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$2.00 DESIGNATED AREAS HIGHER © 2015 MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 latimes.


Myriad State
threats limits
to Iran green
deal vehicle
Obama’s nuclear
agreement could
become a perennial
By Paul Richter Called a handout to
the rich, hybrid
expected showdown in Con-
subsidies are denied to
gress next month over the households earning
administration’s nuclear $500,000 or more.
deal with Iran is only the first
in a series of challenges that
could leave the fate of the Photographs by Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times By Patrick McGreevy
historic agreement uncer- FISH CULTURALIST Beau Hopkins moves winter-run Chinook eggs to their tray after counting them
tain for years and blemish at the Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery, which is working to boost the at-risk salmon population. SACRAMENTO — Hun-
President Obama’s most dreds of Californians with

Warm water, fast death

ambitious foreign policy ef- household incomes of
fort. $500,000 or more have col-
Although the accord ap- lected state subsidies for
pears on track to survive buying electric and hybrid
congressional opposition in cars under a program that is
the short term, if necessary criticized as a taxpayer
with a presidential veto, op- handout to the wealthy.
ponents have begun laying
plans to force its overhaul or
California’s native fish could vanish if the drought continues State regulators, in re-
sponse, are restricting the
repudiation down the road. subsidies to Californians
Republican presidential who earn less than $250,000
candidates are united By Bettina Boxall or couples taking in less than
against it, and several have $500,000. But that standard
vowed to discard or amend it REDDING, Calif. — Last sum- is also under fire from some
if elected. mer, a narrow, rock-rimmed stretch lawmakers and anti-tax ac-
Even if it overcomes of the Sacramento River near here tivists, who ask why subsi-
those obstacles, the deal turned into a mass graveyard for dies worth up to $5,000 are
could collapse during imple- baby salmon. given to people who can al-
mentation if clear evidence Upstream releases of water from ready afford the cars.
emerges of Iranian cheating, Shasta Dam were so warm that virtu- “The state should not be
if major disputes erupt over ally an entire generation of endan- diverting … taxes on low-in-
inspections and rules, or if gered winter-run Chinook was wiped come and middle-class fami-
governments and United out. The eggs never hatched, or if lies to benefit wealthy driv-
Nations agencies fail to they did, the emerging young soon ers,” said Senate Republican
properly oversee it. died. leader Bob Huff of San Di-
The agreement also A similar disaster could unfold A FEMALE CHINOOK salmon sits close to death after laying her mas.
could be undermined by Ira- this summer. And if the drought eggs near Shasta Dam in the drought-stricken Sacramento River. Money for the subsidies
nian hard-liners who see a drags on for another year or two, wild comes from a surcharge on
threat to their business in- populations of some of the state’s Also in danger are the long-suffering has been measured mostly in terms vehicle registration fees and
terests, or by friction with most prized fish are likely to vanish. delta smelt, whose numbers have of idled cropland, dried up domestic a portion of the smog fee
Iran over the civil war in Syr- “We’re going to be losing most of plunged to what he called “the last of wells and brown lawns. Less visible paid by California motorists.
ia or other Middle East con- our salmon and steelhead if things the last.” but more devastating has been dam- There were no income limits
flicts. continue,” said UC Davis professor “It would be a major extinction age to native fish that struggle for for the subsidy when the
“There’s always the risk emeritus Peter Moyle, a leading au- event,” Moyle warned. survival in the best of times. program was enacted in 2010.
[See Iran, A4] thority on California’s native fish. The drought’s toll on California Four years of [See Fish, A14] The average household
income in California is just
over $60,000, noted Kris Vos-
burgh, executive director of

Sharpton is no
the Howard Jarvis Tax-
payers Assn. Subsidies for
residents who make
$250,000, he said, amount to

longer outsider
“welfare for the rich” and “a
slap in the face to average
“Clean” cars typically
cost more than those that
run on gasoline. State au-
remember Eric Garner, an [See Subsidy, A19]
He is still polarizing unarmed black man who
died one year earlier in a
and in the spotlight, scuffle with a white police of-
but some younger ficer on Staten Island, and
activists mock him. Sharpton was one of many Zoo shocked
speakers. But Sharpton had
called this gathering, and as when panda
By Tina Susman he stood beneath a tarp out
of sight of the fidgety mass-
has twins
NEW YORK — It was a es, it was clear he was in The mother is getting
blazing hot day, but Al charge. a lot of support from
Sharpton didn’t break a He checked his watch. He National Zoo staff to
sweat as he waited to take checked to make sure Gar- keep the little ones
the stage at a Brooklyn rally, ner’s widow, Esaw, was by his alive. NATION, A8
Don Bartletti Los Angeles Times dressed as usual in a per- side. He checked his phone
FOR YEARS, the blimp was a fixture at college football games, major league fectly cut suit and tie, his for messages, and he eyed Communion
baseball games and red-carpet events. It took just two days to dismantle. arms crossed and his leath- the other speakers as if si- with her fans
er-clad feet planted firmly, lently timing them.
Taylor Swift kicks off
COLUMN ONE almost statue-like, on the When it was his turn to
her “Los Angeles resi-

Floating into history

ground. speak, Sharpton strode to
dency” at Staples Cen-
The crowd was there to [See Sharpton, A16]
ter with a pop specta-

Tech sector
her in front of a towering World War II-era faces challenges
It could see less in-
The final flight of Goodyear’s hangar in Tustin, the aging airship seemed
to revolt. vestment and more
Spirit of America blimp is an Matthew St. John, who has been flying acquisitions if stock
emotional time for its loyal crew. the Spirit of America for the last eight
years, struggled to get her onto the
market keeps falling.
ground. He pushed hard against his chair,
By Deborah Netburn applying the full force of his body on the Weather
and Eryn Brown pedals that control the blimp’s rudders. Clouds, then sun.
L.A. Basin: 87/67. B8

At the same time, his right hand spun
n her final flight, the Spirit of what looked like the wheel of a wooden Printed with soy inks on
America did not go down easily. wheelchair back and forth to control the partially recycled paper.
The Goodyear blimp had ship’s pitch. (“It’s a very analog, mechan-
sailed gracefully down the Pacific ical aircraft,” he said.)
coast from Carson flashing the message On the dashboard for this last flight, St. Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times
“THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES, CALI- John had taped a photograph of himself as AL SHARPTON speaks at a rally in Brooklyn, N.Y., 7 85944 00200 5
FORNIA.” But when the pilot tried to land a little boy, fishing [See Blimp, A12] last month, a year after the death of Eric Garner.





“We have to do
things that people
won’t like.” F Y C 2 0 1 5
A2 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

David Zalubowski Associated Press

GEORGE H. BRAUCHLER , district attorney in Arapahoe County, Colo., prosecuted theater gunman James
E. Holmes, who was convicted of killing 12 people. Formal sentencing is scheduled to begin Monday.


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On sparing James Holmes
Prosecutor talks about a holdout juror and the future of death penalty
for mor e a bou t chr istofle v isi t GE A RYS .c om
Juror 17 is the only one who someone to be executed Maybe it picked up traction
By Maria L. La Ganga has spoken publicly. She while he is in office. Gover- because of the Nebraska
said there were one hold- nors in Washington, Ore- Legislature. But people here
Arapahoe County Dist. out and two wobblers. Is gon and Pennsylvania have do not want to create a
Atty. George H. Brauchler her analysis correct? taken similar actions. Did ceiling of maximum possible
spent the last three months Wobbler is even too that affect the jury? punishment for people who
3 5 1 N . B E V E R LY D R I V E | 8 0 0 . 7 9 3 . 6 67 0 in the courthouse’s Division strong of a term. They had We’re talking about one commit the worst of the
GE A RYS .COM 201, trying to persuade a jury gone around the room at juror. Without talking to worst crimes.
that Aurora, Colo., theater some point and said, “OK, that one juror, it is impos-
gunman James E. Holmes how strong are you on your sible to know. Some of the So you think the death
should be put to death. After position?” They had gotten victims who were onboard penalty will stay on the
hearing from more than 300 10 [on a scale of 1 to 10 to with the death penalty said books in Colorado?
witnesses and seeing nearly gauge how strong the posi- that it had impacted them. In one way or another, I
3,000 pieces of evidence, one tions were] from everybody They said, “I was willing to do.
juror voted against execu- and eight on these two. sign up my family for a
tion, and Holmes’ life was death penalty trial, but now, Dexter Lewis was just
spared. Formal sentencing So what happened with the if some governor 20 years convicted of murder in
is scheduled to begin Mon- holdout, and when did she from now can pull the rug Denver for killing five
day in Centennial, Colo. As break the news to the jury? out from under a jury and people during a robbery,
many as 200 victims will read This juror said, “I’m a 10, sentence, I would rather and the jury is in the sen-
statements. but I’m a 10 for life.” It was have closure right now.” It tencing phase considering
an hour to an hour and a was painful. execution. The judge in
What was your reaction to half before the judge got the that case warned jurors
the verdict? completed verdict forms. Many have said that, if that the two cases are not
I was surprised, no doubt They really felt comfortable Holmes does not get the alike. Do you think the
about it. But as obviously as with the idea that they were death penalty after killing Holmes verdict will impact
I thought it was a case that going to get death until this 12 and wounding 70, then the Lewis case?
cried out for the death pen- person revealed her posi- the death penalty is dead in I hope it doesn’t. I want
alty, I never went into it tion. Colorado. Do you agree? the jurors to follow the
cocky, that it was a foregone No. It was one juror. If it instructions they were
conclusion. The fact that we Do you know what affected came back 12 for life, I would given. One holdout juror
came so close made it more her most? have said, “Good grief.” If should not affect them.
disappointing. When the Mental health of course this juror also came back Each of these cases must be
judge says it’s a profoundly was an issue in the case. The with death, no one would thought about individually.
reasoned moral judgment juror who was a holdout, have said: “This is disposi- They are both evil acts.
and says it 10 times, you there was no indication to tive. The death penalty is
always know that any death us that this juror even en- here to stay, and mental Holmes was convicted of
penalty case could come out gaged in lengthy description health is never going to be murdering 12 people and
this way. of, “This is how I felt.” The an issue.” To suggest that wounding 70. But I have
deduction is that it had to because that juror had heard you say that there
Have you spoken with the be mental health. reservations for whatever are 1,200 victims in the
jurors? personal reasons, I don’t case. How do you figure?
Introducing the free They said they were You said that at some point think you can draw any The way victims are
shocked and surprised that the jurors voted among policy implications from defined under our laws
Hot Property newsletter. this juror held the view she themselves about whether that. extends beyond the people
held and took the position they could sentence injured. It goes to immedi-
she took. Holmes to death if mental This year alone, the death ate family members. With
Celebrity home sales and high-end As much as I disagree health was not an issue. Is penalty has been thrown just the 12 deceased, we
real estate transactions accompanied that life is justice for this that correct? out in Connecticut and were dealing with a group of
guy, I am a defender for this I can’t tell you if it was a Nebraska. Defendants in more than 100. Everyone in
by stunning photos.
system. I think it should be formal vote or if this was a high-profile death penalty Theater 9 or 8 could have
incredibly difficult for the discussion topic. It was cases in Washington state been a victim under an
government to take the life something like, “If mental this summer got life in attempted murder statute.
of a citizen. I am going to health were not an issue, prison without parole. Do We didn’t charge that way
Sign up now at believe that she did exactly would you all vote for you see a change in the air? because of logistical rea- what the judge instructed death,” words to that effect. I think there’s always sons. It doesn’t deny that
her to do and voted as a Everyone said yes. been that group that feels those people are victims.
matter of conscience. I have like we should find a way to
no information to tell me Gov. John Hickenlooper minimize the consequences
otherwise. has said he would not allow for the most terrible crimes. Twitter: @marialaganga

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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 A3

‘It was gut instinct, survival’
the gun jammed and that he
American tells how he did not fire a single shot.
“When I told him people
got the train gunman had been injured, he almost
in a chokehold and fell off his chair. As far as he
was concerned, there were
then stopped the no shots fired. The Kalash-
bleeding of a victim. nikov didn’t work,” David
She said he claimed to
By Henry Chu have found the AK-47 in a
and Kim Willsher suitcase at a park in Brus-
sels near the station where
PARIS — “He seemed he boarded the train.
like he was ready to fight to She was El Khazzani’s
the end,” said Spencer lawyer during his first inter-
Stone, the U.S. serviceman rogation in Arras, the north-
who was the first American ern French town where he
to tackle a gunman aboard a was arrested. She is no long-
Paris-bound train. er representing him, as he
“So were we.” has been moved for ques-
Stone spoke to reporters tioning to France’s anti-ter-
for the first time Sunday, de- rorism headquarters on the
scribing a fierce struggle outskirts of Paris.
that neutralized the at- French Interior Minister
tacker but left the Air Force Bernard Cazeneuve said
enlisted man with injuries Saturday that El Khazzani’s
requiring surgery, including name appeared on security
a nearly severed thumb. alert lists in three countries
After being awakened by — Belgium, France and
the sound of a gunshot in Spain — because of his sus-
their railway carriage Friday pected links to radical Is-
afternoon, Stone and his lamic organizations.
friends, Alek Skarlatos and German intelligence
Anthony Sadler, looked up services say El Khazzani ap-
and saw an assailant at the peared on their radar in May
end of the car holding an when he boarded a plane
AK-47. from Berlin to Istanbul, Tur-
“It looked like it was Etienne Laurent European Pressphoto Agency key. Spanish security serv-
jammed or it wasn’t work- ices say El Khazzani had
ing, and he was trying to
charge the weapon,” Stone, a ‘It wasn’t a conscious decision…. Our aim was to been in Syria.
David said the suspect

survive … and for everyone else on that train to

U.S. airman from Carmi- disputes those accounts.
chael, Calif., told reporters “He denies having gone to
gathered at the U.S. Em- Turkey or Syria and says he
bassy in Paris. “Alek just hit
me on the shoulder and said,
‘Let’s go.’ ”
make it.’ traveled around Spain, An-
dorra, Belgium, Austria and
Germany during the last six
The two childhood — S PENCER S TONE , U.S. serviceman who tackled a gunman on a Paris-bound train months, as well as one visit
friends, with Sadler not far to France.” Convicted twice
behind, ran down the length for drug trafficking in Spain
of the carriage and tackled in 2013, El Khazzani has told
the shirtless gunman. Stone police he worked as a painter
locked him in a chokehold and decorator in Spain, Da-
while Skarlatos snatched his vid added.
gun away. At the U.S. Embassy
“It seemed like he kept news conference, Stone said
pulling more weapons left he didn’t think twice about
and right — pulled out a confronting the gunman.
handgun, Alek took that; “In the beginning it was
took out a box cutter, started gut instinct, survival,” he
jabbing at me with that,” said. “It wasn’t a conscious
said Stone. “All three of us decision…. Our aim was to
started punching him.... I survive … and for everyone
was able to grab him again else on that train to make it.”
and choke him unconscious Stone underwent surgery
while Alek was hitting him in to reattach his thumb and
the head with the pistol or ri- AFP/Getty Images was released from the hospi-
fle.” A LAWYER says tal Saturday evening.
With the help of a British Ayoub El Khazzani On Monday, Hollande
businessman, the Ameri- was planning only a will receive and recognize
cans hogtied the attacker robbery on the train. the three Americans at the
with a necktie. But Stone, Elysee Palace.
trained as a paramedic, no- Thomas Samson AFP/Getty Images Sadler said he hoped oth-
ticed a nearby passenger ANTHONY SADLER, left, Spencer Stone and Alek Skarlatos with U.S. Am- Besides their own quick ers would draw a lesson from
who had apparently been hit bassador to France Jane Hartley at the U.S. Embassy in Paris. actions, the Americans what happened.
by a bullet and was bleeding credited luck with having “Hiding or sitting back is
profusely from the neck. prevented a potential not going to accomplish any-
Ignoring his own injuries, But they struck a humble Stone said. David told French television bloodbath. After his weapon thing, and the gunman
Stone found the wound and note at Sunday’s news con- The suspect has been channel BFMTV. “He jammed, the gunman ap- would’ve been successful if
stanched the flow. ference, thanking the identified as 25-year-old doesn’t understand why this peared not to know how to my friend Spencer had not
“I just stuck two of my fin- French authorities who Ayoub El Khazzani, a Moroc- story has taken on such im- get it to work. gotten up,” Sadler said. “So I
gers in the hole, found what I cared for them after the at- can who French authorities portance. He took weapons “He clearly had no fire- just want that lesson to be
thought to be the artery, tack and also crediting a say has had ties with terror- and boarded the train to arms training whatsoever,” learned going forward, in
pushed down and the bleed- Frenchman who apparently ist organizations. A lawyer basically extort money from Skarlatos said. “If he knew times of terror like that, to
ing stopped, and so I just was the first person to con- who was with El Khazzani the passengers.” what was he doing, or even please do something. Don’t
said, ‘Thank God,’ ” he said. front the assailant when the after his arrest said he de- But Sadler, a student at just got lucky … we would’ve just stand by and watch.”
The three friends have gunman emerged from a nies any terrorist intentions Cal State Sacramento, all been in trouble and prob-
been hailed as heroes by washroom. and insists that he was plan- scoffed at that idea. ably wouldn’t be here today,
both President Obama, who “I feel like he deserves a ning to rob the passengers. “It doesn’t take eight along with a lot of other peo- Special correspondent
telephoned them Saturday, lot of the credit because if it “He is dumbfounded that magazines to rob a train,” he ple.” Willsher reported from
and by French President wasn’t for him, maybe it his action has taken on a ter- said of the ammunition David, the lawyer, said Paris and Times staff writer
Francois Hollande. could’ve been way different,” rorist dimension,” Sophie found on the suspect. her former client said that Chu from London.

In Tehran, Britain
reopens its embassy
left Iran economically iso- since 1979.
By Ramin Mostaghim lated. Hammond called the re-
and Laura King The November 2011 at- opening of both missions
tack on Britain’s two main “the logical next step to
TEHRAN — With police diplomatic compounds in build confidence and trust
sealing off the site for safety, Tehran were reminiscent of between two great nations.”
Britain on Sunday reopened the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Full ambassadors are ex-
its embassy in the Iranian Embassy, which set off a 444- pected to be appointed in
capital, raising the Union day hostage crisis. Washing- coming months; in the
Jack for the first time since ton and Tehran still have not meantime, both govern-
the landmark diplomatic resumed diplomatic rela- ments will be represented at
compound was stormed in tions. the charge d’affaires level.
2011 by Iranian hard-liners. Philip Hammond, on the In remarks at the cere-
Ebrahim Noroozi Associated Press
The reestablishment of a first visit to the Iranian capi- mony and a later joint news
British diplomatic presence tal by a British foreign secre- conference with his Iranian BRITISH Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, left, with Iranian Foreign Minis-
in Tehran — and the reopen- tary since 2003, said the counterpart, Mohammad ter Mohammad Javad Zarif in Tehran. Iran’s embassy in London is open as well.
ing hours later of Iran’s mis- storming of the United King- Javad Zarif, Hammond said
sion in London — marked dom’s two main diplomatic that disagreements were in- Zarif, for his part, said embassy reopening as the year-old barber with a shop
another milestone in the Is- compounds in Tehran had evitable but that London Iran sought “mutual gains “return of the fox” — an epi- near the embassy, saw its re-
lamic Republic’s cautiously marked a “low point” in rela- and Tehran could deepen for all countries in the re- thet used in past years to re- opening as a good omen for
improving ties with the tions. After the attack, Brit- cooperation on such impor- gion” and called extremism fer to perceived British per- Iran.
West. ain closed its Tehran em- tant regional issues as bat- and terrorism common fidy. “We should forget the
Last month, Iran and six bassy and ejected Iranian di- tling drug trafficking, terror- problems to be jointly con- Many Iranians, however, past and look forward to a
Western powers, including plomats from London. ism and the growing power fronted. welcomed what they hope better future,” he said.
the United States, reached a But the 2013 election of re- of the militant group Islamic Despite a determinedly will be an end to years of eco-
historic accord calling for formist-minded Iranian State. conciliatory atmosphere, nomic hardship resulting
long-term curbs on Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani “As confidence and trust there were lingering remind- from the sanctions. Ham- Special correspondent
nuclear program, although inaugurated a gradual thaw. grows, there should be no ers of the rupture between mond was accompanied by a Mostaghim reported from
the pact still needs congres- Last fall, Rouhani and Brit- limit to what, over time, we the two countries. Graffiti group of business leaders Tehran and Times staff
sional approval. The agree- ish Prime Minister David can achieve together, and no reading “Death to England” from several large multina- writer King from Cairo. Staff
ment is expected to lead to Cameron met in New York, limit to our ability to discuss still marked the elegant tional firms, most from the writer Henry Chu in London
the lifting of international the two countries’ first tete- these issues together,” Ham- compound. One hard-line energy sector. contributed to this
sanctions that for years have a-tete at such a high level mond said. news outlet described the Hassan Mosavi, a 57- report.
A4 M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

A nuclear deal showdown

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to the above address. Home Delivery 4/19, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, scale back production of nu-
Subscription Rates (all rates include 6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, clear fuel and other activ-
applicable CA sales taxes) 8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30, 9/6, 9/13,
Daily & Sunday:$12.00/week in most 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, ities needed to build a bomb.
areas, $624.00 annually. 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, Iran denies that it is seeking
Thursday and Sunday: $4.00/week in 12/20) a nuclear weapon.
most areas. $208.00 annually. Weekday Plus: $4.85/week in most
Weekend Plus: $6.50/week in most areas, $252.20 annually. Obama’s supporters con-
sider the deal the president’s
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts. foremost foreign policy
achievement and one of the
most important diplomatic
accomplishments in dec-
ades. Critics argue that it
will quickly benefit Iran’s
government by lifting sanc-
tions and allow it to again en-
rich uranium at high levels, if
it so chooses, in 10 to 15 years.
Congress faces a self-im-
posed Sept. 17 deadline to
approve or reject the deal.
It’s not yet clear whether
Senate opponents will get
the 60 votes they would need
to break a filibuster and ad-
vance a resolution designed
to kill the accord. Even if
Congress did so, the White
House is confident that op-
Joseph Eid AFP/Getty Images
ponents cannot muster the
two-thirds majority needed MILITANTS destroyed the Baalshamin Temple in Palmyra, Syria, in a powerful
in both houses to override a blast that also damaged some of the Roman columns around it, activists say.
presidential veto.

Palmyra temple leveled

Privately, some senior
congressional officials and
leaders of advocacy groups
who oppose the deal ac-
knowledge that they are
likely to fall short and that it name. Activists said the ately reconciled, though
will survive, giving the White Islamic State blew up militants used explosives to such contradictory informa-
House a green light to start blow up the Baalshamin tion is common in Syria’s civ-
implementation in coming the Baalshamin site in Temple on its grounds, the il war.
months. Syria, reports say. blast so powerful it also The fate of a nearby tem-
Yet opponents are ex- damaged some of the Ro- ple dedicated to the Semitic
pected to portray that loss man columns around it. god Bel was not immediately
associated press
as a win. A strong congres- The Britain-based Syri- known. Islamic State sup-
sional vote to reject the ac- an Observatory for Human porters on social media also
cord, even if the effort fails, BEIRUT — Islamic State Rights said Sunday night did not immediately men-
will signal presidential militants have destroyed a that the temple was blown tion the Temple of Bel’s de-
weakness and tarnish the temple at Syria’s ancient ru- up a month ago. Turkey- struction.
deal’s luster, they argue. ins of Palmyra, activists said based activist Osama Kha- The Sunni extremists,
OYSTER PERPETUAL Critics say that if enough Sunday, realizing the worst tib, who is originally from who have imposed a violent
DATEJUST L ADY 31 Senate Democrats join the fears archaeologists had for Palmyra, however, said the interpretation of Islamic law
54 Republicans and boost the 2,000-year-old Roman- temple was blown up Sun- across their self-declared
the no vote to the low 60s — era city after the extremists day. Both said the extrem- “caliphate” in territory they
enough to clear the filibuster seized it and beheaded a lo- ists used a large amount of control in Syria and Iraq,
hurdle and pass the resolu- cal scholar. explosives to destroy it. claim ancient relics promote
tion with a simple majority, Palmyra, one of the Mid- The pro-opposition ob- idolatry and say they are de-
but not the 67 needed to dle East’s most spectacular servatory group and Khatib stroying them as part of a
overcome a veto — it would archaeological sites and a relied on information from purge of paganism. Howev-
rolex oyster perpetual send a strong message for UNESCO World Heritage those still in Palmyra, and er, they are also believed to
and datejust are trademarks. the next president to push site, sits near the modern the discrepancy in their ac- sell off looted antiquities to
for changes in the deal and Syrian city of the same counts could not be immedi- fund their operations.
to give Iran no leeway in im-
Senate Minority Leader

ANNUITY OWNERS Harry Reid of Nevada an-

Israel abuzz over reports of

nounced his support Sun-
day, the 27th Senate Demo-

COULD PAY UP crat to back the deal. Only

two, Charles E. Schumer of

New York and Robert Me-
nendez of New Jersey, have
come out in opposition. Re- previous plans to strike Iran
publicans would need 13
Senate Democrats to over-
“At the decisive moment, sponse. Defense Minister
By Batsheva Sobelman the army’s answer was that Moshe Yaalon said in a
[Israel’s] cumulative capa- statement that he would not
JERUSALEM — Ac- bilities did not pass the comment, particularly not
Many annuity owners are positioned to lose a significant FOR THE counts published in Israel threshold of an operation,” on deliberately “distorted
portion of their annuity’s value to taxes, and most are not
RECORD over the weekend suggest Barak said in the interview versions” of events. A state-
even aware of the problem. The IRS is not required to that Prime Minister Benja- with Danny Dor and Ilan ment from Steinitz said that
notify annuity owners about an exemption to the tax code Album title: The Essential min Netanyahu planned Kfir, authors of his new biog- he would not comment on
that could save thousands of dollars in income and estate Tracks music column in the more than once in recent raphy. In other words, the matters discussed in closed
Aug. 23 Arts & Books sec- years to strike Iran but met military was not ready to meetings and that he re-
tion misstated the title of with internal opposition. strike in 2010. garded disclosing informa-
Beach House’s new album On Friday, Israel’s Chan- When the matter next tion from Cabinet meetings
A complimentary booklet is available that shows current
“Depression Cherry” as “De- nel 2 news broadcast ex- came up in 2011, the mili- “very gravely.”
annuity owners how to avoid mistakes and possibly save pression Queen.” cerpts from a taped inter- tary’s new chief of staff, Tzachi Hanegbi, head of
thousands! This complimentary booklet creates an view that former Prime Min- Benny Gantz, said the army the parliament’s Foreign Af-
awareness around the most costly annuity owner mistakes Byline: A Quick Takes brief ister Ehud Barak gave to the was prepared and a wider se- fairs and Defense Commit-
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and provides tips and strategies to help you make the most
tion about new music from ography. Barak, who served isters was convened, accord- security discussions, said he
of your hard-earned assets. the singer JoJo was credited as defense minister in Ne- ing to Barak. At that point, was surprised that military
to Greg Braxton. The brief tanyahu’s second govern- he said, two of Netanyahu’s censors permitted the publi-
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no-obligation was written by Gerrick D. ment before retiring in 2013, more hawkish ministers, cation and said he intended
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beneficiaries thousands of dollars representative, by email at would soon enter a “zone of tant ally and get into diplo- mits Israeli media to publish
readers.representative immunity,” beyond which a matic trouble, Barak said. sensitive information that
D an i a l F e re ydani, by phone at strike would be more com- Accurate or not, Barak’s appeared previously in for-
CA. Insurance License #0G25630 (877) 554-4000, by fax at plicated and less effective. detailed account of such eign reports. According to
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A6 M O N DAY, AU G US T 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

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calendars give him a nar- A major Pacific trade
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Call today to schedule your

To that end, he’s packed close the prison at Guanta-
change, spending and his post-vacation schedule namo Bay, Cuba.
the Iran deal. with trips and invited high- But the president heads
wattage guests to the White into these fights seemingly

consultation and receive By Michael A. Memoli

House to draw attention to a
top priority, climate change.
Next week, he’ll become the
ready for battle. The August
congressional recess that
had in past years left this

$100 off the Prog8am. EDGARTOWN, Mass. —

President Obama returned
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Sean Nikravan M.D., FACE year stretch that promises

to cement some of his big-
Then he’ll welcome Pope
build momentum into the
election year.

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Francis and Chinese Presi-
dent Xi Jinping to Washing-
The president challenged
the Republican-led Con-
irrelevance. ton in quick succession, with gress this weekend to “do its
520 Superior Ave. Ste. 350, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Obama has talked often climate change likely on the part” for the economy and
of his desire to finish strong, agenda for both meetings. resolve a number of issues,

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And all along he’ll be bat-
tling Congress over govern-
including a new spending
package that must be January 2017. In reality, the ment spending and his land- passed by the end of Sep-

congressional and political mark nuclear deal with Iran. [See Obama, A7]

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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 A7

Obama to get busy

[Obama, from A6] Stewart said, was a stopgap
“Americans expect Con-
‘Americans measure that maintains cur-
rent spending levels on a
gress to help keep our coun-
try strong and growing, not
expect Congress short-term basis.
“That’s not a win,” Stew-
threaten to shut down our to help keep our art said.
government,” Obama said in
his weekly address. “When country strong But a senior White House
official contended that the
Congress gets back, they
should prevent a shutdown,
pass a responsible budget
and growing, not
threaten to shut
administration’s position
could be strengthened by
the Republican divisions
and prove that this is a coun- and the desire of GOP lead-
Summer is the perfect time to become a PenFed member.
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my growing for all Ameri- “Republicans in Con-
cans.” — President Obama gress have their work cut out
After two weeks on Mar- for them,” the official said on
tha’s Vineyard, Obama hits
the road again Monday to
build support for his climate
the case of climate, through
full use of executive powers.
the condition of anonymity
to preview Obama’s fall
agenda. “At the same time,
agenda. In Las Vegas, he’ll
tout his administration’s
The prospects for success
are less certain when he
President Obama will not let
newly unveiled Clean Power must rely on congressional The White House feels NEW CARS USED CARS
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a sweeping and binding demanding more spending.” michael.memoli year (2016) a d prior year
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summit in Paris that begins to $100,000
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mit nears conclusion in De-
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House in late September.
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A8 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

For Planned
Parenthood, a
Medicaid threat
caid, but for family planning
By David G. Savage services, 90% of the money
comes from Washington.
WASHINGTON — The A spokeswoman for the
secretly recorded videos of Centers for Medicare and
Planned Parenthood offi- Medicaid Services has re-
cials discussing how fetal tis- peated a warning to the
sue may be used for medical states that they “may be in
research spurred Republi- conflict with federal law” if
can governors in several they “terminate their Medi-
states to announce a cutoff caid provider agreements
of Medicaid funds to the with Planned Parenthood.”
group’s clinics. But officials have not said
But it is not clear they are what they will do if the warn-
permitted to do so under ings are ignored.
Becky Malinsky Smithsonian’s National Zoo
federal law. Lawyers for Planned Par-
VETERINARIANS EXAMINE a newborn panda at the National Zoo. The birth of panda twins is only the Medicaid, which marked enthood could sue on behalf
third time it has happened in the U.S., and survival isn’t easy. The mother is getting a lot of support. its 50th anniversary on July of their patients.

A giant little surprise

30, pays for healthcare for A few years ago, Indiana
the poor and says individu- and Arizona lost court fights
als may go to any provider when they tried to stop
who is “qualified to perform funds from flowing to
the service.” Planned Parenthood clinics.
But the federal money In 2011, the Indiana Legis-
flows through the states. lature voted to bar Planned
In Louisiana, for exam- Parenthood clinics from re-

Panda was expecting, but zoo didn’t foresee twins ple, about 5,000 low-income
women rely on Planned Par-
enthood clinics in New Orle-
ceiving Medicaid money.
Though funds could not be
used to pay for abortions,
ans and Baton Rouge, which state lawmakers argued the
zoo said. meters long and due any time in the offer birth control, preg- money would indirectly sub-
By Christi Parsons Panda lovers have known exhilara- coming weeks. nancy testing and other sidize abortion. In response
tion and heartbreak before. A day earlier, out of concern for the medical screenings — but to a suit brought by Planned
WASHINGTON — Interest in the Two of Mei’s cubs have lived past pregnancy — or a “pseudopreg- not abortions. Parenthood, a federal judge
impending birth of a panda at the Na- infancy, 10-year-old Tai Shan and 2- nancy,” as they thought this might be Louisiana Gov. Bobby in Indiana and the U.S. 7th
tional Zoo was so great this weekend year-old Bao Bao. But two babies — they had partially closed the David Jindal said Aug. 3 that he Circuit Court of Appeals in
that the famous “panda cam” crashed born between them didn’t make it. M. Rubenstein Family Giant Panda would cancel the state’s con- Chicago blocked the state
its Web page. And that was just for the Mei’s predecessor pandas at the Habitat around Mei’s den. Tian Tian, tract with the two Planned from enforcing its restric-
first birth. Who knew the day would Washington zoo knew similar sorrow. the zoo’s adult male, and Bao Bao Parenthood clinics. He said tion.
end with panda twins? The famous Ling-Ling and Hsing- continued to entertain visitors in the he was shocked to hear a dis- Judge Diane Sykes, writ-
The pregnancy had escaped notice Hsing, gifts from the Chinese govern- panda house. (Tai Shan is now in cussion about “harvesting of ing for the 7th Circuit, said
until just a few days ago. But by Satur- ment after President Nixon’s visit to China.) organs from aborted ba- federal law “unambiguously
day, Mei Xiang the giant panda was China, had five cubs, none of whom On Saturday, the tension was bies,” and he was deter- gives Medicaid-eligible pa-
showing signs of preparing to give lived beyond a few days. building. Mei was restless, having con- mined to act, despite the fact tients an individual right” to
birth, and at 5:35 p.m., she did just The childless couple developed tractions, licking her body and stay- that his state’s two clinics do choose where they obtain
that, with the zoo’s full panda team on quite a following, though, drawing ing in her den — all behaviors consis- not perform abortions. healthcare. It is “an individ-
hand to watch the intimate event. millions of visitors each year, and Mei tent with a baby on the way, the zoo “Planned Parenthood ual entitlement — the right
The big surprise came a few hours and her young family have enjoyed a said in a post on its Facebook page. does not represent the val- to receive reimbursable
later, revealed via Twitter: “We can similar popularity. As the zoo’s technology division ues of the people of Louisi- medical services from any
confirm a second cub was born at Conservationists venerate the worked to restore the panda cam, the ana and shows a fundamen- qualified provider,” she
10:07. It appears healthy.” black-and-white bears, among the experts tended to the expectant tal disrespect for human wrote. The state appealed to
As usual, the cubs were born pink, rarest animals in the world, as famil- mother, whose water broke in the late life,” he said. Their patients the Supreme Court, but the
with wispy fur, and blind. It was not iar symbols of their efforts to protect afternoon. can go elsewhere, he said, justices refused to hear the
immediately apparent who their fa- endangered species. “Hoping for a healthy cub,” the zoo because “Planned Parent- case in May 2013.
ther was. According to the International said on Facebook. “May take a few hood is just one of many pro- Arizona adopted a simi-
Their sex will be determined later, Union for Conservation of Nature, gi- hours.” viders in the Baton Rouge lar law a year later but also
and their names will come sometime ant pandas are considered an endan- Just an hour later, the first cub was and New Orleans areas.” lost in federal court.
after that. gered species. There are fewer than born. Mei had been inseminated in Shortly afterward, gover- “This is a very settled
To give the cubs the best chance of 2,500 pandas left in the wild, most of April with sperm from Tian Tian, the nors in Alabama, Arkansas area of law,” said Sara
survival, the zoo removed one cub, which are confined to the south-cen- father of her other two offspring. and Utah announced similar Rosenbaum, a health law ex-
hand-fed it, gave it antibodies from tral region of China. She also was inseminated with actions. Planned Parent- pert at George Washington
Mei Xiang and placed it in an incuba- The San Diego Zoo announced sperm from Hui Hui, a giant panda at hood performs abortions in University. Patients “have a
tor. this month that its giant panda was China’s Wolong National Nature Re- those states. But according legally enforceable right” to
“The panda team will alternately not pregnant, ending weeks of specu- serve, in hopes of diversifying the ge- to the organization, it does choose their medical pro-
swap the cubs, allowing one to nurse lation. Zookeepers had been monitor- netics of the panda population in hu- not donate fetal tissue for vider, she said.
and spend time with Mei Xiang while ing the panda to see whether she man care. medical research in any of She said Medicaid offi-
the other is being bottle-fed and kept showed any behaviors consistent with Those procedures, like most every- the four states. cials in Washington could
warm in an incubator,” the zoo said on pregnancy. The panda, Bai Yun, has thing else in Mei’s life, were live- The moves set the stage take action against the
its website. “The primary goal … is for had six cubs and is nearing the end of streamed on Twitter using Periscope for a potentially drawn-out states, but “it’s a very long,
both cubs to have the benefit of nurs- her reproductive years. and live-posted to Instagram under legal battle, and one that drawn-out process.”
ing and spending time with their Veterinarians at the National Zoo the hashtag #PandaStory. poses a dilemma for the By contrast, she said,
mother.” were thrilled Wednesday when it The babies will have a modicum of Obama administration. If a Planned Parenthood and its
Giant pandas give birth to twins looked as if a new one might be on the privacy for a while. Bao Bao got a few state refuses to abide by the patients may sue and seek a
about 50% of the time, the zoo said, way. Mei did something rare that months to herself before she made a legal provisions governing judicial order to block the
but this is only the third time it has morning. Though in recent days she public debut. Medicaid, the federal gov- states from cutting off the
happened in the U.S. And survival is had “declined participating in ultra- ernment may take steps to money.
difficult. sounds,” as they wrote on their web- cut off its federal funds. But “If they go to court, the
“There are only two other female site that morning, that day she re- Twitter: @cparsons the administration has no plaintiffs are going to win,”
giant pandas around the world who sponded to the panda keepers’ calls. Times staff writers Steve Padilla and wish to take away healthcare she said.
have successfully reared twins, and it The ultrasound showed what Connie Stewart in Los Angeles funds for poor people. States
required a lot of human support,” the looked like a developing fetus, 4 centi- contributed to this report. pay some of the cost of Medi-

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A10 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

Elaine Thompson Associated Press

FIREFIGHTERS walk through heavy smoke in Twisp, Wash. The Okanogan
Complex fire, which covered about 240,000 acres, was 10% contained.

Washington wildfires
grow; more help sent
Nevada and Utah. touching the ground. Anoth-
By Lauren Raab Emergency workers from er is torching, in which fire
Australia and New Zealand climbs a tree and wind dis-
Dozens of wildfires con- have been deployed as well, perses the embers.
tinued to ravage the Pacific and when the state sought One of the four firefight-
Northwest, particularly help from residents who ers injured last week — Dan-
Washington state, as more have firefighting know-how, iel Lyon, 25, of Puyallup,
firefighting equipment and thousands reportedly volun- Wash. — remained in critical
manpower arrived from teered. condition at Harborview
across the nation over the The Okanogan Complex Medical Center in Seattle,
weekend. fire, which killed three fire- hospital officials said Sun-
Twelve uncontained fires fighters and injured four day. He was in intensive care
in Washington covered more others last week near the with burns to about 60% of
than 600,000 acres Sunday, town of Twisp, about 150 his body. The hospital invit-
according to the National In- miles northeast of Seattle, ed the public to send him
teragency Fire Center. Gov. was10% contained as of Sun- notes of encouragement.
Jay Inslee’s office said more day afternoon. It covered The three others were re-
than 200 homes had been de- about 240,000 acres. cuperating at home after be-
stroyed and 12,000 homes re- Firefighters there “were ing released from the hospi-
mained threatened. making good progress in the tal, according to the Wash-
More resources to battle morning,” helped by an infu- ington Department of Natu-
the blazes became available sion of National Guard ral Resources.
after the Obama adminis- members, calmer winds and Smoke was fouling the air
tration declared a federal fog that lasted into the early in many areas. Okanogan
state of emergency in the afternoon, fire spokesman County, for example, warned
area last week. Rick Scriven said. Sunday that “the air quality
National Guard Black- But after the fog lifted, remains very unhealthy”
hawk helicopters from Colo- the blazes flared up again, he and advised residents to
rado, Minnesota and Wyo- said, and shifting winds wear masks and limit out-
ming headed over, Inslee’s posed a challenge. Monday’s door activity.
office said in a statement. An weather wasn’t expected to In Oregon, a dozen
incident management team be ideal either. uncontained fires were
from San Diego went north “The relative humidities, burning more than 400,000
to oversee a new staging they’re low, low, low, and the acres, and in California, 14
area at Fairchild Air Force temperatures are going to be uncontained blazes covered
Base near Spokane, the gov- up to the 90s,” although more than 280,000 acres, ac-
ernor’s statement said, and winds are expected to be cording to the National In-
20 large fire engines “specifi- calmer, Scriven said. teragency Fire Center. Idaho
cally designed to protect Blazes spread in multiple had16 uncontained fires cov-
threatened communities ways, he said. One is crown ering about 145,000 acres.
and residences” were com- runs, in which fire “goes from
ing from Arizona, Colorado, tree to tree to tree” without


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A12 M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

Old-school blimp sails away

[Blimp, from A1] the Spirit of America over
in south Florida. Off in the the next couple of years. In
distance, a Goodyear blimp September, the last of the
is visible. Using the com- old ships, the Spirit of Inno-
pany’s archival records, he vation, will arrive in South-
determined that the gon- ern California and be flown
dola on the blimp in the by the Carson crew until its
photograph was the same next ship is ready for serv-
one he was sitting in for the ice. Then the Spirit of Inno-
last time. vation also will be decom-
Thirteen people were missioned.
waiting on the ground to The new airships will be
pull the buoyant blimp faster, longer and more
down to Earth. Six of them maneuverable. Instead of
ran in a V-formation and pulling levers and toggles
grabbed two long ropes that attached to pulley systems,
dangled from the blimp’s pilots will use a joystick.
nose and used all their “The new ones are defi-
weight to make sure she nitely more digital and
kept her nose to the wind. computer-driven,” St. John
Another six grabbed on to said. “But this one, whatev-
the gondola, and one er the winds are doing
jumped inside to add bal- across the ship, you actually
last. feel it, so you can’t help but
“I don’t think she wants develop some kind of affin-
to be here,” St. John said. ity with it.”
“No,” said the blimp’s Over time, the ship’s
chief mechanic, Steve Dien. controls have come to feel
“She doesn’t want to go into like extensions of his limbs.
that door over there.” Photographs by Don Bartletti Los Angeles Times “It’s sad to see it go,” he
It was as if she knew CREW MEMBERS hold a rope tied to the Spirit of America as a truck moves the front toward a World War said. “It’s like having a car of
what was going to happen II-era hangar in Tustin. Its components will be used for spare parts, souvenirs, fundraising and museums. which right now there are
inside. only two in the entire world,

“That’s what I tell peo- and you have a team of
or the last 13 years, ple,” he said. “I gotta go mechanics that spend all
the Spirit of America babysit the blimp.” their time making sure it is
has been a consistent And now that baby was tippy-top, and you have
presence at college about to be “decommis- someone watching it 24
football games, major sioned” — or, to put it more hours a day, even on our
league baseball games and brutally, she would be dis- days off — and then there
red-carpet events. She has mantled, deflated and cut comes a day when you have
flown celebrities such as into pieces. to say goodbye.”

Conan O’Brien and Ice Goodyear has made
Cube and delighted thou- he Spirit of Ameri- updates to its airship design
sands of people who have ca’s death sentence over the years, but in black-
driven past her home base came after a rou- and-white photographs, the
just off the 405 Freeway in tine test of the thin, Spirit of America looks
Carson. rubberized polyester fabric almost identical to her
But for the 27 pilots, that is examined every year. predecessors from the 1930s
mechanics, electronic tech- The lab analysis revealed and ’40s. Some of its refur-
nicians and riggers who that it had been worn down bished parts date to 1924.
tend to the airship’s every by the sun and elements. “It’s the end of an era,”
need, the blimp is more than The damage wasn’t dire, but said Kevin Helm, an aero-
a novelty — she’s family. it was enough to signal that space engineer and amateur
The close-knit team the blimp would need to be aviation photographer who
follows the blimp in a cara- retired in a year or two. took the day off work to
van of trucks and vans In the past, the team at witness the Spirit of Ameri-
wherever she goes. When Goodyear would have over- ca’s final flight. “It’s one of
she’s back at the base, they THE LOGO from the side of the Sprit of America sits next to its gondola, which hauled the gondola that the last of an entire genera-
make sure at least one per- first went into service in 1979 and will be donated to an air museum in Chino. hangs beneath the blimp tion of Goodyear blimps,
son keeps watch over her at and put on a new envelope which are really an Ameri-
all times — 24 hours a day, lighter; when the sun moves shot to or from the gondola. 1,500 pounds of weight on it in Akron. But this time, the can icon.”

365 days a year. behind a cloud or goes down “This volume of helium when the sun comes out.” Spirit of America, the oldest
Even at rest, the blimp is for the night, the ship be- will react to half a degree Carlos Preza, an elec- ship in the small fleet, was t takes six to 10 months
a needy aircraft. The helium comes heavier. To make temperature change,” said tronics technician who has headed for a different fate. to build an airship, but
inside the balloon expands sure a blimp stays at equi- Jim Crone, chief of the air- been with the Spirit of The company, which has just two days to take
and contracts depending on librium, with its single wheel ship repair station at Good- America for six years, says three blimps in service in one apart.
the weather. When it’s bobbing gently on the year’s headquarters in keeping watch over the the U.S. at any time, plans to The Spirit of America’s
sunny, the volume in- ground, someone has to add Akron, Ohio. “Our guys airship is like taking care of stop flying the old, analog final flight took place on a
creases, making the ship or remove bags of metal have to put up to 1,000 to a child. GZ-20A model blimps like [See Blimp, A13]

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L AT I M ES . C O M M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 A13

Don Bartletti Los Angeles Times

DEFLATED , the Spirit of America’s colorful nose is hauled across the hangar.
“It’s sad to see it go,” a longtime pilot said of the airship built in 2002.

[Blimp, from A12] To commemorate the the hangar, scattering them

Monday afternoon, and by moment, Dien had placed a about.
10:30 a.m. on Tuesday the single red rose on the air- The people in the hangar
team was already halfway ship’s instrument panel were perfectly safe. Because
through breaking down the inside the gondola. helium is lighter than air, it
ship to get her ready for Just before 8, Tony San- sailed directly up and out
deflation. They had re- ico, a rigger who recently into the atmosphere. There
moved one of the hulking celebrated his 30th anniver- were no Mickey Mouse
tail fins, as well as the 30- sary with Goodyear, rode a voices.
foot-tall grid of LED lights. hydraulic lift up to a circular The collapsing ship
Some of the people dis- helium valve in the center of made a crinkling noise as its
mantling the ship were the the ship’s bright yellow “Y.” layers of fabric folded in on
same ones who helped build A colleague rode a lift to a themselves. By 8:11, the
her back in Akron in 2002, corresponding valve on the ship’s cone had dropped to
including Dien. opposite side of the blimp. the ground. By 8:12, its
“I know every inch and They opened them at the gondola was buried under
nut and bolt of this ship,” he same time, and helium 8,000 pounds of envelope.
said. “It’s emotional.” began emptying out of the The Spirit of America
As elements of the blimp ship — slowly, silently and had deflated.
were stripped away, bags of almost imperceptibly. The crew kept working,
lead shot were added to the Seconds later, the breaking down the ship like
gondola to keep the blimp blimp’s skin began to whalers carving a carcass:
from floating to the ceiling. pucker. cutting away connective
The crew removed one By 8:02, the hydraulic cables to remove the tail
pristine engine and then the engines had gone silent and fins, using blades to slice
other. These will be used as only the drone continued to away the Goodyear name
spare parts. buzz. The tail started to and logo for return to Akron,
The gondola, which first droop first. A few minutes preserving the cockpit for
went into service in 1979, later, the letters “G” and “O” display in Chino. A few men
would be sent to Chino, on the tail end of the craft on the maintenance crew
where it would be donated began to sag. searched for graffiti they
to the Planes of Fame Air No one said much. Some had scrawled on the blimp
Museum. stood with their arms during inspections, cutting
“I’ll definitely be taking crossed, others offered out small souvenir keep-
the kids to see that,” St. comforting pats on the sakes.
John said. back. Sanico stepped away and

At 8:09, six members of sat in a trailer outside the
he Spirit of Ameri- the crew pulled a giant rip hangar.
ca’s deflation was cord on the side of the air- “It’s just sad,” he said,
scheduled for 8 ship, opening a large panel shaking his head.
a.m. sharp on on the top and releasing the He needed a few minutes
Wednesday. remainder of the helium alone, to mourn.
A few minutes before- into the hangar.
hand, the crew gathered in This time the gas was deborah.netburn
front of the blimp to take an visible — it had a sheen like
official photo. A drone hov- gasoline fumes, and the Twitter: @DeborahNetburn
ered overhead, capturing force of its escape dislodged
video. bird feathers from the top of Twitter: @LATerynbrown

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A14 M O N DAY, AU GU S T 2 4, 2 015 L ATI M E S . CO M

Photographs by Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times

THE RECEDING SHORES of Lake Shasta are a visible mark of the harmful environmental effects of the enduring drought. Nearby at Shasta Dam, federal and local
officials are battling 110-degree weather to keep the temperature of the Sacramento River cool enough to give endangered young Chinook salmon a chance to survive.

The drought’s hidden victims

[Fish, from A1] ened spring-run Chinook can still be
drought — and the accompanying relax- found.
ation of environmental standards by state On the edge The Butte group is by far the largest. But
regulators — have compounded the harm of The drought has compounded the harm of dams and water diversions by further this spring, biologists counted only 1,950 “sil-
dams and diversions that long ago thwarted reducing river flows and increasing water temperatures, driving long declining ver bullets” as they passed through a Chico
fish migration and destroyed habitat. populations of California’s native fish to dangerously low levels. fish ladder on their way upstream, where the
Spawning winter-run Chinook would salmon hold until they start spawning in late
never choose to hang out on the outskirts of Delta smelt summer. It was one of the lowest counts
Redding on a day when the city baked in 111- So few delta smelt were found in the annual Summer Townet Survey this June that the since the 1990s, when government agencies
degree heat. They would prefer to swim in abundance index hit zero, the lowest since the survey began in 1959. Experts fear that if launched a restoration program that has so
the cold, spring-fed waters of the McCloud this winter is dry, the fish could be extinct within a year. far poured $50 million into improving fish
and other Sacramento tributaries to the passage and habitat.
north. 80 The number dipped even lower in June,
But for about 70 years, those historic 70 1978 2015 when several hundred salmon died after a
spawning grounds have been out of salmon 60 62.5 0 lower stretch of the creek hit lethal tempera-
reach, blocked by the towering concrete face 50 tures. Now there are about 1,500 spring-run
of Shasta and the buttresses of its smaller 40 waiting to spawn. Most are in a few remote
sibling, Keswick Dam. 30 miles of the Butte, downstream of a deep
“This is as far as fish can go on the Sacra- 20 pool formed by a quartz-streaked rock
mento main stem,” fishery biologist Ryan 10 bowl.
Revnak said as he steered his boat upriver 0 Fairchild, a Chico State environmental
toward Keswick, which regulates flows from 1959 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 sciences graduate in his third summer on the
Shasta’s hydropower plant. Butte, and Odegard, a Chico State biology
Revnak, who works for the Pacific States Longfin smelt student, cover the most arduous part of the
Marine Fisheries Commission, pointed out 11-mile snorkeling survey: the upper 2 miles.
The most recent survey of longfin smelt was conducted last fall and yielded the second-
the gravel beds where the salmon built their “There’re a couple of guys who hate this sec-
lowest abundance index on record.
nests, called redds. A female, close to death tion,” said Fairchild, referring to others on
after laying her eggs, hovered in shallow wa- 100,000
the crew who prefer to work the tamer, down-
ter near the bank. A dead male, his procre- 1967 stream portions.
ative work also done, floated by. 80
81,737 The pair jumped about 15 feet off a rock
Salmon eggs and emerging fry need cold ledge into the pool, fed by a narrow chute of
water to survive. The river temperature tumbling white water that acts as a natural
shouldn’t top 56 degrees. Last year in the 40 barrier to migrating fish.
spawning grounds below Keswick, it climbed They swapped out the data logger in
above 62 degrees. Only 5% of the 2014 brood a thermograph that records the pool
stock lived. 0 temperature every 30 minutes, and then
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 swam downstream, searching for salmon
operates the dams, had miscalculated the carcasses. They take notes on waterproof
volume of cold water in Shasta and didn’t paper, and if they encounter a carcass they
Chinook salmon
have enough to maintain the proper river take tissue samples for lab analysis. This day
temperature. The problem wasn’t just that The number of returning winter-run Chinook salmon has dropped significantly in the last they came across no dead salmon, a good
the drought had slashed runoff that fills the decade and in 2014, 95% of their eggs and young perished because upper Sacramento sign.
lake; the computer model used to predict River temperatures were too warm.
cold water storage was wrong. Balancing demand
Federal agencies are trying to avoid a re- 1975-1976 2013-2014 State Fish and Wildlife scientist Clint
peat this year by rationing Shasta’s cold wa- 35,596 3,015 Garman has worked on the Butte project for
ter releases so managers don’t run out while 16 years. He consults weekly about creek con-
the eggs and young develop over the next few 20 ditions with other government biologists
months. But stretching the cold water re- and the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., which
serves has meant lower releases this sum- 10 diverts water from the west branch of the
mer, nudging up the river temperature a de- Feather River into Butte to boost hydro-
gree or two during peak spawning. 0 power production.
And long bouts of 110-degree days in 1973-74 80-81 90-91 00-01 10-11 With Central Valley heat climbing into
Redding could further warm the river. the triple digits last month, they decided to
“There’s a lot of uncertainty” in the plan, said increase releases of the cold river water to try
Maria Rea, assistant regional administrator Source: California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Graphics reporting by Bettina Boxall to keep the creek temperature out of the dan-
for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Kyle Kim Los Angeles Times ger zone. (The June die-off occurred when
ministration Fisheries. “I don’t have a high PG&E temporarily shut down the diversion
confidence that it will work.” to repair a leaking canal.)
If it doesn’t, an industrial-looking com- After mid-August, overnight tempera-
plex near the base of Shasta Dam could be tures in Butte’s upper drainage start to drop
the winter run’s last hope. and the team can relax a bit.
In a state as extensively plumbed as Cali-
Combating nature fornia, the fate of fish can be more dependent
One wall of the Livingston Stone National on water managers than nature. As the
Fish Hatchery is lined with incubation trays drought has deepened, state and federal wa-
holding hundreds of thousands of winter- ter officials have repeatedly pushed regu-
run eggs and young in different stages of de- lators to relax flow and water quality require-
velopment: fertilized eggs, eyed eggs that re- ments to free up more supplies for agricul-
semble pink jelly beans with two miniature tural and urban use.
fish eyes, sac fry feeding on their yolks, tiny In response, the State Water Resources
infant fish that wiggle like a mass of gray Control Board has issued a dozen such or-
worms. ders for just the Sacramento-San Joaquin
Tanks of juveniles fill the main building. Delta — even as the numbers of some delta
Adults are held in outside tanks, enclosed in fish species have crashed to record or near
zippered tents so they can’t leap out. record lows.
Livingston is a conservation hatchery, Officials of the reclamation bureau,
opened in the late 1990s to maintain a geneti- which delivers water to Central Valley grow-
cally diverse population of wild winter-run. ers, say they sought the changes to balance
In a typical year, the hatchery traps up to 120 demands for shrinking supplies and to keep
returning adults in the Sacramento and water in upstream reservoirs. Releasing
spawns them with the precision of a champi- more flows in the spring to help delta fish
on horse breeder. “would have just hammered those storage
The average female lays 5,000 eggs, which levels and we would have been in an even
are divided into two or more sets. Each set is TO COUNTER drought losses, the Livingston hatchery plans this winter to re- worse [situation] coming into the summer,”
fertilized with sperm from a different male lease twice as many winter-run Chinook into the Sacramento as it usually does. said Ron Milligan, operations manager of
whose DNA has been analyzed to avoid in- the Central Valley Project.
breeding. river conditions aren’t right, their offspring while standing on the back of a pickup truck Environmental groups have protested
The tanks and egg trays are bathed with will perish. parked not far from the DeSabla Power- the changes and recently filed a lawsuit to re-
circulating water released from the dam. Facing that grim scenario, Livingston house in upper Butte Creek Canyon. They verse them.
Last summer, hatchery managers had to use last year established a captive brood stock, walked for a mile on catwalks atop an old wa- “I’m despondent about the impacts we’re
chillers to maintain the proper temperature. which the hatchery will raise for the entire ter flume, then descended to the creek on an seeing. Delta smelt are as close to extinction
They may have to do the same this year. three-year life cycle of the fish. If worse oak-studded slope covered in brush and so as you can be without being extinct,” said
To counter the drought losses, Living- comes to worst, it will function as a fall-back steep the pair had to use ropes on the hike Jon Rosenfield, a conservation biologist
ston has ramped up production. The hatch- population. “You can’t give up trying,” said down. with the Bay Institute.
ery team is spawning 300 adults this year and Assistant Hatchery Manager John Rueth. They were ready to start their weekly “I know there’s pain in the ag sector,” he
come winter will release twice as many ju- In the meantime, he added, “All of us keep snorkeling survey of another run of salmon said. “But it’s temporary. If we lose salmon or
veniles into the Sacramento as it normally praying for this massive El Niño.” that the state Fish and Wildlife Department delta smelt … it will have permanent conse-
does. is nervously monitoring. quences.”
But even in good years, only a tiny frac- Monitoring the toll Butte is one of only three tributaries of
tion of those young hatchery salmon survive About 90 miles to the south, Carson Ode- the Sacramento River where wild popula-
to adulthood and return to spawn. And if gard and Justin Fairchild put on wet suits tions of the once bountiful but now threat- Twitter: @boxall
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 A15

Democrats defend Is July Rain A Preview of

Clinton’s email use El Niño? Are You Ready?
Bill Richardson, a
once-estranged ally,
says she did nothing
wrong. Rival Trump
offers a gloomy take.
By Christi Parsons

eral prominent Democrats
hit the TV airwaves Sunday
to defend Hillary Rodham
Clinton’s use of a private
server for work-related
emails while she was secre-
tary of State, batting down
claims that her presidential
campaign has been dam- John Locher Associated Press
aged by the controversy. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON is now “the best
Polls show a growing candidate of all the candidates,” says former New
number of Americans be- Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat who didn’t
lieve the Democratic front- endorse Clinton for president in 2008.
runner cannot be trusted,
and questions about the emails to the Justice De- the email thing.”
emails have dogged Clin- partment, which is investi- “Assuming she could get
ton’s campaign for weeks. gating whether a security over that, which I just don’t El Niño / Very dangerous
In a sign of Democrats’ breach occurred. know how she possibly can,”
mounting concern, former Richardson said he stood he said, the Republican
New Mexico Gov. Bill by his decision to endorse Party will have the upper
Richardson, who was on the then-Sen. Barack Obama hand whether Clinton or
outs with Clinton for several over Clinton in the 2008 Vice President Joe Biden,
years, appeared on ABC’s presidential race, but said who is considering entering
“This Week With George Clinton now was “the best the race, gets the Demo-
Stephanopoulos” to say he candidate of all the candi- cratic nomination.
sees nothing wrong with her dates.” Trump took aim at one
using a private server to Ellen Tauscher, a former Republican rival, Wisconsin
send and receive unclas- U.S. representative from Gov. Scott Walker, whose
sified government emails. California who worked for campaign has arguably suf-
Richardson, who served the State Department fered the most as Trump has
as secretary of Energy in Bill under Clinton, offered simi- shot up in the polls. Roof leak has caused ceiling damage
Clinton’s administration, lar support. “I like him very much, but
said he might have set up the In hindsight, “some mis- his state has not performed
same system if he had had a takes were made,” Tauscher well,” Trump said. “People
Cabinet position in recent said Sunday on Fox News. want to see real change, not
years. Officials can “quibble Obama change.... They want
“I would have said: ‘You about whether [some to see great change.”
know what? I don’t want an emails] should be reclassi- Walker told Stephan-
official classified email sys- fied” now, she said, but Clin- opoulos that Trump was
tem. I want to have my own ton has repeatedly said she parroting the “talking
private server,’ ” he said. didn’t send or receive infor- points of the Democrats.”
“Because of WikiLeaks, be- mation that was classified at “Our roads actually are
cause of hacking, because of the time. better, our schools are bet-
leaks.” As the Clinton campaign ter,” he said. Arguments
He compared it to former rolled out its defense, Re- such as Trump’s “didn’t
Secretary of State Colin publican front-runner Don- work in the past, they’re not
Powell’s use of private email, ald Trump said he didn’t going to work now.”
even though Powell didn’t think Clinton’s campaign But the two agreed on the
set up his own server. could survive the contro- Clinton email issue. It quali-
Clinton’s campaign an- versy. fies her, Walker said, to be
nounced this month that it In a telephone interview “deceiver in chief.” 310-740-9471
was turning over the server with Stephanopoulos,
and a thumb drive with Trump said Clinton was christi.parsons 714-400-6371

backup copies of the work “very damaged … because of

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A16 M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

Al Sharpton
friendly with
top officials
[Sharpton, from A1] controversial days, in the
the microphone, arms held 1980s and early ’90s, critics
up as if in victory. He scoffed slammed the Brooklyn-born
at critics who he said had ex- Baptist minister as a
pected people to protest troublemaker who fueled ra-
Garner’s death “for a few cial animosity plaguing the
weeks, and then move on.” city.
“But we’re still here,” he In 1984 he led protests de-
bellowed in his gravelly bari- manding prosecution of
tone. “We’re not going any- Bernhard Goetz, a white
where.” man who shot four black
The same could be said teens he said tried to mug
for Sharpton, who has him on the subway. Two
morphed from political out- years later, Sharpton rallied
lier to powerful insider with marchers after a white mob
access to the president, the assaulted three black men in
mayor and the police com- the Howard Beach section of Photographs by Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times
missioner, and who jets Queens. AL SHARPTON, center, and Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner, leave the rally in Brooklyn. In recent years,
around the country railing Sharpton rocketed to na- killings of unarmed blacks that have ignited public outrage have provided a fresh pulpit for Sharpton.
against police abuse and ra- tional attention the follow-
cial profiling. ing year when he became the will never go away,” Greer wheat toast and salads and a
“This is someone who has most visible and vocal sup- said of the incident’s effect daily workout regimen that
gone from velour tracksuits porter of Tawana Brawley, a on Sharpton’s image. begins shortly after he rises
and gold medallions to busi- black 15-year-old who ac- It made him politically at 4:30 a.m.
ness suits and a TV show on cused six white men of sexu- hazardous to most white His desk was clear except
a major network,” said ally assaulting her, smearing lawmakers, but it did not de- for a computer, a signed pic-
Christina Greer, a political feces on her and carving ra- ter Sharpton from taking on ture of Nelson Mandela and
science professor at Ford- cial epithets into her skin. A more cases. a plastic red nose Sharpton
ham University and long- grand jury determined she In recent years, killings of had saved from Red Nose
time Sharpton observer. had made up the story. unarmed African Ameri- Day, an anti-poverty event.
During Sharpton’s most “That’s a blemish that cans that have ignited public Framed newspaper and
outrage have provided a magazine pieces about
fresh pulpit for Sharpton: Sharpton covered the walls.
Trayvon Martin, a 17-year- “My Pal Al,” read the banner

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• We Beat Any Written Estimate agree more. included Hillary Rodham ratings showing the network ers, including Gov. Andrew
He is as polarizing as Clinton, delivering eulogies beating CNN in his time slot. Cuomo, who ducked out of a
ever, perhaps more so now in for Garner and Brown, and Sharpton was in his charity gala hosted by the
this era of leaderless move- attending funerals in June MSNBC office, which is a re- archbishop of New York in
ments such as Black Lives for victims gunned down in a flection of him: compact and October to drop by Sharp-
Your Access to… Matter, which see Sharp- Charleston, S.C., church by a neat. ton’s 60th birthday bash at
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L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 A17

A changed Sharpton NOW

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[Sharpton, from A16] “Everything we have leaders. She also said the
In April, at the opening of
fought for is at risk,” he said
in an interview after the ser-
face of black activism — long
represented by male clergy Calabasas’ Premier Active
the annual National Action
Network convention, Mayor
mon. “I don’t think there’s a
sense of urgency. If you get
such as Martin Luther King
Jr. and Jesse Jackson — has Adult Apartment Community
Bill de Blasio hugged Sharp- one more Republican Su- changed.
ton onstage. Obama has preme Court justice, they “When you look at the
twice been the convention’s will have locked a majority people coming up now, they
keynote speaker, in 2011 and around voting rights, identify as queer, there are a
2014. around immigration, lot of black women. It ONLY
Sharpton insists he has around affordable housing. doesn’t look like the kind of
not changed that much We will lose a lot of what black leadership we had in 8 UNITS
other than his obvious phys-
ical transformation, which
we’ve gained in the last 50
the past,” she said.
This has not escaped LEFT
includes a more than 100-
pound weight loss and an el-
He worries about the ef-
fect on black Americans
Sharpton’s movement. At
the April convention, the
• Active Adult
egant new wardrobe. He when Obama leaves office leader of the network’s Iowa
says that society has and they no longer have the chapter, Frantz Whitfield, • Resort-Style Living
changed and that the views image of a black president said the group needed to
he espoused in the 1980s and
’90s about racial profiling,
and his family crossing the
White House lawn.
reach out to young people.
“A lot of the older people
• New State-Of-The-Art
“stop and frisk” tactics and
police abuse are no longer
“If you think there’s a dis-
connect now, imagine what
and the adults know Rev.
Sharpton, but if you ask the
considered radical.
But Sharpton also has
it’ll be like for the next presi-
dent,” said Sharpton, who
young people who Rev.
Sharpton is, a lot of them • Weekly Social Events
widened his repertoire to sees seasoned leaders such don’t know,” Whitfield said.
emphasize mainstream is- as himself as key to shaking Indeed, most faces at the • Strong Sense Of
sues such as healthcare, ed- up elected officials. House of Justice rallies tend
ucation, same-sex marriage That has put him at odds to be middle-aged and older. Community
and immigration. with young African Ameri- Julian Alexander Hem-
All of them affect blacks, can activists who deride him mings, who is 16 and lives in • Fitness Program
and advances in those areas as old school and self-serv- New York City, was an excep-
could be lost if a Republican
wins the White House,
ing. Powerful, centralized
leaders are not necessary,
tion at a July gathering, and
he joined the network that
• Complimentary
Sharpton said after deliver-
ing his weekly sermon at the
they say, when social media
can produce huge protests
day. His parents are active in
civil rights causes, and that
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House of Justice, the net-
work’s headquarters.
anywhere in minutes.
“That’s one reason I feel
is how Hemmings became
familiar with Sharpton.
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like a decentralized move-
ment is one of the best op-
“Al Sharpton to me is the
sort of agent or catalyst who • Pet Friendly
sermon had focused on the tions,” said Johnetta Elzie, can move us forward,” said
need for African Americans 26, of St. Louis, who openly Hemmings, who thinks lead- • Wood Floors
to prevent that by being po- clashed with Sharpton’s erless groups lack the mo-
litically active and not giving
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people during a protest in
December in Washington,
mentum to force change.
“We need people who can
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D.C., to demand police re-
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having flown in that morn- “We started this. There things done,” he said. “We
ing from leading a rally in
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should be young people all
over this stage,” said Elzie,
need someone to be a kind of
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forcement reform. But he
spoke without notes for
who gained prominence in
Ferguson for using social
For him, that captain is
Sharpton, or Rev, as most • BBQ Area and TV
more than an hour, his voice media and a newsletter to people call him.
booming through the cav- document events there after Sharpton insists he has • Media Center
ernous room. Brown’s death. Elzie and De- no issue with his youthful
The sermon turned per-
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Ray Mckesson went on to
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critics. “If that’s your model
and it works, fine,” he said, • Gym and Interior
bered his mother, who
scrubbed floors, directing
lence, an online accounting
of civilians killed by police.
adding that his network has
plenty of high-ranking or- Courtyard with Fountain
him to wait by the mailbox
on the first and 16th of each
Both eschew Sharpton’s
style of leadership, which
ganizers much younger than
he is.
and Fire-Pit
month to ensure nobody they said can slow things But Sharpton shows no
stole their welfare checks or down. sign of slowing down, and if • 55+
food stamps. “People can do the work he is grooming anyone to re-
“It wasn’t my fault how I in each city and they’re not place him, he isn’t saying.
was born, but it’s going to be
my fault how I leave here,” he
told the mainly black crowd
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A18 M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M


Some highfliers start descent

If the stock
market keeps
falling, the tech
sector could see
less investment
and more
By Paresh Dave

Last week’s stock sell-off

could upend an already con-
fusing landscape for the U.S.
technology sector.
For a while last week it
appeared tech stocks might
escape relatively unscathed,
even as the broader market
headed down. But Friday’s
3.5% loss for the Nasdaq
composite index put the
leading technology ex-
change into the red for the
year, down 0.6%.
If stocks continue sliding
this week, that could put a
drag on investments in tech-
nology companies, which
have been strong this year.
Acquisitions could pick up
as initial public offerings
The coming weeks
Seth Wenig Associated Press
should help determine
whether the outlook is as THE STOCK MARKET slide could lead to fewer initial public offerings by tech start-ups. Above, GoPro CEO Nick Woodman, center,
bleak as some fear for start- celebrates his company’s IPO in June 2014. The firm is growing fast on the backs of U.S. consumers — where demand remains strong.
ups, venture capitalists and
tech stock investors. Here’s enabling many to stay pri- talists, private equity folks, high-risk, high-reward
a look at some of the key vate much longer than there’s still a lot of capital stakes in start-ups.
questions. comparable companies did Gains in tech stocks fade fast pursuing private compa-
in previous years. That’s NASDAQ Composite Index, daily close year-to-date nies,” said Muscat, Ernst & What indicators should
Why were tech stocks hit pushed tech IPOs to histori- Young’s strategic growth tech companies watch as
hard last week? cally low levels, said Smith, 5,500 markets leader in Silicon signals of the markets’
Tech stocks may have who manages Renais- Valley. direction?
suffered from previous sance’s IPO exchange- The indicators will be the
success — as investors traded fund. Dec. 31, 2014: What happens to budding same as they are for the
5,000 4,736.05
rushed to sell high, looking The 16 tech companies entrepreneurs in an ex- broader market: how in-
to lock in gains as markets that went public this year tended slowdown? vestors of public companies
faltered. represent 12% of all IPOs First investors in start- react to consumer confi-
Until this month, tech- over the period, down from a 4,500 ups are similar to Wall dence, new home sales,
nology stocks had been norm of 20% to 25%, Smith Street investors, Mullen manufacturing activity and
among the highest-per- said. Before last week’s said. other economic data, along
forming. They headed down slide, venture capitalists, If the market is down with what the Fed decides
amid signs of weak demand though, described the situa- 4,000 10%, the wealthy individuals to do next month with its
in the global economy, in- tion as a calm before a J F M A M J J A who typically fund start-ups federal funds rate.
cluding falling commodities storm. probably lost a similar Another cue would be
Source: FactSet Research
prices and dismal data out A long-term slowdown amount of their own net whether venture capitalists
of China. would throw the expected Los Angeles Times
worth, he said. So just like publicly remain bullish
Most investors didn’t downpour off course. Tech public-market investors, about innovative business
consider tech’s blue-chip companies that went public ups are acquired or merge If young companies they will take the riskiest models.
stocks overvalued. The this year have on average than go public. Large com- normally raise funds four bets off the table first. Top- Smith of Renaissance
share-price-to-earnings been underperformers, panies that have balked at months before expecting to ping that list would be Capital said one test could
ratio for the information littering the market with many acquisitions because run dry, they now should speculative investments in be what happens to data
technology sector at large “dead bodies,” as Smith put of high asking prices could give themselves an eight- start-ups. storage technology start-up
fell only slightly to 17 from it. come calling again with month window, he said. “If this is a longer-term Pure Storage, which filed for
17.26 last week, according to With investor appetite low-ball offers. Venture capitalists still correction, you’re going to an IPO this month and was
FactSet Research Systems even weaker now, it’s easy to “You’re going to have to have huge cash piles — see less capital,” Mullen valued at $3 billion in its
Inc. data. see tech companies delaying bear through it or sell at a raising more money for their said. “The appetite for new most recent private financ-
But the Standard and IPOs as long as they can discount,” said Mark Mullen funds in the second quarter investment vehicles would ing.
Poor’s 500 index’s technolo- until the market improves, of Los Angeles venture- than in any quarter since go sideways.” “Any company similar to
gy listings fell more than any financial experts said. capital firm Double M Part- the start of the Great Reces- Even if the market con- Pure Storage has traded
other sector except energy Otherwise, companies ners. “Companies set to sell sion. So they have the re- traction isn’t prolonged, the down since the company
last week, with Apple Inc., should expect to raise less this year or next year are in sources to prop up promis- prospect of the Federal filed,” she said.
Google Inc. and Microsoft cash and accept lower share trouble” if the market cor- ing companies that need to Reserve raising its bench- So Pure Storage’s valua-
Corp., the top rung of U.S. prices. rection drags on. delay IPOs. mark interest rate this fall tion theoretically should be
tech companies, collectively Companies without huge The good news is that Ernst & Young consult- could be troublesome for ratcheted down. If that
losing almost $94 billion in revenue growth, positive many start-ups have been ant Joseph Muscat said start-ups that do manage to happens, and the economic
market value. cash flows and uncertain preparing for that scenario, chief financial officers at get slightly further along. signals remain poor, she
profitability are in the worst he said. Mullen, whose firm large start-ups have been Investors see start-ups said, expect the same for a
Will tech stocks continue to shape, experts said. has invested in mobile gam- telling him that they “still as one of the few paths to long list of companies both
fall? ing company Scopely and believe in the foundations of high returns in a market public and private.
They might. Technology Would start-ups do better marketing software maker their businesses, and they where bond and equity
companies already are selling themselves? Retention Science, said he’s think there’s still good fi- yields are weak.
riskier bets because many of Not necessarily. The been telling portfolio com- nancing opportunities Higher interest rates Twitter: @peard33
them are valued on their same thinking goes for panies to raise enough available.” would restore the safer Times researcher Scott
potential more than today’s start-ups looking to be money to take them into “Even in periods of vola- option of investing in those Wilson contributed to this
profits or dividends. bought out. Far more start- 2017. tility, with venture capi- markets instead of taking report.
Investors cutting back is
a sign that economic condi-
tions have shifted enough

Why the long bull market is flagging

for them to lose confidence
in companies’ prospects.
Many will choose to invest in
safer bets such as utilities
and makers of bread-and-
butter consumer items,
including food, beverages continuing to contract. Profit letdown
associated press
and household goods pro- What happens in China The upside to falling oil is
ducers. matters, and not just be- that all the money that driv-
If those investors do go NEW YORK — It was fun cause it is the world’s sec- ers are saving at the gas
into tech, they might focus while it lasted. ond-biggest economy. Fall- pump should mean more
only on companies such as For years, investors in ing Chinese demand has spending by them at stores
action camera maker GoPro U.S. stocks shrugged off sent prices plunging for all — and a faster-growing U.S.
Corp. and active wearable- threats — a government manner of commodities — economy. But Americans
tech firm Fitbit Co. that are shutdown, fear of a euro col- iron, copper, oil. That has are choosing to pay off debt
growing fast on the backs of lapse, a near U.S. debt de- walloped countries that ex- instead of going shopping.
U.S. consumers — where fault — and just kept on buy- port them. “Household finances are
demand remains strong. ing. At the sixth anniversary Its surprise devaluation growing more healthy … but
Still, any downturn of the bull market in March, also triggered other govern- you want to see a pickup in
presents opportunity: Com- the Standard & Poor’s 500 ments to drive their curren- spending too,” said Tim
panies such as Twitter Inc., index had more than tripled cies lower, roiling financial Courtney, chief investment
for instance, are now cheap- in value. markets and spreading fears officer of Exencial Wealth
er to buy. Now, buyers are hard to of a currency war. Advisors.
A subset of investors who find. A wave of selling has The new frugality helps
believe strongly in certain hammered major indexes, Richard Drew Associated Press Plunging oil
explain why the biggest
businesses might be willing with the S&P 500 losing THE STANDARD & POOR’S 500 index lost nearly The steep drop in the long-term driver of stock
to buy their shares at the nearly 6% in the last week. 6% last week. Above, the New York Stock Exchange. price of oil in the last month prices, corporate earnings,
more attractive prices, said That is its worst weekly has become a major concern have been so disappointing
Kathleen Smith, a principal slump since 2011 and leaves it The big trigger for selling stock market has taken in- for traders. lately. In the second quarter,
at investment advisor Ren- close to what Wall Street this week was yet more evi- vestors on a wild ride this Oil briefly went below $40 the earnings per share of
aissance Capital. If enough calls a correction, a fall of10% dence of a slowdown in summer. Then last week, the a barrel Friday, its lowest companies in the S&P 500
people fall into this catego- from a recent high. China’s economy, but there government announced a price since the financial cri- rose only 0.07% from a year
ry, the rebound could be Is there more selling to were plenty of other worri- depreciation of the coun- sis six years ago. ago, according to research
swift. come? No one knows, but some developments weigh- try’s currency, stoking fear If oil keeps falling, it is firm S&P Capital IQ. That is
corrections are natural in a ing on the market. A look at a that the economic slowdown likely to drag down the S&P the worst showing in nearly
Should start-ups fear going bull market, a pause in the few of them and why you there was even worse than it 500. Drillers and other ener- six years.
public? market’s march higher, and may not want to panic — yet. had let on. gy companies make up a sig- The next report card on
Technology start-ups this one is long overdue. On Friday, more bad nificant chunk of that index. earnings doesn’t arrive until
have tapped a seemingly They usually come about Fears about China news: A gauge of manufac- Shares of those companies October. In the meantime,
bottomless reservoir of cash once every 18 months. The Despite Beijing’s efforts turing showed that that key have plunged 35% in the last
over the last four years, last one was four years ago. to restore calm, the Chinese sector on the mainland is 12 months. [See Jitters, A19]
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G US T 2 4, 2 015 A19

Subsidizing clean vehicles

A state program that has been criticized as a handout to
high earners provided $242 million in rebates to people
who bought or leased electric or hybrid cars, mostly those
made by the companies below.
Top 10 automobile makes receiving rebates
0 50 100 150 200 250
(In thousands)

Number of rebates, by county

Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times
A TESLA showroom in Santa Monica. Some lawmakers and antitax activists question why subsidies worth
up to $5,000 are given to people who can already afford the cars. The base Tesla model sells for about $75,000.

State subsidy is criticized

[Subsidy, from A1] total disbursed. clean vehicle. “They would those making more than
thorities say they are trying A survey of 15,432 rebate have made the purchase $500,000 for hydrogen fuel
to find the right balance be- recipients who were willing without the rebates.” cell cars because consumers
tween providing an incen- to report their income Last year, state Sen. Kev- may need extra incentives to
tive for the growth of the ranges, also conducted by in de León (D-Los Angeles), buy them, Nichols said. The
electric car industry and the center, found that as of now the state Senate leader, change will take place by
helping low- and moderate- May, 959, or 6% of those Cali- had legislation signed into early next year.
income drivers buy the vehi- fornians, had household in- law by the governor that di- “Certainly there were
cles. comes of $500,000 or more. rects the state to put 1 mil- claims being made that it
“Our policy objective About 28% made between lion low- and zero-emission was a program that was only
here is to rapidly increase $200,000 and $499,000, and vehicles on California roads benefiting the ‘rich’ in Cali-
the percentage of zero-emis- 43% earned $100,000 to by 2023. fornia,” said Nichols, whose Source: Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
sion vehicles in the state,” $199,999. It also directed the Air 12-member board is ap- P a u l D u g i n ski Los Angeles Times
said Mary Nichols, chair- About 23% reported an Resources Board to set eligi- pointed by the governor. “We
woman of the California Air income of $99,000 or less. bility caps based on income want it to be a much broad- who by anybody’s definition Newton.
Resources Board, which About 15% of those sur- and to provide higher subsi- er-based program than in California are rich,” Nich- Claire Conlon, a spokes-
oversees the state’s Clean veyed said they bought a dies for low- and moderate- that.” ols added. woman for De León, said the
Vehicle Rebate Program. Tesla. The price of an entry- income communities and The environmental coali- She said the auto indus- income cap reflects his in-
Since its start, the pro- level electric Tesla Model S consumers. tion argued unsuccessfully try opposed lower caps. tention to promote equity
gram has provided $242 mil- starts at about $75,000 be- The board recently to set the cap at $400,000 “The real beneficiary of and cost effectiveness and to
lion in rebates to 114,702 peo- fore rebates. The manufac- agreed to increase the size of across the board. this, in a sense, is the manu- put more clean cars on the
ple who bought or leased turer’s suggested retail price subsidies available to low-in- Asked about the criti- facturers, because they are roads more quickly.
electric or hybrid cars. for an electric Nissan Leaf is come residents, but the cism that subsidies would able to sell cars that other- “To clean our dirty air, we
Data from the Center for $29,100 before any rebates. money must still be ap- still go to buyers who earn wise they might have to sub- need these vehicles de-
Sustainable Energy, which “There are a good num- proved by the Legislature more than most Californi- sidize themselves under our ployed as broadly as pos-
runs the program on behalf ber of people for whom the and is not expected to take ans, Nichols said couples [clean-air] mandate,” she sible to jump-start the mar-
of the Air Resources Board, rebates were not the driver effect for four to six months. with high incomes “could said. ket,” Conlon said. “As the
shows that 7,056 people who of that purchase,” said Mi- The board also recently qualify, but someone like The Alliance of Automo- technology becomes more
live in economically disad- chelle Kinman, an advocate voted to disqualify house- [billionaire] Bill Gates bile Manufacturers did not affordable, the income cap
vantaged census tracts have for Environment California, holds earning $500,000 or would not. Super-rich peo- take a position on the legis- for the rebates will go down.”
received a subsidy. Com- part of a coalition that sup- more from subsidies for bat- ple would not.” lation but supported the
bined, they collected $14.8 ports the program to help tery-operated electric cars. The $500,000 line caps set by the air board, ac- patrick.mcgreevy
million, less than 6% of the people who cannot afford a It maintained the aid for “seemed to exclude people cording to spokesman Wade

An overdue correction %
[Jitters, from A18] dropped 2.1% that day, be- site. In its minutes from the
investors will be looking at fore tumbling Friday. central bank’s July meeting,
other indicators of economic The good news is the last released Wednesday, Fed of-
and corporate health. On time the S&P 500 broke ficials expressed concern
Friday, the government re- through its 200-day moving that China’s slowdown could
ports on consumer spending average, in early July, it pose risks to the U.S. econo-
in July. bounced back from those my. Investors wondered
levels after a few days. whether that meant the
Trading milestone growth here is fragile, and
Many investors pick and Rate jitters they started selling stocks.
choose stocks based on a The Federal Reserve has Ernie Cecilia, chief inves-
company’s business out- been signaling that, with the tor officer of Bryn Mawr
look, but an entirely differ-
ent class of trader relies on
economy improving, it could
start raising its benchmark
Trust, said the switch in
views is ironic and a little un-
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A20 M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M


Carter back
in a familiar
Sunday role
The Sunday school les-
son was familiar: When your
burden grows heavy, ask
God for strength. But the
message carried a more
powerful and personal
meaning because of who de-
livered it: Jimmy Carter.
The 90-year-old former
president taught Sunday
school in Plains, his home-
town, for the first time since
he disclosed on Thursday
that his cancer had spread
to his brain.
With easygoing humor
and his usual toothy smile, David Goldman Associated Press
Carter gave back-to-back FORMER PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter taught Sun-
Bible lessons to crowds to- day school just days after receiving cancer treatment.
taling more than 700 people

ADD VALUE TO YOUR RETIREMENT — some of whom had trav-

eled hundreds of miles —
cent, 43, trying to talk a man
out of the vehicle stuck side-
and a hunting knife.
Police said 18-year-old


just three days after under- ways in a ditch, Edmonson Kevin Norton of Ames and
going radiation treatment. said. 27-year-old James Stumbo
He spent less than five He said the truck door of Boone were arrested.
minutes recapping his ill- opened and the man, identi- They will be arraigned Mon-
ness before saying, “That’s fied as Kevin Daigle, 54, of day.
enough of that subject.” He Lake Charles, came out with — associated press
Only Morningside of Fullerton adds value to your future while then began a lesson on faith, the shotgun.
saving your retirement dollars. By eliminating household love and relationships. He said the video showed
He encouraged his listen- the shotgun blast. OKLAHOMA
maintenance and the unpredictable expenses of
homeownership, you’ll enjoy every day even more — with
ers to consider God a part-
ner in their lives.
“I saw my trooper go
backwards and back toward State official is
on-site amenities and the Continuing Life® lifestyle that has
“Any time we can just
bow our heads and say, ‘God,
his unit, where he was going
to try to get some help out stabbed to death
I’m really troubled. I ask you there,” Edmonson said.
led the way in senior living throughout California since 1991. to give me the strength to “Thank God for several Oklahoma Labor Com-
bear whatever is on my civilians who pulled over,” missioner Mark Costello
All this, plus access to long-term care, with a highly repayable shoulders and to bear what- Edmonson said in a tele- died after a stabbing at an
entrance fee. ever comes to me,’ ” he said. phone interview. Oklahoma City restaurant,
— associated press — associated press authorities said.
Oklahoma City Police Lt.
See why this is such a smart value for Michelle Holland says offi-
LOUISIANA MASSACHUSETTS cers were called to a fast-
your future. Call 1-800-607-9161 today
to request your free comparison chart. State trooper Two arrested at food restaurant after a stab-
bing was reported. She says

shot in the head Pokemon event the altercation started in-

side the building and spilled
into the parking lot.
A state trooper was fight- Two Iowa men suspected State Medical Examin-
ing for his life after being of making violent social me- er’s Office spokeswoman
COMPARISO shot in the head by a man dia threats to people attend- Amy Elliott confirmed that
CHART whose pickup had run into a ing the Pokemon World Costello was the victim of
ditch and who got out of the Championships in Boston the attack. A spokeswoman
truck with a sawed-off shot- have been arrested on gun for the Labor Department
gun, the head of Louisiana charges. also confirmed his death.
State Police said. Boston police said the Holland said a suspect is
Live Better. Live Longer. Other drivers stopped to suspects were stopped as in custody.
help Master Trooper Steven they were about to enter the Costello, a businessman,
800 Morningside Drive | Fullerton, CA 92835 Vincent, a 13-year state po- event Thursday. had ousted the incumbent
lice veteran and member of a Police said a warranted Democrat during a Republi- law enforcement family, Col. search of the car Friday can sweep of statewide of-
Michael Edmonson said in a found a 12-gauge shotgun, fices in 2010. He easily won re-
Continuing Life LLC provides support and services to leading senior housing news conference. an AR-15 rifle, several hun- election in 2014.
communities under a services and licensing agreement that allows for use of the Police video showed Vin- dred rounds of ammunition — associated press
Continuing Life® mark. The company does not own, nor is it financially responsible
for, Core Care III LP, dba Morningside of Fullerton. State of California License
#300613273. Certificate of Authority #s 156 & 167.


Isn’t it sad when a Doctor kills a Lion with a name and society gets
all in an uproar about it, but we as a society kill thousands of un-
named babies daily and no one seems to care.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves,

and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

II Chronicles 7

L AT I M ES . C O M / O PI N I O N M O N DAY, AU GU S T 2 4, 2 015 A21

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who will
clean up the Autism’s funding gap
Exide mess? By Steve Silberman happy, healthy, secure and pro-

ductive lives.
or a couple of decades Autism Speaks’ myopia is
now, Americans have symptomatic of a larger prob-
been engaged in a wide- lem in the United States. Less
ranging and often heat- than 2% of the studies funded by
Lax enforcement of environmental ed conversation about the National Institutes of Health
laws played a part, but it’s Exide autism. About what causes it, in 2010 were devoted to improv-
that should be held responsible. whether there’s more of it than
there used to be, and whether it
ing the lives of adults on the
spectrum. The private funding

can be cured. About whether au- allocated by groups like the Si-
tism is a disorder, a disability or mons Foundation is similarly
he now-closed Exide battery
a different way of being. About skewed. And the Government
recycling plant in Vernon has ap-
whether the condition is over- Accountability Office reported
parently spread toxic lead dust
diagnosed or underdiagnosed, in June that funding for research
through a much larger area than and which early interventions on autistic adults actually de-
had previously been believed, are most helpful for children. clined between 2008 and 2012.
perhaps contaminating as many as 10,000 All this talk is an improve- John Elder Robison, the
homes. That revelation by state officials this ment over the painful silence autistic author of the bestselling
month means thousands of children may that prevailed through most of autobiography “Look Me in the
have been exposed to a dangerous neuro- the 20th century, when psychia- Eye” and an upcoming book,
toxin that can cause learning disabilities trists wrongly blamed autism on “Switched On,” has criticized
and behavioral problems. Making the prop- “refrigerator mothers,” making this imbalance.
erties safe for residents could require the it a source of shame for families. “Two-thirds of the human
largest cleanup of its kind in state history. But there’s one way in which lifespan is spent as an adult.
Community activists and residents have things haven’t changed much: With autism being a lifelong is-
long suspected that pollution from the Exide The people most often sidelined sue, we should be balancing our
plant left a large stain of contamination on or excluded from the public dis- research accordingly,” he writes.
surrounding neighborhoods. Their fears cussion are autistic themselves. “The hundreds of millions we
were confirmed last year, when the Califor- It is often assumed that the ex- have spent on autism research
nia Department of Toxic Substances Con- perts, or the parents of people in the past decade have had pre-
on the autism spectrum, will do cious little beneficial effect on
trol released the results of an initial round of
the talking in their stead. families and individuals living
sampling that found 39 houses in Boyle
Case in point: Autism Donna Grethen Tribune with autism today. We need to
Heights and Maywood had levels of lead in
Speaks, an organization that recognize that the job of re-

Too little money goes toward

the soil high enough that they should trigger raises tens of millions of dollars search isn’t done until autistic
health evaluations. Officials warned parents each year by hosting walks and people are actually seeing a
not to let their children play in the dirt at star-studded events like an an- benefit.”
those houses. Soon after, the state ordered
testing at 146 additional houses over a larger
nual concert in Hollywood
called Light Up the Blues. The
helping autistic people lead Among the areas of research
that are perpetually under-
area and found lead (along with other met-
als associated with battery recycling) in
properties up to 1.7 miles downwind of the
motto of Autism Speaks is
“It’s time to listen,” yet disability
rights groups have accused the
happy and productive lives. funded in the U.S., says disabili-
ty rights advocate Lydia Brown,
are ways of facilitating inclusive
plant. Based on computer modeling, the de- organization of refusing to do education, developing strate-
partment estimated that 5,000 to 10,000 just that. See, for example, the cer and diabetes combined... I set the global scientific agenda. gies for preparing autistic teen-
properties could be tainted by lead emis- Twitter hashtag #Boycott- will plot to rob you of your chil- Founded in 2005 at the height agers for the workforce, study-
sions and could require cleanup. AutismSpeaks. dren and your dreams.” of parental anxiety about vac- ing problems in sensory integra-
The immediate questions are: How Imagine a world in which the The group’s co-founders, for- cines, the organization has lav- tion, helping autistic people to
quickly can the contaminated yards be leadership of the NAACP was mer NBC Universal Chairman ished most of its funding on re- live more independently in their
cleaned up? Who should pay for it? And can all-white; now consider that not Bob Wright and his wife, Su- search uncovering prenatal risk communities, improving access
the community trust state regulators to do a a single autistic person serves zanne, have repeatedly referred factors for autism. It has not to healthcare, reducing dis-
on the board of Autism Speaks. to children on the spectrum (in- truly committed to serving the crimination in employment and
thorough and expeditious job?
This absence makes itself felt. cluding their grandson, Chris- needs of autistic people and housing, and ending the abuse
The fact is, it was the DTSC that allowed
As people on the spectrum tian) as “missing,” as if they’d their families. of autistic people by their serv-
Exide to operate with a temporary permit
have struggled to overcome been kidnapped. The group’s In 2011, the organization ice providers.
and outdated pollution controls for 30 years, years of stigma and negative PR messaging has also re- launched an effort with the Bei- Autistic activist Julia Bas-
despite repeated air-quality and hazardous- stereotyping, the group has inforced the misconception that jing Genomics Institute to map com writes that people on the
waste violations. The agency ignored or framed their condition in terrify- autism is a destroyer of mar- the whole genomes of10,000 indi- spectrum are no longer willing
downplayed community concerns for years. ing and dehumanizing terms. Its riages, though research shows viduals from families with two or to be “spectators in their own
In March, Exide agreed to shut down perma- 2009 video “I Am Autism,” which that divorce rates are no higher more autistic children, at a cost stories.” To coin a phrase, it
nently its troubled plant rather than face debuted at the United Nations, for the parents of autistic kids. of $50 million. Meanwhile, only a really is time to listen.
federal criminal prosecution for environ- portrayed autism as a creepy But there’s more at stake tiny fraction of the money raised
mental crimes. So there is an understand- stalker: “I know where you live, here than political correctness. on walks organized by Autism Steve Silberman is the author
able skepticism in the neighborhood that and guess what? I live there too. As one of the largest private Speaks goes to ensuring that of “NeuroTribes: The Legacy of
the agency is willing or able to lead a proper I hover around all of you… I work sponsors of autism research in autistic people who have already Autism and the Future of
cleanup of the contaminated homes. faster than pediatric AIDS, can- the world, Autism Speaks helps been born will be able to live Neurodiversity.”
Last week, Los Angeles County Supervi-
sor Hilda Solis called on Gov. Jerry Brown to
appoint an independent expert to oversee

The right body camera policy

the soil cleanup and find money to start
work as soon as possible. Whether an out-
sider is appointed or not, Solis and others
worry that the DTSC will follow the stand-
ard enforcement model by ordering Exide to
fund the full investigation and remediation;
By Dan Simon promote dishonest reporting. about it. Encouraging evidence
that could cause years of delay if Exide fights
and Jim Bueermann Officers, it is feared, will tailor It makes sense to that supports this has already

the order in court, which it would most likely their reports to fit the captured been obtained in studies con-
do. The company denies that lead from the
plant reached residential neighborhoods
ody cameras are on images, revealing only what allow police officers ducted with police depart-

and says the contamination could have

the verge of changing
policing as we know it.
could not be plausibly denied
and leaving out other impor- to see the footage ments in the field.
For too long, illegal use of
come from lead paint, leaded gasoline or
other industrial operations in the area.
But along with the
promise of more trans-
tant details. This objection
doesn’t withstand scrutiny.
of use-of-force force by police officers has been
shrouded from public view by
Although lax enforcement of environ- parency and accountability In general, watching body incidents before means of dishonest reporting.
mental laws certainly played a part in this
30-year fiasco, Exide ultimately should be
come tough policy choices. A
particularly thorny question is
camera footage should reduce
dishonesty in incident reports. they write their This virtual impunity has un-
doubtedly contributed to inci-
held responsible for the expense. The diffi-
cult part is making sure the inevitable law-
whether officers who use force
against individuals should be
When the footage reveals un-
ambiguous misconduct, offi-
reports. dents of abuse and perhaps also
to unjustified killing of civilians.
suits don’t slow the cleanup. To that end, the permitted to view the video foot- cers would be foolish to file dis- It has fed citizens’ distrust in
DTSC should begin its full investigation and age of their encounters before honest reports. And when the police reporting and an impulse
remediation immediately. That will take a writing their incident reports. footage reveals proper behav- Most important, dire predic- to shut down any prospect of
After grappling with this is- ior, officers would feel em- tions of deceitful reporting fail dishonesty. But that impulse
lot of money. The agency has overseen soil
sue, the Los Angeles and the boldened to present their ac- to appreciate the overall poten- could undermine the monu-
removal at nearly 150 homes so far, at a cost
New York police departments tions honestly and confidently. tial of this technological revolu- mental benefits that can be
of roughly $40,000 each. If the project ulti-
are opting to permit the viewing It’s important to consider tion to elevate policing to a new reaped from body cams.
mately encompasses 5,000 to 10,000 houses, of the footage. This decision has the detrimental consequences level. The transparency of offi- Rather than expect the
the total cost could be $200 million to $400 been met with criticism from of depriving police officers of cers’ actions and the ensuing worst from our officers, we
million — vastly more than the $9 million Ex- civil rights advocates, news- video that contains information sense of accountability are should empower them to use all
ide has set aside. Agency Director Barbara paper editorial boards and aca- directly pertinent to their fate. bound to improve the decisions the advantages of body cam-
Lee and state officials scraped together $7 demics. It would send a stinging mes- they make and the actions they eras to become more profes-
million to begin the work, which is a start, Critics claim that watching sage of distrust. Psychologists take. Video footage will provide sional and more accurate public
but state leaders will have come up with the video will alter the officers’ have demonstrated that dis- police superiors with a potent servants. As long as they do not
much more money to expedite the effort. memory of the incident. But trust sets in motion a dynamic tool for reliable supervision, de- prove us wrong, we must trust
Brown and the DTSC simply cannot al- this isn’t necessarily a bad that breeds dishonesty. Like- briefing and disciplining, en- them to do so.
low this public risk to continue for much thing. Human memory of com- wise, researchers have shown abling them to condemn bad
longer. By failing to properly regulate Exide, plex and highly charged events that institutionalized distrust police work and commend the Dan Simon is a professor of
the state allowed this public health risk to is invariably incomplete. Police can foster cynicism that brings good. law and psychology at USC
grow. The state must do everything possible officers cannot be expected to about violations of an organiza- It should also provide offi- and the author of “In Doubt:
to make the community safe again. encode and retain every one of tion’s standards and practices. cers with a platform for reflec- The Psychology of the
the countless details that make Moreover, depriving officers tion, self-criticism and self-im- Criminal Justice Process.”
up a use-of-force incident. the right to view the video of an provement. The heightened ac- Jim Bueermann is the
Human memory is also sus- incident before they write their countability might also nudge president of the Police
ceptible to a host of biases. Like reports will often set them up officers with violent disposi- Foundation in Washington
FOR THE RECORD the rest of us, police officers are for failure. In the eyes of a skep- tions out of the force, and thus and a retired police chief.
bound to remember events in tical public, the unfavorable make way for more amenable
LAPD: An Aug. 12 editorial about the Los ways that protect their sense of comparison of the officers’ inev- candidates. And it should im-
Angeles Police Department said that under self and justify their actions. Ex- itably imperfect memories to prove the relationship between
Chief William H. Parker, black officers posure to the video footage will the video footage will likely be police forces and their constitu- HOW TO WRITE TO US
weren’t allowed to work outside of the New- almost certainly enable them to perceived as evidence of deceit. ent communities. Please send letters to
ton Division. While many African American provide richer and more accu- Rather than experience body In the end, the use of body For
officers were restricted to assignments in rate accounts of the incident. cameras as a vital ally, officers cameras should both reduce submission guidelines, see
that division during the early part of Park- But the critics’ main objec- will come to perceive them as a the use of force and lessen the or call
er’s tenure, some did serve in other divisions. tion to the policy is that it will threat, an enemy. need and the opportunity to lie 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.


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M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

It isn’t feasible to
classify some students
as having suffered
trauma, Compton
Unified says.
By Stephen Ceasar

Schools make special ac-

commodations for students
with physical and mental
A court case in Los Ange-
les is now focused on
whether schools should also
provide special services to
students who have suffered
Photographs by Don Bartletti Los Angeles Times
from violence, abuse and
MARIA TRETO helps serve lunch at the Oldtimers Foundation’s Huntington Park center. For many seniors in southeast L.A. other trauma.
County, the nonprofit’s centers offer hot meals and a chance to socialize. The foundation also delivers meals to homebound seniors. Attorneys representing

Holes in a safety net

students in a lawsuit against
the Compton Unified School
District have asked a federal
judge to immediately re-
quire teachers, administra-
tors and staff to undergo
training to recognize and
understand the effects of
such incidents on students.
The lawsuit, filed on be-

The Oldtimers Foundation feeds hundreds of seniors a day. But with

half of eight Compton Uni-
fied students, alleges that
the school system has failed

its finances in disarray, it may lose its contract with L.A. County. to properly educate stu-
dents who have suffered
from repeated violence and
other trauma.
cards, Bingo or dance to a cumbia The litigation alleges that
By Abby Sewell song during the Friday afternoon the district has not ad-
karaoke. Children come to swim in dressed the underlying ob-
Inside the sprawling brick the center’s outdoor pool, and men stacles these students face
building that houses the Oldtimers play pool and cards in the court- and has inadequately
Foundation, 75-year-old Eleuteria yard. trained teachers and others
Nuno catches up with friends as It’s also a place to get a hot meal. to provide these students an
she waits for lunch. The foundation delivers food to appropriate education.
She and her husband started homebound seniors and serves U.S. District Judge Mi-
coming to eat at this senior serv- others at centers in 13 cities around chael W. Fitzgerald is ex-
ices center in Huntington Park southeast Los Angeles County. pected to decide in coming
eight years ago, after their craft The staff cooks 1,700 meals a day. weeks whether to grant the
supply stand at a swap meet But over the last few years, two injunction, which would re-
burned down and left them with- of its leaders have been caught up quire staff training. He also
out a stable income. When her hus- in political corruption scandals, is considering a request by
band died four years ago, the cen- and the public relations backlash the school district to dismiss
ter became her main social outlet. has sapped the nonprofit’s ability the lawsuit.
Without it, Nuno said, “I would to raise money. Now its finances The litigation could test
be bored at home and would be de- are in such disarray that it is in whether “complex trauma”
pressed, because I would be there danger of losing its $2-million-a- qualifies as a disability
by myself.” year contract with Los Angeles under the Americans With
To its mostly elderly patrons, County. That could spell the end of Disabilities Act. If the law-
the Oldtimers center is a place to GARY HARRISON has lunch at the Oldtimers center in Hun- the 50-year-old operation. suit is successful, school dis-
get away from loneliness: to play tington Park. The nonprofit’s staff cooks 1,700 meals a day. [See Nonprofit, B8] tricts would be required to
provide special academic
and mental health services
to students who have suf-
CAPITOL JOURNAL fered violence and other

Action on ‘right
The lawsuit describes
in detail some of the
traumatic episodes of sev-
eral students, who were fre-

to die’ bill is fair

quently disciplined and
kicked out of schools, and
not given appropriate help
and services to address their
GEORGE SKELTON Two doctors would have One student first wit-
in sacramento to confirm that a patient nessed someone being shot
was terminal and mentally to death when he was 8 years
Can’t win by competent. The patient old. Since then, he has wit-
the current would need to make two oral nessed an additional 20
rules? Change requests to a physician at shootings, including the kill-
them. The least 15 days apart, with ing of a friend.
opposing team witnesses. The doctor and Another student, a Dom-
is too tough? patient would have to meet inguez High junior, strug-
Bench its once alone. The medication gled academically after suf-
troublesome would have to be self-ad- fering physical violence from
players. ministered. the boyfriends of his mother,
Politics, To protect hospitals and a drug addict. He was kicked
after all, is the art of the physicians from acting out of foster care and re-
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
possible. Nineteenth cen- against their beliefs, none [See Compton, B7]
tury German Chancellor would be required to partici- DRUMMERS with the USC Trojan Marching Band attend their first prac-
Otto von Bismarck said pate. tice of the season Aug. 14. The band has played for presidents and a pope.
that. He also said, to para- The bill passed the Sen-

phrase, that laws are like ate in June on essentially a
sausages. If you’re squea- party-line vote — Demo- In San Diego,
mish, don’t watch either
being made.
crats for, Republicans
against. But it stalled in the
They’re making lots of Assembly Health Commit- face citations
sausage now in the Califor- tee. There, a handful of
Social media helped
nia Legislature as it rushes
to adjourn for the year.
Southern California Demo-
crats, mostly Latinos under
USC marching band not for the timid, freshman finds entice 100 to a beach
jumping spot called
Rules are being stretched. pressure from the Roman
the Arch last
Hurdles lowered. Catholic Church, withheld Then he saw the USC Trojan March-
By Jason Song weekend. Danger lies
And why not? All’s fair in support. So backers shelved ing Band drummers perform at the Coa-
below at low tide,
love and war and legislative the measure, presumably chella Valley Music and Arts Festival and
officials say. B2
games-playing. until next year. Mounir Ghabrial saw his first college changed his mind.
A prime example is the But last week, backed by football game after moving from Dubai to “They were so awesome I wanted to
fight over the “right to die” legislative leaders, sponsors Southern California when he was 12 — give it a try,” Ghabrial, 17, said. “I wanted
A long road
bill. smartly seized an opening and soon found watching USC’s halftime to see if I was good enough.” to the States
The measure, modeled created inadvertently by show more entertaining than the action He arrived on campus nearly a week Nearly 30,000 people
after an Oregon “death with Gov. Jerry Brown. The on the field. before other freshmen to try out for one of who aided the U.S. in
dignity” law, would permit governor, impatient with “The drum line,” he said, “always 15 open drumming spots with the USC Iraq or Afghanistan
Californians with fewer than the Legislature’s inability to caught my eye.” marching band, a.k.a. the Spirit of Troy. have gained special
six months to live to end create a new revenue stream He played the drums during games at USC’s marching band — which has refugee visas. B4
their suffering by taking for fiscally ailing public Damien High School in La Verne but de- played for a pope, presidents and count-
lethal drugs prescribed by a healthcare, had called a cided after being accepted at USC for the less football fans — accepts students with Lottery ...................... B2
physician. There’d be pro- special legislative session. fall term that he’d give up music to pursue no musical experience as long as they are Obituaries ................ B7
tections against abuse. [See Skelton, B5] a business degree. [See Marching band, B5]
B2 M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M


Shade balls get their 15 minutes

L.A.’s unusual water
saving tactic goes
viral, but the Internet
has mixed opinions.

It started out like a typi-

cal photo op when Mayor
Eric Garcetti arrived at the
Los Angeles Reservoir in
Sylmar this month.
He was joined by officials
from the city and the De-
partment of Water and
Power, who stood on the
banks of the Los Angeles
Reservoir to unload 20,000
small black balls into the
water. The so-called shade
balls are designed to form a
cover and protect the water
from UV rays and algae.
They also reduce evapora-
tion, which is important
amid California’s drought.
But there was something
mesmerizing about all those
balls rolling out of the truck
and bouncing down into the
water. They went seriously
Within hours, videos of
the shade balls were every-
where. Social media went
crazy for the name. The
hashtag #shadeballs took
off, with one Twitter user
writing, “If you ever doubted
that LA was the home to
Photographs by Jay L. Clendenin Los Angeles Times
everything plastic... #sha-
deballs.” And the mayor WHILE MAYOR ERIC GARCETTI, left, with Councilman Mitchell Englander, touted the city’s release of 20,000 small black balls into
found a drought angle for the Los Angeles Reservoir as “bold ingenuity,” questions behind the science and effectiveness of the shade balls spread on social media.
the long-standing water
quality project. saw the story on a Russian “It’s going to be a bacteri- officials weren’t focusing on
“In the midst of Califor- newscast in her hotel room al nightmare,” one expert more serious, long-term
nia’s historic drought, it in Moscow. told the news outlet. solutions to the drought.
takes bold ingenuity to “Garcetti is no fool when In response, the DWP By Sunday, the headlines
maximize my goals for it comes to social media. He put out a three-page state- in a Google search were less
water conservation,” Gar- knew that this was a new ment that called the Fox charitable:
cetti said in a statement, way to get people interested News piece “wrong, invalid 8 “Shade balls — a not-
noting that the balls would in the drought story,” Muller and based on uninformed so-bright solution to
reduce evaporation by as said. “Whether it’s the bear opinions.” drought” — San Francisco
much as 300 million gallons in the backyard or the shade “We know the shade ball Chronicle
a year. balls in the reservoir — it’s discussions and specu- 8 “Why shade balls aren’t
Shade balls turned into a good video and, I now know, lations continue on social such a great idea after all” —
PR triumph that lasted a it’s such good video that it media platforms and other Grist
while. The story made head- made it to Russia.” mainstream media,” said 8 “Shade balls to the
lines in publications that But amid the fascination DWP spokeswoman Mi- rescue? Hardly” — Newser
typically don’t cover the came questions. chelle Figueroa. “We want to Ultimately, Muller said
DWP: The shade balls are make sure our customers the shade balls saga is a
8 “California throwing made of high-density poly- don’t miss that amidst all story about the media to-
shade ... at the drought” — ethylene, the same plastic A VIDEO of the shade balls rolling into the reservoir the ’noise.’” day. “If they can’t communi-
TMZ found in 1-gallon containers was shared on Facebook 21,000 times. Editor cate their science, then the
8 “Shade balls fill reser- of milk and even the DWP’s Refet Kaplan said, “We news media and social
voir to conserve water in own water pipes. Inside the seem to connect with view- the water and breed bacter- stand by our reporting.” media will take over and
drought-hit LA” — The balls is drinking water, ers and readers, who still ia? That story was just part twist it,” she said. “I think
Guardian which helps weigh them had a host of questions after Those questions reached of the backlash. it’s really incumbent on
8 “LA throws 96 million down so they don’t blow watching the footage of a fever pitch last Thursday. LA Weekly declared scientists and engineers to
‘shade balls’ at its water away in a gusty breeze. black balls rolling in the In a piece for, shade balls a “stupid” way to be very, very clear and sim-
shortage — and it’s mesmer- Carbon black is added to water: Why were the balls experts questioned the conserve water. Other pub- ple in terms of how they
izing” — Mashable the balls to stabilize them in black? Wouldn’t the plastic science behind the plastic lications quickly seized on describe what’s going on.”
Then the shade ball the sun’s UV rays. contaminate the drinking balls and warned they could the conservation aspect,
became a true media dar- Those details didn’t water? Won’t the balls heat be a “disaster.” questioning why water
A headline in the New
York Times declared: “In
California, Millions of EXPLAINER

Cliff-jumping reaches new heights

‘Shade Balls’ Combat a
Nagging Drought.” Video of
the rollout posted on the
mayor’s Facebook page was
shared 21,000 times.
Judy Muller, a broadcast
professor at USC’s Annen-
berg School for Communi- people “mouthed off ” to
cation and Journalism, first Fueled by social officers writing tickets to
people who had dared to
media, more people jump from the cliff right in
are leaping from San front of them.
“It wasn’t a bad group of
Lottery results Diego’s coastal bluffs. kids, but they were still
For Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015 breaking the law,” Carter
Super Lotto Plus said. “We’re working with
Mega number is Bold lifeguards, and we will meet
6-9-31-33-42—Mega 13 The signs are all there, with some community
Jackpot: $10 million warning that the sandy, groups to talk about cliff
Winners per category: ragged edge of Sunset Cliffs rescues.”
No. of Amount in San Diego County is Vipon said lifeguards
winners of prize(s) unstable, and that jumping made only a handful of
5 + Mega 0 — from the bluff into the ocean serious rescues at the Arch
5 2 $19,330 is illegal. in the last two years, but
4 + Mega 18 $1,073 But social media and they frequently get diverted
4 341 $94 scorching weather last from their station a mile
3 + Mega 632 $45 weekend combined to entice away to check on crowds or
3 13,819 $10 as many as 100 people to a reported injuries. Often, he
2 + Mega 8,703 $8 popular jumping spot called said, by the time they get
1 + Mega 40,178 $1
the Arch. there the jumpers have left.
Mega only 58,751 $1
It’s a problem that has “They know it’s against
Powerball been growing across South- the law and they’re afraid of
Powerball number is bold ern California. Videos of getting into trouble, so
people jumping off cliffs at friends bundle up the in-
4-12-14-21-55—Powerball 7
Jackpot: $90 million Malibu Creek State Park jured person and take them
Misael Virgen San Diego Union-Tribune
have become popular on the home,” Vipon said. “We’ve
California winners per category:
Internet. In Rancho Palos JAKE O’CONNELL, 19, does a flip at Sunset Cliffs Natural Park on Aug. 13. responded for no reason.”
No. of Amount
winners of prize(s) Verdes last year, attention San Diego is cracking down on cliff-jumping, which is illegal in the city. Rob Bregman, 45, who
5 + P-ball 0 — was focused on the issue grew up in Point Loma and
5 0 — when a teenager died jump- Ocean Beach community On Aug. 7, a man in his Boats don’t count. The worked as a lifeguard for 12
4 + P-ball 5 $3,719 ing off Inspiration Point. leaders are getting more 30s who made the jump was infraction carries a $470 fine. years, said the crowds gen-
4 63 $100 City officials said social concerned, though, that knocked unconscious and Parents are held respon- erate peer pressure to jump.
3 + P-ball 134 $73 media has heightened inter- Internet photos and videos rescued by bystanders, then sible for their children’s He said officials should be
3 3,653 $6 est in jumping there. of jumping at the Arch are hauled up the cliff by life- violations. writing more tickets to try
2 + P-ball 2,452 $4 In San Diego, the city has bringing in too many people guards and hospitalized. Klein suggested the city to curb the activity.
1 + P-ball 13,612 $3 responded by budgeting for from around the county, Years ago, Vipon said, he charge cost-recovery fees for Vipon said he doesn’t
P-ball only 25,024 $3 a park ranger to patrol the other states and even other rescued a man who was cliff-jumping rescues. enjoy writing tickets, so he
Winning jackpot ticket(s) sold in other 68-acre Sunset Cliffs Natu- countries who are unaware partially paralyzed by his “Historically, it used to tries a lighter, educational
states: None ral Park, including 18 acres of the dangers or the city diving injury at the Arch. be more local kids doing it,” approach.
For Sunday, Aug. 23, 2015 of narrow coastline. ban on jumping. The sandstone forma- lifeguard Lt. Rich Stropky “I’ll gather the whole
The Arch is a big draw on “If you don’t know what tion arcs over the water and said. “Then social media crowd together and give
Fantasy Five: 3-7-31-35-39
any given day, especially in you’re doing, it’s really dan- forms part of a cove at caught on, and people came them a mass warning,” he
Daily Four: 9-5-1-3 the summer when the ocean gerous,” said Craig Klein, an Pappy’s Point, off Sunset from miles around to jump. said. “I’ll ask where they’re
Daily Three (midday): 6-8-8 temperature hovers around Ocean Beach Community Cliffs Boulevard near Os- It’s a big issue. Over the last from. A substantial number
70 degrees while eastern Planning Board member. prey Street. The boulevard four years it’s become more are from out of town.
Daily Three (evening): 7-7-2 San Diego County tops 100. “In winter that area turns is lined with guardrails, and more popular. They’ve heard about the
Daily Derby: Daredevils of all ages, but into a maelstrom, a churn- chain barricades and signs “Right now it’s crazy. The Arch on social media. A lot
(1) Gold Rush mostly teenagers, get a ing whirlpool. Or if you jump warning people to keep police get reports of 100 of people go in not knowing
(4) Big Ben running start, then hurl at low tides, you’re almost away from the edge and not people jumping off the it’s illegal. They don’t read
(11) Money Bags themselves off the 20-foot guaranteed to hit the bot- to jump off. cliffs.” the signs because there are
Race time: 1:41.20 cliff and splash into the sea tom. People from outside San Diego’s municipal He said the crowds have a lot of signs out there.”
Results on the Internet: that churns over hidden the area don’t know a 1-foot code prohibits jumping into even created a safety issue rock outcroppings. tide from a 5-foot one.” the Pacific Ocean and Mis- for lifeguards, who are heck- pauline.repard
General information: Locals have been doing it Added San Diego life- sion Bay from a height led if they write citations.
(800) 568-8379 for decades. Most come out guard Sgt. Jon Vipon, “It’s greater than five feet off a Police Lt. William Carter Pauline Repard writes for
(Results not available at this number) without a scratch. against the law for a reason: natural or man-made plat- said that in the large crowd the San Diego
Lifeguards, police and People get hurt.” form connected to land. a week ago, some young Union-Tribune
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 B3

Man District
held in settles
scheme sex
to extort abuse
A Pico Rivera man is
suspected of By Ruben Vives
threatening at least 21
The Los Angeles Unified
girls in several states School District has reached
for sexual photos. a settlement in several law-
suits filed by former stu-
dents who allege they were
By Ruben Vives Photographs by Sonali Kohli Los Angeles Times
sexually abused by a music
YNES ZAVALA , a parent volunteer, helped build the 10,000-square-foot garden at Enadia Way Elementary teacher at Hamilton High
A 19-year-old Pico Rivera School in West Hills. The school constructed a second garden, one that was drought-tolerant, in 2011. School.

Lessons keep blooming

man has been arrested in Anthony DeMarco, the
connection with a “sextor- attorney for the plaintiffs,
tion” scheme that targeted confirmed that a settlement
nearly two dozen teenage had been reached last week
girls in California and sev- but had not been finalized.
eral other states, according He said the amount that was
to the Los Angeles County agreed upon was confiden-
Sheriff ’s Department. tial.
Cesar Estrada was ar-
rested last week and booked
School gardens create hands-on experiences even in drought At least four former stu-
dents, who were not identi-
on suspicion of 151 counts of fied, accused Vance Miller of
communicating with minors tree that needs to be wa- having sex with them while
for sexual purposes and By Sonali Kohli tered only once a month and they attended the high
lewd acts on a child, accord- gives shade to the lunch school. Miller, who had been
ing to a statement from Lt. If you’re a teacher, a gar- area, plus various kinds of a fixture at the school, was
Andrew Meyer of the Sher- den is a gift that can gener- cactuses and, Zavala’s favor- pulled from Hamilton’s re-
iff ’s Department’s Special ate endless assignments ite, a Cleveland sage plant garded music, dance and
Victims Bureau. and teaching plans. that he snaps bits off to sniff. theater program in 2010,
Meyer said investigators The scientific lessons are Rub one and your hand when the allegations began
with the Sexual Assault Fel- obvious enough. Beyond smells like sage for the next to emerge.
ony Enforcement, or SAFE, those, there’s a lesson for ev- hour. Miller was fired in 2012,
Team, a unit that investi- eryone. Kindergartners can Zavala, along with other around the time that a
gates Internet crimes, began look for shapes and colors. parents, has helped tend teacher at Miramonte Ele-
looking at the case early this Older students can look at that garden too, and is plan- mentary School was ac-
year when one of the victims the worms to identify their ning to replant it this fall to cused of lewd acts with stu-
came forward. parts. Or learn about the five make a native garden with dents.
A 14-year-old Antelope senses by describing the gar- almost all California plants. Shannon Haber, director
Valley girl alleged that she den. Or practice descriptive Ekchian is calling on of communications and me-
had befriended Estrada via writing. schools and students to re- dia relations for the district,
Facebook and said he had Now some Los Angeles search drought-resistant declined to comment.
enticed her to send him nude schools are adding to that gardens so they can engage In at least two lawsuits
photos of herself. She al- list of possibilities with a in the curriculum the way filed in 2011 and 2012, former
leged that Estrada began question: How does the that schools like Enadia can, students accuse Miller of be-
pressuring her to send more drought affect what a school and gain the practical expe- friending and mentoring
graphic photos and videos, garden should look like? rience Californians need to them, then grooming them
and threatened to send the Since 2009, those are the deal with the drought, she for relationships that physi-
nude photos to her entire kinds of lessons that stu- said. She’s rolling out the cally escalated into sexual
dents at Enadia Way Ele- challenge in schools in Sep- behavior.
mentary School in West STUDENTS at Enadia Elementary help grow fruits tember, and will collect sub- DeMarco said his clients
‘The SAFE Team Hills have been able to learn. and vegetables to sell at the school’s farmers market. missions over the next were sexually abused in the
detectives Nine-year-old Joseph Za-
vala’s favorite assignment quired to spend half an hour that the students will devel-
“Responsible behavior is
mid-’90s and the 2000s. He
said at least six additional
discovered over was drawing the plant he
liked the most: Powis Castle,
in the garden a week, which
they’ll start doing in Sep-
op plans for their own gar-
dens, and they’ll have a big
contagious,” Ekchian said.
At Enadia, it’s a balanc-
victims came forward and
accused Miller of abusing
26,000 pages of a species of artemisia. “It tember. and relevant science lesson ing act, said Debra Leith, a them as far back as the 1970s

conversations and looks like a plant that got

snowed on with snowflakes,”
Tomatoes grow along
one row, steps away from
built into that planning: the
landscape designer who vol-
unteers at the school and
and as recently as 2010.
DeMarco said the victims
texts between Mr. he said.
It started as a small gar-
squash. On Thursdays dur-
ing the academic year, the
Enadia’s garden ex-
panded to its current size in
others. Enadia is not going
to stop using its 10,000-
were expected to serve as
witnesses for his case.
Estrada and girls den — just six boxes, filled school holds a farmers mar- 2010, before the drought square-foot garden, even The school district and

in multiple states, mostly with flowers. The

principal heard that Jo-
ket where Zavala and stu-
dents sell the produce,
choked many California re-
sources. Previously the area
though it uses more water
than an empty patch of as-
the Los Angeles Police De-
partment investigated the
making similar seph’s dad was an avid gar-
dener, and sought his help.
which in turn funds the gar-
den. Last year, they made
was an unused field, Zavala
said. Students use extra
phalt would. (Enadia
doesn’t measure its water
allegations against Miller,
but the Los Angeles County
threats.’ Ynes Zavala planted some about $4,000. mulch to keep the soil moist, use, though schools could in- district attorney’s office de-
bok choy, ornamental flow- L.A. Unified’s regional plant the crops close to one corporate that into their clined to file charges, citing a
— Lt. Andrew Meyer, ers and radishes. That was superintendent, Vivian Ek- another, and only hand-wa- proposals.) But the garden lack of evidence.
L.A. County Sheriff ’s Dept. in fall 2009. chian, wants more of the 80- ter the plants that need wa- also teaches students that if The Los Angeles city at-
Today, that small garden some schools in her area to ter. they’re going to use water, torney also declined to file,
has grown to about 10,000 offer students the same ex- In 2011, the school also they should use it for some- citing problems with the
Facebook friend list if she square feet, filled with fruit periences, especially be- transformed a 4,300-square- thing that gives them suste- statute of limitations.
didn’t comply. trees and vegetable plants, cause new science stand- foot patch of brown grass nance.
Meyer said the teen in addition to the flowers. ards incorporate hands-on into a drought-resistant gar- ruben.vives
feared her pictures would be Zavala is there almost every learning. den with district funds and
shared with her friends and day, and every class is re- The difference now is resources. There’s a pepper Twitter: @sonali_kohli Twitter: @LATVives
relatives and reported the
extortion to her father, then
to the Sheriff ’s Department.
Meyer said detectives

Judge OKs release of antiabortion video

with the SAFE Team were
able to track down the sus-
pect and served a search
warrant at his home in the
8300 block of Rosemead
“The suspect’s comput- vacy in the restaurant.
ers and social media sites By Stephen Ceasar “We’re pleased with the
were searched, and the sus- ruling. The court recognized
pect was identified as Cesar A Los Angeles County that trying to stop the re-
Estrada,” Meyer said. “The judge has ruled that an anti- lease of the video would be
SAFE Team detectives dis- abortion group that secretly an unconstitutional prior re-
covered over 26,000 pages of recorded videos of abortion straint of speech,” he said.
conversations and texts be- providers and others had a After the ruling, the Cen-
tween Mr. Estrada and girls 1st Amendment right to ter for Medical Progress re-
in multiple states, making make at least one of the re- leased a transcript that in-
similar threats.” cordings public. cludes what the group says
Meyer said that at least 21 Superior Court Judge Jo- are excerpts of the recorded
girls ages 12 to 17 have been anne O’Donnell removed a conversation along with a
identified as victims. temporary restraining order trailer with portions of the
Much like the first victim, that had been imposed in video.
the girls told investigators state court in L.A. that pre- The group, which said it
that they had met Estrada vented the release of one vid- planned to make the entire
through social media sites eo taken by the Center for video public, said the video
and had been enticed to Medical Progress. showed that a StemExpress
send nude photos and vide- In that case, StemEx- executive admitted receiv-
os of themselves performing press, a Placerville, Calif., ing fully intact fetuses from
sex acts. company that provides fetal Planned Parenthood.
Glenn Koenig Los Angeles Times
Ultimately, investigators tissue to researchers, had In a statement, StemEx-
“traveled throughout the asked the court to block the THE CENTER for Medical Progress created a recent stir by releasing secretly press described the video as
United States to interview release of video recorded by recorded videos of Planned Parenthood officials. Above, a July protest in Orange. “heavily edited, highly de-
the teenage victims, includ- the group at a May meeting ceptive” and insisted it had
ing Colorado, Florida, Mich- of company executives in an a prior restraint and stop the footage the antiabortion vacy grounds, but disagreed never asked for, received or
igan, Nevada, Texas, Utah El Dorado Hills restaurant. antiabortion group from group has said it gathered that blocking the video was provided a researcher with
and Washington,” Meyer O’Donnell ruled last publishing the video. during a 21⁄2-year infiltration inappropriate. an “intact fetus.”
said in the statement. “Addi- week that StemExpress had The Center for Medical into the world of abortion “StemExpress will con- The firm said the conver-
tional victims were found shown that the firm had a Progress set off a political providers. tinue to pursue its claims for sation in the video was about
in Los Angeles County and good chance of prevailing in firestorm recently by re- A federal court judge had damages and to hold de- “intact livers,” which it said
Orange County, and in cities court on an invasion-of-pri- leasing secretly recorded issued a restraining order fendants accountable for “are among the most ur-
of San Francisco and Visa- vacy claim against the videos that, antiabortion ac- preventing the release of vid- their illegal conduct,” the gently needed of medical tis-
lia.” group. California law pro- tivists say, show Planned eos made by the same group. statement said. sues by scientists and medi-
Estrada remains in cus- hibits the unauthorized re- Parenthood officials dis- In a statement after Fri- Charles LiMandri, an at- cal researchers working to
tody on $3-million bail. cording of confidential con- cussing the sale of tissue day’s ruling in Los Angeles, torney for the Center for cure cancer, diabetes and
versations. from aborted fetuses for re- StemExpress said it was Medical Progress, said the Alzheimer’s disease.”
ruben.vives Nevertheless, the judge search. pleased that the judge noted recording will prove that ruled, the court did not have Those recordings are a that the company was likely StemExpress executives stephen.ceasar
Twitter: @LATVives the legal authority to impose fraction of the undercover to succeed in court on pri- had no expectation of pri-
B4 M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

Long wait for a new start Brown is
The U.S. offers refuge
to Afghan and Iraqi
on 2016
interpreters, but the
visa process can be
difficult to navigate.
By Jeanette Steele By Chris Megerian

His name is “Jack.” SACRAMENTO — Gov.

In Afghanistan, he grew Jerry Brown talked presi-
up tending cows and a goat dential politics on NBC’s
on family land far from the “Meet the Press” on Sunday,
provincial capital of Kanda- sounding off on Vermont
har. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ candi-
Jack learned English so dacy, Hillary Rodham Clin-
that he could work with U.S. ton’s emails and the odds
troops “because they are that Vice President Joe Bid-
helping us,” he recently said en will enter the race.
via email. The governor, who has
On Thursday, he arrived run for president as an out-
in San Diego to start his new sider himself, said Sanders
life as a refugee. is “running as the critic of
The 23-year-old Afghan the status quo.” Given the
native is one of nearly 30,000 federal government’s low ap-
foreign nationals who since proval ratings, Brown said,
2007 have successfully par- “that means there’s always
layed working for the United an opening for the critic, for
States in Iraq or Afghani- the outsider. And that’s cer-
stan into a new American ex- tainly what Sanders is do-
istence. ing.”
But it hasn’t been an easy Brown said in extra foot-
or certain road. age posted online that Don-
Howard Lipin San Diego Union-Tribune
The special visa program ald Trump, the real estate
for this group of immigrants, “JOHNNY WALKER,” left, a former interpreter who got his nickname from U.S. Navy SEALs in Iraq, is magnate seeking the Re-
70% of whom worked as helping “Jack,” who served as an interpreter for troops in Afghanistan, adapt to life in the United States. publican nomination, is
translators and interpreters “also one of these outsider
for U.S. troops, has been
criticized as being too cum-
bersome and taking too long
being able to pass a security
In the following years,
‘I could not have done mated.
In general, refugees — Af-
ghan and Iraqi interpreters
The governor
Trump once gave him a ride

to bring over qualified appli-

Congress increased the
number of visas available,
my job without him.... I fall into this category — re-
ceive a modest financial wel-
on his jet; Brown remem-
bered admiring a Renoir
Although American sol-
diers are largely gone from
Iraq and Afghanistan, many
but critics said the applica-
tion process was unneces-
sarily difficult and often re-
wanted to make sure we come from the U.S. govern-
In San Diego, they can re-
painting hanging in the
plane’s cabin.
“If I had $10 billion, I’d
of the locals who stood with
them are still there — and in
sulted in paperwork bottle-
took care of him and got ceive a $1,125 initial stipend
to get settled, according to
probably be a lot more confi-
dent of myself than I am,”
danger, advocates say.
Matt Zeller was a 26-year-
old Army first lieutenant
In response to media
scrutiny and lobbying by ad-
vocates including Zeller,
him to safety.’ people familiar with the
process. Afterward, single
adults and couples without
Brown said. “So maybe his
money breeds a certain
amount of confidence that
when his interpreter, Janis Congress has further in- — R OBIN K IMMELMAN , children are eligible for up to bleeds over into disdain and
Shinwari, saved his life in Af- creased the number of visas, former U.S. legal advisor to the Afghan National Army, eight months of cash assist- the kind of performance that
ghanistan in 2008. and the State Department on helping her interpreter, Jack, get his visa ance, food stamps and Medi- he’s rendering.”
“Janis literally shot and has streamlined the process Cal coverage. The cash ben- In the pre-taped inter-
killed two Taliban fighters somewhat — although the got him to safety.” Walker.”) efit is $350 for singles and view, which NBC released a
who were about to kill me. average processing time for Jack is No One Left Be- After the war ended, he $569 for couples. portion of Friday, Brown
After that, I made him the an Afghan application is still hind’s first transplant to San wanted to remain in Iraq Families with children said the controversy over
solemn promise if I could 13 months. Diego County. Zeller said the and continue fighting for his can get more assistance over Clinton’s emails was “almost
ever repay that debt, I Security clearances are group hopes to create a hub country. But it meant his a longer period. like a vampire” and that the
would,” said Zeller, a former the biggest roadblock. Al- in this region because of its family would stay on the run No One Left Behind of- presidential candidate
Army intelligence officer though interpreters have in large population of post-9/11 and in danger. fers its recipients more, in- needs to “find a stake and
and one-time congressional theory already proved their veterans. “I thought, ‘If I’m leaving cluding home furnishings put it right through the
candidate. allegiance, vigilance re- A 51-year-old Iraqi immi- Iraq, who will stay in Iraq and three months of living heart.”
It took three years for mains high. grant who goes by “Johnny and fight for Iraqi free- expenses. “I have a hard time figur-
Shinwari to get his visa. And The situation was not Walker” already knows the dom?’ ” he said in a recent Zeller said he has seen ing out why is it such a big
when the interpreter and his helped by the 2011 arrest of road that Jack faces. interview. former interpreters obtain deal,” he said. “But it is. And
family finally landed at two Iraqi refugees in the U.S. When you arrive at The situation became work as landscapers, car she’ll have to use her best
Washington’s Reagan Na- on charges of terrorism. Walker’s small house in east- unbearable when he trav- salesmen, gas station at- imagination and adroitness
tional Airport in 2013, they Then an Iraqi immigrant ern San Diego County, eled from Baghdad to Mosul tendants and retail clerks. If to deal with it.”
were entering an iPhone cul- who may have served as an there’s a U.S. flag hanging to visit his family. they can get a vehicle, they Brown declined to pre-
ture while hailing from a interpreter was arrested in out front, accompanied by a “When I had a vacation, may use a pizza delivery job dict whether Clinton would
country where many don’t Texas last May on suspicion Navy SEAL banner. don’t think I was taking my to finance a nicer car and be the Democratic nominee,
have email access. of lying to the FBI about Walker, wearing dark family to Disneyland or then work as a driver for citing the “vagaries of poli-
After that, Zeller and swearing allegiance to the sunglasses and drinking a Vegas — no.” Walker said. “I ride-sharing services such tics.”
Shinwari decided to help militant group Islamic Coors Light, is a tall man would just stay in my room as Uber and Lyft. “I don’t make these ex-
others navigate the system. State, according to news re- with military-cropped hair. and stand by with my AK-47 After Jack settles in, he pectations,” he said. “I think
In late 2013, they formed ports. On his patio are the sign- or grenade. If somebody at- says, he wants to join the she’s a good person. She’s
the charity No One Left Be- But people who have posts of his distinctive his- tacked my house, I can pro- U.S. military. got a lot of experience.”
hind. The group has assisted worked with interpreters see tory: There’s a hookah pipe tect my family. It was kind of On Friday, he was still The governor hedged
500 former interpreters and them as brothers in arms. for smoking pungent Middle torturing, and I have no op- getting used to his new when asked whether Biden
their families with resettle- Robin Kimmelman was a Eastern tobacco and a shiny tion.” American home. should make a bid for the
ment. U.S. legal advisor to the Af- American barbecue grill. In the United States, the “I was thinking I was presidency.
Zeller said the need for ghan National Army from A native of Mosul, Iraq, first thing he did was go to dreaming. It’s like watching “All I can say is, if I were
the charity’s support is high. 2012 to 2014. Jack was her in- he arrived in the United Target to buy an American- a movie,” he said about his Hillary, I would say, ‘Don’t
More than 14,000 people are terpreter. States in 2009 after working style shirt. first impressions of South- jump in,’ ” Brown said. “If I
competing for the 2,500 spe- “I could not have done my as an interpreter for Navy Walker was lucky. His ern California. “I feel very were Joe Biden, I’d probably
cial visas still available to Af- job without him, and he defi- SEALs, who gave him his Navy SEAL buddies stood safe. Even last night, I slept give it very serious consider-
ghan interpreters, he said. nitely kept me safe while I nickname. by him, securing him an on- very well.” ation.”
In 2006, Congress first was there,” said Kimmel- He claims to have per- base job and a hand-me- “Meet the Press” host
acted to approve special man, who helped the Afghan formed as many as 1,000 mis- down car. jeanette.steele Chuck Todd introduced
visas for Afghans and Iraqis man wade through the visa sions during five years as a The Iraqi will now try to the governor as someone
who helped the United process for more than two SEAL interpreter. (You can do the same for Jack, who Jeanette Steele writes for who “knows a thing or two
States. The criteria required years. “I wanted to make read about it in his 2014 biog- will stay with Walker and his the San Diego about running for president
at least a year of service and sure we took care of him and raphy, “Code Name: Johnny family until he gets accli- Union-Tribune. himself.” Brown has run
three times, most recently
in 1992, when he faced off
with Bill Clinton in the pri-

2 schools closed for asbestos will reopen

Brown said — again —
that he wasn’t going to seek
the White House next year,
calling his current job “com-
pletely absorbing and chal-
more than 1,600 students in plans for the campus, Han- “I’ve got a lot to do in Cali-
Upgrades to third all — were bused to eight sen wrote. fornia,” he said. “We have got
other schools in four dis- Asbestos abatement has fires that are burning, we
Huntington Beach tricts after the three cam- been completed at Lake have this budget still to be
campus will keep it puses were closed in early View, and a $1.22-million con- kept in check.”
October. tract with American Tech- Brown also responded to
closed for the year. Many students returned nologies to upgrade the criticism of drought policies
to Oak View and Hope View campus was approved in from Carly Fiorina, the for-
By Anthony Clark this year and were placed in March, district officials said. mer business executive who
Carpio portable classrooms on Busing students from the ran unsuccessfully for U.S.
campus. closed schools last year cost senator in California and is
Hope View and Oak View District officials said con- the district up to $50,000 a now running for president as
elementary schools, two of struction at Hope View has week, and the asbestos and a Republican.
the three Ocean View School been completed and that the modernization work has “I’ve never heard of such
District campuses that were school buildings will be cost millions. Ocean View of- utter ignorance,” Brown
closed last year because of ready for students and facul- ficials said in March that the said. “Building a dam won’t
asbestos concerns, will wel- ty for the new school year. district was facing a project- do a damn thing about
Kevin Chang HB Independent
come all their students back The campus will be open to ed $15.8-million budget fires or climate change or
at the start of the new school parents and students for MODERNIZATION upgrades and asbestos abate- shortfall through the 2016-17 the absence of moisture
year Sept. 9. tours a week before the first ment have been completed at Hope View Elementary. school year. in the ground and vegeta-
Lake View Elementary, day of school, district Officials did not provide tion.”
however, will remain closed spokeswoman Julie Jen- fied School District to help uary 2016.” updated cost figures last He added that Republi-
for the entire school year, the nings said. accommodate all the return- During a board meeting week. cans “better do eighth-grade
district says. In March, the district ap- ing students. last week, district trustees Parents have criticized science before they make
Construction crews have proved a $1.35-million con- “Once abatement is com- approved a $1.84-million the district over its handling any more utterances.”
been working since last fall tract with American Tech- pleted and the construction contract with several sub- of the modernization project “That’s a lot of insults,”
to remove small amounts of nologies Inc. to complete the approved, work can begin on contractors to perform up- and said they were not noti- Fiorina said in response, re-
asbestos, a potentially haz- work at Hope View, officials the modernization of the grades at Oak View. fied of the asbestos until iterating that more reser-
ardous mineral fiber, that said. At Oak View, the asbes- Oak View buildings,” district Students from the closed trustee John Briscoe voirs would help California
were found at the three Hun- tos abatement and modern- Supt. Carol Hansen wrote in Lake View Elementary will learned in September that fight wildfires and with-
tington Beach schools dur- ization upgrades in the an email last week. “If the attend Ocean View’s West- the material was being re- stand the drought.
ing a modernization project school buildings are not fin- work goes as planned, we are mont Elementary School in moved from schools.
involving 11 district schools. ished, so the district is bring- anticipating that the con- Westminster for the 2015-16 chris.megerian
Students from Hope View, ing in10 portable classrooms struction at Oak View will be school year as district offi- anthonyclark.carpio
Oak View and Lake View — from the Los Alamitos Uni- completed sometime in Jan- cials review modernization Twitter: @chrismegerian
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 B5

Action on ‘right
to die’ bill is fair
[Skelton, from B1] reserves last year to ap-
He wanted to focus the pease the teachers union
lawmakers’ attention on and free up more money for
healthcare financing. And in collective bargaining.
a special session, legislating At least the “right to die”
can be expedited. But more bill will need to undergo four
important for “right to die” more public committee
sponsors, committee line- hearings to pass. There
ups are shuffled. already have been four.
The sponsors inserted That’s what I call, to answer
their proposal into the the governor, “careful con-
special session after check- sideration.”
ing with legislative parlia- “We do a lot of things at
mentarians to make sure the end of a session that
the move was legal. some may claim don’t get
So now the Health Com- enough sunlight, but this
mittee for the special ses- one is going to get a lot of
sion excludes five Demo- sunlight,” says Sen. Lois
crats who had not sup- Wolk (D-Davis), one of the
ported the bill in the regular principal sponsors.
session. And it looks like Another chief sponsor,
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
clear sailing to the Assem- Assemblywoman Susan
bly floor. Eggman (D-Stockton), TEACHING Assistant Jonathan Poldberg listens as a bass drum player auditions for the USC marching band
“Heavy-handed,” “run- asserts: “If it’s inconvenient this month. The band accepts students with no musical experience, but those not good enough will lug props.

Snaring a spot on drum line

ning roughshod” and “clear- for the governor right now,
ly abusive,” charged Califor- well, you know, people are
nians Against Assisted dying without options, and
Suicide, a coalition of Cath- they don’t have another
olic, disability and oncolo- year to waste.”
gist groups. A special session bill
Some disability activists generally becomes law 90
fear the bill could be used by days after adjournment. In [Marching band, from B1] a senior who plays the quad until you get in the room and brial was assigned one of six
family members and insur- this case, the effective date willing to learn and don’t drums. you’re playing all by yourself. snare spots to see if he fit in.
ance companies to get rid of probably would be in mid- mind lugging props instead But being in the band And then you start to hear He and the other potential
burdensome and costly December. If the Legisla- of playing if they are deemed also has its perks. all the things you should’ve new members were shown
patients. ture didn’t pass the bill until not good enough to march Select members travel to practiced more,” said Jessie the USC Trojan Marching
Brown hasn’t taken a next year in regular session, on Saturdays. all away games, and the en- Jimenez, a junior from Dela- Band way to stand at atten-
position on the measure. it wouldn’t take effect until “We try and find a place tire band goes when the Tro- no, Calif., who said that dur- tion, march and hold drum-
But, through a spokeswom- Jan. 1, 2017. for everyone,” said Arthur C. jans play Notre Dame in ing his audition, he hit the sticks.
There’s a group poised to Bartner, who is going into South Bend, Ind., every side of the drum a few times “Don’t flex or squeeze
sponsor a 2016 ballot initia- his 46th season as band di- other year. The band has instead of the center. them,” one instructor said.
‘We do a lot of tive if the legislation fails.
“If I were the Catholic
The only exception is the
traveled to Shanghai, Berlin
and Amsterdam, and has its
Jimenez got a spot on
cymbals as a freshman but
When the group reassem-
bled after lunch, Ghabrial
things at the end of a Church I’d back off right drum line. own full-time travel coordi- recently was assigned a bass was still on snare.
session that some now,” says Sen. Bill Mon-
ning (D-Carmel), a major
“You can get away with it
in other places, but you can’t
nator as well as two student
managers who help with lo-
Ghabrial waited ner-
“Congratulations, fresh-
men. I’m glad you made the
may claim don’t get co-author. He notes that an hide a bad drummer,” gistics. vously outside the audition line,” Bartner said.
enough sunlight, but initiative might not include
all the protections for Cath-
Bartner said. “That’s the
pulse of a band. If that isn’t
The adrenaline of per-
forming is almost addictive,
room until his name was
called. He had his sights set
Ghabrial reacted as if he
wasn’t sure what he’d just
this one is going to olic hospitals. tight, your band can’t be many say. on a snare drum position. heard. Then Carpenter
Monning adds: “Our goal tight.” Nwajei used to play in When it was his turn, he stepped to the front. “Heels
get a lot of sunlight.’ is not to change church On game days, nearly 250 front of 250 people at his banged out the notes flaw- together. Sticks up and out,”
doctrine [but] religious students decked out in car- Houston high school. When lessly. His audience barely he said, surveying the musi-
— Sen. Lois Wolk freedom doesn’t mean you dinal and gold band uni- he was about to march onto reacted. cians.
(D-Davis) can force others to live by forms perform the school’s the field at the Los Angeles But when Ghabrial left “OK,” he said. “Go ahead
your beliefs.” fight song after each touch- Memorial Coliseum for his the room, Carpenter and the and play the first note.”
The church isn’t likely to down and execute intricate first USC home game, he others turned to one anoth- Ghabrial hit his drum
an, he criticized the legisla- back off. choreography while playing said, there was an ESPN er. “He was good, right?” with his right stick and
tive corner-cutting. Speaking to a Pro-Life pop hits during halftime. camera right in his face. someone asked, and Car- smiled slightly.
“This important issue Leadership Conference Combined, the practices “That’s when I realized penter started to laugh. “Oh,
merits careful consider- recently, Los Angeles Arch- and performances, which I’m not in high school any- yeah. He’s real good.”
ation,” said Deputy Press bishop Jose H. Gomez have included Super Bowls more,” Nwajei said. “It was The next morning, Gha- Twitter: @byjsong
Secretary Deborah Hoff- hailed the church’s “tempo- and recording “Tusk” with scary, but it was awesome.”
man. “The process already rary victory” over the bill Fleetwood Mac, can be a The band’s camaraderie
well underway with the but warned of an ongoing grueling experience. can be a draw as well.
two-year bill … is more ap- fight. “We need to acknowl- Band members can get Natasha Fernando
propriate than the special
The governor, I suspect,
edge,” he said, “that the
evils of abortion and eutha-
nasia exist … in a culture
one academic credit for the
minimum of about 10 hours
they put in each week during
played for her high school
band but didn’t try out when
she got to USC last year.
Wheels For
just wants to keep the Legis- that has become totally the fall. Until recently, a vol- When she saw her friends
lature focused on his agenda secularized and de-Chris- unteer chiropractor helped who were in the band, “They

and not distracted by some- tianized.” them deal with the strain always seemed to be having
one else’s. Well, here’s one Christian that carrying instruments so much fun,” she said.
But for Brown to criticize who believes that people takes on their bodies. So she auditioned this Benefiting
any legislative process should be allowed to die And at least three times a year, hoping for a spot
seems a bit self-righteous peacefully and painlessly week, during long practices, playing bass drum. “I just
and hypocritical. In the
past, out of public view, he
while following their own
Bartner watches over them
from a platform, loudly cor-
missed it,” she said. Still, she
has a spot in the band —
has orchestrated several
midnight, backroom, cor-
And legislators should be
— and are — free to set their
recting the slightest mis-
playing cymbals.
Drum line tryouts are
Greater Los Angeles
ner-cutting deals. own rules for sausage-mak- “Practice is more nerve- judged by Tad Carpenter,
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SummonS Date: (Fecha) MAY 22, 2015 Citation JudiCial Leadperson responsible for the overall direction and operation of
Citation JudiCial DAVID H. YAMASAKI Clerk Case number (numero del Caso): SC124149 assigned press and crew members. Responsible for the efficient
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AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Petition for Dissolution of Marriage THE AROUSED PROJECT, LLC; DEBORAH ANDERSON; instruct, direct and work with crew members in the press operation
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Nicole Whyte, CFLS, SBN 156503; Marietta E. Raqueno, SBN 292978 Requirements: 3+ years experience as a Press Operator, leadership
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20320 S.W. Birch Street, Second Floor, Newport Beach, CA, 92660
Teresa Vargas-Machuca Gavidia Telephone No: (949) 221-1000 TV HOLDINGS, LLC

NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide Email Address:
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NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide Pressperson
against you without your being heard unless you against you without your being heard unless you Performs all duties required to operate the web presses which
respond within 30 days. Read the information below. Superior Court of California, County of Orange respond within 30 days. Read the information below.
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response at this court and have a copy served on the Branch Name: Lamoreaux Justice Center response at this court and have a copy served on the directed by the Operator. Requirements: 4+ years experience as
plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Marriage of Petitioner: Teresa Vargas-Machuca Gavidia plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you.
Your written response must be in proper legal form if Your written response must be in proper legal form if a Pressperson; ability to lift up to 75 lbs and stand up to 8 hours;
Respondent: Orlando M. Chiok
you want the court to hear your case. There may be Petition For-Dissolution of Marriage you want the court to hear your case. There may be ability to bend, squat and twist frequently; mechanical aptitude and
a court form that you can use for your response. You Filed Superior Court of California, County of a court form that you can use for your response. You printing experience; excellent communication skills.
can find these court forms and more information at Orange, Lamoreaux Justice Center, December can find these court forms and more information at
the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www., your county law library, or 12,2013, your county law library, or
the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fil- Alan Carlson, Clerk of the Court the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the fil- Print Facility Mechanic
ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you By: T. Sanchaz, Deputy ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you Performs all related maintenance functions for the Los Angeles
do not file your response on time, you may lose the Case Number: 13DO11138 do not file your response on time, you may lose the Times pressroom to achieve optimum effectiveness of all production
case by default, and your wages, money, and property 1. Residence(Dissolution only) Petitioner has been a resident of this state case by default, and your wages, money, and property
machinery. The Maintenance Mechanic utilizes his/her skills to
may be taken without further warning from the court. for at least six months and of this county for at least three months may be taken without further warning from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You may immediately preceding the filing of this Petition for Dissolution of There are other legal requirements. You may provide proactive immediate maintenance to high-speed production
want to call an attorney right away. If you do not marriage. want to call an attorney right away. If you do not line equipment, to ensure safe and efficient operation of equipment
know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney 2. Statistical Facts know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney and production of quality products which meet customer and
referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you a. Date of marriage: August 28, 1971 referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you
may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit division requirements. Requirements: 5+ years of relevant work
legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit b. Date of Separation: October 1, 1976 legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit experience in an industrial repair and maintenance department
groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www. c. Time from date of marriage to date of separation (specify): groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www.
3. Declaration regarding minor children (include children of this of a large-scale printing operation; Journey level knowledge and, the California Courts Online, the California Courts Online
Self-Help Center (, or relationship born prior to or during the marriage or adopted during the Self-Help Center (, or demonstrated proficiency with general machine shop practices;
by contacting your local court or county bar associa- marriage) by contacting your local court or county bar associa- Experience and knowledge in the installation and replacement of
tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived a. There are no minor children tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived complex mechanical parts and assemblies and demonstrated safe
fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award 4. Separate Property fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award
of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must Petitioner requests that the assets and debts listed below be confirmed of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must work practices. The set-up and operation of moderate to complex
be paid before the court will dismiss the case. as separate property. be paid before the court will dismiss the case. jobs on machine tools such as lathes, mills, grinders, welding and
іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde Item іAVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde fabrication, sheet metal fabrication, and the proper use of all hand
dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su The exact nature and extent of separate property assets and debts are dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su
contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a and power assisted tools; Thorough knowledge and ability to utilize
continuacion. unknown to Petitioner at this time. Petitioner shall seek leave to amend continuacion. all relevant tools and test equipment; Knowledge and experience
Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que the Petition upon fully ascertaining the same and/or will identify the Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que
same according to Petitioner’s Preliminary/Final Declaration of Disclosure needed to identify and resolve problems safely during production
le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para
presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y and/or will identify the same according to proof at the time of trial. presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y runs in all major areas of operations including platemaking,
hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una Marriage of In re: Marriage of Vargas-Machuca Gavidia and Chiok, Case hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una pressroom and post press. Ability to troubleshoot and resolve
carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su Number: 13D011138 carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su problems with central plant functions under production conditions.
respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal 5. Declaration regarding community and quasi-community assets and respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal
correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es debts as currently known correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es
posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar
para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios
a. There are no such assets or debts subject to disposition by the court in
this proceeding. para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios Print Facility Electrician
de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda 6. Petitioner requests de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda Serving as a technician for the Los Angeles Times pressroom,
de las Cortes de California (, en a. Dissolution of the marriage based on
de las Cortes de California (, en responsible for electrical and electronic maintenance of the
la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte
que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota 1. Irreconcilable differences. que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota production equipment in accordance with national and city electrical
de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le 7. N/A de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le codes to ensure maximum availability of this equipment to the users.
de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si 8. Child Support-If there are minor children born to or adopted by the de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si Requirements: 4+ years of relevant work experience in an industrial
no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el Petitioner and Respondent before or during this marriage, the court will no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el
caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su make orders for the support of the children upon request and submission caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su repair and maintenance department of a large-scale printing
sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. of financial forms by the requesting party. An earnings assignment may sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. operation; Journey-level knowledge and demonstrated proficiency
be issued without further notice. Any party required to pay support must with AC/DC electrical systems, AC/DC/Digital electronics systems,
The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y pay interest on overdue amounts at the “legal” rate, which is currently 10 The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y
direccion de la corte es): direccion de la corte es): control systems, communications systems, power distribution
Superior Court of the State of California 9. I have read the restraining orders on the back of the summons, and I Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles systems, ladder logic, and motor control; Thorough knowledge and
341 The City Drive, P.O. Box 14169 understand that they apply to me when this petition is filed. 1725 Main Street ability to utilize all relevant test equipment; In-depth knowledge
Orange , California 92868 Santa Monica, California 90401
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California required for resolving problems during production runs of all
The name, address, and telephone number of that the foregoing is true and correct. The name, address, and telephone number of major areas of operations including platemaking, pressroom and
plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an at- Signed Teressa Vargas-Machuca Gavidia plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an at- packaging. Also requires the ability to troubleshoot and resolve
torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero Date: December, 2013 torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero
de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del Signed Nicole Whyte, CFLS, SBN 156503 de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del problems with central plant functions under production conditions.
demandante que no tiene abogado, es): NOTICE: Dissolution or legal separation may automatically cancel the demandante que no tiene abogado, es):
Nicole Whyte rights of a spouse under the other spouse’s will, trust retirement plan, Michael B. Garfinkel (SBN 156010) PERKINS COIE LLP • Great Benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, Credit Union,
20320 S.W. Birch Street power of attorney, pay on death bank account, survivorship rights to any 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1700
Newport Beach , California 92660 Los Angeles, California 90067 Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays and more!)
property owned in joint tenancy, and any other similar thing. It does not
949-221-1000 automatically cancel the right of a spouse as beneficiary of the other 310-788-9900 • Growth Opportunities
spouse’s life insurance policy. You should review these matters, as well • Great Environment
Date: (Fecha) December 12, 2013 Date: (Fecha) May 8, 2015
as any credit cards, other credit accounts, insurance policies, retirement
Alan Carlson Clerk plans, and credit reports to determine whether they should be changed Sherri R. Carter Clerk Apply at: or send
(Secretario) or whether you should take any other actions. However, some changes (Secretario) resume to (No Phone Calls Please)
T. Sanchez Deputy may require the agreement of your spouse or a court order (See Family Darnetta Smith Deputy
(Adjunto) Code sections 231-235). (Adjunto)
L AT I M ES . C O M M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 B7

TONY GLE ATON, 1948 - 2 015

Photographed black life in West

survivor, “and he said, ‘OK,
By Elaine Woo I’m not interested in that

anymore.’ ”
n the late 1970s Tony His first major project
Gleaton was immersed was a series of portraits shot
in the glossy world of in Texas, Colorado, Nevada,
New York fashion pho- Idaho and Kansas that drew
tography, aspiring to attention to the contribu-
craft images for major maga- tions of nonwhite cowboys.
zines. “I used to live and die He organized an exhibition,
between the pages of British “Cowboys: Reconstructing
Vogue,” he once recalled an American Myth,” that
with chagrin. traveled to galleries in sev-
But around 1980, he eral Southwestern states.
pitched his glamorous ca- When he went to Mexico,
reer and hit the road, begin- he was discomfited by the re-
ning an odyssey that ex- actions of black Mexicans,
posed him to a different con- who laughed at him for call-
ception of beauty and what ing himself black. “They look
it meant to be black. at my skin and hair and eyes,
First he hitchhiked and they treat me as if I’m
through the West, photo- mildly crazed,” he told the
graphing African American Los Angeles Times in 1991.
rodeo riders and Native But he won their trust,
American ranch hands. which is evident in the por-
Then, after hearing about a traits he took. Most of his
century-old enclave of subjects — farmers and fish-
blacks not far from Aca- ermen, grandmothers and
pulco, Mexico, he headed children — are looking di-
south of the border, shock- rectly into the camera with
ing people when he — a light- an ease and openness that
skinned African American grab the eye.
with green eyes — said he “He often said the pic-
was looking for “blacks like tures were not just about
me.” discovering the African
In villages scattered presence in the Americas
along Mexico’s coasts, he but understanding who he
found them — descendants Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times was,” said Miriam Jimenez
of African slaves brought to ‘AN AFRICAN AMERICAN SHREK … GRUFF BUT LOVABLE’ Roman, who curated the
Mexico by the Spanish — Tony Gleaton exhibits his photographs of present-day descendants of African slaves brought to Mexico 1991 exhibition “African
and took their pictures. in the 1500s by Spanish colonists at Loyola Marymount University in 2007. Presence in the Americas” at
His best-known images the Schomburg Center for
formed “Africa’s Legacy in Research in Black Culture in
Mexico,” a traveling Smith- black-and-white portraits not a high priority to the American history unfolded, He played football at Los New York. “Going to Latin
sonian exhibit that was were notable for their sub- burly ex-Marine who, friends such as the land tilled by Ne- Angeles High School before America, he realized that
shown in galleries around jects’ dead-on stares, died say, often gave away what he braska’s first black home- joining the Marines at 19 and race is a construction [that]
the country for a decade, Aug. 14 in Palo Alto from oral earned to support children’s steader and Charley’s Butte serving a tour in Vietnam. depended on the context in
starting in the early 1990s. cancer, his wife, Lisa, said. programs and the arts. in Inyo County, where a After completing his mili- which he moved.”
He later captured the faces He was 67. “He put all his money into black cowboy named Char- tary duty he entered UCLA, “I always wanted to do
of the African diaspora Six-foot-four and weigh- the photography,” said ley Tyler died defending his where he developed an inter- beauty pictures of black
across Latin America. ing more than 300 pounds, Bruce Talamon, a longtime white employers from a Pai- est in art and photography. folks,” Gleaton told The
“He was the first to bring Gleaton not only was physi- friend and Los Angeles pho- ute attack. Called “Manifest- He also studied at what is Times in 1991 when his work
to the public eye these living, cally imposing but also had a tographer who runs the ing Destiny,” the project was now Art Center College of was shown at the Watts
breathing communities,” cantankerous streak, quick Tony Gleaton Photographic featured in a recent issue of Design in Pasadena, before Towers Art Center.
said Deborah Lynn Mack, an to quash anyone’s attempt Trust. “His thing was about Boom: A Journal of Califor- moving to New York in 1977. “Whites have always had
associate director at the Na- to define him or his work too opening up a dialogue on nia. He began as a photogra- their Renoirs and their Ma-
tional Museum of African narrowly. race that maybe people Born in Detroit on Aug. 4, pher’s assistant and even- tisses.... What I do is make
American History and Cul- Married four times, he didn’t want to have.” 1948, he was the oldest son of tually had his work pub- my own culture look beauti-
ture in Washington. “They was once described by a col- During the last four Leo Gleaton, a police officer, lished in magazines such as ful, and in doing that I be-
weren’t exotica. They were league as “an African Ameri- years, Gleaton shifted his fo- and the former Geraldine Details. But he was “both- come more beautiful my-
like the cousins you didn’t can Shrek … gruff but lov- cus from portraits to places, Woodson, a teacher. They ered by the narrow defini- self.”
know you had.” able.” shooting evocative land- moved to Los Angeles when tion of what was beautiful,”
Gleaton, whose luminous A regular paycheck was scapes where African Gleaton was 10. said Lisa Gleaton, his sole

Schools fail to obituary notices

address trauma,
Place a paid Notice:
Search obituary notice archives:
Green, Gerald Sakuda, Fred akira

lawsuit alleges
January 10, 1932 - July 24, 2015 February 5, 1930 - August 13, 2015
Gerald Green passed away peacefully 85 years old, resident of Montebello,
at his Los Angeles home on Friday, July CA, passed away on Thursday, August
24, 2015, from complications arising 13th. Fred received his Doctor of
from emphysema. Pharmacy degree from USC in 1955
Born to the late Samuel and Rebecca and retired in 1993. He is survived
Green in Cape Town, South Africa, by his wife, Eiko, children Jeff, Caryn
[Compton, from B1] simply because they live in Green studied at the St. Martin’s Aizawa (Mark), Eddie (Linda); Kenny
sorted to sleeping on the roof an area of socioeconomic School of Art in London and arrived (Alice); grandchildren Emma, Andrew,
in the United States in 1970 where he Jason & Kyle, & many in-laws, nieces
of the high school, the law- disadvantage, he said. went on to produce feature films. His and nephews. A memorial service will
suit said. After he was found Huff said the school dis- producing credits include “Salvador,” be held at Rose Hills Memorial Park in
by school officials, they did trict does not dispute that (1986) directed by Oliver Stone Whittier on August 29th at 11am. The
and starring James Woods and Jim family requests flowers be omitted.
not offer him help, the law- each of the children in the Belushi, which was nominated for two
suit alleges. lawsuit has suffered trauma, Academy Awards. Green was honored
The boy said he often but that the plaintiffs have with an Independent Spirit Award
when “Salvador” won for Best Feature.
grew enraged, sometimes not demonstrated that any
He served as Executive Producer on Sawada, akio
believing a “demon” was in- of them now have a physical “Diamonds,” (1999) starring Kirk September 18, 1929 - August 2, 2015 Elaine Otter Leventhal
side him. or mental impairment as a Douglas, Lauren Bacall, and Dan Akio Sawada passed away on August
Another student, Kim- result, Huff said. Akroyd. 2, 2015 at the age of 85. He was born December 15, 1917 - August 15, 2015
Green’s other feature producing on September 18, 1929 in California,
berly Cervantes, 18, a senior “That’s what disability credits include “Man Friday,” (1975) had been a long time resident of Elaine Otter Leventhal, philanthropist and volunteer, died Saturday, August 15,
at Cesar Chavez Continua- means under the law,” he starring Peter O’Toole and Richard Gardena, and served proudly in the following a stroke. She was 97. Born in Chicago in 1917, Elaine Leventhal,
tion High School, stopped said. Roundtree; “The Far Side of Paradise,” United States Army for 24 years. Akio then Elaine Otter, had an unconventional upbringing. Until seventh grade, she
(1976) starring Peter O’Toole, Charlotte is survived by his beloved sons: Danny attended school only five months of the year. During the months of July through
attending classes for weeks Rosenbaum said that January, she traveled around the U.S. and Canada with her mother, visiting
Rampling, and Max Von Sydow; (Yoshimi) Sawada, Johnny (Ruth)
at a time after several trau- students who experience re- “Sunburn,” (1979) starring Farrah Sawada, David Sawada, grandchildren: historical sites and museums while her mother tutored her.
matic episodes, including peated violence and other Fawcett, Art Carney, and Charles Matthew Sawada, Jonathan Sawada, She moved to Los Angeles in 1929 at age 11. A dedicated Girl Scout, she
being told by teachers that trauma are not as easily Grodin; and “High Risk,” starring Rachel Sawada, David Sawada, was the first Golden Eaglet in Beverly Hills, and an excellent student. She went
Anthony Quinn, James Brolin, and Jennifer Sawada, Jason Sawada, and on to win a Los Angeles County speaking competition and was the graduation
her bisexuality was “wrong,” identified as students with James Coburn. siblings: Alex (Sachiko) Sawada and speaker at Beverly Hills High School. She worked her way through UCLA to
the suit says. other disabilities. Green is survived by his wife of 38 Ruiko Hanano. Service will be held on earn a bachelor’s degree in History in 1940. Jobs were scarce, so she enrolled
Mark Rosenbaum, an at- “If you see a child in a years, Patricia Green, and his children Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 11am at in secretarial training at the Wright MacMahon Secretarial School.
and grandchildren in Los Angeles, as Green hills Memorial Chapel in Rancho To prepare to teach a bookkeeping class at the secretarial school, she enrolled
torney with Public Counsel, wheelchair, you see immedi- in an advanced accounting course at UCLA. That is where she met her future
well as by his family in South Africa. Palos Verdes followed by interment.
the Los Angeles-based pro ately that you have to make A private memorial service will be husband, Kenneth, who was attending UCLA on the G.I. Bill. They married in
bono firm that filed the law- accommodations,” he said. held for friends and family. 1949.
suit along with Irell & Ma- “With these children, you The Leventhals were entrepreneurs who built their business, Kenneth
Leventhal & Co., from scratch, launching it out of a spare bedroom in their rented
nella LLP, urged the court to can’t physically tell unless Los Angeles apartment just days after their wedding. Elaine helped build the
force the district to immedi- you understand how trauma business during its first 10 years, working in the office and doing tax returns, until
ately provide training. operates in the brain.”
Share a the couple’s two sons were born. The venture grew from a home-based start-up
into a major firm specializing in real estate and complex reorganizations.
“These students cannot Rosenbaum said that In Memoriam
In 1964 she became a docent at the Los Angeles County Natural History
wait for deliberations,” he some students are stigma- Museum and in 1990 she joined the Board of Trustees. In 1995, she and Kenneth
Emiel N. Petrone
said. “They are being tized by school officials who To sign a guest book March 23, 1943 - August 23, 2004
endowed the USC School of Accounting and it was renamed The Elaine and
stopped at the schoolhouse resort to punitive disciplin- please go to Kenneth Leventhal School of Accounting. Eternal Love, M. In the 1960’s she became involved with the L. S. B. Leaky Foundation, founded
door. They come to school ary policies that further dis- by Louis and Mary Leaky. Later, when the members of the Foundation split,
not even knowing they suffer rupt their education. By pin- Elaine continued to support and volunteer for the Institute of Human Origins, an
from complex trauma but ning the students’ troubles offshoot of the Foundation. She has been a board member for over forty years
William J. Robertello, M.D. of Arizona State University’s Institute of Human Origins and was actively serving
then they are treated differ- on a lack of effort or interest,
in that capacity at the time of her death.
ently.... This is about equal school officials ignore the July 20, 1955 - August 14, 2015 A lifetime learner, after her sons were grown, Elaine enrolled in the USC
access to education.” debilitating effect that vio- Robertello - William J., M.D., age 60 of Clifton, Graduate School, earning a master’s degree in liberal arts in 1989. In recognition
Attorneys representing lence and other trauma has formerly of Los Angeles, CA and most recently of her many contributions to the university, Elaine Leventhal was awarded an
honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from USC in 2000. She also received
Compton Unified said the on a student’s ability to San Francisco, CA passed away on August 14,
the Grace Award from the Girl Scout Council of Los Angeles that year. Elaine
district already trains teach- learn. 2015. Born in Passaic, New Jersey, Dr. Robertello
was raised in Clifton. He earned a Bachelor’s stayed involved with USC, the Museum of Natural History, and the Institute of
ers in “trauma-sensitive “They are in desperate degree from Brandeis University before graduating Human Origins up to the time of her death.
practices” and that the law- straits in terms of having from the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Dr. A generous volunteer, she served as president of the Friends of the USC
Robertello did his residency at Memorial Sloan Libraries and this year was awarded the very first Ex Libris award for her decades
suit infringes on the discre- a meaningful education,” of service to the USC libraries. She also has been a board member of the USC
tion that district officials Rosenbaum said. “It is a dis- Kettering Hospital in New York City. Before retiring
in 2013, Dr. Robertello was affiliated with Valley Medical Faculty Women’s Association Research Fund, the USC Eye Institute,
have in training their own service to them to not recog- Radiotherapy Associates in Los Angeles, CA and and was a trustee of the International Student Center at UCLA.
Preceded in death by her husband, Elaine Leventhal is survived by her sons,
teachers and staff. nize their resilience.” private practice in Woodbury, New Jersey prior to
Robert and Ross, her daughter-in-law Mary Jo; and granddaughter, Emma.
In an interview, attorney The judge said he will that.
Dr. Robertello was predeceased by his Services will be held on Wednesday, August 26, at 10 AM, at Mount Sinai
David Huff said the district probably issue a ruling on parents, William J. Robertello in 2001 and Lena Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills. In lieu of flowers, consider a contribution to
responds to students who the motions in coming (nee Corona) Robertello on June 1, 2015. He is The Institute of Human Origins at ASU, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural
also predeceased by his birth mother, Lorraine History, or USC’s Leventhal School of Accounting.
have a disability and works weeks, and urged both sides
to provide accommodations to consider negotiating a Robertello (nee Van Dorn) in 1961. Bill was an avid
traveler and will be missed by many friends and
and services on an individu- settlement.

Honor a life
extended family members.
al basis. He is survived by his brother, Raymond
The lawsuit could label stephen.ceasar Robertello and his partner, John-Michael Young of
all students at Compton Private services were coordinated by
Unified schools as disabled Twitter: @sjceasar To place an obituary ad please go to
Bizub Quinlan Funeral Home in New Jersey.
or call 1-800-234-4444
B8 M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Morning low clouds, then sunny: High pressure will continue to dominate the large-scale weather pattern Showers, thunderstorms move east: A cold front is pushing through
over Southern California. Low morning clouds along the coast will push inland to some locations the Great Lakes, leaving chilly winds in its wake and driving
before clearing out for sunshine. Temperatures will be slightly above average today and will rise showers and thunderstorms to the east. Meanwhile, seasonable air
through midweek. Afternoon thunderstorms will be seen in higher terrain. will filter into the Northwest as heat builds in the Rockies.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
Today 87/67 93/67 79/67 82/50 111/85 Anchorage
Clouds, then sun Lots of sun; warm Low clouds, then sun Mostly sunny Hot with sunshine 67/52
Tuesday Partly cloudy 88/66 Sunny 93/68 Partly sunny 81/67 Some sun 77/47 Some sun 104/83
Wednesday Partly cloudy 89/66 Sunny and hot 94/68 Partly cloudy 83/69 Partly sunny 76/47 Some sun 107/83
Thursday Partly cloudy 91/68 Partly cloudy 96/69 Partly cloudy 83/69 Sunny 79/47 Sunny 109/82
Friday Afternoon sun 91/67 Sunny 96/68 Turning sunny 85/68 Sunny 81/46 Sunny 110/84
Los Angeles Basin: after morning low clouds. sunshine. Low clouds will seasonable Tuesday.
Morning low clouds along Clear early tonight before return late tonight. Low desert: Sunny and
the coast and inland, clouds return. Local mountains: Mostly seasonably hot. Clear Seattle
clearing to afternoon sun. Ventura/Santa Barbara: sunny and warm. Mostly tonight. Sunny and slightly 75/52
Valleys/canyons: Afternoon Low clouds this morning, clear tonight. Afternoon cooler Tuesday. New York
sun following morning low slowly clearing to sunshine clouds and isolated San Francisco Bay Area: 86/72
clouds. Mostly clear by the afternoon. thunderstorms Tuesday. Low clouds slowly clearing Chicago
tonight; low clouds late. San Diego County: Low High desert: Sunny and to afternoon sunshine. Denver 73/54
Orange County: Sunshine clouds in the morning, warm. Clear skies tonight. Clear early tonight, then low 92/59
returning quickly inland slowly clearing to afternoon More sunshine and more clouds returning. Los Angeles Las Vegas
87/67 105/80
Houston Miami
Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available 92/78
South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality


BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 96/65 Hesperia
Santa Ojai 88/65 LOS ANGELES CO. 101/70
Barbara 91/66 Simi Valley
77/62 91/64 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 92/67
79/63 82/64
93/69 91/66
Yucca Valley
U.S. cities
UCLA Fairplex 97/71 High 119 in Death Valley, Calif.
Oxnard LA Downtown San Bernardino
Westlake 85/66 Ontario Low 23 in Wisdom, Mont.
76/64 Woodland 87/67 96/66 100/64
Village 99/69
Santa Barbara Co. Hills Whittier Sunday Today
88/62 Chino
95/66 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Height Period Direction Santa Monica Hills 99/65 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
1-2’ 12 sec SW 79/67 91/67 Fullerton 98/66 Albuquerque 86 69 Tr 88 66 Ts
Torrance 90/70 Amarillo 77 62 -- 85 63 Su
Ventura Co. 83/67 Santa Ana Anchorage 68 50 -- 67 52 Su
Height Period Direction Long 83/68 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm Atlanta 87 70 1.42 90 65 Pc
1-2’ 12 sec SW Beach Newport Irvine 98/68 Springs Atlantic City 81 67 -- 83 72 Pc
86/69 Beach 84/66 111/85 Austin 99 72 -- 99 72 Pc Taken at 3 p.m. Sunday
Los Angeles Co. Mission Viejo Baltimore 85 57 -- 88 65 Pc
80/68 Temecula Billings 79 40 -- 90 59 Su Spokane 84 52 -- 86 58 Hz
Height Period Direction Laguna 87/66 Birmingham 86 71 .64 88 62 Ts Springfield, Mo. 77 67 .44 77 53 Su
1-2’ 12 sec SW 93/65 Tallahassee 95 77 .54 95 75 Ts
Beach San Boise 90 58 -- 96 65 Hz
Boston 71 67 .02 78 67 Cy Tampa 94 80 Tr 92 78 Ts
80/67 Clemente
Surf and sea Orange Co. Brownsville 95 77 -- 92 76 Pc Tucson 102 73 -- 97 76 Ts
Height Period Direction 82/66 SAN DIEGO CO. Buffalo 80 57 -- 74 59 Pc Tulsa 81 68 .81 84 56 Su
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO 1-2’ 12 sec SW Oceanside Burlington, Vt. 84 60 -- 85 65 Ts Washington, D.C. 85 64 -- 91 71 Ts
Inner waters: Variable winds becoming 84/64 Casper 82 29 -- 89 50 Su Wichita 76 62 2.50 82 58 Su
southwest at 6-12 knots. Wind waves 1-2 Yuma 107 83 -- 108 87 Cy
feet, 2-foot west swell.
San Diego Co. Charleston, S.C. 90 73 Tr 87 74 Pc
Escondido Ramona Charleston, W.Va. 87 62 -- 81 56 Pc
Height Period Direction
87/65 93/64 Charlotte 85 71 1.21 92 68 Pc World
Surf zone: Potential for strong rip 1-2’ 15 sec SW Acapulco 93 77 -- 91 79 Ts
Chicago 77 66 Tr 73 54 W
currents is low, although rip currents Poway Amsterdam 79 63 .30 70 58 Ts
Cincinnati 86 61 -- 76 53 Su
are always possible. Cleveland 84 58 -- 75 55 Su Athens 88 73 -- 87 74 Su
Tides UV index Colo. Springs 74 53 -- 88 58 Pc Baghdad 115 85 -- 111 78 Su
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. Minutes to burn for Columbia, S.C. 90 74 .01 92 73 Pc Bangkok 93 81 -- 95 80 Ts
San Diego Barbados 88 80 .01 88 80 Pc
Today 6:59a 3.4 Hi 12:21a 1.0 Lo sensitive people Columbus 84 59 -- 76 54 Su
Station Time Wind Waves Temp 80/71 Concord, N.H. 78 61 Tr 84 63 Cy Beijing 74 69 .31 85 70 Cy
5:42p 5.2 Hi 11:10a 2.7 Lo Las Vegas, 25
Morro Bay 4p W4 1/12 64/74 Los Angeles, 25 Dallas/Ft.Worth 98 79 -- 97 75 Ts Berlin 77 55 .09 81 58 Cy
Santa Barbara 4p SW3 1/12 67/75 Tue. 7:39a 3.7 Hi 1:08a 0.5 Lo Phoenix, 25 Buenos Aires 54 48 -- 58 50 Su
Denver 80 43 -- 92 59 Pc
Ventura 4p W4 1/12 68/77 6:36p 5.7 Hi 12:18p 2.5 Lo San Francisco, 30 Des Moines 73 56 .47 75 52 Su Cabo San Lucas 91 77 .36 92 76 Ts
Cairo 93 79 -- 94 75 Su
Zuma Beach 4p SW3 1/12 70/75 Almanac Detroit
82 60 .47
61 55 .09
W Calgary 73 41 -- 78 51 Pc
Marina del Rey 4p SW4 1/12 72/75
Hermosa Beach 4p W4 1/12 72/76
Sunday Downtown readings Sun and moon El Paso 94 73 Tr 91 72 Cy Cancun 91 77 .04 89 75 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Eugene 88 52 -- 85 49 Hz Copenhagen 75 61 .14 72 63 Sh
Cabrillo Beach 4p SW4 1/12 71/78 Today’s rise/set Full Moon
High/low 83/66 87/66 76/63 Fairbanks 52 47 .04 58 46 Cy Dublin 57 55 1.32 62 45 Cy
Hunt’n. Beach 4p SW3 1/12 72/79 Los Angeles County August 29 Edinburgh 75 57 .26 65 50 Sh
High/low a year ago 85/66 84/67 74/64 Fargo 70 54 .06 71 45 Su
Newport Beach 4p SW3 1/12 72/79 Normal high/low for date 85/64 86/65 76/59 Sun 6:21a/7:30p Flagstaff 79 52 .01 79 52 Ts Frankfurt 81 61 .33 74 57 Ts
Dana Point 4p SW4 1/12 72/78 Record high/date 100/1968 94/2010 91/1972 Moon 3:18p/1:05a Last Quarter Grand Junction 91 56 -- 94 63 Ts Geneva 72 57 .26 68 50 Ts
San Clemente 4p SW4 1/12 74/79 Record low/date 54/1805 59/2002 51/1966 Sept. 5 Grand Rapids 76 59 .79 70 55 W Havana 91 73 .01 89 73 Pc
Orange County Ho Chi Minh City 93 79 .05 93 77 Ts
Oceanside 4p SW4 1/12 74/76 Precipitation Green Bay 68 62 .37 62 50 W
Sun 6:20a/7:28p New Moon Hartford 83 61 -- 85 67 Pc Hong Kong 94 83 .03 94 82 Pc
Solana Beach 4p SW4 1/12 75/79 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Moon 3:16p/1:04a Sept. 12 Helena 83 41 -- 92 54 Su Istanbul 79 72 .02 82 74 Pc
Mission Beach 4p SW4 1/12 75/77 Season total (since July 1) 0.38 0.48 0.28
Ventura County Honolulu 92 78 .97 89 76 Sh Jerusalem 89 67 -- 86 66 Su
Avalon 4p WSW4 1/12 72/79 Last season (July 1 to date) 0.04 0.10 0.02 Johannesburg 78 52 -- 78 53 Pc
Season norm (July 1 to date) 0.04 0.08 0.04 Sun 6:25a/7:34p First Quarter Houston 98 76 -- 98 75 Pc
Wind speed in knots; wave heights in feet/intervals in seconds;
Sept. 21 Indianapolis 84 65 Tr 76 53 Su Kabul 95 55 .06 82 57 Pc
temperatures for sea/air Humidity (high/low) 86/53 86/49 86/61 Moon 3:23p/1:09a Kingston 88 82 .05 90 79 Pc
Jacksonville, Fla. 92 73 1.66 92 73 Ts
Kansas City 77 62 Tr 78 54 Su London 70 64 .12 63 53 R
California cities Las Vegas 107 81 -- 105 80 Su Madrid 79 68 -- 80 57 Sh
Little Rock 90 70 .06 83 61 Pc Manila 83 78 .25 85 80 R
Sunday Today Tuesday Sunday Today Tuesday Sunday Today Tuesday Mecca 108 86 -- 111 77 Su
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Louisville 88 69 .05 80 58 Su
Medford 93 63 -- 94 59 Su Mexico City 75 55 .12 77 52 Ts
Anaheim 89 66 -- 90 66 90 65 Laguna Beach 78 69 -- 80 67 80 67 Sacramento 89 60 -- 94 59 95 62 Memphis 89 74 .10 84 61 Pc Montreal 81 61 -- 84 61 Ts
Avalon/Catalina 75 62 -- 79 66 80 67 Lancaster 100 67 -- 103 69 101 68 San Bernardino 96 65 -- 100 64 97 64 Miami 93 78 Tr 92 78 Pc Moscow 73 52 -- 66 43 Su
Bakersfield 98 69 -- 99 71 100 73 Long Beach 84 68 -- 86 69 87 69 San Clemente Pier 71 69 -- 82 66 83 67 Milwaukee 75 66 .02 70 54 W Mumbai 88 82 .05 88 79 Sh
Barstow 107 74 -- 107 78 99 74 Mammoth Lakes 84 39 -- 86 45 83 46 San Diego 79 70 -- 80 71 81 71 Minneapolis 70 57 .59 68 52 W New Delhi 95 81 .06 93 80 Ts
Beaumont 97 61 -- 96 68 92 65 Mission Viejo 89 65 -- 87 66 87 65 San Francisco 74 60 -- 72 58 73 58 Nashville 91 71 .02 82 57 Pc Oslo 75 46 -- 66 58 R
Big Bear Lake 81 49 -- 82 50 77 47 Monrovia 93 63 -- 91 66 90 66 San Gabriel 88 65 -- 94 67 94 68 New Orleans 94 77 -- 94 79 Ts Paris 73 63 .19 70 53 Sh
Bishop 98 56 -- 100 56 98 56 Monterey 71 61 -- 71 58 71 58 San Jose 77 60 -- 80 59 82 60 New York 85 70 -- 86 72 Pc Rio de Janeiro 81 66 -- 75 68 R
Burbank 92 66 -- 93 69 93 70 Mt. Wilson 90 65 -- 82 62 80 62 San Luis Obispo 78 62 -- 84 60 84 60 Oklahoma City 79 73 Tr 83 61 Pc Rome 81 63 -- 83 68 W
Camarillo 80 63 -- 82 64 83 64 Needles 111 87 -- 111 87 102 84 Santa Ana 80 67 -- 83 68 83 69 Omaha 73 55 -- 78 53 Su Seoul 86 67 -- 86 71 Sh
Chatsworth 92 64 -- 92 67 92 68 Newport Beach 77 69 -- 80 68 80 68 Santa Barbara 78 59 -- 77 62 79 62 Orlando 95 77 .04 93 76 Ts Stockholm 73 45 -- 76 59 Pc
Chino 96 63 -- 99 65 99 65 Northridge 95 63 -- 97 64 96 66 Santa Clarita 95 61 -- 96 65 95 64 Philadelphia 87 65 -- 89 71 Pc Sydney 64 57 .58 65 55 R
Dana Point 72 66 -- 79 68 80 68 Oakland 73 61 -- 73 58 74 59 Santa Monica Pier 75 67 -- 79 67 81 67 Phoenix 107 87 -- 107 87 Ts Taipei 85 79 .57 92 79 R
Death Valley 119 87 -- 113 81 104 74 Oceanside 79 70 -- 84 64 85 64 Santa Paula 86 59 -- 88 65 88 64 Pittsburgh 83 57 -- 79 55 Pc Tehran 93 73 -- 95 74 Su
Del Mar 72 69 -- 81 70 82 69 Ojai 91 57 -- 91 66 90 64 Santa Rosa 76 59 -- 82 53 84 54 Portland, Maine 70 64 .37 78 64 Cy Tokyo 85 79 .03 83 72 W
Escondido 87 67 -- 87 65 88 64 Ontario 96 64 -- 99 69 97 70 Simi Valley 86 60 -- 91 64 91 64 Portland, Ore. 88 57 -- 80 55 Hz Toronto 75 57 -- 75 55 Su
Eureka 64 56 Tr 64 52 65 51 Oxnard 76 63 -- 76 64 77 64 Tahoe Valley 84 42 -- 85 42 85 45 Providence 80 68 Tr 82 68 Cy Vancouver 72 54 -- 69 52 Pc
Fallbrook 85 66 -- 86 67 87 66 Palm Springs 107 80 -- 111 85 104 83 Temecula 93 63 -- 93 65 92 64 Pueblo 83 62 -- 95 61 Ts Vienna 73 57 -- 83 63 Pc
Fillmore xx 59 -- 92 63 92 64 Pasadena 92 65 -- 92 66 91 67 Thousand Oaks 80 61 -- 87 63 87 64 Raleigh 87 61 -- 90 69 Pc Winnipeg 59 55 .11 66 42 Su
Fresno 98 66 -- 100 68 101 71 Paso Robles 93 57 -- 98 60 97 60 Torrance 76 64 -- 83 67 84 69 Rapid City 74 38 -- 81 51 Su Zurich 73 50 .29 72 51 Ts
Fullerton 87 66 -- 90 70 90 70 Pomona/Fairplex 93 63 -- 96 66 95 66 UCLA 77 63 -- 85 66 85 66 Reno 95 60 -- 95 59 Su Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Hemet 97 60 -- 98 68 96 67 Poway 87 63 -- 85 68 86 67 Van Nuys 96 66 -- 96 68 96 69 Richmond 87 62 -- 90 69 Pc foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy
Hesperia 99 61 -- 101 70 96 68 Redding 96 63 -- 98 64 98 66 Ventura 76 63 -- 79 63 79 62 St. Louis 81 68 Tr 79 57 Su Sh showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow;
Huntington Beach 78 64 -- 80 68 81 69 Rialto 97 62 -- 98 68 97 69 Whittier Hills 89 63 -- 91 67 91 68 Salt Lake City 92 59 -- 98 68 Su Sf snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy;
Idyllwild 82 67 -- 89 67 84 64 Riverside 95 65 -- 98 66 97 67 Woodland Hills 96 61 -- 95 66 94 67 San Antonio 98 78 -- 99 77 Pc Tr trace. Notes: National extremes are for NWS
Irvine 80 68 -- 84 66 84 66 Wrightwood 86 63 -- 91 64 88 62 San Juan, P.R. 86 77 .18 89 79 Sh stations; excludes Alaska and Hawaii.
L.A. D’ntown/USC 83 66 -- 87 67 88 66 Forecasts provided by Yorba Linda 92 64 -- 93 66 92 65 Santa Fe 83 60 -- 84 57 Ts Missing data indicated by “xx”.
L.A. Int’l. Airport 74 66 -- 78 67 80 68 AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015 Yosemite Valley 96 55 -- 93 57 92 57 Seattle 82 57 -- 75 52 Hz

‘Safety net’ for seniors plagued by scandal

[Nonprofit, from B1] Robert Rizzo — who was be- agement” under the previ- had not been involved in the
The foundation was ing paid $1.5 million in salary ous executive director, Irene organization for a year and a
started in 1964 by a group of and benefits — had made Muro, who succeeded Cole half and was unaware of its
retired steelworkers in San unauthorized loans of city before stepping down last current problems.
Bernardino County, initially money to businesses includ- year. In large part, he said, “It’s a great organiza-
to help seniors with home re- ing Oldtimers. the problem was a handful of tion,” he said. “If they’re hav-
pairs. In 1977, the nonprofit The organization also money-losing contracts to ing trouble, it’s because of
expanded into southeast came under scrutiny for its provide bus services for local the publicity and the way
L.A. County, opening a sen- contracts with the Central cities. The foundation has you guys tell the story.”
ior center in South Gate and Basin Municipal Water Dis- given up three of those and Rafael Carbajal, a
eventually setting up its trict, whose board Cole sat renegotiated another one on spokesman with the
headquarters in a former on. In 2013, federal investiga- more favorable terms. county’s Department of
Elks Lodge in Huntington tors demanded records of He also said Oldtimers’ Community and Senior
Park, a stately building the foundation’s contracts management had been dis- Services, said the agency
that takes up nearly an en- with the water district as jointed because the founda- has been in talks with Old-
tire block on busy Gage Ave- part of an inquiry involving tion had shared its chief exe- timers but is looking for
nue. then-state Sen. Ron Calde- cutive with three nonprofit other providers who would
As it expanded, many ron and his brother, Tom affordable housing compa- be able to step in if the con-
people came to see the foun- Calderon, who was presi- nies. tract ends.
dation as inextricable from dent of the Oldtimers’ board Solache said he hopes the “The sad part is, we’ve
Don Bartletti Los Angeles Times
its politically powerful long- of directors. Ron Calderon county will let the founda- had a longtime relationship
time executive director, was subsequently indicted NICHOLAS ROMERO lines up a shot. The center tion get its books in order with them and they’re estab-
George Cole. A former steel- on federal bribery charges gives seniors a place to socialize over pool or cards. and carry on the contract. lished in the community,”
worker, Cole settled in the and Tom Calderon on “At the end of the day, it’s not Carbajal said. But ulti-
city of Bell. Mirroring Bell’s charges of money launder- “There’s been hesitation meet their day-to-day finan- the seniors’ fault, whatever mately, he said, “We just
changing demographics, ing. The charges were not re- because of the past history cial obligations,” noting that happened in the organiza- want to make sure the con-
Cole was elected to the City lated to the Oldtimers con- of the organization,” he said. the nonprofit had about tion,” he said. stituents get served whether
Council in 1984 when it was tacts. Both men are slated to “We are trying to let people $131,000 in unpaid bills relat- Former executive direc- it’s the Oldtimers or some-
all white. When he left the go to trial next year. know that we are here to ing to the meal program that tor Muro denied that she one else.”
council in 2008, he was the The current leaders of serve the community.” had been outstanding for had mismanaged the foun- Henry Gonzalez, a re-
only non-Latino member, al- Oldtimers point out that In 2007, Oldtimers took in more than two months. The dation, She said that dona- cently retired longtime
though he spoke Spanish there was never any allega- $7.7 million, including $6.7 audit also questioned how tions had suffered because South Gate councilman,
and had deep ties in the Lati- tion that the nonprofit had million from government the organization had calcu- of the economy and the pub- survived some of the most
no community. misused funds intended for contracts, according to its lated the rent and utility licity surrounding the turbulent times in southeast
Two years later, Cole senior services. And they say public federal tax forms. In payments it charged to the group’s association with L.A. County politics, includ-
stepped down from his posi- they have tried to cut ties 2012, revenues had fallen by county. Cole, and that the nonprofit ing scandals in his own city
tion at Oldtimers amid un- with the past. $800,000, and the organiza- The auditors recom- remained an “important that led to former treasurer
folding corruption revela- “Definitely when the tion was half a million dol- mended that the foundation safety net for the communi- Albert T. Robles being sen-
tions in Bell. He and four name comes up, there are lars in the red. be placed on a list of contrac- ty.” tenced to prison. He said he
other former council mem- people who give you the Annual reviews by an in- tors with financial or legal is- Cole could not be reached understood the county’s
bers were eventually con- look,” said the foundation’s dependent auditor over the sues that might preclude the for comment. His attorney, concerns, but that he and
victed of misappropriating current executive director, last two years questioned county from doing business Ron Kaye, maintained that others in the community
public funds for drawing sal- Jose Solache, who is also Oldtimers’ ability to contin- with them. Cole had not intentionally would be sorry to see the
aries of $100,000 for the part- mayor of neighboring Lyn- ue operating, citing balloon- Solache acknowledged done anything wrong and foundation go under.
time positions, while sitting wood. ing deficits. And a recent that payments to vendors had been “caught up” in the “That organization did a
on boards and commissions Foundation board Chair- county audit of the founda- were running as much as criminal case. lot for the community,” he
that rarely met and did little man Hugo Enciso agreed tion’s contract to provide four months behind, but he “If it’s had this ripple ef- said. “It really did.”
business. An investigation that the scandals had meals to seniors found that said services to seniors had fect on the Oldtimers, that’s
into the city’s finances found harmed the group’s ability its leaders “did not maintain continued without interrup- tragic,” he said.
that City Administrator to solicit donations. sufficient working capital to tion. He blamed “misman- Tom Calderon said he Twitter: @sewella

M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

The Dodgers waste
the pitcher’s strong
start and suffer their
fifth consecutive loss.
By Dylan Hernandez

HOUSTON — At the var-

ious low points of the Dodg-
ers’ season, the team’s vet-
eran players have often
called for patience.
Clayton Kershaw wanted
to see something else Sun-
With the Dodgers swept
by the Houston Astros in a
three-game series and ex-
tending their losing streak
to a season-long five games,
Kershaw implored for a shift
in the team’s mentality.
“I hope we’re panicking a
little bit,” he said. “I think
panic’s a good thing, to a cer-
tain extent.”
Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times Kershaw limited the
STEVE SARKISIAN , coaching USC against Notre Dame last year, appeared intoxicated at a banquet Saturday, witnesses said. Astros to one run over eight
innings, but the Dodgers
dropped a 3-2 decision, as

Kenley Jansen blew a save in
the ninth and Chris Hatcher
served up a walk-off home
run to Jason Castro in the
With 39 games remaining
in the regular season, the
Dodgers’ lead over the sec-
ond-place San Francisco Gi-
ants remained at 11⁄2 games
after the Giants loss to the
Pirates in Pittsburgh on

Sarkisian’s behavior may Coach apologizes after [See Dodgers, D5]

hint at deeper problem, slurring words and using

and USC might have to expletive while speaking
act, for its sake, and his at event on USC campus
By Gary Klein
If there’s one public event
where the USC football coach What was supposed to be an event to fire
needs to be at his most profes- up the faithful for the upcoming season has
sional and inspirational, it is turned into an embarrassment for USC and
the annual preseason Trojans football Coach Steve Sarkisian.
family banquet known as Sarkisian on Sunday apologized for his
“Salute to Troy.” behavior and language during Saturday
Steve Sarkisian knew this, night’s “Salute to Troy,” an annual event on Scott Halleran Getty Images
yet there he was Saturday campus where coaches and players are intro- JASON CASTRO cele-
night, apparently intoxicated, duced to boosters and fans. brates his walk-off home
slurring his words, uttering an expletive and The head coach’s presentation typically run in the 10th inning.
acting so unsteady that he left the stage includes his introducing every assistant, but
before his remarks were complete. Sarkisian didn’t make it that far, according to
On Sunday, an apology was issued by multiple people who attended the event.

Sarkisian, and a public scolding was given by Sarkisian slurred words, said several op-
Athletic Director Pat Haden. But given the posing teams “suck” and uttered an expletive
circumstances, are words enough? before the rallying phrase “Fight On,” several
Are the Trojans doing their rebuilt repu- boosters said. Sarkisian appeared intoxi-
tation a disservice by abiding yet another cated, some said. The event was closed to the

Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times
off-the-field humiliation? More important, CODY KESSLER leads a top-10 team con- media.
are the Trojans doing Sarkisian a disservice fronting a tough road in rugged Pac-12 South. Sarkisian’s apology was issued on USC’s

by refusing to address what could be a bigger athletic department website, which also car-
issue? On the line at No. 9 ried a statement by Athletic Director Pat Ha-
“I sincerely apologize to my players and den.
Chris Dufresne says USC has to
staff and to our fans for my behavior and my “I sincerely apologize to my players and
prove that it’s really the Pac-12 favorite. D6
inappropriate language at our kickoff event staff and to our fans for my behavior and my
Saturday night,” Sarkisian said in a state- inappropriate language at our kickoff event
ment that did not mention the root of the The defense won’t rest Saturday night,” Sarkisian said. “I have a re- An inspiring start by
problem. UCLA is ready to take a stand on sponsibility to all of them and I let them
The biggest issue [See Plaschke, D6] defense after some struggles last season. D6 down. Pat Haden talked [See USC, D6] Angels fades amid
errors and a mistake
on the bases.

Keane scores twice

Brazil sweeps
in Long Beach By Zach Helfand

in lopsided victory U.S. beach volleyball

teams are
outmatched by
After Sunday’s 12-5 shel-
lacking administered by the
Brazilians in the Toronto Blue Jays, the An-
“There was a lot of buzz men’s and women’s gels did not open their club-
His goal in 81st minute around this game,” Gonza- gold medal games. D3 house for about 30 minutes
lez said. “It did feel like an after the final out, an unusu-
makes the Galaxy the important game, maybe a Centennial ally long delay.
first MLS team to little bit more than it was. starts at No. 1 Before anyone went in or
Because it really is just a out, there were problems to
reach 1,000 goals. regular-season game. “
The Times’
work through.
preseason high
Actually, it proved to be “We talked about a cou-
GALAXY 5 school football top 25
quite a bit more than that for ple things,” Manager Mike
NEW YORK CITY FC 1 rankings have the
the Galaxy and the league. Scioscia said.
defending Pac-5
Much of the pregame There was a lot to talk
By Kevin Baxter champs on top. D2
buzz was about the antici- about. Sunday was the An-
pated reunion of Galaxy Tennis stars gels’ fourth loss in a row, a
Galaxy defender Omar midfielder Steven Gerrard, stretch in which they’ve
Gonzalez has played in a the former Liverpool cap- coming to L.A. been outscored 44-12. Even
World Cup and Bruce Arena tain, and New York City’s Maria Sharapova for the high-octane Blue
has coached in two. To- Frank Lampard, perhaps plans to announce an Jays, the weekend was un-
gether, they’ve won three the best player in Chelsea’s event that will take precedented: Never before
Major League Soccer titles. storied history. That proved place at the L.A. has Toronto scored 36 runs
The point being, they’ve to be a bust when Lampard, Tennis Center in in a three-game series.
been in some big games. Yet, hobbled by a quadriceps December. D2 In the field, the Angels
even by their lofty stand- strain, was forced to watch Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times committed two more errors,
ards, the Galaxy’s 5-1 victory from a suite at StubHub NICK LUCENA of the U.S. spikes as Brazil’s Alison Golf .......................... D3 making six on the series. The
over New York City FC on Center. Cerutti tries to block at a Long Beach tournament. Horse racing ........ D7 offense finally asserted it-
Sunday was special. [See Galaxy, D3] [See Angels, D5]
D2 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I M E S. C O M /S P O RT S

MON. TUE. WED. THU. FRI. Sharapova to announce
tennis event to be in L.A.
24 25 26 27 28
at at at
Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati
4 4 9:30 a.m.
at Detroit at Detroit at Detroit top players in their final male athlete for the 11th con-
Cleveland By Nathan Fenno
4 4 10 a.m. years. secutive year with estimated
FSW FSW FSW Sharapova sees an op- earnings of $29.7 million.
ANGELS Maria Sharapova wants portunity to reconnect the Reconstructive shoulder
to bring top-tier profes- country’s second-largest surgery in 2008 — when she
at San Jose sional tennis back to Los An- media market with the sport started to think about life af-
8 geles. and, in the process, allow ter tennis — helped kindle
UniMas To that end, the world’s fans to get to know the per- her interest in the business
GALAXY second-ranked player will sonalities of high-end play- side of the sport.
Shade denotes home game. announce her own event ers as well as witness what “It’s something I’ve been
Monday to be held at the they’re capable of on the able to learn through the
SPARKS: Wednesday, at Indiana, 4 L.A. Tennis Center in De- court. brands and corporations
cember. The 28-year-old is taking I’ve been able to work with,”
The two-day exhibition an active role in planning the Sharapova said. “Its some-
will include Andy Roddick, event, billed as Maria Shara- thing that’s always fasci-
TODAY ON THE AIR formerly the world’s top- pova & Friends, one she nated me, the creative proc-
ranked player; Kei Nishikori, hopes is as competitive as it ess of what works and what
TIME EVENT ON THE AIR runner-up at the U.S. Open is accessible and entertain- doesn’t.”
BASEBALL in 2014; and Michael Chang, ing. She loves to dive into the Julian Finney Getty Images
When her career on the
4 p.m. Houston at New York TV: MLB inducted into the Interna- details to make her long-dis- MARIA SHARAPOVA court ends, she wants to re-
7 p.m. St. Louis at Arizona TV: ESPN2 tional Tennis Hall of Fame in cussed idea a reality. That plans to have a two-day main involved in the sport.
CYCLING 2008, in addition to celebri- includes arranging disc exhibition at L.A. Tennis Coaching, however, isn’t a
7 a.m. Vuelta a España, Stage 3 TV: USN ties such as comedian Chel- jockeys to play music be- Center in December. passion. The exhibition,
HORSE RACING sea Handler. tween points and selecting which will direct some of the
Noon Trackside Live, Saratoga TV: Prime “There’s actually a big gifts such as customized bi- est venture in the five-time proceeds to her charitable
PRO FOOTBALL, PRESEASON tennis community in L.A.,” cycles and Porsche-de- Grand Slam champion’s foundation, could provide
Sharapova said, “but we signed luggage for partici- burgeoning business em- one avenue to stay con-
5 p.m. Cincinnati at Tampa Bay TV: ESPN, ESPND
haven’t seen a high quality of pants. pire. She has her own line of nected.
tennis here or big-name ath- The planning has been a candy — Sugarpova — in ad- “There will be a time
Noon England, Arsenal vs. Liverpool TV: NBCSN, NBC Universo letes come and play in front learning experience. dition to deals with Nike, when I stop,” Sharapova
YOUTH BASEBALL, LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES of crowds.” “You’re presenting an Cole Haan, Evian and a slew said, “and you have to look
9 a.m. Oregon vs. Dominican Republic (consolation) TV: ESPN Once a key stop for the idea creatively that’s never of other companies. Shara- further down in your career.”
11 a.m. Mexico vs. Australia (elimination) TV: ESPN sport’s elite, the men’s pro- happened before,” said Sha- pova even has her own app VIP tickets for the event
1 p.m. South Carolina vs. Kentucky (elimination) TV: ESPN fessional tour event in L.A. rapova, who would like to — launched in March — that go on sale Monday; the re-
3 p.m. Uganda vs. Chinese Taipei (elimination) TV: ESPN2 moved to Bogota, Colombia, make the exhibition an an- offers live chats and videos mainder are available start-
5 p.m. California vs. Rhode Island (elimination) TV: ESPN2 in 2012 and the women’s nual event. “It takes a lot of for $5.99 per month. ing Sept. 14.
TV programming subject to blackout. For TV channel questions and availability please tournament relocated to talks and meetings and con- Earlier this month,
contact your cable or satellite provider; Note: Times may be different for satellite TV users; Carlsbad in 2009. Both vincing people.” Forbes named Sharapova
consult your guide. events struggled to attract The exhibition is the lat- the world’s highest-paid fe- Twitter: @nathanfenno


Betiku’s gridiron education is going splendidly

Although fairly new Top defensive linemen to watch
to the sport, the Player School Ht. Wt. Yr. Eric Sondheimer’s comment
Nigerian is a force at Martin Andrus Los Angeles 6-2 255 Jr. He’s the best in the City Section.
Gardena Serra. Oluwole Betiku Gardena Serra 6-3 240 Sr. Has relentless desire to succeed.
Jacob Callier St. John Bosco 6-2 240 Jr. Ready for a big season.
Hunter Echols Cathedral 6-5 235 Jr. Showing signs of being a standout.
Chuck Filiaga Vista Murrieta 6-7 305 Jr. Big wall in the middle of the line.
Liam Jimmons Huntington Beach 6-4 240 Sr. USC commit had nine sacks.
When Oluwole Betiku, a
native of Nigeria, was first Marcus Moore Crespi 6-3 235 Sr. Let’s see who can block this UCLA commit.
learning the rules and con- Keanu Saleapaga La Mirada 6-5 270 Sr. USC commit has lots of strength.
cepts of football last season Sal Spina St. John Bosco 6-3 260 So. Has potential to be a star.
at Gardena Serra, there
were many teachable mo- Chris Yaghi Foothill 6-4 275 Sr. California commit was league lineman of year.
ments. — Compiled by Eric Sondheimer
There was the time he On Go to website for a longer list of top Southland defensive linemen.
had to learn how to use a
“It was probably the land. first made a defensive end, learn in football you can
most uncomfortable feeling Last season as a junior, he didn’t like it. apply to your real life — not
because my head was tight,” Betiku was credited with “When the ball is coming giving up, working as a
he said. “My head was burn- 111⁄2 sacks in his first football your way, you have these big team, knowing your assign-
ing. I took it off every chance season. boys trying to push you ments, doing your job.”
Eric Sondheimer Los Angeles Times
I could. I didn’t know what I Betiku is so imposing away,” he said. “I tried to He’s still getting used to
was doing. The straps were OLUWOLE BETIKU had 111⁄2 sacks last season as a that a visitor on campus stand up and look for the food changes, such as the
always coming off.” junior at Gardena Serra, his first playing football. watching a seven-on-seven ball. I had to learn how to fruits not being as sweet as
Then there was the time passing competition asked, stand my ground even if I in Nigeria. But he loves
he decided to grab the face- ing experience for Betiku, ted to UCLA. “Are you really a high school have to take a fall.” chicken of any kind.
mask of an offensive line- but things appear to be Betiku loves school and student?” Betiku is so motivated to “In Nigeria, we had small
man. going quite well. football. He was brought to Jovial, friendly and eager succeed that his positive pieces,” he said. “In Ameri-
“The guy brought his “A year ago, he didn’t the United States by former to listen and learn, Betiku attitude rubs off on others. ca, you can have as much as
head straight into me,” said know how to put on his NFL standout LaVar Ar- has made his coaches ex- “I never quit,” he said. you want. I’m ready to eat it
Betiku, a defensive end. “I helmet,” Coach Scott Alten- rington, who became his cited in that they are train- “As long as I can breathe, I’ll any time. Just call me up.”
grabbed his helmet and berg said. “A year later, he’s legal guardian after discov- ing him from scratch. still keep fighting, I’ll still Whether eating chicken
ripped it off his head. I got 27 college offers. He’s ering Betiku on a visit to “He was a blank slate,” keep working.” or sacking quarterbacks,
didn’t know it was illegal. If really talented.” Nigeria. Betiku lived in Altenberg said. “He had no He speaks of football Betiku is enjoying his
they’re allowed to hit me And big: 6 feet 4 and 250 Maryland for a year, until bad habits. It’s awesome. teaching him about Ameri- American experience.
with their head, why can’t I pounds. Arrington made a job It’s fresh. It’s almost like ca.
pull the helmet off?” This month, Betiku change with the NFL Net- Pop Warner.” “The opportunities it
Yes, it has been a learn- announced he had commit- work based in the South- Betiku said when he was brings,” he said. “What you Twitter: @LATSondheimer

Be Ready When She’s

Ready - Every Time! Centennial has proven it belongs
Our Doctors offer a ed 1-2, but by season’s end,
safe, FAST, effective To top the Pac-5, ‘you their offense was putting up THE TIMES’ PRESEASON
solution for your 68 points on Gardena Serra.
Erectile Dysfunction have to go through’ Quarterback Anthony PREP FOOTBALL RANKINGS
and Premature the Huskies, as an Catalano, running back JJ
Rk. School Comment
Ejaculation. Taylor and receiver Javon
opposing coach says. McKinley give the Huskies a 1 CORONA CENTENNIAL No-huddle offense will continue to score points in large
strong group to build numbers.
ONE VISIT. By Eric Sondheimer around. 2 ST. JOHN BOSCO Improved defense means beware of the Braves.
The defense should be
$99 After years of wondering much improved, led by a tal- 3 NARBONNE Everything in place to make bid for No. 1 in California.

Consultation whether Corona Centennial

could hold its own if it ever
ented secondary. But inex-
perience on the offensive
4 GARDENA SERRA The Cavaliers place their trust in QB Khalil Tate.
5 BISHOP AMAT If the offensive line is as good as expected, watch out.
This month only played in the Pac-5 Division, and defensive lines could
6 MATER DEI Improved speed, strong defense will help overcome
($199) value) the Huskies were finally
placed in the state’s tough-
leave the Huskies vulnerable
early in the season.
inexperience at QB.
est football playoff division St. John Bosco will be 7 VISTA MURRIETA When Coach Coley Candaele says his team is good,
Has Viagra, Cialis take notice.
last season and won it all. better than ever thanks to an
or Levitra let you “It was amazing,” Coach improved defense and more 8 ALEMANY Improved defense and sophomore QB Brevin White
down? Guaranteed* Matt Logan said. “Each depth. Of course, the Braves lead Warriors.
positive results from playoff game was like a CIF must replace quarterback
our medication. It’s 9 LONG BEACH POLY Count on Jack Jones making big plays.
championship game.” Josh Rosen (UCLA), but
easy, safe and works What everyone learned backup Quentin Davis looks 10 NORCO QB Victor Viramontes is the real deal.
for 97% of all men was that the Huskies’ no- well prepared to take over. 11 CRESPI Veer attack and RB Jalen Starks must be stopped.
regardless of their huddle offense could take on Harbor City Narbonne is 12 MISSION VIEJO Diablos opened in Hawaii with 63-7 win.
medical history. any and all challengers. And ranked No. 3 and capable of
the same goes for the 2015 making a run for No. 1. The 13 SANTA MARGARITA Eagles building around QB K.J. Costello.
(*or your visit
is FREE) season that kicks off this Gauchos play Long Beach 14 REDLANDS EAST VALLEY Lots of veterans return from state championship team.
weekend. Poly and Serra in nonleague 15 WESTLAKE WR Theo Howard will be exciting player.
Low Energy Levels? Low Sex Drive? “If you want to win a games, giving them the
16 OAKS CHRISTIAN Sophomore QB Matt Corral is a star in the making.
Pac-5 championship, you chance to prove their ability.
Also Helping Men With Low Testosterone! 17 LOS ALAMITOS Lots of talent on both sides of the ball.
have to go through Centen- The Trinity and Mission
nial,” St. John Bosco Coach leagues will battle it out for 18 TESORO As QB Devon Modster goes, so go the Titans.
Jason Negro said. top leagues in Southern Cal-
19 ORANGE LUTHERAN Looking for a few breakthrough wins in Trinity League.
Centennial is ranked ifornia. Six Mission teams —
No. 1 in The Times’ presea- Serra, Bishop Amat, Crespi, 20 SHERMAN OAKS RB Leo Lambert III is ready for a big season.
son rankings. St. John Bosco Alemany, Notre Dame and NOTRE DAME
is No. 2. They met in last Loyola — are ranked in the 21 RANCHO CUCAMONGA Lots of players with college offers.
1125 S. Beverly Drive Suite #500, year’s Pac-5 final and Cen-
tennial won, 48-41. Both
top 25. Five teams from the
Trinity are ranked — St.
22 UPLAND Is there life after Tyler Hilinski? New players are ready to
Los Angeles, CA 90035 teams return numerous top John Bosco, Mater Dei,
step up.
(Other locations in Studio City, Inland Empire, Irvine and Rancho Mirage) skill-position players. Santa Margarita, Orange 23 EDISON Line play will be critical in rise of Chargers.

310-300-9334 Centennial’s secret to

success is improvement over
Lutheran and JSerra. 24 JSERRA A new QB must step up for Lions.

25 LOYOLA DB-WR David Long gives Cubs top weapon.

Se Habla Español the course of the season.
Last year, the Huskies start- Twitter: @LATSondheimer — Eric Sondheimer
L AT I M ES . C O M / S P O RT S M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 D3

Nelson’s status
unknown after
he injures knee
associated press

Jordy Nelson caught the

ball, spun and prepared to
dart downfield.
Two steps later, Green
Bay’s Pro Bowl wide receiver
was on the turf in Pitts-
burgh, his left knee injured
and his season very much in
doubt. Although Nelson was
able to gingerly walk to the
sideline early in the first
quarter of Sunday’s 24-19 ex-
hibition loss to the Steelers,
it might be the last sign of
Vincent Pugliese Associated Press
Nelson in his familiar No. 87
jersey this year. THE PACKERS fear
While Packers Coach star receiver Jordy Nel-
Mike McCarthy stressed son may be sidelined for
the defending NFC North the season.
champions “will look for
good news” when Nelson is Tennessee’s Marcus
reevaluated in Green Bay on Mariota turned in a clean
Monday, quarterback performance in his home de-
Aaron Rodgers’ expressed but, Titans cornerback Per-
equal parts frustration and rish Cox returned an inter-
mystification. ception 24 yards for a touch-
“It’s difficult to lose a guy down and the Titans beat St.
like that in a meaningless Louis, 27-14, to spoil Rams
game,” Rodgers said. Coach Jeff Fisher’s return to
It is a potentially devas- town.
tating blow for the Packers
and a dynamic playmaker
Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times Giants’ Jackson out
who set career highs in re-
KERRI WALSH JENNINGS aims to block a spike from Brazil’s Talita Atunes at the beach volleyball tour- ceptions (98) and yards re- for the season
nament. “We’re going to for sure face them in Rio” at the Olympics, April Ross said of the Brazilians. ceiving (1,519) in 2014. New York Giants starting
“I’m not going to get into safety Bennett Jackson suf-

Long Beach tournament

the ‘What if ’ game,” Rodgers fered a major knee injury
said. “I don’t know what his against the Jacksonville Jag-
status will be. I’m just hop- uars and will be lost for the
ing for the best.” season, the latest injury that
So are the Steelers after has ravaged the team’s most

golden for Brazilian duos

Pro Bowl center Maurkice inexperienced position.
Pouncey exited in the first Free-agent safety Justin
quarter because of a left an- Currie broke his right ankle
kle injury Coach Mike Tom- and fibula earlier in the
lin said will likely require game Saturday night cover-
surgery. Pouncey, who ing a kickoff, and Jackson
missed all of 2013 after tear- went down in the waning
ing multiple ligaments in his minutes of the 22-12 victory,
hausser and Todd Rogers won 21-18, 21-16. The Ameri- really believe in MVP,” Ross right knee in the opener playing because the team
U.S. teams have to did it. cans threatened to take con- said. “It’s a two-person against Tennessee, is out in- didn’t have enough safeties.
“It’s a dream come true trol at various points, but the sport. I think it’s one of the definitely. Coach Tom Coughlin
settle for silver, with for me for sure, especially Brazilians stayed poised and hardest courts to play, and “He got rolled up on but said Jackson tore his anteri-
the men displeased against one of the most dom- calm, attacking Walsh Jen- you’ve got to have two people he walked it off,” Steelers or cruciate ligament tack-
inant players that you’ve nings as she continues to re- playing at a high level to get right tackler Marcus Gil- ling a tight end in front of the
with the officiating. ever seen play, Phil Dal- cover from a dislocated to the spot that we got to in bert said. “I was hoping that Jaguars’ bench.
hausser,” Schmidt said. shoulder. this tournament.” it wasn’t nothing too bad.
By Alex Shultz “We’re happy to see him back “We got to see them at full “That being said, so well Once he got carted off, it Etc.
on the tour, because he’s strength, and they didn’t get deserved,” Walsh Jennings struck me.” Atlanta Falcons receiver
American teams had a really good for the sport. He to see us at full strength,” added. Roddy White will undergo a
chance to sweep the gold made our final even more Ross said. “I think we Ross and Walsh Jennings Other exhibitions minor surgical procedure on
medal games at the ASICS special.” learned a lot from that have plenty of work left to do Long black hair swinging his right elbow, though the
World Series of Beach Volley- Dalhausser and Lucena match. I still think we to qualify for the 2016 Sum- from his helmet, 303-pound team expects him to be
ball in Long Beach, but they weren’t pleased with the offi- should’ve won, but there mer Olympics, but they defensive lineman Mike ready for the Sept. 14 season
were ultimately no match for ciating, particularly after were a couple things we did spoke confidently about Purcell intercepted Dustin opener against Philadel-
their Brazilian foes. Dalhausser was called for that we’re going to fix for clinching a spot — and get- Vaughan’s pass and re- phia. … Cleveland Browns
Second-seeded Alison touching the net during the next time.” ting a rematch against turned it 37 yards for a quarterback Johnny Man-
Cerutti and Bruno Schmidt decisive third set. Though he Walsh Jennings said the Antunes and Franca. touchdown to help the San ziel cut his practice short af-
won the men’s bracket with a was joking around while right shoulder is her “best- “There’s always just more Francisco 49ers beat the ter experiencing soreness in
hard-fought 21-16, 20-22, 15-13 speaking with reporters feeling body part” because on the table when we play visiting Dallas Cowboys, his right elbow and could be
victory against Phil Dal- afterward, Dalhausser also she “barely used it,” but she them,” Ross said of facing 23-6. sidelined for a few days.
hausser and Nick Lucena. made his opinion known. won’t be swinging with her Brazilian teams. “I think it’s
The score was 9-9 in the third “It’s my fault that it got to right arm for the remainder been like that even before the
set before Cerutti and me as much as it did, but I of the year as she rehabs. She Olympics got announced in
Schmidt were able to put did not touch the net,” Dal- did, however, find some posi- Rio. But yeah, the stakes are GOLF ROUNDUP

Love III gets first

some distance between hausser said. “If we convert tives in playing with a limited big whenever we come up
themselves and their oppo- on that play, it’s 10-7 instead skill set. against Brazil. We’re going to
nents. of 9-9. So it was a big momen- “This whole situation has for sure face them in Rio.”
“They’re good,” Lucena tum shift, and it’s all because brought us closer together,” In the bronze medal

tour win since ’08

said. “They’ve been playing of a stupid ref.” she said. “Communication is games, Spain’s Adrian Gavi-
at a high level; they don’t The women’s gold medal tighter, we’re using all of our ra and Pablo Herrera beat
make too many mistakes. game featured second-seed- resources, we’re leaning on Alexander Brouwer and
Great blocking, great de- ed Talita Antunes and Laris- our coach, and we’re trusting Robert Meeuwsen of the
fense. You’ve got to play per- sa Franca against April Ross each other.” Netherlands, and Ger-
fect to beat them.” and Kerri Walsh Jennings. Though she ended up many’s Laura Ludwig and
associated press
The first-place finish for Antunes and Franca hadn’t with the silver medal, Ross Kira Walkenhorst defeated
the Brazilian duo was their lost a set in the elimination was picked as the MVP of the Australia’s Louise Bawden
fourth in a row on the World bracket going into the cham- women’s bracket. and Taliqua Clancy. Davis Love III’s long vic-
Tour. The last time that hap- pionship, and that didn’t “It was very nice of them tory drought is over. Tiger
pened was in 2010, when Dal- change on Sunday, as they to point it out, but I don’t Woods will have to wait a
while to get another chance.
Love won the Wyndham
Championship on Sunday to Love III DeChambeau

become the third-oldest
winner in PGA Tour history, zel (66) and Paul Casey (67)
and Woods’ season came to were two strokes behind

an abrupt end. Love.
Love closed with a six-
under-par 64 for a one- U.S. Amateur

stroke victory over Jason Southern Methodist sen-
Gore. ior Bryson DeChambeau
“Any victory now is going won the U.S. Amateur at
to be really sweet when Olympia Fields, Ill., to be-

milestone you’re over 50,” said Love,

whose last victory was in
The dominant story line
come the fifth player to win
the tournament and NCAA
individual title in the same
[Galaxy, from D1] all week at Sedgefield Coun- DeChambeau, from Clo-
So what a sellout crowd of try Club in Greensboro, N.C., vis, Calif., beat Virginia jun-
27,000, an international tele- was the presence of Woods, ior Derek Bard 7 and 6 in the
vision audience and more who needed a victory to earn 36-hole final at Olympia
than 300 credentialed media a spot in the FedEx Cup Fields.
— triple the total for a typical playoffs opener next week. Jack Nicklaus (1961), Phil
Galaxy game — got instead He was poised to chal- Mickelson (1990), Woods
was the most dominant per- lenge Sunday, starting only (1996) and Ryan Moore
formance this season by the two strokes off the lead. But (2004) are the other players
league’s best team. he had only one birdie dur- to sweep the NCAA and Am-
“Any time you’re in this ing his first 10 holes, drop- ateur titles in a season.
kind of environment and you ping way off the pace with a
taste success, it’s good,” triple bogey on the par-four Elsewhere
Mark J. Terrill Associated Press
Arena said. 11th. Lydia Ko won the Cana-
The goals came from OMAR GONZALEZ , left, of the Galaxy is grabbed by Andrew Jacobson of New Woods shot a 70, finished dian Pacific Women’s Open
Gyasi Zardes in the first half York City FC in the first half at StubHub Center. The Galaxy won, 5-1. four strokes behind and for the third time and first as
and Giovani dos Santos, Se- ended at No.178 in the stand- a professional, beating
bastian Lletget and two the last 10 games, eight of said. “And everything’s com- “We’ve come light years. To- ings, well outside the cut-off Stacy Lewis with a par on
from Robbie Keane in the which the Galaxy won, push- ing a little bit natural.” day was maybe a bit of recog- of 125. the first hole of a playoff. The
second half. ing it atop the Western Con- But the Galaxy isn’t the nition of the growth of the At 51 years 4 months 10 18-year-old Ko finished with
Keane has 15 goals, 13 in ference with the league’s only one who gained from league.” days, Love trails only Sam an even-par 72 to match
his last nine games. His goal best record (13-7-7). the victory. Arena, who Added Keane, one of at Snead and Art Wall on the Lewis at12-under 276 at Van-
in the 81st minute made the Since Dos Santos joined coached D.C. United in the least four players in Sun- tour’s age list. Snead won couver Golf Club. Lewis had
Galaxy the first MLS team the team this month, the first game in MLS history 20 day’s game who has won a the last of his eight Greens- a 67. ... Billy Andrade won the
to reach 1,000 goals. Galaxy has used the same years ago, said games such World Cup or been a national boro titles at Sedgefield in Boeing Classic for his sec-
For Dos Santos, the goal lineup in three consecutive as Sunday’s are pushing the team captain: “This league 1965 at 52 years 10 months 8 ond Champions Tour vic-
and an assist gave him two games for the first time this league forward as well. is serious. Years ago, there days, and Wall took the 1975 tory and first in an individu-
goals and three assists in year and it has won all three “This will eventually be- were certain leagues that Greater Milwaukee Open at al event, shooting a final-
three MLS games. by a combined 10-3. come a norm in this league, people wanted to go and play 51 years 7 months 10 days. round one-over 73 for a one-
And for the Galaxy, the “We’re building chemis- not only here, but in all the in. Love finished at 17-under shot victory in Snoqualmie,
five goals increased its MLS- try where we’re able to venues around the league,” “This is the league.” 263. Gore, the third-round Wash. Andrade finished at
leading total to 49. Thirty- understand where every- Arena said of the environ- leader, shot a 69. Scott nine-under 207. Bernhard
three of those have come in one’s going to be,” Gonzalez ment surrounding the game. Brown (68), Charl Schwart- Langer was second.
D4 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I M E S. C O M /S P O RT S



West W L Pct. GB L10
Streak Lost 5 This month 9-11 Streak Lost 4 This month 8-14 Rookie Aaron Nola (4-1) pitched a Chris Anderson (6-5), who was op-
DODGERS 67 56 .545 — 4-6
Home 42-20 Road 25-36 Home 39-27 Road 24-34 career-high eight innings and allowed tioned to triple A on Tuesday and
San Francisco 66 58 .532 1 ⁄21
5-5 Division 29-20 Interleague 8-9 Division 28-23 Interleague 7-10 only one runner to advance beyond recalled Thursday, pitched 62⁄3 innings
Arizona 62 61 .504 5 6-4 Next: Tuesday at Cincinnati, 4 p.m. PDT Next: Tuesday at Detroit, 4 p.m. PDT first base. Nola is 4-0 in his last six and Arizona sent Cincinnati to its ninth
San Diego 61 63 .492 61⁄2 7-3 TV/Radio: SportsNet LA/570, 1020 TV/Radio: FS West/830, 1220 starts. consecutive loss.
Colorado 49 73 .402 171⁄2 2-8 Dodgers AB R H BI Avg. Houston AB R H BI Avg. Toronto AB R H BI Avg. Angels AB R H BI Avg. Philadelphia AB R H BI Avg. Miami AB R H BI Avg. Arizona AB R H BI Avg. Cincinnati AB R H BI Avg.
Rollins ss 5 0 0 0 .223 Altuve 2b 4 1 3 0 .310 Tlwtzki ss 5 2 2 1 .218 Calhoun rf 4 1 1 0 .270 Hrnndez 2b 4 1 0 0 .273 Gordon 2b 4 0 1 0 .335 Inciarte cf 3 1 1 0 .295 Brgeois lf 4 0 1 0 .230
Central W L Pct. GB L10 Utley 2b 5 1 1 0 .214 Gomez cf 4 0 1 0 .188 Dnldsn 3b 5 2 2 0 .302 Trout cf 4 1 3 1 .297 Blanco 3b 4 0 2 0 .308 Prado 3b 4 0 1 0 .268 Owings 2b 5 0 0 0 .239 Phllips 2b 4 0 1 0 .284
Turner 3b 3 0 0 1 .304 Correa ss 4 1 2 1 .278 Bautsta rf 5 2 3 1 .243 Pujols dh 3 0 1 1 .253 Altherr lf 3 0 0 1 .250 Dietrich lf 3 0 0 0 .273 Gldsmdt 1b 2 1 0 0 .330 Votto 1b 2 0 0 0 .308
St. Louis 78 45 .634 — 5-5 Gnzalez 1b 4 0 1 0 .288 Lowrie 3b 3 0 0 0 .246 Encrn dh 4 2 4 4 .265 Murphy lf 4 1 2 0 .293 Frnceur rf 4 0 0 0 .271 Bour 1b 3 0 0 0 .253 Peralta lf 4 1 1 2 .294 Frazier 3b 4 0 0 0 .261
Ethier lf 3 0 3 0 .291 Vlbuena 3b 1 0 0 0 .209 Smoak 1b 4 0 0 1 .215 Aybar ss 4 1 1 0 .271 Ruf 1b 4 0 1 0 .242 Ozuna cf 3 0 0 0 .244 Castillo c 4 1 2 1 .250 Pena c 4 0 0 0 .277
Pittsburgh 74 48 .607 31⁄2 8-2 a-VnSyke rf 0 0 0 0 .240 Gattis dh 4 0 1 0 .236 Pillar cf 5 2 3 1 .261 Cron 1b 4 1 2 1 .270 Sweeny cf 1 0 0 0 .250 Gillspie rf 3 0 0 0 .311 Lamb 3b 3 0 2 0 .270 DeJsusJr ss 2 0 1 0 .258
Puig rf 4 0 2 0 .254 Gnzalez 1b 4 0 1 1 .263 Revere lf 5 1 2 1 .282 Perez c 3 0 0 1 .228 Galvis ss 4 0 1 0 .270 Hchvrria ss 2 0 1 0 .283 Tomas rf 4 0 0 0 .293 Schmkr rf 3 0 1 0 .213
Chicago 71 51 .582 61⁄2 7-3 Pedersn cf 0 0 0 0 .214 Carter 1b 3 0 1 0 .183 Thole c 3 0 0 0 .241 Cowart 3b 3 0 1 1 .105 Rupp c 3 1 1 1 .247 Mathis c 3 0 0 0 .123 Ahmed ss 4 0 0 0 .218 LaMarre cf 3 0 1 0 .125
Crawfrd dh 4 0 0 0 .260 b-Rasms lf 1 0 0 0 .228 a-Nvrro c 2 0 0 0 .221 Green 2b 4 0 1 0 .214 Nola p 3 0 0 0 .133 Conley p 1 0 0 0 .333 Andrsn p 3 0 0 0 .125 Iglesias p 2 0 0 0 .045
Milwaukee 53 72 .424 26 5-5 Ellis c 4 1 2 0 .227 Mrisnck rf 4 0 0 0 .227 Goins 2b 4 1 1 0 .228 Totals 33 5 12 5 c-Hrrera cf 1 0 1 0 .294 a-Suzuki 1 0 0 0 .262 b-Sltlmchia 1 0 0 0 .200 a-Bruce 1 0 0 0 .235
Hrnndz lf 3 0 1 0 .295 Castro c 4 1 1 1 .209 Totals 42 12 17 9 Totals 31 2 6 2 Narvson p 0 0 0 0 .000 Totals 33 4 6 3 Totals 29 0 5 0
Cincinnati 51 71 .418 261⁄2 1-9 Totals 35 2 10 1 Totals 36 3 10 3 Toronto 123 201 021 —12 17 0 b-McGhee 1 0 0 0 .204 Arizona 000 101 020 —4 6 0
Dodgers 100 010 000 0 —2 10 0 Angels 500 000 000 — 5 12 2 Totals 28 0 3 0 Cincinnati 000 000 000 —0 5 2
East W L Pct. GB L10
Houston 000 001 001 1 —3 10 0 a-flied out for Thole in the 7th. Philadelphia 001 000 100 —2 6 0 a-flied out for Ju.Diaz in the 8th. b-popped out for A.Reed in the
New York 67 56 .545 — 6-4 One out when winning run scored. a-walked for Ethier in the 9th. Walks—Toronto 4: Tulowitzki 1, Donaldson 1, Bautista 1, Goins 1. Miami 000 000 000 —0 3 0
b-popped out for Carter in the 9th. Angels 1: Cowart 1. Strikeouts—Toronto 7: Smoak 2, Revere 1, Thole a-grounded out for Conley in the 6th. b-struck out for Ellington in Walks—Arizona 5: Inciarte 2, Goldschmidt 2, Ja.Lamb 1.
Washington 62 61 .504 5 4-6 Walks—Dodgers 1: Van Slyke 1. Strikeouts—Dodgers 12: J.Rollins 2, D.Navarro 1, Goins 1. Angels 5: Calhoun 1, Dav.Murphy 1, C.Perez the 8th. c-singled for Nola in the 9th. Cincinnati 3: Votto 2, De Jesus Jr. 1. Strikeouts—Arizona 14: Owings
2, Ju.Turner 1, A.Gonzalez 2, Puig 1, C.Crawford 3, Ellis 1, 1, Cowart 1, Green 1. E—Aybar (11), Cowart (1). LOB—Toronto 9, Walks—Philadelphia 5: C.Hernandez 1, Sweeney 3, Rupp 1. 1, Goldschmidt 1, D.Peralta 1, W.Castillo 2, Ja.Lamb 1, Tomas 4,
Atlanta 53 71 .427 141⁄2 2-8 K.Hernandez 2. Houston 12: Altuve 1, C.Gomez 1, Lowrie 1, Valbuena Angels 5. 2B—Donaldson (34), Bautista (23), Goins (11), Cron (13), Miami 2: Dietrich 1, Hechavarria 1. Strikeouts—Philadelphia 9: Ahmed 1, Ch.Anderson 3. Cincinnati 5: Bourgeois 2, Votto 1, B.Pena
1, Ma.Gonzalez 3, Carter 1, Marisnick 2, J.Castro 2. LOB—Dodgers 6, Cowart (1). 3B—Trout (3). HR—Bautista (29), off Richards; C.Hernandez 2, Altherr 1, Francoeur 2, Sweeney 1, Nola 3. Miami 7: 1, De Jesus Jr. 1. E—Votto (7), R.Iglesias (1). LOB—Arizona 7,
Miami 50 74 .403 171⁄2 4-6 Houston 5. 2B—Utley (14), Ellis (6), Altuve (23), Gattis (16), Carter D.Gordon 1, Dietrich 1, Ozuna 2, Gillespie 1, Conley 1, McGehee 1.
Encarnacion (24), off Richards. RBIs—Tulowitzki (9), Bautista (85), Cincinnati 5. 2B—Inciarte (22), Schumaker (13). HR—W.Castillo
Philadelphia 50 74 .403 171⁄2 5-5 (13). HR—J.Castro (11), off Hatcher. RBIs—Ju.Turner (49), Correa Encarnacion 4 (74), Smoak (42), Pillar (41), Revere (4), Trout (73), LOB—Philadelphia 8, Miami 3. 2B—A.Blanco (15), Ruf (10). (16), off R.Iglesias; D.Peralta (13), off Ju.Diaz. RBIs—D.Peralta 2
(43), Ma.Gonzalez (28), J.Castro (30). SB—Puig (3), Correa (11), Pujols (71), Cron (29), C.Perez (16), Cowart (2). SF—Encarnacion, HR—Rupp (5), off Narveson. RBIs—Altherr (5), Rupp (16). (66), W.Castillo (40). SB—Inciarte (13). RISP—Arizona 0 for 7;
Ma.Gonzalez (4). CS—Ethier (3), C.Gomez (2). S—K.Hernandez. Smoak, Pujols, C.Perez. RISP—Toronto 8 for 20; Angels 3 for 7. SB—Galvis (8), Hechavarria (7). CS—Sweeney (1), D.Gordon (15), Cincinnati 0 for 4. Runners moved up—Frazier. GIDP—Ahmed,
Sunday’s results SF—Ju.Turner. RISP—Dodgers 0 for 9; Houston 3 for 10. Runners GIDP—Donaldson 2, Pujols 2, Green. DP—Toronto 3 (Donaldson, Dietrich (2). SF—Altherr. RISP—Philadelphia 0 for 5; Miami 0 for 1. Phillips, Schumaker. DP—Arizona 3 (Owings, Ahmed, Goldschmidt),
moved up—J.Rollins, Lowrie. GIDP—J.Rollins. DP—Houston 2 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
at Houston 3, DODGERS 2, 10 innings Goins, Smoak), (Goins, Tulowitzki, Smoak), (Donaldson, Goins,
Nola W, 4-1 .................8 3 0 0 2 6 100 3.59 (Goldschmidt, Ahmed, Goldschmidt), (Goldschmidt); Cincinnati 1
(Correa, Carter), (J.Castro, J.Castro, Valbuena). Smoak); Angels 2 (Aybar, Green, Cron), (Aybar, Green, Cron). (Phillips, De Jesus Jr., Votto).
Arizona 4, at Cincinnati 0 Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Giles S, 10-13 .............1 0 0 0 0 1 9 1.63 Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Kershaw ......................8 7 1 1 0 10 111 2.29 Dickey W, 8-10.............6 11 5 5 1 1 92 4.26 Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Ch.Anderson W, 6-5 ....62⁄3 5 0 0 3 2 91 4.28
Philadelphia 2, at Miami 0 Jansen BS, 2-26...........1 2 1 1 0 1 22 2.67 Cecil...........................1 1 0 0 0 1 15 3.35 Conley L, 1-1 ...............6 3 1 1 4 5 106 4.88 A.Reed H, 8...............11⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 18 3.89
at Washington 9, Milwaukee 5 Hatcher L, 1-5 .............1⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 8 5.73 Aa.Sanchez..................1 0 0 0 0 0 9 3.18 Narveson ....................2⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 14 3.86 Mat.Reynolds ...............1 0 0 0 0 2 15 0.00
Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Osuna.........................1 0 0 0 0 3 12 1.94 Ellington....................11⁄3 0 0 0 1 2 22 1.64 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
at Chicago 9, Atlanta 3 McCullers ....................7 8 2 2 0 8 94 3.12 Angels IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Barraclough .................1 1 0 0 0 1 20 1.04 R.Iglesias L, 3-5 ...........7 3 2 1 3 13 105 3.93
New York 5, at Colorado 1 Qualls .........................1 0 0 0 0 2 13 3.79 Richards L, 12-10.........5 10 9 7 3 4 109 3.80 Inherited runners-scored—Ellington 1-0. IBB—off Conley Ju.Diaz ........................1 3 2 2 1 1 22 4.46
Sipp...........................1⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 11 2.17 Gott............................1 1 0 0 0 0 16 1.67 (Rupp). U—Ted Barrett, Angel Hernandez, Will Little, Pat Hoberg. Balester ......................1 0 0 0 1 0 16 0.00
St. Louis 10, at San Diego 3 Velasquez....................2⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 7 3.61 C.Ramos .....................1 0 0 0 0 2 8 2.06 T—2:40. Tickets sold—22,693 (37,442). Inherited runners-scored—A.Reed 1-0. U—Mark Wegner, Marty
at Pittsburgh 5, San Francisco 2 Gregerson W, 7-2..........1 1 0 0 0 0 8 2.88 J.Smith........................1 4 2 2 1 1 25 2.91 Foster, Mike Winters, Mike Muchlinski. T—2:53. Tickets
Inherited runners-scored—Velasquez 2-0. WP—McCullers 3. Street .........................1 2 1 1 0 0 19 2.74 sold—27,656 (42,319).
U—James Hoye, John Hirschbeck, John Tumpane, Bill Welke. T—3:16. Richards pitched to 2 batters in the 6th.
Tickets sold—28,665 (41,574). Inherited runners-scored—Gott 2-1. HBP—by Dickey (Calhoun).
WP—Richards. U—Chris Guccione, Cory Blaser, Jeff Nelson, Laz Diaz. CUBS 9
T—3:03. Tickets sold—37,060 (45,957).
West W L Pct. GB L10
GIANTS 2 Kris Bryant hit two of Chicago’s five
Houston 69 56 .552 — 7-3
BREWERS 5 home runs to help hand Atlanta its Michael Wacha (15-4) pitched six
Texas 64 59 .520 4 8-2 seventh loss in a row. The Cubs swept
Andrew McCutchen hit his 19th home innings, Stephen Piscotty hit two home
ANGELS 63 61 .508 51⁄2 3-7 run and Pedro Alvarez his 20th to back Anthony Rendon and Wilson Ramos hit the Braves in a four-game series for runs and drove in five runs, and St.
Seattle 57 67 .460 11 ⁄2 1
4-6 Francisco Liriano (9-6), who won his home runs and Danny Espinosa hit a the first time since 1968. It was their Louis avoided being swept in a series
Oakland 54 71 .432 15 3-7 fifth consecutive decision. Pittsburgh three-run double to back Jordan Zim- fourth four-game sweep of the year, for the first time this season.
is 10-0 in Liriano’s last 10 starts. mermann (10-8), who gave up four runs their most since 1945.
Central W L Pct. GB L10
St. Louis AB R H BI Avg. San Diego AB R H BI Avg.
Kansas City 75 48 .610 — 7-3 over 52⁄3 innings. Atlanta AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Crpntr 3b 4 0 0 1 .260 Solarte 3b 5 0 2 0 .269
San Fran AB R H BI Avg. Pittsburgh AB R H BI Avg. Pham lf 4 1 0 0 .215 Spgnbrg 2b 4 0 1 0 .260
Aoki lf 5 0 1 1 .301 Polanco rf 5 0 2 0 .261 Markkis rf 5 0 1 0 .296 Fowler cf 3 1 1 1 .257
Minnesota 63 61 .508 121⁄2 6-4 Duffy 3b 5 1 3 0 .308 Marte lf 5 1 2 0 .291 Milwaukee AB R H BI Avg. Washington AB R H BI Avg. Maybin cf 5 2 1 0 .276 Schwrbr lf 5 1 1 1 .284 Peralta ss 3 3 1 0 .285 Kemp rf 5 0 1 2 .267
Gennett 2b 5 2 2 1 .261 Werth lf 3 2 1 0 .202 Freemn 1b 1 0 0 0 .284 Cghlan 2b 4 0 0 0 .250 Heyward rf 4 2 3 1 .290 Upton lf 5 0 2 0 .258
Posey 1b 5 0 0 0 .314 McCtchn cf 4 2 2 1 .295
Detroit 59 64 .480 16 5-5 Byrd rf 5 0 0 1 .236 Ramrez 3b 3 1 0 0 .247 Lucroy c 5 1 1 2 .241 Rendon 3b 3 2 1 3 .252 Swisher lf 4 0 3 2 .273 Hrrera 2b 1 0 0 0 .235 Molina c 3 1 1 2 .280 Alonso 1b 5 1 1 0 .271
Braun rf 4 0 2 0 .276 Harper rf 5 1 2 0 .330 Garcia 3b 4 0 1 0 .238 Rizzo 1b 4 2 1 0 .291 Cruz c 1 0 0 0 .179 UptonJr cf 3 0 0 0 .242
Susac c 2 0 0 0 .231 Kang 3b 3 0 1 1 .290 Pisctty rf 4 2 3 5 .324 Jkwski cf 1 0 1 0 .556
Chicago 58 64 .475 161⁄2 4-6 Crwford ss 4 0 1 0 .267 Walker 2b 3 0 1 1 .266 Lind 1b 4 0 1 0 .284 Zmmrmn 1b 2 1 1 1 .223 Petrson 2b 4 0 0 0 .238 Bryant 3b 4 4 3 3 .262
Rynlds 1b 4 1 2 0 .231 Hedges c 3 0 0 0 .182
Tmlnsn 2b 3 0 1 0 .326 Alvarez 1b 3 1 1 2 .251 Davis lf 4 1 1 1 .241 Dsmond ss 4 1 1 1 .229 Ciriaco ss 4 0 0 0 .259 Montero c 2 1 1 3 .239
Cleveland 58 65 .472 17 5-5 Santna cf 3 1 0 0 .222 Espnosa 2b 4 0 1 3 .248 Lavrnwy c 4 1 2 1 .277 Soler rf 3 0 0 0 .265 d-Brjos cf 1 0 0 0 .211 Barmes ss 2 0 1 1 .253
b-Belt 1 0 0 0 .274 Rdrguez 1b 0 0 0 0 .234 Garcia 2b 4 0 0 0 .292 Amrsta 1 0 0 0 .211
Blanco cf 3 1 1 0 .292 Cervelli c 4 0 2 0 .306 Segra ss 4 0 2 0 .262 Ramos c 3 1 2 1 .237 Wisler p 1 0 0 0 .053 Denorfia rf 1 0 1 0 .266
East W L Pct. GB L10 Herrera 3b 3 0 1 1 .235 Taylor cf 3 1 0 0 .242 McKirahn p 1 0 0 0 .000 Hammel p 4 0 1 1 .189 Wacha p 3 0 1 0 .159 Wallce 1 1 1 0 .304
Vglsng p 1 0 0 0 .121 Liriano p 3 0 0 0 .120 Moss 1b 1 0 0 0 .170 Rea p 1 0 0 0 .250
a-Perez 1 0 1 0 .375 Mercer ss 1 0 0 0 .241 Garza p 2 0 0 0 .083 Zmrmnn p 2 0 0 0 .104 Perez 1 0 0 0 .269 Ross 1 0 0 0 .186
Toronto 69 55 .556 — 7-3 Adrnza 2b 1 0 0 0 .197 Totals 34 5 11 5 Rogers 1 0 0 0 .238 Rbnson 1 0 0 0 .266 Gomes 1 0 0 0 .208 ARssll ss 3 0 1 0 .249 Totals 36 10 11 9 Gyrko ss 2 1 1 0 .237
Petrsn 1 0 0 0 .272 Totals 30 9 9 9 Totals 35 3 8 3 Castro ss 1 0 1 0 .239 Totals 38 3 11 3
Totals 36 2 8 2
New York 68 55 .553 ⁄2
6-4 Totals 36 5 10 5 Totals 36 9 11 9 St. Louis 400 100 302 —10 11 1
San Francisco 000 011 000 —2 8 0 San Diego 010 000 002 — 3 11 2
Milwaukee 200 011 010 —5 10 0
Baltimore 62 61 .504 61⁄2 5-5 Pittsburgh 300 001 10x —5 11 3
Washington 104 040 00x —9 9 1
Atlanta 000 020 100 —3 8 1
Walks—St. Louis 4: Pham 1, Jh.Peralta 1, Heyward 1, Piscotty 1.
a-singled for Y.Petit in the 6th. b-flied out for Tomlinson in the 7th. Chicago 313 101 00x —9 11 0
Tampa Bay 62 62 .500 7 4-6 Walks—Milwaukee 1: E.Herrera 1. Washington 8: Werth 2, Rendon San Diego 2: Hedges 1, Gyorko 1. Strikeouts—St. Louis 8:
Walks—San Francisco 4: Susac 2, G.Blanco 1, Vogelsong 1. Walks—Atlanta 1: F.Freeman 1. Chicago 6: Fowler 1, Rizzo 1,
2, Zimmerman 2, W.Ramos 1, M.Taylor 1. Strikeouts—Milwaukee 11: M.Carpenter 3, Pham 1, T.Cruz 1, Mar.Reynolds 1, Wacha 2. San
Pittsburgh 4: McCutchen 1, Ar.Ramirez 1, Kang 1, N.Walker 1. M.Montero 3, Soler 1. Strikeouts—Atlanta 9: Maybin 1, Swisher 1,
Boston 56 68 .452 13 6-4 Strikeouts—San Francisco 6: Aoki 1, Byrd 2, Susac 1, B.Crawford 1, Lucroy 1, Braun 1, K.Davis 1, Do.Santana 1, Segura 2, E.Herrera 2,
J.Peterson 1, Ciriaco 3, Lavarnway 1, McKirahan 1, J.Gomes 1.
Diego 6: Solarte 1, Spangenberg 1, Kemp 1, Upton 1, Amarista 1,
Garza 2, J.Rogers 1. Washington 12: Werth 2, Harper 2, Desmond 2, Gyorko 1. E—Molina (5), Solarte (8), Rea (1). LOB—St. Louis 6, San
Tomlinson 1. Pittsburgh 5: G.Polanco 1, Kang 1, P.Alvarez 2, Liriano 1. Chicago 9: Schwarber 1, Rizzo 1, Bryant 1, Soler 1, Hammel 2, D.Ross
Espinosa 2, M.Taylor 2, Zimmermann 1, C.Robinson 1. Diego 11. 2B—Heyward (25), Mar.Reynolds 2 (18), Spangenberg
Sunday’s results E—N.Walker (7), P.Alvarez 2 (18). LOB—San Francisco 11, Pittsburgh 1, A.Russell 2. E—Ad.Garcia (3). LOB—Atlanta 8, Chicago 11.
E—Zimmermann (2). LOB—Milwaukee 6, Washington 6. (9), Upton (17), Wallace (3). 3B—Heyward (3), Piscotty (2).
10. 2B—B.Crawford (29). 3B—G.Polanco (6). HR—McCutchen (19), 2B—Ad.Garcia (7). HR—Lavarnway (2), off Hammel; Fowler (14), off
Toronto 12, at ANGELS 5 off Affeldt; P.Alvarez (20), off Osich. RBIs—Aoki (25), Byrd (45), 2B—E.Herrera (9), Werth (8), Harper 2 (29), Zimmerman (21),
Wisler; Bryant (18), off Wisler; Schwarber (11), off Wisler; M.Montero
HR—Piscotty (3), off Despaigne; Piscotty (4), off Kimbrel.
Espinosa (20). HR—Lucroy (5), off Zimmermann; Gennett (6), off RBIs—M.Carpenter (64), Heyward (44), Molina 2 (49), Piscotty 5
at Houston 3, DODGERS 2, 10 innings McCutchen (79), Kang (46), N.Walker (51), P.Alvarez 2 (64).
Zimmermann; K.Davis (16), off Storen; W.Ramos (10), off Garza; (13), off Wisler; Bryant (19), off Aardsma. RBIs—Swisher 2 (10), (18), Kemp 2 (76), Barmes (12). SB—Heyward (19), Wacha (1).
SB—S.Marte (25). SF—P.Alvarez. RISP—San Francisco 2 for 8; Lavarnway (6), Fowler (36), Schwarber (32), Bryant 3 (74),
Texas 4, at Detroit 2 Pittsburgh 2 for 9. GIDP—M.Duffy, B.Crawford. DP—Pittsburgh 2. Rendon (3), off Knebel. RBIs—Gennett (24), Lucroy 2 (29), K.Davis SF—M.Carpenter, Molina. RISP—St. Louis 3 for 13; San Diego 3 for
San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA (44), E.Herrera (24), Rendon 3 (12), Zimmerman (49), Desmond M.Montero 3 (41), Hammel (3). SB—Maybin (21). RISP—Atlanta 2 14. DP—San Diego 1.
Kansas City 8, at Boston 6 Vogelsong L, 9-9.........31⁄3 7 3 3 4 2 77 4.05 (46), Espinosa 3 (36), W.Ramos (51). S—Zimmermann. for 7; Chicago 2 for 7. Runners moved up—Coghlan. St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Minnesota 4, at Baltimore 3, 12 innings Y.Petit .......................12⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 24 3.78 RISP—Milwaukee 0 for 2; Washington 4 for 9. DP—Milwaukee 2. Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Wacha W, 15-4 ............6 5 1 1 2 3 102 2.80
Affeldt.........................1 1 1 1 0 1 9 5.46 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Wisler L, 5-4..............22⁄3 6 7 7 3 2 77 5.43 Broxton .......................1 2 0 0 0 2 22 5.04
Cleveland 4, at New York 3 Osich..........................1 1 1 1 0 0 17 2.03 Garza L, 6-14 ............42⁄3 8 7 7 6 7 101 5.26 McKirahan.................21⁄3 2 1 1 2 2 45 4.58 Cishek ........................1 1 0 0 0 0 15 3.61
Siegrist .......................2⁄3 3 2 2 0 1 27 1.76
at Oakland 8, Tampa Bay 2 Strickland ....................1 1 0 0 0 0 15 2.08 Knebel........................1⁄3 1 2 2 1 1 12 3.72 Aardsma .....................1 1 1 1 0 2 29 4.70
Choate .......................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 4 4.07
Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Thornburg ....................2 0 0 0 0 4 23 3.66 Marksberry ..................1 1 0 0 0 1 11 5.25
at Seattle 8, Chicago 6 Liriano W, 9-6 ............51⁄3 7 2 0 3 5 105 3.23 Jeffress .......................1 0 0 0 1 0 12 2.94 Vizcaino ......................1 1 0 0 1 2 28 0.51 San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Caminero H, 14 ........... 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 4 3.34 Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Rea L, 2-1 ...................4 5 5 4 2 4 94 5.52
Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Despaigne ...................3 5 3 3 1 2 60 4.99
Soria H, 5....................1 1 0 0 1 0 30 2.38 Zimmermann W, 10-8..52⁄3 8 4 4 1 7 116 3.54 Hammel W, 7-5..........6 ⁄3 6 2 2 1 8
104 3.35
Watson H, 31...............1 0 0 0 0 0 13 2.20 Rivero.........................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 8 2.93 Rzepczynski .................1 0 0 0 0 1 8 1.42
Richard.......................2⁄3 2 1 1 0 0 14 3.68 Kimbrel.......................2⁄3 1 2 2 1 1 30 2.94
Melancon S, 39-41 .......1 0 0 0 0 1 15 1.53 Janssen.......................1 1 0 0 0 0 13 3.03 Motte..........................1 0 0 0 0 0 11 3.91
Storen.........................1 1 1 1 0 3 18 3.45 Quackenbush...............1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 7 3.86
Inherited runners-scored—Y.Petit 2-0, Caminero 2-0. IBB—off J.Russell ......................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 4.45
Papelbon.....................1 0 0 0 0 0 9 1.74 IBB—off Despaigne (Piscotty). HBP—by Siegrist (Spangenberg),
TODAY’S GAMES Vogelsong (McCutchen). PB—Cervelli. U—Tony Randazzo, Toby
Basner, Phil Cuzzi, Gerry Davis. T—3:32. Tickets sold—31,364 IBB—off Zimmermann (E.Herrera). HBP—by Zimmermann HBP—by McKirahan (Fowler), by Wisler (Bryant), by Hammel
(F.Freeman), by Richard (F.Freeman). U—Ben May, Doug Eddings,
by Despaigne (Jh.Peralta). WP—Wacha. PB—Molina. U—Todd
(Do.Santana). U—Rob Drake, D.J. Reyburn, Joe West, Clint Fagan. Tichenor, Tim Timmons, Tim Welke, Chris Segal. T—3:29. Tickets
NATIONAL LEAGUE >>> (38,362). Adrian Johnson, Bill Miller. T—2:57. Tickets sold—39,581 (40,929). sold—33,756 (41,164).
T—3:03. Tickets sold—28,039 (41,341).
NY/deGrom (R) 12-6 1.98 4 p.m.
PHI/Morgan (L) 4-4 3.92 METS 5 RANGERS 4 TWINS 4
COL/De La Rosa (L) 7-5 4.50 4 p.m.
ATL/Teheran (R) 8-6 4.32 RED SOX 6
PIT/Happ (L) 5-7 4.42 4 p.m.
MIA/Koehler (R) 8-11 4.02 Logan Verrett (1-0) pitched eight in- Trevor Plouffe hit a tying single with two
nings for his first big league victory and Cole Hamels (7-8) gave up two runs in Mike Moustakas’ two-run double
STL/Lynn (R) 9-8 2.94 7 p.m.
six innings, and Mike Napoli and Chris outs in the top of the ninth inning and
ARI/Ray (L) 3-9 3.38 ESPN2 New York beat Colorado for the 10th capped a four-run ninth inning and Minnesota took advantage of two
time in a row. Verrett, 25, made his Gimenez each hit a home run to help Kansas City salvaged a split of the
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> Texas win for the ninth time in its last errors in the 12th to complete a four-
major league debut with Texas this four-game series. Moustakas also hit game sweep.
HOU/Feldman (R) 5-5 4.05 4 p.m. season and pitched four times in relief a home run and a run-scoring double.
Minnesota AB R H BI Avg. Baltimore AB R H BI Avg.
NY/Eovaldi (R) 13-2 4.24 MLB before the Mets got him on waivers. Texas AB R H BI Avg. Detroit AB R H BI Avg. K.C. AB R H BI Avg. Boston AB R H BI Avg. Buxton cf 6 0 0 0 .207 Machdo ss 5 0 1 0 .296
DeShlds cf 5 0 0 0 .254 Davis cf 5 0 0 0 .246 Escobar ss 3 1 2 1 .271 Betts cf 5 0 0 0 .271
BOS/Kelly (R) 6-6 5.37 5 p.m. Choo rf 1 1 0 0 .242 Kinsler 2b 5 1 1 0 .304 Dozier 2b 5 1 1 0 .245 Parra rf 5 1 2 0 .278
New York AB R H BI Avg. Colorado AB R H BI Avg. Zobrist lf 5 0 0 0 .282 Sndoval 3b 5 1 2 1 .259 Mauer dh 5 1 1 0 .268 Jones cf 6 1 3 0 .283
CHI/Samardzija (R) 8-9 4.64 Grandrsn rf 4 1 1 0 .257 Blackmn cf 3 0 1 0 .291 Beltre 3b 2 0 0 0 .266 Cabrra dh 4 0 2 0 .367 Cain cf 4 1 1 0 .307 Bgaerts ss 3 0 1 0 .314
Andrus ss 2 1 1 0 .257 VMrtnez 1b 4 0 1 0 .246 Sano 1b 5 1 2 2 .288 Davis 1b 6 0 0 0 .256
BAL/Jimenez (R) 9-7 3.97 5 p.m. Cespds lf 3 0 0 0 .307 LeMheu 2b 3 0 1 0 .313 Hosmer 1b 5 2 2 2 .317 Ortiz dh 3 0 0 1 .265 Plouffe 1b 4 0 2 1 .251 Clevngr dh 4 1 1 0 .395
Murphy 1b 5 1 2 1 .283 Gonzlez rf 4 1 1 1 .273 Morlnd 1b 4 0 1 2 .287 JMrtnez rf 4 0 1 0 .287 Morales dh 4 1 0 0 .283 Shaw 1b 3 1 1 0 .350
KC/Medlen (R) 1-0 2.51 Napoli dh 4 1 2 1 .214 Castllnos 3b 3 0 0 0 .246 Nunez 3b 1 0 0 0 .268 Reimld 1 0 0 0 .227
Uribe 3b 4 0 0 0 .248 Arenado 3b 4 0 1 0 .282 Moustks 3b 5 1 3 4 .274 Castillo rf 3 1 2 1 .293 Rosario lf 5 0 1 0 .274 Schoop 2b 6 0 3 3 .296
OAK/Doubront (L) 1-1 3.89 7 p.m. Jhnson 2b 4 0 0 0 .258 Paulsen 1b 4 0 0 0 .274 Odor 2b 4 0 1 0 .276 McCann c 4 1 1 0 .267 Rios rf 4 1 2 0 .246 Hanigan c 4 1 1 0 .248
Strsbrgr lf 3 0 0 0 .229 Iglesias ss 3 0 1 1 .306 Escobar ss 5 1 0 0 .246 Urrutia lf 5 0 1 0 .290
SEA/Iwakuma (R) 5-2 3.74 Flores ss 3 2 1 1 .262 Parker lf 3 0 0 0 .235 Infante 2b 4 0 2 0 .218 BradleyJr lf 4 2 3 2 .257 Hrrmnn c 4 0 0 0 .159 Joseph c 5 0 0 0 .247
Confrto lf 4 1 3 0 .258 Desclso ss 3 0 0 0 .207 Gimnez c 3 1 2 1 .286 Collins lf 4 0 2 0 .277 Butera c 3 1 2 0 .205 Rutldge 2b 3 0 1 1 .265
Alberto 3b 4 0 0 0 .234 Totals 36 2 9 1 Suzuki c 1 0 0 0 .238 Flherty ss 3 0 1 0 .214
Lagares cf 0 0 0 0 .263 Garnau c 2 0 0 0 .222 Totals 37 8 14 7 Totals 33 6 11 6 Rbinson rf 5 0 0 0 .255 Wieters 1 0 0 0 .274
INTERLEAGUE >>> Recker c 3 0 1 1 .138 Hale p 1 0 0 0 .111 Totals 32 4 7 4
Totals 46 4 7 3 Hardy ss 1 0 1 0 .222
Kansas City 001 201 004 —8 14 0
MATCHUP W-L ERA TIME Verrett p 3 0 0 0 .000 a-McBrde 1 0 0 0 .174 Texas 001 002 010 —4 7 1 Boston 020 002 200 —6 11 3 Totals 48 3 13 3
b-Cddyr 1 0 0 0 .249 Totals 28 1 4 1 Detroit 100 100 000 —2 9 0
CLE/Kluber (R) 8-13 3.52 11 a.m. Totals 34 5 8 3 Walks—Kansas City 1: K.Morales 1. Boston 1: R.Castillo 1. Minnesota 200 000 001 001 —4 7 1
Walks—Texas 4: Choo 2, Strausborger 1, Gimenez 1. Detroit 2: Strikeouts—Kansas City 2: Hosmer 1, Butera 1. Boston 7: Ortiz 1, Baltimore 001 020 000 000 —3 13 3
CHI/Lester (L) 8-9 3.58 New York 122 000 000 —5 8 0 Castellanos 1, J.Iglesias 1. Strikeouts—Texas 5: DeShields 2, Beltre T.Shaw 2, Hanigan 2, Bradley Jr. 1, Rutledge 1. E—Hanigan (2), Walks— Baltimore 3: M.Machado 1, G.Parra 1, Clevenger 1.
DET/Farmer (R) 0-2 8.39 4 p.m. Colorado 000 100 000 —1 4 1 1, Strausborger 1, Alberto 1. Detroit 4: R.Davis 1, Mi.Cabrera 1, Rutledge (3), Betts (2). LOB—Kansas City 7, Boston 5. Strikeouts—Minnesota 16: Buxton 2, Dozier 3, Mauer 1, Sano 3,
CIN/Sampson (R) 2-2 4.43 a-lined out for Si.Castro in the 8th. b-fouled out for Verrett in the J.Martinez 1, Castellanos 1. E—Choo (4). LOB—Texas 6, Detroit 9. 2B—Moustakas 2 (23), Rios (14), Butera (2), Sandoval (22), T.Shaw 1-Nunez 1, E.Rosario 2, Edu.Escobar 1, Herrmann 2, S.Robinson 1.
9th. 2B—Moreland (20), Odor (15). 3B—J.McCann (4). HR—Gimenez (5), Bradley Jr. 2 (7). 3B—Infante (5). HR—Moustakas (13), off Baltimore 10: A.Jones 1, C.Davis 4, Reimold 1, Schoop 2, Joseph 2.
Walks—New York 3: Granderson 1, Cespedes 1, Recker 1. (3), off Boyd; Napoli (15), off B.Hardy. RBIs—Moreland 2 (66), E.Rodriguez. RBIs—A.Escobar (39), Hosmer 2 (74), Moustakas 4 E—E.Rosario (6), Paredes (3), M.Machado 2 (16). LOB—Minnesota
Colorado 2: LeMahieu 1, Garneau 1. Strikeouts—New York 11: Napoli (43), Gimenez (9), J.Iglesias (22). CS—Strausborger (1). (49), Sandoval (40), Ortiz (76), R.Castillo (20), Bradley Jr. 2 (23), 6, Baltimore 12. 2B—Mauer (23), Sano (12), G.Parra (4), Clevenger
Granderson 2, Cespedes 2, Uribe 3, K.Johnson 1, Conforto 1, Recker RISP—Texas 1 for 8; Detroit 2 for 9. Runners moved up—DeShields. Rutledge (4). SB—A.Escobar (13). S—A.Escobar, Butera, Bogaerts,
GIDP—Strausborger. DP—Detroit 1 (Castellanos, Kinsler, (3). HR—Sano (11), off Gausman. RBIs—Sano 2 (34), Plouffe (69),
1, Verrett 1. Colorado 10: Ca.Gonzalez 2, Arenado 1, Paulsen 3, Rutledge. SF—A.Escobar, Ortiz. RISP—Kansas City 4 for 12; Boston 3 Schoop 3 (27). RISP—Minnesota 2 for 9; Baltimore 2 for 12.
LEADERS K.Parker 1, Descalso 2, Hale 1. E—Ca.Gonzalez (5). LOB—New York
7, Colorado 4. 2B—Dan.Murphy (27), Conforto (5), Recker (1). Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA for 4. Runners moved up—Rios. GIDP—R.Castillo. DP—Kansas City1
(A.Escobar, Infante, Hosmer).
DP—Minnesota 1.
Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Hamels W, 1-1 .............6 8 2 2 2 2 96 4.73
NATIONAL LEAGUE >>> HR—Ca.Gonzalez (30), off Verrett. RBIs—Dan.Murphy (50), W.Flores Kela H, 14...................1 1 0 0 0 2 22 2.84 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Pelfrey ......................42⁄3 9 3 3 1 3 93 3.69
(49), Recker (4), Ca.Gonzalez (71). SB—Granderson (11). S—Hale. S.Dyson H, 4................1 0 0 0 0 0 6 2.13 Volquez .....................62⁄3 9 6 6 0 5 99 3.40 Cotts ........................11⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 22 0.00
Player G AB R H Avg. RISP—New York 3 for 14; Colorado 0 for 6. Runners moved F.Morales.....................1 1 0 0 0 1 16 2.32 Graham.......................0 1 0 0 0 0 5 5.05
Gordon, Miami................108 460 60 154 .335 Sh.Tolleson S, 25-26 .....1 0 0 0 0 0 11 2.70
up—K.Johnson. GIDP—Dan.Murphy, Ca.Gonzalez. DP—New York 1 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA C.Young W, 9-6 ............1⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 6 3.26 Duensing...................12⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 24 4.46
Harper, Washington..........116 400 86 132 .330 (Dan.Murphy, W.Flores, Verrett); Colorado 1 (LeMahieu, Descalso, W.Davis S, 11-12..........1 1 0 0 0 1 18 1.05 May..........................11⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 25 4.00
Goldschmidt, Arizona .......122 440 79 145 .330 Boyd L, 1-4..................6 5 3 3 2 3 99 7.04
Paulsen). VerHagen.....................1 1 0 0 1 0 17 6.75 Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Jepsen ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 15 2.58
Pollock, Arizona...............118 463 88 150 .324 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA E.Rodriguez..................6 7 4 2 0 1 104 4.39 Perkins W, 2-4..............1 2 0 0 0 1 18 2.61
Posey, San Francisco........116 430 58 135 .314 B.Hardy.......................2⁄3 1 1 1 1 0 17 2.68
Verrett W, 1-0...............8 4 1 1 1 8 93 0.84 A.Wilson .....................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 4 1.79 Ogando.......................2⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 26 3.76 Milone S, 1-1...............1 0 0 0 0 2 12 3.69
LeMahieu, Colorado.........117 438 68 137 .313 Robles ........................1 0 0 0 1 2 20 4.03 Layne..........................1 0 0 0 0 0 8 4.35 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Panik, San Francisco..........97 375 56 116 .309 B.Rondon ....................1 0 0 0 0 2 13 5.66
Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Machi H, 2 ..................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 1 5.40 Gausman ....................7 3 2 2 0 8 105 4.30
Votto, Cincinnati..............120 425 72 131 .308 Hale L, 3-5 ..................6 6 5 4 2 9 97 6.15 Inherited runners-scored—A.Wilson 1-0. IBB—off VerHagen Tazawa L, 2-6 BS, 6-8....1 6 4 4 1 0 30 3.74 O’Day H, 12.................1 0 0 0 0 2 14 1.66
Duffy, San Francisco ........111 413 57 127 .308 Si.Castro .....................2 2 0 0 0 1 28 0.00 (Choo). HBP—by Boyd (Choo). U—Adam Hamari, Ron Kulpa, Brian Inherited runners-scored—F.Morales 1-1, Layne 2-0. HBP—by Britton BS, 3-32 ...........1 3 1 1 0 2 22 1.94
Escobar, Washington........109 420 57 128 .305 Ja.Diaz ........................1 0 0 0 1 1 16 0.00 Knight, Vic Carapazza. T—3:01. Tickets sold—39,317 (41,574). Givens ........................2 1 0 0 0 3 29 1.42
Volquez (T.Shaw), by Ogando (L.Cain). U—Mike Everitt, David
Home Runs HBP—by Verrett (Blackmon), by Si.Castro (Cespedes), by Hale Rackley, Bob Davidson, Hunter Wendelstedt. T—3:40. Tickets Matusz L, 1-3...............1 0 1 0 0 1 20 2.18
Harper, Washington .......................................................... 31 (W.Flores). WP—Hale 4. U—Fieldin Culbreth, Manny Gonzalez, Ryan sold—36,151 (37,221). U—Chris Conroy, Gabe Morales, Eric Cooper, Mark Carlson.
Arenado, Colorado............................................................ 30 Blakney, Paul Schrieber. T—2:42. Tickets sold—33,200 (50,398). T—4:24. Tickets sold—35,144 (45,971).
Gonzalez, Colorado........................................................... 30
Frazier, Cincinnati ............................................................. 29 MARINERS 8
Stanton, Miami ................................................................ 27 NOTES
Rizzo, Chicago ................................................................. 25 WHITE SOX 6 INDIANS 4
Sabathia leaves
Goldschmidt, Arizona ........................................................ 24
Gonzalez, DODGERS ......................................................... 24
Runs Batted In RAYS 2 Robinson Cano had a two-run home YANKEES 3
run and Nelson Cruz doubled in two
Yankees game
Goldschmidt, Arizona ........................................................ 93
Arenado, Colorado............................................................ 92
McCutchen, Pittsburgh ...................................................... 79
Eric Sogard hit a tiebreaking two-run runs to help Seattle past Chicago, Francisco Lindor hit a home run
Posey, San Francisco ........................................................ 79 single as part of a seven-run seventh which trailed, 7-1, but rallied with five against Dellin Betances (6-3) in the
Kemp, San Diego ............................................................. 76
Rizzo, Chicago ................................................................. 76 inning, Mark Canha tripled and drove in runs in the sixth inning behind two-run eighth inning and Carlos Santana hit
Crawford, San Francisco .................................................... 75 four runs and Oakland won for only the home runs by Jose Abreu and Adam one against CC Sabathia in the first New York Yankees starter CC
third time in 12 games. LaRoche. inning. Sabathia exited Sunday’s game
Wacha, St. Louis ........................................................... 15-4
Bumgarner, San Francisco .............................................. 15-6 Tampa Bay AB R H BI Avg. Oakland AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Seattle AB R H BI Avg. Cleveland AB R H BI Avg. New York AB R H BI Avg. against the Cleveland Indians be-
Arrieta, Chicago ............................................................ 15-6 Eaton cf 3 1 1 0 .265 Marte ss 4 1 1 1 .286
Cole, Pittsburgh ............................................................ 14-7
Sizmore dh 4 0 2 0 .236 Burns cf 4 2 3 0 .293
Saldno 3b 4 1 1 1 .248 Jckson cf 4 2 2 1 .259
Lindor ss 5 1 3 1 .298 Ellsbury cf 5 2 2 0 .279 cause of pain in the right knee.
Nava rf 3 0 0 0 .163 Canha 1b 4 1 2 4 .259 Aviles 3b 5 1 1 0 .223 Gardner lf 2 0 0 0 .278
Greinke, DODGERS ........................................................ 13-3 Longria 3b 4 0 0 0 .270 Reddck rf 4 0 0 0 .278 Abreu dh 4 1 2 2 .293 Cruz rf 5 1 1 2 .320 Brantley lf 4 1 1 0 .316 Beltran rf 4 0 1 2 .271 Sabathia struck out Yan
Jaso lf 2 0 0 0 .292 Valncia 3b 3 1 1 1 .286 Cabrra lf 4 0 0 0 .271 Cano dh 2 1 1 2 .274 Santana 1b 4 1 1 2 .224 McCann c 4 0 0 0 .242
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> Krmier cf 1 1 1 0 .251 Vogt c 4 0 2 0 .260 Garcia rf 4 1 1 0 .266 Gutrrez lf 3 0 1 1 .301 Raburn dh 1 0 1 0 .281 Bird 1b 4 0 1 0 .273
Gomes in the third inning. After
Player G AB R H Avg. Frsythe 1b 3 0 0 0 .279 Lawrie 2b 4 1 1 1 .270 LaRche 1b 4 2 2 2 .213 Seager 3b 4 0 1 0 .259 Kipnis dh 1 0 0 0 .321 Headley 3b 4 0 1 0 .274 the pitch, Sabathia stepped off the
Kipnis, Cleveland.............107 424 68 136 .321 Cabrera ss 4 1 1 0 .264 Butler dh 4 1 1 0 .234 Ramrez ss 4 0 1 1 .239 Trmbo 1b 3 1 1 0 .242 Gomes c 3 0 0 0 .224 Grgorius ss 3 0 0 0 .252
Fielder, Texas ..................119 462 58 148 .320 Loney 1b 2 0 0 0 .260 Sogard ss 4 1 1 2 .244 Soto c 3 0 0 0 .248 Miller 2b 3 1 1 0 .249 Almnte cf 3 0 1 1 .241 Drew 2b 2 1 0 0 .198 mound and was visited by trainer
Cruz, Seattle...................121 469 71 150 .320 Jnnngs 0 0 0 1 .263 Fuld lf 3 1 0 0 .191 Shuck 1 0 0 0 .280 Sucre c 1 1 1 1 .103 Sands rf 4 0 0 0 .243 Murphy c 2 0 0 0 .271 Steve Donohue and Manager Joe
Hosmer, Kansas City ........120 458 76 145 .317 Bckhm 2b 1 0 0 0 .231 Totals 34 8 11 8 Snchez 2b 3 0 0 0 .239 Smith 1 0 0 0 .252 Urshela 3b 2 0 1 0 .229 Rdrguez 1 0 0 0 .261
Brantley, Cleveland ..........110 427 52 135 .316 Guyer lf 3 0 2 0 .270 Totals 34 6 8 6 Zunino c 1 0 1 0 .176 Totals 32 4 9 4 Young 1 0 0 0 .250 Girardi, then left the game.
Bogaerts, Boston.............119 462 57 145 .314 Rivera c 4 0 1 1 .190 Totals 31 8 11 8 Totals 32 3 5 2 Sabathia gave up two runs and
Altuve, Houston...............117 480 64 149 .310 Totals 31 2 7 2 Chicago 010 005 000 —6 8 0 Cleveland 200 010 010 —4 9 2
Cain, Kansas City ............109 427 77 131 .307 Tampa Bay 000 000 200 —2 7 2 Seattle 004 030 01x —8 11 0 New York 001 000 200 —3 5 1
four hits in 22⁄3 innings.
Iglesias, Detroit...............110 389 40 119 .306 Oakland 000 100 70x —8 11 0 Walks—Chicago 1: Eaton 1. Seattle 6: A.Jackson 1, Cano 2, The Yankees said Sabathia was
Kinsler, Detroit ................122 494 80 150 .304 Walks—Cleveland 10: Brantley 1, C.Santana 1, Raburn 1, Kipnis
Walks—Tampa Bay 4: Nava 1, Jaso 1, Forsythe 1, Guyer 1. Oakland Gutierrez 1, Trumbo 1, Sucre 1. Strikeouts—Chicago 7: Eaton 1, 2, Y.Gomes 2, Almonte 1, Urshela 2. New York 6: Gardner 3, taken for an MRI exam.
Home Runs Saladino 1, Av.Garcia 1, LaRoche 1, Al.Ramirez 1, C.Sanchez 2.
2: Valencia 1, Fuld 1. Strikeouts—Tampa Bay 5: Nava 1, Longoria 2, Gregorius 1, Drew 2. Strikeouts—Cleveland 6: Aviles 2, Brantley 1,
Cruz, Seattle ................................................................... 37 Jaso 1, T.Beckham 1. Oakland 6: Reddick 1, B.Butler 2, Sogard 1, Seattle 6: K.Marte 1, A.Jackson 1, N.Cruz 1, Gutierrez 1, Seager 1, Y.Gomes 1, Sands 1, Urshela 1. New York 11: Ellsbury 1, Gardner 1,
Davis, Baltimore............................................................... 34
Donaldson, Toronto........................................................... 34
Fuld 2. E—Loney (5), A.Cabrera (5). LOB—Tampa Bay 7, Oakland 4. Trumbo 1. LOB—Chicago 2, Seattle 7. 2B—Saladino (3), LaRoche Beltran 1, B.McCann 3, Bird 1, Headley 1, Drew 1, A.Rodriguez 1, Etc.
2B—Guyer (14), Vogt (18), B.Butler (21). 3B—Burns (8), Canha (2). (19), N.Cruz (22), Trumbo (8). HR—Abreu (23), off T.Walker; C.Young 1. E—Y.Gomes (3), Bauer (1), Headley (19). LOB—Cleveland
Pujols, ANGELS................................................................ 33 RBIs—De.Jennings (7), Rivera (26), Canha 4 (46), Valencia (40), LaRoche (12), off Kensing; Cano (14), off Joh.Danks. 11, New York 8. 2B—Aviles (8), Ellsbury (9), Beltran (28). Reliever Rafael Betancourt, 40,
Trout, ANGELS.................................................................. 33
J. Martinez, Detroit............................................................ 32
Lawrie (47), Sogard 2 (26). SB—Sizemore (2), Forsythe (9). RBIs—Saladino (12), Abreu 2 (76), LaRoche 2 (42), Al.Ramirez 3B—Almonte (2). HR—C.Santana (15), off Sabathia; Lindor (7), off was designated for assignment by
SF—De.Jennings. RISP—Tampa Bay 2 for 7; Oakland 6 for 10. (47), K.Marte (4), A.Jackson (34), N.Cruz 2 (78), Cano 2 (56), Betances. RBIs—Lindor (27), C.Santana 2 (59), Almonte (9),
Teixeira, New York ............................................................. 31
Runners moved up—Forsythe. GIDP—Nava, Forsythe, Valencia. Gutierrez (22), Sucre (3). SB—K.Marte (2). S—B.Miller. SF—K.Marte. Beltran 2 (46). SB—Ellsbury (16), Gardner (18). CS—Jo.Ramirez (3).
the Colorado Rockies. ... Andy Pet-
Runs Batted In DP—Tampa Bay 1 (Longoria, Forsythe, Loney); Oakland 2 (Lawrie, RISP—Chicago 2 for 2; Seattle 5 for 9. DP—Chicago 1 (LaRoche); RISP—Cleveland 1 for 10; New York 1 for 8. DP—New York 4. titte had his uniform No. 46 retired
Donaldson, Toronto ........................................................ 100 Sogard, Canha), (Sogard, Lawrie, Canha). Seattle 1 (B.Miller, Trumbo). Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bauer .......................61⁄3 2 2 1 6 7 109 4.48 by the Yankees in a pregame cere-
Davis, Baltimore............................................................... 89 Odorizzi .......................6 3 2 2 1 4 94 3.02 Joh.Danks L, 6-11.........5 8 7 7 3 4 82 4.90
Bautista, Toronto .............................................................. 85 Crockett H, 3 ...............1⁄3 1 1 1 0 1 10 4.09 mony. Pettitte was 219-127 with a
Geltz L, 2-5 BS, 3-5......1⁄3 4 4 4 1 0 13 3.99 M.Albers ...................11⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 23 1.99 B.Shaw W, 2-2 BS, 2-4 ..1 2 0 0 0 0 22 2.56
Morales, Kansas City ........................................................ 85 Andriese .....................2⁄3 4 2 2 0 1 24 3.51 Duke ..........................2⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 11 3.47 3.94 ERA for the Yankees and 256-
J. Martinez, Detroit............................................................ 81 Allen S, 26-29 ...........11⁄3 0 0 0 0 3 15 3.83
Romero .......................1 0 0 0 0 1 12 6.57 Petricka.......................1 2 1 1 1 1 16 3.59 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Teixeira, New York ............................................................. 79 Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Sabathia ...................22⁄3 4 2 2 4 1 55 5.27
153 with a 3.85 ERA overall. ... The
Cruz, Seattle.................................................................... 78 Graveman....................6 3 0 0 1 3 84 4.05 T.Walker W, 9-7 ..........52⁄3 7 5 5 0 4 87 4.73 Rumbelow ...................2 2 1 1 1 0 38 2.08 Chicago Cubs said a female specta-
Pitching Doolittle BS, 1-1 ..........2⁄3 1 2 2 2 0 23 10.80 Kensing H, 1 ................1 1 1 1 1 2 24 9.00 Pinder.........................2 2 0 0 3 2 42 2.79
Lewis, Texas ................................................................. 14-5 Fe.Rodriguez W, 3-1 ....11⁄3 2 0 0 1 1 23 4.28 Ca.Smith H, 14 ..........11⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 10 3.08 Shreve ........................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 4 1.99 tor hit by a line drive foul ball Sun-
Abad ..........................1 1 0 0 0 1 14 3.34 Wilhelmsen S, 3-3 ........1 0 0 0 0 1 11 3.94 Betances L, 6-3............1 1 1 1 1 2 23 1.36 day was conscious and taken to a
Keuchel, Houston .......................................................... 14-6
Hernandez, Seattle ........................................................ 14-8 Inherited runners-scored—Geltz 1-1, Andriese 2-2, Fe.Rodriguez Inherited runners-scored—M.Albers 1-0, Kensing 1-1, Ca.Smith Ju.Wilson.....................1 0 0 0 1 0 11 3.13
Eovaldi, New York ...........................................................13-2 2-1. U—Dana DeMuth, Mike Estabrook, Ed Hickox, Paul Nauert. 1-0. U—Jim Wolf, Lance Barksdale, Quinn Wolcott, Gary Cederstrom. IBB—off Rumbelow (Kipnis). U—Tom Woodring, Dan Iassogna, CB hospital.
Buehrle, Toronto............................................................ 13-6 T—2:58. Tickets sold—19,425 (35,067). T—2:48. Tickets sold—30,537 (47,574). Bucknor, Lance Barrett. T—3:37. Tickets sold—46,945 (49,638). — wire reports
L AT I ME S . CO M / SP O RTS M O N DAY, AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 D5



Shoemaker is Hernandez
honing skills takes over
for Pederson
because of illness, Tropeano
By Zach Helfand was sent to Salt Lake to
make room on the roster for
A year ago, Matt Shoe- infielder Grant Green.
maker was making a push “We’re not making any
for American League rookie announcement,” Scioscia
of the year, an award for said. “There’s still a couple Kenley Jansen of the
which he was the runner-up. things that we’re looking at.” By Dylan Hernandez Dodgers was reminded of
Now, Shoemaker is ma- that over the last week.
rooned at triple-A Salt Lake, Giavotella returns HOUSTON — Less than When Jansen was called
trying to fix a delivery that Giavotella was with the six weeks after starting for on to preserve a 2-1 lead Sun-
hadn’t felt right from the be- Angels on Sunday, but, after the National League in the day against the Astros, he
ginning of the season. In the sitting out two games with All-Star game, Joc Pederson was seven days removed
last two starts before the de- what he described as flu-like is no longer the primary cen- from his last appearance.
motion, Shoemaker gave up symptoms, he remained too ter fielder for the Dodgers. Jansen failed to convert a
13 runs over 71⁄3 innings. weakened to play. Even with right-hander save opportunity for only the
On Saturday, Shoemaker “It’s going to take me a Lance McCullers pitching second time this year, allow-
pitched six innings for Salt couple more days to get back for the Houston Astros, the ing Houston to send the
Lake, giving up two hits and to feeling good again,” Gia- left-handed-hitting Peder- game into extra innings.
two walks, and striking out votella said. “I’m just trying son was on the bench Sun- Chris Hatcher gave up a
five batters. He gave up to get my strength back up.” day with Enrique Hernan- 10th-inning home run to Ja-
three unearned runs in the Without Giavotella, typi- Scott Halleran Getty Images dez replacing him in the son Castro and the Dodgers
sixth inning. cally the place setter at the THE ASTROS’ Carlos Correa makes a play on the middle of the outfield. lost their fifth game in a row.
“The reports on him were top of the order, Scioscia Dodgers’ Enrique Hernandez at second base. “I think he gives us a bet- “You can’t beat yourself
much better than anything stuck with the restructured ter chance to win,” Manager up about one-run leads,”

Aces are getting

we’ve seen this year from lineup that had Kole Cal- Don Mattingly said of Her- Jansen said. “You don’t have
him up here,” Angels Man- houn leading off, Mike nandez. enough room for error, so
ager Mike Scioscia said. “So Trout batting second and Hernandez, who was one you can’t beat yourself up,
hopefully he went down Albert Pujols batting third. for three in the Dodgers’ 3-2, especially if you didn’t pitch
there and got a chance to
work on some stuff, and he
will definitely be back up
here. We’ll see when that’s
They were a combined five
for 11 on Sunday.

Short hops
no offensive help 10-inning defeat Sunday, is
batting .344 with an on-base
percentage of .408 since the
All-Star break. Over the
for a week.”
Jansen disparaged the
two hits he gave up, using an
obscenity to intimate how he
going to be.” Outfielder Collin Cowgill [Dodgers, from D1] enough that the Astros same period, Pederson is thought the balls weren’t hit
The Angels have an open- was hitless in three at-bats Sunday night. asked for the play to be re- batting .163 with a .333 on- particularly hard.
ing. Right-hander Nick Tro- in a rehabilitation start in “There needs to be a viewed under baseball’s re- base percentage. The inning started with a
peano pitched in place of Salt Lake. ... Third baseman sense of urgency, maybe play system. “At this point, [Hernan- single to right field by rookie
Shoemaker on Thursday David Freese, making his that’s better to say than Ellis was knocked down dez] has earned at-bats,” shortstop Carlos Correa.
and gave up six runs in an 8-2 first rehabilitation appear- panic,” Kershaw said. “I feel on the play, as the headfirst- Mattingly said. With one out, Correa stole
loss to the Chicago White ance, was the designated like we have to start playing sliding Gomez kicked him in Pederson played Sunday, second base.
Sox. hitter and was one for two. like that. Not to say we the head as he went by him. but only as a ninth-inning Correa scored on a weak
When second baseman haven’t, but it’s definitely Ellis stayed in the game. defensive replacement for single to right field by Mar-
Johnny Giavotella sat out time to start thinking that Kershaw pitched two Yasiel Puig, who was ejected win Gonzalez.
way.” more innings, departing in the top half of the inning. Jansen, who has 24 saves,
Kershaw lowered his from the game with seven Pederson has 142 strike- hadn’t given up a run in his
earned-run average to 2.29, hits and no walks charged to outs in 483 plate appearanc- last six appearances. His
but the Dodgers are only 13- him. Watching the game end es, but Mattingly said the only other blown save this
12 when he starts. in defeat, Kershaw con- slumping rookie has done season was June 10.
The previous night, the ceded, was “disheartening.” everything in his power to
Dodgers lost a game started But, he said, “Just keep evolve as a hitter. “He’s not a Disciplinary report
by Zack Greinke. grinding. That’s the way this guy that’s been a prospect Puig was ejected after
“The way that we’re lined game goes. We have to keep who’s come up and just taking a called third strike
up right now, when you have playing. You can’t quit now.” doesn’t care,” Mattingly with one out and runners on
two of the best pitchers in said. “Actually, the other di- first and second base in the
baseball, you’ve got to take Up next rection. Probably cares too ninth inning. He stared at
advantage when they’re on Left-hander Alex Wood much. Probably lets it both- plate umpire James Hoye,
the mound,” catcher A.J. (8-8, 3.79 ERA) will face left- er him too much. I have no then dropped his bat, appar-
Ellis said. “They both threw hander John Lamb (0-1, 6.35) doubt Joc’s going to end up ently too defiantly for Hoye’s
amazing in this series. They and the Reds on Tuesday at being a great player.” liking.
gave us more than enough of 4 p.m. PDT at Great Ameri- Puig was two for four with
an opportunity to win can Ball Park. TV: Sport- Difficult return a stolen base.
Stephen Dunn Getty Images games, and we didn’t take sNet LA; Radio: 570, 1020. For a closer, a losing
GARRETT RICHARDS , talking to catcher Carlos advantage of it.” streak often involves a lot of
Perez, gave up seven earned runs in five innings. The Dodgers will resume waiting and little pitching. Twitter: @dylanohernandez
play Tuesday, when they

Angels slipping in
open a three-game series
against the Cincinnati Reds
at Great American Ball

wild-card standings
Park. The series will con-
clude an eight-game, three-
city trip that started with a
two-game set against the
[Angels, from D1] Oakland Athletics.
self, then shrunk back over The Blue Jay way “The pennant race is on,”
the final 25 outs. For good Ellis said. “This is the time of
measure, there was a base- Toronto hitters had their year you’ve got to step up.”
running gaffe. way with Angels’ pitching No-hit by Mike Fiers in
The Angels have slid to during the Blue Jays’ their series opener against
third place in the American three-game sweep. the Astros and limited to one
League West, 51⁄2 games be- run Saturday, the Dodgers

Day R H 2B HR What’s new in our business coverage
hind the first-place Houston are slumping offensively.
Friday 9 11 5 1
Astros, and 11⁄2 behind the The game Sunday start-
Saturday 15 20 3 2

Texas Rangers in the wild ed better than the previous • Cutting Edge: innovations and innovators
card. Sunday 12 17 3 2 two, as the Dodgers scored driving California’s economy forward
Facing that, the team Total 36 runs .393 avg. in the first inning. Chase Ut-

the way
held its closed-door post- ley doubled off Astros start- • The Agenda: an in-depth exploration of
California’s most talked-about issues
mortem. But the problem, er Lance McCullers, ad-
said Scioscia, is not one of “I was just kind of flat to- vanced to third base on a • Hot Property expands: more coverage of
work ethic or confidence.
“I’m not going to com-
ment on what was said and
day,” Richards said. “Slider
wasn’t really sliding.”
The one, and perhaps
wild pitch and went home on
a sacrifice fly by Justin Turn-
we do California residential real estate
• Technology coverage: new columns and

gadget reviews
what we’re trying to accom- only, positive: Richards be- The Dodgers doubled
plish,” he said. “But there’s came the first Angels starter their lead to 2-0 in the fifth • California Inc.: Start your week in the
no doubt that the confi- in the past four games to inning, when Ellis doubled know with our newsletter — sign up at
dence that this team has, make it out of the fourth in- and scored after McCullers
has to show up on the field.” ning. With a taxed bullpen, uncorked a couple more wild
“The leadership in there Scioscia had little choice. pitches.
is fine,” Scioscia added. Richards endured five in- The Astros started to
Afterward, at his locker, nings, allowed nine runs, edge their way back into the
first baseman Albert Pujols seven earned, and gave up 10 game in the sixth inning,
declined to speak about the hits. when Jose Altuve doubled to
meeting. The infield did little to right field.
“That’s not your guys’ help. In the second inning, “I thought I threw a really
business,” he said. the usually sure-handed Co- good two-strike fastball
He declined to speak wart was eaten up by a down and away,” Kershaw
about any building frustra- ground ball at third base, said. “Really impressive at-
tion. and two runs scored on the bat for him.”
“Frustration? Why?” he play. Shortstop Erick Ay- Carlos Gomez singled to
said. “It’s a tough weekend. bar’s error let a run score in left field to move Altuve to
Now you’re going to put the third inning. third, after which Carlos
words in my mouth? I’m In the fifth inning, left Correa singled on a come-
done talking.” fielder David Murphy seem- backer that struck Kershaw
Little could be said that ingly led off with an easy on his foot. Altuve scored on
the Angels’ play didn’t say double. He beat the throw the play, reducing the
already. Sunday’s start did with plenty of time, but a re- Astros’ deficit to 2-1.
actually inspire hope. In view of his slide showed his “It was like a changeup,
their first trip through the foot popped off the base by almost,” Kershaw said. “I
lineup, the Angels batted perhaps an inch. He was kind of reacted too fast and
1.000. They tagged knuckle- called out. The budding rally my foot got in the way of my
baller R.A. Dickey for five was nipped. glove. That’s a double-play
runs in the first inning, pow- “We just didn’t do any- ball right there. That would
ered in part by a run-scoring thing the way we need to this have stopped the damage.”
single from C.J. Cron, a run- weekend,” Scioscia said. Jed Lowrie flied out to
scoring double from Caleb Before the game, Scios- right field, allowing Gomez
Cowart and a run-scoring cia tried to keep perspective. to tag up, reach third base
triple from Mike Trout. They He said he played on teams and set the stage for the
led 5-1. where it felt like they most unusual play of the
The Blue Jays would lead couldn’t lose. game.
by the third inning. Other times, he said, “you With Evan Gattis at the
Right-hander Garrett don’t know if you’re ever go- plate and Kershaw directing
Richards gave up runs in the
first four innings. For the
ing to win a game. It’s just,
it’s overwhelming how poor
his attention to Correa at
first base, Gomez tried to
The story begins here
first three, the Blue Jays you’re playing.” steal home.
mostly singled him into sub- The lesson was, all rallies First baseman Adrian
mission, but in the fourth, end and every slump abates. Gonzalez and third base-
Jose Bautista blasted a As Richards put it, “Nobody man Turner alerted Ker-
home run so far that Rich- in here is panicking.” But the shaw to what was happen-
ards already had the next Angels’ August will not ing, allowing him to throw
baseball and had returned make their September any out Gomez at the plate.
to the rubber by the time it easier. “I know you have time,”
landed, some 440 feet away. “There’s a lot of baseball Kershaw said. “It’s only 60
The next batter, Edwin left,” Trout said. “We can’t feet. He has 90 to go. Felt
Encarnacion, smoked an- hang our heads now.” pretty confident we could
other home run next to the get him out there.”
left-field foul pole. Still, the play was close PHOTOS: Los Angeles Times
D6 M O N DAY, AU G US T 2 4, 2 015 L ATI M E S . C O M /S P O RT S



Defense plans to have a big presence

The Bruins have plenty of dynamic defense.” shared strategy, he said, in- The defense part requires Jordan Payton, Devin
By Chris Foster tools they can use to build an Players, though, are volving defensive line coach ongoing tinkering. Fuller, Eldridge Massing-
offense, but they lack an ex- ready to go further. Angus McClure, linebacker “We have cut things out, ton, Kenneth Walker III,
UCLA’s defensive players perienced mechanic. No “We have so much talent coach Scott White and de- we have added things,” Darren Andrews, Mossi
have definite plans for this matter who the quarterback and we have become a really fensive back coach Demet- Bradley said. “We have tried Johnson and Tyler Scott
season. is, either freshman Josh close group,” linebacker De- rice Martin. to figure out what’s the right ran with the first team.
“We like our swag,” safety Rosen or junior Jerry Neu- on Hollins said. “I think “Everybody is involved in mix for the guys we have. You Payton enters the season
Randall Goforth said. heisel, there will be growing you’ll see a big difference this what we’re trying to do here,” have to have enough things with 123 career receptions
Translation from safety pains. year.” Bradley said. “It’s not my ide- to keep people off-balance. and Fuller with 122. Craig
Jaleel Wadood: “We want The defense, meanwhile, One big difference is al- as, it’s our ideas. We’ve got- Sometimes, as coach, you Bragg holds the UCLA ca-
other teams to feel our pres- returns nine starters and ready apparent. ten together and talked tend to have that one more reer record with 193 recep-
ence.” gets Goforth back. Goforth, Tom Bradley, hired dur- about what we can do well. thing in your pocket, ‘Ah we tions.
There was little doubt a starter in 2013, played only ing the winter as defensive What pushes the envelope? need this,’ but then you nev-
that the defense put a drag two games last year before coordinator, brings a long re- What’s too much? What can’t er use it. You have to disci- Quick hits
on UCLA’s season a year ago. needing surgery on both sume of success from his we do? We kind of stirred the pline yourself to say, ‘OK, UCLA goes back to work
There were some big mo- shoulders. years at Penn State. whole pot together.” this is what we’re doing, Monday, but will not be able
ments, like scoring three de- There appears to be a The Bruins were more ag- Two things the Bruins that’s it.’ ” to use Spaulding Field be-
fensive touchdowns in the wealth of talent in reserve. gressive during two weeks of seem capable of doing is cause of construction on the
opener against Virginia or So much so that reserve training camp than they pressuring the quarterback Numbers game new football facility. The
holding Arizona to 255 yards Marcus Rios has edged out were during the 2014 season. and covering downfield with UCLA receiver coach Bruins will practice on the
and seven points. Ishmael Adams at one cor- They use a variety of looks the type of speed needed to Eric Yarber said that he will intramural fields. Workouts
But too often, it was the nerback spot. Adams, who and appear capable of creat- counter the up-tempo of- probably rotate eight receiv- are closed to the public. ...
offense that had to cover for has started 26 games, will see ing pressure with their line- fenses barnstorming around ers, not counting Y-backs Tackle Conor McDermott
the defense. The Bruins av- plenty of time as a nickel backers. the Pac-12. Thomas Duarte, Nate Iese (knee) and center Jake
eraged 33.5 points per game, back. That was one reason that “I believe we have a good and Chris Clark, this season. Brendel (calf) are expected
but allowed 28.1, ranking Coach Jim Mora treads the quarterbacks, particu- defense, and I believe we can The Bruins have13 receiv- to resume work on the first-
them 75th among 125 Foot- cautiously, saying, “If we’re larly Rosen, labored at times run the ball,” Mora said. “I ers on scholarship. Friday team offensive line Monday.
ball Bowl Subdivision teams. able to play to the level of our during camp. believe those two things will night’s scrimmage offered a
This season, the roles potential, and if we remain Bradley, though, sprints help whoever the quarter- window into how the compe-
may be reversed. injury free, we can be a really from taking any credit. It’s a back is adjust.” tition is going. Twitter: @cfosterlatimes

Past mastery, but

what about now?
Trojans picked to win Pac-12, just like old times
The Times’ annual col- Gators.

lege football countdown California, in 2007, was 10
continues its march toward yards from becoming No. 1 in
No. 1 with our pick for No. 9. the country when its
quarterback failed to stop
USC the clock for a possible tying
field-goal against Oregon
Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
almost every page, but it’s That moment was punc-
The Fourth Estate raised not bragging if you’ve done tuated with Cal coach Jeff THERE’S NOTHING quite like a returning star at quarterback to boost a team’s
a white flag with the release it. Tedford slamming his head- preseason stock. USC’s Cody Kessler threw 39 touchdown passes last season.
of last month’s Pac-12 foot- Since 1953, the other set so hard into the Memori-
ball media poll. The mes- schools in the Trojans’ con- al Stadium turf it recorded a that included parents and tress for Kessler, and three- from storming another field
sage: We Give Up. ference have combined for 2.1 on the campus Richter players. position star Adoree’ Jack- against Stanford.
The Times no longer exactly two national cham- scale. This is no time, at USC, son appears poised for a Other obstacles include
allows its writers to vote in pionships, and only partial Stanford was kept out of to be singing Kris Kristof- breakout season. trips to Arizona State, Notre
polls or for awards, even the ones at that (we don’t count the BCS title mix a few years ferson: “Sunday Mornin’ The defense, led by line- Dame and Oregon, with
Heisman Trophy, so yours the title Colorado won be- ago because it couldn’t gain Comin’ Down.” backer Su’a Cravens, should scary home dates against
truly was not involved in the fore joining the Pac-12). a couple yards against Utah Sarkisian’s edited and be solid. Utah, Arizona and UCLA.
tabulation that tabbed USC UCLA claimed the coach- in Salt Lake City. approved mea culpa came USC is at a competitive USC, the program, has
to win the conference. es’ share in 1954 and Wash- Oregon has won several moments before the Trojans disadvantage, most years, always embraced the chal-
For what it’s worth, I ington won half a slice in uniform competitions but debuted at No. 8 in the Asso- because it plays nine league lenge and the spotlight.
would have picked defend- 1991. USC, in that span, has never worn a No. 1 jersey at ciated Press preseason poll. games in addition to two The Pac-10 used to be
ing champion Oregon, but won seven national titles of season’s end. The Ducks did This stuff is raw meat to quality nonconference oppo- known as “USC and the Nine
everyone knows I snort kale, various poll sizes and colors. finish No. 2 in both polls in USC fans already critical of nents. Dwarfs.”
wear Birkenstocks and My guess is Pac-12 media 2001, and lost title games the Sarkisian hire. The last This year’s schedule The Pac-12 still counts on
quack when squeezed. voters got tired of waiting following the 2010 and 2014 thing Athletic Director Pat gives the Trojans a break, USC to lead, but can you
The sentiment for USC, around for someone else to seasons. Haden wanted to do Sunday though, with Arkansas State trust a team but not its
though, is understandable. ring the bell. UCLA needed one tackle was issue a statement end- and Idaho joining Notre coach?
No other school, frankly, Arizona once made a against Miami to play for the ing with “I am confident he Dame. Miami won a national
can be trusted with the Sports Illustrated cover first BCS title game of 1998 heard my message loud and Next year, USC plays title with Larry Coker and
responsibility of getting the with its “Desert Swarm” — but couldn’t make it. clear.” Notre Dame and Alabama, Auburn did it with Gene
job done. Picking USC is like defense under Dick Tomey, In essence, what the The Trojans are not yet with Texas on deck in 2017. Chizik.
a golfer with the yips going yet is still looking to swarm media is saying is: USC, it’s back to the full allotment of So, there is a window of So yes, anything is pos-
back to his old putter, or into its first Jan. 1 Rose up to you. 85 scholarships, but are opportunity in 2015, pro- sible.
California going back to Bowl. Oregon and UCLA might close enough to be worthy of vided USC is as good as Top 25 so far: 25. Michi-
Jerry Brown. Arizona State thought it have more talent, but no top-10 consideration. They everyone thinks and Sarki- gan. 24. Nebraska. 23. Utah.
The Trojan V-12 has been, won the national title in 1996 school has more pride, his- return a star at quarterback sian stops making the wrong 22. Missouri. 21. Arkansas.
historically, a reliable engine after quarterback Jake tory and know-how. in underrated Cody Kessler, kind of headlines. 20. Tennessee. 19. Boise
that doesn’t choke in cold Plummer snaked into the The biggest concern who got overshadowed by The Pac-12 opener Sept. State. 18. Oklahoma. 17.
weather. Paging through end zone against Ohio State facing USC, it seems, is the Marcus Mariota (and oth- 19 against Stanford, at the Notre Dame. 16. Wisconsin.
USC’s door-stopper media in the Rose Bowl. legitimacy of Coach Steve ers) last year despite throw- Coliseum, will be a critical 15. Georgia Tech. 14. UCLA.
guide is the closest thing The defense couldn’t Sarkisian, forced to issue an ing 39 touchdown passes early-season indicator. 13. Arizona. 12. Florida State.
someone in the West can feel hold, though, and the Sun apology Sunday for his with only five interceptions. Haden will be watching 11. Arizona State. 10. Georgia.
to living in the SEC East. Devils let destiny slip to night-before language and The returning offensive closely, possibly chained to a
There’s USC bragging on Steve Spurrier’s Florida behavior at a Trojans event line should provide a for- press box stool to keep him

Sarkisian issues apology Haden could face a crucial call

[USC, from D1] Sarkisian and Haden were
to me after the event about reprimanded and Haden [Plaschke, from D1] but Haden was quick to send
my actions and I assured
him this will not happen
was fined $25,000 by the
Pac-12 Conference for “inap-
here isn’t the curse word
that Sarkisian used on stage
What USC fans a strong message.
“We’re not trying to make
again.” propriate sideline conduct” — audible in a brief video clip witnessed any kind of statement here,”
Said Haden: “I met with
Coach Sarkisian and I ex-
during USC’s 13-10 victory
over Stanford.
— or that he apparently
ripped several other schools Saturday night, Haden said at the time.
“This is who we are.”
pressed my disappointment
in the way he represented
Sarkisian summoned Ha-
den to the field late in the
Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times

by saying, “They all suck.”
This sort of trash talking is
others say they So Sarkisian embar-
rasses not an opposing
himself and the University at third quarter of the Stanford Pat Haden expressed easily forgiven when it have witnessed booster, but his own boost-
disappointment in coach.
our Salute To Troy event.
While the details of our con-
game after he was called for
an unsportsmanlike-con-
comes from excited coaches
during pep-rally style before. That ers, at an event far bigger in
USC’s world than a basket-
versation will remain be-
tween us, I am confident he
duct penalty. Haden, a mem-
ber of the College Football
tured the emotional return
of former USC athletic direc-
events; just ask UCLA’s Jim
smoke can no ball tournament, and yet he
is penalized with only a
heard my message loud and
Playoff selection committee,
jogged to the sideline and
tor Mike Garrett, who re-
ceived a standing ovation
The biggest issue is that
Sarkisian made these state-
longer be ignored lecture? Hmmm. Maybe,
with only two weeks remain-
USC concluded training had an animated conversa- from the crowd. Garrett at- ments while apparently now that ing until the start of football
camp Saturday. The Tro-
jans, ranked eighth in the
tion with officials.
The “Salute to Troy”
tended the event as part of
the celebration to honor the
impaired, even though this
was one night when he abso-
Sarkisian has season, this is who the Tro-
jans are now.
preseason Associated Press
media poll and 10th in the
event is becoming a flash
point for drama. Last year,
1965 Trojans team. Garrett
was USC’s first Heisman
lutely had to know he would
need his wits about him. The
publicly gone up Twenty years ago, anoth-
er power-conference football
coaches’ poll, open the sea- Haden was absent after be- Trophy winner that season. judgment here wasn’t just in flames. coach had an off-season,
son Sept. 5 against Arkansas ing hospitalized for a heart Haden replaced Garrett lacking, it was nonexistent, alcohol-related incident in
State at the Coliseum. issue. Shortly after the as athletic director in August which should scare USC into public, this one leading to an
The Trojans did not prac- event, former cornerback 2010, two months after the wondering whether this for Sarkisian’s sake as well. arrest at a bar. Despite a
tice Sunday and will be off to- Josh Shaw injured his ankles NCAA assessed sanctions issue could run far deeper What USC fans witnessed 44-13-3 record at Michigan,
day for the first day of fall se- after he leaped off a balcony against USC and cited it for than one night and a couple Saturday night, others say Gary Moeller was quickly
mester classes. They resume at his apartment near down- lack of institutional control. of cocktails. they have witnessed before. forced to resign.
practice Tuesday, when Sar- town to evade police. Haden has disciplined a “I met with Coach Sarki- That smoke can no longer be There are many direc-
kisian is expected to meet Shaw told USC officials coach for embarrassing pub- sian and I expressed my ignored now that Sarkisian tions USC can take here,
with the media in a regular he was injured while at- lic behavior at least once be- disappointment,” Haden has publicly gone up in actions that could not only
post-practice session. tempting to save a relative fore. In 2011 he suspended said in a statement. “While flames. restore faith in the pro-
Sarkisian is a former USC from drowning in a pool at an Kevin O’Neill, then the USC details of our conversation This is not the first time gram’s leadership, but also
assistant who was head apartment complex in Palm- basketball coach, after an al- will remain between us, I’m Haden has been faced with show care and support for
coach at Washington for five dale. USC posted the heroic tercation with an Arizona confident he heard my mes- something like this. Four Sarkisian. No matter what
seasons before the Trojans tale on its website, but Shaw fan at a hotel near L.A. Live sage loud and clear.” years ago, then-USC basket- happens next, it feels like
hired him to replace Lane later admitted that he had during the conference The only message that ball coach Kevin O’Neill was something should happen
Kiffin. He guided the team to fabricated the story. He was basketball tournament. rang loud and clear through involved in an alcohol-re- next. If nothing substantive
a 9-4 record last season, suspended and sat out 10 the sports world Sunday was lated confrontation with an comes from Saturday’s
USC’s first since coming off games before the police con- that USC might have a seri- Arizona booster at the humiliating moment, then
NCAA sanctions. cluded an investigation Twitter: @latimesklein ous problem with its head Pac-12 Conference tourna- the Salute to Troy was noth-
During the spring, USC about the incident at his football coach that might ment. Haden immediately ing but Shame on Troy.
confirmed that Sarkisian apartment and USC rein- Times correspondent require more than a wrist suspended him for that
and his wife were in the proc- stated him to the team. Lindsey Thiry contributed slap. This would not be only tournament. The suspen-
ess of divorce. Last season, Saturday’s event fea- to this report. for the Trojans’ benefit, but sion lasted only one game, Twitter: @billplaschke
L AT I M ES . C O M / S P O RT S M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 D7

Ohio State is AP’s first DEL MAR RESULTS

29th Day of a 40-Day Thoroughbred Meet. Copyright 2015 er: Peter Miller. Owner: Robison, J. Kirk and Judy. 10 Avanzare Stevens 15.40 7.20 5.00

unanimous No. 1 in poll

by Equibase Company. 8 Scratched: none. 2 Talco (FR) Bejarano 3.20 3.00
8247-FIRST RACE. 61⁄2-furlongs. Claiming. 3 year olds 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (3-7) paid $349.80, $1 Exacta 9 Di Giorgio (ARG) Valdez 10.60
and up. Claiming Prices $12,500-$10,500. Purse (7-5) paid $20.40, $2 Quinella (5-7) paid $22.80, $1 8 Also Ran: Kulik Lodge, Bal a Bali (BRZ), Jimmy Bouncer,
$26,000. Superfecta (7-5-2-8) paid $622.50, $1 Trifecta (7-5-2) Winning Prize (ARG), Marchman, Wilkinson, Pure Tactics.
P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show paid $144.80, $1 Pick Three (4-3-7) paid $373.10. 8 Time: 23.38, 47.77, 1.11.52, 1.23.56, 1.35.22. Cloudy
3 Newfound Gold Perez 3.40 2.60 2.40 8251-FIFTH RACE. 61⁄2-furlongs. Maiden Claiming. & Firm. Trainer: Thomas F. Proctor. Owner: Lanni, Donato
4 Justification Gonzalez 6.80 5.00 Fillies and Mares. 3 year olds and up. Claiming and Youngblood, John F..
7 Gnarly Dude Flores 5.80 Prices $20,000-$18,000. Purse $23,000. 8 Scratched: Obviously (IRE).
8 Also Ran: Secret Command, Half Dome Dude, Time to P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (10-10) paid $29.80, $1 Ex-
The Pac-12, considered by Go Robo, Sunrise Legacy. 2 Ms. K J Bejarano 5.20 3.60 3.00 acta (10-2) paid $23.50, $2 Quinella (2-10) paid $24.40,
By Chris Dufresne
AP college football most the second best confer- 8 Time: 22.42, 45.73, 1.10.42, 1.16.97. Clear & Fast.
Trainer: Robert B. Hess, Jr.. Owner: Carter, George A. and
11 Spirtofthescrpt Perez
8 MssGreenPnd Quinnz
19.40 11.00
$1 Superfecta (10-2-9-7) paid $7,897.40, $1 Trifecta (10-
2-9) paid $737.10, $1 Pick Three (2-10-10) paid $231.50.
ence behind the Southeast-
preseason top 25 It was no surprise Sun- ern Conference, is three
Newman, Roger.
8 Scratched: none.
8 Also Ran: Sarah Bell, Honor N Grace, Korcha Kid, Desig-
nated Royalty, Warren’s Tea Party, Stormys’ Blazer, Quality
8255-NINTH RACE. 7-furlongs. Allowance Optional
Claiming. Fillies and Mares. 3 year olds and up.
8 Exotics: $1 Exacta (3-4) paid $8.70, $2 Quinella (3-4) Chimes, Gorgeous Georgia. Claiming Price $40,000. Purse $72,000.
First-place votes in parentheses day when Ohio State opened spots removed from a play- paid $13.00, $1 Superfecta (3-4-7-6) paid $202.30, $1 8 Time: 22.42, 46.15, 1.11.58, 1.18.18. Clear & Fast. P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
Team 2014 record Pts. Prv. at No. 1 in the first Associat- off spot. Trifecta (3-4-7) paid $77.70. Trainer: Martin F. Jones. Owner: Carl S. Maggio. 4 Gloryzapper Talamo 3.80 3.20 2.40
8248-SECOND RACE. 6-furlongs. Maiden Special 8 Scratched: Divine Tale. 6 Jsphne’sMmnt Pereira 16.40 9.80
1. Ohio St. (61).......14-1 1,525 1 ed Press college football poll. Oregon, which lost to Weight. 2 year olds. Purse $70,000. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (7-2) paid $19.00, $1 Exacta 7 Scat Means Go Stevens 5.60
2. Texas Christian.....12-1 1,428 3 The Buckeyes return Ohio State in last year’s title P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show (2-11) paid $60.40, $2 Quinella (2-11) paid $75.00, $1 8 Also Ran: Exposure, Sweetrayofsunshine, Can Can Babe,
Superfecta (2-11-8-1) paid $1,348.20, $1 Trifecta (2-11-8) Itz a Saint, Tatum’s Gold.
3. Alabama.............12-2 1,322 4 most of the key components game, is the closest Pac-12 4 Miss Big Stuff Espinoza 4.00 3.20 2.60
paid $330.10, $1 Pick Three (3-7-2) paid $437.70, 50- 8 Time: 22.83, 45.51, 1.10.28, 1.23.09. Cloudy & Fast.
2 Good for It Nakatani 5.00 3.20
4. Baylor ................11-2 1,263 7 from last year’s national title team at seventh. 1 Storming Candy Gonzalez 2.60 Cent Pick Five (3-4-3-7-2) 5 correct paid $2,706.60. Trainer: Philip D’Amato. Owner: Hebert, A. C., Peluso, Peter
team. The impact of the AP poll 8252-SIXTH RACE. 1-mile turf. Claiming. 3 year olds and Leggio, Richard.
5. Michigan St.........11-2 1,256 t5 8 Also Ran: Shut the Box, Too Much Chatter, Cape Nelo,
and up. Claiming Prices $40,000-$35,000. Purse 8 Scratched: none.
Norman Jorgenson.
6. Auburn.................8-5 1,192 22 Sunday’s poll, though, has diminished since the in- 8 Time: 22.27, 45.50, 57.65, 1.10.21. Clear & Fast. Train- $50,000. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (10-4) paid $38.40, $1 Exacta
7. Oregon ...............13-2 1,156 2 was historic. troduction of last year’s er: Peter Miller. Owner: Bernsen, Rockin Robin Racing Sta- P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show (4-6) paid $23.10, $2 Quinella (4-6) paid $41.20, $1 Su-
ble, STD Racing Stable et al.. 2 Hrzntlyspeakin Garcia 23.80 11.40 6.60 perfecta (4-6-7-8) paid $694.90, $1 Trifecta (4-6-7) paid
8. USC.....................9-4 1,085 20 Ohio State became the playoff. 7 HomeSchl (IRE) Bejarano 6.00 4.20 $218.90, $1 Pick Three (10-10-4) paid $33.90.
8 Scratched: none.
9. Georgia ..............10-3 991 9 first unanimous pick in the While the AP can still 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (3-4) paid $11.00, $1 Exacta 9 Chips All In Quinnz 4.40 8256-TENTH RACE. 1-mile turf. Claiming. Fillies and
10. Florida St............13-1 959 t5 history of the AP index, crown an independent (4-2) paid $9.60, $2 Quinella (2-4) paid $15.40, $1 Su- 8 Also Ran: Vegas Street, Back to Bako, It Is Living Water, Mares. 3 year olds and up. Claiming Prices
perfecta (4-2-1-3) paid $50.60, $1 Trifecta (4-2-1) paid Mr T Bird, Pure Loyalty, Tiz Dynamic, Tosheen. $25,000-$22,500. Purse $40,000.
11. Notre Dame ..........8-5 873 NR
which began in 1936. champion, as it did with $27.50. 8 Time: 24.18, 48.80, 1.12.92, 1.24.81, 1.36.70. Cloudy P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
12. Clemson.............10-3 862 15 8249-THIRD RACE. 1-mile. Allowance Optional & Firm. Trainer: Carlos Lopez. Owner: Carlos Cruz Lopez. 3 With a Twist Dsrmaux 8.60 5.20 3.80
13. UCLA .................10-3 698 10 The Buckeyes received USC in 2003, it is highly un- Claiming. Fillies and Mares. 3 year olds and up. 8 Scratched: none. 2 Tiz Partners Prat 8.80 5.80
14. LSU .....................8-5 675 NR all 61 first-place votes and likely an AP champion Claiming Price $62,500. Purse $75,000. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (2-2) paid $67.60, $1 Exacta 9 Aunty Pearl Pereira 4.60
start the year with a strong- would come from outside P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show (2-7) paid $59.90, $2 Quinella (2-7) paid $70.00, $1 8 Also Ran: An Unusual Group, Zuzu’s Petals, Redressthe-
15. Arizona St. ..........10-3 605 12 3 Kyriaki Gutierrez 59.20 10.40 4.00 Superfecta (2-7-9-5) paid $3,479.00, $1 Trifecta (2-7-9) balance (IRE), Veronica Bay, Italian Baba, Toomanytoma-
16. Georgia Tech .......11-3 588 8 hold on No. 1. Texas Chris- the four playoff teams. 5 Super Majesty Solis 2.40 2.10 paid $295.70, $1 Pick Three (7-2-2) paid $164.30. toes, Lust for Life.
tian is second, followed by Alabama is the all-time 4 Sky Mega Baze 2.40 8253-SEVENTH RACE. 6-furlongs. Maiden Special 8 Time: 23.49, 47.90, 1.12.33, 1.24.57, 1.36.78. Cloudy
17. Mississippi............9-4 563 17 Weight. Fillies and Mares. 3 year olds and up. Purse & Firm. Trainer: Robert B. Hess, Jr.. Owner: Summertime
8 Also Ran: Tiz Kissable, All Star Bub, Clearly Confused.
18. Arkansas ..............7-6 410 NR Alabama, Baylor and Michi- leader in AP championships 8 Time: 23.17, 46.93, 1.11.30, 1.23.42, 1.36.19. Clear & $70,000. Racing.
19. Oklahoma.............8-5 394 NR gan State. with nine, followed by Notre Fast. Trainer: Peter Eurton. Owner: Ciaglia Racing LLC and P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show 8 Scratched: Forever a Fan, Love Blind (ARG), Maibaby
Savides, Dominic. 10 Finest City Nakatani 3.40 2.80 2.20 (IRE), Wild Bella.
20. Wisconsin...........11-3 393 13 Auburn is sixth, then Or- Dame (8) and Oklahoma 7 Everlovin Woman Puglisi 25.80 12.00 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (4-3) paid $16.00, $1 Exacta
8 Scratched: none.
21. Stanford ...............8-5 347 NR egon, USC, Georgia and (7), with USC and Miami 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (4-3) paid $196.80, $1 Exacta 3 Lily Pod Graham 3.00 (3-2) paid $28.20, $2 Quinella (2-3) paid $35.40, $1
22. Arizona...............10-4 311 19 (3-5) paid $58.70, $2 Quinella (3-5) paid $30.20, $1 8 Also Ran: Ponder Lea, She’soverthemoon, Rockport Superfecta (3-2-9-4) paid $894.90, $1 Super High Five
Florida State. each earning five. Superfecta (3-5-4-2) paid $727.20, $1 Trifecta (3-5-4) Dancer, I’ll Show Me, Ebony Princess, Half Past Midnight, (3-2-9-4-8) paid $2,721.30, $1 Trifecta (3-2-9) paid
23. Boise St. ............12-2 240 16 UCLA starts out No. 13 in Being picked by the AP is paid $183.80, $1 Pick Three (3-4-3) paid $228.20. Diamond Dona. $196.10, $1 Pick Three (10-4-3) paid $77.70, 50-Cent
24. Missouri .............11-3 219 14 8250-FOURTH RACE. 6-furlongs. Claiming. Fillies. 3 8 Time: 22.19, 45.17, 57.15, 1.09.36. Cloudy & Fast. Pick Four (10-10-4-3) 4 correct paid $92.15, $2 Pick Six
the first poll. no guarantee for success. In (2-2-10-10-4-3) 5 out of 6 paid $101.80, $2 Pick Six (2-2-
25. Tennessee.............7-6 114 NR year olds. Claiming Prices $32,000-$28,000. Purse Trainer: Ian Kruljac. Owner: Seltzer Thoroughbreds.
A couple of observations: fact, the last preseason No. 1 $45,000. 8 Scratched: none. 10-10-4-3) 6 correct paid $8,118.20, $1 Place Pick All 10
Others receiving votes: Mississippi St. 100, 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (2-10) paid $43.60, $1 Exacta correct paid $188.20.
Texas A&M 61, Oklahoma St. 46, Virginia Tech Two Big 12 schools that to win the final AP poll was P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
(10-7) paid $41.20, $2 Quinella (7-10) paid $61.40, $1
7 Stealth Drone Garcia 6.40 4.00 3.00
42, Utah 36, Penn St. 20, Louisville 12, thought they belonged in USC in 2004. 5 Hnnythelvepny Solis 6.60 4.40 Superfecta (10-7-3-6) paid $700.60, $1 Trifecta (10-7-3) ATTENDANCE / MUTUEL HANDLE
Cincinnati 8, Nebraska 6, Kansas St. 5, last year’s first four-team 2 SstrofMrcy (IRE) Graham 4.80 paid $107.90, $1 Pick Three (2-2-10) paid $81.20. On-Track Attendance-13,067. Mutuel handle-$1,895,746
Florida 4, NC State 4, Texas 3, BYU 2, 8 Also Ran: Desert Thief, Roianna, Highly Elusive, Mother- 8254-EIGHTH RACE. 1-mile turf. ’Del Mar Mile ’ Inter-Track Attendance-7,486. Mutuel handle-$5,498,149
Michigan 2, N. Illinois 2, California 1, W. playoff, rank second and naturespell, Hi Fever. Stakes. 3 year olds and up. Purse $200,000. Out of State Attendance-N/A. Mutuel handle-$7,027,104
Kentucky 1, West Virginia 1. fourth in the first poll. Twitter: @DufresneLATimes 8 Time: 22.15, 45.63, 57.63, 1.10.21. Clear & Fast. Train- P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show Total Attendance-20,553. Mutuel handle- $14,420,999

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BMW BMW Chevrolet Ford Lexus Mercedes Benz Mercedes Benz Mini
‘13 335 i Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . $37,293 ‘13 750 Li . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,981 ‘11 Camaro LT . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,965 ‘13 Focus SE 4Dr . . . . . . . . . . $11,995 ‘08 GS 350 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,972 ‘14 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $41,895 ‘12 GLK-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . $29,889 ‘13 Cooper Countryman S . $19,994
Certified, RWD, White, 35K Miles 4dr, Sdn, RWD, White, 37K Mi ., Cert . White, 15K Miles . Auto, PZEV, 4-Cyl, 2 .0L 4dr Sdn, RWD, Gray, 80K MI . Certified, 1 Owner, Navigation Certified, Nav Syst, Low Miles Certified, FWD, 4DR
(LDF475731) 877-704-8571 (SDDE22261) 877-704-8571 (B9145275) 866-734-4431 (DL212448) 888-378-9514 (P80042799) 877-704-8571 (P16009/786785) 877-475-2266 (841720) 888-744-4364 (TDWP24370) 877-704-8571
‘13 335 i Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . $34,993 ‘14 M235 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,992 ‘14 Captiva Sport LTZ . . . . . $17,995 ‘14 Mustang . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,454 ‘09 RX 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,992 ‘14 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $42,881 ‘15 M-Class ML350 . . . . . . . . $55,881 ‘12 Cooper Countryman S . $18,992
Acura Certified, RWD, Black, 37K Miles Certified, 2Dr RWD Cpe, Blue, 12K Mi . (Used) SUV 4Dr Auto 2 .4L Gray, 17K Miles . AWD 4Dr, Silver, 112K Miles . Certified, Prem Pkg . 1, Lux Pkg, Nav Sys Certified, Prem Pkg 1, Nav Syst Certified, FWD 4Dr, Black, 38K Miles .
(LDJ437794) 877-704-8571 (SEVW84315) 877-704-8571 (ES568949) 888-378-9514 (E5250322) 866-734-4431 (T9C102500) 877-704-8571 (835630) 888-744-4364 (440879) 888-744-4364 (TCWM27698) 877-704-8571
‘12 TL Tech Auto . . . . . . . . . . $19,992
(TCA012366) 877-704-8571
‘12 335 i Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . $30,884 ‘08 M3 Convertible . . . . . . . $31,484 ‘13 Corvette GrandSport . . $40,954 GMC ‘14 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $42,981 ‘13 M-Class ML350 . . . . . . . . $42,981 ‘15 Cooper S Countryman $23,994
Long Beach BMW Certified, 2DR, RWD, Gray, 32K MIles Black 33K Miles .
Mazda Certified, Prem Pkg 1, Low Miles Certified, Prem Pkg 1, 14k Miles Only Certified, FWD, 4DR
2DR, Black, 68K Miles
(LCE802786) 877-704-8571 (P8PL89816) 877-704-8571 (D5108214) 866-734-4431 ‘08 Acadia SLT . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,454 (809736) 888-744-4364 (107512) 888-744-4364 (TFWT103160) 877-704-8571
‘12 TSX 4Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,995 ‘15 CX-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,995
Gray, Auto, Sport Shift, CC, XM, Lthr, HS Long Beach BMW RYDELL CHEVROLET NORTHRIDGE (8J245826) Black 83K Miles . (Used) Mazda SUV, Auto, 4-CYL DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS Long Beach BMW
(CC031065) 888-378-9514
Long Beach BMW 866-734-4431 (F0467922 ) 888-378-9514
‘12 335 i Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . $30,483 ‘08 Corvette . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,991 RYDELL CHEVROLET NORTHRIDGE ‘14 E-Class 350 Coupe . . . . . $49,881 ‘14 S-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . . . $87,895 ‘14 Cooper S Countryman $22,393
WIN CHEVROLET Certified, RWD, White, 39K Miles ‘13 X1 28i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,883 WIN CHEVROLET Certified, Prem Pkg 1, Nav Syst 1 Owner, Certified, Lots of Extras Certified, FWD, White, 15K Miles
2dr, Coupe, Black, 38K Miles .
(SCNN67481) 877-704-8571 Certified, RWD, White, 40K Miles (T85132245) 877-704-8571 ‘10 Yukon Denali . . . . . . . . . $33,965 (240718) 888-744-4364 (P16049/EA007058) 877-475-2266 (TEWP28906) 877-704-8571
‘09 TSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,482 (TDVW41715) 877-704-8571 ‘11 CX-7 i SV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,983
4Dr Sdn, Auto, Black 80K Miles . Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW Black, 57K Miles . 4DR, FWD, White, 55K Miles DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS Silver Star A.G. Long Beach BMW
(T9C015043) 877-704-8571 Long Beach BMW (AR220485) 866-734-4431 (TB0393873) 877-704-8571
‘11 335 is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,472 ‘14 Corvette Stingray Z51 . . . $CALL RYDELL CHEVROLET NORTHRIDGE ‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $29,895 ‘13 S-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . . . $56,982 Nissan
Long Beach BMW 2dr Cpe, RWD, Silver, 35K MI, Cert . ‘13 X3 xDrive28i . . . . . . . . . . $30,482 15K Miles, Certified Pre-owned Long Beach BMW 1 Owner, Navigation, Certified Certified, Keyless go, Low Miles
(PBE618599) 877-704-8571 Certified, AWD 4Dr, Black, 30K Miles . (E5110586) 888-378-9514 Honda (P16006/668149) 877-475-2266 (530596) 888-744-4364 ‘10 Altima 2.5S . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,972
BMW Long Beach BMW
(TD0A26987) 877-704-8571
‘04 Miata MX-5 Convertible $5,984
Cloth, 2DR, 5Spd, Blue, 109K Miles Silver Star A.G. DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS (TAC102341) 2dr Cpe, I4, CVT, Black, 123K MI .
Long Beach BMW 877-704-8571
‘14 Accord LX . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,982 (T40400797A) 877-704-8571
‘13 128 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,472 ‘14 428 i xDrive Coupe . . . . $35,993 4dr Sdn, I4, CVT, Silver, 24K MI . ‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $33,781 ‘13 S-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . . . $59,782 Long Beach BMW
2dr Cpe, SULEV, White, 39K MI . Cert . ‘13 Cruze ECO . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,943 Long Beach BMW
Certified, AWD, White, 17K Miles ‘07 X3 3.0si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,982 Burgundy, 18K Miles . (TEA014170) 877-704-8571 Certified, Prem Pkg . 1, Nav . Syst . Certified, Prem Pkg 2, Keyless Go
(BDVS94631) 877-704-8571 (TEF716494) 888-744-4364 (537043) 888-744-4364
877-704-8571 AWD, 4dr, Black, 76K MI . (D7194843) 866-734-4431 Long Beach BMW (743018 ) Porsche
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW (T7WF10992) 877-704-8571
Long Beach BMW ‘14 Accord Sport . . . . . . . . . . $19,992 ‘12 Cayenne 400 . . . . . . . . . . $57,895
‘12 128 i COupe . . . . . . . . . . . $19,994 ‘13 528 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,992 4Dr I4 Man Sport, Gray, 13K Miles . ‘14 C-Class C250 Sdn . . . . . . $26,895 ‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $34,991 ‘13 S-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . . . $59,882 Conv . Pkg, 1 Owner, Low 18,695 Miles
Certified, 2DR SULEV, White, 52K Miles Certified, 4Dr Sdn RWD, Black, 48K Mi . ‘13 Cruze ECO . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,943 (TEA103381) 877-704-8571 Certified, 1 Owner, Low Miles (151660A/A51199) 877-475-2266
‘14 X5 sDrive35i . . . . . . . . . . $48,882 Burgundy, 18K Miles . Certified, Prem Pkg . 1, Nav . Syst . Certified, Prem Pkg 2, Keyless Go
(PCVL91566) 877-704-8571 (LDDY37197) 877-704-8571 (140791/210255) 877-475-2266 (715459) 888-744-4364 (509751) 888-744-4364
Certified, RWD 4Dr, Gray, 20K Miles . (D7194843) 866-734-4431 Long Beach BMW Silver Star A.G.
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW (SEOC01549) 877-704-8571 Silver Star A.G. DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS
RYDELL CHEVROLET NORTHRIDGE ‘03 Accord EX Sedan . . . . . . . $5 .283 ‘12 Cayenne Hybrid S . . . . . $39,992
‘13 328 i Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . $26,983 ‘12 528 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,873 Long Beach BMW Auto, Leather, Navi, Silver, 193K Miles ‘14 C-Class 250 . . . . . . . . . . . $28,981 AWD 4dr, Green, 32K Miles .
‘12 Cruze LS Sdn . . . . . . . . . . $11,995 (T3C039770) ‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $36,881 ‘14 SL-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . . $87,990
Certified, RWD SULEV, Blk, 13K Miles Certified, 4dr Sedan RWD, Gray, 49K Mi . 877-704-8571 Cert, Prem Pkg 1, Sport Pkg, Low Miles Certified, Prem Pkg 1, Nav, 14k Miles Cert, Prem Pkg 1, Nav Syst, 9k Miles (TCLA91453) 877-704-8571
(LDJ107538) 877-704-8571 (TCDX06251) ‘13 X5 xDrive35i . . . . . . . . . . $39,992 Auto, 4-CYL (945575) 888-744-4364
877-704-8571 Long Beach BMW (763233) 888-744-4364 (027791) 888-744-4364 Long Beach BMW
Certified, AWD 4Dr Prem, Silver, 38K Mi (C7315123) 888-378-9514
‘12 328 i xDrive . . . . . . . . . . . $28,992 ‘12 528 i 4dr Sdn . . . . . . . . . $31,992 Long Beach BMW
‘10 Odyssey EX-L . . . . . . . . . . $19,981
5dr, EX-L, Blue, 64K Miles ‘13 C-Class 250 Coupe . . . . . $24,895
‘12 Equinox LS . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,956 (PAB036130) ‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $36,981 ‘13 SL-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . . $78,881
Certified, 2Dr Cpe AWD, White, 16K Mi . RWD, BLACK, 25K MI . CERT . 877-704-8571 Certified, 1 Owner, Navigation Certified, Prem Pkg 1, Only 16k Miles Cert, Prem Pkg 1, Keyless go, 14k Miles ‘15 tC Hatchback . . . . . . . . . $18,991
(TCE657042) 877-704-8571 (LCDY29669) White, 30K Miles . (P5989/966581) 877-475-2266
877-704-8571 ‘13 X5 xDrive35i . . . . . . . . . . $41,992 (C1325257) 866-734-4431 Long Beach BMW (721793) 888-744-4364 (007582) 888-744-4364 2dr, Auto, White, 2K Miles
Certified AWD 4dr, Silver, 18K Miles . Silver Star A.G. (TFJ001045) 877-704-8571
Long Beach BMW
Jeep ‘13 C-Class 250 . . . . . . . . . . . $26,889 ‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $37,782
Long Beach BMW
‘12 328 i 4dr Sdn . . . . . . . . . $25,992 ‘12 528 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,981
SULEV, BLACK, 44K MI . CERT . ‘15 Express 2500 Cargo van$23,995 Certified, Navi Syst, Must See Mini
(LCF434206) 877-704-8571 (LCDY28818)
4dr Sdn, RWD, Gray, 29K MI . Cert .
877-704-8571 ‘13 X5 xDrive 35i . . . . . . . . . $45,981 (Used) Auto, 6-Spd HD OD V8 Flex Fuel ‘12 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,482
Sport, FWD 4dr Sport, Black, 36K MI . (276793) 888-744-4364 (771587)
Cert, Prem Pkg 2, Keyless Go, 14k Miles
888-744-4364 ‘13 Clubman Coupe . . . . . . . $15,483
(F1103022) 888-378-9514
Long Beach BMW AWD, 4dr, Sport White, 26K MI . Cert (TCD6229489) 877-704-8571 DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS 2DR, Red, 47K Miles ‘13 Camry XLE . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,895
Long Beach BMW (LDOB05884) 877-704-8571 WIN CHEVROLET DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS
Long Beach BMW (TDT489930) 877-704-8571 CarFax 1 Owner, Navigation, Leather
‘12 328 i Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . $24,393 ‘12 528 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,981 Long Beach BMW ‘13 C-Class 250 . . . . . . . . . . . $27,389 (P16017A/285224) 877-475-2266
Certified, RWD, White, 29K Miles ‘11 Silverado 1500 LT . . . . . $26,965 ‘15 Grand Cherokee Ltd. . . $33,895 Certified, Nav Syst, Sport Pkg
‘13 E-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . . . $37,981 Long Beach BMW
4dr, Sdn, RWD, Gray, 39k Mi ., Cert .
Blue, 41K Miles .
Cert, Prem Pkg 1, Nav Syst, 14k Miles Silver Star A.G.
(SCF344685) 877-704-8571 (SCDX01696) 877-704-8571 ‘13 X5 xDrive35i . . . . . . . . . $37,993 1 Owner, Low 6,812 Miles, Navigation (272529) 888-744-4364 (670182) 888-744-4364 ‘13 Cooper Paceman . . . . . . $15,984
(BG236085) 866-734-4431 (P15995A/646933) 877-475-2266 DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW Certified, AWD, Gold, 42K Miles DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS Certified, 2DR, FWD, White, 23K Miles ‘13 Highlander SE . . . . . . . . $24,895
(TD0B12335) 877-704-8571 RYDELL CHEVROLET NORTHRIDGE Silver Star A.G. (TDWN94106) 877-704-8571 Leather, Moon Roof
‘12 328 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,991 ‘11 528 i Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . $19,484 ‘13 C-Class 250 . . . . . . . . . . . $26,989 ‘13 E-Class 350 Coupe . . . . . $37,981 (151786A/196979) 877-475-2266
Long Beach BMW ‘13 Spark LT HB 4-Cyl 1.2L . $10,995
Long Beach BMW
Certified, Navi Syst, Low Miles
4dr, RWD, SULEV, Black, 56K Miles .
(TCF430276) 877-704-8571 (TBC748615)
4DR, RWD, Silver, 88K Miles
877-704-8571 ‘12 X5 35d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,992 Auto, FWD, 4-Spd OD ($500/$639)
KIA (845467) 888-744-4364 (193506)
Cert, Prem Pkg 1, Nav Syst, Pano roof
888-744-4364 ‘12 Cooper Hardtop S . . . . . $17,972
Silver Star A.G.
(DC535088) 888-378-9514
Long Beach BMW ‘14 Forte LX 4Dr . . . . . . . . . . $12,995 DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS Certified, 2Dr Cpe, White, 36K Miles . ‘04 Highlander Limited . . . $11,981
Long Beach BMW Certified, AWD 4Dr, Black, 33K Mi .
(BCL670685) 877-704-8571 WIN CHEVROLET Auto, V6, ABS, AC, PW/PDL, Sirius XM (LCT387489) 877-704-8571 4dr, V6, w/3dr Row, Blue, 102K Mi
(E5099118) 888-378-9514 ‘13 C-Class 250 . . . . . . . . . . . $27,489 ‘11 E-Class E350 Luxury . . . $22,992 (T40009791) 877-704-8571
‘11 328 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,992 ‘10 528 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,991 Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW
4Dr Sdn, RWD SULEV, White, 47K Mi . 4dr, Sdn, RWD, Gray, 98K Miles ‘10 Traverse LS . . . . . . . . . . . $11,965 WIN CHEVROLET Certified, Sport Pkg, Nav Syst 4Dr Sedan, RWD, Blue, 63K Miles . Long Beach BMW
(TBNM78803A) 877-704-8571 (TAC124645) 877-704-8571 Silver, 99K Miles . (265285) 888-744-4364 (PBA277813) 877-704-8571 ‘12 Cooper Hardtop . . . . . . . $14,982
‘12 X5 35d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,981 (BJ103797) 866-734-4431 ‘08 Prius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,882
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW AWD, 4dr, Black, 39K MI, Cert .
Land Rover DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS Long Beach BMW 2dr Cpe,Brown, 33K MI . Certified
(LCT542214) 877-704-8571 5Dr HB, Gray, 90K Miles .
(PCL674276) 877-704-8571 (P83430268) 877-704-8571
‘11 328 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,992 ‘13 535 i RWD . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,992 ‘14 Range Rover Evoque . $39,472 ‘13 C-Class 250 . . . . . . . . . . . $28,980 ‘15 GLK-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . $33,780 Long Beach BMW
4dr Sdn RWD SULEV, Blue, 44K Mi . Certified, 4Dr Sdn, Gray, 43K Miles . Long Beach BMW Chrysler Pure Plus, 2dr Cpe, White, 7K MI . Certified, Sport Pkg, Low Miles Certified, Only 10k Miles, Must See Long Beach BMW
(PBA444196) 877-704-8571 (LDC822855) 877-704-8571 (TEH950246) 877-704-8571 (957460) 888-744-4364 (343677) 888-744-4364 ‘12 Cooper Hardtop . . . . . . . $14,972
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW
‘09 X5 Sport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,995 ‘07 300 4Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,995
Auto, 6-Spd, AWD Long Beach BMW DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS 2dr Cpe, White, 22K MI . Certified Volkswagen
Auto,V6, 2 .7L, RWD (LCT542064) 877-704-8571
(L273267) 888-378-9514 (7H634879) 888-378-9514 ‘09 CC VR6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,992
‘11 328 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,992 ‘08 535 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,992
WIN CHEVROLET Lexus ‘14 CLA-Class 45 . . . . . . . . . . $48,895 ‘15 GLK-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . $33,880 Long Beach BMW Sport 4dr Auto, Black, 81K MI .
4dr Sdn RWD SULEV, White, 64K Mi . 4dr Sdn, RWD, White, 43K MI . WIN CHEVROLET Certified, 1 Owner, Low 4,798 Miles Certified, Only 12k Miles, Must See
(T9E548927) 877-704-8571
(PBA440769) 877-704-8571 (T8CZ70600) 877-704-8571 ‘13 CT 200h Hybrid . . . . . . . $22,895 (P15957/103198) 877-475-2266 (344001) 888-744-4364 ‘12 Cooper Hatchback . . . . $18,991
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW Buick Dodge CarFax 1 Owner, Navigation, Leather Silver Star A.G. DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS (TEF716494) Certified, S, 2dr Coupe, Blue, 31K Miles
Long Beach BMW
(151757A/126814) 877-475-2266
‘08 Eos Turbo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,981
‘11 328 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,981 ‘08 535 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,882 ‘04 LeSabre Ltd. 4Dr . . . . . . . $8,995 ‘12 Charger SE Sedan . . . . . $15,374 Silver Star A.G. ‘15 CLS-Class 400 . . . . . . . . . $65,895 ‘15 GLK-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . $33,980 Long Beach BMW 2dr Conv . DSG, Blue, 113K MI .
4dr, Sedan, RWD, SULEV, Silver, 55K Mi . 4dr Sdn, RWD, GRAY, 72K MI . Auto, V6, PW/PDL, Only 32,894 Miles 4DR, RWD, Gray, 42K Miles 1 Owner, Certified, Low 1,027 Miles Certified, Must See, Only 10k Miles
(TBNM71446) 877-704-8571 (T8CZ83296) 877-704-8571 (4U232426) 888-378-9514 (TCH297036) 877-704-8571 ‘09 ES 350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,991 (P16044/FA144949) 877-475-2266 (342891) 888-744-4364 ‘12 Cooper Coupe . . . . . . . . . $15,991 (T8V015681) 877-704-8571

Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW WIN CHEVROLET Long Beach BMW 4dr, Sedan, Black, 55K Miles . Silver Star A.G. DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS (TCT300199) 2dr, Gray, 21K Miles, Certified . Long Beach BMW
(T92275244) 877-704-8571 877-704-8571
‘09 328 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,991 ‘10 650 i Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . $33,883 ‘13 Regal Prem1, 2.4L, 4Dr $14,995 ‘08 Charger 4Dr . . . . . . . . . . . $9,995 Long Beach BMW ‘12 CLS-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . $45,981 ‘12 GLK-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . $28,895 Long Beach BMW
4dr, Sdn, RWD, SULEV 2DR, Black, 47K Miles Auto, FWD, 6-Spd w/OD & shift ctrl Auto, 5spd w/OD, V6 2 .7L, CC Cert . Prem Pkg . 1, Nav . Syst . Keyless go Certified, 20”Wheels, AMG Styling
(P9A436999) 877-704-8571 (BACV93163) 877-704-8571 (D9139925) 888-378-9514 (8H264821) 888-378-9514 ‘13 GS 350 i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,972 (040240) 888-744-4364 (P16015/780129) 877-475-2266 ‘09 Cooper Clubman . . . . . . $10,981
4dr Sdn, RWD, White, 40K MI 2dr, Coupe, Brown, 88K Miles
Long Beach BMW Long Beach BMW WIN CHEVROLET WIN CHEVROLET (TD5027848) 877-704-8571 DOWNTOWN L.A. MOTORS Silver Star A.G. (P9TX34518) 877-704-8571
‘13 335 is Convertible . . . . . $19,484 ‘13 750 Li Sedan . . . . . . . . . . $59,974 ‘12 Regal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,495 ‘07 Charger RT . . . . . . . . . . . $11,471 Long Beach BMW ‘12 CLS-Class 550 . . . . . . . . . $51,881 ‘12 GLK-Class 350 . . . . . . . . . $22,895 Long Beach BMW
Certified, 2DR, White, 20K Miles Certified, 4DR, RWD, Silver, 10K Miles 1 Owner, Navigation, Moon Roof Burgundy, 83K Miles . Cert, Prem Pkg 1, Nav Sys, Low Miles Certified, 1 Owner, Pano Roof
(SDJ129272) 877-704-8571 (SDD133657) 877-704-8571 (P15849B/134376) 877-475-2266 (7H680616) 866-734-4431 (043336) 888-744-4364 (150029SM/768856) 877-475-2266

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D8 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I M E S. C O M /S P O RT S


Bolt edges Gatlin

In the Bleachers by Steve Moore AUTO RACING Second Quarter
INDYCAR SF—FG Dawson 33, 14:19. SF—Purcell 37 in-
ABC Supply 500 terception return (Dawson kick), 7:28.
At Long Pond, Pa. Third Quarter
Lap length: 2.5 miles
1. (8) Ryan Hunter-Reay, Dallara-Honda, 200, SF—FG Acosta 38, 7:54.

in 100-meter final
Running. 2. (4) Josef Newgarden, Dallara-Chev- Fourth Quarter
rolet, 200, Running. 3. (19) Juan Pablo Montoya, SF—Patton blocked punt recovery in end zone
Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. 4. (3) Will Pow- (Acosta kick), 12:46. Dal—Harwell 8 pass from
er, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. 5. (6) Car- Showers (pass failed), 4:11.
los Munoz, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. 6. (9)
Takuma Sato, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. 7.
(2) Simon Pagenaud, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, GOLF
Running. 8. (18) Ryan Briscoe, Dallara-Honda, $5.4-MILLION WYNDHAM CHAMPIONSHIP
200, Running. 9. (11) Scott Dixon, Dallara-Chev- At Greensboro, N.C.—Par 70
rolet, 200, Running. 10. (15) James Jakes, Dalla- Sedgefield Country Club—7,127 yards
ra-Honda, 200, Running. Final 72-Hole Scores
when he was hit by a large piece of de- FORMULA ONE 263 (-17)—$972,000
staff and wire reports Belgian Grand Prix Davis Love III (500) ..................64-66-69-64
bris that broke off Sage Karam’s car At Spa-Francorchamps, Belgium 264 (-16)—$583,200
at Pocono Raceway in Long Pond, Pa. Lap length: 4.35 miles Jason Gore (300) .....................66-67-62-69
1. Lewis Hamilton, England, Mercedes, 43 265 (-15)—$280,800
Usain Bolt ended two years of un- The accident occurred with seven laps, 1:23:40.387, 134.138 mph. 2. Nico Rosb- Scott Brown (145)....................66-65-66-68
Paul Casey (145) .....................66-66-66-67
certainty with one of his finest clutch laps left in a race eventually won by erg, Germany, Mercedes, 43, 1:23:42.445. 3. Charl Schwartzel (145)..............67-66-66-66
Romain Grosjean, France, Lotus, 43,
performances Sunday, beating Jus- Ryan Hunter-Reay. 1:24:18.375. 4. Daniil Kvyat, Russia, Red Bull,
266 (-14)—$174,825
Bill Haas (89)..........................65-66-68-67
tin Gatlin with a lunge at the line in 43, 1:24:26.079. 5. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Force Brooks Koepka (89)..................67-67-67-65
India, 43, 1:24:34.384. 6. Felipe Massa, Brazil, Carl Pettersson (89) .................64-67-68-67
the 100-meter final at track and field’s Lewis Hamilton won the Belgian Williams, 43, 1:24:35.670. 7. Kimi Raikkonen, Webb Simpson (89)..................67-67-64-68
world championships in Beijing. Grand Prix, holding off Mercedes Finland, Ferrari, 43, 1:24:36.090. 8. Max Ver- 267 (-13)—$129,600
stappen, Netherlands, Toro Rosso, 43, Jonas Blixt (68)........................65-70-62-70
Bolt was trailing for almost the en- teammate Nico Rosberg and pad- 1:24:36.463. 9. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Wil- Ben Martin (68) .......................67-67-67-66
tire race in the biggest showdown in ding his lead in the Formula One liams, 43, 1:24:41.427. 10. Marcus Ericsson, Ryan Moore (68)......................66-69-65-67
Sweden, Sauber, 43, 1:25:11.621. Tiger Woods (68)......................64-65-68-70
the sport in years. But the two-time standings. Hamilton’s sixth win in 11 268 (-12)—$94,500
Olympic champion rallied and made races this season also was his 80th ca- NHRA-Lucas Oil Nationals
Martin Kaymer (56) ..................64-68-70-66
Justin Leonard (56) ..................68-66-65-69
his giant stride count to win in 9.79 reer podium finish, tying the late Ayr- At Brainerd, Minn. William McGirt (56) ..................62-70-68-68
Final Finish Order Sam Saunders (56) ..................65-69-69-65
seconds — .01 faster than the Ameri- ton Senna for fourth all time. Top Fuel—1. Richie Crampton. 2. Brittany Force. 269 (-11)—$63,450
can. “A lot of people counted me out,” 3. Shawn Langdon. 4. Antron Brown. 5. Steve Byeong-Hun An ........................67-69-67-66
PRO SOCCER Torrence. 6. Doug Kalitta. 7. Larry Dixon. 8. Tony Jonathan Byrd (50)...................67-70-67-65
Bolt said. “So for me to come and win, Richie Crampton won his fourth TENNIS Schumacher. 9. J.R. Todd. 10. Spencer Massey. Derek Ernst (50) ......................63-69-69-68
this is a big deal.” top fuel title of the season at the Lu- $6.23-MILLION WESTERN & SOUTHERN OPEN
11. Terry McMillen. 12. Clay Millican. 13. Chris Lucas Glover (50).....................66-70-67-66
At Mason, Ohio Karamesines. 14. Dave Connolly. 15. Morgan Lu- Jim Herman (50)......................63-69-66-71
Trayvon Bromell of the U.S. and cas Oil NHRA Nationals in Brainerd, Surface: Hard-Outdoor GALAXY.........13 7 7 46 49 32 cas. 16. Wayne Newby. Jerry Kelly (50) ........................67-69-67-66
Andre De Grasse of Canada and USC Minn. Robert Hight won in funny car, MEN’S SINGLES (final)—Roger Federer (2), Vancouver .....14 9 3 45 38 26 Funny Car—1. Robert Hight. 2. Tommy Johnson Spencer Levin (50) ...................66-71-69-63
Switzerland, d. Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, 7-6 Sporting KC...11 6 7 40 39 33 Jr.. 3. Tim Wilkerson. 4. Jack Beckman. 5. Matt Cameron Smith ........................67-68-69-65
were in a dead heat for third in 9.911. Erica Enders in pro stock and Eddie (1), 6-3. Portland .......11 8 7 40 28 30 Hagan. 6. John Force. 7. Brian Stewart. 8. John
Krawiec in pro stock motorcycle. WOMEN’S SINGLES (final)—Serena Williams FC Dallas......11 8 5 38 33 30 Hale. 9. Ron Capps. 10. Cruz Pedregon. 11. Del $2.225-MILLION CANADIAN PACIFIC
(1) d. Simona Halep (3), Romania, 6-3, 7-6 (5). Seattle .........11 13 2 35 30 29 Worsham. 12. Dale Creasy Jr.. 13. Alexis DeJoria. WOMEN’S OPEN
MEN’S DOUBLES (final)—Daniel Nestor, Can- San Jose.......10 10 5 35 31 29 14. Courtney Force. 15. Bob Bode. 16. Chad
Houston .........8 9 8 32 32 32 At Coquitlam, British Columbia—Par 72
TENNIS ada, and Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France, d.
R Salt Lake .....8 10 8 32 29 38
Head. Vancouver Golf Club—6,681 yards
Marcin Matkowski, Poland, and Nenad Zimonjic Pro Stock—1. Erica Enders. 2. Jason Line. 3. Final 72-Hole Scores
Federer beats Djokovic ETC. (6), Serbia, 6-2, 6-2.
Colorado ........6 9 9 27 21 25 Shane Gray. 4. Chris McGaha. 5. Bo Butner. 6. (x-won on first playoff hole)

Kings to sign Ehrhoff

WOMEN’S DOUBLEs (final)—Chan Hao-ching EAST W L T Pts GF GA Greg Anderson. 7. Larry Morgan. 8. Allen John- 276 (-12)—$337,500
and Chan Yung-jan, Taiwan, d. Casey Dellacqua, D.C. United ...13 9 5 44 35 31 son. 9. Jonathan Gray. 10. V. Gaines. 11. Deric x-Lydia Ko ...............................67-68-69-72
Australia, and Yaroslava Shvedova (4), Kazakh- New York.......11 6 6 39 38 25 Kramer. 12. Vincent Nobile. 13. Drew Skillman. 276 (-12)—$206,304
Roger Federer remained perfect stan, 7-5, 6-4. Columbus .....10 8 8 38 43 43 14. Mark Hogan. 15. Dave River. Stacy Lewis .............................68-70-71-67
Toronto FC.....10 10 4 34 42 41 Pro Stock Motorcycle—1. Eddie Krawiec. 2. An- 277 (-11)—$132,716
in Cincinnati finals, winning an un- Defenseman Christian Ehrhoff $710,000 CONNECTICUT OPEN New England ...9 9 7 34 34 36 drew Hines. 3. Matt Smith. 4. Chaz Kennedy. 5. So Yeon Ryu ............................71-72-70-64
At New Haven, Conn.
precedented seventh championship agreed to a one-year contract with Surface: Hard-Outdoor
Montreal.........8 10 4 28 29 32 LE Tonglet. 6. Hector Arana Jr. 7. Karen Stoffer. 8. Sei Young Kim..........................69-71-69-68
NYC FC...........7 12 7 28 37 44 Jerry Savoie. 9. Chip Ellis. 10. Mike Berry. 11. 278 (-10)—$84,713
while denying Novak Djokovic the the Kings, a potential boost for a de- SINGLES (first round)—Dominika Cibulkova, Orlando City ....7 12 7 28 32 46 Hector Arana. 12. Angie Smith. 13. Jim Under- Alison Lee ...............................70-70-66-72
Slovakia, d. Tsvetana Pironkova, Bulgaria, 7-6 Philadelphia....7 13 6 27 33 43 Candie Kung............................69-64-71-74
one significant title to elude him. Fe- fense corps depleted by Robyn Re- (6), 6-7 (5), 6-3. Irina-Camelia Begu, Romania, Chicago..........6 13 5 23 27 35
dahl. 14. Scotty Pollacheck. 15. Steve Johnson.
279 (-9)—$59,864
derer’s 7-6 (1), 6-3 victory in the gehr’s retirement, Andrej Sekera’s d. Zarina Diyas, Kazakhstan, 7-5, 5-7, 6-2. Bar- Sunday’s Results PRO FOOTBALL Shanshan Feng ........................70-72-67-70
bora Strycova, Czech Republic, d. Camila Giorgi, NFL EXHIBITIONS Charley Hull.............................69-73-67-70
Western & Southern Open at Mason, free-agent departure to Edmonton Italy, 6-2, 7-5.
GALAXY 5, New York City FC 1
280 (-8)—$46,121
SUMMARY Steelers 24, Packers 19
Ohio, left Djokovic 0-5 in finals at the and Slava Voynov’s suspension. Ehr- $612,210 WINSTON-SALEM OPEN GALAXY 5, NEW YORK CITY FC 1 Lexi Thompson .........................72-72-66-70
Green Bay .....................8 8 3 0—19 Inbee Park...............................71-69-70-70
only top-level ATP Masters tourna- hoff, 33 and an 11-year veteran, had 14 At Winston-Salem, N.C. New York City .................................0 1—1
Pittsburgh .....................2 7 3 12—24 Karine Icher.............................65-70-72-73
Surface: Hard-Outdoor Galaxy...........................................1 4—5 281 (-7)—$38,289
ment he has never won. No player has points in 49 games for Pittsburgh last SINGLES (first round)—Yen-hsun Lu, Taiwan, FIRST HALF—1, Galaxy, Zardes 6 (Keane, Junin- First Quarter Lee-Anne Pace.........................71-71-72-67
won all nine Masters events. season but missed the final 33 games d. Robin Haase, Netherlands, 7-6 (4), 6-2. Di- ho), 36th minute. GB—Lacy 7 run (Starks run), 9:54. Pit—Harri- Mi Jung Hur.............................70-73-69-69
ego Schwartzman, Argentina, d. Daniel Gimeno- SECOND HALF—2, Galaxy, Keane 14 (Dos San- son safety, 2:54. 282 (-6)—$29,819
and the playoffs because of injuries. Traver, Spain, 6-4, 7-6 (8). Santiago Giraldo, Co- tos), 54th. 3, Galaxy, Dos Santos 2 (Keane), Mi Hyang Lee...........................72-70-74-66
Second Quarter
Serena Williams beat Simona lombia, d. Steve Darcis, Belgium, 2-0, retired. 67th. 4, Galaxy, Lletget 7 (Gerrard, Zardes),
Pit—Wheaton 5 pass from Roethlisberger
Hyo Joo Kim ............................71-68-74-69
Chung Hyeon, South Korea, d. James Ward, Brit- 70th. 5, New York City FC, Villa 15 (penalty kick), Ilhee Lee.................................71-74-67-70
Halep, 6-3, 7-6 (5), in the women’s fi- Jantel Lavender scored 22 points, ain, 6-7 (7) 6-4, 6-3. Sam Groth, Australia, d. 80th. 6, Galaxy, Keane 15 (Rogers, Lletget), 81st. (Hartley kick), 9:59. GB—R.Rodgers 21 pass Eun-Hee Ji...............................71-69-72-70
nal at the Western & Southern Open, Candace Parker had 20 and the Jared Donaldson, United States, 6-7, 7-6 (8), GOALIES—New York City FC, Josh Saunders; Gal- from Tolzien (Harris run), :12. Ariya Jutanugarn.......................75-68-68-71
7-6 (5). axy, Donovan Ricketts. Third Quarter Jaye Marie Green......................73-68-69-72
giving her back-to-back Cincinnati ti- Sparks rolled to a 90-59 win at San YELLOW CARDS—Grabavoy, New York City FC, GB—FG Crosby 55, 11:30. Pit—FG Hartley 46,
Xi Yu Lin..................................70-66-73-73
tles. She heads to the U.S. Open in Antonio. The Sparks (10-17) padded 83rd. 6:26.
New York trying to become the first their lead over Seattle (7-20) and the Fourth Quarter $2-MILLION CHAMPIONS-BOEING CLASSIC
FIELD At Snoqualmie, Wash.—Par 72
player since Steffi Graf in 1988 to pull Stars (7-21) for the final playoff spot in SOCCER Pit—Murphy 22 pass from L.Jones (pass TPC Snoqualmie Ridge—7,172 yards
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS failed), 10:09. Pit—Phillips 20 pass from L.Jones
off a calendar-year Grand Slam. the WNBA’s Western Conference. INTERNATIONAL Final 54-Hole Scores
At Beijing (pass failed), 4:26. 207 (-9)—$300,000
Premier League Titans 27, Rams 14 Billy Andrade (300) .......................69-65-73
100—1, Usain Bolt, Jamaica, 9.79. 2, Justin 208 (-8)—$176,000
Jimmy Evert, a highly regarded The Lakers promoted Ryan West Gatlin, U.S., 9.80. 3, Trayvon Bromell, U.S., 9.92. West Brom 2, Chelsea 3 St. Louis .......................0 0 7 7—14 Bernhard Langer (176)...................71-66-71
3, Andre De Grasse, Canada, 9.92. 5, Mike Rod- Everton 0, Manchester City 2 Tennessee ...................10 10 0 7—27
Ford Lauderdale, Fla., tennis instruc- from assistant director of scouting to gers, U.S., 9.94. 6, Tyson Gay, U.S., 10.00. 7, Watford 0, Southampton 0
209 (-7)—$109,500
First Quarter Guy Boros (110) ...........................71-70-68
tor whose students included his Hall director of player personnel. West, 35, Asafa Powell, Jamaica, 10.00. 8, Jimmy Vicaut, SPAIN
Ten—Cox 24 interception return (Succop Fred Couples (110) .......................69-71-69
France, 10.00. 9, Su Bingtian, China, 10.06. La Liga Mark O’Meara (110)......................73-68-68
of Fame daughter Chris Evert, died is the son of Lakers great Jerry West. Shot Put—1, Joe Kovacs, U.S., 71-11 1⁄2. 2, Da- Athletic Bilbao 0, Barcelona 1 kick), 8:03. Ten—FG Succop 27, :34.
Fran Quinn (110) ..........................72-68-69
at age 91 of undisclosed causes. Evert — Eric Pincus vid Storl, Germany, 71-4. 3, O’dayne Richards, Real Sporting de Gijon 0, Real Madrid 0 Second Quarter 210 (-6)—$68,000
Jamaica, 71-2. 4, Tomas Walsh, New Zealand, Levante 1, Celta Vigo 2 Ten—Coffman 3 pass from Mettenberger (Suc- Frank Esposito (68) .......................73-70-67
also worked with Jennifer Capriati, 70-9 3⁄4. 5, Reese Hoffa, U.S., 68-10 3⁄4. 6, Tomasz Real Betis 1, Villarreal 1 Chien Soon Lu (68) .......................69-72-69
cop kick), 4:28. Ten—FG Succop 32, :03.
who went on to the No. 1 ranking. Triple Crown winner American Majewski, Poland, 68-3 3⁄4. 7, Asmir Kolasinac, ITALY
Third Quarter
211 (-5)—$42,222
Serbia, 67-11 1⁄2. 8, Jacko Gill, New Zealand, 65- Serie A Stephen Ames (42) .......................71-74-66
Pharoah’s next race will be the 11 3⁄4. 9, German Lauro, Argentina, 64-7 3⁄4. Juventus 0, Udinese 1 StL—Givens 80 pass from Keenum (Palardy Wes Short Jr. (42) .........................77-69-65
11⁄4-mile Travers Stakes on Saturday Empoli 1, Chievo 3 kick), 5:38. Michael Allen (42) ........................70-70-71
Fiorentina 2, AC Milan 0 Woody Austin (42).........................70-70-71
MOTOR RACING at Saratoga in New York, owner Ah- PRO Fourth Quarter
Frosinone 1, Torino 2 Ten—Coffman 56 pass from Tanney (Meyer
Indy driver in coma med Zayat announced at Del Mar. Inter Milan 1, Atalanta 0 AMATEUR GOLF
kick), 1:45. StL—M.Brown 54 pass from Mannion
Palermo 1, Genoa 0 (Palardy kick), :39.
WNBA Sampdoria 5, Carpi 2 U.S. AMATEUR
Sunday’s results At Olympia Fields, Ill.—Par 70
Pearland, Texas, beat Bonita, SPARKS 90, San Antonio 59
Sassuolo 2, Napoli 1 49ers 23, Cowboys 6 Olympia Fields Country Club—7,234 yards
British IndyCar driver Justin Wil- Calif., 8-4, at the Little League World Chicago 66, Washington 64 Ligue 1
Dallas ..........................0 0 0 6— 6 Championship
Phoenix 79, Minnesota 67 San Francisco................3 10 3 7—23 36 holes
son was in a coma and in critical con- Series. Pearland improved to 2-0 in Indiana 80, New York 79
Lille 0, Bordeaux 0
First Quarter Bryson DeChambeau, Clovis, Calif. (140) d.
Lorient 0, Saint-Etienne 1
dition after sustaining a head injury the tournament; Bonita is 1-1. Atlanta 102, Connecticut 92 Marseille 6, Troyes 0 SF—FG Dawson 25, 7:33. Derek Bard, New Hartford, N.Y. (142) 7 and 6.

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CALENDAR M O N D A Y , A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R


yet her
In ‘Beyond Eyes,’
a girl’s search turns
into a journey of
By Todd Martens

Here’s a premise for a

plot that’s sure to bring out
the tears: A blind girl can’t
find her best friend, a neigh-
boring cat. If “Beyond Eyes”
were a movie, it would come
with a giant red warning
light: Here be sadness.
Thankfully, it’s a video
That’s not to say “Beyond
Eyes” doesn’t tug on the
heartstrings — it absolutely
does — but the uniqueness
of the interactive medium al-
lows for a potentially sad ex-
perience to turn into a jour-
ney of discovery.
That’s because the rela-
tionship between player and
controller can temper the
heightened emotions of los-
ing a pet. The act of moving a
joystick, even in a nonde-
manding game such as “Be-
yond Eyes,” immediately
gives the player a task that
Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
must be completed.
BEGINNING what she calls her “Los Angeles residency,” Taylor Swift performs with dancers Friday night at Staples Center. The cat must be found.
We have an objective, and we

The feeling is mutual

REVIEW can actively contribute. We
also gain an insight into the
character that no other for-
mat can match. We step and
fail with the little girl. We
bristle when we walk her into
trees. We tense up when we
back her away from growling
stray dogs. We begrudgingly
trudge along when she’s
[See ‘Beyond Eyes,’ E6]

Taylor Swift builds on her bond with fans at a pop spectacle

BY MIKAEL WOOD >>> Memorable images flashed across Was Stay,” a song from Swift’s blockbuster album “1989.”
the Staples Center stage when Taylor Swift played the first The eye evoked Big Brother, of course, an appropriate asso-
of five concerts at the downtown arena. ciation for a 25-year-old megastar with enough power that
There was the golf club she swung over her shoulder in Apple recently agreed to her demands for streaming music
“Blank Space.” There were her 12 male dancers in matching royalties.
purple short suits. And there was Kobe Bryant of the Lakers But it also put across the notion that Swift is watching
pointing to a banner that recognized Swift for selling out her audience nearly as closely as it’s watching her, a clever
more shows at Staples than any other performer: 16 by Bry- disruption of the power dynamic that typically exists be-
ant’s count, including those that will keep the singer there tween leader and disciple.
through Wednesday. Before “All You Had to Do Was Stay,” the singer delivered
Yet no visual said more about Swift — or her place in the a lengthy monologue — a version of a stump speech she’s
pop cosmos — than the enormous eye that filled the video been giving all summer on her “1989” world tour — in which Carolyn Cole L.A. Times

screen at the rear of the stage during “All You Had to Do she hailed her fans for being so “can- [See Swift, E7] About a star
and a story line
FYF FEST “Grandma” director

Kanye West steps in,

Paul Weitz talks about
casting Lily Tomlin
and tackling a taboo
subject. E2

delivers invigorating set ‘Compton’s’

The film about
N.W.A’s rise has
morial Sports Arena and Exposi-
By Gerrick D. Kennedy gathered more than
tion Park.
and August Brown $100 million at the
West was filling in for planned
domestic box office. E2
headliner Frank Ocean, who on
Kanye West was just a few songs Thursday backed out of the two-
into his headlining set at Saturday’s day festival. There was disappoint-
Seeking to be
opening night of FYF Fest when he ment among the thousands who pulpit master
proclaimed that he might get “too paid upward of $175 for a ticket to David Rambo’s play
hype” and knock himself out. the event. Ocean is a beloved R&B “God’s Man in Texas,”
The rapper was eyeing his stage star whose intimate style connects now at the Blank
set, a grid of flashbulbs arranged as deeply with fans, and he rarely per- Theatre, sets power
a false ceiling and lowered precipi- forms. struggle in church. E3
tously close to his head. West’s ener- But the volatile, noisy West (and
gy reverberated through the audi- guest stars like Rihanna) may have Francine Orr Los Angeles Times Comics ................... E8-9
ence, reinvigorating the crowd after been a blessing in disguise. He de- KANYE WEST, filling in after Frank Ocean’s near last-minute TV grid ...................... E5
a day of intense heat at the L.A. Me- livered one of [See FYF Fest, E7] cancellation, performs Saturday during Day 1 of the FYF Fest.




“I should’ve “I should’ve
never made you never made you
Ambassador.” President.”
F Y C 2 0 1 5
E2 M O N DAY , AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L EN DA R


Taboos and punk rock ‘Grandma’

Paul Weitz discusses
directing Lily Tomlin,
the film’s abortion
story line and more.
By Rebecca Keegan

Paul Weitz wrote and di-

rected “Grandma,” a road
comedy in which Lily Tomlin
plays a 70-year-old poet
helping her granddaughter
raise the money for an abor-
tion. Weitz, who also di-
rected “In Good Company”
and “Admission” as well as
“American Pie” and “About a
Boy” with his brother, Chris
Weitz, spoke with The Times
about tackling taboos and
casting a punk rock septua-

It’s pretty provocative to

make a movie where an
abortion is the main goal of
your protagonists. Where
did you get the idea to do
I wasn’t intending on
making an issue movie nor a
polemic. It’s very much a
movie about how this sev-
entysomething character
played by Lily is teaching
this 18-year-old how to
stand up for herself and how
to give hell to people who
are mistreating her. In
terms of abortion, this is
gonna sound possibly naive,
but that was the situation
the 18-year-old character
was in when she showed up
at the door of her grand-
mother. She was pregnant
and trying to figure out
what to do about it.
Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times
If we go back to a movie
like “Fast Times at Ridge- “I WASN’T intending on making an issue movie nor a polemic,” writer-director Paul Weitz says of “Grandma” and its abortion story line.
mont High,” which is now
just looked at as a commer- the movie getting over the your characters two broke
cial comedy that was the loss of a long-term love. I people?
birth of Spicoli, Jennifer looked at Lily’s marvelous That was the obstacle in
Jason Leigh’s character is and creative relationship creating the plot. I also
contending with a similar with her partner, Jane Wag- thought it was realistic. One
thing in the movie. I wonder ner. I looked at that rela- forgets how normal it is to
at the time that that movie tionship and thought, not have any money. It’s sort
came out how that aspect of “Wow. What if that deep and of the taboo. There’s a movie
it was thought of and what layered a love had ended for called “The Seventh Conti-
that says about how things somebody? How on earth nent” by Michael Haneke,
have progressed or not. would they get past their which has these people
grief for that?” cutting up cash. He said
Are you saying you think that when that screened,
people have gotten more You’ve worked at a variety people were gasping at that,
reactive to the issue of of different budget points not at the very violent
abortion than they were for your films. Do you have scenes in the movie.
when “Fast Times” came a preferred range to work
out [1982]? in? You and your brother,
Quite possibly. Lily’s I’m perversely inspired filmmaker Chris Weitz, are
character, and Lily herself, by very low-budget inde- adapting the Japanese film
is a trailblazer in terms of pendent film and also Holly- “Like Father, Like Son,”
being a feminist. Her daugh- wood studio films of the ’30s, for Steven Spielberg to
Glen Wilson Sundance Film Festival
ter, Marcia Gay Harden, is a ’40s and ’50s. Weirdly, now, direct. What can you tell
corporate lawyer who’s been “SEEING how ... insightful she was, I knew this was somebody who should be the to do that type of intelligent me about it?
succeeding in a male-domi- lead in a movie,” Weitz says of Lily Tomlin, left, with Julia Garner in “Grandma.” comedy, you had better be We’re transposing it to
nated world. But now this OK with doing things at America. It’s a beautiful film
granddaughter [Julia Gar- movie. It’s so rare that was very keen to do a movie and doesn’t need to push in different budget ranges. I about two families whose
ner] at the age of 18 is strug- somebody that age is driv- with a 70-year-old where any way. When somebody is worked with people who are children have been switched
gling with her identity. In ing a film. I was really ex- there was no deathbed that smart and accurate. used to doing movies at this at birth. We’re hoping to do
exploring these three gen- cited by this idea that peo- scene for that character. they have to have some scale. I’ve also learned what the not-soap-opera version
erations of women, one ple in their 70s have actually One of the things I said to degree of misanthropy, but I don’t need, so I don’t have of that.
could talk about taking for lived through the ’60s, an Lily was, “This is a com- at the same time are loving to waste any time on set. I
granted a certain amount of era of social foment, and if pletely vibrant person who toward people. That’s really think a certain level of How does it work when you
history. you look at that and at what has a lot of life and is driving exciting to me. budget gets in the way of the collaborate with your
18-year-olds are going this movie.” acting. Getting a great brother? Is there a short-
It’s also a pretty bold idea through now when the There’s an undercurrent of performance has nothing to hand?
to have a seventysometh- cultural revolution seems to Tomlin drives her own car anger to Tomlin’s charac- do with what size your trail- We talk about the outline
ing woman as your protag- have to do with the Internet in the movie and wears her ter. Where does that come er is. so we know what we’re
onist. Why did you create a and technology more than own clothes. So how much from? doing, and then we swap
lead in that demographic? anything else, I thought of the real Tomlin are we It was some perception I For most people, money five- or six-page sequences
I had hung out with Lily that was really interesting. seeing up on-screen? have in terms of what that problems are among the and hope the other guy likes
when she played Tina Fey’s I liked the idea that, by It is probably closer to character has gone through, biggest issues in their lives, it. One tries not to have the
mother in “Admission.” the nature of her experience what it’s like hanging out as a feminist, as someone but it’s rare to see on- shorthand be rolling your
Seeing how funny and edgy and her personality, this with her than anything she’s who had brought up Marcia screen. In your film, you’re eyes.
and insightful she was, I 70-year-old was more punk done. She’s not a comedian Gay Harden’s character taking on the cost of
knew this was somebody rock and more progressive who tries out her material with another woman, and as healthcare, credit card rebecca.keegan
who should be the lead in a than her grandkid. Also I on you. Lily is just insightful a grandmother. She’s also in debt. Why did you make

‘Compton’s’ winning rap

Estimated sales in the U.S. and Canada:
3-day Percentage
Movie gross change from Total Days in
(Studio) (millions) last weekend (millions) release
Lionsgate’s “American
N.W.A film retains top Ultra,” the weekend’s third 1 Straight Outta Compton $26.8 -56% $111.5 10
new offering, opened at No. 6 (Universal)
spot; three modest with $5.5 million. Audiences

openings do little to were skewed male (56%) and 2 Mission: Impossible —

Rogue Nation $11.7 -32% $157.8 24
older (65% older than 25).
boost the box office. The film notched a B-minus
on CinemaScore.
By Saba Hamedy In limited release, Sony 3 Sinister 2 $10.6 N/A $10.6 3
Pictures Classics debuted -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Straight Outta Comp- “Grandma” to $120,856 in
ton” topped the box office for just four theaters, a per-lo-
4 Hitman: Agent 47 $8.2 N/A $8.2 3
(20th Century Fox)
the second weekend in a row cation average of $30,214, the -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
and crossed $100 million do- highest of the week.
5 The Man From
mestically after just nine Fox Searchlight also ex- U.N.C.L.E. $7.4 -45% $26.6 10
days in release. panded its art-house film (Warner Bros)
Although the biopic “Mistress America” to 32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jaimie Trueblood Universal Pictures
about rap group N.W.A fell theaters in eight markets, 6 American Ultra
56% from its opening week- “STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON” adds nearly $27 including Phoenix, San $5.5 N/A $5.5 3
end, it added an estimated million, bringing its domestic haul to $111.5 million. Francisco, Boston and Chi- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
nearly $27 million, bringing cago. The Noah Baumbach- 7 The Gift $4.3 -34% $31.1 24
its haul in the U.S. and Cana- Rogue Nation” was No. 2, “Hitman: Agent 47” debuted directed film, added (STX)
da to $111.5 million. If esti- adding $11.7 million in its in fourth with $8.2 million, $237,000. Its total domestic -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mates hold, “Straight Outta fourth weekend. The Para- falling short of the $10-mil- haul is about $378,000 after 8 Ant-Man $4.1 -26% $164.5 38
Compton” also will help to mount Pictures film starring lion to $16-million tracking 10 days in limited release. (Disney)
give Universal Pictures, co- Tom Cruise has made $157.8 estimates. Despite the lackluster -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
producer and distributor of million domestically. The action-thriller is weekend, the 2015 box office 9 Minions $3.7 -28% $320 45
the film, its 13th weekend Of the weekend’s new based on a popular video is up about 6.1% year, accord- (Universal)
atop the domestic box office, films, “Sinister 2” drew the game series. It stars “Home- ing to Rentrak. The total -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
following the success of “Ju- most moviegoers. The R- land” actor Rupert Friend as haul for 2015 is about $7.5 bil- 10 Fantastic Four $3.7 -55% $49.6 24
rassic World” and “Minions.” rated horror flick fell slightly genetically enhanced assas- lion, up from $7 billion last (20th Century Fox)
More modest debuts of short of expectations, earn- sin Agent 47. Audiences, who year. Analysts credit the ro- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
three films did little to boost ing $10.6 million for the No. 3 gave it a B on CinemaScore, bust year to a diverse slate
the overall box office. Week- spot. About 51% of moviego- skewed male (61%) and older filled with blockbusters, sur- Industry totals
end ticket sales were ex- ers were female, and 57% than 25 (60%). prise hits and strong hold-
3-day gross Change from Year-to-date Change Change in
pected to be down about 5% were 25 or younger. Their av- Warner Bros.’ “The Man overs that continue to col- (in millions) 2014 gross from attendance
to 6% from the same week- erage grade was a B-minus, From U.N.C.L.E.” rounded lect revenue even after fall- (in billions) 2014 from 2014
end last year, according to according to audience poll- out the top five. The film’s ing out of the top 10. $106 -7.5% $7.5 6.1% N/A
film-tracking firm Rentrak. ing firm CinemaScore. $7.4-million weekend raises Sources: Rentrak
“Mission: Impossible — Twentieth Century Fox’s its total to $26.6 million. Los Angeles Times
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY , AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 E3

Competition in clergy
By Margaret Gray By Act 2, the competition BUENA PARK REDLANDS MONROVIA
‘God’s Man has evaporated and Mears
The ensconced veteran has been hired as co-pastor,
reluctant to give up the spot-
in Texas’ but Gottschall continues
8290 La Palma Avenue
714-826-SHOW (7469)
340 N. Eureka St.
410 S. Myrtle Avenue
626-305-SHOW (7469)
light. The impatient succes- shouldering him out of the AMERICAN ULTRA E DOLBY ATMOS (12:00, AMERICAN ULTRA E (11:25, 2:05, 4:45), 7:55,
sor nipping at his heels. This Where: Blank’s Second limelight. In a witty mon- 2:30, 5:00), 7:30, 10:00 10:30
scenario has launched plots Stage Theatre, 6500 Santa tage, Mears must bestow HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (12:20, 2:55, 5:25), 7:55, HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (11:15, 1:55, 4:25), 7:30,
Monica Blvd., Hollywood 10:10 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:45,
from “Paradise Lost” to blessings on unglamorous 10:25
SINISTER 2 E (11:30, 2:15, 5:10), 7:50, 10:20 4:00), 7:30
“The Late Shift.” When: 8 p.m. Fridays and gatherings such as a “wom- SINISTER 2 E (12:10, 2:45, 5:15), 6:45, 7:45, 9:15,
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (10:45, 1:25,
David Rambo’s 1999 play Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays; en’s weight-loss ministry.” 10:15
4:10), 7:10, 10:00
AMERICAN ULTRA E (10:00, 12:00, 2:30, 5:00),
7:35, 10:10
“God’s Man in Texas,” now ends Sept. 5 He grows impatient for glory THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:30, 2:20,
5:10), 8:00, 10:45 HITMAN: AGENT 47 E F (12:15, 2:45, 5:10),
at the Blank Theatre under Tickets: $30 as Gottschall continues to 1:20, 2:10, 3:30, 4:40), 6:35, 7:20, 8:00, 9:55, 10:35
7:45, 10:25
the direction of the writer, put him off. STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (11:25, 11:55, FANTASTIC FOUR C (11:10, 2:00), 7:40
Contact: (800) 838-3006 12:25, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45), 6:05, 6:35, 7:05, 9:25, 9:55, SINISTER 2 E (12:30, 3:05, 5:30), 8:00, 10:40
sets the age-old power strug- or Rambo seems reluctant 10:25
THE GIFT E F (11:40, 2:20, 5:00), 7:45, 10:25
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:15, 2:00,
gle in a church. to impute unsavory motives RICKI AND THE FLASH C (11:05, 1:40, 4:30),
Running time: 2 hours, STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E F (12:55, 7:15, 9:50 4:45), 7:30, 10:15
But not just any church: 15 minutes to either pastor, and there 4:15), 7:35 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (11:40, 3:00),
The (fictional) Rock Baptist are no sex or accounting FANTASTIC FOUR C (12:10, 2:45, 5:20), 7:55, 6:30, 7:00, 9:50, 10:15
Church in Houston is more scandals in this church. To 10:30 (11:35, 12:30, 3:40, 4:20), 6:40, 7:35, 9:45, 10:35 THE GIFT E (11:45, 2:25, 5:05), 7:50, 10:20
like a three-ring circus. The ful, exposition and subtext. trigger a showdown, he veers THE GIFT E (11:40, 2:20, 5:00), 7:45, 10:25 VACATION E (11:35, 2:25, 4:55), 7:20, 10:05 RICKI AND THE FLASH C (11:30, 2:00, 4:35),
sermons of its charismatic Hugo reveals that Mears into melodrama, bringing in RICKI AND THE FLASH C (11:55, 2:30, 5:05), SOUTHPAW E (4:50), 10:30 7:05, 9:45
pastor, Dr. Philip Gottschall is actually auditioning for (offstage) a deus ex machina 7:40, 10:15 ANT-MAN C (10:55, 1:50, 4:35), 7:25, 10:15 SHAUN THE SHEEP B (12:25, 2:40, 4:55)
(Ted Heyck), are televised. the pastoral search commit- from Hugo’s past. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C
U.S. presidents — except Bill tee, in charge of finding the The plot never quite re- (10:50, 12:45, 1:45, 3:45, 4:45), 6:50, 7:50, 9:45, (11:05, 12:30, 1:55, 3:30, 4:50), 6:35, 7:40, 9:35,
Clinton, who “would not be 81-year-old Gottschall’s re- covers, but the finale, in 10:45
ANT-MAN C (11:10, 1:50, 4:40), 7:25, 10:10
well received” — regularly placement. Mears has steep which Mears experiences a VACATION E F (4:30), 10:05
worship here. Under Gott- competition, but his real ob- divine vision, hints at the PIXELS C (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30
schall’s reign, the Rock has stacle is that Gottschall is real story the play has been SOUTHPAW E F (10:50, 1:35), 7:10
expanded to include a gym- not ready to be replaced. too distracted by church ANT-MAN C (11:00, 1:45, 4:30), 7:15, 10:00
8200 3rd St., Corner of 3rd St. and New Ave.
nasium, two swimming The setup sounds explo- business to tell: the rift be- MINIONS B (11:05, 11:50, 1:30, 2:15, 3:55, 4:40), 562-622-3999
pools and a university. sive, but the play takes a cir- tween public and private ex- 7:05, 9:30
AMERICAN ULTRA E (10:00, 12:20, 2:50, 5:20),
Or so we are told. All we cuitous route to the prom- pressions of faith. 7:50, 10:20
see is the pulpit and a green ised fireworks. The first act As director, Rambo gets SAN CLEMENTE HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (10:05, 12:25, 2:55, 5:25),
room where the pastor takes consists of Mears’ sermons, compelling performances, SAN CLEMENTE CINEMA 6 7:55, 10:25
641-B Camino De Los Mares
tea between shows (a mod- punctuated by Gottschall particularly from subtly 949-661-SHOW (7469) SINISTER 2 E F (10:10, 12:30, 3:00, 5:30), 8:00,
est set by Chad Dellinger). and Hugo’s critiques. Gott- soulful Letscher; ironically, 10:30
AMERICAN ULTRA E F (10:00, 2:10, 4:40), 7:10 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:05, 1:40,
Here we meet Dr. Jeremiah schall, while expressing bon- these point up some of the
HITMAN: AGENT 47 E F (12:10, 2:40, 5:10), 4:25), 7:10, 9:45
Mears (Brian Letscher), in- homie toward the other pas- missed opportunities of his 7:40 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (10:05, 11:10,
vited from his less flashy tor, quibbles with his ap- script. Cramming a massive 12:20, 1:10, 2:30, 3:40, 4:20), 6:05, 7:00, 7:40, 9:25,
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:00, 1:45,
church in San Antonio to proach, but Hugo reports church into one room and re- 4:30), 7:20 10:20
give a series of sermons. that everyone else loves him. ducing its staff to three peo- STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:00, 3:30), FANTASTIC FOUR C (11:10, 1:40, 4:20), 7:00
A talkative techie, Hugo Ex-President George ple inevitably dims its luster; 7:00 THE GIFT E (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30
(Tom Costello), mikes H.W. Bush is even inspired to the small scale might have THE GIFT E (11:40, 2:20, 5:00), 7:50 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE
Mears up. He did a lot of give broccoli another try af- been better used to explore MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C NATION C F (11:00, 1:55, 4:50), 7:45, 10:40
drugs before he was saved, ter Mears preaches about it. these larger-than-life char- (10:30, 1:30, 4:30), 7:30 VACATION E 9:40 PM
Hugo explains. These left (Does anybody remember acters more intimately. *SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT/NO PASSES TIMES FOR MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015
him prone to blurting out that Bush didn’t like broc-
awkward, if narratively use- coli? This plot point feels de-


2:00, 6:00, 10:00
RESERVE 1:20, 4:25, 7:30, 10:35
4:20, 7:40, 11:00

7:05, 10:05
SOUTHPAW (R) 10:15 A.M.
THE GIFT (R) 10:35, 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35
2:50, 5:55, 9:00
MINIONS (PG) RESERVE 11:50, 2:10, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35
MINIONS (PG) RESERVE 11:50, 2:10, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35
4:35, 7:40, 10:55

FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 10:40, 1:40, 4:40, 7:40, 10:40 ANT-MAN (PG-13) RESERVE 1:30, 7:20 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 1:25, 3:50, 4:35, 7:40,
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 10:25, 1:25, 4:25, 7:25, 10:25 ANT-MAN (PG-13) RESERVE 1:30, 7:20 9:30, 10:55
SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 9:55 A.M. ANT-MAN 3D (PG-13) RESERVE 4:00, 10:15 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 11:05, 1:55, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:10, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 ANT-MAN 3D (PG-13) RESERVE REALD 3D 4:00, 10:15 TRAINWRECK (R) 10:45 A.M.
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL (R) RESERVE 11:40, 2:20, 5:05, PIXELS (PG-13) 2:30, 7:30
7:00, 8:00, 9:00 7:40, 10:25
THE GIFT (R) 12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:05, 10:45
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 10:45, 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:45 THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL (R) RESERVE 11:40, 2:20, 5:05,
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:55, 2:30, 5:10, 7:45, 10:30

SINISTER 2 (R) 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10:30 7:40, 10:25
3:35, 7:10, 10:35 AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:20 FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) RESERVE 12:30, 3:05, 5:45, 8:15, 10:50
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) RESERVE 12:30, 3:05, 5:45, 8:15, 10:50 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:50, 1:40, 4:30, 7:25, 10:15
THE LOVE AFFAIR (Not Rated) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) RESERVE 11:30, 2:40, 5:35, 8:30 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:00, 11:40, 2:20, 3:00, 5:40, 6:20,
JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) 4:50, 10:45 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) RESERVE 11:30, 1:10, 2:40, 4:10, 9:00, 9:40
INSIDE OUT (PG) 11:10, 1:45, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45 5:35, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) RESERVE 12:20, 1:40, 3:40, 5:00,
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 11:20, 12:55, 2:30, AMERICAN ULTRA (R) RESERVE 12:00, 2:30, 5:25, 8:00, 10:45 7:00, 8:20, 10:20
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) RESERVE 12:00, 2:30, 5:25, 8:00, 10:45

HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 12:00, 1:20, 2:40, 5:20, 7:00, 8:10, 10:50
4:05, 5:40, 7:15, 8:50, 10:20 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) XD 12:00, 3:30, 7:00,
10:30 SINISTER 2 (R) 11:15, 12:30, 1:45, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30
MINIONS (PG) 12:05, 2:35, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:55, 10:35
ANT-MAN (PG-13) 11:00, 1:45, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 11:00, 12:40, 4:00, ALL IS WELL (Not Rated) 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:10
TRAINWRECK (R) 1:50, 7:25
KICK 2 (Not Rated) 12:10, 3:45, 7:20, 10:55

5:35, 7:20, 10:35
PIXELS (PG-13) 11:00, 1:40, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) XD 12:00, 3:20, 6:40,
ANT-MAN (PG-13) 10:35, 1:45, 4:45, 7:40, 10:30
SOUTHPAW (R) 10:55, 1:55, 7:45 TRAINWRECK (R) 2:15, 9:00
THE GIFT (R) 11:30, 2:15, 5:05, 7:55, 10:40 SOUTHPAW (R) 1:25, 4:30, 7:30, 10:25
THE GIFT (R) 10:30, 1:20, 4:05, 7:15, 10:10 INSIDE OUT (PG) 11:50, 2:25, 5:00
VACATION (R) 11:15, 4:55, 10:25

VACATION (R) 10:30 A.M. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 10:35, 12:15, 1:35,
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 10:10 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 12:15, 1:00,
3:15, 4:35, 6:15, 7:35, 9:15, 10:40
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 10:45, 1:30, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45 3:50, 4:30, 7:30, 8:00, 11:00
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 11:10, 1:55, 4:35, 7:20, 10:00 MINIONS (PG) 10:45, 12:00, 2:20, 4:40, 7:05, 9:25
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 11:05, 1:40, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35
SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 11:45, 2:10, 4:35 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 11:10, 2:05, 4:50, 7:40, 10:25
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 11:25, 2:20, 5:10, 8:00, 10:50 TRAINWRECK (R) 10:40, 1:30, 4:20, 7:25, 10:15
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:40, 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 10:35 9:50
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:05, 1:20, 2:30, 4:45, 6:00, 8:20, 9:30 SOUTHPAW (R) 7:30, 10:20
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 10:50, 1:10, 2:20, 4:40, 5:50, 8:10, 9:20
THE GIFT (R) 11:40, 2:35, 5:10, 7:55, 10:35 MINIONS (PG) 10:30 A.M.
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:40, 1:00, 2:20, 3:40, 5:00, 6:20, 7:40, 9:00, 10:20 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:25, 1:55, 4:50, 7:45, 10:20
VACATION (R) 12:45, 3:25, 5:50, 8:20, 10:50 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 10:40, 1:45, 4:40, 7:40, 10:40
SINISTER 2 (R) 11:50, 1:10, 2:25, 3:50, 5:10, 6:30, 7:45, 9:10, 10:30 SINISTER 2 (R) 11:15, 12:30, 1:50, 3:10, 4:30, 5:50, 7:10, 8:30, 9:50
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:05, 1:45, 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 PIXELS (PG-13) 10:50, 1:40, 4:10
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 10:55, 1:35, 4:10, 7:25, 10:00
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:15, 2:00, 4:40, 7:30, 10:10 RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 11:30, 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50 THE GIFT (R) 7:10, 10:10
THE LOVE AFFAIR (Not Rated) 1:00, 3:55, 6:50, 9:45
RANGITARANGA (Not Rated) 12:15, 3:40, 7:10, 10:35 SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 10:30 A.M. FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 10:55, 1:35, 4:25, 7:20, 9:55
SRIMANTHUDU (Not Rated) 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, 10:30 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:30, 11:45, 1:15, 2:30, 4:00, 5:20, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 11:10, 2:10, 5:10, 8:05, 10:50
6:45, 8:05, 9:35, 10:55
THE LOVE AFFAIR (Not Rated) 11:05, 2:00, 4:55, 7:50, 10:45 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 10:45, 11:45, 1:20, 1:50, 2:20, 3:20,
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:00, 1:10, 2:20, 4:25, 5:40, 7:40,
5:00, 5:30, 6:10, 7:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:45, 10:30
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 10:50, 1:50, 4:55, SINISTER 2 (R) 11:00, 12:10, 1:30, 2:40, 4:20, 5:15, 7:15, 8:15, 10:00, 11:00
7:05, 10:25 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:15, 12:30, 2:00, 3:10, 4:30, 5:45, 7:00, 8:15,
KICK 2 (Not Rated) 11:35, 3:15, 6:45, 10:15 TRAINWRECK (R) 10:55, 1:45, 4:50, 7:55 9:30, 10:55

THE GIFT (R) 11:10, 2:00, 4:50, 7:35 SINISTER 2 (R) 12:20, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00, 9:40, 10:30
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 11:40, 2:15, 4:45, 7:20 AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 12:10, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:25
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:45, 1:40, 4:30, 7:25 DUMBO (G) 10:30 A.M.
CHICKEN LITTLE (G) 1:15 P.M. MAX (PG) 1:50, 4:25, 7:05, 9:45
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 12:40, 4:15, 7:50
HOME (PG) 1:55, 4:10, 7:00, 9:40

HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:45, 2:20, 4:55, 7:30 IRON WILL (PG) 7:00 P.M.
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) XD 12:20, 3:40, 7:00,
10:20 THE END OF THE TOUR (R) 11:35, 2:20, 5:00, 7:40 LILO & STITCH (PG) 4:00 P.M. MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (R) 4:45, 10:00
SINISTER 2 (R) 12:00, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD 3D (R) REALD 3D 2:00, 7:20
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 10:50, 1:20, 4:10, 7:20 TOMORROWLAND (PG) 2:40, 6:30, 9:20
INSIDE OUT (PG) 11:35, 2:10, 4:55, 7:30, 10:00 SPY (R) 2:05, 4:50, 7:30, 10:15
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 12:45, 3:50, 7:05, SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) 2:25, 5:00, 7:35, 10:10

10:05 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) XD 12:00, 3:30, 7:00, SAN ANDREAS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25
MINIONS (PG) 11:10, 1:40, 4:10, 6:50, 9:15 10:30 PAPER TOWNS (PG-13) 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:50
ANT-MAN (PG-13) 11:05, 1:50, 4:40, 7:35, 10:30 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 10:05, 1:10, 4:15, TED 2 (R) 2:30, 5:05, 7:45, 10:20
7:25, 10:30 JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) 10:40, 2:00, 4:50, 7:40, 10:40
PIXELS (PG-13) 10:55, 1:35, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 TERMINATOR GENISYS (PG-13) 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 10:05
ANT-MAN (PG-13) 10:25, 1:35, 4:50, 7:45, 10:35 PAPER TOWNS (PG-13) 1:15, 3:50, 7:10, 10:00
SOUTHPAW (R) 1:10, 7:10 TERMINATOR GENISYS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 2:45, 6:15, 9:15
SOUTHPAW (R) 1:45, 7:10 INSIDE OUT (PG) 10:30, 1:00, 3:45, 6:45, 9:30
THE GIFT (R) 11:45, 2:25, 5:05, 7:45, 10:35 MAGIC MIKE XXL (R) 2:15, 4:55, 7:40, 10:15
THE GIFT (R) 10:35, 1:40, 4:25, 7:15, 10:05 MINIONS (PG) 11:45, 2:10, 4:30, 6:50, 9:40
VACATION (R) 10:30, 10:10 VACATION (R) 10:55, 4:40, 10:00 TRAINWRECK (R) 10:35, 1:30, 4:25, 7:25, 10:35
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:50, 2:20, 4:45, 7:20, 9:50 FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 10:50, 1:25, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 SOUTHPAW (R) 4:05, 6:55, 9:45
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 10:45, 1:20, 4:05, 6:55, 9:50 MR. HOLMES (PG) 11:05, 1:35
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:45, 1:45, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 10:30, 1:15, 4:35, 7:35, 10:20 THE GIFT (R) 11:20, 1:55, 4:45, 7:20, 10:15
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 10:15, 11:15, 1:30, 2:35, 4:50, 6:05, STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 10:00, 11:30, 1:30, 3:00, 5:00, 6:45, VACATION (R) 11:00, 1:25, 4:20, 7:55, 10:50 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 10:10, 1:20, 4:20,
8:10, 9:25 8:30, 10:10 FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:15, 1:40, 4:10, 7:05, 9:55
7:40, 10:40
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:40, 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:20, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10 SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 10:45 A.M.
SINISTER 2 (R) 11:35, 2:10, 4:45, 7:30, 10:25 ANT-MAN (PG-13) RESERVE 10:05, 1:00, 7:20
SINISTER 2 (R) 10:40, 12:00, 1:15, 2:30, 4:05, 5:15, 6:45, 7:50, 9:20, 10:25 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 10:50, 1:10, 2:20, 4:40, 5:50, 8:10, 9:20
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:15, 2:00, 4:30, 7:05, 9:45 FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) RESERVE 10:50, 1:50, 4:40, 7:10, 9:50
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 12:10, 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 10:10 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:40, 2:15, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05
SINISTER 2 (R) 11:55, 2:35, 5:10, 7:45, 10:20 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) RESERVE 9:50, 12:20, 1:10, 3:40,
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:30, 2:05, 4:35, 7:15, 9:50 4:30, 7:00, 7:50, 10:20
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) RESERVE 11:00, 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30
SINISTER 2 (R) RESERVE 10:00, 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 8:00, 10:30
MAX (PG) 11:30, 2:10, 4:50, 7:30
-- THE IMAX EXPERIENCE (PG-13) 10:30, 1:30,
CINDERELLA (PG) 12:05, 2:45, 5:20, 7:45
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) RESERVE 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00
THE LOVE AFFAIR (Not Rated) RESERVE 4:00, 10:15

JURASSIC WORLD 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 12:05, 2:55, 5:50 FURIOUS 7 (PG-13) 12:20, 3:15, 6:30
EXPERIENCE (PG-13) 4:35, 7:30
TOMORROWLAND (PG) 11:50, 2:50, 5:40 PITCH PERFECT 2 (PG-13) 12:30, 2:55, 5:25, 7:50
JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) 12:50, 4:05 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (R) 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20
SPY (R) 2:30, 8:05
INSIDE OUT (PG) 10:30, 1:05, 3:40, 6:35, 9:20 TOMORROWLAND (PG) 11:45, 2:30, 5:15, 8:00
SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) 11:55, 5:15 INSIDE OUT (PG) 12:50, 3:35
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 11:25, 2:25, 5:35, SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) 12:25, 3:00, 5:30, 7:55
SAN ANDREAS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 2:35, 7:55 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 11:55, 3:05, 6:15,
8:40, 9:30 ENTOURAGE (R) 12:10, 2:35, 4:55, 7:25
PAPER TOWNS (PG-13) 11:35, 2:10, 4:45, 7:20 MINIONS (PG) 10:50, 1:25, 4:10, 6:40, 9:25 TED 2 (R) 12:00, 2:40, 5:35, 8:00
ANT-MAN (PG-13) 10:55, 1:45, 4:45, 7:35, 10:25 MINIONS (PG) 12:10, 2:35, 5:00, 7:25, 10:05
TERMINATOR GENISYS (PG-13) 11:45, 2:35, 5:25, 8:15 TERMINATOR GENISYS (PG-13) 12:00, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40
TRAINWRECK (R) 7:35, 10:30 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:10
TERMINATOR GENISYS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 11:30, 2:20, 5:10, 8:00
PIXELS (PG-13) 11:05, 2:00, 4:40, 7:20, 10:00 PIXELS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 2:20, 7:50
MAGIC MIKE XXL (R) 11:50, 2:30, 5:10, 7:50
SOUTHPAW (R) 10:40, 1:35, 4:30, 7:25, 10:20 SOUTHPAW (R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:50
TRAINWRECK (R) 11:40, 5:15 THE GIFT (R) 11:40, 2:20, 5:00, 7:40, 10:20 THE GIFT (R) 11:20, 2:15, 4:55, 7:35, 10:20
VACATION (R) 10:45, 1:15, 3:45, 7:00, 9:45 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 11:50, 3:20, 6:50, VACATION (R) 6:15, 9:05
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 10:45, 1:20, 3:55, 6:25, 9:05 9:50 FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:25, 1:55, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 11:20, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:55 MINIONS (PG) 12:20, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15
SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 10:35, 12:55, 3:25 ANT-MAN (PG-13) 12:10, 3:10, 6:40, 9:30
SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 12:00, 5:10, 10:25
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION (PG-13) 1:10, 4:30, 7:45, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 12:15, 3:05, 5:55, 9:00 PIXELS (PG-13) 2:00, 7:30
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 11:10, 2:00, 4:50, 7:40, 10:25
11:00 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 10:30, 11:35, 12:40, 1:50, 2:55, 4:00, PIXELS 3D (PG-13) REALD 3D 11:20, 4:50, 10:10
5:10, 6:15, 7:20, 8:30, 9:35 SOUTHPAW (R) 7:00, 10:15 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:00, 12:20, 1:30, 2:40, 3:50, 5:05,
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 10:45, 1:30, 4:00, 6:45, 9:30 6:20, 7:30, 8:50, 9:40
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 10:40, 12:00, 1:10, 2:30, 3:45, 5:00, 6:15, 7:30, FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:45
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 2:00, 5:30, 9:00 8:45, 10:05 SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (PG) 11:15, 1:50, 4:30 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:15, 1:50, 4:25, 7:00, 9:45
SINISTER 2 (R) 11:45, 2:25, 5:00, 8:00, 10:35 SINISTER 2 (R) 11:10, 12:30, 1:40, 3:00, 4:15, 5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:30, 3:00, 6:30, 10:00 SINISTER 2 (R) 11:30, 2:05, 4:35, 7:05, 9:35
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:10, 1:45, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:50, 2:45, 5:15, 7:50, 10:20 SINISTER 2 (R) 12:00, 2:30, 5:10, 7:40, 10:05 AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:35, 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 9:55
8/24/15 ONLY
E4 M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L EN DA R

Times for 8/24/15 only

Program Subject To Change

2 injured during reality TV shoot

Public Safety will investi- sode of the reality show “A U.S. filming accidents in re-
Men are hurt when gate. Haunting” for Destination cent decades: a 2013 crash in
The chopper was one of America, an offshoot of Dis- Acton that killed three peo-
helicopter crashes two filming when a gust of covery Communications. ple during production of a
during filming in wind spun one aircraft out of The show follows people reality TV show and the 1982
control, a Texas DPS who say they’ve had encoun- “Twilight Zone: The Movie”
DIGGING FOR FIRE (R) 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 9:45
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E.: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE (PG-13) 1:30, Texas, officials say. spokesman said. The heli- ters with supernatural crash near Santa Clarita
4:30, 7:30, 10:30 copter struck a tree and forces. that killed actor Vic Morrow
(+21 SHOWS: 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 9:45) By Saba Hamedy landed on its side in a However, officials at the and two children.
wooded area. Grimes County Sheriff ’s Of- A helicopter crash in Ar-
MERU (R) 3:00, 5:15, 8:00, 10:00 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 12:45, 4:00, 7:15, 10:30
Two men were injured in A recent Los Angeles fice and the Texas Depart- gentina in March caused the
(+21 SHOWS: 3:00, 5:15, 8:00, 10:00)
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG-13) 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:15 a helicopter crash during Times review of U.S. govern- ment of Public Safety on deaths of 10 people during
THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET (PG) 12:00, 2:25, 4:55, weekend filming of a reality ment data found that nearly Sunday told The Times that shooting of the French TV
BEST OF ENEMIES (R) 2:15, 7:15
7:25, 9:55 television show in Grimes one-third of all fatalities on the injured men were filming series “Dropped,” in which
(+21 SHOWS: 2:15, 7:15) County, Texas, authorities film and TV shoots during a “hunting reality show.” participants are abandoned
SOUTHPAW (R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15
said Sunday. the last five years had in- Twenty deaths were re- in the wilderness and must
BEING EVEL (NR) 2:30, 5:00, 7:45, 9:55 RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG-13) 12:10, 2:35, 5:00, 7:25, 9:50 The helicopter made a volved reality shows. lated to film and TV produc- find their way back to civili-
(+21 SHOWS: 2:30, 5:00, 7:45, 9:55)
hard landing and suffered Conflicting reports tion during the five-year pe- zation.
substantial damage Satur- emerged about the nature of riod that ended in Decem- Times staff writer Rich-
MR. HOLMES (PG) 1:45, 4:15, 7:00 day, a spokeswoman for the the Texas project. ber, according to The Times’ ard Verrier contributed re-
Federal Aviation Adminis- The Associated Press re- recent report. porting for this article.
(+21 SHOWS: 1:45, 4:15, 7:00)
tration said. The FAA and ported that the injured men Helicopters were in-
TANGERINE (R) 4:30, 9:30 the Texas Department of in Texas were filming an epi- volved in two of the worst

(+21 SHOWS: 4:30, 9:30)

2:50, 5:40, 8:30
(+21 SHOWS: 9:15)
MINIONS (PG) 12:00 P.M.
ANT-MAN (PG-13) 2:00, 4:25, 6:50, 9:15
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 11:00, 1:30, 4:00,
6:30, 9:00
all reserved seating | café bar | exhibits | gift shop
el Capitan Sherman oakS 5
TO ADVERTISE HERE 6838 Hollywood Blvd. at Highland
818/845-3110 Express Code - 91361
Milbank at Van Nuys
818/501-5121 Express Code - 392 Select, Purchase and Print Your Tickets Online with No Added Fee

THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) 1:30, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00

CALL (213) 237-2184

FROZEN SING ALONG (PG) 10:00 AM, 1:00, 4:00, 7:00 PM

JURASSIC WORLD (PG13) (1:45, 4:20), 6:50 PM
Nash & Rosecrans

MAGIC MIKE XXL (R) (1:55, 4:15 PM) 310/607-9955

Free Parking 3D
Info Line 310.478.3836 winnetka Stadium 21
Winnetka and Prairie MINIONS (PG) (3:00, 5:15), 7:10 PM
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN 11:30 AM, 12:10, 2:10, 4:15, MINIONS (PG) 11:20 AM, 3:25, 5:40, 6:40 PM
818/501-5121 Express Code - 095 3D 6:25, 7:35, 8:25, 9:40, 10:40 PM
11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West L.A. 5240 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood
After Words I 9:55 PM An Immersive Experience is Here! HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN 11:35 AM, 1:35, 3:35,
AmeriCAn uLtrA E (12:30 PM 2:55 PM 5:35, 8:35, 9:55 PM 11:40 AM, 2:25, 4:00, 5:45, 7:05, 8:20, 9:45 PM
We Come As friends I (1:10 PM 3:20 PM 5:20 PM) 7:50 PM 10:15 PM PIXELS (PG13) (2:30, 4:45), 7:00 PM
- 79 ft wall-to-wall screen!
5:40 PM) 8:00 PM 10:15 PM some Kind of BeAutifuL E (1:50 PM
the Lost Key I (1:00 PM 3:10 PM 5:30 PM) 4:40 PM) 7:30 PM 10:00 PM - 20% wider, luxurious seats! SINISTER 2 (R) KN 12:00, 2:00, 5:05, 8:30, 9:50, MR. HOLMES (PG) 11:10 AM, 1:30, 3:40, 6:20 PM
10:45 PM
7:45 PM
Phoenix C (1:50 PM 4:30 PM) 9:45 PM
toP sPin I 7:30 PM - Premium Sight and Sound! GLENDALE
our Boys I (12:00 PM)
the mAn from u.n.C.L.e. C (1:30 PM glendale 18 ANT-MAN (PG13) 11:05 AM, 1:25, 4:35, 7:00, 9:05 PM RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG13) 12:20, 2:30, 5:20, 7:25,
4:30 PM) 10:10 PM The Americana at Brand 9:25 PM
the testimony I (12:20 PM) meru E (1:00 PM 3:20 PM 5:40 PM) 8:00 PM Colorado Street at Brand Blvd.
BeCAuse i WAs A PAinter I SPECIAL 10:15 PM XME “MOVIE EXPERIENCE” 1-866-PAC-9790 Express Code - 905 THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL (R) 1:00, 3:05, 5:10,
7:45 PM
ENGAGEMENT 7:30 PM strAight outtA ComPton E (1:40 PM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 4 Hours Free Validated Parking. SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) 11:00 AM, 2:15, 3:50, 5:50,
5:00 PM) 8:20 PM Enter at Central Blvd. 3D 7:15 PM
(10:45 AM, 2:05, 5:20), 8:35 PM
MONICA the end of the tour E (1:20 PM 4:00 PM)
THE GIFT (R) 11:50 AM, 1:15, 4:05, 7:35, 9:35, 10:35 PM
1332 Second Street Santa Monica Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center
7:00 PM 9:40 PM AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN (10:30 AM, 11:00, 12:05, STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:15 AM, 12:15, 1:30,
A Premium will be charged per XME ticket purchased
CLosed for mission: imPossiBLe  rogue 1:00, 3:25, 5:50), 8:15, 10:40, 11:20 PM INSIDE OUT (PG) 11:25 AM, 1:20, 3:30 PM 2:20, 3:15, 4:30, 5:15, 6:15, 7:30, 8:15, 9:20, 10:30 PM
renoVAtion nAtion C (1:10 PM 4:10 PM) 10:15 PM
BLACKfACe I (12:40 PM) AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN (11:00 AM, 1:30, 2:30, 4:55), HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN (10:15 AM, 12:40, 3:00, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) 11:45 AM, 2:05,
MUSIC HALL Les Bosquets I (12:40 PM)
5:25), 7:50, 10:15, 11:10 PM 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 PM TRAINWRECK (R) 12:05, 2:40, 5:25, 7:55, 10:25 PM
6:25, 8:45, 9:45, 11:10 PM
9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills
seArChing for home, Coming BACK
from WAr I (12:00 PM 2:30 PM 5:00 PM)
the 100 yeArs shoW I (1:00 PM)
BeCAuse i WAs A PAinter I SPECIAL
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center SINISTER 2 (R) KN (10:35 AM, 1:00, 2:30, 3:25, 4:50,
5:50), 7:15, 8:15, 9:40, 10:40, 11:10 PM CULVER CITY
7:30 PM 10:00 PM HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN (10:40 AM, 1:05, 4:40), 9500 Culver Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
ANT-MAN (PG13) (11:35 AM, 2:15, 4:55), 7:35, 10:15 PM (310) 559-2416
BeLtrACChi: the Art of forgery I TOWN CENTER 7:15, 8:45, 9:45, 11:10 PM
(12:00 PM 2:20 PM) 7:40 PM 10:00 PM 17200 Ventura Blvd. Encino 4 Hrs. Validated Parking - Free 3D
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center FANTASTIC FOUR (PG13) (10:10 AM, 12:35, 3:00, 5:25),
KAhLiL giBrAn’s the ProPhet B she’s funny thAt WAy E (12:45 PM 7:50, 10:15 PM
(4:50 PM)
AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN (11:10 AM), 1:20, 3:30, 5:40, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) (10:35 AM), 12:15,
3:10 PM 5:35 PM) 8:00 PM 10:15 PM 7:50, 9:55 PM 2:45, 5:20, 7:45, 10:10 PM
Best of enemies E (12:55 PM 5:15 PM) the Lost Key I (3:10 PM 5:20 PM) 7:45 PM SINISTER 2 (R) KN (11:45 AM, 2:15, 4:05, 5:50), 7:20,
THE GIFT (R) (10:05 AM, 12:35, 3:05, 5:35), 8:05, 10:35 PM
irrAtionAL mAn E (3:00 PM) 10:00 PM meru E (12:30 PM 2:50 PM 5:10 PM) 7:30 PM 8:15, 9:30, 10:30, 11:15 PM
heArt of A tiger I (12:00 PM) 9:50 PM Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center INSIDE OUT (PG) (11:55 AM, 2:20, 4:45), 7:10, 9:35 PM 5:10, 7:15, 9:20 PM (11:05 AM), 1:50, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15 PM
BeCAuse i WAs A PAinter I SPECIAL irrAtionAL mAn E (12:40 PM 3:00 PM)
ENGAGEMENT 7:30 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) (12:15, 3:00, 5:45),
the outrAgeous soPhie tuCKer I SINISTER 2 (R) KN (11:45 AM), 2:05, 4:10, 6:20, 8:30, MR. HOLMES (PG) 4:40 PM
ANT-MAN (PG13) (11:30 AM, 2:45, 4:25), 7:20, 9:55 PM 8:30, 11:10 PM
PLAYHOUSE (12:50 PM) 10:10 PM
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center
10:30 PM
673 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena Phoenix C (1:40 PM 4:20 PM) 9:40 PM
MINIONS (PG) (10:00 AM, 12:15, 2:30, 4:45), 7:00, 9:10 PM SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) (10:45 AM), 2:50 PM
she’s funny thAt WAy E (12:50 PM CoAChing CoLBurn I (12:00 PM) DR. STRANGELOVE, OR HOW I LEARNED TO STOP
3:10 PM 5:30 PM) 7:50 PM 10:10 PM When JustiCe isn’t Just I (12:30 PM) FANTASTIC FOUR (PG13) (1:20), 6:10, 8:35, 11:00 PM WORRYING AND LOVE THE BOMB (1964) (PG)
toP sPin I (3:10 PM 5:20 PM) 7:30 PM ALL is WeLL SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center SOUTHPAW (R) 9:25 PM
(10:45 AM, 1:45, 4:45), 7:45, 10:45 PM
KAhLiL giBrAn’s the ProPhet B 5:30 PM 8:30 PM
(5:30 PM) BeCAuse i WAs A PAinter I SPECIAL
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG13) (10:40 AM), 12:45 PM
THE GIFT (R) (12:35, 2:20), 6:05, 8:40, 10:00 PM SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) (10:10 AM, 11:15, 12:20, 1:15, STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) (10:30 AM, 11:00,
meru E (12:30 PM 2:50 PM 5:10 PM) 7:40 PM ENGAGEMENT 7:30 PM 2:30, 4:40), 6:50, 9:00 PM 11:40), 1:00, 2:00, 2:40, 4:05, 5:00, 5:45, 7:05, 8:00, 8:45,
10:00 PM Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center THE GIFT (R) 12:35, 2:55, 5:15, 7:35, 10:00 PM 10:05 PM
mistress AmeriCA E (1:00 PM 2:10 PM CLAREMONT SOUTHPAW (R) (4:45), 7:40, 10:30 PM
3:20 PM 5:40 PM) 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:20 PM
450 W. 2nd Street Claremont
INSIDE OUT (PG) (11:35 AM, 2:10, 4:30), 7:00 PM INSIDE OUT (PG) 1:30, 3:45, 6:00, 8:15 PM TRAINWRECK (R) (11:20 AM), 1:55, 4:30, 6:55, 9:10 PM
10:15 PM the mAn from u.n.C.L.e. C (1:00 PM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) (10:05 AM, 10:45,
CoP CAr E (1:00 PM) 10:00 PM
Best of enemies E (4:30 PM)
4:00 PM) 7:00 PM 9:55 PM
riCKi And the fLAsh C (1:30 PM
4:20 PM) 7:20 PM 9:55 PM
IRRATIONAL MAN (R) (11:40 AM, 3:50), 6:20 PM
11:25, 1:20, 1:40, 2:00, 2:30, 3:20, 4:30, 5:30), 6:35, 7:40,
8:45, 9:50, 10:55 PM PASADENA
irrAtionAL mAn E (12:40 PM 3:00 PM)
10:10 PM TRAINWRECK (R) (5:40), 8:25 PM
Colorado & Los Robles
Best of enemies E (1:00 PM 3:20 PM JURASSIC WORLD (PG13) (1:25, 4:15), 7:05 PM 626/568-8888
Phoenix C (1:30 PM 4:20 PM) 7:10 PM 5:40 PM) 8:00 PM 10:15 PM
9:40 PM VACATION (R) (10:20 AM, 12:40, 2:55, 5:10), 7:35, 9:55 PM
4 Hrs. Validated Parking - $2 3D
mission: imPossiBLe  rogue
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) (12:15, 3:30, 5:40),
oPen your eyes 2015 I (12:55 PM) nAtion C (1:10 PM 4:10 PM) 10:10 PM AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN 11:10 AM, 12:35, 2:35, 3:45, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION (PG13)
sAn frAnCisCo 2.0 I (12:20 PM) Phoenix C (1:50 PM 4:40 PM) 7:30 PM 8:25, 11:15 PM 5:50, 7:10, 8:05, 9:15, 11:10 PM 11:25 AM, 1:40, 3:25, 5:40, 8:25, 10:15 PM
BeCAuse i WAs A PAinter I SPECIAL 10:00 PM Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center L.A./BEVERLY HILLS
the groVe Stadium 14 HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN 11:00 AM, 1:05, 2:45,
4:50, 6:10, 8:15, 11:05 PM
3rd & The Grove Drive MR. HOLMES (PG) 12:10, 7:25 PM
MINIONS (PG) (11:00 AM, 1:35, 3:30), 7:05 PM
Just East of the Historic Farmers Market
BARGAIN IN ( ) FOR 8/24/2015 ONLY 323-692-0829 Express Code - 209 SINISTER 2 (R) KN 11:05 AM, 1:10, 5:30, 8:45, 10:45,
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION (PG13) 4 Hours On-Site Validated Parking Only $2.50 3D 11:30 PM RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG13) 11:30 AM, 2:25, 4:40,
(10:35 AM, 11:40, 1:25, 3:55, 5:30), 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 PM 7:35, 10:25 PM
Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center RESERVED SEATING NOW AVAILABLE! ANT-MAN (PG13) 11:15 AM, 2:15, 4:45, 7:05, 9:40 PM AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN (10:05 AM, 11:00, 11:10, 1:15, THE END OF THE TOUR (R) 3:05 PM SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) 11:00 AM, 1:15, 5:00 PM
MR. HOLMES (PG) (10:50 AM, 2:00, 4:45 PM) 3:30, 5:45), 6:35, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:15, 11:15 PM

HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN (10:15 AM, 12:10, 2:25, THE GIFT (R) 11:50 AM, 2:10, 4:35, 7:15, 9:45 PM
10850 W. Pico at Westwood • West L.A. PIXELS (PG13) (11:55 AM, 3:05), 7:10 PM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:40 AM, 1:45, 2:40,
4:45), 7:05, 9:20, 11:40 PM 4:20, 5:15, 5:45, 7:00, 7:45, 8:25, 9:35, 10:30, 11:00 PM
3 Hours Free Parking. Additional 2 Hours $3 with Validation.
Showtimes and Information: (310) 470-0492 INSIDE OUT (PG) 1:25, 3:20 PM
RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG13) (10:35 AM, 12:25, 2:55, SINISTER 2 (R) KN (11:40 AM, 3:35, 5:55), 8:15,
THE WINE BAR HAPPY HOUR • Mon – Thur 4 – 6pm • $2.00 Off House Drinks
4:45), 7:15, 9:50 PM 10:30 PM
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) 11:45 AM, 2:20, TRAINWRECK (R) 11:35 AM, 12:30, 3:10, 5:20, 8:00,
▼●■ GRANDMA (R) ●■ (PG-13) RICKI AND 5:05, 7:30, 10:00 PM 9:30 PM
(11:05, 1:10, 3:15, 5:20) 7:30, 9:30 THE FLASH ANT-MAN (PG13) (10:35 AM, 1:30, 4:30), 7:15, 10:05 PM

(12:25, 2:50, 5:15) 7:40, 10:00
SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) (12:00, 2:20, 5:00 PM)
SOUTHPAW (R) (12:45, 3:15, 5:25 PM)
TO DRIVE ● (R) THE END OF THE THE GIFT (R) (10:50 AM, 1:20, 4:00), 6:15, 8:45, 9:50 PM
Ventura & Sepulveda
(11:45, 2:15, 4:45) 7:15, 9:40 Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center (818) 501-0753
TOUR 4 Hrs. Validated Parking - Free 3D
INSIDE OUT (PG) (12:55, 3:20, 5:40), 8:05 PM
▼●■ (R) (12:10, 2:40, 5:10) 7:40, 10:05 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) (11:30 AM, 12:10, 1:05, AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:40 AM, 2:45, 4:30, 7:15, 8:05, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION (PG13)
OUTTA COMPTON 2:50, 3:30, 4:20), 6:15, 7:00, 7:40, 9:30, 10:05, 10:45 PM THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) (10:20 AM, 12:25, 9:10, 11:10 PM 11:30 AM, 12:10, 1:20, 2:50, 4:55, 7:25, 8:20, 9:55 PM
(1:05, 4:10) 7:20, 10:25
●■ (R) THE DIARY OF A Also Showing At Northridge Fashion Center
1:40, 5:10), 7:45, 10:20 PM
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 12:50, 2:55, 5:30, 8:10, 10:55 PM MISTRESS AMERICA (R) 11:20 AM, 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 7:10,
9:45 PM
●■ MERU (R) (12:25, 2:50, 5:15) 7:35, 9:55 TRAINWRECK (R) (10:30 AM), 8:15, 11:05 PM SINISTER 2 (R) 11:25 AM, 12:15, 2:25, 5:15, 8:00, 10:05,
(11:00, 1:00, 3:10, 5:25) 7:40, 9:50 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION (PG13) 11:00 PM MR. HOLMES (PG) 1:05, 3:25, 5:40, 6:35 PM
●■ TRAINWRECK (R) (10:40 AM, 12:15, 3:00, 5:50), 8:40, 9:30, 11:30 PM
▼●■ THE MAN FROM (1:00, 3:45) 10:20
VACATION (R) 9:30, 11:15 PM ANT-MAN (PG13) 8:40, 11:10 PM RICKI AND THE FLASH (PG13) 11:10 AM, 1:10, 4:00,
U.N.C.L.E. (PG-13) SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) (10:10 AM, 1:55, 3:05 PM) 5:50, 7:30, 10:25 PM
(11:10, 1:50, 4:30) 7:10, 9:45 ●■ MR. HOLMES (PG)
LAKEWOOD STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) (10:00 AM, 11:05, SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) 11:00 AM, 1:15, 3:05, 5:25,
6:40 PM
●■ (PG-13) (11:40, 2:10, 4:40) 7:05, 9:30 lakewood Center 16 12:35, 1:10, 2:10, 3:45, 4:25, 5:20), 6:25, 7:30, 8:30, 9:15, THE GIFT (R) 12:45, 3:15, 5:35, 8:45, 10:20 PM
10:35, 11:35 PM
5200 Faculty Ave.
(562) 531-9580 Express Code - 046 3D
INSIDE OUT (PG) 12:35, 3:20, 6:15 PM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:15 AM, 12:00, 1:00,
NATION THE ECSTASY (NR) TRAINWRECK (R) (10:45 AM, 1:35, 4:20), 7:10, 10:25 PM 2:15, 3:00, 4:10, 5:20, 7:00, 7:45, 8:30, 9:30, 10:15, 10:50 PM

(1:20, 4:15) 7:10, 10:00 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) 11:05 AM, 1:35,
(11:15am) AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN (11:00 AM, 12:10, 1:20, 2:30,
2:20, 4:05, 5:55, 7:20, 8:25, 9:50 PM TRAINWRECK (R) 1:45, 4:20, 7:40, 10:10 PM
TONIGHT AT 7:00pm! 3:40, 4:50), 6:10, 7:10, 8:25, 9:30, 10:40 PM
northridge FaShion Center HOLLYWOOD
(11:10, 1:20, 3:30, 5:40) 7:50, 9:55 STEPHEN FARBER HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN (11:20 AM, 12:40, 1:40, Stadium 10 Dome Entertainment Center
Tampa and Plummber
3:00, 4:00, 5:20), 6:20, 7:40, 8:45, 10:00 PM 818/501-5121 Express Code - 092 3D
Sunset & Vine - (323) 464-4226
4 Hrs. Validated Parking - $3 3D
11272 Santa Monica Blvd • West L.A. • (310) 473-8530 SINISTER 2 (R) KN (11:10 AM, 12:20, 1:30, 2:40, 3:50, AMERICAN ULTRA (R) KN (11:00 AM, 12:20, 2:25, Cinerama Dome THE DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL (R) 1:05, 2:45, 4:45,
7:00, 9:10 PM
STATION TO STATION (NR) 5:00), 6:05, 7:20, 8:20, 9:40, 10:45 PM 4:45), 6:05, 8:25, 10:35 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka
(1:30, 3:30, 5:30) 7:30, 9:30 8:00, 11:30 PM THE END OF THE TOUR (R) 12:10, 3:00, 5:50, 8:10,
ANT-MAN (PG13) (11:40 AM, 2:20, 5:00 PM) HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) KN (11:50 AM, 2:20, 5:50), AMERICAN ULTRA (R) 11:00 AM, 12:45, 2:00, 4:00, 6:15,
DOCUMENTARY SHORTS: 8:20, 10:45 PM 8:30, 10:30, 12:05 AM THE GIFT (R) 11:55 AM, 3:35, 5:15, 7:35, 10:40 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka
PLUS LIVE ACTION SHORT: IN THE CLOUDS GRANDMA (R) 11:10 AM, 1:15, 3:45, 5:45, 6:45, 8:45, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) 12:15, 2:40, 5:05,
8:25, 10:45 PM 10:45 PM 7:30, 11:15 PM
12:00pm SINISTER 2 (R) KN (11:30 AM, 1:55, 3:35, 5:00), 8:30,
Also Showing At Winnetka HITMAN: AGENT 47 (R) 11:30 AM, 2:20, 4:30, 7:45,
THE GIFT (R) (11:40 AM, 2:10, 4:40), 7:10, 9:40, 10:15 PM 10:00 PM 12:25, 2:30, 5:20, 7:55, 10:10, 11:45 PM
1045 Broxton Ave • Westwood • (310) 208-3250
ANT-MAN (PG13) (11:20 AM, 2:35, 4:55), 7:20, 10:40 PM LEARNING TO DRIVE (R) 12:00, 1:45, 4:05, 6:05, 8:05, MISTRESS AMERICA (R) 11:05 AM, 2:50, 5:10, 8:25,
IRRATIONAL MAN (R) THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) (11:30 AM, 2:15, Also Showing At Winnetka 9:45 PM
10:35 PM
(4:40) 7:00, 9:20 5:05), 7:45, 10:30 PM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 11:15 AM, 1:00, 2:15,
FANTASTIC FOUR (PG13) (11:40 AM, 1:15, 4:35), 7:30, SINISTER 2 (R) 12:45, 2:05, 4:20, 6:30, 8:40, 11:10 PM 3:15, 5:00, 6:00, 7:15, 9:00, 10:15, 11:00, 12:00 AM
GIFT CARDS Join MINIONS (PG) (11:05 AM, 1:25, 3:35 PM)
9:55 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka AMY (R) 11:25 AM TRAINWRECK (R) 11:40 AM, 2:10, 5:30, 8:15, 10:05 PM
On Sale Now! Landmark strongly supports a NO TEXTING AND NO CELL PHONE policy.
( ) at Discount = No Passes = The Screening Lounge MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION (PG13) THE GIFT (R) 7:00 PM SAN GABRIEL VALLEY
● Closed Captioning ■ Descriptive Video Service Also Showing At Winnetka
(11:00 AM, 1:50, 4:40), 7:30, 10:20 PM Vineland driVe-in
VALID MONDAYu AUGUST DN ONLY © 2015 Landmark Theatres Vineland at Valley
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) (11:15 AM, 2:35, 626/961-9262 Express Code - 125
SHAUN THE SHEEP (PG) (11:15 AM, 1:20, 3:25, 5:30 PM) 5:10), 7:45, 10:20 PM Show Starts at Dusk
Also Showing At Winnetka
(11:25 AM, 1:45, 5:35), 7:25, 9:30 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) (11:15 AM, 12:30, 1:30, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (PG13) 8:00 PM
Go behind the business behind the show
2:30, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45), 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 PM SOUTHPAW (R) (11:45 AM) STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) 8:00, 9:40 PM
Also Showing At Winnetka MINIONS (PG)
TRAINWRECK (R) 7:35, 10:20 PM
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON (R) (11:50 AM, 1:50, 2:15,
3:00, 4:10, 5:20), 7:15, 8:15, 10:15 PM MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION (PG13) VACATION (R) (5:50), 8:15, 10:40 PM Also Showing At Winnetka 10:12 PM VACATION (R) 9:53 PM

FANDANGO.COM K SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT - NO PASSES N G.A.T. GOOD FOR BARGAIN SHOWS ONLY BARGAIN SHOWS IN ( ) A Premium will be charged per 3D presentation ticket purchased Times for Monday, August 24, 2015 ONLY
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O N DAY, AU G U S T 2 4 , 2 015 E5

T V HIGH L I GHTS Monday Prime-Time TV Sports News Movies (N) New Å Closed Captioning
8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm
SERIES Today Rob Thomas per-
forms; chef Kelly Senyei;
CBS 2 Broke Girls Odd Couple Å Scorpion (TV14) Å NCIS: Los Angeles (TV14) Å News (N) Å
Penn & Teller: Fool Us The NBC American Ninja Warrior (TVPG) A jam-packed review in- Running Wild With Bear Grylls News (N)
headlining magicians see Lake Bell; author Molly
cludes the best moments of the season so far. (N) Å James Marsden. (N) Å
each contestant’s trick Gilbert. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC
KTLA Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TVPG) Whose Line Is Significant News (N) News (N)
once, then try to figure out KTLA Morning News (N) 7 (N) It Anyway? (N) Mother (TV14)
how it was done. Blake a.m. KTLA ABC Bachelor in Paradise (TV14) Bachelor in Paradise: After Par- The Whispers (TV14) One of News (N)
Vogt, Joshua Jay, Levent Good Morning America (N) The cast questions Saman- adise (N) Å the children is taken over by
and Ben Seidman try 7 a.m. KABC tha’s authenticity. (N) Å Drill. (N) Å
their slight of hand in this KCAL News (N) News (N) News (N)
Sports Central Entertainment
Good Day L.A. Lady Ante-
new episode. 8 p.m. KTLA bellum Julie Beaz (“Defi-
FOX So You Think You Can Dance (TV14) The top eight. (N) Å News (N) TMZ (TVPG)
Switched at Birth New epi- ance”); Jacob Whitesides MyNt Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å King of Queens
sodes resume with the performs. (N) 7 a.m. KVCR Masterpiece Mystery! The Escape Artist. Å Vera (TVPG) Castles in the Air. Å Charlie Rose Å
summer premiere, which KTTV KCET New Tricks (TVPG) Å Scott & Bailey (TVPG) Å Borgen (TVMA) Orphans
finds Bay (Vanessa Mara- Matt VanDyke PBS Live With Kelly and Mi- UNI Amores con Trampa (N) Lo Imperdonable Yo No Creo en los Hombres Noticias (N)
no) struggling with heart- AN ADVENTURE on a chael Patrick Stewart KOCE Antiques Roadshow (TVG) Antiques Roadshow (TVG) POV (TVPG) Point & Shoot. Matt VanDyke’s
ache and trying to under- motorcycle is more than (“Blunt Talk”); Katie Cincinnati. Trophy from the Myrtle Beach. Joseph Henry motorcycle adventure through North Africa
stand why her relation- 1908 Belmont Stakes. Å Sharp oil painting. Å and the Middle East. (N) Å
bargained for in PBS’s Brown; Vines. (N) 9 a.m.
ship with Emmett (Sean KDOC Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Law & Order: SVU (TV14) Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Seinfeld Å
“POV: Point and Shoot.” KABC
Berdy) fell apart. 8 and 10 With Matt VanDyke. KLCS Rock N Roll Stories (TVG) Live From the Artists Den International Jazz Festival Business
The View Deborah Roberts. Janiva Magness. (TVG) Zac Brown Band. Å (TVG) Diane Schuur. Å
p.m. Family
10 a.m. KABC A&E The First 48: Deadly Misfortune The First 48: Deadly Misfortune The First 48: Deadly Misfortune The First 48
Rachael Ray’s Kids Cook- mile motorcycle journey
Off Rachael Ray puts The Meredith Vieira Show (TV14) (N) Å (TV14) (N) Å (TV14) (N) Å (TV14) (N) Å
across North Africa and
eight talented junior chefs Supermodel Naomi AMC Con Air ›› (1997) Nicolas Cage, John Cusack. (7) (R) Å Gone in Sixty Seconds › (2000) (PG-13) Å
the Middle East, which led
to the test with some Campbell. 11 a.m. KNBC ANP Treehouse Masters (TVPG) Treehouse Masters Å Treehouse Masters (TVPG) Å Treehouse Å
to his participation in the
tough challenges and 2011 Libyan revolution and The Talk 50 Cent; Nischelle BBC Top Gear (TV14) Å Top Gear (TV14) (N) Å Top Gear (TVG) Å Top Gear Å
high-pressure obstacles six months in a Libyan Turner. 1 p.m. KCBS BET Carmen: A Hip Hopera ›› (2001) (7:11) Å House Party 2 ›› (1991) Christopher Reid. (9:41) (R) Å
as the youngsters com- prison. 10 p.m. KOCE The Dr. Oz Show Fructose Bravo Real Housewives of Orange Co. Real Housewives of Orange Co. Real Housewives of Orange Co. What Happens
pete for a culinary schol- Murder in the First In the intolerance; Tony Danza; CNN Anderson Cooper (TVPG) Å CNN Newsroom Live (N) CNN Newsroom Live (N) Newsroom (N)
arship, their own Web se- season finale, Terry and allergies; calcium. 2 p.m. Com South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å Archer Å Archer Å Daily Show Å
ries on FoodNetwork Hildy (Taye Diggs, Kath- KTTV Disc Vegas Rat Rods (TVPG) Å Misfit Garage: Fired Up (TV14) Cuban Chrome (TV14) (N) Å Misfit Garage
.com. Robert Irvine is a leen Robertson) race to Dr. Phil A pregnant woman Disn The Pirate Fairy (2014) (7:50) Best Friends KC Undercover Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie I Didn’t Do It
guest judge in the pre- close in on a murder sus- says her husband is a con-
miere. 8 p.m. Food
E! I Am Cait (TV14) I Am Cait (TV14) I Am Cait (TV14) E! News (N)
pect, while Fatty B (Mar- trolling and abusive drug- ESPN SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter
Devious Maids The maids cus Hopsin) lobbies to user. 3 p.m. KCBS
Fam Switched at Birth (TV14) Bay Chasing Life (TV14) April Switched at Birth (TV14) Bay The 700 Club
put their lives in jeopardy take Potrero in a new di- Steve Harvey Wendy Ra- struggles with a broken shuts out the world following struggles with a broken (TVG) Å
to unmask the person be- rection. 10 p.m. TNT quel Robinson. 3 p.m. heart. (N) Å an unexpected loss. (N) Å heart. Å
hind a spate of ghoulish The Whispers Claire (Lily KNBC Food Rachael Ray’s Kids Cook-Off Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In
killings in their neighbor- Rabe) and her colleagues The O’Reilly Factor Å The Kelly File Hannity Record Å
The Real Boris Kodjoe (“Ad- FNC
hood. Judy Reyes, Ana discover that one of the dicted”). 3 p.m. KTTV FX Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters ›› (2013) (R) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters ›› (2013) (R)
Ortiz, Roselyn Sanchez children has been taken
and Dania Ramirez star. 8 The Ellen DeGeneres Show Hall The Waltons (TVG) Å The Middle Å The Middle Å The Middle Å The Middle Å Golden Girls Å
over in this new episode of Tiny House Å Tiny House Å Tiny House Å Tiny House Å House Hunters Hunters Int. Å Tiny House Å
and 9 p.m. Lifetime Victoria Beckham. 4 p.m. HGTV
the supernatural thriller.
KNBC Hist Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Hells Angels Å
Chasing Life April (Italia Barry Sloane, Kristen
Ricci) shuts out the world Charlie Rose (N) 11 p.m. IFC Blade II ›› (2002) Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson. (R) The League of Extraordinary …
Connolly and Milo Venti-
following an unexpected miglia also star. 10 p.m. KVCR; midnight KOCE; 1 Life Devious Maids (TVPG) Å Devious Maids (TV14) (N) Å The Unauthorized Full House Story Å
loss, inspiring Leo (Scott ABC a.m. KLCS MSN All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Hardball Å
Michael Foster) to come Conan Jeff Goldblum; Jer- MTV Teen Wolf (TV14) (7:45) Å Teen Wolf (TV14) (8:55) Teen Wolf (TV14) (N) Wolf Watch (N)
up with an inventive way MOVIES rod Carmichael; Marina NGC Yukon River Run (TVPG) Yukon River Run (TVPG) (N) Diggers (N) Diggers (N) Yukon River
to help her overcome her Nebraska (2013) 11:50 a.m. Franklin. (N) 11 p.m. TBS Nick Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Fresh Prince Å Fresh Prince Å Friends Å
grief in this new episode. 9 EPIX Tavis Smiley Tim Robbins. OWN Dateline on OWN (TVPG) Å Dateline on OWN (TV14) Å Dateline on OWN (TV14) Dateline
p.m. Family 11:30 p.m. KOCE
The Hunger Games: Catch- Spike Star Trek ››› (2009) Chris Pine. (7) (PG-13) Star Trek ››› (2009) Chris Pine. (PG-13)
Significant Mother As Nate ing Fire (2013) 1:45 p.m. The Nightly Show With Sund Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order (TV14) Å Law & Order
(Josh Zuckerman) preps EPIX Larry Wilmore Manhat- Syfy Resident Evil: Apocalypse (7) Resident Evil: Extinction ›› (2007) Milla Jovovich. (R) Dragonball
for an important inter- Spy Kids 2: The Island of tan’s former slave trade; TBS Family Guy Å Family Guy Å American Dad American Dad Family Guy Å Family Guy Å Conan (N)
view, he unwittingly gob- Lost Dreams (2002) 2 the arrest of Sandra
bles some pot-laced can- TCM … Crooked Man (R) (6:45) Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia › (1974) Warren Oates. Wild Bunch
p.m. Disney Bland: Mike Yard. 11:30
dies that leave him unable TLC My Giant Life (TVPG) Å My Giant Life (TVPG) Å My Giant Life (TVPG) Å My Giant Life
Mr. Turner (2014) 2:10 p.m. p.m. Comedy Central
to function, forcing Lydia TNT Castle (TVPG) Å Castle (TVPG) Å Murder in the First (N) Murder in First
Starz The Tonight Show Starring
and Jimmy (Krista Allen, Toon King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob’s Burgers Cleveland Show Rick and Morty American Dad Family Guy Å
The Hunger Games: Mock- Jimmy Fallon Tom
Nathaniel Buzolic) to cov- Travel 36 Hours (TVPG) (N) Å Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods Bizarre Foods America (TVPG) Bizarre Foods
ingjay, Part 1 (2014) 4:15 Cruise. 11:34 p.m. KNBC
er for him. Terry Kiser Tru Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Fameless Fameless Top Funniest
guest stars in the new epi- p.m. EPIX Jimmy Kimmel Live 11:35
TV L Everybody Loves Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å King of Queens
sode. 9:30 p.m. KTLA Badlands (1973) 5 p.m. TCM p.m. KABC
USA WWE Monday Night RAW (TVPG) (N) Tough Enough
Running Wild With Bear Wreck-It Ralph (2012) 6:15 The Late Late Pro-soccer
VH1 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta (TV14) Black Ink Crew (TV14) (N) She’s Got Game (TV14) (N) Love, Hip Hop
Grylls James Marsden p.m. Disney XD player Carli Lloyd. 12:37
a.m. KCBS WGN The Legend of Zorro ›› (2005) Antonio Banderas. (PG) Å Raising Hope Raising Hope
helicopters in to Rattle-
TALK SHOWS Cine Strike Back (TVMA) Å Maps to the Stars ››› (2014) Julianne Moore. (R) Å 47 Ronin
snake Canyon, Utah, with Late Night Rachel Maddow.
the intrepid host. 10 p.m. 12:37 a.m. KNBC Encr Legends of the Fall ›› (1994) Brad Pitt. (R) Å American Hustle ››› (2013) (10:15) (R) Å
CBS This Morning Author
NBC EPIX Life of Crime ›› (2013) (R) A Most Wanted Man ››› (2014) (9:45) (R) Å
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D- Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m.
POV Marshall Curry’s docu- Minn.) (“The Senator KABC HBO The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies ›› (2014) Ian McKellen. (PG-13) Å Show Me a Hero (TVMA) Å
mentary “Point and Next Door: A Memoir Show Ray Donovan (TVMA) Masters of Sex (TVMA) Ray Donovan (TVMA) Masters of Sex
Shoot” chronicles then- From the Heartland”); SPORTS Starz X-Men 2 ››› (2003) Patrick Blow ›› (2001) Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz. A small- Playing It Cool
recent college graduate Sam Cossman. (N) 7 a.m. For today’s sports on TV, see Stewart. (6:40) (PG-13) Å time pot dealer becomes a major cocaine supplier. (R) Å (2014) (11:05)
Matt VanDyke’s 35,000- KCBS the Sports section. TMC Into the Blue (2005) Paul Walker, Jessica Alba. (PG-13) Å House of the Dead › (2003) (R) Å

13917 Pioneer Blvd. 562-804-5615 6355 Bellingham Ave. 818-760-8400 854 E. Alosta Ave. at Citrus 626-334-6007
$1.50 Sun. & Tue! (All 2D Movies, All Day!) All Seats $6.50 before 5pm
TERMINATOR GENISYS C (12:10, 3:50), 7:00, 10:15
Rancho Niguel Road 949-831-0446 AMERICAN ULTRA E (12:15, 2:50), 5:20, 7:50, 10:10
MAX B (11:30, 2:10, 4:50), 7:30, 10:10 THE GALLOWS E 9:50 PM
SHE’S FUNNY THAT WAY E (11:45, 2:05, 4:25), 7:00, 9:15 HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (11:50, 2:30), 5:10, 7:45, 10:20
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:10, 1:55, 4:50), 7:35, 10:15 TED 2 E (12:30, 4:20), 7:40, 10:30 MINIONS B 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30
SINISTER 2 E (12:50, 3:20), 5:40, 8:00, 10:15
961 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576 MERU E (11:15, 2:00, 4:40), 7:10, 9:30 DOPE E (2:20), 7:30 MAX B 11:30, 2:05, 4:40, 7:15 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:20, 2:00, 4:40), 7:30, 10:25
THE GIFT E (11:50, 2:10, 4:35), 7:40, 10:05 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 C (11:50, 5:10), 10:10 TED 2 E 10:10 PM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (11:30, 1:00, 3:00, 4:30), 7:00, 8:30,
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:30), 4:00, 7:30, 10:50 RICKI AND THE FLASH C (11:40, 2:20, 4:45), 7:20, 9:40 JURASSIC WORLD 3D C 12:30, 4:00, 7:30, 10:20
SPY E (1:00, 4:30), 7:20, 10:25 10:30
THE END OF THE TOUR E (4:30), 9:45 INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 C 2:40, 5:00, 10:30 FANTASTIC FOUR C (1:50), 7:20
PHOENIX C (11:20, 1:35, 4:00), 6:50, 9:10 SAN ANDREAS 3D C (12:20, 4:10), 7:10, 10:00
MR. HOLMES B (11:00, 1:50), 7:15 SPY E 12:50, 3:40, 7:40 THE GIFT E (11:10, 2:20, 4:55), 7:40, 10:20
TOMORROWLAND B (12:00), 6:40 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (12:40, 4:00), 7:10,
SAN ANDREAS C 12:00, 7:50, 10:30
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD E (3:20), 9:50 10:05
CHARTER CENTRE 5 AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON C (12:05, 3:40), 6:50, 10:20
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD E 4:20, 7:20
SOUTHPAW E (11:00, 4:20), 9:50
7822 Warner Ave. at Beach 714-596-3456 AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON C 1:00 PM
ANT-MAN C (11:15, 1:45, 4:25), 7:15, 9:55
948 Broxton Avenue 310-208-8998 MAGIC MIKE XXL E 2:15, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 JURASSIC PARK C Tue: 7:30 PM
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (1:30), 4:30, 7:40, 10:30 TERMINATOR GENISYS C 1:00, 4:00, 6:45, 9:40 SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CONEJO VALLEY
SPY E 11:45, 2:25, 5:10, 7:50, 10:30
SAN ANDREAS C 12:00, 2:45, 5:30, 8:15
16830 Devonshire Street 818-363-3679 29045 Agoura Road 818-707-9966 BUENAVENTURA 6
WESTMINSTER 10 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD E 1:15, 4:15, 7:00 AMERICAN ULTRA E (12:10, 2:50), 5:20, 7:50, 10:10 $6 Wednesday all day for all 2D films 1440 Eastman Ave. at Telephone Rd. 805-658-6544
(upcharge for DBOX & 3D) All Seats $3.50 • $1.00 All Beef Hot Dogs
6721 Westminster Ave. 714-893-4222 HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (12:00, 2:30), 5:10, 7:40, 10:20
Featuring New High-Back Love Seats SOUTH COAST VILLAGE 3 SINISTER 2 E (12:30, 3:00), 5:30, 8:00, 10:35
Now Offering Reserved Seating $1.50 Surcharge for 3D Movies
At South Coast Plaza/Sunflower & Plaza Dr. 714-557-5701 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:30, 2:10), 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 AMERICAN ULTRA E (11:45, 2:20, 4:50), 7:50, 10:25 PAPER TOWNS C 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:15
AMERICAN ULTRA E (12:45, 3:00), 5:20, 7:45, 10:15 PEOPLE PLACES THINGS E (12:00, 2:15, 5:00), 7:15 HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (11:30, 1:50, 4:20), 7:20, 9:40 PIXELS 3D C 11:40, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 10:00
HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (11:15, 1:45, 4:45), 7:20, 10:00 COP CAR E (2:30), 7:30, 9:50 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:20, 1:30, 3:40), 5:00, 7:10, 8:30,
SINISTER 2 E (12:15, 12:30, 2:45, 5:10), 7:30, 9:45 THE END OF THE TOUR E (11:45, 4:45), 9:40 U.N.C.L.E. - DBOX SEATING - DOLBY ATMOS C (11:20, 2:00, TERMINATOR GENISYS C 12:30, 4:00, 7:20, 10:20
MR. HOLMES B (11:30, 2:00, 4:30), 7:00, 9:30 FANTASTIC FOUR C (11:20), 4:30, 7:00 4:40), 7:30, 10:10
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (1:25, 4:15), 7:10, 9:40 MAX B 12:50, 3:40, 6:50
GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) B Wed: 7:30 PM THE GIFT E (2:40), 5:15, 7:45, 10:25 STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:15, 3:45), 7:10, 8:30, 10:20 TED 2 E 3:10, 10:30
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (1:00, 2:30, 4:10), 5:40, 7:20, 9:00,
10:30 SHAUN THE SHEEP B (12:15 PM) THE GIFT E (11:50, 2:20, 4:55), 7:40, 10:15 SPY E 12:10, 7:40
FANTASTIC FOUR C (2:20), 7:15
EAST LOS ANGELES MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (1:00), 4:10, 7:20, RICKI AND THE FLASH C (11:25, 1:45, 4:10), 6:50, 9:30 SAN ANDREAS C 12:20, 3:50, 7:00, 10:05
THE GIFT E (2:40, 5:10), 7:40, 10:10 COMMERCE 14 ANT-MAN C (1:45), 9:30
9:50 BACK TO THE FUTURE B Thu: 7:30 PM
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (1:35, 4:25), 7:35, Goodrich & Whittier 323-726-8022
10:25 MR. HOLMES B (12:20, 3:35), 6:00
PIXELS C (11:20, 2:00, 4:40), 7:15, 9:45 $5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D)
ANT-MAN C (11:40, 4:25), 9:30 AMERICAN ULTRA E (3:10), 8:00 7876 Van Nuys Blvd. 818-779-0323 WESTLAKE VILLAGE TWIN 255 North Moorpark Rd. 805-374-9656
MINIONS B (12:20 PM) AMERICAN ULTRA (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (12:45, 5:40), 10:25 4711 Lakeview Canyon at Agoura Rd. 818-889-8061 $5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D)
HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (2:30), 7:45 AMERICAN ULTRA E (12:25, 2:45), 5:10, 7:30, 10:00
HITMAN: AGENT 47 (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (11:40, 5:10), 10:20 HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (11:55, 2:30), 5:05, 7:40, 10:20 MERU E (12:00, 2:30, 4:55), 7:30 AMERICAN ULTRA E (12:10, 2:40), 5:20, 7:50, 10:25
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO SINISTER 2 E (11:30, 1:45, 4:00), 6:30, 8:45
SINISTER 2 E (12:15, 1:15, 2:35, 3:35), 4:55, 5:55, 7:10, 8:10, 9:30, 10:35
THE END OF THE TOUR E (11:45, 4:45) HITMAN: AGENT 47 E (12:00, 2:30), 5:10, 7:40, 10:15
26762 Verdugo Street 949-661-3456 SINISTER 2 (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (12:30, 2:45, 5:00), 7:30, 9:45 IRRATIONAL MAN E (2:15), 7:15 SINISTER 2 E (11:50, 2:20, 4:40), 8:15, 10:30
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (2:00), 7:20 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (11:40, 2:20), 5:05, 7:45, 10:30 THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (1:00, 4:00), 7:30, 10:10
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (11:15, THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. - DBOX SEATING C (11:40, 2:20), STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:30, 3:50), 7:20, 10:30
ENJOY BEER & WINE IN ALL AUDITORIUMS 4:40), 10:00 5:05, 7:45, 10:30 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY THE GIFT E (2:50), 5:30, 8:00, 10:30
$5.50 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D & VIP) STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (12:20, 3:45), 7:00, 10:10
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E (10:30, 11:20, 12:10, 1:40, 2:40, RICKI AND THE FLASH C (12:50, 4:10), 7:10, 9:40
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (12:40, 3:30), 6:45, 9:45
2:10, 5:20), 8:30 3:30), 4:50, 5:50, 6:55, 8:00, 9:00, 10:15 ACADEMY CINEMAS 6 SHAUN THE SHEEP B (11:45 AM)
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON E 5:30, 9:00 FANTASTIC FOUR C (12:35, 3:00, 5:25), 7:50, 10:15 FANTASTIC FOUR C (10:45, 1:20, 3:55), 6:30, 9:05 1003 E. Colorado Blvd 626-229-9400 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (12:20, 4:00), 7:25,
STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON - VIP SEATING E (3:45), 7:00 FANTASTIC FOUR (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (11:35, 2:00, 4:25), THE GIFT E (12:20, 2:55), 5:30, 8:05, 10:40 All Seats $2.00 before 6pm • $1.00 All Beef Hot Dogs 10:20
6:50, 9:15 ANT-MAN C (12:40, 4:00), 7:00, 9:50
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (1:00, 4:00), 7:05, THE GIFT E 7:35 PM SHAUN THE SHEEP B (12:00), 7:00 MINIONS B (11:40, 2:00, 4:30), 7:00, 9:30 MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL B Wed: 7:30 PM
10:00 THE GIFT (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (4:55), 10:15 THE END OF THE TOUR E (11:45, 2:25), 5:00, 7:35, 10:10 TERMINATOR GENISYS C (1:20, 4:20), 10:25
IRRATIONAL MAN E (12:25, 3:00) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (1:00, 4:00), 7:05,
10:05 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE NATION C (12:45, 3:45), 6:40,
LAGUNA SOUTH COAST TWIN MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - ROGUE DOPE E 7:40, 10:20 390 N. Lantana at Daily 805-383-2267
NATION (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (12:00, 3:00), 6:05, 9:05 VACATION E (2:10), 4:35, 9:35 JURASSIC WORLD C (1:00, 4:10), 7:10, 10:15
Broadway/S. Coast Hwy. 949-497-1711 PIXELS C (12:20, 3:40), 6:15, 8:50 MERU E (12:00, 2:30, 4:55), 7:30
PIXELS C (11:05, 1:35), 4:10, 6:45, 9:15 SPY E (4:40), 7:30, 10:10 THE END OF THE TOUR E (11:30, 4:30)
PIXELS (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C (11:20, 1:50, 4:20), 7:15, 9:50
THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. C (4:20), 7:20 MINIONS B (2:25 PM) ANT-MAN C (11:00, 1:45), 4:25, 7:20, 10:05 MAD MAX: FURY ROAD E (11:50, 2:30, 5:10), 7:50, 10:30 PHOENIX C (11:45, 2:15, 4:45), 7:15
THE GIFT E (4:00), 7:00 MINIONS (DUBBED IN SPANISH) B (11:50 AM) MINIONS B (11:50, 2:05), 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON C (12:30, 4:00), 7:20 MR. HOLMES B (2:00), 7:00
Bargain Showtimes in ( ) “Locally Owned, Proudly Operated” Showtimes for August 24

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Culture Monster
All the arts, all the time
E6 M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L EN DA R L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L E NDAR M O N DAY, AU G US T 2 4 , 2 015 E7
loneliness prevailed.
Informality and improvi-
roles enacted in Cindy Sher-
man’s self-starring Film
large selection of her self-
portraits. She presents her-

Her work to build

sation drive nearly all the Stills of the late ’70s is the self as sexy and fresh, a play-

work, whether street por- work of Bunny Yeager. ful, quintessentially mid-
traits from Thailand, shop- The cover of her 1964 century package of inno-
window still lifes shot in Lon- book, “How I Photograph cence and experience.
don by iPhone, a mosaic of Myself,” shows Yeager in a In the most intriguing

rapport with fans
tiny prints of a couple having red-hot leotard, perched al- and distinctive of the pic-
sex or a mural-size montage luringly on a tall stool. One tures, she also comes across
of Internet-culled figures — rhinestone sandal has been as highly competent: both

from anime to Arafat — kicked off so she can ma- performer and director, she
making the V-sign. nipulate the shutter release poses before a mirror and a
Much here feels obscure of the tripod-mounted cam- camera, or sits at the type-
and inconsequential, but the era beside her with her toe. writer. Yeager published 30
whole hums with an appeal- The picture is — as she her- instructional photo books, [Swift, from E1] guishes the record’s strong- muscular eight-piece band,
ing raw energy, a defiance of self described her work — many of which can be leafed did” and “vulnerable” in est material is its attention Swift sang and danced her
By Leah Ollman preciousness that does feel “clean, wholesome cheese- through at the gallery. their online communication to personal detail, as in “Out way through most of “1989”
true to the state of photogra- cake.” And Yeager is both They’re as interesting as with her. And later she of the Woods,” where she re- and reimagined a few older
Anyone needing a re- phy today. baker and baked. the photographs for what mounted a moving platform calls a car accident involving cuts in the new album’s
minder that photography in A marketing marvel, a they reveal about Yeager’s that brought her (almost) an unnamed beau that re- smart ’80s-pop mode, in-
the 21st century is not a Little Big Man Gallery, 1427 cultural curiosity, Yeager perspective on her work and within touching distance of quired “20 stitches in a hos- cluding “Love Story” (here a
monolithic medium but con- E. 4th St., Unit 2, Los Ange- (1929-2014) was a woman the many perceptual the crowd, perfect for sing- pital room.” At its best the moody electronic ballad)
ceptually and practically les, (917) 361-5039, through who took control of her own chasms (regarding glamour, ing her song “All Too Well” as music makes you think you and “I Knew You Were Trou-
more of an immense gossa- Aug. 31. Closed Sunday. objectification — not, it sexuality and more) be- “a duet with you,” she said. understand Taylor Swift. ble” (which had a throbbing
mer umbrella should pay a Open Thursday through seems, to rebel against it but tween then and now. Swift has worked hard to But in Friday’s gig — the industrial-funk beat). Late
visit to the Little Big Man Saturday and by appoint- to revel in it and profit from Her concern, for in- effect this kind of commun- kickoff to her “Los Angeles in the concert, she strapped
Little Big Man Gallery
Gallery. ment Monday through it. stance, that she might be ion — to provide a taste of residency,” as she put it — on an electric guitar and
Brian van der Brug Los Angeles Times
There are few common MISMATCHED body parts are the focus of Asger Wednesday. www.littlebig After winning a spate of looked upon “as rather pecu- what it’s like inside her life — Swift went further, spending basically made a Joan Jett
denominators among the 22 Carlsen’s “Untitled,” 2011, at Little Big Man Gallery. beauty contests, she learned liar and quite possibly con- since the beginning, back a considerable amount of song out of “We Are Never TAYLOR SWIFT sings and dances through a full-on pop spectacle at Staples.
artists represented in the the art and craft of photo- ceited” for making pictures when she was a teenage time telling her fans that she Ever Getting Back To-
current group show except from the U.S., Britain, Ja- Asger Carlsen meets it graphing glamour girls like of herself rings rather quaint country singer writing about understands them. Non- gether,” the 2012 hit that first cameos she’s arranged in Affair,” which feels like some beforehand.
their use of lens-based im-
agery of some sort, either
pan, Germany, India, Den-
mark, Thailand, Canada,
head-on in his seamless
montage of mismatched Reveling in own herself. One of her pictures
from a 1954 photo shoot with
in this selfie-saturated mo-
feeling like an outsider in
language that made her lis-
sense? Perhaps. But she
sells the idea, one made only
hinted she’d soon leave
country behind.
other cities — Sam Hunt,
Lorde, Fetty Wap — Tedder
kind of cruel joke on the first-
night faithful.)
At this point in her tour —
at this point in her career —
made or scavenged.
The show’s title, “a lie
South Korea and Sweden.
By default, photography
body parts, a mesmerizing
contrivance descended from objectification Bettie Page became a Play-
boy centerfold, launching Gavlak, 1034 N. Highland
teners feel like insiders.
And she still does: In
more potent by this produc-
tion not being some hushed
Swift has made a regular
feature of the surprise guest
was something of a letdown,
even if One Republic’s song
What was fascinating
about the bit, though, was
you’d expect a sense of no-
blesse oblige to have set in,
about a lie; a truth about registers a simultaneous Hans Bellmer’s mutant her career behind the cam- Ave., Los Angeles, (323) 467- spite of the glossy, synthed- coffeehouse affair but a full- on her stage, and Friday it “Counting Stars” has never how much excitement Swift particularly regarding this
The truth,” comes from a nearness to and distance dolls. In a poignant group of Sandwiched between the era. 5700, through Aug. 29. up sound of “1989,” which she on pop spectacle. (In some was Ryan Tedder, the One sounded as good as it did clearly took in revealing the type of thing. But it hasn’t.
film, which is screening in from truth, and more of the small prints, Fumiko Imano performative, gender-blur- A sampling of pictures of Closed Sunday and Monday. famously described before cities, Swift is playing stadi- Republic frontman who also with Swift helping out on vo- surprise; the same went for She couldn’t wait to see
the gallery, that features artists here assume that poses with her double, a twin ring self-portraiture of Page and others is included its October release as her ums four times the size of worked on “1989” as a pro- cals. (On Saturday, the sing- her introduction of Bryant, what we thought.
many of the same photogra- condition than overtly ad- she granted herself by Claude Cahun in the 1920s in Yeager’s fascinating show “first documented, official Staples Center.) ducer and songwriter. Com- er brought out Mary J. Blige whom she claimed hadn’t
phers seen here, who come dress it. photographic means when and the glossary of female at Gavlak, anchored by a pop album,” what distin- Backed by a slick but pared with the splashier to do the deathless “Family told her about the banner



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Returning home with Noise, avant-garde music in abundance

newfound curiosity [FYF Fest, from E1]
the most spirited perform-
ances on a bill that included
Run the Jewels, Flying Lotus
and Bloc Party on multiple
held a large crowd spell-
bound with a hissing, churn-
ing performance
proved bleak moods could
be rousing when backed by
That’s not to say Ocean’s
absence didn’t thwart the
night for some fans. Marcos
Chappell said that he and
his girlfriend built their
[‘Beyond Eyes,’ from E1] could be the sound of a pe- stages. three of rock’s strongest in- summer vacation around
caught in a downpour. destrian signal alerting Rae On Sunday, mid-80s sun- strumentalists. When singer Ocean’s scheduled appear-
More than that, we can’t ‘Beyond Eyes’ when it’s safe to cross a shine provided Neon Indi- Jehnny Beth sang “Sad Per- ance, and he was disap-
see much of anything in “Be- street. The game unfolds like an’s goofy synth rock with a son,” a new song forthright pointed by the 11th-hour
yond Eyes.” a digital coloring book relaxed, yacht-party atmos- about its ceaseless malaise, change after spending
Developer: Tiger & Squid
“Beyond Eyes” is an Xbox springing to life. Strands of phere. Inside the arena, the crowd surged at this un- $2,000 on tickets, travel and
One and PC game that can Publisher: Team17 Digital paint circle around Rae and Spiritualized played moody, expected anthem. lodging for the pair.
be viewed as a narrative ex- Platforms: Xbox One, PC watercolor-like paintings blue-eyed gospel while kids Across the field, L.A. beat “Frank is our favorite.
periment, and it’s one that Price: $14.99 unfurl before her. They glim- in black goth get-ups pre- music’s Shlohmo expanded We’ve seen Kanye West sev-
conveys a feeling of sight- mer in and out of view de- pared for a sadness fix at his palette with live instru- eral times,” said the 29-year-
lessness. All the panic, the pending on where the wind Morrissey’s headlining set. mentation that added sizzle old Richmond, Va., native.
Photographs by Francine Orr Los Angeles Times
frustrations and even the around her. is blowing and what Rae is Back outside, Andrew Jack- to his after-hours sounds. “We’ve never been to L.A.,
Tiger & Squid
magic of stepping into the Rae once could see. An hearing. Hopefully, it’s son Jihad didn’t sound JEHNNY BETH pauses midset with her band, Sav- SHLOHMO adds sizzle Ditto for Jon Hopkins, the but we would have picked a
unknown are present. For accident rendered her blind, meow. “BEYOND EYES” unfolds like a digital coloring book springing to life. nearly as harsh as the name ages, as post-punk act leaves the crowd spellbound. to after-hours sounds. electronic artist and Brian different city.”
“Beyond Eyes” sets the play- and therefore she has a Developed over a span of suggested, as the band’s Eno and Coldplay collabora- FYF’s blend of difficult
er loose in a world that’s glar- sense of her surroundings, about four years by Sherida circles, but I’m not so sure I instance, she’s stumbling game a player is doing. punky rock had twinges of stages left fans close to ex- Organizers worked to for that. The hip-hop duo of tor who left a smaller but de- sounds and earnest enthusi-
ingly bright — a white can- but it’s an obscured one. Halatoe, who created the could have enjoyed it in any over a tree branch, and in re- There’s truth in that, but it’s earnestness that harked haustion by the time the eliminate those issues fiery, funny veterans Killer voted Sports Arena crowd asm has proved to have a
vas that’s empty until one Thus, “Beyond Eyes” is game while a student at format other than a game. ality it’s a rather handy um- often overblown, or wasted back to FYF’s beginnings. headliner took the stage. ahead of this year’s festival. Mike and El-P bumped a vir- dizzy with bass lines from mass appeal that’s growing.
starts moving a tentative able to toy with our own per- HKU University of the Arts Whether it’s “Wendy and brella. on games that mimic Holly- FYF started a decade ago In earlier years, FYF A “new, improved short- tuosic, party-starting main- the club music ether. Younger fests like Berserk-
young girl into the vast un- ception as well. We, for in- in the Netherlands, “Beyond Lucy” or “Harry and Tonto,” In turn, a lost cat inspires wood blockbusters. as a punk rock festival, and earned a reputation as a cut” between the Coliseum stage set (with guest stints Bloc Party, one of the de- town and Runaway are hold-
known. stance, hear a splash of wa- Eyes” recalls Giant Spar- cinema has trained me to a lonely girl to venture out- Then a game like “Be- no figure in music better well-crafted festival that suf- lawn and the main stage from Zack de la Rocha and fining midaughts bands to ing up the scrappy spaces
In this story, noises ter and the game draws us a row’s “The Unfinished avoid sad pet movies, and a side of her comfort zone, and yond Eyes” comes along and represents the ethos of do- fered from navigational sliced the walking time the Memphis hero Gangsta introduce dance music to in- FYF used to occupy as it’s
rather than images conjure fountain, an image that’s Swan,” another game in book would simply allow me though dogs and birds may shows us what it’s like to see ing what you want, whenev- challenges. Last year, when down significantly. But the Boo, among others). die rockers, had a quiver of edged into almost-Coa-
all sorts of horrors. The rush recognizable to Rae. Take a which sight is at a premium. to get too inside my own scare her along the way, she the world when we can’t see er you want, than West. His the festival moved to Expo- walk from the main en- Another last-minute ad- crowd-favorite hits but lost a chella terrain. Even if FYF is
of a freeway, the whir of a few steps closer, however, Both have a childish, melan- head (days and nights forc- returns home with a sense of at all and gives us motiva- recent material has been in- sition Park, it was saddled trance to the main stage was dition, L.A. experimental step with a revamped line- still white-knuckling with its
lawn mower, the footsteps of and the water fountain turns cholic tone — fairy tales that ing my cat to sit still and cud- wonder and a newfound cu- tion to work through it. I formed by noise and avant- with logistical issues, such still a drag, and switching producer Flying Lotus, filled up. Chet Faker’s airy lite- lineup at the last minute, the
a stranger — these are all out to be a sewer. This hap- double as life lessons. dle would ensue). riosity for the world. hope to never find out if “Be- garde electronic music, all of as extensive waits for en- between stages was difficult the Sports Arena to near ca- funk had crowds yet felt a bit fest is finally pulling it all off
noises that are familiar to us pens throughout the two- to As “Beyond Eyes” pa- “Beyond Eyes,” however, Game players and game yond Eyes” is accurate, but it which abounded at FYF. trance and food and drink. — especially once the arena pacity for a DJ set spanning cloying here. But the electro in the big leagues.
but unknown to Rae, the three-hour experience that tiently reaches its conclu- felt engaging. makers like to play up the doesn’t need to be a simula- The excitement he And at the arena, capacity started to get crowded and the outer orbits of brain-fry- duo Purity Ring had no trou-
game’s lonely, rain-boot- is “Beyond Eyes,” and it’s sion, the final moments lack That we are seeing the notion that their medium tion to have vision. brought to the festival was a concerns for the estimated hundreds of festival-goers ing club music laced with a ble captivating a post-Ka- gerrick.kennedy
sporting protagonist. What never not affecting. a grand emotional payoff world as Rae sees it in her lacks the passivity of others. welcome change from last 40,000 who attended slowed were lined up outside. free jazz mentality. nye crowd with big melodies
the game shows us is what A click-click-click can be and there were a few too head turns out to be a rather In films or books, something todd.martens year, when long lines and entry. The fest even sent out Still, sets by artists such Back outside, the British and bewitching arrange- august.brown
Rae envisions, not the world a woodpecker in a tree. Or it many times I wandered in clever twist. She thinks, for is watched or read, but in a endless walking between an apology email to fans. as Run the Jewels made up post-punk band Savages ments.
E8 M O N DAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 L AT I ME S . CO M / CA L EN DA R


turn, drew trumps with the hearts next, and you will end
By Frank Stewart A-Q and discarded clubs on at six diamonds.
the good diamonds. Making
My club member Rose four. West dealer
took on Unlucky Louie as a Rose patiently explained N-S vulnerable
project. that Louie must pitch his
“How’s it going?” I asked. last diamond on the third ♠Q76
“The cost overruns on my heart. If South then takes ♥A9
project are mounting,” she the A-Q of trumps and leads ♦ K J 10 9 6
sighed. “His bad habits are a high diamond, Louie ruffs, ♣984
hard to break.” and South loses two clubs. WEST EAST
♠ 10 4 ♠853
Louie plays too fast. He Question: You hold: ♠ A ♥KQJ7643 ♥8
was today’s East, and at four K J 9 2 ♥ 10 5 2 ♦ Q 8 ♣ A 6 5. ♦A5 ♦7432
spades, declarer took the You open one spade, your ♣Q7 ♣ K J 10 3 2
ace of hearts and led a dia- partner bids two diamonds, SOUTH
mond. Louie signaled with you rebid two spades and he ♠AKJ92
the seven, and Rose, West, tries three clubs. What do ♥ 10 5 2
let South’s queen win. She you say? ♦Q8
won the next diamond, took Answer: You can’t rebid ♣A65
the queen of hearts — Louie the spades again or bid no- WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH
threw a diamond — and led trump or raise the clubs. Bid 1♥ Pass Pass Dbl
the jack. three diamonds. Your part- 2♥ 3♦ Pass 3♠
Pass 4♠ All Pass
Declarer ruffed low in ner has a good hand, and
dummy (not best; he must your Q-8 may prove to be Opening lead — ♥ K
discard a club), and Louie useful support. If he has a
promptly overruffed with his hand such as 4 3, A, A K 10 7 5 2015, Tribune Content
KENKEN eight. South won the club re- 3, K J 9 3, he will cue-bid three Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Truth about ‘dream’ job

Dear Amy: I am one year pact your future. event that he dies before our
out of college, and I don’t Notify your supervisors mother she and her son
think I can take my job much of your capabilities. Pitch would be left out of the in-
longer. ideas for ways you could be heritance.
When I was 10 years old, if more productive and useful My brother has said that
you had asked me where I to the company. Be proac- this issue is ruining his mar-
wanted to work, I would have tive. It’s your life. Take riage. I am sad and upset
said Corp. X — it’s a dream charge of it. that my sister-in-law be-
company, and that’s where I If you feel certain you lieves she is entitled to a
work! But, ugh — after a year have exhausted opportuni- third of my mother’s estate. I
of working 14- to 18-hour ties at Corp. X (or if you sim- know for sure that the trust
days, five to six days a week, ply don’t want to work there has been set up not only ac-
8/24/15 for $10.50 an hour, I am ex- any longer), leverage your cording to estate-planning
hausted and still living pay- employment at this com- convention but also accord-
check to paycheck. pany into a job at a company ing to my mother’s wishes.
Here’s the kicker, though: that will value you more and Isn’t that the bottom line?
HOROSCOPE I might work an 18-hour compensate you better. A Worried Daughter
shift, but I will be given only Whether you take another
the finish line. the mystery of you. three hours of work to do. job or decide on graduate Dear Worried: Your sis-
By Holiday Mathis Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Pisces (Feb. 19-March The rest of the time I just school (or both), don’t leave ter-in-law may not feel that
Instead of being overly con- 20): You will be grateful for sit at my desk and wait. until you have something she is entitled to a portion of
Aries (March 21-April 19): cerned about a result, the many hours in a row of suc- When I do have some- else lined up. your mother’s estate, but
Boring people activate the wise person seeks balance. cessful interaction. When an thing to do, I love my job! that her son (and grandchil-
rebellious part of you. Good Intellectually, this makes afternoon hiccup interrupts Honestly, if my job paid bet- :: dren) should be. If the son
luck getting through the day sense to you, but still, you this, it will be a stellar oppor- ter, gave me benefits, I she brought into the family
without someone triggering want what you want. The tunity to polish your skills. worked normal hours and Dear Amy: My two broth- through marriage has been
your rebel yell. day sees you living inside the Today’s birthday (Aug. they constantly had work for ers and I recently took our in the family for a very long
Taurus (April 20-May tension of this spiritual 24): To some extent, you’ve me to do, it would be the per- 99-year-old mother to an at- time, this choice reinforces
20): Making other people struggle. followed society’s script for a fect job. torney to finalize issues his “step” status and also the
laugh is one of your great Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): good life. The twists and What should I do? around her trust. One of the “not quite full family” status
pleasures in life, and if The calendar and weather spices you’ll throw in this Should I stick it out for a few stipulations is that if one of of his children.
there’s one thing to be seri- suggest a different time of year will rocket you to a new more years, or quit and try to us should die before our But regardless of your
ous about on this hectic day, year, but inside, you are on level of excitement. There’s a get into a graduate program mom, then that one-third sister-in-law’s (and your)
it’s humor. the cusp of a spring awaken- special friendship featured in search of a new career share would go to our chil- feelings, this is how your
Gemini (May 21-June 21): ing. next month and a lifestyle path? dren, skipping our spouses. mother wants things to be.
Your daredevil nature is re- Sagittarius (Nov. 22- upgrade in November. Work Exhausted One of my brothers does His wife should not be stak-
sponsible for the weekend Dec. 21): You’ll be a great brings more challenge than not have any biological chil- ing their marriage on this,
invitation you’ll receive. help to those who cannot see you signed up for, and it’s ex- Dear Exhausted: Your dren, but does have a wife but if she is, you should offer
Cancer (June 22-July 22): past the excitement of the actly what you need. Aries best course of action is to use and stepson with whom he is him sympathy, not solu-
Put a surprise into the atten- moment. and Gemini people adore your extra 15 hours of time very close (and who has chil- tions.
tion and affection you give. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. you. Your lucky numbers during an 18-hour shift in a dren of his own).
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 19): You may get the feeling are: 3, 20, 46, 11 and 45. way that will improve your That brother’s wife is Send questions to
Dedicate yourself today to that your labor is not being experience at work -- and im- outraged that in the unlikely
tasks that can be completed compensated fairly. Look Holiday Mathis writes her
by day’s end. deeper to figure out what’s in column for Creators
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): it for you, or seek a better ar- Syndicate Inc. The FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
If you don’t feel like a winner rangement. horoscope should be read
yet, worry not: This current Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. for entertainment. More
version of you is not the 18): Someone is becoming horoscopes at
same version that will cross more and more intrigued by

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke © 2015 Tribune Content Agency
1 “Just as I suspected!”
4 Alabama protest city
9 Crude dwelling
14 Sun, in Mexico
15 Oak-to-be
16 Company newbie
17 *Historic Chicago
landmark co-founded by
Jane Addams
19 With time to spare
20 Angler’s basket
21 One thousandth: Pref.
ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
23 Fishtank organism
24 *Anxiety caused by
29 Bill, Louis and Carrie
30 Porthole view
31 Flight-related prefix
32 Either of the first two
consonants in “coccyx,”
but not the third
34 “We __ Overcome”
35 Lavish affairs
38 *Dress fancily
41 Summer shirt
42 Curving
44 Annual athletic awards
46 Actor Connery
47 “Midnight Cowboy” 7 __ Butterworth 47 Compete for a seat
hustler Rizzo 8 Iron-poor blood 48 ’50s nuclear trials
49 Cantina snack condition 50 Strasbourg’s region
53 *Old phone feature for 9 Place for books 51 Spy on
multiple calls 10 Racetrack near Miami 52 Balance sheet heading
55 Stein fillers 11 Reach, as a destination 54 Artist’s flat hat
56 Coeur d’__, Idaho 12 Animation still 57 Once-sacred snakes
57 Braying beasts 13 __ lime pie 58 Baltic, for one
58 Drainage conduit 18 Collar attachment 59 Directional suffix BLISS By Harry Bliss BALLARD STREET By Jerry Van Amerongen
60 In tidy condition, and a 22 Vacation stopover 61 Color chart listing
hint to the first words of 24 Apple discard 62 Land in la mer
the answers to starred 25 Adaptable, electrically 63 Domino dot
clues 26 “Waiting for Godot”
64 Remove pencil marks playwright Samuel PREVIOUS PUZZLE
65 Dutch bloom 27 Writer __ Stanley
66 Scratching post user Gardner
67 Inner turmoil 28 Film cameo, e.g.
68 Oozes 33 Mix in
69 Aliens, briefly 34 Hog’s home
35 Hyphen-like
DOWN punctuation
1 Refuse receptacle 36 Cookie with a Thins
2 Like some regular news variety
updates 37 Rascal
3 Claim without proof 39 __ buco: veal dish
4 Satirist Mort 40 “Once __ a time ...”
5 Novelist Umberto 43 Nonstop
6 Comical Costello 45 Secret supply 8/24/15
L AT I M ES . C O M / CA L E N DA R M O NDAY , AU G U ST 2 4 , 2 015 E9


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell Candorville is on vacation. This is a reprint. CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers


JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

LIO By Mark Tatulli

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman BIZARRO By Dan Piraro

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz


Telemundo closes primetime ratings gap with Univision!


680K GAP
238K GAP

Week of July 20 - 24, 2015

July 2013 July 2014 July 2015

Numbers tell a powerful story. At Telemundo, they’re telling us

we’re closing in on being #1 in primetime. Stay tuned.


40K gap based on week of July 20 (7/20-7/24/15).

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