terrupted and the last dosed quantity of lime kept dosing point. Thus, with relatively constant P-
constant until the pH electrode is again ready for concentration, only a limited amount of precipitant
operation. can be saved and the precipitation sludge yield re-
duced. If the chemical P-removal is employed to
It is recommended that, in addition to the control supplement biological P-removal, although the P-
electrode an additional further electrode is applied concentrations at the dosing point in the outflow of
for the monitoring of the system. the biological stage overall are significantly smaller
than without biological P-removal, the variations in

November 2001 21
concentration can, in certain cases, be large due EN 891 Iron(III) chloride sulphate, for
the varying process behaviour of the biological P- treatment of water intended for
removal. Here, through process control, there is the human consumption: 1998
possibility of stabilising the biological P-removal EN 935 Aluminium iron chloride and alu-
through prevention of a large input of precipitant minium iron hydroxide chloride
and thus indirectly reduction of the requirement for (monomer), for treatment of water
precipitant and the sludge yield. intended for human consumption:
Furthermore, it is pointed out that an adaption of EN 1189 Water quality – determination of
the storage and dosing facilities also contributes to phosphorus – by the ammonium
the economical efficiency of phosphate removal. In molybdate spectrometric method:
particular with very small plants it is not practical to 1996
install very large storage tanks as here, with com- EN 12255-13 Wastewater treatment plants,
plete filling, the precipitant has to be stored too Part 13: Wastewater treatment
long. This is to be noted particularly with sodium through addition of chemicals
aluminate and pourable precipitants. Although DIN 19 611 Weißkalk zur Wasseraufbereitung
higher costs result with smaller storage tanks and – Technische Lieferbedingungen
smaller delivery quantities, the investment costs of [White lime for the processing of
smaller tanks are lower and the operation simpler. water – Technical delivery condi-
tions], Issue 1983-04
DVGW W 622 Dosieranlagen für Flockungs-
9 Ordinances, Standard mittel und Flockungshilfsmittel
Specifications and [Dosing facilities for flocculants
agents and flocculation aids.
Standards ATV-DVWK-A 131E
Dimensioning of Single-Stage Activated Sludge
[Translator’s note: References available in English are Plants, (2000)
shown as such. For those references with no known of-
ficial translation a courtesy translation is provided in
square brackets] ATV-A 202
Verfahren zur Elimination von Phosphor aus Ab-
EN 879 Aluminium sulphate, iron-free, for wasser [Processes for the Removal of Phosphorus
treatment of water intended for from Wastewater] (1992)
human consumption: 1992
EN 881 Aluminium chloride, aluminium ATV-DVWK-M 269
hydroxide chloride and aluminium Prozessanalysengeräte zur Bestimmung von N, P
hydroxide chloride sulphate und C in Abwasseranlagen
(monomer), for treatment of water [Process Analysis Equipment for the Determination
intended for human consumption: of N, P and C in Wastewater Systems] (2000)
1997 KVR-Richtlinie [CCC Directive]
EN 882 Sodium aluminate, for treatment
of water intended for human con- Leitlinie zur Durchführung dynamischer Kostenver-
sumption: 1997 gleichsrechnungen
EN 883 Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide [Guideline for the carrying out of dynamic cost
and –chloride hydroxide sulphate, comparison calculations], Publ.: LAWA, Kultur-
for treatment of water intended buchverlag Berlin GmbH, ISBN 3-88961-228-8
for human consumption: 1997
EN 887 Aluminium iron sulphate, for NN
treatment of water intended for Verordnung über Anlagen zum Umgang mit
human consumption: 1992 wassergefährdenden Stoffen und über Fachbe-
EN 888 Iron(III) chloride, for treatment of triebe (VAwS), länderspezifisch
water intended for human con- [German Ordinance for plants on the handling of
sumption: 1998 water-hazardous substances and on specialist op-
EN 889 Iron(II) sulphate, for treatment of eration (VAwS), specific for each German Federal
water intended for human con- State]
sumption: 1998
EN 890 Iron(III) sulphate, for treatment of NN
water intended for human con- Herstellung, Lagerung und Dosierung von Kalkpro-
sumption: 1998 dukten
[Production, storage and dosing of lime products];

22 November 2001
Bundesverband der Deutschen Kalkindustrie e.V., NN
Köln (1992), pH-gesteuerte Dosierung von Kalk- Herstellung und Dosierung von Kalkmilch
milch zur simultanen Phosphorelimination auf [Production and dosing of milk of lime]; Bundesver-
Kläranlagen band der Deutschen Kalkindustrie e.V., Köln (1986)
[pH controlled dosing of milk of lime for simultane-
ous phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment

November 2001 23

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