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SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL, EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES NOVEMBER EXAMINATIONS, 2011 GEOS1111 FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOLOGY TIME ALLOWED: 2 HOURS SECTION B Long Answer Questions Suggested time for SECTION B is 70 minutes. SECTION B IS DIVIDED INTO TWO PARTS (A AND B). ANSWER A TOTAL OF FOUR (4) QUESTIONS ANSWER TWO QUESTIONS (2) FROM PARTS A & B. ALL QUESTIONS ARE OF EQUAL VALUE. TOTAL MARKS FOR THIS SECTION IS 60 PLACE ANSWERS FOR PARTS A & B IN TWO (2) SEPARATE ANSWER BOOKS. CANDIDATES SHOULD SUBMIT TWO SEPARATE ANSWER BOOKS. CANDIDATES MAY BRING: DRAWING INSTRUMENTS. THIS PART OF THE PAPER MAY BE RETAINED BY CANDIDATES. PART A. FUNDAMENTALS OF GEOLOGY ‘Answer TWO (2) questions from PART A. Use a separate answer book for PART A. QUESTION 1. (15 marks) Provide an explanatory note for THREE (3) of the following. Use diagrams where appropriate. a) b) °) qa) The use of fossils for correlation of rock sequences across a region. Discuss the differences between contact and regional metamorphism. The use of fossils to construct a relative time scale. The principles of superposition and inclusion to determine the order of geological events QUESTION 2. (15 marks) Provide explanatory notes for all THREE (3) of the following. Use diagrams where appropriate. a) Discuss how the silica structure of quartz, pyroxene and micas differ and control the cleavage. b) Discuss the differences between destructive and constructive plate boundaries with examples from around the Earth. ©) With the aid of a diagram, briefly describe Bowen's reaction series and its application to predicting the sequence of mineral crystallisation from magma. QUESTION 3. (15 marks) Draw annotated diagrams or write brief notes to answer THREE (3) of the following: a) _ illustrate the difference between a nonconformity and an angular unconformity. b) Illustrate a symmetrical, plunging anticline; an asymmetrical, non- plunging syncline and a plunging monociine. c) Use diagrams to illustrate: 1) the throw and heave on a normal fault; and d) 2) the difference between dextral and sinistral strike-slip faults. Detail the features contained in the legend of a geological map. PARTB ORE DEPOSITS AND EXPLORATION METHODS ‘Answer TWO (2) questions from PART B Use a separate answer book for PART B. QUESTION 4. (15 marks) Describe the process of formation of porphyry Cu deposits and discuss exploration methods that may be used to detect such deposits. QUESTION 5. (15 marks) Discuss the common geological setting (including tectonic setting) and processes involved in mineralisation for TWO (2) of the following styles of deposits: - a) Banded iron formations; b) Diamond-bearing kimberiitic intrusions; c) — Granite-hosted Sn; d) Cu-bearing skarns. QUESTION 6. (15 marks) Describe, using sketches where appropriate: a) The secondary enrichment of mineral deposits through weathering processes. b) The formation of placer deposits of Au, Sn or heavy minerals. End of Section B

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