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Yoga =) cy bi plel tol ee eal eater tai) 3 Elements of Yoga Patanjali described eight elements of yoga in Yogasuttas, These are called cight-fold paths or eight steps through which ultimate goal of yoga can be achieved, ic. union of our soul t the supreme soul, These elements of yoga arc stated below ; 1. Yama 5. Pratyahara Niyama 6. Dharana 3. Asana 7. Dhyana 4. Pranayama 8. Samadhi The practice of each element is very important for the attainment of the goal of yc After getting efficiency in one element, we should proceed to the next element. The elaboration of these elements is given below Yama Yama is the first element of Astanga yoga. Through the practice of yama one can abstain from doing things that keep one’s mind involved in the indiscriminate struggle for survival, One can remain away from violence. Yama consists of five moral codes of conduct. According to Mahrishi Patanjali, there are five yama, i.e., Ahimsa or Non-violence, Satya or Truthfulness, Asteya or Non-stealing, Brahmac harya and ‘Aparigraha. The brief explanation of yama is given below: (a) Ahimsa or Non-violence. It means, one must keep away from causing harm to any organism or human being. Anxie jealousy, hate, anger and such types of negative emotions are included in violence So, we must remain away from these emotions. We must not injure anyone. We must not speak ill of others. We must not display any negative emotion. There must be love, affection and regard for human ell as for other creatures. beings a5 W' (b) Satya or Truthfulness. Satya is very important yama, According to satya, we must be truthful in thought, word and deed. We must not tell a lie We must abstain from falseness of any kind, We must not speak to others in a deceitful manner, Atany cost, we vou | © must speak the truth Tiple Camera * ih one for maintain i : © following shath N iN Ee 4.5 Physiological Benefits of Asanas and Pranayamas A Physiological Benefits of Asanas. (a) Bones and Joints become strong. As a result of performing asanas regular! the bones, cartil. and ligament e strong. Along this the height of children i enh ed. The joints become sable to bear more pressure. Asanas also enhance the flexibility of joints. The flexib 5 also enhanced. r fc also be prevented and < d, Arthriti is also relieved by performing asanas. Di f back pain, nal injuries the problems o! and cervical pain are erly sciatic relieved by These problems are p’ performing asanas. (b) Muscles become strong. By performing asanas regularly of the body become strong. The efficiency of muscles is also increased. Fats does not accumulate in body, In fact, the complete body becomes beautiful, graceful and of muscles is also vigorous. The size increased. (6) Circulation of blood becomes As a result of performing asi the stroke value as well as cardiac output is increased because cardiac muscles start jormal, s regularly 3) ap adie haba ee er a) Ui) Respiratory organ Pr (e) Efficiency of digestive system is increased Nervous system is calmed and strengthened yn Asa re f regular practic ur nervous syster almed down a strengthened, The worki er of synapse is also enhanced mu ar coordination is also incr Any activity o! pur body b less expenditure of er adrenalin ren sins appropriate of adrenalin depends on sympathetic n The reaction tim is also reduced system Mental pi improved and feeling of disappointmer is also improved. Mer reduced. (g) Glandular activity is stimulated and regulated properly By performing asary activity is stimulated Glands start producing more hormone more quantity which are collected s i Yoga | 63 s regularly the glanc { regulated properly Ay Don’t Skip Mea +, Take Low Calorie Diet Management of Obesity f&. Avoid Alcohol, Smokir (=) eh del ee Nr er tat)

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