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Silly mistakes &tips

1.close option warning(ratio type prob.)

2.integer type :-ask warning
3.integer type :- neat calc. Warning
4.incorrect,does not warning
5.keyword warning :-absolute value,positive integer etc. ​After reading question don't directly
start solving it first mark keywords which can change meaning of question

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6.root=>modulus warning
7. Speed => velocity, distance =>displacement warning
8. Check domain warning
9.balance reaction, check E° value warning
10.check units (phy. & Physical chem.)warning
11.easy question warning
12.benefit of doubt warning (adv.)

🧲 question before figure warning
14.direction is everything (magnetics )

15.cross check warning (putting in original eq.)

16.sin©=tan© (ydse)only if ©is small
17.radius=>diameter (screw gauge and some other places)
18.2nd excited state => n=3 not n=2 in h like atom but for multielectron systems it's definition is
the state having 2nd more energy after ground state all options in statement type ques.
20.raise conc. to their coff. as powers(eqb.)
21.take care of coff. in kinetics(i.e divide)
22.scan warning
23.mixed things such as debroglie wavelength with wavelength & normal process as a cyclic
24.see all reagents carefully as I missed heat &not did decarboxylation of beta keto acids
25.not read the word {per gram} and found the answer in kj/mol.
26. In finding heat of combustion of that substance simply write it’s combustion reaction for one

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mol. And do heat of formation of product- that of reactant
27. Mistake in reporting the answer in nm not read a word given in last(nm)
28.​mistake in checking basicity of oxo acids of phosphorus checked it by hydrogen but it is
actually no. of oxygen-1
29. ​Alcl3 with anhydride forms acylium ion and itself is attached to other oxygen h3po4 is used
for acylation when acids or anhydride are there
30.​n¹E¹+n²E²=n³E³ is always valid but keep a note that here n¹ is of A=>B n² is B=>C then n³
must be of A=>C in question it can be asked of of finding E¹, E²,&E³ anything
31 ​n1E(a-b)+n²E(b-c)=n³E(a-c)
32​ always check whether it is asking ​oxidation​ or reduction potential
33 ​always check all four statements in statement type problems
34 all four & one single option are never correct in multiple choice problems
35 whenever a easy question don't get excited to avoid mistake
36 always apply close option warning when the options are close enough

37.​ its a very common mistake that while integrating whenever we conclude to a very easy
integral we directly put the limits in the function not in the one which comes after integration
38.​ It's very much necessary to check the domain of the function as it is sometimes used as a
39.​whenever there is a question of counting lone pairs,atoms,bonds,chiral centers isomers be
extra careful and read the question twice or may be thrice ​don't leave the words like:- in the
whole molecule, including stereomers etc.
40. ​In ​IIT JEE​ it is observed that sometime they give benefit of doubt to the student , by putting
some out of syllabus or very different option in multiple choice questions=>​NEVER EVER DO
41.​never see figure of the questions before reading the complete problem with all warnings as it
can be misinterpreted by brain eg:-disc as ring etc.
42.​while subtracting two big numbers always cross check by adding the difference in the no.
which is subtracted whether it comes equal to total or not
43.​in Doppler effect problems they test calculation skills as well as concept therefore do calc.
wisely neatly & doing appropriate binomial approximation
44.​always pick the most correct or most incorrect option in case doubt
45. Never ever do basic mistake ​i.e 4+5 misinterpreted as 4×5 &reported as 20
46.​ Always apply ÷2 warning whenever a+b-x method is applied and addition is done with
original integral
47.​don’t mix ellipse formulas with that of hyperbola as they are very similar
48.​ Always think of lmvt whenever there is inequality on derivative
49.​in calc. force due to soap remember to multiply by 2 as there are two surfaces which are
applying the force
50.​first thought that must come to ones mind after seeing a thermo question of physics is to take
sign of work as positive if work is done on surroundings
51. ​Area of triangle is ½(a×b) sometime in hurry we take it as a×b
52. ​In Young's double slit experiment sin@ should be approximated as @ or tan@ if and only if
@ is small
53. ​Keep a note that a single reagent can cause reaction at multiple sites
54.​not took vant-Hoff factor while calc. Depression in freezing point

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