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Nicolas Carreño Lopez 11B

The education system that Colombia has, all its flaws and elements and teaching strategies
that it could change to improve the learning in kids and teenagers in different areas.
Comparing it with the education systems in other countries.

The education system in Colombia is, in some factors, an inefficient an antiquated system,
and by improving it would improve the kids and teenagers development and learning in
different areas of the knowledge. The current way that is used to teach, for example, to an
5-8 years old child, that is in the age that a child want the most to run, to discover, to
explore and it’s creativity and motor function need to be stimulated, is sitting them and
dictate them things waiting for them to learn and understand and what this could make is to
bore this childs.
In the case of the teenagers, in high school,in ninth, tenth, and even in eleventh grade, a big
percent of the population doesn’t know what to do or what to study then of ending the
school, this might be about since a Young age, schools never give them the opportunity or
care about students to trying different things in different areas and help them founding what
are they good at, like at drawing, painting, cooking, playing too good some sport, at music,
at mathematics and take advantage and develop that talent at all.

Problem Question
What is the importance of having a great education system in the kids ?

General Objective
 To analyse the importance that a great education system can has in kids and

it’sknowledge development

Specific Objectives

 To identify the characteristics of a great education system

 To understand the failings that colombian education system has

 To understant how to improve the colombian education system

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