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Untuk memenuhi tugas matakuliah

Bahasa Inggris
Yang dibina oleh Julius irham, S.Pd.,MM

Ayu Dyah R (1601460003)
Siti Dyah Wahyu D (1601460021)
Nova Rima Imani (1601460026)
Tamara Mawadah A (1601460043)

November 2019
Doctor(dr) : Dyah Ayu
Nurse (Ns) : Nova Rima
Patient (px) : Siti Dyah
Family (Fam) : Tamara Mawahda

dr : “Good morning , miss Siti right ??”

px : “morning doc , yes I’am”
dr : “ okey , how do you feel today ? do you have any complain ?”
px :” no doc , I’m good . when I can go home doc ?”
fam :” yes doc , when my mom can go home ?”
dr : “ miss siti can go home today , but this afternoon you must get insulin injection, before
that you must check your blood sugar level first , if the result is less than 300 you can go
Fam :” alright doc , thank you very much”
dr: :you’re welcome. Don’t forget to take care your food , the nutritionist already told you
about this right ?”
px :” yes doc”
dr: “okay , so I will go to check another patient, after this the nurse will come here , maybe at
12 o’clock to get your insulin injection for the last time here.”
Fam :” okay doc thank you “
------------------------------------------Nurse come to give miss siti
Ns :” good afternoon miss,,, “
Px :” good afternoon nurse “
Ns :” miss siti right ? ,, okay miss , my name is nurse nova , maybe doctor ayu already told
you that this afternoon you will get insulin injection , okay ? “
Fam :” yes nurse , doctor ayu told us this morning”
Ns :” okay , so I will give you the insulin injection but before that I will check your blood
sugar level first, okay ?”
Px :” okay nurse “
------------------------------------------ Check the blood sugar level
Fam : “ how is it nurse ? what the result ?”
Ns : “ it’s still a little bit high, the result is 220 , “
Px :” but I can go home today right ?”
Ns : “ of course, cause doctor ayu said if you get less than 300 you will get the injection and
can go home right ?”
Fam : “ oh yeah , doctor ayu said that nurse “
Ns :” okay now I will get you the insulin injection , I will explain it first so please pay
attention miss . okay first , Clean the skin where you will inject the insulin. You can use an
alcohol swab , second pinch of your skin , third , Insert the needle straight into your skin. And
then Push down on the plunger to inject the insulin. Press on the plunger until the insulin is
gone. Then ,Pull out the needle. Press on your injection site for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not rub.
And finish .
Fam : “ oh okay I see , so who’s one will doing that nurse ? me or my mom ?”
Px : “ I can’t do that’s , I’m not brave enough”
Ns : “ maybe the daughter can do this ?”
Fam : “ okay sus , I will do that but if I have a mistakes please warn me. So first , Clean the
skin where you will inject the insulin. You can use an alcohol swab , second pinch of your
skin , third , Insert the needle straight into your skin. And then Push down on the plunger to
inject the insulin. Press on the plunger until the insulin is gone. Then ,Pull out the
needle. Press on your injection site for 5 to 10 seconds. Do not rub. And finish . this is right
nurse ??”
Ns : “ that really good miss. You already pro in this .. but please when you got in your home ,
teach your mom so she can do this by herself , so if you not in home your mother still can do
this ”
Fam : “ okay nurse , I will do that ”
Ns : “ okay so it’s finish , miss siti can go home, but before that you can arrange the
administration first . the family can go with me to take care of that . and miss siti I will go
first with your daughter to help the administration okay ? I hope you can stay healthy , see
you ”
Px : “ okay nurse , thank you very much . aminnnn see you nurse ”

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