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# #
# VNCWrapper #
# by #
To install copy the 2 resource-files from the units-directory
and the units of your choice into the search-path of delphi
or the search-path of your project.
Now, copy the package, you need for your Delphi-version out of
the bpl-directory into a folder of your choice and intall it via
the menu "components -> install package".
In order to use the VNCWrapper you need Delphi [6,7,2005,2006] and
a operating system supported by RealVNC Free Edition. Your application
needs a folder ("BinaryPath") with write and execute rights.
The options
BinaryPath : String
Path where the binaries are extracted and executed
ZlibLevel : TZLibLevel
Zlib compression level
Listen : Boolean
Accept incoming connections from VNC servers.
AutoReconnect : Boolean
Offer to reconnect to the remote server if the connectionis dropped becaus
e an error occurs.
MenuKey : TMenuKey
The key which brings up the popup menu
Monitor : String
The monitor to open the VNC Viewer window on, if available.
AcceptBell : Boolean
Produce a system beep when requested to by the server.
Emulate3 : Boolean
Emulate middle mouse button when left and right buttons are used simulaten
PointerEventDelay : Word
The interval to delay between sending one pointer event and the next.
Protocol33 : Boolean
Only use protocol version 3.3
DisableWinKeys : Boolean
Pass special Windows keys directly to the server.
ServerCutText : Boolean
Accept clipboard changes from the server.
ClientCutText : Boolean
Send clipboard changes to the server.
SendKeyEvents : Boolean
Send key presses (and releases) to the server.
SendPointerEvents : Boolean
Send pointer (mouse) events to the server.
Shared : Boolean
Allow existing connections to the server to continue.(Default is to discon
nect all other clients)
AutoSelect: Boolean
Auto select pixel format and encoding
PreferredEncoding : TEncoding
Preferred graphical encoding to use - overridden by AutoSelect if set. (ZR
LE, Hextile or Raw)
ullScreen : Boolean
Use the whole display to show the remote desktop.(Press MenuKey to access
the viewer menu)
LowColourLevel : TColorLevel
Colour level to use on slow connections.
0 = Very Low (8 colours)
1 = Low (64 colours)
2 = Medium (256 colours)
BinaryPath : String
Path where the binaries are extracted and executed
MaxCutText : LongWord
Maximum permitted length of an incoming clipboard update
PollConsoleWindows : Boolean
Server should poll console windows for updates
ZlibLevel : TZLibLevel
Zlib compression level
UseCaptureBlt : Boolean
Use a slower capture method that ensures that alpha blended windows appear
DeadKeyAware : Boolean
Whether to assume the viewer has already interpreted dead key sequences in
to latin-1 characters
QueryConnect : Boolean
Prompt the local user to accept or reject incoming connections.
SendCutText : Boolean
Send clipboard changes to clients.
AcceptCutText : Boolean
Accept clipboard updates from clients.
AcceptPointerEvents : Boolean
Accept pointer press and release events from clients.
AcceptKeyEvents : Boolean
Accept key press and release events from clients.
DisconnectClients : Boolean
Disconnect existing clients if an incoming connection is non-shared.
If combined with NeverShared then new connections will be refused while th
ere is a client active
NeverShared : Boolean
Never treat incoming connections as shared, regardless of the client-speci
fied setting
AlwaysShared : Boolean
Always treat incoming connections as shared, regardless of the client-spec
ified setting
Protocol33 : Boolean
Always use protocol version 3.3 for backwards compatibility with badly-beh
aved clients
CompareFB : Boolean
Perform pixel comparison on framebuffer to reduce unnecessary updates
ClientWaitTimeMillis : Word
The number of milliseconds to wait for a client which is no longer respond
IdleTimeout : Word
The number of seconds after which an idle VNC connection will be dropped (
zero means no timeout)
RemapKeys : TStrings
Comma-separated list of incoming keysyms to remap.
Mappings are expressed as two hex values, prefixed by 0x, and separated by
BlacklistTimeout : Word
The initial timeout applied when a host is first black-listed.
The host cannot re-attempt a connection until the timeout expires.
BlacklistThreshold : Byte
The number of unauthenticated connection attempts allowed from any individ
ual host before that host is black-listed
Password : String
The password which clients must supply to access the server
PasswordFile : String
Password file for VNC authentication
ReverseSecurityType : TReverseSecurityType
Specify encryption scheme to use for reverse connections (None)
SecurityType : TSecurityType
Specify which security scheme to use for incoming connections (None, VncAu
DisableEffects : Boolean
Disable desktop user interface effects when the server is in use.
RemovePattern : Boolean
Remove the desktop background pattern when the server is in use.
RemoveWallpaper : Boolean
Remove the desktop wallpaper when the server is in use.
DisplayDevice : String
Display device name of the monitor to be remoted, or empty to export the w
hole desktop.
DisconnectAction : TDisconnectAction
Action to perform when all clients have disconnected. (None, Lock, Logoff)
DisableLocalInputs : Boolean
Disable local keyboard and pointer input while the server is in use
UpdateMethod : TUpdateMethod
How to discover desktop updates;
0 - Polling
1 - Application hooking
2 - Driver hooking.
QueryOnlyIfLoggedOn : Boolean
Only prompt for a local user to accept incoming connections if there is a
user logged on
LocalHost : Boolean
Only accept connections from via the local loop-back network interface
Hosts : TStrings
ilter describing which hosts are allowed access to this server
PortNumber : Word
TCP/IP port on which the server will accept connections
HTTPPortNumber : Word
TCP/IP port on which the server will serve the Java applet VNC Viewer
DisableClose : Boolean
Disable the Close entry in the VNC Server tray menu.
QueryConnectTimeout : Byte
Number of seconds to show the Accept Connection dialog before rejecting th
e connection

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