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These United Systems, In the hopes of creating a safe and 

united galaxy, hereby declare our intention to forge together a republican system for the greater 
protection of its members.  
Whereas: the Corruption and Dysfunction of the Old Republic led directly to the rise of the 
Sith Empire, 
Whereas: the Oppression of the Sith Empire nearly led to the complete eradication of 
freedom and peace in the galaxy, 
Whereas: the systems of the Old Republic were nearly incapable of throwing off the 
oppression of the sith, and only accomplished such a feat with the help of the noble Jedi Order, 
And Whereas: the systems which made up the Old Republic seek now to make an 
incorruptible bastion against tyranny and oppression in the galaxy, 
Therefore: The Founding Systems of the Galactic Republic as well as all 
systems joining in the foreseeable future hereby swear to uphold the values placed forth in this, 

Constitution of the Galactic 

the founding

Section I: Articles of Sentient Rights 
Article I: 
With regards to matters of the application of Republic Law, Sentience will be defined as an organic lifeform 
capable of... 
A. Some manner of intelligible communications with other sentient species 
B. Independent thought and action 
C. Self teaching and learning from its past experiences 
Any organic lifeform so meeting these requirements shall be granted full access to the rights layed out within 
this document, as long as said lifeform is within the boundaries of the Galactic Republic 
Article II: 
Slavery, defined as the unpaid or forced servitude of any being defined as sentient under Section I Article I, is 
formally and irrevocably banned on any worlds represented in, or seeking representation in, the galactic 
Article III: 
The right of all sentient beings native to, or inhabiting, worlds member to the Galactic Republic to enjoy free 
and unmolested expression of opinions shall not be infringed by any governmental body within the republic. 
Article IV: 
All sentient beings native to or residing in member worlds of the galactic republic have the right to enjoy equal 
opportunity under the law. This includes... 
A. The right to hold and protect private property from seizure by republican officials 
B. The right to a just trial 
C. The right to equal representation in the senate and the democratic process 
D. The right to protection from unjust punishment 
Section II: Articles of Republic 
Article I: Powers of the Galactic Senate 
The Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic is the principle legislative and representative body of the Galactic 
Republic. All member worlds must elect a senator to represent their interests in the Galactic Senate. The powers 
of the senate are defined as follows 
A. The Senate will vote on any new bill of law placed before it. If said bill of law receives the assent of at 
least more than half of the senators of the republic, the bill will be made into law and enacted as soon 
as the republic finds itself capable of enacting said bill 
B. The Republic Senate may elect to amend this constitution at their discretion. In order to enact a 
constitutional amendment, 2/3rds of all senators of the republic must consent to the amendment 
C. The Republic Senate has the ultimate and final authority on issuing a formal declaration of war, given 
that 2/3rds of the senate agrees to issue such a declaration 
D. The senate has the ability to elect the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. If the office of the 
Supreme Chancellor is empty, the Senate must elect one of their number to serve in office. The 
candidate which receives a simple majority of votes wins the election and assumes the office of 
Supreme Chancellor.  
E. The Senate has the ability to Dismiss the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, if they are 
deemed unfit to continue serving in their present office. A senator may move for a vote of no 
confidence, and if the vote receives more the 2/3rds of the senate in favor of removing the present 
Chancellor from office, they will be immediately removed and a special election will immediately take 
F. The Senate may also select to impeach a sitting chancellor if that chancellor has been found guilty of 
an impeachable offense by an independent investigation. An impeachable offense shall be defined as 
any criminal action which may propose a threat to the stability and democracy of the republic. 
G. The Senate may, in times of great need, elect to grant the Supreme Chancellor emergency power over 
the republic. A motion to grant the Chancellor Emergency powers may only be passed with the assent 
of 2/3rds of the senate. The senate may rescind emergency powers at any point by passing a simple 
majority vote. 
Article II: Powers of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic 
A. The Supreme Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the Galactic Republic, and Chairman of the 
Galactic Senate. The first responsibility of the Supreme Chancellor is to direct, monitor, and 
administrate meetings of the Senate, as well as calling any meetings of the senate to order. 
B. The Supreme Chancellor also acts as the Commander in Chief for any standing republic military forces 
C. The Supreme Chancellor has the right to a cabinet of administrative officers, including the Vice Chair 
and the Senior Administrative Aide. These offices have their own unique powers independent of the 
Supreme Chancellor 
a. Vice Chair 
i. The Vice Chair of the galactic republic has the responsibility of formally opening and 
closing senate proceedings, as well as calling senators to attend senate sessions 
ii. The Vice Chair as well dictates the itinerary of the Senate. Bills are submitted to the 
Vice Chair, at which point he will place and order the senate session allotting 
necessary debate time to each individual issue. 
iii. The Vice Chair also has the responsibility for assuring proper Senate procedural rules, 
and disciplining Senators who fail to uphold said rules 
b. Senior Administrative Aide 
i. The Senior Administrative Aide assists the Supreme Chancellor in many 
Administrative Duties, including scheduling, public speaking, and helping the 
chancellor form policy 
ii. The Senior Administrative Aide will address the media and the press on behalf of the 
iii. The Senior Administrative Aide may also meet with interested parties if the 
chancellor is occupied or otherwise indisposed 
D. When Emergency powers are granted to the Supreme Chancellor by the greater senate , the powers of 
the chancellor are defined as such 
a. The Chancellor will have the power to declare war unilaterally and without need for the 
approval of the senate 
b. The Chancellor may pass legislation without the approval of the senate, barring those laws 
which would violate the rights of sentience, or limit the ability of the Galactic Senate to serve 
its appointed role 
c. The Chancellor may not pass legislation which might prevent the Senate from justly stripping 
the Chancellor of emergency powers 
d. The Chancellor may elect to surrender emergency powers willinglingy, without being forced to 
by the senate 
E. The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic will serve no more than 2 terms of 4 years each 
F. The Chancellor has the power of Executive Order. At their discretion, the supreme chancellor may use 
this power to direct the enforcement of law or the management of governmental resources 
G. The Supreme Chancellor has the ability to nominate Judges to the Republic Supreme Court 
Article III: Powers of the Judicial Department 
A. The Republic shall have a supreme court, who will serve both to judge cases which may pertain to the 
constitution, or to hold the trial of government officials 
B. When hearing a case, the Judges will hear argument from 2 seperate sides of a debate, which will 
present their cases before the Judges render a decision 
C. The Judiciary will have access to a small fighting force, called the Judicial Forces. These forces will be 
a small peacekeeping force, operated and maintained by the republic, for use in enforcement of republic 
D. The Judicial Department also has the responsibility of overseeing the Jedi Order in their role as 
peacekeepers of the republic 
Article IV: Obligations of Member Worlds 
A. All member worlds of the republic are required to pay taxes to the republic, as set forth by the tax code 
drafted and approved by majority rule in the senate 
B. All member worlds must agree to abide by the statutes and limitations put forth in this constitution 
unconditionally and without compromise 
C. Member worlds may not enter into treaties or alliances with unions rival to the Galactic Republic 
D. Member worlds will not wage war on one another 
E. Member worlds agree to cooperate with any criminal investigations conducted by the central 
government of the Galactic Senate, including the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, the Galactic 
Senate, and the Judicial Department of the Galactic Republic 
F. Member worlds of the galactic republic agree to abide by any decisions made by the courts of the 
Galactic Republic 
Section III: Articles of Industry 
Article I: 
The Senate reserves the right to collect taxes on trade and industry moving through Republic Space, including 
through routes not owned or operated by the republic, but operating in republic space 
Article II: 
Member worlds of the Republic cannot impose tariffs or collect taxes on local trade higher than 20% of all 
trade value. 
Article III: 
Member worlds of the Republic may not establish trade embargos, defined as deliberate cessation of trade for 
the purposes of political leverage, on one another 
Article IV: 
The Republic will establish, police, and maintain a number of public hyperspace routes for use by trade 
companies and private citizens in an unrestricted manner 

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