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Karen Paula V. Manalo

March 3, 2018

Graduate Studies Department, College of Science and Computer Studies, De La Salle University -
Dasmariñas, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines


Alkaloids are cyclic nitrogen-containing phytochemicals from several

plant species including unripe, green tomato fruits. Many studies have shown
that glycoalkaloids have teratogenic effects on different embryos. This special
problem focuses on the possible teratogenic effects of various concentrations of
alkaloids from immature, green tomatoes on neurodevelopment of chick
embryos. Methods conducted by Guvenc et al. (2016) and Farjadmand, Eslami
and Sadighara (2011) on induction and observation will be followed.

INTRODUCTION determine if different concentrations of

glycoalkaloids from immature Lycopersicon
The initially proposed title of the special esculentum (tomato) have terataogenic effects
problem was “Effects of Tomatine from on the neurodevelopment of chick embryos.
Immature, Green Lycopersicon esculentum
(Tomato) on Neural Tube Development of ALKALOIDS
Chick Embryos.” However, due to equipment
and time constraints, the research will now According to Zulak et al. (2006 in
focus on alkaloids where tomatine belongs to. In Kennedy & Wightman, 2011), alkaloids are a
addition Taveira et al. (2012) stated that the diverse group of “over 12,000 cyclic nitrogen-
determination of compounds like tomatine via containing compounds that are found in over
HPLC which was also initially included in the 20% of plant species.” They are known as
research is complex, tedious, and not readily secondary metabolites or phytochemicals
available in most laboratories due to its high produced by plants to protect themselves from
price. This was the exact encounter upon outside stress and pathogens (Rafiqkhan, et al.,
development of the research. The 2014).
neurodevelopment will also be considered as a
whole and not just the neural tube development Zulak et al. (2006 in Kennedy &
as only gross microanatomy will be observed. Wightman, 2011) stated that alkaloids are
Histological preparations and observations need primarily toxic to insects and herbivores as their
to be done to better observe and characterize the targets are the nervous system. Kennedy and
neural tube. Wightman (2011) described that alkaloids can
already be tolerated by herbivores; however, are
This research aims to determine and still toxic to mammals.
characterize the effects of the different
concentrations of glycoalkaloids from immature Alkaloids can be categorized into certain
Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) on groups depending on their chemical structures.
neurodevelopment of chick embryos and to Some of these groups are the purines which

include xanthines, caffeine, theobromine, and Bjørnstad et al. (2015) said that the chick
theophylline; the steroid alkaloids like tomatine embryo has been used as a vital model in
which has a steroid skeleton in a nitrogen developmental biology and neurodevelopment.
containing structure; solanum alkaloids from The 46-stage chick development, that is still
potato and tomato such as solanidine, solanine, used nowadays, was thoroughly described by
and chaconine; and pyridine alkaloids like Hamburger and Hamilton (1951 in Bjørnstad et
nicotine (Kennedy & Wightman, 2011). al. (2015) with the characterization of the
neurodevelopmental stages.
Doshi et al. (2016) also described the
Alkaloids found in tomato are known as neurodevelopment of the chick based on
steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs). They occur in Hamburger – Saunders. According to them,
all plant parts with the highest concentrations in development starts from the neuroectoderm at
leaves, unripe fruits, and flowers (Ventrella et about 20-21 hours of incubation. The neural
al., 2016). SGAs are said to be toxic by Koffi et folds will then be visible in the region of head at
al. (2016). 23-26 hours. Neural folds will then meet at the
midbrain after 26hrs and three major brain
The previous literature presented focused vesicles will be observed by 33-38 hours. After
on the glycoalkaloid tomatine. Another 40-45 hours, the cranial flexure takes place, five
glycoalkaloid found in tomato is solanine. neuromeres of the hindbrain are observable and
Solanine is described as a poison occurring in the anterior neuropore closes. It is by 48 hours
plants. It is also said to be very toxic even in when the posterior neuropore closes. At 52-64
small amounts (Kakhia, 2012). Kakhia (2012) hours, the forebrain is elongated and
discussed that solanine poisoning is mainly compressions between brain parts are more
observed in gastrointestinal and neurological distinct.
ailments. He further added that ripe tomatoes
(red or yellow) do not have notable amounts of As already presented in the previous
solanine; however, is high in concentration in related literature presented on this topic,
unripe (green) tomatoes. tomatine, as an example of a glycoalkaloid has
both positive and negative effects on other
This is in line with Choi et al. (2013) organisms. Lather et al. (2011) described the
who stated that green tomato has high brain defects found in cattle and sheep due to
concentrations of glycoalkaloids like tomatine exposure to glycoalkaloids from L. esculentum.
and dehydrotomatine as well as Cichon and Silva et al. (2017) also illustrated the
Schwartz (2015) who said that tomatine is most neurotoxicity of glycoalkaloids from immature
concentrated in green tomatoes and is tomatoes.
enzymatically broken down upon ripening.
Since such previous studies described
Friedman and Levin (1995 in Cichon & the neurotoxicity of alkaloids from unripe, green
Schwartz, 2015) reported that α-tomatine in tomatoes, their effects on the neurodevelopment
unripe green tomatoes is approximately 1.6 of chick embryos is still considered in the
mg/100 g and approximately 0.03 mg/100 g in present study. As also discussed in the initial
ripe, red. report, Pamir et al. (2006 in Doshi et al., 2016)
stated that one of the early and major events in
EFFECTS OF GLYCOALKALOIDS ON central nervous system development is the
THE NEURODEVELOPMENT OF neural tube closure. They said that deformities
CHICKS in the closure result to malformations which can
pose complications in fetal development.

This is in line with Mete et al. (2017) Immature tomatoes will be purchased
who said that some disorders and physical from Kadiwa market prior to the extraction of
abnormalities that happen in later stages of life alkaloids that will be based on Friedman et al.
are because of teratogens that affect neural tube (2009). The number and/or weight of needed
development. They further added that tomatoes will still be confirmed with POG2C
neurulation that is vital for central nervous Lab and Training Center, Imus, Cavite. This is
system (CNS) development, needs to be totally the same laboratory where alkaloid extraction
accomplished for several organs and tissues and phytochemical tests will be conducted.
related to the CNS to develop normally in terms
of structure and function. Tomato fruit samples with uniform size
will be combined and chopped with a knife.
Several studies have shown alkaloids as They will then be weighed and blended in a
teratogenic to chick embryos. Pamir et al. homogenizer with 2% acetic acid in methanol
(2006) discussed that caffeine caused neural (100 mL). The resulting mixture will then be
tube defects in chick embryos. This is is concentrated to 2-3 mL with the aid of a rotary
supported by Cetinkal et al. (2010) who showed evaporator. The concentrate will be dissolved in
the same results. These are also supported by 0.2 N HCl (40 mL) and centrifuged at 18000g
Ma et al. (2012) who concluded that for 5 min at 5C. The residue will be rinsed
concentrations of caffeine resulted to twice with 0.2 N HCl (10 mL) and then
teratogenesis and even death of the fetus when centrifuged again. Concentrated NH4OH (20
induced on chicken eggs. They were able to mL) will be added to the supernatant to
observe prominent defect in the prosencephalon precipitate the glycoalkaloids. The basic
of the chick embryo. They, however, also said solution will be placed in a 65C water bath for
that the actual events of caffeine on 50 min and then refrigerated overnight. The
neurodevelopment is yet to be clarified. precipitate will then be collected after
centrifugation at 18000g for 10 min at 5C and
Other alkaloids that were discussed to
washed twice with 2% NH4OH. The ammonia
have caused neural tube defects on chick
will be dissipated, and the resulting pellet will
embryos are papaverine and cotinine (Cetinkal
et al., 2010). be dried at 30C under reduced pressure and
then dissolved in 2% acetic acid in methanol (2
MATERIALS AND METHODS mL) and centrifuged at 18000g for 10 min at
5C. All extractions and will be subjected to
The previously presented related phytochemical analysis for the determination of
literature showed the first report of alkaloids (Friedman et al., 2009).
malformation in chick embryos injected with
tomatine from tomato leaves (Farjadmand, It is important to do phytochemical tests
Eslami & Sadighara, 2011). They administered in order to confirm the different classes of
0.1, 1, and 10 mg of extract per egg to their compounds from the extract. The Liebermann’s
three experimental groups. They reported that test for glycosides from Gul et al. (2017) will be
those injected with 10 mg of extract resulted to followed. 2.0 ml of acetic acid and 2 ml of
100% mortality. The concentrations that they chloroform will be added with whole aqueous
used in their study will also be applied in the plant crude extract. The mixture will then be
current special problem. The only difference is cooled and added with concentrated H2SO4.
that instead of tomatine from tomato leaves, Green color will show the entity of aglycone,
alkaloids from immature, green tomatoes will be steroidal part of glycosides.
extracted and then induced to chicken eggs.

The Wagner’s test for alkaloids will also This study will follow the methods conducted
be performed. Wagner’s reagent (iodine in by Guvenc et al. (2016) and Farjadmand, Eslami
potassium iodide) will be added to the extract. and Sadighara (2011).
The appearance of reddish brown precipitate
will indicate the presence of alkaloids (Gul et
al., 2017).

Induction methods will be done based on

the methods of Guvenc et al. (2016) and
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