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September 30, 2017

Once a sagacious soul said something is better than nothing. But if that something carries with it a

number of obvious obligations-makes effective efforts to chain the wildness-reins to check the horses of

pleasure-threatens not to be involved in heinous works-urges to have faith in without any logic should
we accept it? If that something reminds us of the ethnic cleansing performed by religious bigotry all over

the world-execrable occupation of other's land in the name of God-iconoclastic savageness of some
fanatics as supported by a faith-indiscriminate plundering & brutally killing as enthused by some

religious heads. Should we stand in favour of it ?

If that something shows an easy path of removing accumulated burden of triple grief promises to
alleviate the agony of ineffable troubles in life, teaches to welcome everyone without feeling any pride &
serve all beings with humility-advises to moult the inhumanly mean mask from the face. Should we obey

it ? If that something tells you tales of imaginary happiness-invincibly invisible power-magical touches
resulting in the removal of some fatal diseases-miraculous events of making possible the impossible.

Should we believe in it ? If that something leads mankind to the way of destruction-makes religion a
killing weapon-hits upon a plan to keep up enmity among different kinds of people-thinks the

womenfolk as mortal materials-feels no scruple to satisfy the animal propensities etc. etc. Should we
accompany it ?

only one way

If that something gives information that the number of atheists has exceeded that of theists of some
major faiths-repeats time & again that religion knows only how to hurt-as revealed from history.
Highlights the frightening assassinations of some pious personalities on account of different religious

doctrines--should we keep aloof from it ? If that something declares that evil omen in anything is in the
house & the woman-echoes with a philosopher that man is the Will & woman the Sentiment-in this ship
of humanity-Will is the rudder & Sentiment the sail-informs us that a woman is married for 4 things.
Her wealth-family status-beauty and religion and opines to marry a religious woman, declares that
never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler. Should we abide by it ?

If that something asks you to keep the body in good health because otherwise you shall not be able to
keep your mind strong & clear-to forgive others because it means to be good to yourself. Expresses that
the greatest prayer is PATIENCE, work out your own salvation. Don't depend on others. Preaches that
the more you love, the more you know, the more you love & know, the more deeply you plunge into
sacred action born from love & knowledge. Should we agree to it? If that something warns you that you
will not enter paradise until you have faith and you will not complete your faith until you love one
another. Prohibits you from lusting after your neighbour's house or wife or servant or maid or ox or
donkey. Inspires you to listen to the saying. You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you-none

can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your soul. Should we think of it?

Now this something if appears before us in the shape of religion or scripture or theism. WHAT SHOULD


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