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1. Explain about phase difference.

2. What is leading, and explain with example.
3. What is lagging, and explain with example.
4. Find XL and X_C in terms of frequency.
5. How to calculate period of a given signal.
6. Draw the phasor diagram for a given AC Voltage applied to:
a) Pure Resistor
b) Pure Inductor
c) Pure Capacitor
7. Define Average value, RMS value and Form Factor and Calculate for sinusoidal
8. Explain Steady State Analysis of R-L Series Circuit.
9. A series RL circuit has a resistor 36Ω and impedance of circuit is 10 Ω, then find
power factor,
10. A 200 V, 50 Hz, inductive circuit takes a current of 10A, lagging 30 degree. Find (i)
the resistance (ii) reactance (iii) inductance of the coil.
11. A Capacitor of capacitance 79.5μF is connected in series with a non inductive
resistance of 30 across a 100V, 50Hz supply. Find (i) impedance (ii) current (iii)
phase angle.
12. A 230 V, 50 Hz ac supply is applied to a coil of 0.06 H inductance and 2.5 resistance
connected in series with a 6.8 μF capacitor. Calculate (i) Impedance (ii) Current (iii)
Phase angle between current and voltage (iv) power factor.
13. A coil having a resistance of 7 and an inductance of 31.8mH is connected to 230V,
supply. Calculate (i) the circuit current (ii) phase angle (iii) power factor (iv) power
consumed v) Reactive power vi) Apparent power.
14. Define RMS, Average and Form Factor.
15. Find the average value of sine wave.
16. Find RMS value of sinusoidal wave.
17. Define Real, Reactive and Apperant power
18. Find the impedance of series connected circuit, When supplied voltage is 32V DC
a) R=30 ohms and C=0.003F
b) R=45 ohms and L=0.04H
19. Draw impedance triangle and explain.
20. Draw power triangle and explain.

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