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Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs


Communication Agenda and Performance Review
Marketing Team
March 24th, 2020

Members involved:

 Marketing Team Manager

 Marketing Team Member

The interventions we have created are the following:

 Summit Tech will be incorporating a monthly meeting communication process between the
marketing manager and team members with regards to levels of user engagement (likes,
comments, views and following) on the company’s Instagram page. The goal of this
communication process is to support the members of the marketing team and offer them an
opportunity to give/receive feedback about the Instagram page and create an open line of
communication between the team and management. This intervention will help foster open
communication and realistic goal-setting that is agreed upon by both the manager and team
 Secondly, the team will be provided with a detailed analysis of an Instagram post that breaks
down both design tips and strategies for generating high engagement on the Summit Tech
Instagram page. This breakdown will provide members with a step-by-step process of what their
posts should include. The intervention will be updated quarterly to ensure that the team is
notified of any features that Instagram has made available to connect with more users.
 Thirdly, the final intervention will provide multiple exemplars that will serve as a reference point
for the marketing team should they need to seek inspiration for a post of their own.

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs

Please Note The communication/performance review document will be made available on the
company’s OneDrive and should be completed and revised before, during and after each monthly
meeting. Details below.


Role of the manager:

1. Prepare Section 1-previous business & Section 2-Review goals for

review. This section stipulates the follow-up of any business required by the manager on behalf
of the marketing team.

Role of the marketing team member:

1. Prepare Section 3- Review of Performance before the start of the meeting. This
section pertains to user engagement.


Manager and marketing team member:

2. Both the manager and team member collaborate to complete Section 4- Set New
Engagement Targets & Section 5-Debrief of Meeting
3. Both manager and team member must electronically sign the document which states all
information present is accurate, this ensures a consistency amongst the team and management.

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs


Date: March 12th, 2020
Time: 9:00 am -9:45 am
*Date and Time to be updated monthly

 Manager present: _______________

 Employee present: ______________

Time Topic Speaker

9:00- Call to order 1.Mana
9:10 ger
1.Previous business
 Manager takes time to note previous topics of discussion
that required follow-up and the results going forward.

9:10- 2. Review goals 2.Mana

9:15  Manager reviews targeted objectives, user engagement ger
goals and other information pertaining to the Summit Tech
Instagram page for the previous month.

*Please note the table below is a completed exemplar

Month: March
Target goals Numbers
The following symbols have been related to
assigned to each feature of Instagram user
*Likes, comments and views targets set engagement
as averages per post/date
*Following targets are assessed at the
end of the month
Avg. Likes/per post 20
Avg. Comments/ per post 5
Avg. Views / per post 20
Followers / end of month 100
9:15- 3.Review performance 3.Emplo
9:30  Employee shares performance sheet yee
 Discusses opinions and explanation for performance
 Employee notes what they believed to have worked well in
the posting and what did not

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs

*Please note the table below is a completed exemplar

3a. Review posting engagement

Post 1
March 24th, 2020

Image modified for copyright purposes using Piktograph

Performance of Post Numbers

The following symbols have been related to
assigned to each feature of Instagram) user
Likes 22
Comments 3
 The subject of the image is the focus of the frame
 The surrounding objects add colour and aesthetic appeal
but do not take away from the subject
 Summit Tech is clearly embedded within the image
Areas for improvement:
 More could have been done to increase comment number,
such as reply to questions and positive feedback.

3b. Review story views

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs

Created using Adobe Spark

 Target trends in views (time of post, content used, etc...)

 Target stories that received views/engagement

3c. Review Page Following

 Review the numbers of followers of the Summit Tech
Instagram page throughout the month
 Assess numbers going forward and set new targets

Created using Adobe Spark

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs

9:30- 4.Set New Engagement Objectives 4.Manager

9:40  Summit Tech encourages managers and employees to set &
realistic objectives for user engagement in the next month. employee
 Please use the SMART approach for setting engagement
goals by ensuring goals are (Specific, Measureable,
Attainable, Reaistic and Time-based). Additional info on
SmartGoals can be found here:

Month: April
Target goals The following symbols Numbers
have been assigned to each feature of related to
Instagram user
*Likes, comments and views targets set engagement
as averages per post/date
*Following targets are assessed at the
end of the month
Avg. Likes/per post 30
Avg. Comments/ per post 9
Avg. Views / per post 30
Followers / end of month 140

9:40- 5.Debriefing of meeting/business for follow-up 5.Manager

9:45  Future comments/concerns &
 Next Action/steps employee
 Closing remarks

_____________________ (Date)

_____________________ (Manager signature) I hereby declare

that all information in this document is accurate to my

_____________________ (Employee signature) I hereby declare

that all information in this document is accurate to my

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs


Job Aid – Design Guidelines for Posting Content to Instagram
Marketing Team
Please note: the following image was created using the software- PIKTOGRAPH

Please read through the following job aid and use the helpful feature tips to maximize your user
engagement on all your posts! This document will be updated quarterly in order to include new
features that Instagram makes available to its users.

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs


Portfolio of Samples
Marketing Team

The following document will provide the marketing team with three strong examples of how to
post engaging content to Instagram. The examples should be used as a guide for inspiration and
marketing team employees are welcome to adapt, modify or create hybrid principles of their

Please Note: All images have been modified in compliance with copyright and created using PIKTOGRAPH

(Section intentionally Left blank for formatting purposes)

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs

Paul Apokatanidis Detailed Designs



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