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Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu

eBook by Natalie Vickery of The Family Herbalist

62 Pages

This eBook was designed to provide you with useful information on preventing illness, as well as managing symptoms of colds
and flu with safe and effective natural remedies!

Antibiotics aren’t beneficial for viruses, which cause most sinus infections and sore throats. (Ear infections will usually clear on
their own too.)

• Chart showing differences between cold vs. flu symptoms.
• Chart showing fever temperatures and their actions.
• Chart showing different kinds of mucous and what they indicate.
• Information for calculating children’s dosages.
• And much more detailed herbal information and helpful recipes!

“One illness that we have all had to deal with at one time or another is the common cold. Sometimes we feel so lousy we aren’t
sure whether we have a cold or whether it’s the flu. While the common cold and flu are both viral illnesses there are certainly
some distinctions to be made between the two. Generally, a cold is much milder than the flu and accompanied by a runny or
stuffy nose. The influenza virus or Flu is usually accompanied by fever, body aches, a dry cough and extreme fatigue. Influenza
is very contagious and can, on occasion be fatal in those who are very young, the elderly and those with compromised im-
mune systems. In most cases a cold and even the flu will run their course whether we take anything for them or not. Symptoms
that arise as a result of a cold or flu are often misconstrued as being an effect of the virus itself. However, these symptoms arise
in response to the battle being waged by our immune system against these predators.”

• Eat a healthy diet (organic and grass-fed foods when possible).
• Avoid simple carbohydrates like table sugar, white flour, white rice and cakes/cookies.
• Exercise, practice proper hygiene, and get lots of fresh air and sunshine (which also stimulates production of Vitamin D).
• Drink water.
• Reduce stress, LAUGH, and deal with emotions.
• Get adequate sleep.
Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu

Herbal Allies for Prevention

• Fire Cider.
• Elderberry Syrup.
• Astragalus.
• Nourishing Broth. (Make using grass-fed meat and poultry, vegetables, and medicinal herbs and spices.)

• Antibiotics kill good AND bad bacteria, lowering immunity.
• If you choose to use antibiotics, take antibiotics as prescribed and supplement with probiotics and Vitamin C.

Fever as an Ally
• Fever is a natural immune response and merely a symptom. It’s part of the healing process and shouldn’t be suppressed.
Normal body temperature varies based on environment and metabolic activity, but very high fevers associated with
infections don’t cause brain damage. The body will naturally regulate temperature, generally only as high at 103/104
• Only 4% of children ever experience febrile seizures, and they don’t cause permanent damage.

Hydrotherapy & Fever

• Pour tepid or natural water on the body in a stream (affusion).
• Take a tepid/natural bath.
• Take a graduated bath.
• Take a tepid sponge bath.

Stay Hydrated
• Try an electrolyte replacement drink or this Ginger Switchel recipe.
• Avoid fruit juices!

Starve a Cold & Mucous

• When acute illnesses arise, the body slows down digestion and directs energy toward elimination.
• Mucous is loaded with antibodies and bathes the membranes with them, trapping particles and expelling them. Mucous
should be allowed to flow freely.

Step-By-Step Approach
1. At the onset, take echinacea, Vitamin C, garlic, elderberry, ginger, and/or Fire Cider.
2. In the initial stages, eat as a little as possible. Take garlic, electrolyte drink, and warm teas made with stimulating diaphoretic
herbs. Also try hydrotherapy by placing feet in hot water, then cold.
3. As the fever rises, continue to fast, but keep hydrated. Try elder syrup/tea and/or echinacea. Also use specific remedies for
coughs and sore throat. (See complete details in eBook.)

Ear Infection
• At least 60% of cases of AOM will resolve within 24 hours and 80% of cases within 3 days without the use of antibiotics.
• Bach Flower Rescue Remedy pastilles help, as does using a hot water bottle/heating pad. Garlic and mullein oil is useful,
while chamomile reduces inflammation.
• Never put anything into the ear until you confirm that the eardrum has not been ruptured!

• Try an herbal stem inhalation with thyme, rosemary, sage, eucalyptus, and/or mint.
Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu

When to the Call the Doctor

• Inconsolable crying.
• Vomiting that continues for more than 12 hours.
• A fever in a newborn under 12 months.
• Persistently high fever for over 3 days.
• Loss of consciousness.
• Difficulty breathing.
• Head injuries.
• Severe headache.
• Pain when urinating.
• Sudden onset of headaches or headache accompanied by stiff neck, vomiting, or fever.
• Severe allergic reaction with difficulty swallowing or breathing.
• If you are treating an acute condition at home and it just doesn’t seem to be getting better.

Remedies from the Kitchen

• Anise (Pimpinella anisum) - Good for digestive system and is an expectorant.
• Basil (Ocimum basilicum) - Cooling and healing herb. Used for colds, fevers, headaches…
• Garlic (Allium sativum) - Very effective antimicrobial. You can sneak raw garlic in the diet in many different ways. See recipe
ideas in the eBook.
• Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Warming, stimulating, and antispasmodic herb used for stomach cramps, poor circulation, and
• Sage (Salvia officinalis) - Tea used as gargle for sore throats.
• Thyme (Thymus vularis) - Antiseptic and also used for respiratory troubles.

Home Remedies Reference

• Home remedies for colds/chest congestion.
• Home remedies for coughs.
• Home remedies for ear infections.
• Home remedies for sinusitis.
• Home remedies for vomiting.
• Hydrotherapy for strep/sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, or coughs.

Terminology & Herbal Actions

• Antispasmodic - Relaxes smooth muscles.
• Astringent - Tightens/tones tissues.
• Carminative - Prevents/expels gas and bloating.
• Decongestant - Helps to reduce congestion/swelling.
• Demulcent - Coats/soothes irritating tissues.
• Diaphoretic - Direct circulation and may increase perspiration. May have stimulating and/or relaxing properties.
• Expectorant - Loosens and expels mucous from lungs.
• Immunomodulator - Balances out immune function.
• Immune stimulator - Stimulates immune response.
• Nervine - Supporting immune system.
Herbal Remedies for Cold and Flu

Materia Media

Contains part used, taste, energetic, action, indications, and uses for the following herbs:
• Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus).
• Bee balm/bergamot (Monarda spp.).
• Boneset (Eupatorium perforliatum).
• Catnip (Nepeta cataria).
• Chamomile (Matricaria recutita).
• Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens).
• Echinacea (Echinacea spp.).
• Elecampane.
• Elder (Sambucus nigra).
• Garlic (Allium sativum).
• Ginger (Zingiber officinale).
• Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis).
• Horehound (Marrubium vulgaris).
• Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra).
• Lobelia (Lobelia inflata).
• Marshmallow (Althea officinalis).
• Mullein (Verbascum thapsus).
• Sage (Salvia spp.).
• Slippery elm (Ulmus fulva or U. rubra).
• Thyme (Thymus vulgaris).

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