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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

165 (3rd series)

Psychopharmacology of Neurologic Disease
V.I. Reus and D. Lindqvist, Editors
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 24

The psychopharmacology of autism spectrum disorder

and Rett syndrome


Interdepartmental Program “Autism 0-90”, "Gaetano Martino" University Hospital, Messina, Italy

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) appears in early childhood and is characterized by persistent deficits in
communication and social interaction, as well as restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, and unusual sen-
sory issues. ASD can be idiopathic or syndromic, in the latter case representing one of the many manifes-
tations of a genetic disorder, such as Rett syndrome. Psychopharmacology cannot directly ameliorate core
autistic symptoms, but rather aims at treating comorbid disorders, such as ADHD, sleep disturbances, psy-
chomotor agitation and aggressiveness, seizures, and anxiety. Until the 1990s, it was mainly based on typ-
ical neuroleptics and tricyclic antidepressants, whereas second-generation antipsychotics later became
first-line drugs for these same indications. In general, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have not
proven effective in ASD patients. Psychostimulants are frequently prescribed, but display modest efficacy
and enhanced potential for side effects and noncompliance. Targeted patients benefit from mood stabilizers
and antiepileptic drugs. Experimental drug treatments for ASD include oxytocin and vasopressin, bume-
tanide, sulforaphane, nutritional supplements, memantine, and D-cycloserine. Work performed on syndro-
mic forms, represents an important source of information for experimental therapies of ASD and
knowledge of the unique mechanisms underlying autism in each individual patient may in the future
pave the path to personalized drug treatments.

corresponding to 1/59 children aged 8 in 2014 (Baio

et al., 2018). The M:F ratio is between 3:1 and 4:1
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental dis- (Loomes et al., 2017). Female sex is associated with a
order that appears in early childhood and is characterized higher disease threshold, probably due to genetic,
by (A) persistent deficits in communication and social epigenetic, and hormonal protection (Werling, 2016).
interaction as well as (B) restricted interests, repetitive Approximately 90% of ASD cases are “idiopathic,”
behaviors, and unusual sensory issues (APA, 2013). whereas 10% are “syndromic,” i.e., ASD is part of a
These core symptoms are frequently associated with broader genetic syndrome (Persico and Napolioni,
emotional and behavioral disturbances, including anxi- 2013). From a biologic and, to some extent, clinical
ety, irritability, labile mood, inattention, hyperactivity, standpoint, Rett syndrome represents one of the best-
and sleep problems, which may lead to functional impair- studied examples of syndromic autism (Rett, 1966;
ment and significant emotional and economic burden for Amir et al., 1999).
caregivers (Simonoff et al., 2008). At present, evidence-based therapeutic interventions
The prevalence of ASD in the second half of the 1980s in ASD include a variety of approaches, such as behavior
stood at 2–5/10,000 children, posing autism as a rare dis- therapy, speech therapy, occupational and physical
ease (Fombonne, 2005). Thirty years later, in the United therapy, social skills training, special education, and
States the prevalence has risen to 168/10,000 children, vocational training, among other nonpharmacologic

*Correspondence to: Antonio M. Persico, Interdepartmental Program “Autism 0-90”, “Gaetano Martino” University Hospital, via
Consolare Valeria 1, I-98125 Messina, Italy. Tel: +39-090-221-3143, Fax: +39-090-293-0414, E-mail:
interventions (Tonge et al., 2014; Wong et al., 2015). As mechanism, they enhance extracellular monoamine
yet, pharmacologic treatment is not directed to the core levels by reducing their uptake. TCAs, such as desipra-
symptoms of ASD, but rather to comorbid disorders mine, imipramine, nortriptyline, amitriptyline as well
and problem behaviors, such as irritability, anxiety, as buproprion, a dopamine reuptake blocker, have been
aggression, self-injurious behavior, ADHD, sleep disor- used to treat individuals with autism for comorbid anxi-
ders, and seizures. Until the end of the 1980s, typical neu- ety, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), major
roleptics and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were the depression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
only two viable options to reduce behavioral symptoms (ADHD), but clinical response and side effect severity
in ASD. Currently, the array of drugs that have proven appear less favorable compared to the nonautistic popu-
their efficacy on disorders and symptoms comorbid with lation and warrant caution. Antagonizing multiple cho-
ASD has significantly risen, although the vast majority linergic, histaminergic, and adrenergic receptors, in
must be prescribed “off-label” (Persico et al., 2015). addition to monoamine transporters, TCAs frequently
For most medications, limited data are available regard- produce side effects, including dry mouth, constipation,
ing efficacy in autistic individuals, especially children urinary retention, blurred vision, sinus tachycardia,
and adolescents, owing to small sample sizes, diagnostic impaired cognition, sedation, impaired motor coordina-
heterogeneity, and methodological difficulties in orga- tion, weight gain, balance problems, orthostatic hypoten-
nizing multicenter trials (Persico et al., 2015). sion, cardiac toxicity, central nervous system (CNS)
This chapter provides an overview of psychopharma- depression, and seizures. Nonetheless, despite producing
cologic agents either approved or currently in use for more frequent and severe adverse effects than, for exam-
ASD and Rett syndrome. We then summarize innovative ple, fluoxetine or fluvoxamine, in healthy patients with-
pharmacologic agents undergoing clinical trials, aimed at out seizures and with normal cardiac function, TCAs are
translating our ever-increasing knowledge of the patho- generally safe and well tolerated.
physiology of these disorders into pharmacologic tools The predominantly 5-HT reuptake blocker most stud-
able to ameliorate the core symptoms of ASD. ied in ASD is clomipramine. Superior to placebo and to
desipramine (a predominantly NE reuptake blocker), clo-
mipramine was able to improve autistic symptoms,
anger, and repetitive behaviors in 57% of ASD subjects
enrolled in a double-blind RCT (Gordon et al., 1993).
Neuroleptics have been the most widely studied class of However, progressively increasing doses of clomipra-
psychopharmacologic agents in autism over the past mine, up to a maximum of 250 or 5.0 mg/kg/day for
35 years. Starting in the 1960s, children and adolescents 5 weeks, showed no therapeutic advantage and resulted
with autism were enrolled in randomized controlled in severe side effects in an open trial on eight ASD chil-
trials (RCTs) of first-generation antipsychotics, espe- dren aged 3.5–8.7 years (Sanchez et al., 1996). An RCT,
cially haloperidol, thioridazine, and trifluoperizine. comparing the efficacy of clomipramine, haloperidol,
These agents were found to decrease hyperactivity, and placebo in 31 subjects with ASD, found no signifi-
stereotypic behaviors, social withdrawal, aggressive- cant difference between clomipramine and placebo on
ness, and temper outbursts. For example, the first stereotypy, irritability, and hyperactivity recorded using
RCT, enrolling 45 children aged 2–7 years with DSM- the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) (Remington
III autistic disorder, showed significant positive effects et al., 2001). Moreover, many participants receiving clo-
of haloperidol (0.25–4.0 mg/day) on global functioning mipramine discontinued treatment due to side effects or
and multiple behavioral problems, as measured with lack of efficacy. Nortriptyline, a predominantly NE reup-
Children’s Psychiatric Rating Scale (CPRS) and Clinical take blocker, may reduce hyperactivity, aggressiveness,
Global Impression (CGI) scores, but no improvement in and ritualized behavior (Kurtis et al., 1966), and be better
learning abilities was recorded (Anderson et al., 1989). tolerated than imipramine (Campbell et al., 1971).
The major limitation of these drugs is their side-effect Tianeptine, pharmacologically distinct from TCAs but
profile, ranging from relatively benign dry mouth and sharing at least some properties with this drug class,
sedation to severe parkinsonism, acute dystonia, tardive was able to reduce abnormal behaviors, such as inade-
dyskinesia, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Des- quate eye contact and speech abnormalities, significantly
pite these adverse effects, haloperidol and other neuro- more than placebo when rated by parents and teachers,
leptics remained the most prescribed drugs in ASD but clinician ratings did not show any significant dif-
until the 1990s. ference between tianeptine and placebo (Niederhofer
TCAs block several monoamine transporters, pri- et al., 2003). Adverse effects, including drowsiness
marily the serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) and reduced activity levels, were recorded in a sizable
transporters SERT and NET, respectively. Through this number of patients treated with tianeptine.
ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS (0.175 mg/day for >45 kg) (Kent et al., 2013a). The side
effect profile of risperidone in individuals with autism is
Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), also known generally favorable. Neurologic side effects are rela-
as “atypical antipsychotics” emerged in the 1980s. This tively unusual, although acute extrapyramidal symptoms
new group of neuroleptics shares some effects with first- still occur. The most common side effect of risperidone in
generation neuroleptics, but differs in neurochemical autistic patients is also a metabolic syndrome, with
profile, effectiveness, and side effects. A shift toward increased appetite, weight gain, and, less frequently,
the use of SGAs was largely driven by their lower risk sedation. Direct comparison of haloperidol and risperi-
of extrapyramidal side effects, although they can pro- done in 30 children with ASD, aged 8–18 years, found
mote a metabolic syndrome, characterized by weight risperidone to be more effective than haloperidol in
gain, elevated lipid and prolactin serum levels, and pos- the treatment of behavioral symptoms, impulsivity,
sibly type 2 diabetes mellitus. In general, they have a dif- language skills, and impaired social relations (Miral
ferent receptor blocking profile, being less effective on et al., 2008). Finally, risperidone modulates important
dopamine D2 as compared to D1 receptors and also astroglial functions, possibly exerting antioxidant and
blocking many 5-HT receptor subtypes. Atypical anti- neuroprotective effects in ASD (Quincozes-Santos
psychotics include risperidone, paliperidone, aripipra- et al., 2009).
zole, olanzapine, clozapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, Aripiprazole acts as an agonist, partial agonist, or
asenapine, sertindole, and zotepine. The FDA approved antagonist at dopamine D2 receptors, depending on cell
risperidone in 2006 and aripirazole in 2009 for the treat- type and function examined (Shapiro et al., 2003). It also
ment of irritability in ASD, including tantrums, aggres- acts as an inverse agonist at 5-HT2B receptors, as a partial
sion, and self-injury, whereas the European Medicine agonist at 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, D3, and D4 recep-
Agency has only approved risperidone. tors, as an antagonist at 5-HT7, a1-adrenergic, and
Risperidone, a potent antagonist at dopamine D2 and H1-histamine receptors (Shapiro et al., 2003). This pecu-
serotonin 5-HT2A receptors, has been one of the most liar mechanism of action allows aripiprazole to act simul-
extensively studied medications in ASD. Several open taneously as an antagonist in hyperdopaminergic and as
studies have supported the efficacy, safety, and tolerabil- an agonist in hypodopaminergic brain regions or condi-
ity of risperidone in the treatment of autistic behaviors, tions. Several open-label studies have shown the tolera-
irritability, aggression, and hyperactivity (Findling bility and safety of aripiprazole therapy, as well as its
et al., 1997; McDougle et al., 1997; Nicolson et al., effectiveness for the treatment of hyperactivity and irri-
1998; Masi et al., 2001; Nishimura et al., 2003; tability in autistic children and adolescents (Stigler
Gagliano et al., 2004; Kent et al., 2013a,b; Lamberti et al., 2009; Marcus et al., 2011; Ishitobi et al., 2013;
et al., 2016). Multiple RCTs have also produced defini- Maloney et al., 2014; Lamberti et al., 2016; Ichikawa
tive evidence of efficacy on irritability and suggestive et al., 2018). Numerous RCTs have also provided strong
evidence for repetitive behaviors. Long-term efficacy evidence of efficacy in reducing irritability, hyperactiv-
of risperidone was reported in the 2005 RUPPAN study, ity, and stereotypic behavior in autistic children and ado-
in which an initial open-label 4-month treatment period lescents aged 6–17 years, both acutely and following
at an established effective dose was followed by an long-term treatment (Marcus et al., 2009; Owen et al.,
8-week double-blind, placebo-controlled withdrawal 2009; Aman et al., 2010; Robb et al., 2011; Findling
period; over 60% of youth relapsed while on placebo et al., 2014; Ichikawa et al., 2017). In addition to these
as compared to 12.5% on risperidone (RUPPAN, studies, an 8-week open-label trial conducted on 10 pre-
2005a). However, symptom improvement with risperi- schoolers with ASD, aged 3–6 years, reported a signifi-
done came at the expense of weight gain, which averaged cant reduction in irritability, stereotypic behavior, and
5.1 kg (RUPPAN, 2005a). Several double-blind RCTs hyperactivity (Habibi et al., 2015). Direct comparison
found risperidone effective in treating motor stereoty- of aripiprazole to risperidone in a 2-month double-blind
pies, hyperactivity, impulsivity, agitation, and aggression RCT showed similar efficacy in treating irritability for
in monotherapy (McDougle et al., 1998; McCracken the two drugs, as measured with the ABC-I, but a faster
et al., 2002; Malone et al., 2002; Shea et al., 2004; onset of action for aripiprazole (Ghanizadeh et al., 2014).
Troost et al., 2005; McDougle et al., 2005; Luby et al., The most frequent side effects include increased appetite
2006; Nagaraj et al., 2006; Pandina et al., 2007; Aman and weight gain, sedation, and psychomotor agitation,
et al., 2008; Kent et al., 2013a; Ghanizadeh et al., but side effects overall occurred less frequently com-
2014; Aman et al., 2015). Interestingly, in a double-blind pared to other SGAs, especially serious EKG and cardiac
RCT of 96 children, 5–17 years old, higher doses of ris- adverse events (De Hert et al., 2011; Ho et al., 2012).
peridone (1.75 mg/day for >45 kg) contributed to greater Children and adolescents tend to have more pronounced
change in the ABC-I as compared to lower doses side effects from aripiprazole when antipsychotic-naïve
than if previously treated with another SGA, but drug adults who failed to respond to other first-line treatments
discontinuation rates are similar (10.8% vs 8.3%, (Zuddas et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2001; Lambrey et al.,
respectively) (Mankoski et al., 2013). 2010; Sahoo et al., 2017). It is used as second-line
Olanzapine use in ASD has been assessed only in one treatment because of potentially severe or even life-
small RCT (Hollander et al., 2006a), three prospective threatening side effects (especially agranulocytosis,
open-label trials (Potenza et al., 1999; Kemner et al., seizures, sedation, and cardiomyopathy), which require
2002; Fido and Al-Saad, 2008), and one open-label com- medical follow-up and regular blood tests for as long
parison with haloperidol (Malone et al., 2001). Hollander as the patient continues to take the medication. Quetia-
et al. (2006a) conducted an 8-week RCT on 11 autistic pine has produced contrasting results. Two small
children, aged 6–11 years, randomized to receive olanza- open-label studies found quetiapine not effective and
pine (mean dose 10 mg/d) or placebo. Significant poorly tolerated in children and adolescents with ASD
improvements were recorded in the primary outcome (Martin et al., 1999; Findling et al., 2004). However, a
measure (CGI-I), but not in secondary outcome measures retrospective study of 20 patients (aged 5–28 years)
(CY-BOCS and Overt Aggression Scale-Modified). who received a daily dose of quetiapine between
Common adverse effects included sedation and weight 25 and 600 mg over a period of 4–180 weeks showed
gain; rhinitis, “glazed eyes,” constipation, and insomnia modest improvements in maladaptive behavior, espe-
were also more frequent in olanzapine-treated children cially in CGI-S scores (Corson et al., 2004). Another ret-
compared to placebo. In a 6-week open-label study, rospective study suggests that 40%–60% of autistic
5/6 and 3/6 olanzapine- and haloperidol-treated ASD patients may benefit from quetiapine treatment
children, respectively, were rated as “responders” using (Hardan et al., 2005). Finally, an open-label trial of
the CGI-I (Malone et al., 2001). Collectively, these 11 adolescents aged 13–17 years found quetiapine well
results and those from open-trials indicate that olanza- tolerated and effective in treating aggressive behavior
pine may be beneficial, especially for irritability, to chil- and sleep disturbances, but less so in autistic behaviors
dren and adolescents who do not respond well to (Golubchik et al., 2011). Ziprasidone has an interesting
risperidone or aripiprazole. pharmacologic profile, characterized by: (a) strong
Lurasidone is a novel SGA with potent 5-HT2A, 5-HT2A receptor antagonism, (b) moderate antagonism
5-HT7, D2, and noradrenergic a1 receptor antagonism, at 5-HT1D, dopamine D2, noradrenergic a1, and hista-
as well as partial agonism at the 5-HT1A receptor mine H1 receptors, (c) antidepressant and anxiolytic
(Ishibashi et al., 2010). In addition to approved indica- effects through 5-HT1A receptor antagonism and
tions for adult schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, this norepinephrine reuptake inhibition. Ziprasidone
pharmacologic profile may also be associated with an (20–160 mg/day) can have beneficial effects for ASD
antidepressant effect and lesser side effects involving children and adolescents, without producing significant
weight gain and changes in metabolism. One recent mul- weight gain, metabolic changes, prolactin increase, or
ticenter double-blind RCT study enrolled 150 ASD other severe adverse effect (McDougle et al., 2002;
patients, aged 6–17 years, randomized to receive either Goforth and Rao, 2003; Duggal, 2007; Malone et al.,
lurasidone 20 mg/day (N ¼ 50), 60 mg/day (N ¼ 49), or 2007; Dominick et al., 2015). Side effects include QTc
placebo (N ¼ 51) for 6 weeks. Lurasidone was not signif- increases and occasional acute dystonic reactions
icantly superior to placebo in ABC Irritability or (Malone et al., 2007). The efficacy of ziprasidone on irri-
CY-BOCS scores at any dose, but produced significantly tability in youth with ASD may be somewhat lower com-
greater improvement at 20 mg/day over placebo using the pared to risperidone and aripiprazole, but it is well
CGI-I. Common side effects included nausea and drows- tolerated (Dominick et al., 2015). Paliperidone is the
iness, with only minor changes observed in weight and extended-release major active metabolite of risperidone.
metabolic parameters (Loebel et al., 2016). A case report Only two case reports and one 8-week open-label study
showed improvement in irritability, perseveration, and suggest that it may be effective on irritability in ASD
aggression in a 13-year-old autistic boy at an initial dose children and adolescents, at a mean final dosage of
of 10 mg/day, increased to 30 mg/day, without significant 7.1 mg/day (range 3–12 mg/day) (Stigler et al., 2010,
adverse effects (Millard et al., 2014). 2012; Kowalski et al., 2011). The drug is generally well
No RCT has been published to this date for clozapine, tolerated and side effects appear superimposable to those
quetiapine, ziprasidone, or newer SGAs, including pali- of risperidone, most frequently including weight gain
peridone, iloperidone, and asenapine. However, open tri- and increased prolactin levels (Stigler et al., 2012).
als report effectiveness, and these drugs are often used in There are no studies published to date on the use of
clinical practice. Clozapine has been reported to be effec- some newer SGAs, namely asenapine and iloperidone,
tive in improving hyperactivity and aggression in in ASD children and adolescents. These drugs are both
treatment-resistant autistic children, adolescents, and D2 and 5-HT2A receptors antagonists, approved by the
FDA in 2009 for the treatment of adults affected by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and sleep disturbance, are
schizophrenia. common in ASD children and adolescents, frequently
In summary, antipsychotics can be very useful for leading to noncompliance or to treatment interruption.
children and adolescents with autism to treat irritability, Fluvoxamine has been proven effective in treatment
psychomotor agitation, temper outbursts, or aggression of repetitive, maladaptive, and aggressive behaviors in
toward self or others. Prominent hyperactivity and some adults, but not in children and adolescents with
impulsivity may also respond better to neuroleptic treat- ASD, who tend to experience adverse effects very fre-
ment than to typical first-line psychostimulants, in low- quently (McDougle et al., 1996, 2000; Sugie et al.,
functioning autistic individuals or in patients who 2005). Also, citalopram is not more effective than pla-
develop greater agitation when administered psychosti- cebo on repetitive behaviors in children and adolescents
mulants. Once problem behaviors are reduced, behav- with ASD, and is more likely to be associated with
ioral and educational interventions with autistic adverse effects, including increased energy level, impul-
children and adolescents often develop greater efficacy. siveness, decreased concentration, hyperactivity, stereo-
SGAs are equally or more effective than typical neuro- typy, diarrhea, insomnia, dry skin or itching, and
leptics and safer in terms of side effect profile. Typical prolonged seizure (King et al., 2009). There are no RCTs
neuroleptics remain a viable option when ASD patients of paroxetine, sertraline, escitalopram. A case report pro-
are nonresponsive to at least two SGAs, noncompliant vides anecdotal evidence of efficacy in the treatment of
to several SGAs due to important side effects, or when repetitive behaviors, anxiety, and temper tantrums for
SGAs, including clozapine, are contraindicated due to paroxetine in a 7-year-old nonresponder to fluoxetine
documented medical reasons. and fluvoxamine (Posey et al., 1999). One open-trial pro-
vides some evidence of efficacy for paroxetine on self-
injurious behavior in intellectual disability (Davanzo
et al., 1998). A retrospective study of 37 adults with intel-
lectual/neurologic disabilities and autistic traits reported
To date, three selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors improvement in only 13 cases and a high incidence
(SSRIs) have received regulatory approval in Europe of side effects, including vomiting, psychomotor agita-
for use in the pediatric population: fluoxetine for moder- tion, drowsiness, hypomanic behavior, aggressiveness,
ate to severe major depressive episodes starting at age 8, insomnia, seizures, and skin rushes (Branford et al.,
and sertraline and fluvoxamine for OCD after 6 and 1998). The effectiveness of sertraline in ASD children
8 years of age, respectively (Persico et al., 2015). These and adults is mainly linked to anxiety disorder. One case
drugs raised initial hopes of clinical usefulness in ASD, series of nine autistic children, aged 6–12 years, docu-
based on their well-known efficacy on obsessive– ments improvement in anxiety, irritability, and agitation
compulsive symptoms and on 5-HT blood levels, found with clinical response to low doses (25–50 mg/day)
elevated in approximately 25% of autistic individuals appearing generally in 2–8 weeks and, frequently, wan-
(Gabriele et al., 2014). Contrary to this expectation, ing after a few months (Steingard et al., 1997). Hence,
results with SSRIs in ASD have been generally disap- short-term sertraline treatment can reduce behavioral
pointing. Overall, RCTs involving fluoxetine, fluvoxa- reactions associated with situational transitions or envi-
mine, fenfluramine, and citalopram provided modest ronmental changes in children with ASD, though bene-
and conflicting evidence of efficacy on repetitive behav- ficial effects may be temporary. An open-label study
iors and compulsions (Hollander et al., 2005, 2012; showed significant improvement in repetitive and
Williams et al., 2013; Mouti et al., 2014), but fluoxetine aggressive symptoms, but not in social deficits, in
has been shown to increase regional blood flow in the 24 of 42 (57%) adults with ASD (McDougle et al.
anterior cingulate gyrus and orbitofrontal cortex 1998). The most common adverse effects were weight
(Buchsbaum et al., 2001). The antianxiety effects of flu- gain, anxiety, and psychomotor agitation. There is only
oxetine may also explain the occasional observation of one open-label study on 28 ASD children treated with
some improvement in (a) core ASD symptoms, including escitalopram, reporting significant improvement in
an increase in eye contact, social initiation and respon- CGI-I ratings and in ABC scores for irritability, lethargy,
siveness, and repertoire of interests; (b) irritability and stereotypy, hyperactivity, and inappropriate speech.
problem behaviors, including decreased tantrums and Dose-related adverse effects, notably irritability and
aggression toward self and others; (c) attention deficit hyperactivity, occurred at doses above 10 mg/day in
(initiating, shifting, and sustaining attention), leading 78% of cases (Owley et al., 2005).
altogether to better social adaptation and inclusion In summary, SSRIs are definitely more effective in
(Hollander et al., 2012). However, improvement is neurotypical individuals suffering from OCD and
often clinically marginal and side effects, especially depression than in autistic individuals affected by
obsessive and anxious–depressive symptoms. Second, reducing inappropriate sexual behavior associated with
they appear relatively more effective and better tolerated ASD (Nguyen and Murphy, 2001; Albertini et al.,
in adult autistic individuals, as compared to ASD chil- 2006; Coskun and Mukaddes, 2008; Coskun et al.,
dren and adolescents. Nonetheless, a trial with an SSRI 2009). The efficacy of trazodone, a heterocyclic antide-
should be considered whenever compulsive behavior pressant, has been the object of only a few case reports
and anxiety are posing major hurdles to developmental, involving ASD children. One case report showed a
educational, and social progress. A valid trial should last reduction of aggression at a dose of 150 mg/day in
10–12 weeks but, contrary to nonautistic patients, shorter divided doses (Gedye, 1991); another case study
trials (i.e., 1–3 weeks) may suffice and prevent subse- reported beneficial effects of trazodone on sleeping in
quent behavioral activation. Low SSRI doses should an 8-year-old autistic boy also treated with fluvoxamine
be prescribed with frequent clinical monitoring of target (Parker and Hartman, 2002); priapism was described as a
symptoms and potential side effects. dose-dependent side effect in a 13-year-old autistic boy
(Kem et al., 2002).
ANTIDEPRESSANT MEDICATIONS Antianxiety agents such as benzodiazepines have been
relatively understudied in ASD. They are clinically use-
Among serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
ful at times in the treatment of anxiety, particularly as
(SNRIs), more data are available for venlafaxine, which
add-on to an SSRI. However, behavioral side effects such
inhibits the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and,
as disinhibition, crying, and irritability limit their use.
to a lesser extent, dopamine (Ellingrod et al., 1994). Sig-
Instead, two RCTs have been performed on buspirone,
nificant improvement in repetitive behaviors, restricted
a 5-HT1A receptor agonist. An 8-week RCT involving
interests, social deficits, communication and language,
40 ASD children and adolescents showed that low-dose
inattention, and hyperactivity were reported in an open,
buspirone is more effective than placebo as add-on
retrospective study involving 10 autistic children,
to risperidone for treating irritability (Ghanizadeh
adolescents, and young adults (Hollander et al., 2000).
and Ayoobzadehshirazi, 2015). At a mean dose of
Clinical response was observed at low doses
6.7 mg/day, 13/16 (81.2%) buspirone-treated patients
(6.25–50 mg/day, mean daily dose 24.37 mg) and the
showed a 30% decline in irritability scores compared
drug was well tolerated. Another open trial reported
to 7/18 (38.9%) patients in the placebo group. Contrary
beneficial effects of low-dose venlafaxine on self-injury
to buspirone alone, which tends to decrease appetite and
and hyperactivity in two 17-year-old autistic boys
body weight, the most common adverse effect adding
and in a 23-year-old autistic woman (Carminati et al.,
buspirone onto risperidone was increased appetite, as
2006). A recent RCT found no convincing evidence of
well as drowsiness and fatigue. Another recent multicen-
efficacy, contrasting six patients receiving venlafaxine
ter RCT enrolled 166 ASD preschoolers aged 2–6 years
(18.75 mg/day), along with their usual treatment (zuclo-
randomized to 24 weeks of 2.5/5.0 mg of buspirone twice
penthixol and/or clonazepam), with seven patients who
daily vs placebo (Chugani et al., 2016). No difference in
received placebo plus usual care (Carminati et al.,
ADOS Composite Total Score among the 3 treatment
2016). At the end of the study, global improvement
groups was recorded at 24 weeks, but the ADOS
was observed in 33% and 71% of venlafaxine- and
Restricted and Repetitive Behavior score showed a
placebo-treated patients, respectively, with irritability
time-by-treatment effect: 2.5-mg buspirone produced
improving equally in the entire sample. Only marginal
significant improvement, whereas placebo and 5.0-mg
evidence of lower cumulative doses of clonazepam and
buspirone yielded no change. Adverse events did not dif-
zuclopenthixol in the venlafaxine-treated group was
fer significantly among treatment groups. This study thus
obtained. Mirtazapine, a TCA, acting as an antagonist
supports low-dose buspirone treatment (2.5 mg/day) as
at a2 adrenergic and at multiple serotonin receptors,
an adjunct therapy to target restrictive and repetitive
improved aggressiveness, self-injury, irritability, hyper-
behaviors in conjunction with behavioral interventions.
activity, anxiety, depression, and insomnia in 9 of
26 (34.6%) ASD subjects, according to one open-label
study (Posey et al., 2001). Mirtazapine did not improve
core social and communication deficits. Adverse effects
were minimal and included increased appetite, irritabil- Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have been extensively
ity, and transient sedation. Other case reports suggest employed in ASD as mood stabilizers and to attenuate
efficacy for this drug, at a dose ranging from 5 to problem behaviors, but only a limited number of open-
30 mg/day, not only on aggressiveness but also in label studies and RCTs have been performed in autistic
children and adolescents (Hirota et al., 2014; significantly lower (Wang et al., 2017). EEG normaliza-
Canitano, 2015). tion was significantly more frequent in the treatment
Valproic acid was found to attenuate irritability in an group (Wang et al., 2017).
initial open trial including 14 young ASD patients (with Topiramate is an interesting drug, because of its
and without seizures) (Hollander et al., 2001). Three sub- weight-containing and mood-stabilizing effects, but the
sequent RCTs enrolling 12–30 ASD subjects yielded few studies performed to date have yielded conflicting
contrasting results (Hellings et al., 2005; Hollander results. An 18-month open-trial involving 10 ASD chil-
et al., 2006b, 2010). Hellings et al. (2005) found no sig- dren and adolescents undergoing weight gain with SGA
nificant difference in ABC irritability scores, with high treatment reported modest variation in weight excess and
interindividual variability and large placebo effect. On frequent adverse behavioral effects, dampening enthusi-
the contrary, using more severe symptomatic inclusion asm for topiramate add-on use (Canitano, 2005). Simi-
criteria to reduce interindividual variability, Hollander larly, limited efficacy and frequent side effects were
et al. (2010) showed a significant advantage of sodium reported in another case series (Mazzone and Ruta,
divalproex over placebo. Furthermore, Hollander et al. 2006). However, an 8-week RCT involving 40 autistic
(2006b) reported significant improvement in repetitive children, 4–12 years old, randomly allocated to receive
behaviors in a small RCT involving 13 autistic children. either topiramate + risperidone (Group A) or placebo
Valproate was also found to attenuate the irritability asso- + risperidone (Group B), showed beneficial effects for
ciated with fluoxetine treatment in ASD significantly topiramate on irritability, stereotypic behaviors, hyperac-
better than placebo (Anagnostou et al., 2006). tivity, and/or noncompliance (Rezaei et al., 2010). Lamo-
Levetiracetam binds to the synaptic vesicle glycopro- trigine, an AED mainly active in reducing voltage-gated
tein SV2A, inhibiting presynaptic calcium channels and Na+ currents, showed no efficacy on irritability and
reducing neurotransmitter release. This pharmacologic social behavior in an RCT involving 27 autistic children
action limits nerve signal conduction across synapses aged 3–11 years old (Belsito et al., 2001). The use of
(Lynch et al., 2004; Vogl et al., 2012). The use of levetir- oxcarbazepine for irritability and agitation in ASD has
acetam in ASD is controversial due to several studies been addressed in only 1 case series, involving
reporting major behavioral side effects. Levetiracetam 30 patients, aged 5–21 years, taking on average 2 other
was initially found to improve attention, hyperactivity, psychotropic medications, including SGAs, SSRIs,
emotional lability, and aggressiveness in an open trial alpha agonists, and divalproex (Douglas et al., 2013).
involving six drug-naive ASD boys (Rugino and Fourteen patients (47%) achieved a CGI-I score of
Samsock, 2002). Wasserman et al. (2006) compared “much improved,” while another 10 patients (33%) were
levetiracetam to placebo in a sample of 20 ASD children, “improved”; 7 patients (23%) had a clinically significant
aged 5–17 years, and found no evidence of efficacy on adverse effect leading to drug discontinuation. Finally, a
global functioning, irritability, repetitive behaviors, recent case report points toward possible beneficial
impulsivity, and hyperactivity. The most relevant side effects of low-dose phenytoin (5 mg/day for over
effect was aggression. Levetiracetam was also found 18 months) on verbal and nonverbal communication in
ineffective for controlling stereotyped movements in a 19-year-old autistic young man treated with stimulant
patients with ASD (Rajapakse and Pringsheim, 2010). medication since early childhood (Bird, 2015).
Importantly, one case report documents an autistic Lithium is a “classical” mood stabilizer also used in
regression, characterized by stereotypic behaviors and autistic individuals with comorbid recurrent affective
severe social and communicative dysfunction after disorder and/or mood instability, especially in the pres-
administration of levetiracetam in a 6-year-old girl with ence of mania, euphoria, or elevated mood. There are
cerebral palsy, whose main symptoms were mild intellec- currently no RCTs of lithium in children and adolescents
tual disability and focal epilepsy. This regression sub- with ASD. Two older case reports document the efficacy
sided after drug discontinuation, suggesting that of lithium therapy, the first one at blood levels
levetiracetam may occasionally provoke ASD-like >1.0 mEq/L on two 4-year-old autistic children with
behavioral adverse effects (Camacho et al., 2012). hyperactivity resistant to stimulant drugs and with cycli-
Finally, 70 children with ASD and subclinical epilepti- cal mood swings (Kerbeshian et al., 1987); the second
form discharges (SEDs) identified by EEG were ran- case report describes a beneficial response to lithium in
domly divided into two equal groups treated either two individuals with ASD whose symptoms included
with levetiracetam (60 mg/kg/day) and educational train- agitation, self–injurious behavior, aggression, and
ing (treatment group) or with educational training only insomnia (Steingard and Biederman, 1987). In a more
(control). At the 6-month follow-up, PEP-3 scores were recent retrospective chart review of 30 children and ado-
significantly higher for the treatment group compared lescents with ASD treated with lithium because of
to controls, whereas CARS and ABC scores were comorbid bipolar disorder, 43% were rated as improved
on CGI-Irritability scores and 71% of patients with two possibly more in children than in adults. However,
or more pretreatment mood disorder symptoms were response rates tend to be somewhat lower, and adverse
rated as improved (Siegel et al., 2014). Patients most effects more frequent, in autistic individuals compared
improved were those with mania and elevated mood. to typically developing children with ADHD
Mean lithium blood level was 0.70 mEq/L, and the mean (RUPPAN, 2005b). Interindividual variability in
duration of lithium treatment was 29.7 days. At least one response to MPH by autistic children may be influenced
adverse effect was reported by 47% of patients, most by multiple monoaminergic gene variants (McCracken
commonly vomiting (13%), tremor (10%), fatigue et al., 2014). Six RCTs of MPH in children with ASD
(10%), irritability (7%), or enuresis (7%) (Siegel have been performed to date. In the initial RUPPAN
et al., 2014). study (2005b), 66 of 72 children, aged 5–14 years, with
A very interesting case report describes the efficacy of a DSM-IV diagnosis of Autistic Disorder or Pervasive
lithium as a rescue therapy for regression and catatonia and Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified
autistic traits in a 21-year-old man and in a 17-year-old girl (PDD-NOS) were randomized to a double blind cross-
with Phelan–McDermid syndrome, due to chr 22q13.33 over study of MPH vs placebo. A significant improve-
deletion involving the SHANK3 gene (Serret et al., ment was recorded on the ABC hyperactivity subscale,
2015). The former patient, unresponsive to multidrug ther- with 49% of participants responding at all MPH dose
apies including antipsychotics and other psychotropic increments and maximum benefits at medium-high doses
drugs, responded to 1500 mg/day of lithium, yielding (0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg per dose, respectively). Improve-
blood levels of 0.8 mEq/L. Lithium successfully corrected ment in hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention, with-
a severe regression characterized by increasing psycho- out significant worsening of stereotypic or oppositional
motor agitation, aggressiveness, impulsivity, urinary, and defiant behavior, was later confirmed in the same sample
bowel incontinence, promoting cognitive and social using other outcome measures, such as SNAP-IV and
improvement over the subsequent 3-month period. The CY-BOCS scores (Posey et al., 2007), with improvement
latter patient underwent a period of severe behavioral again most evident at 0.25–0.50 mg/kg doses. The most
regression and catatonia. One year of lithium treatment common adverse effects of MPH included irritability,
(1000mg/day, lithium blood level 0.7 mEq/L), in associa- appetite loss, insomnia, and emotional outbursts. Similar
tion with a low dose of clonazepam (0.2 mg/day), spurred results were obtained in other RCTs involving autistic
improvement in motor and verbal abilities allowing the children (Quintana et al., 1995; Handen et al., 2000;
patient to recover to similar levels of functioning as Jahromi et al., 2009). Dosage for ASD children ranges
before regression. In both cases lithium was well tolerated. from 7.5 to 50 mg/day, sometimes divided and often
Another case report is on an adult male with Phelan– dosed by weight (0.3–0.6 mg/kg/day); for preschool chil-
McDermid syndrome whose mood and behavior dren ranges between 5 and 20 mg/day in divided doses
responded to a combined treatment with lithium and olan- (Doyle and McDougle, 2012). A 4-week RCT conducted
zapine, following resistance to various combinations of by Pearson et al. (2013) in 24 ASD children, with mean
SGAs and AEDs (Egger et al., 2017). age 8.8 years and comorbid ADHD, demonstrated ben-
Future prospective studies of lithium are needed to eficial effects on hyperactivity, with the combination
assess whether lithium strictly benefits comorbid bipolar of extended-release MPH in the morning and
symptoms or improves some ASD-specific symptoms. immediate-release MPH in the afternoon. This study is
especially interesting, because this combination is fre-
quently applied in clinical practice. In a recently pub-
lished RCT (Kim et al., 2017), 27 subjects, aged 5–17
years with ASD and ADHD, were randomized to receive
The comorbidity between ASD and ADHD, now recog- either low (10 mg/day) or medium (30 mg/day) doses of
nized by DSM-5, is present in 30%–40% of autistic indi- an extended-release liquid formulation of MPH. Signif-
viduals (Berenguer-Forner et al., 2015). This high icant decreases in irritability and hyperactivity ABC
incidence and the negative impact of inattention, hyper- scores were recorded more frequently in the medium
activity, and impulsivity on treatment programs and on dose group (mean dose ¼ 20.28 mg/day). Also, rebound
social adjustment, have spurred interest in the use of psy- hyperactivity and aggression at the end of the day were
chostimulants in ASD patients with comorbid ADHD. significantly lower only in the medium-dose group.
Methylphenidate (MPH) acts as a dopamine and, to a In several studies, and also in clinical practice, intel-
lesser extent, as a norepinephrine reuptake blocker. It lectual disability and lower IQ tend to be associated with
is the psychostimulant most prescribed for children with lower response rates to MPH and with more side effects
ADHD. In general, MPH is known to be moderately (Aman et al., 2003). However, at least 1 RCT involving
efficacious in improving ADHD symptoms in ASD, 122 children and adolescents with severe ADHD and
intellectual disability (including many with comorbid norepinephrine reuptake blocker, in reducing depressive
ASD) found MPH (0.5/1.0/1.5 mg/kg/day) significantly and inattentive/hyperactive symptoms (Golubchik et al.
superior to placebo and no correlation between IQ 2013). A significant, yet modest, decrease in the severity
or ASD symptoms and clinical response (Simonoff of depressive and ADHD symptoms assessed with
et al., 2013). CDRS and ADHD-RS, respectively, was recorded.
Atomoxetine is a selective dopamine and norepineph- A significant positive correlation was found between
rine reuptake inhibitor, approved for the treatment of changes in depression and ADHD severity scores. Most
ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults starting at patients reported minimal or tolerable side effects.
6 years of age. A 4-week RCT performed on 97 ASD Clonidine is a selective a2 adrenergic and
individuals with comorbid ADHD, aged 6–17, found imidazoline-1 receptor agonist, approved by the FDA
some evidence of efficacy for atomoxetine (1.2 mg/kg/ in 2010 for the treatment of ADHD in pediatric patients
day) on hyperactivity, stereotyped behaviors, inappro- starting at age 6. Two RCTs provided evidence of effi-
priate speech, and fear of change, but no significant cacy on impulsivity, hyperarousal, and self-stimulating
global improvement using the CGI; side effects included behavior in ASD children and adults (Fankhauser
nausea, decreased appetite, fatigue, and early morning et al., 1992; Jaselskis et al., 1992). This drug is also effec-
awakenings (Harfterkamp et al., 2012). A subsequent tive on hyperactivity, aggressiveness, mood instability,
open-label follow-up study conducted on 88 patients irritability, and on nighttime awakenings, improving
taking the drug for 28 additional weeks showed impro- sleep quality (Ming et al., 2008). In these studies, drug
vement in hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention dosage ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 mg/day and side effects
(Harfterkamp et al., 2013). Adverse events, including included drowsiness, sedation, hypertension, and
gastrointestinal symptoms, irritability, tinnitus, mood decreased activity. Guanfacine is a central a2 adrenergic
swings, and sedation, were generally mild and tended agonist. A retrospective study of 80 ASD children and
to diminish over time, especially nausea and fatigue. adolescents, aged 8–18 years, reported improvement in
Dosages generally ranged from 1.2 to 1.4 mg/kg/day. hyperactivity, inattention, insomnia, and tics (Posey
Another recent RCT in 128 ASD children (ages 5–14) et al., 2004a). An open trial found 12 out of 25 (48%)
lasting 6 weeks for dose adjustment based on clinical ASD children, either nonresponders or intolerant to
response (up to a maximum of 1.8 mg/kg/day), followed MPH, responded well to guanfacine (Scahill et al.,
by dose maintenance for an additional 4 weeks, con- 2006). The efficacy of this drug in improving hyperactiv-
firmed that: (a) the most frequent side effects are ity in ASD children was then confirmed by two RCT
decreased appetite and fatigue, (b) most side effects do studies (Handen et al., 2008; Scahill et al., 2015). Dos-
not raise concern and last 4 weeks of less, and ages ranged between 0.25 and 9 mg/day, often in divided
(c) unlike typically developing children, ASD children doses. The most frequent side effects included irritability,
did not display serious adverse events, including QTc drowsiness, decreased energy, sleep disturbance, consti-
changes or suicidal ideation (Tumuluru et al., 2017). pation, headache, and nocturnal enuresis (Handen et al.,
An interesting recent RCT demonstrates the effective- 2008; Scahill et al., 2015).
ness of atomoxetine over placebo, underscoring at the
same time the usefulness of parent training in the context
of an effective multidisciplinary treatment approach. In
particular, the combination of atomoxetine + parent train-
ing (ATX + PT) produced higher response rates with
lower atomoxetine doses compared to the doses pre- The lack of psychoactive drugs able to ameliorate the
scribed in the “atomoxetine alone” group. Meanwhile, “core” symptoms of ASD is currently felt as perhaps
ATX + PT and ATX alone were superior to placebo the main unmet need in pediatric neuropsychophar-
+ PT and to placebo alone, respectively, in improving macology (Persico et al., 2015). For this reason, an
ADHD symptoms (Handen et al., 2015). A subsequent impressive effort is being put forth by academia and
24-week extension study involving 117 children, aged pharmaceutical companies to move the field of autism
5–15, out of the 128 (91%) acute-trial participants, con- psychopharmacology forward. No other behavioral
firmed the efficacy of atomoxetine, providing further evi- disorder of childhood and adolescence is the target of
dence of the greater benefits obtained by combining as many ongoing clinical trials listed on the NIH web
pharmacologic and psychosocial treatments over either site Some experimental drugs
treatment alone, both in terms of treatment outcome derive from animal and human research on monogenic
and patient compliance (Smith et al., 2016). forms of syndromic autism, for example, Rett syndrome,
An open-label trial of 11 children with ASD explored fragile X, tuberous sclerosis, and Phelan–McDermid
the safety and efficacy of reboxetine, a selective syndrome, among many. Other drugs derive from
cellular, animal, molecular, and human studies of idio- Both oxytocin and vasopressin have a short half-live
pathic ASD, whose pathogenetic underpinnings are of around 3 min in plasma and 20 min in CSF, where they
beginning to be relatively well understood. Drugs are inactivated by placental leucine aminopeptidase
derived from research on syndromic forms were initially (LNPEP) (Gazis, 1978). Therefore, only through the
spurring high expectations, because in mouse models nasal route is it possible to ensure that a substantial
they displayed a surprising degree of effectiveness when amount of the active ingredient reaches the CNS, given
administered not only prenatally, but also postnatally or its peptide nature and half-life; in fact, if this therapy was
even in adult animals. Unfortunately, these drugs have administered parenterally, only 1% of these neuropep-
not met their primary endpoints in human RCTs, once tides would reach the CNS unmodified.
again proving that animal and cellular models can indeed Based on these data, intranasal oxytocin and vaso-
contribute preliminary but never conclusive evidence of pressin, as well as the AVPR1a antagonist RG7314,
efficacy, given the exquisite complexity of the are under scrutiny. Intranasal oxytocin, certainly the most
human brain. studied compound in current experimental ASD pharma-
On the other hand, among drugs derived from patho- cology, yields insufficient evidence of efficacy on core
genetic studies of idiopathic ASD, some may display ASD symptoms, according to two recent meta-analyses
measurable efficacy on core ASD symptoms, although including 17 and 12 RCTs, respectively (Keech et al.,
with different levels of evidence. We hereby summarize 2017; Ooi et al., 2017). Given the genetic variability of
the most studied and/or the most promising pharma- the OXTR gene and anatomical differences in nasal cav-
cologic agents in the experimental pipeline for the ity influencing oxytocin absorption into the CNS, this
treatment of core autistic symptoms: interindividual variability in response to intranasal
oxytocin in ASD is not surprising.

Oxytocin and vasopressin Bumetanide

Oxytocin and arginine-vasopressin, synthesized by the Bumetanide is a selective diuretic for Cl, acting as a
magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic nucleus and high affinity antagonist for the NKCC1 transporter
the magnocellular and parvocellular neurons of the para- (Feit, 1981). The transmembrane Cl gradient is pro-
ventricular hypothalamic nucleus, in addition to duced by the activity of two cotransporters, NKCC1
“classic” hormonal functions, also act as neurotransmit- importing Cl into the cell, and KCC2 extruding Cl into
ters, released in extrahypothalamic regions. Dense the extracellular space (Payne et al., 2003). In the adult
expression of oxytocin receptors (OXTR) is present in brain, Cl is more concentrated in the extracellular fluid,
regions critical to social cognition, attachment, empathy, due to KCC2 being more expressed than NKCC1, so that
and motivation, such as the anterior cingulate cortex, the the opening of GABA-A channels produces Cl entry
temporo-parietal junction, the insula, and the nucleus into the neuron and hyperpolarization. Instead, during
accumbens, while AVPR1a receptors are expressed in prenatal and early postnatal life, NKCC1 is more
the hippocampus and the amygdala (Kirsch et al., expressed than KCC2, inverting the Cl gradient and
2005; Knafo et al., 2008; Insel, 2010; Meyer- causing depolarization when GABA-A channels open
Lindenberg et al., 2011; Wigton et al., 2015). The (Ben Ari et al., 2007). In neurodevelopmental disorders
“social role,” mediated by OXTR and the AVPR1a recep- like autism, intellectual disability, and epilepsy, this
tors for oxytocin and vasopressin, respectively, was immature configuration often persists at later ages also,
discovered while studying the differences in attachment contributing to the excess of excitation over inhibition
between prairie and mountain voles, two different present in ASD and causing the so-called “paradoxical
rodents species, which show strong and weak attach- effect” of benzodiazepines, i.e., a pharmacologic induc-
ment, respectively, linked to differential brain OXTR tion of psychomotor agitation instead of anxiolysis and
and AVPR1a gene expression in limbic regions (Carter sedation (Marrosu et al., 1987). Bumetanide aims to
et al., 1995; Insel, 2010; Johnson and Young, 2015; reduce this imbalance, by promoting Cl outflow from
Johnson et al., 2016). Oxytocin and vasopressin thus excitable neurons through renal excretion.
act, in females and males, respectively, as critical medi- One open-label study conducted on eight teenagers
ators of maternal, social, and mating behaviors (Lucht with ASD initially provided promising results. Bumeta-
et al., 2009; Insel, 2010; Johnson and Young, 2015). nide led to improvement in the ability to recognize and
Not surprisingly, much evidence supports the contribu- characterize the emotions expressed by the face follow-
tion of a dysfunctional oxytocin–vasopressin system to ing an activation of the brain regions involved in facial
the pathogenesis of ASD (Jacob et al., 2007; Gregory recognition and social and emotional perception, such
et al., 2009; Yamasue et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2017). as the fusiform gyrus and the inferior occipital gyrus
(Hadjikhani et al., 2015). Two subsequent RCTs pro- studies, suggesting beneficial effects on social interac-
duced significant improvement of autistic behaviors tion and sensory self-stimulation (Rossignol and Frye,
measured using the CARS, SRS, and CGI; parents 2014b). Two RCTs published to date have given contra-
defined their children as “present,” with a greater capac- dictory results, but the two studies differ substantially in
ity for integration and communication with the environ- many regards. A study on 121 children and teenagers
ment, signaling few side effects (Lemonnier et al., 2012, with ASD did not provide evidence of efficacy, although
2017). Maximum efficacy was recorded at the dose of tolerability was found to be reassuring (Aman et al.,
1 mg twice a day, maximum safety at 0.5 mg b.i.d. The 2017). On the contrary, the addition of memantine to ris-
most frequent adverse events were hypokalemia, enure- peridone in 40 autistic children showed further improve-
sis, dehydration, appetite loss, and muscle weakness ment in irritability, stereotypies, and hyperactivity
(Lemonnier et al., 2017). (Ghaleiha et al., 2013). Additional studies are ongoing
to test memantine effects on memory, communication
Sulforaphane and spoken language, motor skills, problem behaviors,
and cognition in ASD.
Sulforaphane is a natural compound especially present in
broccoli sprouts, endowed with antioxidant and antineur-
oinflammatory effects. An initial RCT showed sizable Arbaclofen (STX209)
improvement in ABC scores for irritability, lethargy, ste- The known imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory
reotypies, and hyperactivity, as well as in SRS scores for neurotransmission, as well as studies clarifying the com-
awareness, communication, motivation, and mannerisms plex interface between GABA-B, mGluR5 and AMPA
(Singh et al., 2014). Beneficial effects on social interac- receptors in the pathophysiology of fragile-X syndrome,
tion, aberrant behaviors, and verbal communication were have created interest in arbaclofen, the prodrug precursor
recorded using the CGI-I. The substance was very well of the GABA-B receptor agonist R-baclofen (Silverman
tolerated and this substance is currently being tested in et al., 2015), but having greater stability and
several ongoing RCTs (Singh et al., 2014). manageability.
In a first open study, 32 autistic children and teenagers
Glutamatergic drugs: Memantine and received 10 mg of arbaclofen a day (6–11 years) or 10 mg
D-cycloserine three times a day (12–17 years). A significant decrease
D-Cycloserine acts as a partial agonist of the glycine in irritability and social withdrawal, paired with an
binding site at NMDA receptors. By modulating glycine increase in motivational drive towards social interaction,
action as a cotransmitter at the NMDA receptor, this drug was observed in approximately half of the sample
is predicted to promote longer channel openings with (Erickson et al., 2014). A subsequent RCT, however,
increased Ca2+ entry, ultimately enhancing connectivity did not achieve its primary outcome (social withdrawal
and consolidating environmentally induced plastic mod- ABC scores) (Veenstra-VanderWeele et al., 2017),
ifications in excitatory circuits. An initial single-blind although secondary outcomes on severity, assessed with
pilot study in 10 autistic patients showed a significant the CGI-S and the VABS-II, gave a positive result. Side
improvement in social withdrawal (Posey et al., effects were mild (emotional lability and drowsiness). As
2004b). Two subsequent RCTs (Urbano et al., 2014, methodological limitations may have had a negative
2015; Minshawi et al., 2016; Wink et al., 2017) have impact on this study, further studies are ongoing.
shown significant clinical improvement in core ASD
symptoms (Urbano et al., 2015) as well as in stereotyped Supplements and probiotics
behaviors (Urbano et al., 2014), with a synergistic effect
A variety of supplements have been clinically assessed,
in behavioral intervention, fully compatible with the
under the assumption that ASD children may benefit
activity-mediated mechanism of action of this drug.
from natural substances endowed with antioxidant, anti-
The only frequent side effect was a modest increase in
inflammatory, energy-stimulating, or sleep inducing
properties. Although the methodological quality of RCTs
Memantine acts as a noncompetitive low-affinity
in natural medicine does not always meet minimum stan-
NMDA receptor antagonist (Chen et al., 1992;
dards of reliability, it is worth briefly listing the major
Kornhuber et al., 1989). Its short-lived receptor blockade
areas of interest, as some clinically useful applications
kinetics prevents negative effects on learning and mem-
may well come forth in the near future.
ory (Lipton, 2006; Danysz and Parsons, 2012). Its bene-
ficial effects on synaptogenesis and neural networking, ● Antioxidants: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), carnosine,
demonstrated in different animal and cellular models, vitamin B12, folinic acid, methyl-B12, glutathione.
led to several prospective and retrospective open-label These substances should help counteract the
accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) pre- (Kempuraj et al., 2008; Kritas et al., 2013). At least
sent in ASD individuals (Kern and Jones, 2006). three open-label studies from the same group have
RCTs have provided conflicting results for most of yielded promising results in ASD children and ado-
these substances and primary outcome measures do lescents, especially in eye contact, attention, social
not usually show a statistically significant effect. deficits, problem behaviors, and adaptive skills
Interestingly, folinic acid may improve language, (Theoharides et al., 2012; Taliou et al., 2013;
attention, and stereotypical behaviors specifically Tsilioni et al., 2015). These results still await confir-
in ASD children carrying autoantibodies capable of mation by RCTs. Finally, o-3 fatty acids are potent
binding or blocking the FRa receptor (Frye et al., antiinflammatory and immunoregulatory agents
2013; Ramaekers et al., 2013). Hence, targeted used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases
patient populations may well benefit from these associated with chronic inflammation. According
compounds. to a recent meta-analysis of 6 international RCTs,
● Energizers: Q10 ubiquinol and L-carnitine. Coen- including 194 autistic patients, the data indicate an
zyme Q10 is a key element in the mitochondrial improvement in hyperactivity, lethargy, and stereo-
respiratory chain. Q10 ubiquinone is reduced to types, but no effects on global functioning or on
Q10 ubiquinol in the liver, and the latter represents socialization and communication deficits (Cheng
the active compound, able to exert an important anti- et al., 2017).
oxidant action and to stimulate energy metabolism. ● Sleep-inducing agents: melatonin. Sleep distur-
At least two RCTs have assessed the effect of Q10 bances are especially frequent in ASD and may be
ubiquinone in 20 and 55 children with ASD, aged related to reduced melatonin synthesis and enhanced
between 5 and 16 years, and shown improvements kynurenine pathway activation due to neuroinflam-
on the Parental Global Impressions-Revised scale mation (Gevi et al., 2016). Melatonin, quite possibly
as well as in subscales for hyperactivity, opposition, the most widely prescribed compound for the man-
and receptive language. Unfortunately Q10 ubiqui- agement of autistic children, may thus represent
none was administered in the context of multivitamin more a “substitution” therapy than a pharmacologic
and mineral supplements such NAC, choline, and intervention. Seven RCTs have proven melatonin
inositol, complicating the interpretation of these effective in ameliorating total sleep duration and
results (Adams and Holloway, 2004; Adams et al., sleep onset latency (Rossignol and Frye, 2014a).
2011). Carnitine allows the transport of fatty acids Similar improvements were recorded using
across the inner mitochondrial membrane, stimulating prolonged-release melatonin, according to one
the production of ATP. Blood levels of carnitine would recent RCT involving 125 ASD children and adoles-
be reduced in some patients with ASD (Filipek et al., cents (Gringras et al., 2017).
2004), and 1 RCT involving 34 ASD children aged ● Gut-modifying agents. Probiotics are live microor-
3–10 years showed significant improvement in core ganisms that can stabilize the mucosal barrier by
autistic symptoms with supplementation, reporting increasing the expression of mucin, reducing exces-
only minimal side effects, such as irritability and sive bacterial growth, stimulating mucosal immunity
intestinal discomfort (Geier et al., 2011). (secretory IgA), and synthesizing antioxidant sub-
● Neuroinflammation and autoimmunity: minocycline, stances (Fond et al., 2015). The high prevalence of
luteolin, and quercetin, omega-3 fatty acids. Neu- gastrointestinal disorders in ASD, the significantly
roinflammation is an active mechanism in the CNS skewed gut microbiome found in many autistic chil-
of autistic individuals from relatively early ages dren, and the interesting results obtained in animal
(Vargas et al., 2005; Garbett et al., 2008). Also, auto- models with probiotics (Buie et al., 2010; Hsiao
immunity appears to enhance ASD severity in some et al., 2013; Tomova et al., 2015) led to interest in
patients (Piras et al., 2014). Minocycline, a semisyn- testing probiotics for clinical efficacy in ASD. To
thetic derivative of tetracyclines with neuroprotec- date, evidence of their efficacy is still limited to sev-
tive and antiinflammatory effects, has not shown eral open trials reporting benefits at the gastrointes-
significant efficacy in a pilot open-label study tinal and/or behavioral level (Adams et al., 2011;
(Pardo et al., 2013). A subsequent RCT of minocy- Kaluzna-Czaplinska and Blaszczyk, 2012; Grossi
cline as add-on therapy to risperidone has yielded et al., 2016; Kang et al., 2017; Shaaban et al., 2017).
modest improvements (Ghaleiha et al., 2016). Luteo-
lin and quercetin, flavonoid compounds that are sec-
ondary metabolites of plants and present in various
foods, are endowed with powerful antioxidant and The pharmacologic therapy of Rett syndrome is
antiinflammatory actions, especially on mast cells described here, because this monogenic disorder
represents an important example of syndromic autism. control. Often, RTT comes with many associated comor-
Rett syndrome (RTT, OMIM #312750) is an X-linked bidities, which complicate patient management and
neurodevelopmental disorder, which mostly affects require a multidisciplinary intervention (Tarquinio
females, although a few cases of RTT males with an extra et al., 2015). Cognitive decline, breathing dysfunction,
X-chromosome or somatic mosaicism have also been epileptic seizures, spasticity, scoliosis, and reduced
described (Moog et al., 2003). Occurring in growth are some of the most frequent symptoms that
1:10,000–15,000 live female births, it accounts for up emerge at the time of developmental regression.
to 10% of severe intellectual disability of genetic origin Recent projections estimate that RTT patients will live
in females (Burd et al., 1991; Armstrong, 1997). In clas- into adulthood (Kirby et al., 2010). It is thus necessary to
sical RTT, an initial period of normal neurologic and provide a complete assessment of the symptoms that
physical development is followed by partial or complete most frequently occur in these patients, in order to choose
loss of acquired purposeful hand skills and speech, the best therapeutic options. Our improved understand-
accompanied by gait abnormalities and stereotypic hand ing of the pathophysiologic underpinnings of RTT has
movements. Several stages are observed clinically: stag- stimulated research into better treatment for comorbid
nation (age 6–18 months), rapid regression (age 1–4 symptoms and the development of new compounds that
years), pseudostationary (age 2–potentially life), and late are potentially able to boost compensatory mechanisms.
motor deterioration (age 10–life). Consequently an RTT We now briefly review pharmacologic interventions
diagnosis is excluded in the presence of grossly abnormal targeting neurologic and psychiatric symptoms associ-
psychomotor development observed during the first six ated with RTT, as well as the main drugs currently
months of life, a history of brain injury secondary to undergoing clinical trials for this syndrome.
trauma, neurometabolic diseases, or severe neurologic
infections (Neul et al., 2010). Other frequent symptoms
The pharmacology of sleep, breathing,
include breathing dysfunction, seizures, spasticity, scoli-
psychiatric, and behavioral disturbances
osis, sleep disturbance, and reduced growth (Chapleau
et al., 2013). Atypical forms include the preserved speech Sleep disturbances are relatively common in RTT, reach-
variant initially described by Zappella et al. (2001), char- ing over 60% of cases (Anderson et al., 2014). Before
acterized by constant intellectual disability, quite often prescribing treatments to regulate circadian rhythmicity,
obesity, and disappearance of hand washing stereotypic clinicians should exclude abdominal pain, gastroesoph-
behaviors after the first few years of life. Rare cases of ageal reflux, and airway obstruction as possible contrib-
isolated hypotonia and developmental delay or utors. RTT patients typically suffer from initial and/or
Angelman-like clinical presentations have been reported intermediate insomnia, i.e., difficulty falling asleep and
(Watson et al., 2001; Heilstedt et al., 2002) frequent awakenings during the night, respectively
RTT is caused mainly by de novo mutations in the (Piazza et al., 1990). Appropriate sleep hygiene is impor-
methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene, located tant in RTT patients, but pharmacologic treatments can
on the Xq28 chromosome (Amir et al., 1999). MECP2 be helpful. The most frequently prescribed sleep inducer
plays an important role in neuronal development, den- is melatonin, which has been found to ameliorate also
dritic branching, and brain morphology, because of its total sleep duration and sleep quality in a small 4-week
ability to bind methylated DNA and to orchestrate epige- RCT trial on nine RTT young girls (McArthur and
netic control over transcription by modulating chromatin Budden, 1998). Also L-carnitine may improve sleep
structure in neuronal cells (Lombardi et al., 2015). duration and quality, according to 1 case report of carni-
Recent studies establish that approximately 95% of clas- tine deficiency in a 5-year-old Rett girl (Plochl et al.,
sical RTT cases and 75% of atypical RTT cases have 1996) and 1 open trial involving 21 Rett girls (Ellaway
mutations in MECP2 (Percy et al., 2007; Neul et al., et al., 2001).
2008; Gold et al., 2018). The remaining cases are due Psychiatric symptoms are also emerging as a major
to other genes associated with RTT, including cyclin- concern in RTT, because they are frequent and often
dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5), Forkhead box protein difficult to diagnose. These include anxiety, mood distur-
G1 (FOXG1), myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C bances, and disruptive behaviors. Mood and anxiety dis-
(MEF2C), and transcription factor 4 (TCF4) (Armani orders may be slightly more prevalent in RTT individuals
et al., 2012; Gold et al., 2018). aged 26–30 years, compared to younger and older age
groups (Anderson et al., 2014). According to three case
reports (G€okben et al., 2012; Brook and Usman, 2015;
Therapeutic approaches
Ohno et al., 2016), the most effective drugs used to man-
There are currently no specific pharmacologic therapies age anxiety, mood disturbances, self-aggressiveness,
for RTT patients, only those directed at symptomatic and sleep apneas are SSRI antidepressants, often in
association with the 5-HT1A agonist buspirone or similar gallbladder disease (Motil et al., 2012; Freilinger et al.,
compounds (G€ okben et al., 2012; Brook and Usman, 2014). Several nonpharmacologic methods can be used
2015; Ohno et al., 2016). In RTT rodent models, these to aid or prevent these symptoms, but proton pump inhib-
compounds interestingly induce MECP2 gene expres- itors and the H2 receptor blocker ranitidine remain a
sion, regulate CO2 chemosensitivity, and modulate the viable option, provided drug–drug interactions and the
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, which is fre- need for vitamin D treatment are carefully considered
quently altered in RTT patients (Hesketh et al., 2005; (Chapleau et al., 2013).
Cassel et al., 2006; Toward et al., 2013). Breathing dis-
orders, including hyperventilation, apnea, breath hold- Adaptive and behavioral training
ing, and air swallowing, are much more frequent while
The regression phase of RTT typically encompasses loss
awake, but may also occur during sleep and deserve a
of previously acquired language skills and of purposeful
trial with the above-mentioned serotoninergic agents,
hand use, increasing difficulties in motor abilities (dys-
while the tricyclic antidepressant desipramine has proven
praxia), and intellectual disability. Hence, behavioral
clinically ineffective in an RCT involving 36 RTT girls
training based on the general principles of operant
(Mancini et al., 2017).
conditioning represents one of the two major areas of
intervention with RTT patients. The second area is repre-
The pharmacology of epilepsy
sented by alternative communication strategies. Similar
As many as 60%–80% of RTT patients develop seizures to patients diagnosed with ASD, during the regression
that evolve into epilepsy, typically at the end of the period RTT patients display deficits in social contact
regression period or soon afterward. RTT is not associ- and experience communication dysfunction. However,
ated with any specific seizure type. In a substantial pro- social deficits and eye contact progressively improve
portion of individuals with RTT, epilepsy is considered in the following years, allowing nonverbal communica-
the major clinical concern, especially in reference to tion with caregivers, provided some training and facilita-
treatment strategies (Glaze et al., 2010; Nissenkorn tion is given. The development of novel augmentative
et al., 2015). AED treatment is currently based on the communication technologies has allowed otherwise non-
general epilepsy literature and on clinical experience, verbal RTT patients to engage with others and to express
since prospective studies are difficult to perform, given themselves (Townend et al., 2016), promoting social
the relatively low prevalence of this rare disease adaptation of RTT young adults into their families and
(Huppke et al., 2007; Krajnc et al., 2011; Pintaudi enjoyment of interpersonal contact (Haas, 1988). Addi-
et al., 2015). AEDs shown to be effective in seizure man- tional cognitive approaches employ nonverbal training
agement and control include valproate (VPA), carbamaz- aimed at teaching basic and complex emotion recogni-
epine (CBZ), and oxcarbamazepine, with additional case tion as part of a cognitive rehabilitation program
reports supporting lamotrigine (LTG), levetiracetam, and (Fabio et al., 2013). Also motor learning supplemented
topiramate (Krajnc, 2015). Many RTT patients present with social, cognitive, and other sensory experiences
serious adverse events and/or suffer from drug-resistant has been proven useful (Rodger et al., 2018).
seizures. VPA may be most effective in younger girls,
with satisfactory seizure control in 40% of the patients Experimental pharmacologic treatments
aged <5 years and in 19% of the girls aged 5–9 years,
Following the discovery of MeCP2 roles in RTT, many
while CBZ may be the most effective AED in patients
research projects aimed at identifying potential therapeu-
15 years or older, followed by LTG, which is prescribed
tic targets in RTT have been conducted. At the moment,
less frequently due to nutritional and behavioral side
the most achievable strategy for treating “classical” RTT
effects (Vignoli et al., 2017). The prevalence of drug-
seems to target events downstream from the MeCP2 def-
resistant epilepsy in RTT patients reaches approximately
icit (Kaufmann et al., 2016). Following this approach, as
30%, as occurs with other newly diagnosed epilepsies,
seen for ASD, ongoing trials are testing omega-3 fatty
and another 20%–40% become refractory to treatment
acids, to reduce oxidative stress (Leoncini et al., 2011);
over time (Krajnc, 2015).
folinic acid to restore methylation capacity (Hagebeuk
et al., 2011); lovastatin (NCT02563860) and drugs like
The pharmacology of gastrointestinal
EPI-743 and triheptanoin to improve metabolic and
mitochondrial function, respectively; glatiramer acetate
Gastrointestinal problems are common and often severe and fingolimod, synaptic regulators, and BDNF-
in RTT patients. They include gastroesophageal reflux, enhancers; dextromethorphan and ketamine (Chapleau
air swallowing with abdominal distention, chronic con- et al., 2013; Gupta et al., 2014), NMDA receptor antag-
stipation, and abdominal pain, occasionally due to onists possibly able to counteract the excess NMDA
receptor density documented in MeCP2 knockout mice In the past, the clinical benefits of psychotropic drugs
(Blue et al., 2011), and the excess glutamate present in were often discovered accidentally and the mechanism
the CSF of young RTT girls (Hamberger et al., 1992). responsible for these improvements was studied post
Bromocriptine and desipramine have also been studied hoc. At present, psychopharmacology is increasingly
for their effect on monoamine neurotransmitters based on knowledge of the molecular pathophysiology
(Zappella et al., 1990), based on clinical signs of underlying the behavioral disorder, using animal and cel-
impaired dopaminergic activity in RTT (Humphreys lular models. This is especially evident in monogenic
and Barrowman, 2016). Initially among the most prom- syndromic forms of autism, although the greater com-
ising compounds, IGF1 (mecasermin) is a pleiotropic plexity of the human brain at times prevents the success-
growth factor with critical roles in synapse development, ful outcomes observed in animal models to be paralleled
maturation, and maintenance. IGF1 is able in vitro to by similar clinical outcomes in autistic patients. The
counteract the most evident functional outcome of the experimental use of neurons obtained from human
loss of MeCP2 at the neuronal level, namely loss of den- induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) represents the cur-
drite ramifications, decreased number of dendritic spines rent frontier of the individualized functional characteri-
and reduced synaptic contacts. One open trial involving zation and in vitro identification of the drugs that
10 Rett girls treated with IGF1 twice a day subcutane- might be most effective in reverting the negative conse-
ously for 20–24 weeks, compared to 10 untreated quences of a genetic mutation or chromosomal anomaly,
patients, examined IGF-1 for efficacy, safety, and toler- analyzed in the context of the whole genome of the
ability (Pini et al., 2016). A statistically significant patient (Kathuria et al., 2017). Targeted psychopharma-
improvement in several measures of Rett severity and cology has now reached the stage of large phase III trials,
social adjustment was obtained, but changes were far less and studies are underway with many promising com-
impressive than those recorded in rodent models. Also, pounds. Meanwhile, the careful use of currently avail-
considering the high costs and the need to administer able psychoactive drugs, though not directly effective
IGF1 subcutaneously, this approach deserves further upon core autistic symptoms, can ameliorate problem
evidence from large RCTs before its efficacy can be behaviors, sleep disturbances, and comorbid disorders,
considered proven. facilitating integration in school and work environments,
enhancing the efficacy of behavioral intervention, and
improving significantly the quality of life of patients
CONCLUSIONS and their families. This, in and of itself, is a clinical target
very much worth pursuing.
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directly derived from adult psychiatry. This poses major
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