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Educational Qualification Family Income

Educational Qualification 1 0.15

Family Income 0.159640666844675 1

satisfaction level with respect to
after sales service of your Royal company acts towards the complaints
Enfield bike lodged by the customers

Mean 1.46 Mean 1.54

Standard Error 0.057595 Standard Error 0.078393
Median 1 Median 1
Mode 1 Mode 1
Standard Deviation 0.575949 Standard Deviation 0.783929
Sample Variance 0.331717 Sample Variance 0.614545
Kurtosis -0.330371 Kurtosis -0.591401
Skewness 0.806393 Skewness 1.020377
Range 2 Range 2
Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Maximum 3 Maximum 3
Sum 146 Sum 154
Count 100 Count 100


satisfaction level with respect to after

sales service of your Royal Enfield
bike 1.46

company acts towards the complaints

lodged by the customers
fuel consumption for Royal Enfield
satisfied with the bike's mileage
Is the New version of
fuel consumption for satisfied with the Royal Enfield
Royal Enfield Bike bike's mileage products are better

Mean 1.75 Mean 2.04 Mean 3.08

Standard Error 0.071598 Standard Error 0.070953 Standard Error 0.145422
Median 2 Median 2 Median 3
Mode 2 Mode 2 Mode 3
Standard Deviation 0.715979 Standard Deviation 0.709531 Standard Deviation 1.454217
Sample Variance 0.512626 Sample Variance 0.503434 Sample Variance 2.114747
Kurtosis -0.961119 Kurtosis -0.982654 Kurtosis -0.622354
Skewness 0.410708 Skewness -0.057341 Skewness 0.381084
Range 2 Range 2 Range 5
Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
Maximum 3 Maximum 3 Maximum 6
Sum 175 Sum 204 Sum 308
Count 100 Count 100 Count 100

median mode standard diviation

1 1 0.57
Is the Old version of
Royal Enfield
products are better

Mean 3.54
Standard Error 0.154671
Median 4
Mode 3
Standard Deviation 1.546714
Sample Variance 2.392323
Kurtosis -1.053843
Skewness -0.02626
Range 5
Minimum 1
Maximum 6
Sum 354
Count 100
s lodged
by the
satisfaction level with respect to after sales service of your Royal Enfield bike customers

Mean 1.46 Mean

Standard Error 0.0575948932 Standard E
Median 1 Median
Mode 1 Mode
Standard Deviation 0.5759489315 Standard D
Sample Variance 0.3317171717 Sample Var
Kurtosis -0.3303706264 Kurtosis
Skewness 0.8063928057 Skewness
Range 2 Range
Minimum 1 Minimum
Maximum 3 Maximum
Sum 146 Sum
Count 100 Count
Is the
fuel New Is the Old
consump version of version of
tion for satisfied Royal Royal
Royal with the Enfield Enfield
Enfield bike's products products
Bike mileage are better are better

1.54 Mean 1.75 Mean 2.04 Mean 3.08 Mean 3.54

0.078393 Standard E 0.071598 Standard E 0.070953 Standard E 0.145422 Standard E 0.154671
1 Median 2 Median 2 Median 3 Median 4
1 Mode 2 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 3
0.783929 Standard D 0.715979 Standard D 0.709531 Standard D 1.454217 Standard D 1.546714
0.614545 Sample Var 0.512626 Sample Var 0.503434 Sample Var 2.114747 Sample Var 2.392323
-0.591401 Kurtosis -0.961119 Kurtosis -0.982654 Kurtosis -0.622354 Kurtosis -1.053843
1.020377 Skewness 0.410708 Skewness -0.057341 Skewness 0.381084 Skewness -0.02626
2 Range 2 Range 2 Range 5 Range 5
1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1 Minimum 1
3 Maximum 3 Maximum 3 Maximum 6 Maximum 6
154 Sum 175 Sum 204 Sum 308 Sum 354
100 Count 100 Count 100 Count 100 Count 100

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.529543049793 x y
R Square 0.280415841584
Adjusted R Square 0.10051980198
Standard Error 6.960747086341
Observations 6

df SS MS F
Regression 1 75.5253333333333 75.5253333333333 1.558766064
Residual 4 193.808 48.452
Total 5 269.333333333333

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 0.8 13.0223653765359 0.061432771763682 0.9539616113
Old 0.952 0.762511639255428 1.24850553222978 0.2799315554


Observation Predicted New Residuals Standard Residuals

1 11.272 3.728 0.598790712887514
2 17.936 5.064 0.813378800982395
3 19.84 6.16 0.989418130736879
4 19.84 -0.84 -0.134920654191393
5 18.888 -9.888 -1.58820884362439
6 12.224 -4.224 -0.678458146791003

New =0.8 0.952*Old

= 0.7616
Old Residual Plot

-5 10 12 14 16 18
0.05 -15

Significance F

Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%

-35.3558826057749 36.955882606 -35.355882606 36.955882606
Normal Pro
-1.16507170834966 3.0690717083 -1.1650717083 3.0690717083 15

3 33 25 6 67
33 66
3 33 6 66 3
33 66 33
33 .6 8.3
8. 41 Sample
5 Per
Percentile New
8.33333333333333 8
25 9
41.6666666666667 15
58.3333333333333 19
75 23
91.6666666666667 26

Hypoth = …
ld Residual Plot

2 14 16 18 20 22


Normal Probability Plot


3 Column G
3 25 6 7 3 3 75 6 7
33 66 33 66
3 33 6 66 3 33 6 66
3 33 66 33 66
33 66 33 66
33 .66 .33 .66
8. 41 Sample
58 Percentile
Old New

Mean 16.666666667 Mean 16.66667

Standard Error 1.6666666667 Standard Error 2.996294
Median 18.5 Median 17
Mode 20 Mode #N/A 3
Standard Deviation 4.0824829046 Standard Deviation 7.339391 3
Sample Variance 16.666666667 Sample Variance 53.86667 3
Kurtosis -1.75152 Kurtosis -1.827716 4
Skewness -0.85732141 Skewness -0.020067 5
Range 9 Range 18 6
Minimum 11 Minimum 8
Maximum 20 Maximum 26
Sum 100 Sum 100
Count 6 Count 6
Largest(1) 20 Largest(1) 26
Smallest(1) 11 Smallest(1) 8
Opinion which version of
Royal Enfield products are
Sl.No. better Old New
1 Pattern of gear shifting 11 15
2 Better Performance 18 23
3 Better Fuel efficiency 20 26
4 Crank Weight 20 19
5 Design & Comfort 19 9
6 Maintenance Cost 12 8
Total 100 100

Opinion which version of

Royal Enfield products are
Sl.No. better Old Sl.No.
1 Pattern of gear shifting 11 1
2 Better Performance 18 2
3 Better Fuel efficiency 20 3
4 Crank Weight 20 4
5 Design & Comfort 19 5
6 Maintenance Cost 12 6
Total 100 Total

Age Lux Hamam Lifeboy Others

18-25 24 30 45 30
26-35 46 24 25 30
Above 35 30 46 30 40
Toal 100 100 100 100
Old New Correlation
Old 1 0.5295
New 0.53 1

r = 0.53

-0.1 0.1 0 No correlation

Opinion which version of

Royal Enfield products are
better New
Pattern of gear shifting 15
Better Performance 23
Better Fuel efficiency 26
Crank Weight 19
Design & Comfort 9
Maintenance Cost 8
Total 100

Age and Brand wise

Lux Hamam Lifeboy Others
45 46 46

30 30 30 30 30
24 24 25

18-25 26-35 Above 35

18-25 26-35 Above 35
responden Educational
ts Gender Age Occupation Marital Status Qualification Family Income
1 2 1 3 1 3 1
31 1 2 2 2 4 4
Which soap brand you importance to the price factor on the soap fragrance colors are most are most
like most soap frangrance purchase decision like most preferred liked
3 1 1 1 1 1
3 2 3 1 1 1
hear the name of the
switch purpose advertisement is purchase a product just by brand through
over your you use necessary for your getting attracted to the advertisement what do
brand soap decision making advertisement you recall
1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 2 4
price factor on sources the most promotional
the purchase influence your schemes do you
decision purchase decision prefer
1 4 1
3 2 3
importance to the soap frangrance No of respondance percentage
1a 9 18
2b 25 50
3c 16 32
Total 50 100
satisfaction level with
respect to after sales
service of your Royal
Respondents Age Gender Occupation Monthly Income model of Royal EnEnfield bike
15 3 1 2 4 4 1
22 4 1 3 4 6 1
32 2 1 4 4 4 1
33 3 1 4 4 3 1
34 4 1 4 4 2 1
35 3 1 5 4 6 1
Is the Old
company acts fuel satisfied Is the New version of Royal
towards the consumption with the version of Royal Enfield
complaints lodged by for Royal bike's Enfield products products are
the customers Enfield Bike mileage are better better
2 2 3 3 4
1 3 3 4 4
1 1 3 2 4
1 1 3 1 3
1 1 3 3 2
1 1 3 4 1
satisfied with the bike's mileage
monthly income
yes no not applicable
1 15,000 1 0 1
2 20000 5 11 5
3 25000 9 22 15
4 above 40,000 8 34 6 Ch
15,000 20,000 25,
Chart Title

satisfied with the bike's

mileage yes
not applicable

5,000 20,000 25,000 above 40,000

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