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Lab 1

Hardware Discovery and Initial Configuration


This exercise has two goals: (1) to familiarize you with the lab hardware, and (2) introduce the Cisco lOS XR
configuration commands used to do a basic configuration of your router. You will log in to your router for the first
time and use Cisco lOS XR commands to view the hardware environment. You will establish the basic connectivity
and addressing necessary to create the lab network for the remainder of the course.

After completing this lab, you will be able to:

• Display your router's hardware status and software version information
• Display RSP redundancy
• Set router's date and time
• Verify your router's running configuration
• Enable and configure your Management Ethernet, virtual IP, and loopback interfaces .
• Enable and configure all interfaces on your router
• Configure IP addresses on all your router's interfaces
• Test connectivity to neighbor routers in the lab

Command Iist
In this laboratory exercise, refer to this list if you need command assistance. Other commands not listed here may be
needed to accomplish the lab objectives.

address-family show clock

clock set show diag
commit show environment
config show ipv4 interface
domain ipv4 host show inventory
enq show led
exit show platform
interface show process
ipv4 address show redundancy
ipv4 virtual address show route
logging console show running-config
no shut show version
router static

Part 1: Hardware Environment

The Cisco lOS XR commands in the following steps display necessary and helpful information.

1. To connect to the terminal server and select your router's RSP:

2. Ifnot prompted by the router, press the Enter key to solicit a prompt. Then log in to your router.
3. Display the hardware installed in your router by issuing the show platform command and record your

Verify that the GigabitEthernet hardware slot number(s) for your router is "lOS XR RUN", and the CONFIG STATE
is "PWR,NSHUT,MON". If not, notify your instructor.

4. Access administration EXEC mode and reenter the show platform command. What additional information is
displayed now?

5. Exit administration EXEC mode.

6. Display and record the redundancy status of the RPs.

Node in Active role ________________________ _______

Partnernode ______________________________________
Partner node role __________________________________
Standby node status ________________________________
What command did you use? ______________________________
What other information is shown? _____________________

If your node´s redundancy state does not look similar to the example shown below, notify your instructor
RP/0/RSPO/CPU0:PE1# show redundancy
Node 0/RSPO/CPUO is in ACTIVE role
Partner node (O/RSP1/CPUO) is in STANDBY role
Standby node in 0/RSP1/CPU0 is ready
Standby node in 0/RSP1/CPU0 is NSR-ready
7. Display and review the detailed hardware information for all nodes (locations) on the router, using the show
diag command.
8. Display the hardware inventory, using the show diag command.
9. Display the LED information for all slots

• What command did you use? __________________________________________

• What message does your active RSP LED show? __________________________

10. Display the router's environmental information using the show environment command.

What type of environmental information is shown ?

Part 2: Initial Configuration

In this section of the lab you will set up basic connectivity and addressíng necessary to connect the routers.

1. Display the running configuration

• What command did you use? ________________________

2. Check and set the current date and time.

• What command did you use to show and set the clock?

3. Using the tables provided in the Lab Aids, record you're Management

Ethernet and virtual IP addresses:___________________

MgmtEth for RSP0:______________________________
MgmtEth for RSPl:__________________________

4. Verify your router host name

5. Configure the IP addresses for your Management Ethernet interfaces and the virtual IP address.

What command or commands did you use for your Management Ethernet Interface?


What command did you use for the virtual IP address? _______________________________

6. Management Ethernet interfaces are in a shutdown state by default; you must perform a no shutdown command and
commit the changes, to enable them.

7. Remaining in global configuration mode, verify that the state of each newly configured interface is "up"
and that all interfaces are reachable.

What command or commands did you use to display the state of your interfaces?


8. Configure and commit the domain names for each of the routers in the lab network. Use names with the form Px
or PEx, where "x' is the router number, and map the name to that router's virtual IP address.

9. Ping your other router's domain names to make sure that they are all up and working. If not working, investigate
the cause with the affected neighbor and fix it before continuing.

10. Configure each of the GigE interfaces with the appropriate IPv4 address information

• What commands did you use?_____________________________________________

11. Verify that the GigE interfaces come up.

Did the interfaces come up?________________________________________________

What command or commands did you use to verify the interfaces activated?

If the interfaces do not come up ensure that both of you have issued a no shutdown on each interface and committed
the changes.

12. Ping your neighbors' GigE interfaces to make sure that they are all up and working. If not working, investigate the
cause with the affected neighbor and fix the problem before continuing.

13. Configure your Loopback0 interface. What command or commands did you use?

14. Configure a static default route to the default gateway
Verify that your IP routing table contains routes to all the directly connected GigE and MgmtEth networks, virtual IP
and loopback addresses, and static destinations.

15. Verify that you can successfully ping the default gateway and TFTP server.

16. In lOS XR all processes are off by default, including Telnet functionality. Configure twenty telnet sessions by
issuing the following commands in configuration mode:
vty-pool default 0 99
telnet ipv4 server max-servers 20

17. Enable logging output to the console to show all messages except debugging messages.
• What commands did you use?_____________________________________________

18. Review the complete configuration (use the show running-config command) and compare it with the Initial
Router Configuration example in the Lab Aids. Resolve any discrepancies before completing the lab.
19. Verify that you can connect to your assigned router by opening a browser window to the Web Server address
shown in the Lab Aids. Select your router's RP0 icon on the Web page and a telnet window will open for a
console session. Inform your instructor if this does not happen.

Lab 2
Cisco IOS XR Installation

The goal of this lah exercise is for you to use Cisco IOS XR software installation commands to add, activate,
deactívate, and remove various types of software packages. You will review and verify the results.

After completing this lah, you will he ahle to:

• Perform an installation of a new software packages to add additional features
• Actívate and deactivate additional software packages
• Test to ensure that software packages are correctly installed and functioning

Command List

clock set show clock

dir disk0: show install active
instan activate show install conunit
instan add show instaIl inactive
install commit show installlog
install deactivate show install pie-info
instan remove show instan requests
instan rollback show install rollback
show platform

show version
Cisco ASR 9000 files on TFTP server

Multicast -asr9k-mcast-p.píe-4.0.1
MPLS asr9k-mpls-p.pie-4.0.1
Documentation -asr9k-doc-p.pie-4.0.1
Manageability -asr9k-mgbl-p.pie-4.0.1

Pre-installation checks

1. Check the version of Cisco lOS XR software running on your router.

• Which command did you use? _____________________
• What is the boot disk? ____________________________

2. Check the date and time on your router.

• Which command did you use? ____________________
3. Set the time to match the current date and local time.
• Which command did you use?_____________________

Adding Feature Packages

In this part of the lab, you will add four software packages called package installation envelope (PIEs). Each PIE will
be installed and activated in Admin EXEC mode using the one-step method.
The PIE files are located on the TFTP server under the folder /Major.Minor.Maintenance (ex.
The following approach adds and activates individual PIEs using a single command. You have the option to add
andlor activate multiple PIEs simultaneously or individually, as desired.

Enter global configuration mode and attempt to enter multicast-routing command.

Were you able to enter the multicast-routing command?________________________

1. Enter Admin EXEC mode.

2. View and verify the detail information on the Multicast PIE file located on the TFTP server.

What command did you use?______________________

3. Install and actívate the Multicast package from the TFTP server using one command.

What command did you use?_________________________

4. Aftter the installation add step above is complete, reenter global configuration mode and determine if you can
now enter the multicast router command.
Were you able to enter the multicast-routing command now?_________________
Why ? _________________

5. Use the show installlog reverse command to display information logged .> about the installation activatíon. x
is the request (transaction) ID assigned to the command.

6. Now add and activate the MPLS and Documentation PIEs from Admin EXEC mode.

What command did you use to install and activate the MPLS PIE________________________

7. While this package installation is running, enter the show install requests command.

What does this command tell you about your installation request?________________________

8. Allow the process to finish and then enter the show install active and show install committed commands.

Identify the differences you observe.____________________________________

Notice that the active software list now contains the three PIEs you just added and activated, but the committed
software list does noto Ifthe entire system reloaded right now (say, due to a complete power failure), the router would
come up without the software features you loaded, because they were not committed. Therefore, after any software
package installation, test to see if the system is behaving properly and then commit the new software.

9. Now that you have verified that the Multicast, MPLS, and Documentation packages are installed and working
correctly, commit the installation so that it will activate on any subsequent router reload

What command did you use ? ____________________________________________

10. Now install and activate the Manageability PIE from Admin EXEC mode

What command did you use ? _____________________________________________

11. Allow the process to finish and then enter the show install active and show install committed commands.

Identify the differences you observe ________________________________________

12. Now that you have verified that the Multicast, MPLS, Documentation and Manageability
PIEs are installed and working correctly, commit the installation so that it will activate on
any subsequent router reload.

What command did you use ? _______________________________

Deactivating Feature Packages

In this part of the lab you will deactivate the optional Manageability feature package on the router.

The Manageability PIE adds CORBAagent, XMLParser, and HTTP server features that are not used
in this course.

1.From administrative EXEC mode, deactivate the Manageabilty package.

What command did you use ? ______________________________________

How would you verify that the package is deactivated ?_______________________

Are the manageability package files gone ? _________________________________
How do you ckeck ? ____________________________________________________

Enter the command to remove the manageability package

What is the command _________________________________________________
Did this command work ? _______________________________________________

The system does not allow the removal of the Manageabilty package at this point, even though it is
deactivated because it is still part of the committed software.

2. Enter the show install commited command

Notice that the Manageability package is stilllisted as committed (meaning that it will become
active the next time the router boots) even though it is not currently active.

3. Issue the install commit command

Are the files gone ? ____________________________________

4. Test the removal of the Manageability package but DO NOT REMOVE THE PACKET

What command did you use ? _______________________________

Read the messages carefully. Will it be possible to roll back the Manageability package if you
execute an install remove command? __________________________________

If not, why not ? _________________________________________________________

At which stage does the software certification check occur, during the add or activate step?

At which stage does API compatibilíty check occur, during the add or activate step?

If there were a package that was disruptive (it impacted forwarding for example), at what stage
would this occur, during the add or activate step?_________________________

When removing a package, why is it necessary to enter the install commit command after
deactivating the package?_________________________

If you wanted to return to the last committed state of the installed software, what two methods could
you use?_________________________________________

Lab 3
Cisco IOS XR Operations

The goal of this exercise is to familiarize you with various operational features unique to Cisco lOS
XR software. Y ou will commit configuration changes and roll them back. You will configure RSP
redundancy and force a switchover. You will stop and restart processes and make observations
about aH these tasks.

After completing this lab, you will be able to:

• Commit configurations using available options

• Read the configuration history and rollback 10gs
• Perform a configuration roHback that restores an o1d configuration
• Configure redundancy and perform a switchover
• Observe processes checkpointed on secondary RSP
• Stop processes and observe continued software operation
• Restart processes independent of other router functions

address-family show clock

clock set show clock
commit [best-effort] show config history
config show config
dir show config ollback changes
process restart show config running
process shutdown show memory summary
redundancy switchover show process
rollback configuration show process failover
show redundancy
show running-config

Part 1 – Commit and Rollback

In this scenario, you are asked to make sorne configuration changes to the router and then view and
save them. Presuming the configuration changes have been successful, you must then locate the old
configuration and restore it using the rollback feature.

Make and test Configuration Changes

In this task you will make and test the configuration changes. You will look at the target,
merged and running configurations to make sure that the changes have taken place.

1. Log in to your owner SDR (PE1) and display the running configuration . What
command did you use ? ________________________________
2. Check te state (interface and line protocol) of your GigE interfaces. Are your GigE
interfaces UP ? _____________________________________________
3. Display the router date and time. Which command did you use ?
Record the date and time kept by your router_____________________________
4. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 with a description that reads “Core
connection to P1”
5. Configure interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 with a description that reads "Core connection
to P2."
6. Check the target configuration. What command did you use ?
7. Check to see what the complete new configuration would look like. What command
did you use ? __________________________________________________
8. Commit the configuration by using the command that test and activates only that
valid target configuration statements, and rejects configuration statements that are
not valid. What command did you use ? What is a possible consequence of this type
of commit ? _____________________________________________________
9. Change the router hostname to your name and verify the target configuration while
still in configuration mode. Press Ctrl-Z to exit. Does this give you the option to
commit the target configuration ? ____________________________ if you did not
save the routers host namechange, proceed anyway.
Review and Verify Configurations

In the second part ofthis exercise, you look at the just-completed configuration changes and verify
that you can restore an old configuration using the rollback feature. Finally, you verify that the old
configuration works.

1. Check to see if the router has recorded the configuration change in the configuration
history. What command did you use ? ________________________________
2. Look at the configuration changes made in the last configuration session. What
command did you use ? _________________________________________ Does it
list the user who made the changes ? ________________________________
3. Check to see if there is a rollback point that allows you to rollback the to the last
commited configuration. What command did you use ? ______________________
4. Rollback the configuration changes made in the last commit operation. What
command did you use ? __________________________________________ View
your current running configuration.

5. Verify that the configuration changes have been rolled back by looking at your running
configuration and the rollback logs. Have the configuration changes made earlier, been
removed ?

6. Check the configuration history log and the rollback points. Is there a rollback point that
would allow you to now change back to te configuration you just performed a rollback from
? _______________________________ What is that rollback point ?

Part 2 – Redundancy and Switchover

At the end of the bootup process, one of the RSPs is primary and provides
overall chassis control and management.

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