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Radiology (Feedback Sorted Subject wise) Mani Dixit

- X-ray faults.there were so many questions about this.need thorough reading

- OPGs to tell the main important features like caries and fractures of bones to be identified

- X-ray and question about the patients age

- X-ray where you should identify the sinus

- Cone beam CT of upper jaw-4 projections- longitudinal,axial,sagital with question on

external resorption that is showed on one of them

- Few PA radiograms –to diagnose condition-supernumerary tooth ,caries

- OPG- name certain structures-hard,soft palate,tongue,floor of maxillary sinuses,hyoid bone

- Radiograph given – identify various sinuses and other structures in skull

- Radiographic relevance of swiss cheese pattern, ground glass appearance (fibrous displasia)
swiss cheese adenoid cystic carcinoma

- Indications of periapical radiography

- Radiographic faults – film blackening, least likely cause?

- Lesion 20mm on upper central incisor – type of Xray?

- Also keep this in mind that they usually keep only one or two radiographs n ask everything
abt it at different stages... so look on the radiograph properly

- Radiographic relevance of swiss cheese pattern, ground glass appearance

- Indications of periapical radiography

- Radiographic faults

- Radiograph given in which various sinuses and other structures in skull given

- method of detection of proximal caries? bitewings

- X-ray of anterior teeth, one of them has a periapical lesion. Identify the tooth

- Opg, identify labelled structures.

- Bite wing identify tooth with carious lesion

- Picture of a ct scan of the upper teeth, we were asked to identify the different types of
sections e.g. sagittal, coronal e.t.c

- Radiographs showing caries v had to diagnose which tooth was carious,Not

  very obvious though in the radiograph

- Landmarks in OPG

- Anatomical landmarks of upper and lower jaw like maxillary

  tuberosity,retromolar area

- RADIOGRAPHS : occlusal and IOPA u had to idetify what it is?root

  fracture,resorption,apical pathology etc.lots of ques on radiographs ...

  It has not been asked so much in detail in the past i think but now the pattern

  is getting a bit modified so pls do have a look at different views eg. CT scan

- Which Xray is needed for implants?

- Huge ameloblastoma xray image to identify

-  Diagnosis of interproximal  caries, what would you use?  Bitewings,  briault probe

- Position of unerupted canine , which is the best xray technique to identify its position? –
parallax techinique ( Whaites book very useful

- OPG, you have to know everything, this time was shown, floor of the sinus, hyoid bone,
pharynx, nasal septum.

- Periapical xrays with different types of  problems, reason of failure: double exposure,
wrong side exposed, conning off, blurred ( patient moves), . etc

- X-ray with defect x-ray placed on the wrong side (there were foil impressions)

- X-ray showing caries in lower molars

- X-ray defect in which the patient has moved.blurred

- X-ray defect in which there are fixer splashes.white blotches

- X-ray defect in which there is double speed.

- X-ray defect in which there is double exposure. (both upper & lower teeth seen in an IOPA)

- Patient comes to you after 2 years of not visiting a dentist, which radiograph will you take?

- X-ray in a child to see the presence of tooth-buds? Panaromic radiograph

- X-ray in which 2 cm radioluscency around the apex of a upper incisor? Occlusal view

- X-ray in TMJ pain? CT

- What should be done after taking an x-ray? Report of the radiograph

- X-ray showing thickened trabecular bone

- X-ray for a patient with flattened zygoma & bilateral black eyes? Occipitomental view

- Best radiograph to diagnose approximal and occlusal caries

- 3 year-old child, baby teeth to be extracted. You want to check permanent germs. Which
ragiograph? Panoramic,

  periapical, bimolar, occlusal, lateral skull   view, etc

- radiograph of mixed dentirion identify age and abnormalities

- Radiograph of primary molar was given and asked what radiograph was it options were
horizontal bitewing,vert bitewing,iopar,bimolar view

- Radiolucent lesions

- There were a lot of conditions and we had to correlate them with the type of xrays reqd for
their diagnosis, like bitewings, periapical, dpt , cephalogram

- Many time they showed us bitewing xrays,  we had to give the age of the patient tell what
type of bitewing horizontal,  vertical  etc

- There were two bitewing radiographs showing resorption of the roots of a

  Lower deciduous molar because of an erupting premolar and we were asked

  the type of radiographs-vertical bitewings and what d radiograph showed

- On radiograph , a mutilocular radioluscency in the region of the angle/ramus of the

     mandible is most likely

  a)ameloblastoma (b)pleomorphic adenoma (c) staphne’s idiopathic bone cavity

- A radioluscency in the angle of the  mandible located beneath the inferior dental

     canal is most likely- staphne’s idiopathic bone cavity

- Which radiographic view will you use for orthodontic assessment-Cephalometric

- Several questions with different clinical scenarios we were asked which views of 

  radiographs will be most appropriate- OM view,PA skull,PA mandible,Oblique 

  laterals or standard occlusals

- If you are carrying out RCT for a patient and you are unable to take a radiograph in

     order to determine the working length because of limited mouth opening but you have

     a pre-op assessment radiograph what will you do

     a)take a dental panoramic radiograph

     b)use an electronic apex locator

     c)use tactile means to determine the apical stop

- which one ……………………………………………………? Radiation protection

- what is the best radiograpgy for TMJ ? options:   CT, MRI, OPG…

- 4 or 5 questions about land marks of OPG. Hard palate, ID nerve canal, zygomatic matress,

- A bitewing was given and asked about the caries in that .like: which one still doeasn’t need
filling? Or which starge is the pts is? Early mixed dentition,……….

- something about equivalent dose of 2 bitewings? !!!!!!!!!!!



- Radiology – person responsible for written protocols – Employer

- Radiology secondary radiation for how long – 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 hours???

- Radiology – responsible for justification, quality assurance and control x-rays (not sure
about how the question was) – practitioner

- DPT identify structures – very complicated (tonsils, ID canal, hard palate, zygomatic

- DPT x-ray showing mixed dentition – identify 5 teeth


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