Sona Erlangga

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Name : Sona Erlangga

NPM : 1915041016

Obey the parent’s


How to respect
my parents

Listen to parents’ Help parent’s

advice well work

Parents are the most precious gifts of God for me

who gave birth to me and nurture me with love and affection right from childhood
with sincerity. They were so meritorious to me that I was unable to repay them.
Therefore, we should respect and love them, can with in this three ways, so that I can
feel the positive effects of respecting my parents too.
There are three ways to respect my parents. The first way, I have to obey the
parent’s orders as long as they are good. Obey parent’s orders always and do not
argue with them, except they command something that is sinful, because obedience to
God is still the priority. The next way, I have to listen to my parents' advice well. The
suggestion might be good for me and it would not wrong to be heard as long as it is
good. If the suggestion is wrong, then we also have to tell it in a good way and not to
hurt their feelings. The last way, I can help parent’s work. I can help with their work
such as cleaning the house, sweeping, etc. so that their work becomes light. I don't
have to help their hard work, just do the work who I can do it.
Respecting parents has many positive effects. By obeying parents' orders, my
parents will feel happy and I will also get a reward from God for respect my parents.
Listening to their advice will also give us an opportunity to be better and not go wrong
way. Helping their work also gives me benefits, such as getting rewards from God,
increasing my close relationship with them, and many more.
I think, Respecting parents has many ways. The three ways above are only a
few ways to respect the parents. But, of the many ways, no one has no benefit.
Therefore, respecting parents is an obligation that must be done.

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