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Case Assignment: A Difficult Move (Module 11)

Submitted By: Kritika Kharbanda & Bhargav Pancholi

• Identifying the roles:

a. Corrine as a renter- Kritika Kharbanda
b. Gabriel/Mia as a house owner- Bhargav Pancholi

Question: How this agreement was reached? Describe any challenges that you encounter.


 This agreement was reached with the mutual consent of both renter and house owner.

 The rent agreement was clearly breached as Corrine has installed Heated salt-water
swimming pool, Air conditioner, Alarm system, etc.

 Corrine was not allowed to make the physical changes in the property as per the rent
agreement and she had done it without the permission of House owners.

 Although, the breach of contract has been conducted, House owners feels that these
changes done by Corrine was for her own convenience and as a goodwill gesture house
owner would like to compensate for the same.

 The house owner also felt that the expenses made by the Corrine has definitely added
the value to the house by which House owner are going to be benefited by selling the
property and thus, House owner didn’t want to remove these items.

 House owner did accept to provide Corrine with compensation of $16,500 for the
expenses that are being done by her.

 Later on, Corrine had renegotiated and asked for $23,570 as a compensation and also
offered to leave house by June 30, 2016.

 This is a challenging negotiation as on the one side expenses done by Corrine has added
the value to house which she is not getting back in full and on the other side, she didn’t
ask the permission from house owners to make the changes to house thus, she has
breached the contract.

 Another challenge is that reputation will be at stake for all the involved parties if the
negotiation is not mutually beneficial.

 Thus, to end this negotiation, both parties should come on the middle ground so that
both the parties can be benefited from it.
 By having personal discussion among house owners and renter, they finally agreed
upon the lump sum compensation of $20,000 be given to Corrine for the installation
but those things are being also utilize and be available to her for use till she leaves

 Thus, the Corrine understood that the things which was being installed has also be used
by her till now. Finally, she agreed to receive $20,000 as the compensation for the
expenses that she has made.

 As a goodwill gesture of this negotiation, House owners has agreed that instead of
making Corrine leave by June 30, they are ready to wait up to 15 th July, 2016 so that
Corrine can get more time to find another accommodation without hurrying up.

 Agreement to Vacate the Premises and terms & conditions which has to be honored
to put the agreement in effects are as follows:
Agreement to Vacate Premises
This Agreement to Vacate Premises is made on 1st Day of June,2016, by and between Gabriel
Knight and Mia Rose (hereafter “Landlords”), and Corrine Queen (hereafter “Tenant”)

For some valuable and on behalf of good faith the agreement expresses, the tenant agreed for
vacating the property owned by Landlords located on 123 Happiness Street, Montreal, Quebec
upon following terms and conditions which are mutually agreed to both landlords and tenant.

• Terms and Conditions:

1. Agreement to Vacate
Hereby, tenant agree to vacate the property by July 15th, 2016. In exchange for this the
owner need to compensate on certain premises which are as follows:

a. Compensation
Investments made by the tenant on the above stated property must be
compensated before July 15th, 2016. A lump sum of amount would be given to
the tenant which is $20,000. No other compensation will be honored by Landlords
if tenant offer to leave property before July 15th, 2016.

2. Inspection of the Property

On date July 15th, 2016 the homeowner needs to make final inspection. If any leftover
would be there will be considered as scrap and be thrown out and if any damages to the
property is found it will be cut from security deposit paid by tenant.

3. General Consensus:
 Thus, both landlords and tenant have general consensus on the following matters as well:
a. The tenant needs to clean the property before leaving.
b. The deposit cannot be used for last rent month.

So thereby, We, Landlords giving you a notice on 1st June, 2016 to vacate the property before
15th July, 2016 on honoring the above stated terms and conditions mentioned in this agreement.

In witnessing, the parties mutually agreed on the above agreement.

Landlords - Gabriel Knight and Mia Rose:

By: ___________________________________ ______________________________________
(Signature 1) (Signature 2)
___________________________________ ______________________________________
(Full Name 1) (Full Name 2)
___________________________________ _______________________________________
(Date) (Date)
By: ___________________________________
(Full Name)

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