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What Bugs Me

Look at the following expressions:

It bugs me when . . .
I can’t stand it when . . .
It gets on my nerves when. . .
It annoys me when. . .
It bothers me when. . .
It pisses me off when. . .
It drives me crazy when. . .
It makes me angry when. . .
It makes my blood boil when. . .

They all have a similar meaning: It makes me angry. Complete the

following sentences:

It bugs me when I’m on the subway and___________________


It bothers me when I am at a movie and somebody ___________


It gets on my nerves when I’m trying to sleep and ___________


It pisses me off when men ____________________________


It annoys me when women _____________________________


It really makes me angry when teachers ___________________

It really pisses me off when parents _____________________

It makes my blood boil when I am at a restaurant and ________


It drives me crazy when my neighbors ___________________


It drives me crazy when my boyfriend/girlfriend ____________


It bugs me when my best friend ________________________


It annoys me when my brother/sister ___________________


It drives me crazy when I run to answer the phone and _______


It bugs me when I go to an internet site and _______________


I can’t stand it when people ____________________________

_________________________________ while they are

It gets on my nerves when people _______________________

____________________________ before they really know me.

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