Malvino MCQ

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Malvino Chapter 2 With Answers Electronics ECE Board Exam

1. The nucleus of a copper atom contains how many protons?

a. 1
b. 4
c. 18
d. 29

2. The net charge of a neutral copper atom is

a. 0
b. +1
c. -1
d. +4

3. Assume the valence electron is removed from a copper atom. The net charge of
the atom becomes

a. 0
b. + 1
c. -1
d. +4

4. The valence electron of a copper atom experiences what kind of attraction toward
the nucleus?

a. None
b. Weak
c. Strong
d. Impossible to say
5. How many valence electrons does a silicon atom have?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 4

6. Which is the most widely used semiconductor?

a. Copper
b. Germanium
c. Silicon
d. None of the above

7. How many protons does the nucleus of a silicon atom contain?

a. 4
b. 14
c. 29
d. 32

8. Silicon atoms combine into an orderly pattern called a

a. Covalent bond
b. Crystal
c. Semiconductor
d. Valence orbit

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