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Vocabulary Grammar focus 1

Gaing on holiday Plans and intentions

1a Anna is going on hotiday. Look at the picture and tick 2 Make sentences about the Craven famity using
(./) the items in the box that she has remembered to the prompts.
pack. What has she forgotten?

passport sun cream sungtasses guide book

swimsuit phrase book towet credit cards
toothpaste planetickets toothbrush
travel sickness pills camera foreign currency

Rob and Sofia Craven live in England, but they I

plan / move / to California.
Rnh rn,{ (,'rfia C,".arren iiv,. i,'.r Fnr;lanrr' hr;t th*v
arp *isnninn in n'].vp rn Californie
Rob is a cameraman and he / going / work / in a
film studio there.

Sofia is a music teacher, but she / not I plan / work I

for the first few months,

they I going I sell / their car, but they / not / going /

setl their house. A friend of theirs / going / rent / it.

U ffi o.r Practise saying the words.

c they've got a dog, Bruno, and they / ptan / take /

Comptete the sentences with words from exercise a. : him with them.
1 I a[ways take a pr,,ase book with me on holiday,
and try to learn a few words in the tocal language.
2 It's better not to carry much as you
in California, Sofia / like I buy I a house by the
can pay for most things by credit or debit card.
beach, but Rob / rather I have / an apartment with
I sometimes feel very ill on long journeys, so I a big garden. The chitdren / like I live / next door to
always take with me. Cameron Diaz!
4 I remembered -
my toothbrush, but I didn't have any
, so I coutdn't brush my teeth.
5 Check that you've got your passports and
Emity says she I like / have a horse, but Todd /
before you leave home for the
rather / get / another dog.
6 I atways take one to use on the
beach, and a second one for the bathroom.
7 My brother atways reads the before
8 tmity / like / learn / to ride, but Todd / rather /
we go to a place, so he knows where to visit.
learn / to surf.

lf I don't wear , my eyes often hurt.

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