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Name : Petra Jaya Imanta Tarigan

NPM : 13118046
1 Transportasi B


One thing that made me decided to continue my education in Bandung, namely in the
college of logistics management indonesia is because of Bandung city. I really wanted to live in
Bandung city, i often find out about Bandung through Google and instagram, and finally i was
very happy because i could continue my education in Bandung, and in September 4th i finally
went to Bandung. When i arrived at Husein Sastranegara international airport i saw around me
very many hills like they surround me, and the very cool air came to me when i got off the plane
at that time. And Before i went to college on the 14th i stayed at my brother's house and
continued my holiday time by going around Bandung city before entering college.
On the first day i in Bandung city i went to the satay building because it's
one of the icons of Bandung city, i walked and only by relying on a google map on my cellphone
because the distance of the place was not far from my brother's house, when i got there i
immediately took some pictures to upload on my social media and i sent some pictures to my
parents in the village so they saw that i had arrived in Bandung.
The second day in Bandung city i went to Cihampelas walk where
it was very good in my opinion, because there is no mall like that in Medan where there is open
space and has a skywalk. And even though I'm not shopping, I'm happy because i can surround
the place. After a few days in Bandung city i saw on Google about Trans Studio Bandung, then i
was interested in the place, finally i bought ticket Trans Studio Bandung and went there with my
brother. There are very many rides offered and the place is also very comfortable because in the
room, the first game rides i played was the rolling coster because it was very challenging for me
so finally i played that game first, then i played the other rides until i was satisfied. And i am so
lucky becauce when i came at the right time at Trans Studio Bandung because at the time there
was a musical performance and also a parade of Disney characters, which is very exciting and
very entertaining in my opinion.
The next day my brother and i went to Braga, where i spent a lot of my time took pictures
from every corner in Braga because i felt that place very good and unique and felts like abroad,
after taking pictures, we finally rested and watched the cinema we watched the horror film The
Nun. That's how every day, i spend my time around Bandung before entering college, but one
thing i don't like in Bandung is the food, maybe because i come from the Medan North Sumatera
so my tongue is not used to food in Bandung. In my opinion, food in Bandung is sweet and the
variants are not as much as in the my terrain, more food from chicken like geprek chicken,
penyet chicken. So that i ate chicken more often than in other types of food like fish, vegetable,
and etc.
Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense is a tense that serves to express the action that is being
carried out in the present (when speaking) and something in the future. This tense is also
known as Present Progressive Tense. Because this tense can be used to explain an action
that might or could be done in the future. In essence, Present Countinous Tense shows an
event or condition that is happening now, often occurs, and can be carried out or
continues into the future.



Subject + be (am/is/are) + verb (-ing)  Petra is Reading right now.

Positive (+)
+…  We are Studying today.

Subject +be (am/is/are) + not + verb (-  Wahyu is not Coming tonight.

Negative (-)
ing) + …  I am not working at the moment

 Are you playing tennis this

Interrogative Be (am/is/are) + Subject + verb (-ing)
(?) + …?
 Is Dinda learning Math now?

Am I

Is It
Name of People
Are We

B. Present Continuous Spelling Rules :

1. Continuous verbs

To make continuous verbs add -ing to the base verb:

 Do becomes doing
 Ask becomes asking

2. Silent 'e'

When the verb ends with a silent e, drop the e and add -ing:

 Make becomes making

 Take becomes taking

3. -syllable verbs
For short, one-syllable verbs, that end with consonant + vowel + consonant (CVC), we
must double the last consonant and then add -ing :

 Swim becomes swimming

 Run becomes running

4. w, x and y

For words that end w, x and y, do not double the last consonant; just add -ing:

 Enjoy becomes enjoying

 Study becomes studying

5. Two-syllable words

When words have two or more syllables ending in CVC, you must double the last
consonant if the last syllable is stressed. When the last syllable is not stressed, just add

The last syllable is stressed:

 Commit becomes committing

The last syllable is not stressed:

 Whisper becomes whispering

6. -ie verbs
For verbs that end in -ie, change the ie to y before adding -ing:

 Die becomes dying

 Lie becomes lying

C. The Present Continuous Tense is used for

1. Actions which are happening at or around the moment of speaking.

Example : a. Now I’m doing the washing up.
b. They are learning right now.

2. To show an action that is taking place and is happening now

Example : a. It is raining and I am waiting for my
mother to pick me up.

3. To discuss plans that will definitely occur in the near future.

Example : a. Riska is spending her holiday in Yogyakarta next week.

D. Example of Present Continuous Tense

1. Positive sentence

 We are studying English this afternoon.

 Muzzamil is playing football right now.
 I am eating geprek chicken now in Kedai 71.

2. Negative sentence

 They are not listening to the lecturer.

 I am not waiting for him. I am waiting for you.
 She is not doing her homework.
3. Interrogative sentence

 Are they watching soccer at sports building STIMLOG right now?

 Is she joining choir extracurricular in STIMLOG?
 Am i dreaming about you this night?

E. Kesimpulan dari Present Continous Tense

a. Kita menggunakan present continuous tense ini untuk mengungkapkan  sesuatu yang
bermakna sedang berlangsung atau yang sedang terjadi. Dan bentuk kata kerjanya selalu
diikuti dengan akhiran -ing.

b. Dan kita harus sesuai menggunakan To Be (am, is, you) pada setiap subjek yang
digunakan dalam setiap kalimat tersebut.

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