B. Pair Work Rewite The Sentences in Part A So That They Are About Your Country

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B. Pair Work Rewite the sentences in part A so that they are about your country.
Then discuss your information.

Name : Ahmad Rizal Class : 01 B

NIM : 1904030069 Leacture : Miss Syifa Fadhilah Hamid

1. In Indonesian, 75% of married couples have childern.

Answer : In Indonesian, Most of married couples have childern.
Link Address :

2. Fivety percent of 20 – 25 year – olds in the Indonesian are divored.

Answer : Some percent of 20 – 25 year – olds in the Indonesian are divored.
Link Address : https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpnn.com/amp/news/menurut-data-50-persen-

3. Fivety – eight percent of the people in Indonesia live alone.

Answer : A lot of percent of the people in Indonesian live alone.
Link Address : https://beritagar.id/artikel/gaya-hidup/potret-jomblo-di-indonesia

4. In Indonesian, 15,66% of women get married by the age of 22.

Answer : In Indonesian, Few of women get married by the age of 22.
Link Address : https://nasional.sindonews.com/read/1396184/15/angka-pernikahan-dini-jumlahnya-

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