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Cerenna Harrison

Mrs. Schinzing

Bible 8-1

13 December 2019

My Bible Final Exam

The world is a mysterious place and at some point, you need something to turn to and

rely on. It is important to have a biblical worldview because it shapes your view of the world,

especially in the areas of theology, biology, and philosophy. Each part has something new to

explain about the world and God himself.

Theology is the study of what we can know about God. We can go to church or even

read the Bible to learn more about him. Theology helps us understand what our purpose is and if

there is a God. If we start to understand then our understandings will turn into actions. God

does so many things for us and it is important to be with him so you can be more like him.

Genesis 1: 3 says and God said let there be light and there was light. There is always more to

learn about God, but we also need to know the truth of the world.

Philosophy is finding out the truth and what is real and what is not. We must be very

careful because sometimes we get so caught up in what the world says that we don’t listen to

what God has to say. Truth is Universal so we must make sure that misconception does not take

over our lives. Misconception is believing something makes it so and many people fall for it. It

is important to trust God always because if you listen to the world it could lead you to something

disastrous. You can learn about what is true by epistemology, which is how we know what we
know. John 1:3 says through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has

been made. Everyone needs to know the truth of God, but we also need to know about all the

things he created.

Biology is the study of living things and their origins. If we believe in God and

love him, it is important to know how we got here and how everything happened. If people are

not exposed to God or know that He is the designer, then they come to believe in abiogenesis

which is the belief that life came from nothing. The law of biogenesis states that life came from

pre-existing life and that is what Christians believe. Evolution says that we were all made the

same and that there is no sin in the world, but that is false. Genesis 1:1 says that in the

beginning God created the heavens and the earth. We all have a purpose and we were all made

differently in the image of God.

It is important to have a relationship with God in Theology, Philosophy and Biology.

Theology talks about our purpose for life, Philosophy talks about the truth of the world, and

Biology talks about how we got here. These three topics have helped me learn about the full

meaning of God and how to have a relationship with him on earth.

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