Ethics 1

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Active participation

Nursing ethics involves

the values and ethical principles governing nursing practice, conduct, and relationships. The Code for Nur
ses, adopted by the American Nurses' Association (ANA) in 1950 and revised periodically, is intended to 
provide definite standards of practice and conduct that are essential to the ethical discharge of the nurse'
s responsibility. It is said that Ethical values offer a framework for behavior assessment, and nursing
values influence nurses’ goals, strategies, and actions.

Nurses provide care to those in need of health care, in order for nurses to give care, they must be able
to apply ethics in every situation that they deal with. That’s why when nurses perform procedures, they
are being obedient on what the law abides by making logical and righteous actions to be performed to
provide what they needed to. With the act of caring, nurses implies ethics to nurture patients, as well as
for themselves, to continue to grow for everyone to have a process since nurses continuously commits
care. Nurses are one of the healthcare professionals. Through nurses’ dedication, they have active
participation in the healthcare team in significant situations where they perform tasks based on ethics/.

They act as one of the most basic parts of human life. Ethical values are inseparable components of the
society and, as a result, nursing profession.

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