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Mystic Monk Coffee David L. Turnipseed University of South Alabama Father Dail May the Pie of the Dcerie ie Pes Su jog, saled To chapel to pee tren Mesh Sten he sun eng ot te fourich sow fom te Som inane we au ua of When, batt inte snofl andthe pt Bow for eopanyg hangs ant how fe mg Mowat ‘te Show of ranormg he Soul bterbood 1 ons Ing sal ine nea mabe rey nea Oe Tonsley it nul nate serrodses fer 30 oak Gohe dash coment fol erage preted mia caenge Hncee asta ome hah sehost eal taper Bnet ier an mano ty Faber Pr Dani Nay ay unasioned to ‘Sling om alenge Tatler Pro bad eat nts of his vision perfects, buts curent listing price of 5389 milion presented & financial obstacle to creating a plate of prayer, worship, and solitude fn the Rockies Tae Carmelites had received a $250,000 donation that could be vsed toward the purchase, and the monastery had earned nearly $75,000 during the frst year ofits Mystic Moak cofee-oaiting, operations, bat. more money would be aeded. The co used to produce packag was reaching its capacity ould be purchased for’ $35,000. Also, local (Cody, Wyoming, business owners had begun a foundation for those wishing to danate to the monks’ ease Father Prior Daniel Mary did fot have a great deal of experience in business matters ut considered to what extent the monastery could rely onits Mystic Monk Coffe ‘operations to fund the 9 TP Mystic Mouk Goffec was capable © the vison a reality hat were the next steps in turning th coffee into land? THE CARMELITE MONKS OF WYOMING bout a larger roast Carmelite ae a tligious order of the C: (Church that was formed by men who came t0 the Holy Land as pilgrims and crustd God. The men established ther Mout Carmel because ofits be and Biblical importance asthe site wher stood against King Ahab andthe false God. The Carmelites led a hfe o silence, and prayer at Mount Car fventually returning to Europe and recognized order ‘The size of the Car 1 the 1600s and stond at approximately 2,200 Fears living on all ibahited continents at the beginning of the 21st century ‘The Wyoming Carmelite monastery was founded by Father Daniel Mary who lived a8 2 (Carmelite hermit in innesota before moviag 19 Clack, Wyoming to establish the new mozas “The Wyoming Carmalites were a cloistered order and were allowed to leave the monastery only by permission ofthe bsnop for medial needs or the teath of family member, The Wyoming mos: avtery’s abbey bore litle resemblance to the great ‘tone cathedrals and monasteries of Europe and vas confined to a rctory that had once been & four-bedroom fanchstyle home and an adjoin ing 2 acre of land hat had been donated to the "There were 13 monks dedicated to a life of prayer and worship ia the Wyoming Carmelite Tonastery, Since tke founding of the monas- tery six years ago, there bad been more han 500 inguiries from young ten considering becoming 8 Wyoming Carmelte Father rior Daniel Mary ‘wished to eventually have 30 monks wo would join the brotherhood at age 19 1 30 and ive out their ines in the menastery, However, these tion erteria for aowptance into the monastery were rigorous, with the monks makiog certain that applicants unéertood the reality of the vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty and the Sscrifics associated with living a elsseredrel= sous ie The Daily Activities of a Carmelite Monk The Carmelite moths’ day began at $10 426 when they arose aad went to chapel for worship tearing traditional brown bails snd handmade fandals, At about 500 A. the monks rested And contemplated i silence for one hour before Fither Prior began morning Mass After Mass, the monks wea abot their manual labors In pet Forming thir labor, each brother ad special set of skills tht eabled the monastery t inde pendently maintain its operations Brothe Joseph Marie was an exceleat mechani, Brother Paul was a carpeater, Brother Pater Joseph (Brother (Cook) worked inthe itcea, an five-fot, four Jach Brother Simon Mary (Lite Monk) was the secretary to Father Daniel Mary. Brother Elias, sifectionstely known as Brother Jaa, was Mystic Monk Coffe’s master roaster, although he was nota coffe drinker. Each monk worked up to six hous per das, however, the monks’ primary focus was spiritual, with eight ours ofeach day spent in prayer At T:#0- a6, the monks stopped work and. went to Chapel” Aftervard they bad lunch, cleaned dishes, and went back fo work. At 200 Pa ‘he hour that Jeaus was belived to have died 03 the cross, work stopped again for prajer and ‘worship. The monks then setumed to work unt the bell was ung for Vespers (evening prayer) [After Vespers, the monks had an hour of seat contemplation, aa evening meal, and more prayers before bedtime. The New Mount Carmel Soon after arriving in Wyoming, Fatber Dan- jel Macy had formed the vision of acquiring a large parcel of land—a new Mouat Carmel— and building 8 monastery with accommodations for 30 monks a retreat center for lay visitors a Gothic chure, a convent fr Carmelite mans and a hermitage. In letter to supporters posted on ‘hemonaster’s wobste, Father Daniel Mary soc tsaclly sated his vison: “We beg your prayer Your friendship and your support het thi vison, ‘ur vision may come to be that Mouat Carmi Shay be refounded in Wyoming’ Roclses fort tory of God, “The brothers located a 436-acte ranch for sale hat would satis all ofthe requirements to erate ‘new Mount Carmel. The Ima Lake Ranch was located about 21 miles outside Cody, Wyoming, fod incladed remodcled 17800-quare-fot residence, a 1,70-square-foot caretaker Rous, 29Steqarefoot guesthouse, a hunting cabin, ‘dairy and horse barn, and forested land. The ranch was atthe end ofa soveamailelong private travel road and was bordered on one sie by the private Hoodoo Ranch (100,000 acres) and. fon the other by the Sboshore National Park {2-¢miion sees). Although the aking price was $8.9 milion, the monks believed they would be able to acquire the property through donations fand the profits generated by the mouasten’s Martie Monk Colfee operations. The $250,000

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