CHAPTER 31 Faraday S Law

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 Magnetic flux

 Faraday’s Law
 Lenz Law
 Magnetic force due to Motional EMF
 Relationship between motional EMF, induced
electric field and potential difference

Dr. Ewe Lay Sheng
What is Magnetic Induction?
 The process by which a substance, such as iron or
steel, becomes magnetized (permanently or
 In this chapter you will learn that by changing
magnetic field, it can generate electric fields
(induced E).
 The change in magnetic flux through any closed
line surface can cause an emf (ε) around that line.
 This emf (ε) can induce a current in a wire. These
are referred to as induced emf and induced current.
The general phenomenon is called magnetic
ΦB = magnetic field . Area
= B.A
= BA cos
A measure of the flowability of magnetic field
through a given surface area

Faraday’s law
The induced emf around a closed mathematical path in
magnetic field is equal to the rate of change of the
magnetic flux intercepted by the area within the path

Lenz’s law
The induced emfs are always oppose the change that
generates them " OR opposes the original change in
magnetic flux


Figure 1

 Figure above shows a conducting rod moved with a
velocity v in a uniform magnetic field B.
 The magnetic force acting on a free electron in the
rod will be directed downwards and has a magnitude
equal to

 As a result of the magnetic force, electrons will start

to accumulate at the bottom of the rod.
 The charge distribution of the rod will therefore
change, and the bottom of the rod will have an
excess of electrons (negative charge) while the top
of the rod will have a deficit of electrons (positive
 This charge distribution will produce an electric
field in the rod.
 The strength of this electric field will increase until
the electrostatic force (Fel)produced by this field is
equal to the magnetic force (FB).

 As this point the downward flow of electrons will

stop and
 The induced electric field will generate a potential
difference, V between the ends of the rod, equal to

 If the ends of the rod are connected to a circuit
providing a return path for the accumulated charge,
the rod will be a source of EMF.
 Since the EMF is associated with the motion of the
rod through the magnetic field, it is called motional
 The magnitude of the EMF is proportional to the
velocity v.
 Looking at Figure 1 we observe that vL is the area
swept across by the rod per second.
vL = (x/t)(L)
 The quantity BvL is the magnetic flux swept across
by the rod per second (t= 1 second). Thus

Φ = BA = B xL

ε = dΦ/dt
= B xL / t
= BvL

 Although this formula was derived for the special

case shown in Figure above, it is valid in general.
 It holds for rods and wires of arbitrary shape
moving through magnetic fields.

 The induced emf is related to the rate at which the
enclosed magnetic flux changes.
 In the system shown in Figure 1 the enclosed flux
changes due to the motion of the rod, and the
strength of the enclosed magnetic field changes.
 In both cases the result will be an induced emf.
 The magnitude of the emf induced in a conducting
loop is equal to the rate at which the magnetic flux
through that loop changes with time.
 A current is set up even though no batteries are
present in the circuit, such a current is induced
current and it is produced by an induced emf.*

I induced

A metal rod of length L and mass m is free to slide,
on two parallel frictionless metal tracks.
 The tracks are connected at one end so that they and
the rod form a closed circuit. The rod has a
resistance R

 The magnetic field is increasing at a constant rate

dB/dt and into the page
 Initially the magnetic field has strength B0 and the rod
is at rest at a distance x0 from the connected end of the
 Find the acceleration of the rod at this instant in terms
of the given quantities
How to begin?
 The magnetic flux , enclosed by the rod and the
tracks at time t = 0 s is given

 The magnetic field is increasing with a constant

rate, and consequently the enclosed magnetic flux is
also increasing

 Faraday'slaw of induction can now be used to
determine the induced emf

 As a result of the induced emf, a current will flow

through the rod with a magnitude equal to

 The direction of the current is along the wire, and
therefore perpendicular to the magnetic field. The
force exerted by the magnetic field on the rod is
given by

 We obtain for the force on the wire

a) A long solenoid has 200 turns of wire per meter
and has a radius of 3.0 cm. If the current in the
wire is increasing at a rate of 30 A/s, at what rate
does the strength of the magnetic field in the
solenoid increase?

a) The solenoid is surrounded by a coil with 100

turns. The radius of this coil is 6.0 cm. What
induced emf will be generated in this coil while
the current in the solenoid is increasing?


b) Since the magnetic field in the solenoid is

changing, the magnetic flux enclosed by the
surrounding coil will also change. The flux enclosed
by a single winding of this coil is

Where rin = 3.0 cm is the radius of the solenoid.

Here we have assumed that the strength of the
magnetic field outside the solenoid is zero.

 The total flux enclosed by the outside coils is equal

 therate of change of the magnetic flux due to that

change in magnetic field is given by

 As a result of the change in the current in the

solenoid, an emf will be induced in the outer coil,
with a value equal to

A rod moving in a magnetic field will have an
induced emf as a result of the magnetic force acting
on the free electrons.
 The induced emf will be proportional to the linear
velocity v of the rod.
 If we look at the rod from a reference frame in
which the rod is at rest, the magnetic force will be
 However, there must still be an induced emf.
 When there is an emf, it must have an induced
electric field, which exists in the moving reference
frame. When there is an Eind, there is an induced
current (Iind).
 The magnitude of this electric field must be same as
the induced emf that is created or generated in the
reference frame when the rod is moving. This
requires that,

 The electric field E' that exists in the reference frame

of the moving rod is called the induced electric field.
The emf generated between the ends of the rod is
equal to

 If the induced electric field is position dependent,
then we have to replace eq. above with an integral

 Where the integral extends from one end of the rod

to the other end of the rod
 The difference between the induced electric field
and the electric field generated by a static charge
distribution is that in the former case the field is not
conservative and the path integral along a closed
path (induced E) is equal to (conservative)

 The square loop in Figure below is made of wires
with total series resistance 10.0 Ω. It is placed in a
uniform 0.100-T magnetic field directed
perpendicularly into the plane of the paper. The
loop, which is hinged at each corner, is pulled as
shown until the separation between points A and B
is 3.00 m. If this process takes 0.100 s, what is the
average current generated in the loop? What is the
direction of the current?

29. A rectangular coil with resistance R has N turns,
each of length ℓ and width w as shown in Figure
below. The coil moves into a uniform magnetic field
B with constant velocity v. What are the magnitude
and direction of the total magnetic force on the coil
(a) as it enters the magnetic field, (b) as it moves
within the field, and (c) as it leaves the field?


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