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How to Escalate
From Eye Contact
and Simple
All the Way to
The Bedroom,
and Without

Vin DiCarlo
The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder, 2nd Edition
by Vin DiCarlo
Copyright 2008 Vin DiCarlo, Inc.
| The DiCarlo
Escalation Ladder 1

F riend,

Over the years I’ve found a recurring problem among my students.

They never knew when and how to physically escalate from casual touch to more
intimate and direct contact. Seemingly simple escalation would often be prolonged and

Although it may be the most important part of your game, escalation should NOT be

There’s a repeatable pattern that, once discovered, will be the strongest, most
powerful, sure-fire tool in your game.

And If I could only teach a student a single concept, this is it.

The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder is a step-by-step progression through physical


It is designed to escalate in a smooth fashion, containing no significant jumps that

would cause a woman’s rejection.

Simultaneously the DEL maintains no non-essential steps which would unnecessarily

slow down the seduction.

This system is designed for FAST escalation that is compatible with any verbal

It has been tested, perfected, and used to success in hundreds of trials by myself,
Vincent DiCarlo, my trainers, as well as the students I have taught.

So I present to you The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder.

-Vin DiCarlo, New York City, January 2008

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Escalation Ladder 2


# 0:
The first step actually has nothing to do with physical escalation but is still vital to the
pickup. Before you approach and begin the pickup it is useful to gain information to use
to your advantage.

Analyze the environment:

» If you approach from a certain way will you get bumped and interrupted.
» How many people is she with? Do they seem close? Is she with a guy?
» Has she been approached?
» Is it her birthday?
» Do you have somewhere to isolate or extract to?
» How receptive or drunk is she?

These are all important things you should know before you approach a girl. In essence
the pre-approach extends before you even walk out of your front door as it also involves
YOU and how you’ve prepared for the approach.

Things like:
» How you’re dressed.
» Your status within the club.
» Who you’re with.
» The approaches you’ve done.
» The body language on the approach.
» Eye contact before the approach.
» Are you in a positive, upbeat and social mindset?
» Your logistics.

What you do before you approach is just as important as the information you’re getting
about her. Make sure you have the pre-approach handled as best as you can in order to
make things as easy as possible.
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# 1:
Initial Conversation
After your pre-approach is handled you must finally approach and begin conversing
with your target.

The beauty of the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder is

that it is compatible with any verbal game
you may have learned. Handle your
conversational game in whichever
way you prefer.
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# 2:
Incidental Class 1
The first class of kino addresses the arms and hands. It is very common for people
to shake hands, high five each other, or to touch a persons arm to emphasize a point.
Therefore it is of course the most natural start point for physical escalation.

Incidental, for our purposes, means that it’s meant to be perceived as an uncalculated
manner that mimics daily physical interaction. Physical escalation conducted in this
fashion creates tremendous amounts of comfort.

This step should be started as soon as possible, preferably within seconds of your
conversational opener.

Incidental Class 1 Examples:

» Hand shaking
» Arm brushing
» Light touching on her arm to emphasize your points
» Anchoring her arm near elbow to hold her close as you talk
» Standing next to her with your arm touching hers
» High Fives
» Palm Reading
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# 3:
Overt Class 1
After a few instances of incidental kino you should notice that your target will become
comfortable or even numb to it. Due to the comfort built with incidental kino we are able
to move to an instance of overt kino without fear of rejection. Overt means that it is open
to view of knowledge. It’s a direct display of interest. It is not masked in any way.

This is the key to the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder. We use instances of incidental kino to
build up to a level of comfort and familiarity where an instance of overt kino of the same
class will be properly accepted.

Because the instance of overt is accepted attraction is, in turn, spiked. This is due to a
backwards rationalization that because she is comfortable with your overt escalation she
MUST be attracted to you. This is why we can successfully create attraction without the
use of verbal displays of value.

Additionally, because overt physical escalation is a direct display of interest and thus
can be additionally used as a qualification/reward system. In this system when she acts
in a positive way that is conductive to the seduction you may reward with and overt
physical escalation. Alternatively if she acts stubborn or in a way that is detrimental to
the interaction you may remove attention and the touch aspect of the interaction.

It is through the incidental to overt pattern that we are able to simultaneously create
attraction, build a physical connection and implement a reward/punishment system.

Overt Class 1 Examples:

» Holding hands
» Arm in arm escorting
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# 4:
Incidental Class 2
This step follows the same pattern as the previous incidences of incidental kino except
we are now focusing on the class 2 area which addresses her torso and legs. Take note
that this does not include erogenous zones such as breast, crotch or inner thighs. These
areas are to be addressed later.

In this instance your main objective is to get closer to her without it being a direct move
(just yet). In a night club you achieve this goal through the use of pulling her closer to you
so that you can hear her and she can hear you better over the loud music. Alternatively
you can conduct an instance of incidental touch by pulling her in close to you to point off
in the distance to show her something.

Incidental Class 2 Examples:

» Standing very close with your legs touching hers
» Sitting close together with your legs touching hers
» Lightly and incidentally brushing her abdomen with your hands while talking
» Briefly touching her back with your palm while speaking as if you are pulling her in
to hear you better
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# 5:
Overt Class 2
Transitioning to a comfortable area is usually part of the natural escalation to this step.
Although it’s not necessary often you will find yourself sitting down while conducting it.

Slowing things down and conducting this instance of overt kino you will notice that
you get the best result if it is done in a protective or almost romantic manner.

Guiding her through a crowd or holding her close when a fight breaks out are two
opportunities. Though once again, it is not necessary. You may also use her good
behavior as a window to escalate as a reward.

A compliment or nice gesture can be

rewarded through a hug or pulling her in at
the hips.

Overt Class 2 Examples:

» Frontal Hugging (done best as a
positive reaction to her compliance)
» Escorting her through the bar
with your hand on her lower back
» Sitting next to her and
placing her leg over yours
» Holding her abdomen on
the side while sitting down
and talking
» Placing her hand on your
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# 6:
Incidental Class 3
The hair, face and neck are addressed in class 3. Many guys make the common
mistake of touching these areas too soon, with a girl they first met. Girls are surprisingly
protective of their hair, face and neck placing these relatively high on the ladder.

Picture yourself meeting a stranger on the street. Shaking his hand is generally
comfortable, that’s why it’s class 1. If the stranger were to initially touch your body it’d be
less comfortable. Should the stranger upon meeting you try to touch your face it would be
extremely uncomfortable. This is why the progression is in place, you must build comfort
to be able to escalate to class 3.

Another common mistake is that more experienced guys will generally skip this step
altogether, only to face last minute resistance later on.

Incidental Class 3 Examples:

» Brushing (or pretending to brush) something off of her face
» Talking very closely with your face touching hers because the environment is
extremely loud
» Touching an interesting necklace she’s wearing, meanwhile allowing your fingers to
lightly caress her neck
» Playfully pinching her cheeks
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# 7:
Overt Class 3
Overt class 3 is the most direct method of showing physical interest short of kissing,
and thus is meant to prepare for the kiss. As such it is meant to be delivered in a very slow,
romantic and gentle way.

Most of the time while executing this step you should be sitting down, relaxed and
maintaining a good sexual state. For the most powerful execution of this step it is good
to maintain very strong eye contact. If the context is appropriate a slight smile or smirk
is suitable.

Overt Class 3 Examples:

» Placing her head to rest on your shoulder
» Moving your face into her neck and smelling her
» Lightly stroking her face with your finger, close in, looking into her eyes
» Running your fingers through her hair, close in, looking into her eyes
» Holding her behind the neck with your palm to the side of her neck, looking into her eyes

The Escalation Ramp

While the above steps from 1-7 may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours, the
escalation ramp described on the following pages is very rapid. The duration of the ramp
should be about 5 - 15 minutes.

Start the ramp very quickly once you have complete isolation in a sex location. Note
that it is easier to complete the ramp while standing up or leaning against the wall as
opposed to lying down.
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# 8:
Start kissing from a very close proximity. Don’t come diving in lips first from three
feet away. Ideally you should already be in a suitable position for kissing before you try.
If you have overt class 3 kino taken care of, you’re probably in the right spot.

Often times it may seem appropriate to kiss a girl before you intend on starting the
ramp. A good technique for building sexual tension would be moving closely in, slowly as
if you might kiss her, and then move away and start talking about something else should
this occur.

This will build the tension and she will wonder when you’re going to actually kiss her.
It works incredibly well when you’re not yet in a position to capitalize on an opportunity
to begin the ramp but wish to continue to build sexual energy with the girl.

A technique to initiate kissing - try placing your finger just underneath her chin and
pulling her mouth towards yours.

Kissing should be light and short at first.

You should be the one to pull away first.
Don’t use too much tongue at first, just use
it to tease her, and build anticipation.
The kiss isn’t meant to be a close but
to build more tension and arousal to
move to the next step.
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# 9:
Kissing Her Neck and Ears
The neck and ears are very sensitive and erotic areas. Being caressed and kissed the
right way can amplify arousal in multiples allowing for smoother escalation.

Once you have kissed her for a bit, move down to her neck or up to her ears. Kiss them
gently, while holding her close to you. Alternate between the ears, neck and mouth to
gauge which spot gives her the most arousal and generally concentrate on that area, but
do not neglect the others.

Depending on how rough you want to set the mood, feel free to throw in some gentle
biting on the neck or earl lobe too.
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# 10:
Touching the Bare Skin of Her Back
During the previous two steps of escalation it is ideal to have your hands over her
clothing on her back or neck/head holding her close into you. Once you have established
kissing both on her mouth and neck, move your hands to her waist and underneath her
shirt. Continue to hold her close to you, now with your hands directly on her back.
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# 11:
Stomach to Stomach
Now that you have established touching her skin, below her shirt, simply move your
hand to the front, and lift her shirt, exposing only her stomach. At the same time lift your
shirt as well so that your abdomen is in direct contact with hers.

It seems innocent and unnecessary, but will meanwhile trigger intense sexual feelings
inside of her. The only time she feels contact like that is usually when she’s naked and
having sex. The result is a decrease in last minute resistance.

When conducting this step you might notice her shoulders slump a bit more or that
she may shiver. This is the primal arousal taking hold of her and is a sign of her resistance
slipping away.
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# 12:
Directly Stimulate Her Body
Having her shirt pulled up affords the opportunity of moving downwards to kiss and
caress the bare flesh of her abdomen. Start kissing her there, along the sides, and move

Touching and kissing the breasts is optional. It is not necessary, and in some cases can
be detrimental to your progress. There are some women who have a negative anchor to
their breasts.

Inch toward their breasts and feel her reaction. If she becomes increasingly turned on,
then go for it. If she starts to close down, skip the breasts until you are already having sex.

During all this it’s good practice to lightly run your fingers down her body or gently
hold her sides/lower back.
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# 13:
Incidentally Stimulate Vagina
Transitioning from kissing and stimulating her body to this step is done a multitude
of ways.

While you are kissing her body, you can position yourself between her legs and use
your midsection to rub against her vagina. You can also be kissing her body and reach
between her legs and plant your hand on the bed below her. Then use your forearm to
stimulate her vagina.

If you are kissing her mouth you can position her over your thigh to stimulate her
vagina. While doing this be leaning back against something and use your hands to press
her hips over your thigh. This intensifies the stimulation.

You need to make sure you’re not doing it in an incredibly obvious way though because
it will change the frame from accidental to purposefully.

The key to this is that we are not using our hands and fingers; therefore it is accidental
and “just happened”. Because it is accidental there is no basis for rejection allowing a
more consistent conversion to the next step rather than facing possible resistance. This
is the secret to the escalation; we must continue to get her more and more turned on to
further accept escalation.
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# 14:
Direct Vaginal Stimulation from Behind (Inside Panties)
Once she has become extremely aroused by incidentally rubbing her vagina, move
your hand around to the back and slip it inside her panties and touch her naked ass.

Next move your hand all the way down and reach her vagina. Start first by touching
the area around it. Then proceed to finger her from behind. Women never expect to have
it happen this way. Every guy who has tried to have sex with her has moved in from the
front. Trying to reach your hand down the front of her pants, because of this, will often
be resisted. Moving in from the rear is unexpected and effective.

This is why it’s easier to run the ramp standing up; if she’s on her back you can’t follow
this escalation step easily.

If she is wearing a skirt or dress, you will instead

move your hand up the back of her leg, and reach
her vagina that way. Finger her and then proceed
directly to the next step.
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# 15:
Direct Vaginal Stimulation in Front
Get her aroused by fingering her, and then when once she is sufficiently turned on
undo the front of her pants with your other hand. You will notice that she has become
extremely wet, is breathing heavy and can’t keep her hands off of you. Knowing when to
move to the next step is a general calibration issue but there’s usually a moment when
you realize that she’s turned on enough for this to happen.

You can jokingly tell her “You’re crushing my hand!” as you do it, although it’s usually
not necessary. Since she is engaged by the fact that you are fingering her, she will rarely
object to your simultaneous undoing of her pants. You may also have her undo her
pants, by saying “Unbutton your pants.” as you are fingering her.

The trick to undoing a zipper with one hand is to move the zipper to it’s middle
position and then pulling the front flap of the pants forward letting the zipper smoothly
sliding down.

Moving to the front, you’ll be able to get more penetration with your fingers, and get
her to the point where she is practically begging for sex. Use a firm “come-hither” motion
pulling forward on the front vaginal wall and stimulating her g-spot.
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# 16:
Remove Her Pants, Sex
The idea is to get her so turned on by fingering her that she makes a commitment to
sex, verbally or physically.

There are a few ways to go about this. Firstly, it is very important that you don’t stop
fingering her before her pants are off. Too many times a guy will stop fingering her, and
then try to take off her pants, only to get more resistance. By taking away the source of
arousal it creates a break in her sexual state which will bring a drastic drop in arousal.

While fingering her you can say “Do you want me inside you?” which will usually
get a “Yes.” response. At that point you say “Ok, take off your pants.” and continue to
finger her until her panties are off, and she’s ready to go. It is best to remove the panties
simultaneously with her pants to reduce the moments of rejection.

Another option is to skip the question and directly tell her to take off her pants.
Usually with your fingers busy at work, she will be more than compliant.

Another technique is to ask her “Do you want me to get a condom?”

In 90% of all girls you ask this, they
will say “Yes.” They respond positively
because they want to appear safe and
level headed. You will interpret
this as the permission to get a
condom and have sex with her,
and it will most likely be met
without opposition.
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1. Higher Levels Unlock Access to Lower Levels

The rungs of the DiCarlo Escalation Ladder may be treated exactly the same as
compliance levels. The point is, any time you reach a higher level through situational
relevance, it unlocks the lower levels automatically.
A good example of this is in a loud club or bar; you can reach in and talk directly into her
ear, getting incidental class 3 kino, touching the side of your face to hers.

You are speaking to her in a way that is dictated by the situation, so it is accepted. If
you accomplish this without her resistance, all lower levels will become unlocked.

Keep in mind that this does NOT mean you should go for high levels of kino
immediately. This is not consistent or proper game and you will get resistance or become
reliant on very specific situations as the lower levels of your escalation will be lacking.
Follow the ladder as closely as you can and do not rush or you may possibly face the issue
of stagnating at a high level of escalation with no plan for logistics.

2. Execution of the Escalation Ramp

The escalation ramp, which consists of steps 8-16, is most effectively executed in
isolation in a sex location. It is not efficient to start the ramp with the intention of
finishing it at a later time.

Starting the ramp without finishing it will lead to an increase in flaking and decrease a
woman’s attraction toward you by process of backwards rationalization.

This is because these sexual behaviors were formed thousands of years ago when
we were still living in caves. The natural instinctual urges, combined with a lack of
knowledge of modern-day sexual consequences meant that escalation with a woman
would 100% of the time lead to sex.
By executing the ladder correctly, you are matching her genetic sexual programming
and giving it to her the exact way that she wants it.
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It is acceptable to do the first part of the ramp, kissing, outside of a suitable sex
location, but only if you plan on completing the ramp later in that same meeting. It’s
not to say that kissing a girl on a non-sex meet will destroy your chances, but it certainly
won’t improve them.

Kiss-closes may look impressive and feed your ego, but aren’t technically optimum.

3. Incidental vs. Overt Kino

There is always a question as to how to execute these different pieces of kino. In
general, you should spend most of your time in the incidental phase, getting her
comfortable with contact in those regions.

This pattern of incidental followed by overt is almost a like a Jedi mind trick. Use
the incidental kino in a very non-invasive, very much under the radar manner, and her
subconscious will automatically accept the subsequent overt kino. It’s almost as if she
becomes numb towards the physical contact in that particular class of kino.

Since she accepts the overt kino, it is through a process of backwards rationalization
that her attraction for you increases. She must like you because she was comfortable
holding hands with you etc. The key is to make the overt kino extremely short.

Each overt phase in the initial ladder should have a duration of 5-10 seconds. You’re
not going to be holding her hand in the club for 5 minutes at a time while in class 1. Keep
it short and sweet.

4. Group Ladder Theory

There is quite a bit of evidence supporting the idea of a “group ladder” concept. Within
a tightly knit group of girls who share a “collective emotional state” with each other, it is
possible that whatever step on the ladder you achieve with one girl can transfer over very
easily to the other girls in the group.
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In a sense, each group of girls has a ladder, which represents your escalation with that
group. If you can comfortably touch and hold a girl at a certain point in the ladder, it
creates an implicit trust of “this guy is cool” for the other girls in the group at that same

Keep in mind this does not include the escalation ramp, although it has been observed
to happen with kissing quite readily.

5. DiCarlo Escalation Ladder as a Standalone Method

The DEL provides both a sufficient framework for escalation and a linear step-by-step
process such that it could be used as a standalone method. You can use one of the many
popular verbal structures out there, but basic conversational skills will suffice, given an
elementary understanding of the ladder.

Attraction is naturally built into the ladder through the means of backwards
rationalization and the inherent value and attractiveness of escalating in an intelligent
and socially aware manner. This is why verbal displays of value become irrelevant
while conducting this escalation. The DiCarlo Escalation Ladder combined with enough
conversational skill to disengage her critical mind is a very powerful, yet “natural”

6. Reward Escalation
The most ideal windows of opportunity are when you achieve a specific level of
compliance from the target. As a method of qualification and shaping you can reward her
with an overt escalation and she will subconsciously put the link together and in turn give
you more compliance. In addition to this she will also feel like she did something to earn
the compliance which puts you in a position of the screener.

As you can see it is technically proper and more powerful to escalate at points where it
may be perceived as a reward.
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7. She Sexually Escalates

There have been a multitude of situations where I would be doing my standard
escalation and at one point or another my target would sexually escalate on me in a very
direct way. In one instance I was with my target at the bar and she slid her hand down my
pants and grabbed my penis.

You need to be prepared to pull the trigger quickly in these situations. The next step is
to begin to push for logistics in order to begin the Escalation Ramp. Gain isolation fast to
capitalize on her sexual state and then escalate hard and fast.
I f you would like
further assistance
or possibly, live
training, please
consider attending
a DiClassified Drills
Bootcamp. You’ll get
to see all of this stuff
in action, as well as
get some top-notch
personalized feedback
on nearly every aspect
of your game. You
can read more or sign
up at http://www.
See you there!
Vin DiCarlo

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