Tugas Bahasa Inggris Rana Alya Virginia 1D 191164

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Mr. Andrew is a doctor, he is an Orthopedic Surgeon, and he works in Arneza Medical Centre.
Most of his patients have problem with their bones and joints. Patients wih musculoskeletal
system such as : fractures, dislocation and sprain always come to him get his treatment. And for
the patients, who have serious illness, they must be hospitalized in orthopedic ward then get
operation surgery. There are many wards in that hospital such as medical ward, surgical ward,
orthopedic ward, and maternity ward.

Some nurses help him in taking care his patients in that hospital. Nina, Merry, and Lenny are
nurses. They work in orthopedic ward too. They take care all of the patients in orthopedic ward.
There are 3 shifts there, morning, afternoon and late shift. Every morning, they do some nursing
jobs such as : measuring the patients vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration
rate) injecting medicines, giving oral medicines, applying infusion, wound dressing and also
accompanying a doctor in visiting the patients. Not only Dr. Andrew works in Arneza Medical
Centre but also there are many kinds of specialist doctors work in that hospital, they are
dermatologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, surgeon, etc. Every doctor has ability and they must
work professionally.



Mr. Andrew adalah seorang dokter, dia adalah seorang ahli bedah ortopedi, dan dia bekerja di
Rumah Sakit Arneza. Hampir seluruh pasien Dr. Andrew mempunyai masalah dengan tulang dan
sendi mereka. Pasien dengan sistem musculoskeletal seperti : patah tulang, pergeseran tulang,
dan keseleo selalu datang ke Dr. Andrew untuk mendapatkan perawatan. Dan untuk pasien yang
memiliki penyakit yang serius, mereka harus segera ke rumah sakit bagian poli ortopedi untuk
dilakukan operasi. Ada beberapa poli di rumah sakit seperti : poli medis, poli bedah, poli
ortopedi, dan poli maternitas.

Beberapa perawat membantu Dr. Andrew untuk member perawatan kepada pasien di rumah
sakit. Nina, Merry, and Lenny adalah perawat. Mereka bekerja di poli ortopedi juga. Mereka
sangat memperhatikan semua pasien yang ada di poli ortopedi. Ada 3 jadwal disini, pagi, siang,
dan jadwal malam. Setiap pagi, mereka melakukan pekerjaannya seperti : memeriksa tanda-tanda
vital pasien (suhu, tekanan darah, nadi, pernapasan), menyuntikkan obat, memberikan obat oral,
memasangkan infus, membalut luka, dan menemani dokter saat mengunjungi pasien. Bukan
hanya Dr. Andrew yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit Arneza tapi ada beberapa dokter spesialis lain
yang bekerja di rumah sakit tersebut, mereka adalah dokter spesialis dermatologi, dokter
spesialis jantung, dokter spesialis anak, dokter spesialis bedah, dan lain-lain. Setiap dokter
memiliki kemampuan dan mereka harus bekerja dengan profesional.

1. What is the name of hospital ?

Answer : The name of hospital is Arneza Medical Centre
2. What is Mr. Andrew ?
Answer : Mr. Andrew is a doctor, he is an Orthopedic Surgeon
3. Who is his patient ?
Answer : Most of his patients have problem with their bones and joints.
4. Why his patient need to be hospitalized ?
Answer : Because his patients have serious illness
5. Who help Mr. Andrew ? And who are they ?
Answer : Some nurses help Mr. Andrew in taking care his patients. They are Nina,
Merry, and Lenny
6. Where do they work ?
Answer : They work in hospital in orthopedic ward
7. How many shift does the hospital have ?
Answer : There are 3 shifts there, morning, afternoon, and late shift
8. What are their jobs in te morning shift ?
Answer : measuring the patients vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse,
respiration rate) injecting medicines, giving oral medicines, applying infusion, wound
dressing and also accompanying a doctor in visiting the patients
9. Who else works in that hospital ?
Answeri : there are many kinds of specialist doctors work in that hospital, they are
dermatologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, surgeon, etc
10. How many wards in that hospital ? And what are they ?
Answer : There are 4 wards in that hospital. such as medical ward, surgical ward,
orthopedic ward, and maternity ward.

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