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Kelompok 7

Anggota : 1. Diviani Putri Gulischa (102317002)

2. M. Adi Wicaksono (102317005)

3. Muchammad Syaifudin (102318008)

4. M. Idzki Fikri Azis (102317074)

5. M. Mauludi Edwin A S (102317075)

Tugas Manajemen Proyek 2

Franklin Electronics Case Study
1. Are the vice president’s comments about cost and schedule variance correct? What
information did the vice president fail to analyze?

The vice president’s comments are incorrect because he/she fail to analyze the rate
of last period’s variance should base on ACWP and BCWS rather than cost and
schedule variance.

2. What additional information should have been included in the status report?

The status report should have also included the EAC and schedule analysis. The
report should have also included the reasons for the problems that led to overrun or
schedule delay, and the ways of solving these problems. trend analysis of the project
performance based on a set timeline to show what will happen and when. a process
performance chart would have also helped in controlling the project.

3. Does Franklin Electronics understand earned value measurement? If not, then what
went wrong?

The company does not understand the earned value measurement. This is because
the company used the wrong calculation and using earnest value measurement as a
replacement for interchange meetings.

4. Does Spokane Industries understand project management?

The Spokane Industries does not understand the project management. this is
because of a poor knowledge of earned value measurement. Furthermore, it did not
consider the importance of communication throughout the project. The company
focused mostly on costs with little regard to the other factors. In addition, the
company is not familiar to the project management phases and tools.

5. Does proper earned value measurement serve as a replacement for interchange


The earned value measurement tool is not a communication tool. However, it can
help to promote efficiency in interchange meetings. The EVMS helps to provide clear
information about a project’s status and problems in it which can be smoothly cleared
or cause conflicts.

6. What should the project manager from Franklin say in his defense?

Franklin manager’s defense must show a solution for controlling the time and a plan
to control the cost. As such, the manager should say that the company would
develop a plan to control the time and budget and will be able to solve the problem

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