Baki Tezcan - The Second Ottoman Empire - 2010

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The Second Ottoman Empire Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World BAKI TEZCAN University of ClYora, Davis sili GAMERIDSE memo one sti Inmemory of Abdilbaki Tezean Smnomonaineteasey (1895, Kulfallar (Razvigorovo] ~ 1955, Istanbul) Earn eer ——— eel be iti eee (a ‘petty ata te pcwamcaeemen” = TS peace a Aan vo i iti rm ra | | Casio Pal 1 == eee eee ara ae net eee ieee ete aelee eaceaat Staake etatar a Sager TT hi Uy Pa ey a epee cy fe ‘Srey ei pa oes: ll oTOPranest Contents Figures, maps and table age x ‘Avinonledgmens ‘ii [oer on abbreviations, dates, prmunciation and ransteraon vit Jewoduction: Ovoman ptital history inte early mosem peiod 1 1 Ope market, one money. one av: The making fan imperil market saciey and th spies oll im ‘hed of etl scr an thes of uit we ‘Tepollicalenporement of ais hand spines 30 The sodaecombl comexote polilempoverent of js a 30 ‘Theol enpowement oe los of te aw nthe sbeenth cay 36 concise 3 2. The question of suecesin: Bringing the dynasty unde egal supervision 46 ‘Aoi ad consiois 6 (etmbing yaa by lop icin Py “The sual of Pins Meas @ saad hoff of he ga hat he einige ‘svete ey a Accson the hone Yrs emronemnt by vio eioty 72 concise 6 3 The cout shes bak: The making of Otoman absolutism. » ‘The trnormaton of feual vasa ino pena emperors a rom Om te ono Mtn I ie ret re 2 rom Mehmed, the peat ro Sleyman he pers 0 ‘The development ofthe cous caer fol poner 2 ‘The depen of Mats and be enbonemen of Osan I 108 x Contents 4 Anew emie fora second Osman: Osa Il in power (ieis-162) ‘sn ry at Ome tet eri ns hi Pe Aco cesta gd vier ‘hemi cpg of Onan apse Poland ia 1621 ‘The young mech aks fran amy "Tere of seh ‘Thefinin ttoen vice sd ol optima an epiate oncaioe ‘The abso dlgpemsatonoverured: A regicide “he Shadow of Gad ape ay Thesimee singe cpsin, ‘re dvpment ft Om etal my nto fe foil ‘poston “Tele sin ft Otman ry st ary pheooneoon ‘Wire pola prone “he lon ft myo plc ese rp Ses acl epee? {6 The Sacod Empire goes publ: The ag ofthe asses “heSxond Ep (580-125) ‘Then copa pli eomporaon “Teja elon oe seveneh ony Concaion Colne Fly modernity and the Ouoman dete biography Inder us us 1s 12 Bo 0 ua us 9, 163 175 7 » 12 18H 11 191 198 23 eSyy ea 267 Figures, maps, and table Figures 1. Panorama ofthe Bosporus (1588); courtesy of be Bodin Livary, University of Oxford 2. The edeson, othe cea building ofthe Grand Bazaar in [stanbl: from the Tessier Albom 3. The Arar Pusan, ce Women's markt Museo Civico Core, photo ret Bildarchiv Peasische Kuturbesit/ Art Resource, xe 4. "The destustion ofa wine taser fom te Taeschner Albu, ‘5. Bbalmeyamin Mostafa Efendi (grand mut, 1603-4, 1606). courtesy ofthe Topp Palace Museum. 6, Murad Is favvite mute: counesy af the Austin National Libary. 7. Murad ands ci bck eunuch Mehed Agha; cous of ‘he Museu of Turkish and samc Ars. 48, The college of law endowed by Gazaner Agha; counesy of the ‘Topkaps Palace Museum. 9, *Cielson fom the Taaschaey Alban, 10, “Preacher fom the Teschoer Alban 1H, Mall Ali; courtesy ofthe Trostes of the Bish Mascum, 12) Arava engagement courtesy af he Topas Palace Museum, 13, Osman I courtesy of the Tokay Palace Museu, 1A. Soleynan courtesy ofthe Tophap Palace Museu. 1S. Mecca, al eigeath century private election; pho credit ‘The Stipeen Cllction/ The Bridgeman Aa Libary. 16, Istanbl 1537; courtesy of the taba Univerity Library. 17. Commander ofthe Otoman cavalry: courtesy ofthe Austin atonal Lirary 18, A jnissry ins uniform; courtesy ofthe Trustees ofthe British Maseum pages wa os us 15 165 176, 20 Lis of ges maps and ables 19, Ajay in his il ati: coursy ofthe Deuces Arcolgiches Inst, Abtclung anal 2, Acofferbose courtesy of the Tuses ofthe Chester Beaty itary Maps 1, Tee Otoman Epic 1880. Adapted fom Hall fale ith Donald Gusta (es), An Econom and Socal History othe (Ottoman Epi, 1300-1914 (Cambaidge: Cambridge University res, 984), pp aay 2, Tye Otoman i Conta Europe 5. Otoman Sti 4 From Khon to Meera 5. Aste showing the locations ofthe Otomnan imperial Palace, the Ayala, andthe Mosqe of Sul Ahmed ‘Table ‘Weth ditsbton among teaser, 1636-51 201 29 10 13 st 168 203 Acknowledgments, ‘Te esearch and the wrting of his Book were made possible by gran and fellovabips ftom Pracetoa University. the America Research Insta a ‘Turkey, the Mes iles Whlng Foundation, te National Endoweneat fr the mantis, the Ulverty of California, Davis, and the Corll Society for ‘he Humanities. Tam most grateful to hee insations. T would ike wo thank the stmastraon and staf of various Moraes and sschves foe facing my research: Basbkanik Osman Arges (BOA), [Bibiwbique nationale de France, Beyaat Delt Katphanet, Comell Un ‘erst Lira, Dir ku -qawmiya,Dijaet net Basan Istanbul ‘Muto, Gavi Husrev-bepova Bibs, Islam’ Arstemalan Metker CUSAM Istana Universes Koiphanesi, letin KoyonoB Kotiphanes, ‘Mili Ktiphane the Nasional Areives, Picton Univesity Libary Shiels Library at the Univer of California, Davi Saleymanive Kitiphanes and “Toplagn Samy Ari ve Katipnesi, Special thanks are due t Duty Kanda (BOA), Glenda Nakpo CTopkapr Sar), Jason Newborn and ‘Adam Siegel (Shield), and Biol Uiker ISAM. I shoud also thank Ahmet Evin the founding dem ofthe Faclyof Ars an Seil Scenes at Saban, ‘Universi for roviding me with ofc space daring my long research Say Jin Istnbal (1998-2000) andthe la Neat Goying fo nodsing me 10 the roman hives Bilge Cris, he ate Oral Sande, Kemal Karpt, an ali faleiintoduced ‘me to Oriomtn history when Iwas an undergrad at Bilkent University ‘Aaa inthe early 1990s Tam gratal totem all for showng me the way. Tose a reat deal of thanks 10 Hea Lowry in whose oie I spent may ‘weckends, eaing bow to read land registers and provincial amames, ‘He and hs wife Demet Hanum crested a onder environment fr staying ‘he Otoman Empire a Princeton Univesity inthe dt ate 19905 when | enjyedthe collegiality and endship of age cohort of Odoman history st ens, namely. Mustafa Alsakal, Benak Bugak Nenad Filipovic, Janet Ken, ‘Ruth Miler, Tom Papudemeticu, Mien Pez, Chisine Phila, Michael ‘Reynolds, Suna Vaz and pe Vora. Other frends who contbuted 1o thn project in iaaluble ways were Shah Abmed, Janie Cabet-Cale, iv Acknowledgments Eleni Gar, and Youset Repoport. am grateful to Norman tow for being {rea mentor who cred forall aspects of my ie apd for always being thee ‘whenever I esd hin sa Haniogla taught me fate Otoman history and Intodieed me to Otoman docaments, spending countess hous wth me as tid to decipher various serps studied Isami aw with Hossein Moda ‘eri Arie with Margaret Larkin and Andras Haro, and Pesan with the in en Chinon, Peter Brown ad Theodore Rabo guided me nthe say of Titania aod ery tora European story. Molly Greene asked me the ‘gestion a eventual transformed my dissertation into this ook ‘Special thnks are du to Michael Cook, who took a ot of time tac sme how 1 wre, ead everything T ever sont o hi, and always provided ftmple comments and suggestions, He has superted oth my prada ad sgt work, and 1 would noc have completed his Book had he not ‘encouraged oe ogo ahead with Rift Abou Haj has bees mos inueatl in the way Tame to think shouthistry- Anyone Who reads this book wih his workin mind might posce {hatmineis tan extended commentary on some ofhis ideas. Hisengagement ‘vith my work ring graduate Scool and thereat as given me the sength ‘opubisit ‘ith Ihave never bee his staden,Cemal Kafadar has been a constant source of inspiron ferme since Teal bis "Janssaris and Othe ial ‘of Ortoman Istanbul Rebels without Cause?” while Twas working on my ‘sseaton. The influence of his work onthe present one wl be clear all, ‘Ooman stra "My colleapues at the University of California, Davis, espeilly Al Anos, Oni El Shaky, Susan Mille, and Sula Senn hairs nthe History Deparment the late Dan Brower, Susan Maa, Td Magadan David Bile; my director nthe Religious Stas Program, Noon Janowitz; td the founding sretor ofthe Middle EauSout Asia Studies rogram, Stad Joseph hve been very supportive of my wok ince Taied in Davis inal 2002 Te vas during my year st the Corel Society for the Humanities (2005-6) tat Iotumed to my diseraton and conceptualized the preset work. T ‘oud ike to extend my thanks o Bret de Bay, who was the decor of tbe Society the, andthe ther Flows expecially Nae Kang, wo provided ‘sm intlsraliysimslating environment forme wo go back tomy graduate ‘ork in rete a Tae een very inky tohave esi Peire aa seniocolleague at Besley sols te Divi She hs provided avis, constaciveetilsn encourage ‘men ad support and contin to dos even alr she moved Io NewYork Thou alo express my patie o Virgins Aksi, who provided me With cellent opportunities to publish my work, rad diferent versions of this book andere various sigesions for revisions, Acknowledgments 39 ‘Toldn Defimenc elped me a great dea in the choice ofthe usr tions, The Berkeley radiate tents who tok my seminar on early modem ‘Ota history inte fl of 007 read the fst and much longer ~ drat ffs book, and Leslie Perce’ students a New Yor University rad the penlinate version in the fll of 2008.1 owe thanks to them all fr their omens IFT fad to improve the book by neglecting some of the many Saggestins I eeived fom such adverse group of readers that inl Doh ‘raat dents and enor shor the esponsbity is min lone. ‘Marigold Acland at Cambridge Univer Pres was the bet editor ould hope tod. She made sr thatthe eng ofthe ook was manageable, which ‘eited net cut various ston ofthe fist dat that bv sive appeared Seles ence, the eerences to my own wok inthe footnotes. Tam hank fo Sard Greca, Amanda Stith Shelby Peak, Lary Fot, and Peggy Rote {or overseeing the production process and making sure Hat eveything Was pice. Towe special thnks to Gl Naron Chale for copyediting the book and {ho saving me fom many anembarassieat,and on Famed for preparing the nex ast uc ot es, 1am grateful omy fly. This bok is dedi to my eral gander Abdali Tezcan who emigrated fom a small vlge Sound Sumnu (Shumen ia Bolgatia) © Burs early nthe wentet co, ‘witnessed the collpse ofthe Ooman pie and he founding of he Tush Repubic, and evenly seed i Istana. Dusing the last decade, while Ts teaching and woking on various esearch projec my moter Emine ‘Tere, sister and rotor av Gul apd Hos Tee, andy brother nd sister law Gthan and Holy Tercan have taken cre of many things ‘in Tstanbul nlading my father Ajhan Tecan, wo passed aay after a ong, ness in 200, My ns in New York, Rober Shirl Jelf hart, sad Jule Rath been very supprtv ad understanding troughou the esearch and wing of his ook Finally, ny wife Jocelyn Share and Ihave been ‘ery Tock t have Teoman Jona (B. 2002) and Kayfan Elijah (2008) 0 Temind uth here moet ie than writing hook Notes on abbreviations, dates, pronunciation, and transliteration Tse the following abbevaions BaF: Biblothique nationale de France BOA: Basbakanik Osman Aries KK: Kam Kepeci MM: Malyedeo Midevver NA The National Archives, London SP Sie Papes Th: ‘idm Anitopedi! 162: Turkiye Dyanet Vf sn Anstopelsh ‘Tae dates are molly given nc (Common Ea) although most of the relevant rimary scores ae dated acing the hj sna. That calendar has {veins lonar months n a year of about 354 day, with he yea La (fer, hia) corespningo 622cr when Muhammad snd his followers let Mecsa {or Yates Whea a given hi date does not have enough peison to convert ietoa single year inet, then {supply the hr year first an iat bic Ce {yeas i conespeds sich as 1007/598-9, Rarely, sch asin publication {sts of books pulse inthe Otemsn pero nly nate thei eae Tse the Anglicied versions of most Ovoman Turkish nd Arbie wows tathr than wing them nial or transiting tem, the eerion bins inclusion inthe Oxford English Dictionary ence gh bes, har, ila "mult, pasha, Sharia, ma lea, vii, wat ~ bt ete insted of fled ‘nd kad inscad of cai In placenames I prefer English spelngs as wel xcept for placenames that onsite par ofthe name ofa pubis othe Foomots: hence, Istanbul but stanbul Universes. ‘When I wanslteate Otoman tems, uy to say as close as possible 6 ‘moder Tush pellings Inthe main body ofthe ext and inthe eniiation of authors, voi al the dacs associated with wansiteraion, excep for “ayn and hana when they appear inte mide of «word, which diate with an apostrophe [Ih repedacing tiles of refzenees inthe Toomer, owever, use the cucomiet to indicate long vowels in Otoman Turkish Because the orthography of node Turkish ssl in Hux and sometimes sii Noteson abbreviations, dts, prosusciton, nd aptiraton fer from the asliteration of Otoman Turkish readers may find hat the ‘ame wor is spelled fered in dieretfometes, suchas Tarik, Tah, td Tek Ia work dat originally have ae Twit the reospectivey {Gre en square brackets In ranlesting Arabic end Persian names at Ties, {follow the comentions ofthe Iemacinal Jour of Middle Bast Suis, "Tere are some Tues lester that donot appear in the Engi alphabet sg thers tht are pronounced diferent from heir English counterparts ee “eh asin "heck G.B When preceded or followed bye, 3 8,0 the “soft sounds ike “Yas in layer” when poceded and followed bya 1.0, ot 1 infil potion, lengthens the peeceding vowel: thus das pronounced "a" Eoin hale” Pasin wie {& “euas in French “dew” or "8" asin Geran “ren” "asin “shade” fi: “War in German “uber” on" an in French “ta” Introduction (Otoman political history in the early modern period (nthe moring of Wednesday, May 18,1622, the ings pvilion of the ‘Ottoman sland ny ote tents were tbe cared overt Oskar, cost fom Istanbul onthe Asan shores of the Bosporus (ce Fig. 1) Osan the seventeen yerrold emperor of it ands seeing fom mode Hungary tnd Ulrane to Eten and Yemen tothe south from eg to Ageia othe ttest (Se Map 1), was about oleae his imperial eaptal for ilpinage 0 “Mocs. However, most just nd tne overueiming majority ofthe memes ff the ary corp were opposed o te depart of the empror ab they ‘spected tha the young stan’ pilgrimage was cover for oer plans a ‘mould hive consequences detrimental to her own interes. THe ext da, efore Osman It cou even set fot ouside his alice, the opposion fre tathroed his uncle Mostafa. On Friday evening, Osman was Sangled at the Seven Tower where he ws being held prisoner Gods shadow on eth 8 (Osman It would be described in his imperial ile, was wot permite 1 visit the House of God ~ the mame given by Muslims 6 the Kab n Mees ‘Otoman emperors, Gas shadows on earth, sould not have been 0 easily slspensable, bu apprcaly they were. The politcal history ofthe Otioman pie inthe sevnteat century was marked By depostons ike tha of (Osman I Of the ten segs bythe ne sultans who oecpied the Otoman roe between 1603 apd 1703, six ebied ith detonemens. Tn modem Nstoviograpy, atlas unil rected: this dierepancy between te there ‘allan of Otonan emperas to uncontstd sovereignty and th paccal reality of tee frequent depastios has generally been interpreted a ani fextatlonof Onc decline, yet another sign of the dcder tat paged he empire begining in the lt tenth century. Although rceat contibations 'o Ouoman istrogaphy have challenged the delve paradigm fom various ‘gles ane interpretation of these depositions has eto appede. a thir acettook, The Age of Beloveds, Waler Andres and Mehmet Kalpalstok a ep toward @ ew interpretation of sevencenh- AA Tews os Ome mummy a ice oe nua” in [Ene sR hone od ANS Hi apse Par eater Ss Maps ama “Te dioltion of feudal strstr and the ie fui’ a 23 cavaly amy ofthe empire. Yethroughou the stent centr, in pare the development ofamenetized economy the inar ured into an oppo for investnent for those who could afford to buy it Tis transformation of the very pillar of Onoman feadal structures int a free-market ives ‘complemented the gradual unifcaon of distinct Otoman monetry 20s {n- inperal unite esltof the increasing coonetions mong markets ‘Together these changes symbolized the slow but steady demise ofa ead souk, Th theese" the Oomanimarisneither scans norasymptom ‘of destin," bt rather a symbol of profound seioeconomic transformation {hat produced he Second Empire am wellawarethat some stl prefer toasociatthtmarueston wth silty development that let the provincial cavalry obsolee Although I Spee tat he increasing significance ofthe infaney may indeod have payed 4 Sgnifcanole in he destabilization ofthe tina, the mary developmen Ahemsclves have tbe evaluated wit he socieconomic eomtext of telat sixteen century. Without telately developed marke economy, one could ‘ot inagive te growth nthe umber of infantry sors who received thet Salaries in eas, Rather than proposing military developments a the engine ‘of change, suggest ht the socinesonomic changes flat the spread of the use of laf soldiers tvougbout he emp, asi furter discussed in Chaper ‘Once this socacconomic transformation is appreciated, one can be ter understand the disappearance of eadastal surveys of lad, which were ‘designed wo termine the value of proceeds toe allocated to ina, ager ff andthe royal demese. As move and more tina came tobe leased 0 the highest bidders or earmarked as turns, he caasal surveys became ‘hve The question tha the east trays were designed toanewer wat ow many men eaing swords could be soppored bya corn wat and [Armarket force ame challenge eal ste, howeve he uname fal qeston became how mich mney coud be sed from the sme lad ith the miripace determining that answer. Ths 8 iflerent set of Saas al ecords ht Fosse on tax-farming rater than fe gained signifeance inthe age ofthe Second Empire, as suggested by the detailed wok of Linda Daring onthe Okoman nance administration rng the seventeenth cent. Silty, Metin Kun’ findings on Ottoman provincia wmiigration point toward sit from a Tend arungement toa monetary one" 'AS the caasval suey gradually dsappeared, sod the Aanannames, ‘he oily sanctioned complains of feadal administrate, fran, ad * no i pes nin Eeeuntioncmiris mare = EE Sy et i Se aati 24 One mri one money oa a ig 2. The bade oh al lig of he God Bann clr ‘eaten ifm arte ens ‘Bosc no cane rand pees apodntn btn wart ing ‘Nv Wl ttm fuser aches Minna em 1? San arene One ac Hale 1929, sntimes penal customs tht ifr fom region region. These two devel ‘pens wee cosl elated to cach thera the usual place of a lamaame twa a the beginning oft ada survey. The surveyors Would not only ‘Sve the land bt slo noe te various customs adbered oi he area that pertain othe relations between the peasant profuces and et holes or © "rious taxes collected in towns and ees. Once the alas surveys became ‘hao, the kanannames werenorenewed. A serch for seventent-cetury ‘anunanes bigs nich ever ess nconraswihe ich docuetation tthe late ficeth and sistent centres” And the few new kananames that ete comple for seventeenth century congue such as Cee, com tuned clases tht would more spprorsly be etegorzed under usa father than feudal cusoms,* To understand the relasonsip betwee he 190 Tepl wadtons andthe ise ofthe pot! profile of jars a ding the ° ape mae rh Ome oe eRe om natn ‘The disoltion feudal strc andthe ie fj aw 25 fens as twa Manor rece at shares se rss wth ‘Second Emit wl feudal law or the Lamar, became gradually elvan, analgesia Lan > ite Sate epee i nate econ nd it of be ar an ea CrP Es cer cece cage, oe “The dsoision of eal sce nd the ise oj aw 27 4 minsining publi oder and ensuring the wellae of society Juris? nw proper thus exe to consi alot exclusively of the “lame of men” ‘Svein ress associated wit pivate aw most extensively and ein eas ‘aed administrative av tothe discon a the politcal autho. By the nao ts development then, just l cold very esl accom node feudal aw, wich was consid by loca custom and had mech more todo with adainiseaive sues than peat lak. Andi rete, juts aw {i occomsdate feudal a for considerable tine. Feudal aw prec ft fo the pace provided by te noi ofthe sya shay, which happened. to be adopted by the Hata Scho! of juris la inthe teenth century. Fede aound he ine when compiling Aanannanes was becoming prevalent During the le fnceath and eat sbacenh centuries, several compa of feudal casts lw were ia etalon throughout the empire, Some Der tuned fo criminal lay ahd includ oseasional classes that dispecd With Jin” low these problematic claus were brought ito agreement with [hn aw ding he sbeeth com." Tn wn, jist asserted that Feudal law was operative ns number of ak ® The olay dominat legal tion of the early Otoman Kingdom and the puso empire Was feudal, law ‘Nevertheless, tis coexistence of feudal aw with aris’ law did not ast forever From th seco bl ofthe skteedh century onward, the use of and references eal or kane,gradualy decrease, eventual culminating {nts stark Semnciaton. An fmperal dates dated June 1696 sted at “all, Public and private airs are completely and exclusively repute” by the Shari: (iss dace hich hv te crc fn ie er nb sar wed by lemme ith (he rm nn ch nt em i cre th he ‘ots he toy Nal (shart) ote aegis ‘hy eo mat safle (rms shar an Terr ‘Stem desl uty lent hts ey he ble ‘sory waning esas te pg te ae re mer Lut Bask called tention to this denunciation, describing it a8 ‘elaton of elighus fanatic Richard Rep followed Barkan an arrbed Yt Om Ctl La VL Mg Ot sed “tert lente nro cn eee on Sem i et ier On ‘oc Mig week at ane a Hoe ae 0 {Sop iu Alen, Cm iar 347 i Hr Se in, Hey Sa. Bi, 18 28 Ove mse one money, nea itt the groming religious conservatism of the seventeenth century The ‘enon of te ham same to symbolic the delet of “seco” law in {te Ouoman Empre” "Ts Orioman scolar came to sicite the Laman with that which sna scala ke, and arts nv cams the synba of reigns fanaticism [No supe the former was depicted a te eet behind these of the eng bd te later the ease of cine. Song sultans dring the “Shas” prod were able to impose thi wl ough te aman but te hit Barkan cal the “ums meni” look over and rough bout the ‘eis of th onan This set the sage forthe deci of the empire ‘Yet here ia major problem with ths interpretation of fas. The decree tht cued the se ofthe tem kau was made by the tomar sultan Must wo most cern consoled Seysid Feyzllah, his menor and ‘he rand mut, efertsuing Ths, Seid Fela musth sour of lio antici, cording otha trretation. Asc happens, bowever, would te very dificult call eyyd Feyuilah religous fanatic Feyzalah tvs known, among ter things, to have ben plains wo comet the Gala ‘Tera nent oan berry wit the eof European stoners He was oe of hse Orman scholars who atl tad a song tsning Internal scenes, someting thal eis Tanai are suposed to be ‘erpoed to Feyallah ls found several medreses, of colleges ofa, abd ‘reat housand of books others, some of which operat this diy for example Mile Lita in tan These are othe dsinguishing feats a a eligious fanatic, ‘ats ge even moe complied when one looks fr eligius fanatics cua eyzllah eyrlla’s teacher, Mehmed Vas, was the Kid of man ‘noe Barkan ad Repp woud definitely associate wih eis fans ‘he was eld inthe third pase of the Kadadell movement in he ‘Seon flo the seventenh centr thin movement i usually eed as oi ae 17 a ema ny aan ea ‘far 145 ac Rh ep "Oa an hr nthe On comet ‘ear Sct Cn Rr ee in 1, ink ets nao Kae il ad aie 1 tee bone lo orto «rn ns fn ha 10 a gerne wees Ti en ego Sa “The disolton feudal uraces andthe rie jurist’ lv 29 ‘ne of the reasons why the Otorpan kamu ost agains the Shara ust, Tike Fey, bowevee Van to, was well edvatdin the rational since, hich ntact the imsgeof religous fanatic, Vani war a Kien preacher ‘hued inthe eastern provinss ofthe Ovoman Empire, herein some tating places, re and therein the land ofthe Kur" oe could tll find Sone who taught aia sclences afer och teachers were outed from he redress ofthe inperal center. Sach esterers, scoring w Kab Cele, ‘Teal “pve themselves temendows sie” when they came 10 [anbul fo others ha any ning in rational sciences Aldough Katib Cele tic before Vial arsed in Istanbul his remarks coud wel have desided ‘nia be ecived lt of tention atthe coo and ocame very lose © some st the moet powerful people ofthe time, incling Mekmod IV he {gcc ther Than Sula; the eldest ono te sltan, Prince Mustafa and ‘Ropla Fail Ahmed Pasa. who a met im nthe es a inoduce hi {othe imperial apt afer be became grand vier Thus both Vani and ‘oyallh the former's iden and socesor nthe position of mentorship © Prince Masa, oved ther prestigious positons in telearaed hierarchy tothe lc, an thy both were tained inthe rational cences that id been ued {fom Orta medrese inthe ate sistent centr. They squarely belonged {othe sbsluia can on the map of Oxoman plies which preset ove ‘dst in he ext chap ‘This pula constellation of political forces, which suggested that the bec a enleed the dams of jurists’ law and syed themselves 3s ‘hampons ofthe Shara ia he late seventeenth cent. simply does 4 Hn tp with Barka's explain for the demise ofthe kamen whichis also ‘Stppesed to function aan explanation fr Ouoman decline inthe seventeenth ‘entry, To give aking example, Kopel Faz Ahmed Pisa ought the ois ofthe ol day's hack othe Oroan Empire dig his long tenure as {and vie (1661-76) His tenure is wll repesete as one of stabity nd likened tothe “classical” era in vais Wa And Ye. twas is me Kips who iniodaced Vani, supposedly fnac, to the palace and entiovedto sop him Couldthe symnbolofthe “classical age andthe case ‘of deine really belong inthe ssn picture Ina ilar vein acoring othe prevalent understanding of Otomsn dcie, strong sultans issued mans nd the reactionary member ofthe wlema opposed them at, championing te ° gent ae cen Zaman Pb dn Une tame A) + EASE SST Ta mean {Beanie ras” 228 * Sn dhe me fdr Tey Gant: xb Us, 30 mus one money, one ew case the Shari and ringing bout the vicryof anaicism, Yet Most {acpi hisclear support forte Shri oppose toe kanun, was ral ‘tho tet stent the ulna, which broght about his poston in 1703, Weal tno fats ofthe lea opposed Fezula jut afew years tier the ssunce ofthe decree deveibd eer How does ne explain the ‘opposition ofthe ules, who aresuppsedtofave trot about he demise of {fe anon toa man who actully championed te cause ofthe Shari ats {bela seems the covenional wisdom nas oe revised stead ‘bsg sign of faite sing profile of ar’ lathe expense of the han may wel be yet acter indian of soioeconomc change, us sere the demise of th mar and of cadstal sey. ‘The political empowerment of jurists In tis seton, I we specif exampls to ilstat the relationship of some ‘the soioetnomic developnnt of te steeath century tthe is ofthe plc poi of rise, Thea show that, though Otoman jst st ‘mech avon thy were integrated sh aiisraie irae ietetr for securing Crain pvileges for themes, hi plical impact ‘othe highest eves ofthe ie polity cal ineteased contributing 10 the increasing role of al diacous nipple presses. and its practitioners ‘The socioeconomic context ofthe political empowerment of ars’ law The weakening and eventual denuncistion ofthe Az in relation to the Empowerment of jars nw werent raed to 9 sen increase of fart ‘Sb among te Ottomans but nea can be scen ax the producto vo deve ‘tents stemming fom the ecoecoaai wansformation ofthe siteath cea int the grav development of @ monetized market economy created ret insttions whe regulation fll no the domain of jar’ law, a i rath that had experience in dealing with commercial anssctions and ‘er snes del This made ars” aw too important o be ignored by the ‘yay, The ricer ide Between pate aw and pc lw of he cer rod bad ep pve a, he sabject of which mos fll unde juris fen; mor ores ot ofthe rai othe pial autor. Yt srs av proved to e ei for the developing market economy inte empite the “putt the need to ntervene in wih Vw wo regulariing "Te second development ws nt ently spar frm the st bu eater ‘was more ovety pla expression of Inthe ate sxeemth a sven teeth eure thee occured the exputsion of the Ottoman pol nation th te tie, comesponded more or less wo the asker, een tat tray teat "ilitary” ot aetaly refered othe privileged cases of Otoman tock. Many members ofthe aster were the sping of od noble fae, “The pli empowerment of jis lw an its pracioners 3 cenly Onoman conquerors, abd dvyrmes. As sac they were distinguished ftom thereat subject (iteraly "Rock The socoeconane deve- ‘omens of hese centiy provided eppetanies for upward moby ‘Smany an ekepeneu who ied the Oman ake scenes, erally "atside"a designation that refered tothe commoner gins. Te dynasty fa the ot regulate affairs among the members of th cca expanded fuling las in nde t contin its egemony over hn atm tha re the dynasty noe and more in the domain of ri lat, which andled teins among individuals ‘One ofthe mot llstratve examples ofthe relationship between a mone tay econo adhe political empowerment faa Taw ashe ash ak entrovery ofthe sbteethcetay,WakT egal constucttugh which {ne could eno one's property source of come fr paul purpose Forinstane, sore could be endowed with the specication tat i Feat Was {ging tobe sed forthe upkeep ofa particular mosque or forthe salary of ofeso teaching at collgeof aw, Thee were aso my “ally WAKES.” {he primary benfcanes of which wer the descendants ofthe person who ‘stalised them. Was that were founded by eash endowments wee fist, ‘ete in he he ely teen enary? The numberof such endowment incensed apy during the sixteenth century according tothe egiter of| webiste were fond in Istanbul nthe century following the Otoman ‘onqoes. According otis ester, 1,150 wakfs were eter exlusiely or Foray endowed with eas; of hs, he date ofthe founding of 918 enon mens was recorded: 43 peceat were founded between 1456 and 1495, 24:4 Peroen between 1498 an 150, and percent between 1520 and 1546, 2 tot of 13,253,736 ales were endowed in the period 1820-46, whic i ‘oughly equivalent tothe ax even ofthe Otoman Expire derived from the ‘Anatolian provinces in the scl year of 1547-8" These gues demonstrat the gravely increasing signicance of cash wakS nthe stent contr, tnd they could easily be supplemenced by tas from other eases fom the later part of the sixteenth an well athe seventeenth centuries ‘Although the ncressng importance of endowments in cash shoud not be surprising within te context ofthe development of a arent society thrng the ssteth centr, they novels cased a gal comoves. ‘Cash wake, of charable rs founded by endowment in cash, were not ‘own in the Islamic wold before the Otomans. Moreover, the prevalent sat tao a as Sa aa «+ pu Ge Lat ron to Bo i ye aa san Deer — Sin ton "95 0c pnb Oe Ha ‘Gara te ots hema 9097-2 si8 eae “au tS pl chm afr 185-16) Sm 32 Ove mins one money one a Jel pinion among the juss who followed the Hana Scho! was ot very eine on hs sue. The most iberalopnion, te ope ascribed to the Fanart Zafar (4.775) allowed cash was only onthe costion tha the cpt was placed ia busines parents fo produce profits to be used fora chatble purpose. Yet inthe Oteran practice he capital ws lees ‘ned in eng money with interest, though usually under the cover of eel feton eile manele ere that were used to circumvent the ermal oii of sry in juris Law to pay 10 percent iets fo instance {te boomer would sll a symbolic good tothe ersitor for the amount of the cet a poms that he would by it back in a year fra 10 percent higher price. Moreover, Zafer was nt deemed to be 2 major Hanah jars ‘hose opisians could serve a he basis for an opinion ofthe whole Haat Shoot Nevereles jarist after juris approved cash wakss by confining Feunditon dacs of chatable tse with esh endowments uni via the che asin of he European provinces, made an tempt to outlay them ‘sun 1546, which happens to be the date ofthe registred exe.” ‘iviade’s opposition to the cash Wak as founded upon sound legal resonng wit the parameters of juris av. Yeti esponse, ote arss ‘re ters or teats gung fr te peemssibiity ofthe cash wa based ‘on the pstcpes of ana, generally acxped practice, and isha, the ‘ela ofthe people la May 1548 eight moms after te death of Cvizade Sey std an inp eee delarng the cash wakT legal on he ass ‘tte legal epnins expressed in favor bythe leading juris of he ime, incloing Hho’ the rand mui" ‘Sey’ dcr has obo uadestod as an intervention of the pltial tutor inthe proceso te acultion fur law. As the work of Wal lag demons, «weak legal opinion cou nly become the detive opinion ofa school overtime through such processes sash corction, ‘nd ar, declaring an olan to hae beome commonly seeped in he ‘Shoo These procedures were inthe ands of the urs a a collecive ‘nd ths rogue song coseasus to be bal sound the legal opinion in {pesion Inte cave of cash Wak, such consensus didnt exist. Chad's ‘poston vas corned by Bult Mchined (1573), who in his widely ‘ind Alora el matammadyya (The Mabannadan Path), singled out te * it ne 2 Oo at ao OR eee a maser om ‘he Dele of te Ontnan Lear Hierarchy Conon: Vaca Prem, 186) 255 a ee ee aaa Pei ela orem te ‘The pata empowemeat of juss aw andi eaiionss 33, cash wakf “one ofthe great vis” of his day Ths the opinion soppred fy Bousu'ud as not neces acceped a sah, of caret. win the anal School it was the impel dete tat secured is validity. Despite thealfimative opinions of some contemporary ors, «fr ass twesconcermes, he sla asin effect sanetonngs weak pion within the Hanafi Schoo. Appointnent etre of oman jes leary refered the Sula's unas scion: "in mates in which thers dngreement, work ftom the stemges positon [thin the Hana School of lav Do ote weak statement 19 suppor your acons except inthe mater of cash wag donot sandon "Tis political inervenon inated the close relationship between (wo Iie Sea Tain Bc, oe ar: Ken Ba Car Oe eet tame se Geet bem merece at io cee ee ce then fm rm ee eee i nate aen anima Socata Se SM Ovemarket one money, one a Stleymn's decree concening cash wags was arpbly his mos significant ‘trenton int the la Ebost' once noted Hat here were altogether thro such css in which the poitalmathorty expessed a preference {Enon te competing opinions in he Hanafi Schoo o 4 prtcaar question {0 termine the preponderant opinion be applied inthe cours of law — Uhfortanely via deiying them” Yet none of the ter cass wes Spurl deeted to as rail alter the spirit of the Hana Scho! of Js av st the one onthe cash wagf whch coniued to be the only ‘exception mentioned in the appointment ltrs of Otoman judges. These Ter intructed the appointee follow the soundest opason in eases whee There was dnagrecment among te Hanafi arity "acepe for [he ase ote reestaton of rusts endwed wit cash In hates the weak pinion Was toe prefered —ataly substantia intervention ino the a Thus the most Senin intervention of the pla thoy no the domain of urs law mas nein whic acted wo re apa proces f economic change that ad tlreay bas tuted by soil dynamics. The dynastic autos was not the gen of change bt aris ceat, Having become so enmeshed ia jar ly the plied autho could not then sop the aris themselves fom tating Hs om domain, whee they woud son decide who would be the ext emperr as shown nthe next cape. Teme pow tr tothe soon development denied a! he bein of his section, The expansion of market networks an the related expansion te politcal maton required the grester involvement of the dja in ‘eeunting the afar of he member ofthe ring els nore contoue Ishepemony over tes, whish dew the dynasty more snd mere sno the born fur’ las Before the sxeeth centr, he dyasy ws pinay onsemed with te kanwn wich hada cenain degree of tony fro Juris’ aw a menoned ere, This mae sence ina society that was sity Ste between th lr andthe ue. In Ria Abou 1-H’ ncassion ‘nthe development of he Onoman state, his stage would corespond to the presinteencentry “last” wish ber was arly any disnton Fecveen he ain cla and te stats, they were one” The lng cas and these were one an the sue and consisted the aster who Hive ff the spl produced by the subjects, the re'aya. Admunsaive lw focused tainly on he legal oganization ofthe re'aa's explain bythe asker! though various “iste” Ths the sphere of pubic or administrative La, tic ws Felt wo the discretion of de olcal athe inthe tation of {st Taw, was sacent wo ergarize the expotaton ofthe ruled by the > nae ra tener i ee Eee eee eae Se oe rr ‘The pital emponerment of jis andis rctonen 38. ruling ls, which sl as identical wih se administration. But ce the fain cli he o incade members ode thn those who were eoneced fhe oval adminisration, pale administrate aw could not be sufkient rele issues. "asthe Boundaries Sepang the re'aye andthe ase gradually shied wit he ety of economically powerful commoner int te rung class sie opprtunis provided by market forces the poiical authority that had tosovure the sustainable exploitation of te ruled faed anew station, which Toa impact on ts relationship withthe law. Teter bad to expand t Iow some space for ll he commoners so enered the ling clas, ot tad to fret isl rom te ruling class and hus eceep the postion tf repreeiing Ke vis-i-vie the eld, rather than beng ideal with it The int sponse seemed wo be along the lnes of expansion, as shown by the ineeasing numbers of Otoman elte troops (soe Chapter 5). Bu in he Fong fun the Otoman pial authority followed the suey of diereniating Tei om he rullag cas asi came oeosgnie that vas impose © inch the ent poical nation within is ranks, Tis process of eiferenta tions grad one, and it avlved ever strgaes within te rang les el asthe dynasty was reluctant to ose is dominant positon nthe poy, Daring these srugals, the juts callenged the autor of the day any times, 8 dacused in Chapters 2,8, and 6 To respond to these legal Challenges more eflectely, he dynasty made an efoto extend its auerty ‘erthe sphere of juris and thea, shown in Chapters 3 and. Whereas the lepimacy’of dynastic authority had bee bi ype the feud waons represented y the Eonar in the eater peso, the ints of royal autho iim the Second pire were nepoited wih jars la as Uscasod In Chapter2 "The empowerment of jars’ aw atthe expense ofthe Kanu ited he ‘arith separsted plc from private In andthe sphere of the ai ination from tat ofthe seit, Now the entirety ofthe I was open fe Se Aol nd consaoalite 1 (ne oul red arg parof he otic erat ofthe ae sixteenth cen tury argument for or auinst a particular defaition ofthe amon. Beease stom was ever changing while supposedly ever the same, immemorial yet perfectly adaped to new needs, hs Mudty presented a serious problem. Fctose Ottoman writers of pol tract who opposed the ety of ew mers int the politcal elie Feeling the imminent danger of losing thei prileged sas to sme “outsiders they argued that society cone of {nse and everyonc had to know one's pace. As noted by Rift a Ali Abou ELHG) the language of decline tht is fou in most of the Iatesisteenh- {nd sevententscentry pole tits was the pod of thi conserve tie tomar soa ange’ The conserve take on publi a in the ‘Ouoman context as that twas supposed wo aret soca change y defending the bounaris between be dieent cases, publi could ntl his {unetion, for instance by preventing the commoners fom entering the polit ‘alle thn society would be ess, Indeed, conservative poltial tes ‘poly presented the entry of commoners the “outsiders” as the che disaster ‘sponsible forthe devine ofthe empire In contrast, he ial approach {ound in some politcal iterature ofthe period suggests that the old amas ‘were no good forthe new times "Having posatd th conservative nd liberal arguments onthe aptabiity of publ lato socal change, et me invoduce the second gueston tht Interacts wit this one; at she prope elaonship betwee he divine and ‘he weelly or the ust ane aminsvaoculer~inthe making of pubic law. As argued eae, some of tose who discussed te lw mos in terms ‘th aan were bra a easton cera ses, and ts believed ht the Taw needed adapt socal chung. Others were conservative and suggested that he lav was no able wo atest social change, then deci was detitely ‘pending. A diferent se of wer, wo approached the aw mos interns fut la were sims divided in th understanding ofthe adpbiy fof the av. Let me provide conservative viewpoint. Kialzade Ali's celebrated Onoman scholar and just whose Sublime ohes (Ala ia’) was the moss popular work among the Oxoman et Jing public for centres on practical pilosoph., which consists of eis, ‘onomis~tobeundertood x howseholdmanggement~and polis, exer Dlied the jurist who iterpctad conservatively what he eleved to be the ‘vin intention. A common denominator of many pial wacts (rasta ‘names that sixceth ad ovetceth centres, he cancer sbaut class sao, "he Oana ° tn a kay aun a Ave eve ee ta Ua nf ‘hl ty Mats pt oa sD (923-25 125, ee ie A Hea Aa it a 1939) 36,38 Fite Niel Us an Sond Cert Kp re 52 Theqution of scesion unas, wat atculatd in Abia Ala’ inthe most elaborate fshion "hep hint elstionshp among ths economics, and pois Inthe tug sae of sce te oundarie separating diferent clases become a ‘url extension of heboundares betwee he embers th howsebold and ‘hoe tween one's thre souls the royal (ona, the sage Gs), {aul he bes (conepice) soul To reach perfection and equim. ‘ch ndvilly and socially, these boundaries ad wo be proeted. So fr Kinde ws ot ny ferent fom more wes conservatives who argued the sre point by using the Kanara the asuuren of Iga contol forthe etn of class boundaries, "Whit mae Kiaiade conservative just inthe sense of divine luyyer—t opposed ton conserve sepporte of the kama was his ack tf enfdece n te ability ofthe Hom To Keep society inorder tha is {oii he pltel hegemony of the eet political ete He was well arta sci if isan sent nwhich coichng interes face each thet nts Eseryoe is partolar denies, and everyone, “especially he omnon pele whowe petites ern wel refined and ready ei fy pute tes indvidl desire sritou regard fr oie The presence ‘inom intrest may wel bing aout situons in which people we force wo bain what they wan, Hence the need fra seme goverment funy a pen atiraor or rolex, However a psea rer cannot guaraice the longevity ofthe socil order by himsel. This ruler has tre by divine tas But won ight ak could potent ler tule bya diferent kind ‘fli? How abou for astance, a ptent king who ays down laws, sch 3b ‘Genghis Khan sad his yaa, or law? Kializade ase ht sch man-made Ian pus avay asthe power ofthe state declines, as did the laws of ‘Genghis Khan, which disappeared ter sot the iat 1440s In comrast the {vn lowfat as ben in force for almost thousand years" Thus 3 overment sold be based yon the of Gof itso as Ts ota 0 ‘Sot Knlizade invoked Go's ao prevent “the common people whose ‘posites aren well find and ae mated Wye” om emterng the ang {its comervae caus inthe nt sixteenth cent. ‘inlet ly, however didnothaveto be conservative. Ve sign eons na ect stay tat Otoman jars, whe legitinized fl legal opinions always in eference to divine law, actully displayed a pet degre of alpablytovatd social charge inte late sistent apd ‘rca cee, This dpablty wus evidenced in mates pertaining 2B Se nate T a hen eh oe ar Ce a Sin eos oe eee, ac cee ate ES Se wrote Sema . pe to economic sues whereas their preven atude on family sues was ‘omer. Thus urs were selctive in tel egalatude toward social ‘Change, which may well have been te for tose oman wees who worked ‘ot in tb Wordier domain a be Lamers well. ‘The ust question Imestioned athe bepaning of his sections the oe that ccuies us hroughoat the resto his sty. Can eer ange pila at ‘il eis be bound bythe existing laws in sucha way tht he snot capable of ‘hanging them? A simple example dat would connect tis theoeical question ‘withthe Otoman historical experience wouldbe whether are cou abolish the privileges of estalished isons, sucha the janisares. For instance, ‘Onan as an absolut ought that he could ote the consttionalits, Aisapee. For them, the stan had cern igs and obigatons hat ncided the “protection of privileges and eatiemens of those who were tought © ‘deserve hom He could nosimply declare them land voids these Were ‘datonl bonds hat held the Otoman pole stuctures in place ‘Tete emphasize again ht he group label abot ad constton- sls id at dovetal wih conservatives vesus bras. Thus here were bsh ‘Someratve and liberal constiuonalst nthe sence that sme supporters ofthe imato of royal auowty were seal interested in aesing soca ‘ange, whereas ote were Inclined wo afi i, Simlety some conser fiver sipped absolutism because they believed i woud belp thr Lint the pct of socal change, whereas some Uberals dd the same inode 0 fencodrage change. This complex arses fom the slmple fact tht soca ‘hangs produces complet esl. The ape ofthe Sond Empice was naked by to closely related developments (1) the expansion ofthe polical nation fad the subsequent tension that developed ateen the old ete andthe es {and @) the reconfiguration of the role ofthe dynasty within he expanding politcal nation, whieh created the rwo postions ofthe bso and const {inal Theexpansion ofthe poitical ation di notpace every newcomer inthe same sociopotical space, For instance, many upwardly mile com ‘monersatempled to ene the provincial polial elite nthe Inte sixteenth cena. Howeves, thers id 1 oi he ele eneebed in the imperaleapi- {al eating tothe infaton ofthe number of personel Fhe aig isto, ‘which is discusedin Capers and 6, Both te commoners who joined the [rorinil elite and hos who founda postion in the imperial capital ad the Same objective ~ ensuing the cofiaton of heir repeats — Bt at ‘mes they had To ight eachother to achieve i sin the ease ofthe Jalal ‘ehelions dcused in Chapa 4 ‘Sinise’ particular ideas abou the pop elaoship between the vie ad the wordy inthe oakng of pul law di ot comespond o any ‘atic pac Inthe absoust-constuonlist divide wae ite possible 2 i oe pti 7-1 2 afi De neg 80 ae 54 Thequesion of secession to make case forthe supremacy of juris lw and ye allow a proper place forthe royal porogtive wii a8 was done tequenly inthe sixteenth ‘fy Akernatiely this supremacy could be consaced in such a way ‘Stocarb he sultans ethos as was dope in the miitary rebellions of te Tie intent and sevencemh conus that ae analyzed in Chapters 5 and 6 Orone might constr an aientconsttition base on worl sources of Ta et se this constiton oi he autor of the san, asi dscssed ‘ory Fall one oul also arp that the royal prerogatvessaright grated by te acieat consthaton, san Onoman author suggested to Murad IT when betaine that fr Stim anhing that a sun di was fama.” ‘The fac thatthe groups o ete ide ofthe absoutit-consiatonalst sivideddn dovetail with boo the ovo sides he debate aout rope lice of te Aamun in Ottoman law may be problema forthe secalar-inded Inder ade who might be condoned to associat constiutonalism with [Ewe td abst wih aris ave Yet one has wo remember chat te Tara coal wel be ed ora bsluist project asin the autocratic policies ff Mehmed I (1451-81) And the Islami wadion fom which the juris” Taw orga, hs Been ich source fr alteatve poli systems from the anachitm of he ery Khai in he seven ceaar othe wtalitarian ticatrhipof some Wahab inthe eat; thas t shout nocbe suring that Ottoman jars could sve ther supporto ciferent pital poets. "Wt sees more troublesome was te lack of corespondence between ‘ne consttatonlise and Tera on the on hand, ad the absolute and ‘onseratves, onthe tht Afterall, dion politcal isoryhasa tendency tolumpsochategoes gtr asexerplied inthe desepion ofthe Whigs ts consttanalit liber Ye we know instance, that mich before he Ficof the Whigs a group, the royals and aioyaist forces of the English {nil War were no vid along class ines, which would have faitsted an Scaument forthe lial upwardly mobile etry supporting the anroyaliss fd the conservative wealthy pers defending the ryaly. Although more fees joined the royalist, some dijon the anizoalss, and ters were ‘eur or uncots Aesordng one isvian, "he gentry wee equally ‘vided, without any clouly marked divisions ox nes of wealth "= Had ‘liver Cromoell not been on the losing side ofa poiialstugele between two faction ins hee town of Hutingdon in 1630, bemighthave comsnued tobol fice there and could well have been a royalist during the iil Wi, nates of beeating Chases whose ate James was fequely eterna 3 a ee in Omanh De Ti Da Kya, 15 2 filo, soap eM aa VTE 5 Le eg io rem ao me Oe ™ Lown Se The Ca! of he gh Roig 199-152 2nd La: Ra tees, ” byyhisuele and namesake, Over Cromell, the "Golden Knight.” If one's ‘Suppo particular party inthe Civil War was nota deve of os lass fr socal standing, how could we be rire that twas a rodt of one's eas peaining oscil change? “The absence of a erect cocespondence between such categories us om stntnaiss an ies on te one hand, and absolut and conservatives, fmthe other, doesnot, however, ean tat the srg between he abso ‘nd the coastutionaiss was simply a power stugee among the Otoman ‘he without ay conection fo socal change. Fling to recognize tis sigi- {eam distinction may Ted one to dismiss the seventeentycenury rebellions {nthe Otoman Empire es merely an expression of elite infighting. The socio ‘conomic changes that too place nthe Otoman Empire througout te at fico and sixteenth entries lod tothe development of ew sci group, ‘ich consisted of people who were sucessful bothin using the monetization ‘ofthe econony tote xn avantage and in anslating this economic advan- tage pola sats by demanding, or istanc, hata Tamang should be reward by asker stats. The enty of sich newcomer into the politcal ‘ein he ae sivcenth century Ted othe expansion ofthe plea nation, tas these new players who challenged the paial domination of the old ht and forced embers certo for alliances with them oo ake an Sete stance apaast thm At the ed, the pliea struggle took place along the boundaries of yal auibsty between parties that nluded members of both the old ad the ne elie. Thus, ass demonstated in some deal in ‘he following etapa, the stugele was brought about by the sceoecopomic orcs tha ogo the not elite the fist place ving made ll dhe necessary qualicaons ii te o focus on how he ‘onstutonalist ease was made by one of ts mot eloquent defenders, Masta ‘Ri agaist Marad Ihe sla who iia a numberof projects wih Shelve agendas Murad IT was een on changing the ole ofthe sultan on the Otioman poi stage. When he came to Itanbul 0 socoed is Taher ‘Selim ey lt on Testa nigh, December 21, 1574, he almost ised the hand of Soke Mehmet Pasa, who, as grand vizier othe past nie years, Ind near controlled the emp al by himset2”Sokol’s power rp on pois was pot os on Mora I's constants Te aoayimvs autor ofthe {Case of Kings, for instance, rgd the sua oak the tative in aking ppeinent the imperial admiistave and bureancatc states ‘The earf heats inbesoing eis) Sic gut fe ens how of ‘es as ie oman of tao a allen ede ese ef be ir ‘irate we geno he bo paso te an ver paver ter emt a, 1965, Pa s.r 2 Gol agr me eer irene nd tlc 2 Resume ep etal 3) a 26s ape 7- eee 56 Trequesionofesesion i fr Tn hw i a oes ae nr geo a al ome eit ne pens da nd ead ie Un Seesaw hon Slee re nde, ee amc ea petra at tne aap Sa es oes tnetr ee ‘se outh iesrct st cou cle so et sco agas ts nn cae et A ot eee SSocunaam ete era: acne See ee eget ie wee me gas nicenci tn a a cinco a ter ganic Sore terga oe genta tt gan age Ee oe ae an meagre ee negra fe area scenes ess oc ms mee at mez cng yee Deri ee anata tee crete ie Hep nec ene ne vie etic ee cee eee rae ak aaa ee ee om miata ee Se swat ia pe mate 5 Mats Or: Oman "Caine ve Glee! Toman sano: Desh, 187) 63 ao and Ifflecual, 200: foe a modern fea cme un Au Serre Tr vl Tak Tr Kea, See anmustearucunes . Avolats and comstiaontinn 57 pesfcton so that its eration would become a sacrilege. One sich grou old be the legisla a «funding fate, a map who congueed the and $d aid down ts avs once and fr al. Who Would be a beter candle fo ‘his rohan Mebmed I own ar “The Conquer” Some lcdy edad ‘Mehmed I asthe founder of several Otoman institutions. For instance as Bids’ Persian work of history, Hash Bish (ie Eight Paras), ‘which covered the regns of he fst eight Ouoman suns (Osman trough ‘ayeti I}, asction was devoted othe miliary organization ofthe empire at thebeginning of ts account te regnof Mehmed IL" Mustafa All semed'© ive ben nsprdby this scion, yet what be wrote wen far beyond Bills’ presentation In his major word history ened the Essence of History, Alt ‘ested in the person of Mehmed I founding futher of Oman law ht ould be regard as coceand-forall enactments, Mostafa Al id this by ‘devoting enghy secon in his acount ofthe righ of Mebmed It the ‘oranization ofthe higher Otoman administration, right ae desebing the ‘Songuest of Coastantnople andthe sultans constuction aces in his ew ‘pial. Thus he created the inpession that Mebmed conquered he city hat teeame the capital ofthe empie bull the imperial pace and number of ‘major mosques that raed the ety ito a Musi epi, and then ald down thetaws os ste” Mustafa Al kept woking this istoricalprst and revised he topic in A lsler work which he butressd the fgumest fr the impeceable Ontos laws lepislated by Mebimed I In this work, be narod conversation hat ‘Mehmed I was supposed to haved with hie grand vier Mahmud Pash ‘After sang that Mehmed land is vivir Mabmud Past lid down the fama dai (he sient costiuon), Ali wrote tht Meld I shod “Mahmad Pasa what could possibly destroy their kingdom: Maa Pagano “On heel King stata. Hore amen poe ‘tym then ath rere rer hn hn ne ees Dene ‘tare ae wo ween ch be ings an ate cole Sey One ‘Secs wih oso ole sean insert ana ig a um water he ees The end ye dscns atid ten eg nt ay, nich sy Wn te i a of As ar as know this onsrston, which would hae ba to take pace before ‘Mama Pash edn (474, ott bef in any source enti Al ecorded it some time around 1598, > tg i a as, ante Kien 20 Sa 6 Tah Fl nd dv kr TS aot cower (eee ““ 58 Thequeson of vccesion (uit significant, Ali tbe wo Mehined If socal conservatism that is apposton to the ey of commoners ino the elie ~ in parallel with oatinonlism, which as meant wo We te ands ofthe sul vsevis the law As sggested eae, it was the eny of anew social group into the ing le ht had aed he pica srugees betwen the abvoltsts tnd the eostitonais es ot aeolneidence tat this presentation ofthe Femi as shang law enacted once and forall by an el stan, the CCengucorcime the conclusion of work th started with anion {hing spodal empath exertion of ulations on fixed pies.” After {ih conmeral a Gea etvites were the forces resting new poop ‘commoners who, dig thir economic poset, wee buying the prleged Sous of toaster, & ember of the Orman poll elt. To close the thors of epitimacy on these new practices, which could well assume the Sts of a ad de anor kept easve mate associated with castor, the lamar ha wo be frozen so that eve fume suns could no change ie Tht was what A id nis presentation of Mehmed Ia the founder of ‘Ouamsn ans, which e made srt portay as define constants. In AL's presentation, was Murad I wo was ell responsibe forthe aleratons Fn ancient conta: ths his constiutenlisteiigue of Murad I's ‘Sonus coexisted wi conservative site toward socal change Mitts Al's constuction of Mehiod Ils the founder of Ovarian laws ro ocessul tha any ler chlars assumed hat the histoian actully fa seen he document known as the “Karumnane of Mehmed 1,” ofthe *Law-fook of Mebined TL This document is collection of regulations that manly governed sie elated wo precedence and promotion within the higher levels he sate adiisation 1s hough to have ben prodoced fring he last years ofthe eign of Mebined ho ded ia 481. Yet as troller, comparison ofthe rlevan section in the work of Mustafa ‘Ab wth the Lan ook suggest tha ead pot eon "Whats interest ing however, that Masa Al's constuction of Mehmed Tas the founder ff Oxon nw became a sucess project. The oldest extant copy ofthe La-Book of Mehmed I dss ro he ery seventeenth ent, almost ISD yore afer is sopposd proasion. Whether or not the document 8 Fagen i only became relevant fer Mehmed Tay succssul con ‘sta ste founder of Otoman vs by Masa Aad bi ies. Mala Al wat no alone in making ase for founding fates and the satable nate of the ws enacted by them, Baer ding the sign of ‘Muza I, an anonymous tanslator produced a Turkish tansltion ofthe > ne el te a ny see CE eo i mt mts me ieee eas CGrcumseribine dan triton by leg riniles 59 Book af China, «Pesan work ofthe esl sixteenth conury by "AI Akbar ‘Athoogh the Bool of China bad cen enpais onthe tion ofl, the Toksh eanslaton, wily ended th Law- Book of China, made 1s fps the center ofthe work, suing that Chinese rlers cannot change Ger ancient lavs even ove lot. Should they ty doing so they would be ‘epoeed® Asithappons, the Eszence of History, the work of orld history ‘nich Masafa Al coasted Mebmed I 4 he founder of Ouoman ls, zs, among eter thing, the history of Chis. His section on China svar bate ole extent on he Book of Ching and lcd fetereace © the stom of deposing rulers who did nt sbie by thi avs. which was such more of a8 Ouoa const tan Chinese Wadia. The anon Atnsatr ofthe Law-Baolof Chine and Masta Als were equally impressed bythe emphasis on la tha they found ia the Chin that ‘AIC ARB ceated.™ ‘The Law Book of Ching, which Was tanslaed around 1882; the Essence of Hisory, which Mss Als wrote inthe 1390s ad the "Lav-Book of ‘Mtmed Tk which sired to culate around the begianing of tho tay ‘evcotenth century, are examples ofthe cnsituonalist tend i Ono Des, which wat to haves powerfliopact om yaa wins in de rly evetenth century. Clreumscribing dynastic traditions by legal principles Arguably the mast significant constatonal ise in any monarchy isthe ‘uestion of socesion. For insane, the fs and only Otoman writen coe ‘Hitution of 1876 addrsed this av init third atl, dey aerating ints fist two artes hat the Otoman Empire is indivisible a its apt is ana” Therefore de change in Ottoman succession that was brought shout by Sadeddnzate d's eathrnement of Mustafa Lin 1617 should * pan erm rei ein 28. Teta sf cn so of es ae Eas anes cones EE semen nace ete HSS SASS oa ama BES ch ci celts rceecy re Be Sara = enemy in he See cea cect CESiy aetna ce oe eer! ‘fi ry an been dhcp ety er torn ee pe wate gthegy te tne Se SRST ering a si Game ros acco * Rel ome eet 60 Thequeon of suceson ‘oe reptlaas msjorconstnonal development in Oxtoman history, sn important step toate ereumserison of dynastic anor by legal pin ciples Ia ths secdon bey describe the Ottoman dynastic tations of ‘cet and then atlyze Eas etvonemeat of Mustafa in the context ‘ofthe going authority srbed wo the ofce ofthe mt the begining of the seventeenth century. ‘The srivel of Prince Mustafa ‘Obviously va Prince Marts survive during the eignof Ahmet (1603 17 that ade posible his eatwonemeat up te death of his bot. For "howe who a ot fale with raion mean f Otoran accession, the ‘eval ofa younger biter dringthe eign ois elder rohermay nt em ‘obeasigniient fc. Yet be royal esto of Ooms rues al Bee il aller bothers Because, athe words of esi Pei al princes eles fo hei age were legit “canes fr te trove, no mater bow sim the ods of thelr becoming sultan Thus fail was were a regular featur of Onoman story, especialy inthe itera and stent eta for inane, thre were wars betwen the sons of Bayerid 1. Metied TI, ‘Bayer I and Stejman ‘Acguiing te thane athe end of fatal competition functions an ordeal {or Otoman princes that determined th one who had the divine mandate to ‘ole. Hal lek aces the inporance of this diviaemandstetorleto Cetra ‘Asia whee Turkish ules woul atu his poston to dvne graces ‘hee personal at, which may be eanslated as abspicousess, fone, Ick, fs fel. Nov supisingl, the Arabic word daa, whichis related ‘ange and rotation and evolved wo ave the meating of state” in Arabic. Pers, ind Tukish (deve, hasthe sae rang of cantons in the sense ‘of rereening tan of fortune, Ths the defer of cetain Ortoman prince ‘ras oth is fortune an his ton in pital power the wo were nsepaable [hed ot hve devin the sense of forte, Be would not have is ur fn power eter Ina sense, then, ina fia stage, places woald be testing each her’ ots, an act for which theres even at domatic ‘xpresion in Turkish, deve snag, teal, esting one anothers devs. Forevarpe te inhabitans of ime nthe ery ent cota demanded sachatet when wo Oxlomn princes limes sovereignty overtheiy, which ‘va he Oteman capitate time, Whoever proved have delet on his Side woul take contol ofthe sate capital.” The sacred conpotaton of sch ‘rcharamatie sure of stort boul be ovis. {Pec mpra rn 96. * Hl "The Orem ces note Tash enter {Dogs Ha neh The Me a ne ae sae Ono ng! yf ar aa an Sey mgd cy aS 197) 39-0 Or A Aye rt gms a ana Tak aR 9690 WSUS Mee Sh ad Cod - CCrcumseribing dynastic ition by ep rnipes 61 ‘After the establishment of the ule of seniority, however, Ouoman princes longer ado prove tides the asta to wa theta, wh id ft eve much oem for imagining a sacred source of autos seibing, ‘hams, Iacono the ele pracice in which they would serve ia [ovine governorship thr would both prepare tem forte sultanate by [roviding some experience io goverment and oe them an oppor Fuld following, all pnces were ow Leptin the geil palace The caliber (teachers aged tec education ell rail and they were deed ‘mobility oubide the resdetal pat ofthe palace whet hey ha ove in an [priment hat came to be own asthe “ape” o af” Not surpasinas, the Otoman dynasty peoduced much weaker sultans ads pviod. Although ‘anya istoran dete dis weakness ak oe o the reasons forthe Otloman {ecting "is pollination dais, avin ote room for oter acts {hep and tery implying royal power, as ot been adequately explored "Tis shift from race that was open al princes sad only ended when ‘oe undispted winner murdered all of is breve, 1 the rae of senior iy id no hppen erie Aer the Otoman cil war baween Pbces eyez and Selim during the later yeas of the reign of Suleyman, only ‘one Otoman pine, who became practi the crown peice, remained i the provinces Sring the sans of Sli Il (1566-78) and Murad I (1574 98) However, Mra I in 1574and Medd I in 1595 sill murdered hie ‘others. Why then inet Ahmed Forder the execution of his younger bother Most "lsewhere, I suggest that Prince Mustafa survived the accession of his Iwother most profebly heesse their father ad ded oo Young Ahmed ‘ecame sul atte age of three dus risking the comtinaton of te ‘oman dynastic line, Mostafa was lett alive ding the ciry Jers of ‘Ahmed 'fig Becase, ist, eventhough Ahued fated evo sons win most year his sons were oo young io ensure the dynasty’ fre, and ee ‘ad, Masta was most probably much younger han tis generally assumed land hs did no preset svious poical tea. Yet his survival uring the Tost years of Ahmod T's reign alr the sula's sons ha become temages sd Mustafa hal grown ino aaltood is another mater that needs fu ‘her consideration One wooder, for instance, whether Ahmed could have eee oro Tonnes 2 * cece eee ‘Setar eters ie et fh canta SS eck

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