Behavior Control: Organizational Control and Change CH 11

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Direct Supervision

The Importance of
Organizational Control Specific goals and objectives
are established at each level
Input stage of the organization
(Feedforward control)
Managers and their subordinates
Management by
Conversion stage together determine the subordinates’
Control Systems and IT Objectives
(Concurrent control) Behavior goals
Output stage Managers and their subordinates
(Feedback control) periodically review the subordinates’
progress toward meeting goals
Establish the standards of What Is
performance, goals, or targets Organizational Bureaucratic Control
against which performance is Control?
to be evaluated. Problems with
Bureaucratic Control
Measure actual performance

Compare actual performance The Control Process

against chosen standards of
Organizational Control
Evaluate the result and initiate
corrective action (that is, make and Change The control
exerted on individuals and
changes) if the standard is not CH 11 Clan Control groups in an organization
being achieved Standarts of behavior
by shared:


Profit Ratios

Liquidity Ratios Lewin’s Force-Field Theory of Change

Financial Measures
of Performance
Leverage Ratios Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change

Activity Ratios Assess the need

for change
Quantitative Skills
Output Control
in the Job Marke
Decide on the
Change change to make
Organizational Goals Managing Change
Implement the
Operating Budgets change

Problems with Output Control Evaluate the


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