Need Analysis at The Fifth Semester of Islamic Economy in Jambi University

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Name : Fariz Rastriaji

Student Number : A1B217030

TESOL Material Design

The following are the 3 selected groups:

1. Group 3 :
Azima Ilhawani, Dyah Retno Widyastuti, Elin Wahyuni, Herfeny. H.

Based on the results of the report from Group 3, I see a significant revision of the
graphic form of the report which makes me interested to read it further. From the
results of the first report, several report components have been listed starting from the
introduction, method, results, conclusion, and documentation. This certainly affects
the contents of the report, which makes me realize that the report from this group is
one of the best reports because after being revised, the structure of the contents of this
report is still the same but there are some significant changes in the layout of the
report compilation components. They also added a review of related literature to their
report that supported the success of their report. The diagram of the results of their
research was arranged in such a way as well as questions and explanations which in
my opinion were very informative. The most important thing is that they also put an
appendix and references that can support them to work on the report, the conclusions
of the report are prepared with words that are easy to understand which of course can
provide clear information to the reader.

2. Group 4:
Arani tri ananda, Hannafirsta Seroja M., Fitri An Nisa’a

Need Analysis at The Fifth Semester of Islamic Economy  in Jambi University

In the first results of the report made by group 4, the initial word compilation of
the blog containing this report seemed non-academic, and this of course made some
readers assume that this report was only a report made by a group of students chased
by a deadline. In the first results of this report, some components are clearly listed but
there are still many things that need to be changed. The thing that made me choose
the results of the report from group four as one of the best reports was because after
the revision, there were a lot of changes to the components that supported the success
of their report. Word order in each supporting component was arranged in a good way
and this makes the reader feel satisfied with the word order in this report. They also
laid down a number of supporting diagrams of evidence from conducting research
that produced this report, the diagram neatly arranged along with an explanation of
the contents of the diagram which in my opinion provides information in a concise
and easy to understand way, the diagram was about self analysis, language priorities,
and students’ lack of motivation. Another thing that makes me like the results of the
report from this group is they put some questions that are used to get from along with
a brief explanation, not only that they also put files containing records when they
collect data.

3. Group 8:
Atikah Yulianti, Indah Mahmuda, Mutiara Aisyah Pratiwi, Nia Virdiana

An Analysis of Learners’ Needs of English

Group 5 became the last best group that I chose. The results of the first report
carried out by group 5 there are still many supporting components of the report which
must be added. This causes the appearance of the entire contents of the report to look
so short and simple. Actually a short and simple look will look good if the constituent
components of this report are met by this group 5. Based on the revised report from
Group 5, it can be seen that there are so many significant changes starting from the
compiler components such as introduction and others although there are still some
components that are lacking but this has a large impact on the overall report of Group
5. They put questions and also the results of the data collection which later became
the analysis of their research. Not only that, they also put evidence from their data
collection in the form of screenshots from the questionnaire they used.

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