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“The founders of the Mattel toy company named

two dolls after their children: Ken and Barbie.”

*Taken from National Geographic Kids Weird But True: 300 outrageous facts
Jesus taught people to
____________ Him.

Q. What else did God make?

A. God made all things
Jesus did not choose
(Gn. 1, esp. verses 1, 31; Acts 14:15;
Rm. 11:36; Col. 1:16). ___________ followers.

For this reason God also highly exalted Him
Matthew _____ : ______
and gave Him the name that is above every name,
so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow—
of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth —
and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
At the Summit, we’re striving to climb to new heights with Jesus. These five devotionals are suggestions of activities to do as a family to help your family to climb closer to Jesus to-
gether at home during the week. This tool is intended to help you lead a family worship time. Please go to God in worship as a family on a regular basis even if you do not use this re-
source. If your family completes one of the devotionals parents can initial in the boxes below and the child will receive a buck for every devotional completed.

Devotional One, Read: Jesus came with the greatest message of all time Devotional Two, Pray: Jesus taught His disciples how to pray in Matthew
“God is with us”. He spent 3 years or so selecting and teaching other 6:9-13 and Luke 11:4 also records this prayer. Some call it the Lord’s
men to follow Him and tell the world this story. This message has been prayer but it was really Jesus teaching His disciples how to pray. Read this
passed down for thousands of years to you and me today. Read scripture prayer and then pray this prayer. It would be fun to have mom or dad (or
that shows what kind of followers we are to be. Talk about all these you) type it out , print it, and frame it also and put it in your room. From
scriptures and how you can begin living them out. time to time you can pray the way Jesus said would be best.

Scriptures to consider: Matthew 10:38; Matthew 16:24; Luke 9:23; Pray to God using the Disciples prayer in Matthew 6:9-13
John 8:12

Devotional Three, Mold: It took a while to mold the disciples into what Devotional Four, Memorize: Play hide and go seek with words from
Jesus wanted them to be and they didn’t always act the right way. God the memory work. Tell children how man pieces there ought to be.
Once they find all the pieces, they can work to see how much of it they
uses people and people have sin. But that’s not an excuse. God wants to
can put in order. Do this multiple times with new hiding places (kids
get rid of our sin and continue to mold us into what he wants us to be. can rotate hiding too with parents testing their skills). Time each par-
Decide something to mold (anything) and if it doesn’t come out perfect ticipant to see who has th e quickest time. Reward effort and best time
right away, that’s okay. Let it remind you that Jesus is continually mold- with a simple prize.
ing us into the followers He wants us to be. Mold: Mold anything. If its
Memorize: Philippians 2:9-11 and Q&A
not perfect the first time, keep molding it until you are satisfied.

Devotional Five, Sing: I love hymns. Hymns are songs that people might have been singing for hundreds of years. One of my favorites is “ O Come
all Ye Faithful.” With your parent’s help, look up this song on the internet or in a hymn book. See if you can find the story behind the song. Talk
about this song and what it means. A good resource is “,” you can listen and read the lyrics and read about the hymn. See if
you can sing the hymn once you’re finished learning about it.

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