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Because of one english homework I placed myself on the terrace of my apartment,

which is the highest one in the sector, it is a nineteen floor, and what i can hear
and see from here is something really hard to describe.
The first thing I can observe is many buildings with different colors, shapes, and
sizes, between this building i can see the roads with a lot of traffic, and many type
of vehicles such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes and buses from the public
transport of the city, also i can see the people walking maybe going to their jobs,
colleges or universities, i can see children, teenagers, adults and elderly people.
From here i can hear many things, for example the birds, the claxon of the cars,
the wind, music form other apartments and sometimes, planes that pass near, just
below my building there is a gym and i can see people making exercise, i can see
that they are having a good time because they are smiling, with them there is
coach that is telling them what they have to do, next to them there is a park in
which there are many children playing and laughing, some of them are playing
soccer, riding a bicycle and others just sitting screeching.
Looking a little further I can see mountains in which painted houses of various
colors are located this is called the great butterfly, i can see that the roads over
there are not in good conditions and all the houses are very close so its difficult for
the big vehycles to pass through those streets.
The scene around me here in the top of my buliding is very peculiar, but at the
same time normal because the things that im seeing are things that you see every
day such as a chimney, some windows, and a table, but the mix of something
normal but located in the top of a very high building is something that you cant see
every day, soy i think that the best description for this i think could be the artistic
movement “Dadaism” which consist in mix things that never had been together for
exple puting a tank in a tree . What im trying to say is that i can explain what is
around me as something absurd.
In conclusión, my home is located in an amazing place.

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