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IT investment: a proposal

In this proposal I will describe some of the difficulties employees face while
working, present the key needs to be addressed and conclude by making a series
of recommendations on how to improve the working experience in this company.
Current situation
Following a series of discussions among employees, it has become apparent that
the accounting programme used for the documents our clients need works too
slowly. Also, I encountered several errors while I was trying to print last month’s
balance sheet and several other colleagues reported similar problems. All these
little issues raise tension and lot of frustration among employees. A number of
concerns with regard to the computer programme were expressed by employees
from the payroll department who claimed that they were unable to calculate the
clients’ salaries when more than 50 people were online.
Key needs to be addressed
First and foremost, our company’s programme has to be upgraded and cleaned
from errors. Additionally, more efficient PCs should be provided at least for those
in managing or control positions. ...
I would therefore suggest the following course of action:
 Invest in the company’s programme development
 Invest in PC components
 ...
Unless these suggestions are implemented, it is unlikely that there will be any
improvements regarding the working experience in the short term.

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