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Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

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A naturally optimized mass transfer process: The stomatal transpiration of T

plant leaves

Kai Xu, Liang Guo, Hong Ye
Department of Thermal Science and Energy Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230027, People’s Republic of China


Keywords: Stomatal transpiration of leaves is a dominant pathway of plant physiological water loss. The leaf transpiration
Transpiration rate when stomata are fully open is commonly at the same level as the evaporation rate of a wet surface of the
Stomata distribution same area as that of the leaf area, although the cumulative area of the stomatal pores is typically less than 3% of
Extremal diffusion flux the leaf area. To elucidate the highly efficient diffusion of the stomatal array from the perspective of mass
Natural optimization
transfer theory, stomatal distribution characteristics of various kinds of leaves were obtained with optical mi-
croscope, and steady diffusions of water vapor from isolated zero-depth circular stomata, elliptical stomata, and
distributed stomatal arrays without airflow parallel to the surface were simulated with the finite element
method. It was found that the long perimeter of the elliptical stomata and the specific distribution characteristics
of the stomatal array are the dominant reasons for the highly efficient diffusion of the stomatal array on the
leaves. Furthermore, the simulation results reveal that extremal transpiration rates exist for the stomatal arrays
with different distribution characteristics. It was found that the transpiration rates of the vegetation tend to
approach the extremal values for flourishing development in the process of natural optimization.

1. Introduction stomatal areal density is approximately in the range of 50 to 300 /mm2,

the cumulative area of stomatal pores when stomata are fully open
Transpiration, the process by which water is transported through accounts for merely 0.2 to 2% of the leaf area (Nobel, 1999). Between
tracheids or vessels and eventually lost into the surrounding atmo- the epidermis layers of the dicot leaf, there are loosely arranged me-
sphere as water vapor, plays a key role in the physiology of vascular sophyll cells generally classified into palisade and spongy tissues, and
plants (Pieruschka et al., 2010), including several species of ferns as an interconnected system of air space is formed inside the spongy tis-
well as all species of gymnosperms and angiosperms (Brodribb and sues. When the stomata are open, the air space is connected to the
McAdam Scott, 2011). For broad-leaved vascular plants, such as dicots ambient environment. Liquid water flowing inside the veins evaporates
and monocots, more than 90% of the water escapes from leaves into the air space, and the water vapor in the air space diffuses into the
(Hopkins, 1999). Therefore, the transpiration process is closely related ambient environment through the stomata or cuticles (Cannon et al.,
to the anatomical structure of the leaves. Fig. 1 shows the schematic of 1979; Prado et al., 2013; Sack and Holbrook, 2006). The water vapor
the cross section of a typical dicot leaf. As can be seen, the top and transpiration rates of leaves from several kinds of angiosperms mea-
bottom surfaces of the leaf are epidermis cell layers covered with waxy sured by porometer or portable photosynthesis system are in the range
cuticles. Stomata surrounded by paired guard cells are distributed on of 2 to 10 mmol/(m2·s) (Pariyar et al., 2013; Pieruschka et al., 2010), of
the bottom surface. The guard cells increase or decrease in volume in which more than 90% of the water diffuses through stomata, indicating
response to external and internal stimuli, and the resulting changes in that the stomata are the dominant passages of water vapor diffusion of
guard cell shape adjust stomatal aperture and thereby affect the flux of most plants leaves. It is noteworthy that the transpiration rates of the
gases between the leaf internal environment and the bulk atmosphere leaves when stomata are fully open are approximately at the same level
(Lawson and Blatt, 2014). Generally, stomata exist on both the top as the evaporation rate of a wet surface of the same area as that of the
(adaxial) and bottom (abaxial) leaf surfaces or only on one surface, leaf (Willmer and Fricker, 1996), although the total area of the stomatal
typically the abaxial one as shown in Fig. 1. The length, width, and pores is merely approximately 1% of the leaf area. The water vapor
depth (namely the thickness of the guard cells) of the spindly stomatal transpiration of the natural leaves is a typical process of mass transfer;
pores are commonly in the order of micrometers. Considering that the however, a reasonable explanation for the characteristics of highly

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Ye).
Received 11 November 2018; Received in revised form 9 February 2019; Accepted 9 February 2019
Available online 15 February 2019
0176-1617/ © 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
K. Xu, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

In recent years, the finite element method was employed to in-

vestigate the stomatal transpiration from the perspective of mass
transfer theory. Defraeye simulated the process of stomatal transpira-
tion from a series of leaf surfaces with zero-depth stomata in a two-
dimensional domain (Defraeye et al., 2013). The results indicated that
the transpiration rate from the leaf surface was strongly dependent on
surface coverage and source size, providing insights into the dominant
geometrical parameters effecting the transpiration process of the sto-
matal array. In addition, considering that the actual stomata on the
natural leaves commonly have interior structures, Roth-Nebelsick in-
vestigated the influence of stomatal architecture on stomatal con-
ductance and on gas concentration gradient by simulating the diffusion
Fig. 1. The schematic of the cross section of a typical dicot leaf.
rates of water vapor and CO2 occurring in a set of three-dimensional
isolated stomata models with the finite element method (Roth-
efficient diffusion of the stomatal array is still unavailable from the Nebelsick, 2007). The results showed that the structures of the isolated
perspective of mass transfer theory. stomata profoundly influence the gas concentration in the vicinity of
The principal process of transpiration is the transport of water vapor the stomatal pores. Nevertheless, the impact of stomatal arrays on the
driven by the concentration gradient and airflow; thus, the gaseous gas diffusion process of natural leaves was not considered in this study.
diffusion theory and the boundary layer effects should be the main Roth-Nebelsick also explored the effects of stomata crypts on the
mechanisms. Stefan investigated a steady diffusion process of an iso- transpiration process with the three-dimensional finite element models
lated circular water surface on an infinite impervious plane without of encrypted stomata (Roth-Nebelsick et al., 2009). The results in-
airflow based on the gaseous diffusion theory (Stefan, 1882), and a so- dicated that in the leaves with open or partially closed stomata, crypts
called diameter law was summarized, stating that the vapor diffusion reduce transpiration by less than 15% compared with the none-
rate is proportional to the diameter of the water surface rather than its ncrypted, superficially positioned stomata. Lehmann investigated the
area. Troyer analyzed the case of gas diffusion from isolated circular effects of stomata clustering on the process of leaf gas exchange with
stomata through a boundary layer of a finite thickness into the atmo- the numerical models involved with the stomata conductance of the
sphere, with the gas assumed to be at constant concentration in the stomatal pore and substomatal cavity (Lehmann and Or, 2015). The
cross section of the stomata (Troyer, 1980). The results indicated that results indicated that stomata clustering increases the interactions
treating the stomatal diffusion process as steady diffusion without air- among concentration shells of the adjacent stomata, resulting in larger
flow would involve no significant error if the boundary layer is 40 times diffusive resistance that may reduce fluxes by 5–15%.
thicker than the stomatal radius. It is noteworthy that a boundary layer From the perspective of mass transfer theory, the stomatal dis-
thickness of 400 μm is smaller than most of the values calculated by tribution characteristics should be the dominant factor affecting the
Nobel for a number of natural wind velocities and leaf dimensions transpiration process of the natural leaves because the stomata are the
(Nobel, 1970), while the size of stomata is generally around 10 μm. diffusion sources. However, the relationship between the highly effi-
Therefore, employing the diameter law based on the gaseous diffusion cient diffusion characteristic of the natural leaves and the stomata
theory to investigate the diffusion phenomenon of the isolated circular distribution pattern is still unclear. In this study, the stomatal dis-
stomata is appropriate in the cases of realistic boundary layer and tribution characteristics of various kinds of plant leaves were obtained
stomatal dimensions. However, on the surfaces of the natural leaves, with optical microscope, and the steady diffusions from isolated zero-
the stomata are commonly spindly, which can be approximated as el- depth sources and distributed stomatal arrays without airflow parallel
lipses. Sayre found that the diffusion rate from an elliptical surface is to the surface were simulated with finite element method in a three-
proportional to the semi-axes of the surface (Sayre, 1926). In order to dimensional domain based on the stomatal distribution characteristics
correct the diffusion rate, Cooke defined an eccentricity factor, which of the natural leaves.
needs to be determined by experiments (Cooke, 1967).
Different from the hypothetical isolated circular or elliptical sto-
mata, the stomata on the surface of natural leaves are commonly dis- 2. Methods and models
tributed discretely as a stomatal array. Based on the investigations of
the diffusion process in the vicinity of the surface of soil pore arrays, E. 2.1. Measurements of stomatal distribution characteristics
Haghighi (Haghighi et al., 2013) suggested that the transport of the
water vapor in the vicinity region of the surface can be assumed to be To investigate the differences in stomatal distribution character-
only governed by gaseous diffusion theory. From the perspective of istics among various kinds of plants, typical plants grown in the Yangtze
dynamic response, the regulatory mechanisms of stomata and soil pores Plain of China were selected to provide healthy leaves as test samples,
are quite different, while from the perspective of mass transfer theory including four kinds of deciduous plants (Sapium sebiferum, Bischofia,
the structures of the discrete water vapor sources are similar and the Lotus, and Crape myrtle), five kinds of evergreen plants
diffusion processes are both driven by the concentration gradient of (Chlorophytum, Mimosa, Camphor, Hedera, and Osmanthus), two
water vapor. Thus, the suggestion by E. Hagaighi is also appropriate for kinds of annual crops (Maize and Soybean), and one kind of gymnos-
the transport of the water vapor in the vicinity region of the leaf sur- perm (Ginkgo). The surface topographies at the central zones of the test
face. Moreover, interferences among the distributed stomata on the leaf leaves were copied with cyanoacrylates on one surface of a microslide
surface limit the space for the vapor diffusion from a single stoma with rubbing technique. It is noteworthy that all the test leaves were
(Pickard, 1981), leading to a lower diffusion rate of the stomatal array picked at noon when the stomata were open entirely, and the rubbing
than the cumulative diffusion rate of the respective isolated stomata. procedure was conducted immediately after the leaves were picked to
The diffusion experiments of the distributed stomata indicated that the avoid the closing of the stomata. The stomatal imprint on the micro-
degree of interferences are associated with the stomatal sizes and in- slides were recorded as images with an optical microscope. The para-
tervals between adjacent stomata (Ting and Loomis, 1963, 1965). A meters of shape and distribution of hundreds of stomata in the images
distributed factor was employed to correct the diffusion rates (Bange, of each kinds of leaves were obtained with the Image-Pro software, and
1953; Cooke, 1967; Ting and Loomis, 1965), but the expression and the mean values were calculated as the stomatal distribution char-
meaning of the factor are still unclear. acteristics.

K. Xu, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

2.2. Theoretical model of an isolated circular stoma

When water vapor diffuses steadily from an isolated zero-depth

circular source into a half space without airflow parallel to the surface,
the bulk behavior of water vapor follows Fick diffusion law:

⎧ J = − D ∇C
⎨ dt = −∇J = 0 (1)

where J is the diffusion flux, C is the concentration of water vapor, D is
the binary diffusion coefficient of water vapor, and t is the time. Inside a
leaf, the mesophyll cells next to the stomata are the evaporation sites of
water vapor, and the water vapor concentration in the air space of the
mesophyll tissue is approximately saturated (Farquhar and Raschke,
1978; Roth-Nebelsick, 2007). The diffusion through the stomatal tube
can be considered one-dimensional (Parkhurst, 1994; Waggoner and
Zelitch, 1965), i.e., the concentration at every cross section of the sto-
matal tube is approximately constant. Thus, the stomatal transpiration
could be assumed as water vapor diffusion from a zero-depth stomata,
which is consistent with the assumption of the diameter law (Lee and
Gates, 1964). Assuming that the concentrations of water vapor are
equal to C0 in the circular source region and 0 at an infinite point, the
boundary conditions can be given as

⎧C = C0, 0 ≤ r < h, z = 0
⎪ ∂C
= 0, r > h, z = 0
⎨ ∂z
⎪C (r , z ) → 0, when(r 2 + z 2) → ∞ (2)

where h is the radius of the circular region, and r and z are the radial
and axial coordinates, respectively. According to equation (2), the
concentration gradient of water vapor at the circular region is
∂C 2C
lim (r , z ) = − 0 (h2 − r 2)−1/2 , 0 < r < h
z→0+ ∂z π (3)

The diffusion rate can be achieved by integrating the flux J in the

entire circular region:

Q= ∫ J ⋅dA = ∫ − D ∂∂Cz (r , 0)⋅dA = 4C0 Dh

s s (4)

where S represents the area of the circular region. Therefore, the dif-
fusion rate Q is proportional to the concentration difference between
the source region and the infinite point. When the concentrations at the
source and the infinite point are C0 and C∞ respectively, equation (4)
can be converted into
Q = 4(C0 − C∞ ) Dh (5)

which indicates that Q is proportional to the radius of the circular


2.3. Computational models for isolated stomata and stomatal array

The theoretical analysis in section 2.2 is limited to the special case

of isolated circular source, and further investigations should be con-
ducted on the isolated elliptic source and distributed elliptic stomatal Fig. 2. The computational model of (a) isolated circular stomata, (b) isolated
array. Fig. 2a, b, and c are the computational models of an isolated elliptical stomata, and (c) stomatal array. In the stomatal array model, a spatial
circular stoma, an isolated elliptical stoma, and a spatial repeat unit of a periodic unit is employed and symmetric boundary conditions are imposed on
stomatal array, respectively. In the isolated stomata models (Fig. 2a and the symmetric surfaces.
b), the diffusion source was circular or elliptic, located at the center of
the bottom of a hemispherical computational domain. The radius (h) of 10 μm, and the elements at the diffusion source were approximately
the circular source or semi-axes (a and b) of the elliptic source were set several microns or less.
within tens of micrometers based on the dimensions of the stomata on In the stomatal array model (Fig. 2c), the diffusion source was el-
the leaves obtained from section 2.1, and the radius (R) of the hemi- liptic and located at the center of the bottom square of a rectangular
spherical computational domain was set as 1000 μm, which was de- cuboid diffusion space. The side faces of the space were imposed with
monstrated to be large enough with little effect on the diffusion flux symmetric boundary condition based on the spatial repetition feature of
from the stomatal source after a series of preliminary simulations. The the stomatal array. The height (H) of the cuboid space was set as
maximum element size of free meshes in the diffusion space was set as

K. Xu, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

1000 μm for the same reason as that for the isolated stomata model. The based on the results exhibited in Table 1, and the ratio of area (A) to
interval (i) of the array, namely the side length of the bottom square of perimeter (P) of the vapor sources is considered as a geometrical
the array unit or the distance between the adjacent stomata, was tens to parameter establishing the relationship between A and P. The diffusion
hundreds of micrometers based on the results obtained from section rate (mol/s) is the integral of the diffusion flux (mol/m2⋅s) in the entire
2.1. It should be noted that the stomatal array in the computational vapor source. Fig. 4 represents the relationship between the diffusion
model was designed as a regular matric-like distribution pattern, which rate and A/P of the vapor sources. In this figure, eccentricity (e) re-
is a simplification of the stomatal distribution patterns of the natural presents the ratio of the distance between the two focuses and the major
leaves as shown in section 3.1. Furthermore, the zero-depth sources axis length of the elliptical sources. As can be seen, in the special case of
were adopted in these models not because of the negligence of the in- circular stomata (e = 0, A/ P = r /2) , the diffusion rate is proportional to
ternal structure of the stomata and the gradient in water vapor con- the radius of the diffusion sources, which is consistent with the theo-
centration that develops between the sites of evaporation and the sur- retical result of equation (5), indicating that the radius can be regarded
face of the leaf, but because the effect of the stomatal distribution as the characteristic length of the diffusion process of an isolated cir-
characteristics on the diffusion process was the focus of this work. The cular source.
stomata provide a boundary condition of constant water vapor con- When e is larger than zero, the diffusion sources are ellipse-shaped
centration as shown in Fig. 2. and similar to the shape of the stomata on the natural leaves. As can be
In both of the models, the temperatures in the computational do- seen from Fig. 4, for a series of elliptical sources with the same e, the
mains were set as 27°C, which is a common temperature level in the diffusion rates are proportional to A/P, indicating that A/P is appro-
natural environments. The water vapor at the diffusion sources were priate to be taken as the characteristic length of the ellipse-shaped
assumed to be saturated (C0 = 1.42 mol/m3), and the relative air hu- diffusion sources. It also can be seen that the diffusion rates of the el-
midity of the atmosphere was set as 70% (C∞ = 0.994 mol/m3), which liptical sources rise with the increasing e and are larger than that of
is also a common level during daytime in the natural environments. The circular sources (e = 0) at the same A/P. It should be noted that the
binary diffusion coefficient was set under one atmospheric pressure area of the biological internal environment exposed to the surrounding
(D = 2.6 × 10−5 m2/s). The finite element method was adopted to air for nutrient acquisition is commonly extremely limited for self-
simulate the diffusion processes of the models. protection, and the sum of all the opened stomatal area in daytime
accounts for merely 0.2 to 2% of the total area of the leaf surface; thus,
3. Results and discussion the area of the stomata should be utilized efficiently for water vapor
diffusion or CO2 uptake. Assuming a series of isolated vapor sources
3.1. Stomatal distribution characteristics of plant leaves with constant areas of 200, 400, and 600μm2 , respectively, Fig. 4 also
shows the diffusion rate of the vapor sources with the constant area and
Fig. 3 exhibits the surface topographies of seven kinds of leaves different perimeters. As can be seen, the diffusion rate of the sources
obtained in section 2.1 as examples. As can be seen, the stomata are increases with the decrease of A/P, indicating that the elliptical sources
commonly spindly and discretely distributed on the leaf surfaces. The with longer perimeter are more appropriate than the circular source for
size of the stomata and the distance between adjacent stomata represent transpiration.
the distribution characteristics of the stomatal array on the leaves. Compared with the circular source, the remarkable geometrical
Table 1 shows the mean values of the measured stomatal length (l), characteristic of the elliptic source is the longer perimeter; thus, the
stomatal width (w), and distance between adjacent stomata (d) of the diffusion characteristics of the marginal region of the vapor source
stomatal array images obtained from section 2.1. It can be seen that l should be further investigated. Assuming a circular diffusion source
distributes in the range from 9.3 to 39. 3 μm, w in the range from 2.2 to with a radius of 5 μm as an example, Fig. 5 shows the component of
9.1 μm, and d in the range from 38.9 to 121.1 μm. It should be noted diffusion flux in the diffusion region and the surrounding impermeable
that the direction distribution of the major axes of the spindly stomata region. As can be seen, in the diffusion region, there is no radial com-
is not considered in this study, and major axes of the vapor sources are ponent of diffusion flux but only axial component. The axial component
all simplified to be in the same direction in the computational model, of diffusion flux increases along the radial direction and sharply in-
whereas the direction of the stomata is randomly distributed except for creases near the edge of the diffusion region. It also can be seen that in
the Chlorophytum and Maize as shown in Fig. 3. Moreover, adjacent the surrounding impermeable region, there is no axial component but
stomatal rows can be observed on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of only a radial component sharply increasing while approaching to the
Maize, exhibiting a unique structure of stomatal distribution. Table 1 edge of the diffusion region. This phenomenon is the so-called edge
also shows the characteristic ratios of the stomatal arrays, i.e., the ratio diffusion effect and attributed to the assumptions of the constant con-
of width to length (w/l) and the ratio of distance to length (d/l). It can centration in the diffusion region and the impermeable surface in the
be seen that w/l distributes in the range from 0.1 to 0.6, and d/l in the remaining plane region. These assumptions are appropriate because the
range from 2.6 to 9.4. It is noteworthy that the d/l of Ginkgo is 9.40, stomata are commonly micron-scale with approximately constant sa-
indicating that the stomatal density of the Ginkgo leaves is much turated water vapor in the stomatal tube and because the cuticle on the
smaller than that of the other kinds of leaves. It is also noteworthy that leaf surface is impermeable. Thus, the diffusion rates of the spindly
the stomata of the leaves were measured on the abaxial side except for stomata on the natural leaves are mainly dominated by the long peri-
in Lotus because it is an aquatic plant and the stomata are merely meter of the stomata because of the edge diffusion effect.
distributed on the adaxial side. The stomata on the adaxial sides of
Maize and Mimosa leaves were also measured to compare with the 3.3. Diffusion from distributed elliptical stomata
stomata on the opposite sides. For monocots such as Maize, the mean
size and distance between the stomata on both sides of the leaves were As the spindly stomata distribute on the leaf surfaces discretely
similar, but for dicots such as Mimosa, the distance between stomata on (Fig. 3), the relationship between the diffusion rates and the interaction
the adaxial side was much larger than that on the abaxial side. of the adjacent stomata should be further investigated by simulating the
diffusion process of the elliptical diffusion source array introduced in
3.2. Diffusion from an isolated stoma section 2.3. The length of the major axis (2a) and minor axis (2b) of the
elliptical sources correspond to the average length (l) and width (w) of
The diffusion fluxes of the isolated stomatal model were simulated the stomata, respectively, and the interval (i) of the sources in the
to investigate the relationship between the diffusion rate and the size of models correspond to the average distance (d) between the adjacent
the vapor sources. The value range of the source size was determined stomata. The ratios of semi-minor axis to semi-major axis (b/a) of the

K. Xu, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

Fig. 3. Epidermis optical micrographs of seven kinds of the leaves as examples: (a) Hedera, (b) Camphor, (c) Mimosa, (d) Lotus, (e) Chlorophytum, (f) Gingko, (g)
Maize (adaxial surface), (h) Maize (abaxial surface).

ellipse array models were determined based on the ratios of width to Different from the discussion on the diffusion from the isolated
length (w/l) of the stomata shown in Table 1 (in the range from 0.1 to sources, we focused on the average diffusion flux through the plane
0.6). It should be noted that a series of preliminary simulations in- distributed with elliptical stomata with different major axes and in-
dicated that changes in b have a slight effect on the average diffusion terval. Here, the definition of average diffusion flux is similar to that of
flux through the distributed elliptical sources because b was determined the transpiration rate of the natural leaves. It is noteworthy that the
to have a lower effect on the perimeter of the elliptical sources than a ratio of d/l was employed to describe the distribution characteristics of
when b/a was in the range from 0.1 to 0.6. Therefore, the value of b/a the stomatal array instead of stomatal density, because d/l could es-
was set as a constant of 0.5, and the influence of a on the average tablish the relationship between the size of the stomatal array and the
diffusion flux of the distributed elliptical sources was investigated in the size of the isolated stomata. The parameter of i/2a was employed for
following study. the same reason. Fig. 6a shows the average diffusion fluxes of the

K. Xu, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

Table 1
Measured stomatal parameters of the plant leaves.
leaf phenology species side stomatal parameters (μm) w/l d/l
l w d

angiosperms annual Maize adaxial* 39.24 3.97 121.10 0.10 3.09

abaxial 37.39 3.85 115.13 0.10 3.08
Soybean abaxial 18.48 3.64 82.32 0.20 4.45
evergreen Chlorophytum abaxial 21.36 9.05 109.20 0.42 5.11
Mimosa adaxial* 17.83 7.06 70.67 0.40 3.96
abaxial 18.49 6.83 49.43 0.37 2.67
Camphor abaxial 16.39 6.23 67.37 0.38 4.11
Osmanthus abaxial 9.32 5.32 43.86 0.57 4.71
Hedera abaxial 14.52 8.35 80.56 0.58 5.55
deciduous Crape myrtle abaxial 11.59 4.05 41.21 0.35 3.56
Bischofia abaxial 16.29 2.24 54.40 0.14 3.34
Sapium sebiferum abaxial 20.81 3.76 62.69 0.18 3.01
Lotus adaxial* 9.46 3.28 38.94 0.35 4.12
gymnosperm deciduous Ginkgo abaxial 12.49 4.91 117.39 0.39 9.40

Fig. 4. The relationships between the diffusion rates and the ratios of area to
perimeter of the elliptical sources. Eccentricity (e) represents the ratio of focal
length and major axis length of the elliptical sources. A and P represent the area
and perimeter of the elliptical sources, respectively.

Fig. 6. (a) The relationships between the average diffusion fluxes and ratios of
interval to major axis (i/2a) for distributed stomata with different major axis
(2a). (b) The extremal flux line connects the five extremal points corresponding
to (a), and the scattered points represent the stomatal distribution character-
istics of the various kinds of plant leaves. In this figure, i and 2a are equal to d
and l, respectively. The position of the point labeled with Arabidopsis was
determined with the microscopic images of stomata on the hypocotyls obtained
from the results of Wang (Wang et al., 2015).

Fig. 5. The components of the diffusion flux in and near the diffusion source elliptical array models with different 2a. As can be seen, the average
with a radius of 5 μm. The blue zone represents the axial component of the diffusion flux approaches an extremum when the elliptical array has a
diffusion flux, and the red zone represents the radial component (For inter- specific i/2a, and the specific i/2a decreases with increasing 2a. Dif-
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred ferent from isolated stomata, the diffusion process of a stomata in the
to the web version of this article). stomatal array would affect the water vapor concentration field near
the adjacent stomata, resulting in a decreased diffusion flux of the ad-
jacent stomata. Thus, if i/2a is too small, which means that the stomata
are too crowded, the average diffusion flux would weaken with

K. Xu, et al. Journal of Plant Physiology 234–235 (2019) 138–144

decreasing i/2a as shown in Fig. 6a. Furthermore, if i/2a is too large, stomatal distribution characteristics by facilitating the higher tran-
which means that the stomata are too sparse, the average diffusion flux spiration rate for flourishing development from the perspective of mass
would also weaken with increasing i/2a as shown in Fig. 6a. Thus, there transfer theory. The optimization of the stomatal distribution patterns
is an extremum when the elliptical array has a specific i/2a. It should be of the natural leaves may be the result of natural optimization and
noted that all the extrema of the average diffusion fluxes are close to artificial selection.
7.4mmol/m2⋅s , which is of the same level as the measured transpiration
rates of the natural leaves (in the range from 2 to 10 mmol/(m2·s) Acknowledgement
(Pariyar, et al., 2013; Pieruschka, et al., 2010)), indicating the relia-
bility of the calculated results of the stomatal array models. Moreover, This work was funded by the China National Natural Science
it is noteworthy that the specific values of the extremum would change Foundation (contract grant number 51576188)
with the constant temperature and relative air humidity set in the
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