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Paper #2


In a 5 to 7-page, double-spaced paper, you are to write a paper that answers the following
questions to the best of your ability:

1. What is the Erie Canal’s historical importance? Why was it built? How did the Erie
Canal change commerce and trade?
2. What does Sheriff mean when she discusses the “perils of progress”? Was the Erie Canal
ultimately beneficial for New York and the United States? Why or why not?
3. Compare this book to Changes in the Land. How are capitalism, progress, and technology
important to each book? Compare one of these themes in your paper.

Your papers must be formatted as follows:

 The font must be Times New Roman, 12-point font. No other fonts or sizes are
 Your paper must be formatted with one-inch margins on all sides.
 Your paper must be double spaced.
 NO quotations from either book are allowed. Instead, paraphrase and restate his
arguments and evidence in your own words.

If you have any questions on formatting, it is your responsibility to speak with your TA.

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