What Did I Learn From This Topic?

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1. What did I learn from this topic?

Every member of the body of Christ is given a special attribute by the Holy Spirit. This is
called the spiritual gift. There are major differences between the fruits of the Spirit and
the Spiritual gifts. As we grow as Christians, it is expected of us to produce the fruits of
the Holy Spirit and be mature and be like Christ. Spiritual gifts, on the other hand,
contributes to the great commission that Jesus calls the church to do. It helps not only
the person but most of the community of believers as a whole. Through the work of the
Holy Spirit, the person who cooperates proves reliability of God’s grace and thus
glorifies God in the end.

2. How did it make an impact to me?

Sometimes we think we are useless in the ministry, but actually we have been given gifts
that we have to discover depending in our passion to serve Him. We are called to help in
Christ’s great commission and in order to have the work be finished, it is vital for each
member to do what they are called to. This may be the reason why we excel in different
areas, because the word must be spread in all means.

3. How will I apply it in my personal life?

In order to help the church body, I will find the right motivation by meditating in His
word and doing what He intends me to do. Although I’m a little bit shy to be a part of
the ministry, over the past few years, I can say that when you use your talents for the
Lord He will surely guide you and tell you what to do. Nowadays, I’ve been feeling quite
intimidated by the people around me, making me nervous to take part in spiritual
programs. But with constant prayer, I know that I can overcome anything. The gospel
must be spread around the globe and each member must take part.

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