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A Smart Crypto Payments Based Ecosystem


At Quixxi Connect, we aim to remove some of the barriers faced by global Crypto-Commerce and
blockchain adoption, by securing and simplifying the user-experience whilst trading in crypto-
payments. In effect, this will help to foster a newer and larger blockchain based economy or
ecosystem. With Quixxi Connect’s platform, we provision smart payments, where one can transfer
crypto currency amounts via inputting a recipient’s email address without knowing their actual
public hash addresses (‘pay-to-public-key-hash’). Further to Smart Payments, the Quixxi Connect
platform’s Smart Wallet has a unique private key sharding mechanism as a security feature that
can assist individuals to secure their assets on the blockchain, and further enable businesses to
safely integrate this smart payments system into their existing platforms and applications (web
and mobile).

Further on, we envision a growing crypto-commerce marketplace on Quixxi Connect’s platform

for people to list their own goods and services to be traded via smart payments, including
blockchain related applications (e.g. Decentralised file sharing, identity management platforms)
for easy integration of blockchain services into business models and process operations.

Any person can load and share their blockchain applications with the world via the Quixxi Connect
crypto-commerce platform for minimal fees, rendering the way to a decentralised web.

This paper will provide a technical overview of this new smart payments system and crypto-
commerce platform called Quixxi Connect, which aims to benefit non-tech-savvy users & the
whole of society by providing a simple way to interact with blockchain technology.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction…………………………………………….. 3
2. The Quixxi Connect Platform………………………….. 4
2.1.Smart Wallet……………………………………. 4
2.1.1.Private Key Sharding…………………….. 5
2.1.2.Plasma research and integration………….. 6
2.1.3.Smart Payments………………………….. 6
2.1.4.Smart Commerce…………………………. 6
2.1.5.Distributed Storage Services………………. 6
2.1.6.Identity Management Services…………….. 7
2.1.7. Future Services Summary………………… 7
3. Services Marketplace……………………………………. 8
3.1.Service fee Structures……………………………… 8
3.2.Rewarding Blockchain Service Publishers………… 8
3.2.1.Payment Structure Example………………. 9
4. The Quixxi Token…………………………………….. 9
4.1.QXE Implementation…………………………… 11
5. Conclusion……………………………………………… 11
6. References………………………………………………. 11

1. Introduction with your quixxi account credentials is lost or
Recent years have seen a rapid rise in forgotten) is a thoughtful feature.
technological advancements. In particular,
blockchain technologies have revolutionised the • Smart Payments: A crypto-payment service
way in which value is created, stored, and to send or receive crypto-currencies via email
transferred, in addition to offering a myriad of addresses, User ID or mobile phone number
new organisational possibilities. The introduction with low fees and theft-tolerance features
of decentralised autonomous agents represents a
fundamental change in the way that information • Smart Commerce: The Quixxi Connect
can be stored and delivered. Crypto currencies platform allows crypto-commerce, and the
such as Bitcoin [2] and Litecoin [3] listing of products or services for both
revolutionised the world of financial transactions individual and business at very low fees.
by introducing trust-free decentralised Additional blockchain related services could
transactions, and are increasingly being adopted be published by developers alongside regular
by mainstream financial institutions. goods and services listings. In the future,
Blockchain is the next major evolution of application developers can integrate these
the internet, often termed as the decentralised plugins into their applications, without the
web or the web of everything (Web 3.0). burden of acquiring expertise in back-end
Powering the key areas of security, blockchain processes.
predominantly establishing trust among untrusted These technologies are poised to radically
peers, anonymously transferring currency and change the user experience for the next wave of
assets, secure sharing of resources, and most crypto currency and blockchain adopters (the
importantly ensuring immutability, auditability early majority) who have yet to embrace crypto
and transparency of record, this distributed ledger currencies due to their inherent complexity and
technology is storming the wide range of steep learning curve. In particular, we envision a
businesses and traditional centralized processes. need to utilise these technologies without
With the Quixxi Connect service, the aim acquiring a detailed technical understanding of
is to lower the barrier of expertise for non-tech- the underlying service and associated security
savvy users & blockchain application developers, considerations. Although we cannot predict the
helping them to access easier crypto payments, full extent of the revolution that will be unleashed
state-of-the-art security implementations, and by blockchain technologies, one thing is clear -
cutting-edge technologies. customer needs and expectations are changing,
Quixxi Connect proposes a smart payments and and businesses and individuals who wish to
security conscious crypto-commerce platform engage with this new crypto-commerce economy
which will reward all users and contributors to the will need a user experience that remains
ecosystem (easier crypto transactions for end- inherently secure and simple in a rapidly
users, QXE token payouts to private key shard changing marketplace.
holders, and cheaper costs for developers, The Quixxi Connect Platform will be a
publishers and sellers). This ecosystem is smart payments ecosystem for Ethereum that will
visualised with the following essential services: keep users crypto and blockchain assets secure
and will further assist the community to stay
• Smart Wallets: A secure wallet to store and abreast of the latest technologies by making it
retrieve information/transactions with hack- easier for them to incorporate cutting-edge
safe and forget-safe features. Instant services into their applications. The platform will
Ethereum account creation at email signup, provide the ability to list and consume all types of
and automated sharding of a user’s private legal products and services, as well as a range of
key (essential for fund recovery if a device blockchain-specific services and software
libraries that abstract-away the detailed operation

of the underlying systems, allowing client as a whole. In particular, experienced blockchain
developers to enhance their applications through developers will be incentivised to help other less
interactions with blockchains such as Ethereum experienced developers benefit from their unique
and Bitcoin, [11]. It will also offer customized knowledge and skills. This approach allows
application-specific services to meet the growing Quixxi to support blockchain product publishers
demand for other blockchain-related with expertise in emerging technologies by
applications. providing a platform for them to publish their
Interacting with the aforementioned work and ensuring they are rewarded for services
decentralised technologies requires payment of they develop and sell.
fees, usually in the native currency of the We can foresee that, The Quixxi Connect
platform. To facilitate abstraction of these Platform will have a positive impact on the
payments away from users, the Quixxi Connect blockchain ecosystem by advancing blockchain
Platform will rely on a new internal token, named services and facilitating the trade of a wide range
the Quixxi Token (QXE). Furthermore, Private of other goods and services via simplified crypto-
Key shard receivers will be paid in QXE for currency transactions.
holding private key shards, and client developers
will use QXE to pay ongoing usage fees or 2. The Quixxi Connect Platform
subscriptions for static libraries and/or dynamic
services offered on the platform. Developers will In this paper we refer to the Quixxi Connect
pre-pay and maintain a balance of QXE in order Platform as the overarching system, which
to utilise features of the Quixxi Connect Platform, enables simplified crypto-commerce, with an
with the option to "top-up" when necessary. In easy user experience for transactions with email,
this way, the Quixxi Connect Platform will id and mobile payments, which can be used to pay
abstract-away transaction costs, inter-blockchain for a wide range of goods and services on the
complexities, and various operational fees into a platform. Further to that, we envision the Smart
consolidated, exchangeable token (i.e., QXE). Wallet will take care of security without the user
This proposed model of payment would initially having to be technically savvy or aware of the
supplement the existing Quixxi subscription processes underlying the wallet, providing peace
model with the potential to completely replace it of mind and an easy user experience.
in future. As the platform progresses, we anticipate
In addition to helping client developers contributors will begin to list blockchain related
and businesses incorporate blockchain services in addition to the regular goods and
technologies and services into their applications, services listed on the platform. The project
the Quixxi Connect Platform will also contribute Quixxi Connect Platform would be open source
to the broader blockchain ecosystem by assisting and contributors are incentivised to participate as
with plasma scaling research and rewarding it is an ambitious project and also they are offered
community blockchain developers that contribute rewards in terms of QXE. Publishers can use the
blockchain related services to the platform. Quixxi Connect Marketplace to create specific
Publishers can submit Blockchain services to plugins that can be offered for QXE payment to
Quixxi, which will be vetted in detail by the people who list services.
Quixxi team, before being added to the Quixxi
Connect Platform as endorsed community 2.1. Smart Wallet
services. These community-developed service
modules will be available to all client developers All users who register on the Quixxi Connect
using the platform. As client developers use system with their email address, will
community service modules, Quixxi will automatically have a wallet and address created
remunerate the author of the community service for them on the Ethereum Network. This reduces
a portion of the fees collected from module users, the need for users to know how to create a wallet
in the form of QXE. This will incentivise on the Ethereum platform, which can be a lengthy
publishers to contribute to both the Quixxi process for newcomers to cryptocurrency. As the
Connect Platform and the blockchain ecosystem Quixxi Smart Wallet runs on Ethereum, it can

hold, send and receive Ether as well as ERC-20 reconstruct the secret, where ‘k’ is the threshold
based tokens such as Quixxi. QXE token holders for recovery.
can use the smart wallet service to hold their ether If unfortunately user has ‘k-1’ pieces then the
or QXE and ERC-20 tokens, or they can send secret is impossible to retrieve.
them to other Ethereum wallet addresses on the In Quixxi, we utilize this secret sharing scheme
network. to overcome the losses faced by users forgetting
This Wallet is based upon a BIP 44 or losing their private keys.
Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet, which will As an example, say we input the key ‘secret’ into
support more than two hundred crypto currencies. the Shamir Secret sharing algorithm, to produce
It is intuitive and supports multi-signature ‘n=5’ number of splits/shards, where the
security. Backup of wallets are typically maximum threshold, ‘k=3’. The different key
facilitated through mnemonic phrases, and this shards can be as displayed in the following table.
design makes our wallet both secure and
accessible. Key shard 1 AcqqbjlVIUlLXqOR3r7+Ec3du3+1
Future implementations of this smart wallet may eOzg7MtwSw==
support other currencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin
Cash or NEM. Key Shard 2 Aox1A9boAmnyUHpx1cySfjxaeqNq
• Paper Wallet support
• Synchronous access across all major mobile Key Shard 3 A0c6hBWmgD50FDGvfrjGKL69p+
and desktop platforms
• One-time backup Key Shard 4 BB7g40RBJrMLocF1o1mgWxwMi
2.1.1. Private Key Sharding
Key Shard 5 BdWvZIcPpOSN5YqrCC30DZ7rVS
Private Key sharding is an extra level of security ojjXVo9Zvk/g==
that will underlie the Quixxi Connect Smart
Wallet. This process is usually undertaken by
advanced users of cryptocurrencies to prevent the The beauty of this algorithm is that even though
loss of access to their funds either by losing or the input message “secret” has been split into 5
forgetting their private key or mnemonic seed. different pieces or shards , the original message
Knowing ones private key is essential to “secret” can be found by re-combining only 3 of
accessing funds on the blockchain, and for those different key shards. The number 3 was
authorising the sending of cryptocurrency chosen in this example to be the threshold for
transactions. Without knowing or losing one’s recombining a key secret, but typically an
private key is similar to losing access to their arbitrary threshold amount in the algorithm can
funds on the blockchain. Quixxi Connect be selected by setting a minimum number of keys
recognises that if a user’s private key is needed to re-combine a secret. The quixxi
automatically sharded for them by the Smart connect system automatically inputs its users
Wallet, then a major step in security and fund Private Key (Ethereum format hexadecimal
recovery has been achieved, and can help private key) into the algorithm.
advance crypto-currency adoption as users will The biggest advantages of this algorithm can be
be less likely to lose access to their funds in their seen in overcoming the shortcomings of a single
cryptocurrency wallets. point of failure. So, someone wishing to avoid a
private key printed and stored in a sock draw and
The underlying feature of this Private Key then being stolen, could split those key shards to
Sharding is based on Shamir’s Secret algorithm, 5 different trusted locations. These can be friends
developed in the 1970’s [ and family, other hidden places around the house,
In this algorithm, the secret of a user is divided electronic devices etc.
into ‘n’ pieces, and it is decided beforehand that Printing and storing a private key on paper and
‘k’ out of ‘n’ pieces would be required to hiding it somewhere is open to theft, fire or other

forms of damage. If a user’s private is left on one • Easy spending proposal flow for shared
laptop device, and it is somehow deleted or lost wallets and group payments
then access to ones funds on the blockchain is
blocked. Thus this sharding of one’s private key 2.1.4. Smart Commerce
to have a persistent and resilient copy of their
private key is a concept that is imperative to Quixxi Connect’s smart Commerce services
understand for all users of blockchains and enable a true blockchain ecommerce solution
various crypto-currencies. where small businesses are able to set up an e-
Securing ones Private Keys is a vital part commerce store in the matter of minutes to sell
of securing assets on the blockchain and using the goods or services in exchange for crypto
Smart Wallet can facilitate the process currencies such as Ethereum, Quixxi or Bitcoin.
automatically without a user being aware their The Smart Commerce services will be integrated
assets are being secured automatically. with Quixxi Connect’s Smart Wallet
With the private key sharding integrated in the functionality, where users can have secured
wallet, Ethereum users can rest assured their wallets, and make payments directly to an email
private key will remain distributed, hidden and address. The smart commerce feature will allow
safe, and they will always have access to their Quixxi users to list services like any e-commerce
cryptocurrency funds on the Ethereum platform. Smart commerce will be facilitated via
blockchain. smart payment services. The services listed will
capitalise on the best features of the blockchain
2.1.2. Plasma Research and Integration (low cost and relatively fast cross-border
Future additions to the smart wallet will include: transactions) and shows the end user genuine
• Plasma research and integration for enabling reviews, number of times purchased and original
higher transactions per second on the quality.
Ethereum network and thus the Quixxi
Connect platform. In order for blockchain 2.1.5. Distributed Storage services
and cryptocurrency payments to be a viable
alternative to the current financial system, SWARM [7] is a distributed storage platform and
higher transactions per second must be content distribution service, designed to provide
achieved. This is another essential cutting- de-centralised data storage and allow platform
edge technology aspect to be integrated to users to efficiently pool their bandwidth and
Quixxi Connect as we endeavor to see storage. SWARM showcases the power of
Crypto-Currency payments take over blockchains to radically change the business
benchmark transactions per seconds set by model for existing technology service providers.
traditional payments platforms such as Instead of paying centralised storage providers to
Visa.[] house large amounts of content, or host popular
content, as is common today, SWARM provides
2.1.3. Smart Payments a decentralized service that allows users to take
advantage of storage capacity on network nodes
The transaction fee in crypto currency is higher while simultaneously incentivising nodes to host
and tends to be increasing. The smart payment popular content, as required to meet network
features allow you to transfer crypto currencies demands. Furthermore, decentralised storage and
with minimum transaction fee in market and distribution means content producers need not
avoid transaction getting stalled. It integrates well transfer content ownership to a centralised entity
with our identity management solution and offers in order to meet their service needs.
theft protection via two-factor authentication and The SWARM Resolver allows client developers
allows multiple signatures for signing to in-corporate SWARM's decentralised storage
transactions. services into their applications. Client developers
can offer application users the ability to distribute
• Multi-layer protection popular content or satisfy their storage needs, safe
• Handling transaction history in the knowledge that their data is not housed by

a centralised entity, free from censorship, and that services via Quixxi Connects services could
they retain ownership of their content. The easily facilitate all of the above identity
SWARM Resolver brings breakthrough management scenarios.
blockchain technology to developer’s fingertips Where appropriate, the Identity
and into the mainstream. Management service (or an alternative service
SWARM is not the only organization within the Quixxi Platform) will support
developing de-centralized blockchain data established blockchain identify platforms such as
storage services. Organizations such as Sia and uPort [13].
IPFS also aim to use blockchains to provide new
ways of storing and retrieving data. The SWARM 2.1.7. Future Services Summary
Resolver service provides a concrete example of
a blockchain-specific service module that offers The above service modules exemplify the power
data storage and retrieval features, however, we of the Quixxi Connect Platform to make
emphasize that the Quixxi Connect Platform will blockchain technologies accessible to businesses
be compatible with service modules offering and the general public. Service modules such as
alternative data storage solutions. the Token Creator, the ERC20 Agent and Identity
Management draw on existing blockchain
2.1.6. Identity Management services services and illustrate the potential for blockchain
technologies to radically expand the possibilities
Another potential blockchain related service that available to application developers. Modules
could be listed on Quixxi Connect for purchase such as the ERC223 Agent rely on upcoming
could be Identity Management. Consistent and blockchain developments but serve to illustrate
manageable identity on the blockchain is the power of the Quixxi Connect Platform to
somewhat of a "holy-grail" technology. The incorporate emerging blockchain technologies
Identity Management module doesn't aim to and applications.
address all identity-related issues via the The Quixxi Connect Platform is not
blockchain, but through the integrated collection localised to current technologies or even to
of services is capable of mitigating some current blockchains. As new chains are adopted,
problems. This service may also include KYC Quixxi will implement services and features to
services, a common issue in the blockchain accommodate the needs of users and developers,
application space. This could be useful in the ensuring they have access to the latest
quest for financial inclusion, where unbanked technologies. For example, as services of interest
people in remote regions need to establish to developers appear on new blockchains, Quixxi
identity usually by traveling by expensive and will operate or support nodes for the new
long journeys to a central authority in a major city blockchain, along with an API that allows
to enter themselves into an official and trusted developers to interact with the chain. When
database that institutions can reference. An individual blockchains add new features or
Identity Management portal on Quixxi Connect complexities, Quixxi will add support for these
could allow remote farmers for example to input and, if possible, abstract or distil them into an
Identity data without having to travel long and easy-to-use API for developers that can later be
costly distances. A loan could be approved integrated into apps that can be shared with all
without any of the identification document issues consumers wishing to purchase those apps and
associated with traditional banking. Furthermore, services.
Identity Management on the blockchain could
also restore identity in war torn areas when
identification documents are lost or destroyed.
As Ethereum blockchain nodes are spread around
the world, a user’s Identity Documents would be 3.Services Marketplace
preserved on the blockchain, and their identity
could be easily restored by referencing the The Quixxi Connect Platform hosts service
blockchain. Access to these life sustaining modules that provide users with simple tools that

increase application functionality and improve service, and the acquired QXE are used, in part,
the end user's experience. In order for the Quixxi to fund payment for the service on the blockchain.
Connect Platform to meet the rapidly evolving ` For example, The decentralised Storage
needs of blockchain users, the development of Service Swarm allows users to store data via the
services to be sold must be decentralised. Quixxi decentralised SWARM storage platform. Access
believes that many great innovations arise from to the SWARM platform incurs a small on-chain
the community. The Quixxi Connect Platform not fee on the Ethereum blockchain, payable in ether.
only accepts external contributions but also Quixxi will charge client developers a usage fee
actively encourages and incentivises their for access to the SWARM Resolver, payable in
development. While Quixxi will develop a range QXE, and will use the QXE to fund on-chain
of service modules in-house, external developers expenses incurred by the service on behalf of
who contribute services to sell like an Identity clients. Similarly, on-chain expenses incurred by
Management service on the Quixxi Connect service modules contributed by publishers will be
Platform will be rewarded with Quixxi tokens covered by the usage fee paid by client
(QXE) (see Section 4). developers for service access.
Developers first submit their service
modules to the Quixxi team, who scrutinise the 3.2. Rewarding Blockchain Service Publishers
code and ensure the proposed product is tested
and deemed sufficiently secure to be included on Service Publishers can charge client developers a
the Quixxi Connect Platform. Here, Quixxi will set subscription or usage fee for access to their
leverage its expertise in application security to service module. This fee is payable in QXE. After
vet products and ensure platform users are only the below expenses are subtracted by Quixxi, all
offered high quality, secure service modules. remaining QXE received as payment for use of
Once a module has been approved it will be added the community developer's module will be passed
to the platform as an endorsed community on to the developer as reward for their
service. Quixxi clients can access the community contribution.
service module in exchange for QXE as usual, Publishers must choose whether their
however, a portion of the fees paid will be service module is offered under a subscription fee
directed to the development team for that service structure or a per-usage fee structure, depending
module. on whether the service involves static libraries or
regular blockchain calls that incur on-chain fees.
3.1. Service Fee Structures Publishers should also take the following
expenses into consideration when determining
The fee for the use of services listed on Quixxi the fee structure for their modules:
Connect are charged according to one of two
methods, depending on the type of service: • Quixxi will charge publishers at a time
percentage fee of the total payment they
Subscription: Some service modules will be receive for service modules offered on the
offered via a subscription fee, whereby clients Quixxi Connect Platform. This fee is
pay a regular fee to access the service for a estimated at ten percent. The fee allows
designated period of time. Services offered under Quixxi to maintain and develop the Quixxi
the subscription payment structure can be used an Connect Platform in accordance with both
unlimited number of times within a designated publishers' needs and client developers'
period - QXE payments ensure un-limited access needs.
within the allocated time frame. • Quixxi will vet service modules provided by
publishers to ensure they are secure and of
Per-use: A per-use payment structure is required sufficiently high standard to appear on the
if a service makes regular calls to blockchain Quixxi Connect Platform. Expenses incurred
applications that incur fees on the blockchain. by Quixxi during the vetting process
Customers pay Quixxi in QXE for use of the ("vetting costs") will be recovered by

charging community developers an In cases where the full vetting cost is paid
additional fee. upfront, Vu = Vc, the final term in Equation (1)
• Publishers will have the option of paying the vanishes for any n > 0 (i.e., no vetting fee
vetting cost upfront but may, in some applies).
instances, be offered to pay the "vetting fee" As evidenced by the above payment
in an ongoing manner. The vetting fee would structure, the Quixxi Connect Platform can also
be set at a fixed percentage of the service provide a bridge between client developers, who
module fee and would be subtracted from want to offer application services to Quixxi
QXE payments received for the given service Connect customers, and publishers, who seek to
module. The vetting fee would only be benefit from their expertise in the latest
charged for a fixed number of service uses, blockchain technologies. Quixxi believes the
until the vetting costs were recovered. platform will inspire client developers to produce
high-quality blockchain applications to sell on
3.2.1. Payment Structure Example Quixxi Connect and simultaneously incentivize
publishers to expand the forefront of blockchain
As a concrete example, for the case of a Service services.
listing on Quixxi Connect charging client
developers a per-usage fee, the above fee
structure is succinctly summarised by the 4.The Quixxi Token(QXE)
following equation:
Rn = P-Fq* P-Bc-FV*[Symbol](CV-n*FV) ; (1) Quixxi Connect Platform services are accessed
Where: by the transfer of QXEs to Quixxi. There are three
Rn is the reward received by a community main reasons for introducing Quixxi Tokens:
developer when their service module is used for
the nth time. 1. The Quixxi Connect Platform will include
P is the per-usage payment made by an both blockchain-related services and non-
application developer to use the service module. blockchain products and services. Some
Fq is the fraction of the payment amount P that services will require interfacing with
Quixxi charges publishers to host their service blockchain networks and may incur on-chain
module on the platform. The Quixxi fee is expenses payable in various tokens or crypto
estimated at 10%, giving Fq 0:10. currencies. QXE is readily used for this
Bc denotes any on-chain expenses incurred by the purpose. Combining blockchain and non-
service module. If the service module does not blockchain service modules under a single
incur on-chain expenses then Bc = 0. payment structure simplifies payment
FV = Fq* P is the vetting fee, charged as a fraction dynamics and introduces accounting
FV of the per-usage payment P. efficiencies.
CV = (Vc - Vu), where Vc is the total vet-ting cost
and Vu is the amount of the vetting cost paid 2. Users of the Quixxi Connect Platform will be
upfront by the community developer. Thus, CV is rewarded with QXE tokens for effectively
the portion of the vetting cost outstanding when doing nothing else but authorising the
the service module is added to the platform. storage of another users Private Key Shard
(x) is the Heaviside step function, defined as: on their own storage device. As noted in the
x =1, x > 0(2) Smart Wallet section of this white paper
0, x < 0 where Private Key sharding is discussed at
Thus, the vetting fee FV is charged for each use of length, a private key is split into many shards,
the service module, until the number of uses and distributed to other Private Key Shard
satisfies n > nV, CV =FV , at which point the stakers (other registered users on Quixxi
vetting cost is recovered and the final term in Connect). These shards can then later be
Equation (1) vanishes (i.e., the vetting fee no recombined to re-form the secret or Private
longer applies). Key in the event of loss of a private key.
People who hold or stake another users

Private Key Shard will receive a QXE token that client developers whose applications make
which can be held in their own smart wallet infrequent on-chain calls can offer their services
or traded for other crypto or fiat on exchanges at cheaper rates than developers whose
where QXE is listed. applications require frequent on-chain services.
A consequence of this fee structure is that
3. The Quixxi Connect Platform is not bound to it automatically creates a floor price for QXE.
a particular blockchain ecosystem but can Platform users transfer QXE to Quixxi Connect
instead in-corporate service modules that for access to regular crypto-commerce goods and
interface with arbitrary blockchains. services listings, or for services that use on-chain
Accordingly, it is appropriate to introduce a services. Quixxi must therefore hold a reserve of
payment token that can be employed across crypto currencies such as ether, bitcoin, or Zcash
blockchain ecosystems, rather than wed the to pay for on-chain services on the corresponding
platform to a particular pre-existing crypto blockchains, such as Ethereum and Bitcoin.
currency/token. Although technologies such As just mentioned, services that incur on-
as Ethereum and Bitcoin offer the most- chain fees will be offered under a per-usage fee
promising blockchains at present, it is unclear structure on the Quixxi Connect Platform. In
which technologies will come to dominate general, on-chain fees are payable when a
this space in the future. The Quixxi Connect transaction is included in a block by a miner. For
Platform will therefore be constructed on the example, computational services provided on the
basis of present-day blockchain technologies, Ethereum blockchain incur an expense in \gas",
while retaining a conceptually independent an on-chain concept that provides the \fuel" for
existence as an entity that is blockchain- computations, similar to the use of fuel by a
agnostic, as far as the branding, marketing motor vehicle. The amount of gas required to fuel
and user-experience is concerned. This is a given computational process is fixed by the
important, in terms of future platform, as it design specifications of the Ethereum blockchain
allows the platform to readily incorporate [8]. However, blockchain users can incentivise
new technologies in the future, while miners to include their transactions in the
maintaining consistency across established blockchain by offering a larger ether/gas price, in
branding and marketing strategies. accordance with market demands.
Services that incur on-chain costs will
4. Publishers will be rewarded for contributing similarly involve a QXE/use price that accounts
service modules to the Quixxi Connect for the QXE/gas price. Modules may include
Platform. Issuing rewards in QXE ensures a service features that allow users to select the price
homogeneous accounting structure for the they are willing to pay for gas, reacting the
payment of service access fees and the urgency/importance of their transaction. For
incentivization of external contributions to example, during a period of high network
the platform. Homogeneity of accounting activity, when supply and demand forces tend to
services permits additional accounting elevate the gas price, users may be willing to pay
efficiencies. an elevated gas price to incentivize prompt
processing of an urgent transaction. For a less
To access blockchain-related services that incur urgent transaction, on the other hand, users may
on-chain expenses, client developers (or users of accept a delay in processing time, in exchange for
their applications) will be required to pay the lower gas price that succeeded to incentivize
ongoing per-usage fees. The precise details of this transaction processing after peak network-
fee structure will be dependent on the service activity subsides. Services modules can be
structure and, accordingly, will be determined as designed to meet these needs by offering discrete
services are developed by either community choices of QXE/gas rates, continuous choices of
developers or Quixxi. On-chain expenses are QXE/gas rates, or simply offering a fixed
determined by the blockchain protocols and are QXE/gas rate for all usage of the service.
largely beyond the control of both publishers and Depending on the sophistication of the service
Quixxi. A per-usage fee is preferable to ensure user, the service developer may provide detailed

service features for the user or account for these The Quixxi Connect Platform is the platform that
matters behind the scenes, perhaps merely community and society are looking for. It offers
requesting basic user-input to indicate the user's a simplified and secure user experience when
preferences and adjusting the usage fee transacting in the crypto world which will grow
accordingly. Service users hold a wallet of pre- the crypto-commerce economy. With wallet
paid QXE tokens, which are used to fuel on-chain accounts automatically created, and security
computations or fund subscriptions. taken care of under the hood, it requires minimal
prior understanding of crypto transfer on user’s
4.1. QXE implementation end. Quixxi Connect will enable a new wave of
crypto-commerce and adoption to take place due
While QXE tokens are designed to be blockchain to this drive for a simpler user experience. With
agnostic, it is a reality that these tokens must exist lower technical barriers to crypto adoption, a
on a particular blockchain in order to exist as a simplified crypto payments experience (e.g. E-
decentralized crypto currency. QXE tokens will mail id payments) is a chance for crypto adoption
be deployed on the most appropriate blockchain to spread. Advanced wallet security and backup
as the requirements of the platform evolve. features will be taken care of automatically under
At the time of writing, the Ethereum the hood reducing complex security
blockchain appears to offer the greatest flexibility considerations, eliminating barriers associated
and security for issuance of tokens, therefore the with crypto-commerce as a payment channel.
first iteration of QXE will be implemented as an As user adoption grows for our Quixxi
ERC20 [12] smart contract on the Ethereum Connect smart payments crypto-commerce
blockchain. As the ecosystem evolves, it may be system, the variety of goods and services listed on
possible that Ethereum no longer remains the the marketplace will grow. Quixxi users will be
most suitable platform for QXE, at which time able to access the latest payment and security
Quixxi tokens will be migrated to an alternative features in a simple and user friendly manner.
platform. For example, if the cost of QXE People will be transacting any type of goods and
transfers on the Ethereum blockchain becomes services on our Quixxi Connect crypto-
too great (measured in ether or time-to- commerce platform. Adoption will reach a point
confirmation), then a transition from ERC20 that it will be beneficial for anyone to list
tokens to a native blockchain may become blockchain related services to sell and they will
appropriate. Such a transition would not result in be rewarded for doing so in QXE token or ether.
the creation of additional tokens, tokens would be User friendly Smart payments and smart
removed from one system and re-issued in the wallet features will facilitate Ethereum based
alternative. trade while people who list and contribute
Since transfers of QXE on the Ethereum services to the Quixxi Connect platform, will be
blockchain cost "gas", denominated in ether, this rewarded by Quixxi token incentives to reward
could present an unreasonable cost overhead for them for their contribution.
service payments on the Quixxi Connect
Platform. To avoid excess gas expenditure on
Ethereum while still paying incrementally for use
of service modules in the Quixxi Connect
Platform, off-chain payments mechanisms will be 6. References
implemented so that fees can be paid without the
overhead of blockchain confirmation. In this way, 1. Quixxi.
fee payments can occur rapidly and without 2. Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin A Peer-to-Peer
costing ether, followed by regular on-chain Electronic Cash System. 2009.
settlement. 3. LiteCoin.
4. Nathaniel Popper. The rush to coin virtual
money with real value. The New York
5.Conclusion Times, 2014.
5. Ethereum Enterprise Alliance.
https://entethalliance. org/.

6. Shamir, A. (1979). “How to Share a Secret,”
mirturing.pdf 2.
7. Tassa, Tamir. “Hierarchical Threshold
Secret Sharing,”
8. Viktor Tron, Aron Fischer, Daniel Nagy,
Zsolt Felfoldi, and Nick Johnson. Swarm:
swap, swear and swindle. SWARM, 2016.
9. Gavin Wood. Ethereum: A secure
decentralized generalized transaction ledger.
10. Sia.
11. IPFS.
12. Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa,
Christina Garman, Mathew Green, Ian
Miers, Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza.
Zerocash: Decentralized anonymous
payments from bitcoin. 2015.
13. ERC-20 Token Standard.
14. Christian Lundkvist, Rouven Heck, Joel
Torstensson, Zac Mitton, and Michael Sena.
uport: A platform for self


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