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Name : Yulinda

Nim : 31218325

Class : A3 – Manajemen


Unit 2, Page: 29-35

Communication has always been highly recognized in commercial circles.

Regarding with the means of communication, business communication can be
divided into two types: spoken and written communication. Indeed, Bo xu (2012)
written business communication by means of business letters plays a very
substantial role in bridging and maintaining business relationships both within a
company and with external contacts. Alison (2018) highlights that there are
particlurar parts of the letter that must be well considered, namely, contact of
information, salutation (greetings), body of letter, closing, and signature. The
above explaination can be concluded that there are some considerable points
before writing a letter

Figure 2. Steps before writing a letter

What to do before writing a letter

- who is the recipient

- how do you get the information

- explain clearly what your logical reason is

- highlight the point of view

- state your expectation before closing the letter

Business letters are clearly more formal than E-mails or memos. A business letter
is a formal way of communicating between two or more parties through the
structured written text. There are many different uses and business letters.
Business letters can be informational, persuasive, motivational, or promotional.
Letters provide a permanent record and a statement of responsibility for the
contents on the part of the writer who attaches a signature. As such they require
the writer to use greater care in the writing process and they allow the writer a
format to present a more complex, logical argument.
There are two typical business letters as known namely;

- Formal letters are those that are issued by a competent body, whether a
company, an organization, a department or an individual who holds an
important position within the company. Also considered formal letters are
those that are issued by natural individuals in order for them to be read by
organization or company.
- An other side Informal letters, also named personal letters, are those in which
the writers have a relationship that does not involve the business area.
Informal letters are transmitted between friends and family. Unlike formal
letters, informal letters do not have a specific pattern. They depend on what
the writer wants to transmit and on his ability to express himself in writing.
These can be identified different kinds of the two letters:

Formal letter:

- recommendation letter
- letter of acceptance
- letter of permission
- letter of application
- transfer letter
- letter of authorization
- letter of resignation

Informal letter:

- birthday card or invitation letter

- letter of apology
- letter of congratulation
- letter of gratitude
- letter of farewell
- letter of friendship or love

There are much benifits why we need to write the letter as follow;

- The letter will allow you to get in touch easily with the person whom you
are writing to
- It will enable you as the letter writer communicate your own purposes to
the person as a recipient
- The letter is written texts that can help you to express your thoughts and
feeling formally or informally
- The written letter that explains clear purposes will give more
comprehensive information to the readers
- Letter is one of the organizational documents will effectively assist the
employees to describe their intentions.
- Letter is the best media of exchanging information. Businessmen can
easily exchange information related to business activity.
- Business letters are also used to maintain documentary evidence. A
business letter acts as a proof document which is completely absent in
other means of communication.

This chapter includes some useful guidelines for composing letters according to
various formats generally and degrees of formality namely; Sender's address,
Date, Recipient's address, Salutation, Body letter, Closing and signature. The
content (body) of a business letter has five basic parts: (1) a reference, (2) the
reason for writing. (3) a description of enclosed documents (if appropriate), (4)
closing remarks, and (5) some reference to future contact.

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